• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 27: The Night shall last forever

For once, Solar was not the subject of tragic attention. For once, it wasn’t he who had messed up.

As he looked around the dimly lit , dungeon like room, he saw about a dozen pair of fixated eyes, all destined towards the newest occupant into the room, a hurried looking individual and one struggling to regain his breath.

“Princess….my most sincere apologies. I had only just got notification of such a meeting taking place. Worry not, those responsible for this transgression against you shall be punished”. The older Bat Pony eyed the room’s occupants with irritated, almost betrayed eyes. It was becoming clear now that this Pony was not only a Shadow himself, but one of high stature.

“Unnecessary, Steel Onyx” cut in Luna with tremendous authority, enough even to shock the Shadow in question. “And upon much deliberation, highly inappropriate. Especially for one so…perfidious”.

Solar noted one thing above all. That Luna seemed in no mood for compromise and quite surely, not in a mood that looked favourably on the newest entry.

“That’s our Commander” whispered a voice into Solar’s ear, immediately provoking him to recoil and turn to see Dark Blossom smiling the same half smile as she constantly had been. Interestingly enough, it seemed genuine, as if she took pride in passing such knowledge down to the new generation, despite not being old herself by any means. “And there’s reason enough that his invitation was postponed…”

Dark Blossom, along with all the Shadows in fact, looked upon their Commander with suspicion. They all knew something was about to occur, but apart from Luna, the nature of this event was left up to interpretation. Yet like Dark Blossom, Solar knew this would not be in the Commanders favour. Clearly, Luna was displeased with him to say the least, and knowing her anger as he did, Solar was aware of the lengths that she was going to, all to ensure that tormented spirit inside her did not escape to devastation effect.

“Perfidious?” then questioned Commander Steel Onyx himself, a true sense of confusion upon him. “Me? I have only served you with the utmost loyalty Prin-“

An argument Solar would have liked to see play out, given the apparent severity of the situation. Luna, however, did not allow such a chance. Not one bit.


Solar, the entire room in fact, was not prepared for such a merciless onslaught delivered upon the Commander. This left no pony in doubt. The delay in his arrival was not accidental, and neither was it undeserving.

“Princess if I could explain!” it was quite sad really to see the elder of the order of the Shadows, the most elite of all, to instantly reduce themselves to such a begging mess. Regardless, it was the sight Solar did not expect to see, especially as the Night Captain of the Guard introduced himself between the Princess and the Commander, ready to defend her if necessary.

“Worry not, Captain Thunder Mist.” Luna soothed, as if all aggression had totally abandoned her. “There is little he can do, now his foolish actions have caught up with him.”

Those who stupidly believed this was Luna choosing a more diplomatic route now, could not be more wrong. Steel Onyx had simply been given a few seconds of reprieve.

This window, the illusion of peace that it was, was taken by the rapidly disgraced Shadow. Thinking any chance was to be his best, he made his next mistake, and used the brief silence as opportunity to talk.

“Princess, we have, for now, prevailed over those dark forces that mean to do us harm! Let us use this time to regroup and formulate a plan!” He seemed passionate enough, almost to the point that he genuinely believed his words were gospel, and that they were true. Yet as Luna’s eyes fell suddenly and threateningly upon him, there was no mistake.

He was now screwed.

“Prevailed?” Luna repeated, clearly and actually dumbfounded at what was said. “You believe us to have…prevailed?” This was not just some sarcastic, shocked tone at the audacity of the sentence. It was real and genuine bewilderment, almost to the point of turmoil and pain.

Solar could barely resist the urge to quit standing there as some weak witness, and leap to his Princess’s defence, as passionate as it would be. Yet he, even in his most concerned moments, knew this was Luna’s battle. A battle of the higher order, and one not appropriate for even his rank.

“YOU WOULD CALL MY NEAR DEATH PREVAILING?!” Luna’s roaring voice instantly made this question, until a few moments ago debateable by Steel Onyx, instantly rhetorical. Those who would dare argue against her now, were dead Ponies.

“W-well no, of course not Prin-“His fate was already sealed however. Fighting against that only served to tarnish his reputation further, and seem ever the weaker character to the one who mattered. Luna could only watch this pathetic display with disgusted disappointment, probably lamenting at what had become of her order.


Steel Onyx’s embarrassment, his shame was clear. His sole job, above all else, was to protect Luna. In failing that, by breaking the Shadow’s rules however, that was unforgivable. Solar himself shook his head in pitiless disapproval, yet this was not his order after all, and it was not his rules that the Commander had broken. His secret now in the air, possible rumours now being clarified, the other Shadows, every single one of them, did not look at their figure head with any great admiration.

“Traitor!” came a voice, the first among many.

“Weak!” came another, each Shadow seemingly surrounding their Commander with outraged distaste and very quickly, hatred. Solar could not claim to be an expert on them, but the Shadows had loyally and faithful served their duty and Princess for centuries now, and not once had Solar heard of some scandal that had compromised them. They evidently seemed fiercely loyal and bound to their code, and quite obviously, cheap relations with the dishonourable was one to never be broken.

Solar understood. Love was after all, the death of duty. Even passionate, true love could cloud a Pony’s mind, distracting him from his duty, and compromising his abilities. To do this to one’s self was terrible, but to do it to satisfy a mere sexual urge, to mess around with some Pony all for the sake of money and pleasure, there was no coming back from that.

So when every pair of eyes crashed down upon the Commander with angry revulsion, Steel Onyx instantly found himself surrounded by his fate, and the consequences of his actions. Solar could see, even in the eyes of the seemingly more gentle Shadows, Dark Blossom and her like, an insatiable thirst for justice and revenge against the one who had spat on the order they worked their lives for. In committing themselves fully to the Shadows, they took this personally.

“I’ve worked tirelessly for our cause!” cried out Steel Onyx, somehow holding desperately onto hope. “Why should I-“

This was the final straw though. Pathetically defending himself, as delusional as it was, told Luna that he hardly regretted his actions, only regretting being caught. This was no honourable owning of his mistakes. This was not befitting the rank of a Shadow.

Blasting him against the wall with immobilizing magic, Luna could listen no more. Once again, much to Solar’s personal concern, that distorted look of hers began to return, surprising even her own Shadows. The sharp fangs and slit eyes of the Bat Ponies could hardly compare. Luna, regardless of her own wishes, owned the darkness, and let it consume her.

“WRETCH! MISERABLE, TRAITOROUS SCUM!” Booming was too weak a word. For a moment, Solar could have sworn that mountain was about to close it on them and swallow them all, such was the ferocity of Luna’s anger.

Happiness, if there was any to begin with, was sucked dry. All felt Luna’s vulnerability, her exposure after being, essentially, left for dead.

Solar could only pray he would never let her down like this.


Despite the magic, and the subsequent struggling from Steel Onyx, the room seemed eerily quiet. Luna engaged with the incapacitated Shadow Commander silently, but with horrifying aggression. Her teeth pierced through the darkness like daggers through flesh. The look in her eyes, one full of brutality and fury, were a death sentence enough for the foolish Shadow. She wanted blood, and once this silence was over, she would gladly take her betrayal, even the fear she must have felt, all upon Steel.

An act deserving of the crime, Solar thought. It was because of this once loyal Pony that caused this entire mess. Solar couldn’t even say he had saved Luna with nothing to fear, for it was pure chance he got to her in time, and successfully acquired the information prior. Whatever steel Onyx was about to receive, Solar wanted him to get. Like Luna, revenge was a dish best served cold.

Yet unlike Luna, who was about to exact her revenge, something in Solar stopped him from savouring the satisfaction. He so wanted to just remain still, and see what Luna could do. It would have felt good for sure, and it would have enabled justice to remove any situation like this repeating itself.

Yet something deep down within him, cancelled that morbid desire. His breathing rapidly increased, and his head filled with pain.

Something wasn’t right.

Something felt wrong.

It wasn’t pity or care for the incompetent Steel Onyx, not by a long shot. It was, ironically, for Luna. She was about to get her revenge, surely the thing she needed. Yet that was what pained him so. He didn’t doubt the burning desire to obliterate the Shadow that inhabited Luna with dark aggression. It was the fact that, should she go through with this, it would leave behind scars of its own.

For whatever reason, Solar felt connected to Luna now. Free from the dark mockery that stood before Solar, he felt what Luna should be feeling.

That this wasn’t right. This wasn’t true justice.

As sweet as it might be, murdering a servant, however treacherous he might have been, wasn’t right. It wasn’t the actions of a ruler.

“Luna…” Solar said, with little care to volume or others consideration. He stepped out, if only a little amount. It was, however, enough to make him noticed.

Her horn glowing, as if it was charging an attack, Luna’s eyes drifted over to Solar, as if she had been distracted. Yet her gaze did not return to the animal like aggression that Steel Onyx had the misfortune of receiving. Luna, without turning her head, saw Solar. She saw him step forward and pronounce himself from the group.

Whether or not she heard him mention her name, it couldn’t be said. In-between the rumbles, the destructive sound of magic, and the struggling pleas from Steel Onyx, maybe it was only Solar’s lips that were read.

Regardless, the two shared a look, and one not just confided to the physical world. Nothing was said, but both Luna and Solar needed to say nothing for what they felt. Indescribable as it was, neither could resist it, and neither could keep up the false display of their death dealing selves.

It was in that moment, where confusion reigned, that Luna decided, then and there, her torture or destruction of Steel Onyx could halt, or wait at the very least. To the great fortune of all, that dark form did not have chance to fully emerge, not as the Luna all present served returned, back with its eternal beauty.

“Take…Take him away…” Luna then commanded, a deep, vicious tone to her voice, but one undermined with the shamed look she gave, as she stared at the floor, defeated almost.

“GET HIM OUT!” Luna cried, tears practically in her eyes, despite them not actually being there. This command was more than enough however. Led by the Night Guard Captain, Thunder Mist, determined Shadow’s wasted no time in apprehending the now beaten Steel Onyx, a Pony whose near encounter with death had left him a silent, traumatised mess.

All Solar cared however, was that this piny who had caused Luna so much distress, was now taken care of, probably being taken to some secret dungeon, saved especially for Luna’s most dangerous enemies. That was just a theory however, for as the room was left in a void of silence, it was, as much as it shocked him too, left up to Solar to pick up the pieces, just as he did in helping Luna regain her calm.

“Your Highness?” Solar inquired concerningly, as sincere as he could possibly be, and respectful as much as was required, in order not to seem special in a room of her loyal servants.

It took a fair few moments for this to even register with the Princess who seemed painfully unaware that all eyes were now on her, judgemental of course, but still looking.

“Hm? What?” she finally said, the sad fact of reality that this dark change of hers, one of huge concern, was almost becoming normal and with it sadly, a desensitisation of its effects.

With this tragic fact, it didn’t take Luna long for her to realise where she was, and what it took to reiterate herself into the correct form of mind, and return to the Princess that she was.

With a quick shake of the head, understandable by any means, Luna gave Solar one more look. It was calming, but most of all, thankful. It wasn’t Luna’s own actions that had stopped her dealing out personal justice, it was Solar who had, once more, intervened. As of now, he had not only saved her actual life, but her soul, countless times in fact.

However, this was a professional gathering, its importance only magnified now as the consequences of recent days had just been on full display. Luna could waste no time in giving her thanks to Solar, and crucially, she could spend no time whatsoever in displaying personal feelings. That had caused enough trouble already.

“Now, where were we...”Luna said, as professionally but also as normally as she could. Admirable of course, but Solar could see past it. He knew the pain she must be feeling right now, and not just from some conscious, emotionally in tune type of way. It was a continuation of that shared feeling, the connection. Solar didn’t question it, nor did he dwell on it. He just shared in the pain that Luna was now feeling.

“Before I…” Luna began, testing herself, but seemingly unwilling to face her problems. “…Well, as you all know, we are in a perilous positon. The attempt on my life has shown us the weaknesses that we possess, and the cruelty of our responsibility. We cannot allow such a mistake to be made again, less other parties eclipse us.”

This was not just some hypothetical example, and all present knew that. The mystery behind the attempt on Luna’s life was still clouding their road to success, but what was known was, should it be Celestia escalating problems, should it be her causing this chaos, then she wasn’t exactly losing now. Luna’s followers needed to increase their proactivness.

“The cowardly figures behind my attack are corrupted souls. They are proving...difficult to crack” Luna’s careful tone here couldn’t hide the fact that, as much as she fought against it, she hated the assassin meant for her. The anger in her voice was palatable, and the fact that they were essentially so broken that they were useless, only made matters worse. Hence her liberal use of outing justice upon Steel Onyx. There had been no give for Luna as of late, who only descended further into probable depression, and now, left a vulnerable, exposed soul, whose life was still very much on the edge.

“In desperate times, comes desperate measures”. Luna continues, her eyes carefully scanning the patiently listening crowd in front of her. “Which is why, for as long as Equestria’s position remains in threat, I will move, using the maximum extent of my powers, to enable that you, my loyal order of Shadows, do no longer, suffer from the failure of our bureaucracy, and not again find yourselves constrained in dealing with the problems we now perilously face!”

Encouraging signs from the Princess, Solar thought. In terms of standing up for herself, he was now proud. Luna, for her own cause and the cause of the nation, seemed to be willing to go that extra step, even if that step wouldn’t exactly be looked upon with favour. Solar liked this change in Luna, but as he had been this entire time, there was no stopping that stalking quality of his that was his own selfish desires. As Luna stepped up to the mark, Solar could only now think of how this could benefit him.

“Rest assured, from this moment henceforth, no longer will we, the servants of the Moon and its darkness, have to hang our heads in shame for the mistakes of the past! No longer will we carry collective guilt meant to only tame us! We have been humiliated and cut down to size, unfairly if I do say so! And with our very country under so much threat in today’s unstable world, I say…How dare they suggest we sit back and smile! How dare they force us to act as if we were a mere tourist attraction! We can be so much better than that, and mark my words…We WILL!”

It was refreshing to see Luna like this. For the first time in a long time, it seemed that Luna wasn’t content in just being a Princess, just being some figure head. This was no revolt against Celestia like it had been when Luna was last banished. This was not personal, despite Luna having every right for it to be so. This was in the name of Equestria’s fate. This was, as Luna was wording it, for the collective future of those who had ever considered Luna to be as mighty as she was. Even Solar, until now, being just some random Pony with no connection to Luna, present or historical, now found inspiration and strength through Luna’s speech.

Pride in something that wasn’t a mere action of his own, was a sweet, unfamiliar taste.

“In the coming days and weeks, you, my most loyal Shadows, will find yourselves empowered! You will find yourself with new resolve and determination! You will no longer be the stories and nightmares of little foals. Your lives and servitude to our great nation will never be told in the great tales of the history books, but you will now know your actions have real purpose, and you will be the heroes Equestria could only ever dream about knowing!”

A mighty roar of cheers erupted throughout the room. Hooves slammed against the stony floor and wooden stables in support of their Princess. Chant of Luna resounded and echoed across the stone, all while Luna stood there, admiring humbly the Ponies who, without doubt, would support her no matter what.

Even Solar, not a Shadow by any means, felt stronger through just listening to her. His morale was sky high, as was every Ponies here. The only difference now was, after addressing the Shadows, and promising them the Moon, in both a figurative and patriotically sense, it was only Solar left who had not been given the dedication and support of their Princess.

This was about to change.

“That said, we will not be as deranged and brainless as those considering themselves our enemies…” Solar noted Luna did not mention those enemies by their names. Wise enough, considering these recent developments were very much plots and smoke and mirrors. Celestia, clearly fashioning herself as such an enemy, had yet to strike out publicly. For that reason, Luna could not give in to her desires of fiery justice, as she just did. Until Celestia did, Luna too must be discreet. “…Let us repair the damage done by treacherous mistrust and failure. I look upon you all, loyal servants. Masters of your crafts. I would trust you with my life!”

All these compliments seemed to go down well with the respectful crowd. The Shadows weren’t a bombastic, unruly bunch. They took this praise with quiet pride, yet never letting it get to their heads. Luna knew this, and she knew how to strategize with them.

“Which is why, I believe, you will support our, more effective, way of doing things. Thinking outside the box, as they say…”

This rose eyebrows, albeit not so disrespectfully. The Shadow’s, an order of traditional loyalty to Luna, had survived by doing their own thing. Any noise of changing this, would take their interest.

“…You all work well independently, and I intend to enshrine that independence. Still, we must not allow the crucial post of a traitor to remain as a monument to complacency and failure. It must be reinvigorated with new blood, and new vigour.”

Agreeable, so Solar thought. Perhaps surprising to the Shadow’s, but this hardly affected him.

“Which is why I propose my Night Warden, at least for now, to take up that mantle.”

The room went quiet. Completely silent in fact.

Solar then began to wonder where it seemed life itself had abandoned the place, but that surely couldn’t have been the case, when literally every pair of eyes were upon him.

“Solar Virtue? What say you?” asked Luna, genuinely curious.

Luna too seemed almost nervous with her question, as if Solar could reply to her in some harmful way. It confounded him. The confusion on why this pressure suddenly seemed overbearing.

Then it hit him.

Night warden? Oh shit…

“I-I...umm…” Solar had no words. There wasn’t a single Pony that could have convinced him his day would present him with such a development. Him, as the top ranked Shadow. Him!

No wonder why the room immediately felt uneasy. As loyal and impressive as they were, Solar had no doubt that every Shadow here worked their arses off, all for Luna. They weren’t entitled, not by any means, but even the most humble among them weren’t ready for this. There was no doubt now that many here saw Solar with distain, as if he was some plotting usurper.

In many ways, they were right.

“Pardon me, your Highness, but is this to be your command?” asked Dark Blossom with polite obedience, yet still now instilled with shock and disbelief, just as every single one of her comrades were. She however, treated this practical slap in the face, with humility.

“What?! Unbelievable! This can’t be happening!” cried out Midnight Dust, his already settled dislike of Solar now erupting into full on hatred and feelings of unfairness. “He isn’t even a Shadow!”

That latter complaint was as just, as anything could be. He wasn’t a Shadow. He had climbed the ranks as an outsider, and that hadn’t won him many friends here as it was. Suddenly taking their top job, with no regard to merit or dignity was something that might even make him some enemies.

Midnight Dust’s trailblazing of frustration seemed to only make matters worse. Protesting intently now, many of the crowd rose up in an uproar, cries of illegality and horror making it up.

Solar could only sit there in his own horror however. In no way was he prepared for this role, even in just receiving it. He was no Shadow and until today, had never met one. He didn’t have the training, didn’t have the knowledge and probably didn’t even have the attitude. There, without a doubt, was simply no way he would be commanding anyone, let alone even taking the position.

“This is wrong!” came one shout.

“This is unjust!” came another.

“That position should be reserved only for one of our own!”

All fair. All valid points. What could Solar say to argue against them? How could he defend his position as their superior? The angry eyes that now set against him provided him with no comfort. An unloved leader would make for a challenge. An unfeared leader would weaken him. Solar wasn’t loved or feared by the Shadows. He was seen as an upstart newcomer who carried little reason for trust. Hell, he wasn’t even a Bat Pony!

“Shame!” then came another critique, but one not entirely meant for Solar. Sure, it rose due to anger for him, but it wasn’t he that elected himself to that new position. It wasn’t he who made this decision.

“Shame?” repeated Luna, horrified with her own shock.

Perhaps until now, her decision may have not been set in stone. Upon seeing the opposition, reconsidered thoughts may occur. Yet in questioning her choices and actions, in abusing their privilege, and worst of all, in insulting her command, Luna did not suddenly become of the mind that her protesting Shadow’s had a point. Luna did not take to insults very kindly.

“YOU DARE QUESTION MY AUTHORITY?! YOU DARE DISRESPECT MY DECISION?!” Luna’s rage, once again, was real. This time however, the Shadow’s did not make the mistake of their predecessor in command. They did not dare fight against Luna’s wishes. “MY CHOICE IS FINAL, AND FOR YOUR OWN SAKES, YOU SHALL ACCEPT IT!”

No Pony needed any more convincing. While the angrier, overzealous Shadow’s managed to show a remaining degree of distaste, they didn’t dare voice it. They knew better than to question Luna, and they managed to find their well experienced quality of loyalty.

“While I know this to shock many of you, we cannot continue as we once did. I will ensure Solar here leads you well, and as I have stated, much too many of your failing ears, will ensure your independence is protected!” Luna clearly had a lot more to do to reassure her servants, but Solar was sure now, if the Shadows were going to have this decision revoked, then that opportunity was long gone. Unless they killed him outright, they had failed in preventing themselves getting a new, unfamiliar leader.

Still, Luna left nothing to chance. As thankful as Solar would become soon, Luna was not a fan of betrayals, and thanks to her time in past ages, she was more familiar with the once common act of daggers in the dark.

“Heed my words carefully, dear Shadow’s. Solar Virtue may be a stranger to the order, but he has proven himself to be as the most loyal of you! He, if I may remind you, was the one who saved my life, not a Shadow! His success is your success, which is, by extension, the success of Equestria and the Night that guides it. For all our sakes, help him into his role. Help me by providing us with a loyal, strengthened front! Only together can we survive the treachery and cruelty of our enemies!” Luna was nothing if not passionate. She believed in her decision, and she was powerfully hopeful for the future. Many Shadow’s swallowed their pride and saw this, accepted it even. Some, of course, would take work. Solar could manage that, and Luna would ensure it.

That was the opinion increasingly present. For Solar himself however, it was more complex.

He wasn’t even sure he wanted this position. Part of that was down to nerves, he knew it. It was fair to worry about something he wasn’t prepared for. Luna, in her wisdom, was surely aware of this. That caused some comfort for Solar, who now put his trust in her, yet there was still an insecurity within him that told him a dark theory.

Had Luna become so changed recently, what with her issues by the bucket load, many of which were on show today, that it had begun to affect her decision making? Not that solar would entertain the opinions of his critics, but Luna clearly was on a journey of her own.

This caused some concern in Solar, who was very much aware of the irony that was his hoof in all this change, but there was also something, behind this all, that only he and Luna herself could understand.

That bond.

This was no mere bravado on Luna’s part. This wasn’t some jump into the dark. As she said, Luna had Solar’s loyalty, but as they were both becoming increasingly aware, then perhaps she had more than that. Perhaps, just maybe, this decision wasn’t entirely professional.

Perhaps emotion played a part and with it, feelings. Feelings that manifested into a look that Luna gave Solar, one of kindness, reserved only for him. One of care, and one of trust.

Perhaps little wonder then when Solar found himself returning this look. Not as thanks for some powerful position, but relief that he might protect her more capably, and happiness that Luna would trust him, above all others Shadow’s to receive this position so soon.

“What say you then, Night Warden? Will you accept?” Lund asked, ripping Solar from his emotionally enticing thoughts. Thoughts so deep and so controlling, that he nearly missed that Luna looking upon him with both hopeful and fearful eyes. Her mannerly appearance was one of attempted disguise, masking the fact that this was a request dear to her heart. For that reason, Solar’s decision was easy.

“I…of course. Yes, Princess. I accept.” His acceptance speech, or what it appeared to be, nearly tripped himself up, as questions of self-confidence and self-doubt plagued him mind endlessly. For the sake of strength however, to ensure he maintained at least a degree of support from the Shadow’s upon ascending past their ranks, Solar chose the route of humility. He could hardly afford to appear cocky anymore and definitely not some lawless vagabond, as he most likely appeared too many of those in the know. “I’ll do my utmost best to not let any of you down. I’ll do us proud!”

Solar made sure he looked deep into the eyes of the Shadow’s and Luna as he said this, all so he may seem sincere and trustworthy. This was his destiny now, and he wouldn’t cause Luna any shame in chasing it.

“Excellent. I will see that we proceed without a hitch!” Luna then cried out, truly joyfully, and in total contrast to her rage and conflicted emotions she had just been accustomed to, she finally seemed free of a worry, albeit just one piling upon many. For now, Luna knew, as did Solar that she at least was a little more secure, and they all may head into the future with a bit more confidence and clout.

Luna must have really been in a victorious mood, as with this proclamation, she wasted no time in getting to work, leaving the room and to continue fighting for her cause. This was all well and good, but this left Solar, at least in name now, alone with his underlings.

Though he would never call them that.

Yet in some unexpected turn of events, Solar did not find himself set upon by angry or jealous Shadow’s. Neither did he receive, however legitimate, concern from them as they worried for the future of their order. Yes, there were looks of annoyance, worry and apprehension, but no death stares, no cautions. Nothing.

Perhaps the most unusual development was the mass exodus of the crowd, leaving the room as Luna had done. Even Midnight Dust, already critical of him, said nothing as he bashfully walked past Solar, certain thoughts of shock probably still on his mind however.

“So, are you ready for it?” asked Dark Blossom, the only one with enough courage to confront Solar head on.

Solar thought about the question. Hard.

Was he?

Not officially by any means. He had past no tests. He had not been recommended by those willing to see him as a leader.

Yet there was one part of him ready for this heavy mantle. When he became Luna’s Night Warden, it had been a shock, but one, with time, providing him with real power, and plenty of doors opening for him.

That was then, now he was literally one of Luna’s highest ranked servants. If he had her ear before, then now he had her mind. The things he could whisper to her, the information he could acquire, and most sinisterly of all…the way he could actually shape Equestria.

This was it.

This was what he had been aiming for.

True power.

The influence he now held was to become official. Should he do it legitimately, he could surely bring down a nation if he wanted.

He had it all.

He had Luna herself.


He had Luna’s trust and seal of approval. But through all the power, all the changes he could bring, the prospect of being as close to Luna as any Pony could ever be, it paled in comparison to something also new.

The feelings he felt for her.

Perhaps it was only confirmed with his goals being complete. Maybe it took for such distractions to go to finally show him the truth.

That he had feelings for Princess Luna.

No more would he feel confused, contrasting and unfamiliar emotions. Now the picture was clear.

He was strong, and he cared for Luna. Deeply.

“Oh I’m ready. Let’s keep that moon raised, shall we?”

Solar was happy. He was determined. He was dedicated in his aim for victory.

Dark Blossom too saw this, perhaps understanding Solar better than he did himself. With a smile, she left the room, leaving Solar alone.

Alone, but never against lonely. He had a cause. The same as every Pony who had just left.

He would ensure the night would last forever.

Author's Note:

So, a nice bit of personal shifting, but also an opening onto the plots of the following chapters. With Solar finally getting things hes truly wanted, what comes next?
Hint- probably chaos.

Thanks to everyone reading. I seriously appreicate the hell out of you all, and im so happy you guys are sticking around.
If you have any feedback, or just want to say what you like or dont etc, dont be afraid to drop a comment. however short it may be :)

Thanks again!

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