• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 4 : Surviving old friends


The princesses party suddenly stopped as one of the Guards cried out to Solar to cease his pursuit. Immediately surrounding their princess in a defensive fashion, weapons pointed at Solar who couldn’t help but scowl at the guard who had spoken to him.

“You dare approach the Princess without permission? I’ll have you thrown in a cell!” Solar couldn’t help himself but stare daggers into the eyes of this audacious guard.

“That’s not necessary Strong Shield” calmly proclaimed Princess Twilight, emerging from the wall of guards. “I’m sure our friend didn’t mean any trouble” she said with a smile. Moving farther from her guards, an act of movement surely making them uncomfortable, she approached Solar with kind eyes. “Is there anything you need Mr…?”

Solar snorted a laugh, the big brute of a guard who had shouted at him narrowing his eyes at this. “Solar V… Gust”.

Get a grip Solar! You’ve been in worse situations.

“That’s a nice name” the princess enthusiastically replied. Words falling on unimpressed ears of course. It was quite obvious that this was just a charade to pretend that she cared, an ability performed regularly and masterfully by all the Princesses. “I’m so sorry to have to say this Solar, but we are in a bit of a rush here, so if you needed something it’d be really good if you could be quick”.

Waiting for her reply, Solar caught the Princess silently mouthing a ‘sorry’.

Solar was taken back silent at this. It was almost like….she cared?

And the movies are correct when they show that Luna is really an alien robot infiltrating pony kind to prepare for an invasion. It’s an act you idiot!

The mental punishment was warranted. Just as Celestia had mastered, smiling and fake kindness quickly gained her the trust of many ponies. Solar wouldn’t be making that mistake.

“THE PRINCESS AKSED YOU A QUESTION” suddenly cried out the thug of a guard that stopped Solar before.

Had he not been in the presence of a powerful Princess, and many guards, Solar would have undoubtedly delivered a swift buck to the face to this guard. In his time back in Canterlot, he met many of these ponies, and many of these ponies still have the scars to prove it.

Luckily, for the guard, the deadly glare he received from the Princess quickly shut him up. An opportunity too good to waste.

“Atta boy” smirked Solar to the guard, truly testing his discipline. To Solar’s disappointment, it held.

Ignoring this, with a little awkward laugh, the Princess continued. “It’s just there’s urgent business in Canterlot” She seemed almost pained saying this, obviously taking her role as Princess of friendship seriously.

“I heard Princess” Solar replied, returning a sense of surprise from the Princess. He didn’t know of course, but if she was to trust him, and possibly divulge what she knew to him, then he would have to seem useful in the very least. “I’m in the Royal Guard, Princess”

The surprise on the face of the Princess only increased with this ‘news’, and the foal of a guard who had so stupidly tried to challenge Solar now couldn’t adhere to his discipline training.

“What?! How can you be? I’ve never seen you, nor heard of you even”.

Solar smiled. Thank Celestia for half-truths.

Well, maybe not in your fancy Day Guard. It’s the Night Guard for me”.

It wouldn’t be the easy of course to convince them, but for the first time, he was glad path had led him into the Night Guards.

“Sure you are” puffed the guard known as Strong Shield. “Prove it”.

All eyes targeted on Solar, eagerly awaiting a truthful confirmation. He needed a solid piece of proof, and with no official identification on him, he needed something only somepony in the Guards would know.

“Every year, on the Summer Sun celebration, only when the day just becomes the night, both guard corps venture down to The Golden Spear Inn. The place is open only to guards that day. In there, begins a night of pure chaos and drinking. Apart from the challenge of being able to consume three shots of the ‘dragons breath’ drink, both Day and Night Guards enter a competition in which each pony race must challenge the same race of their counterpart guard corps. Quite originally, the common challenge is as follows. Hoof wrestling for Earth Ponies, wing wrestling for Pegasi, and magic wrestling for Unicorns. At the end of the event which ever Guards have won the most is allowed a personal choice in guard posting, whenever that might be, and for the following week, the losing Guards corps is permitted to be at the wrath of Princess Luna’s pranks and has to bake a new cake recipe for Princess Celestia.”

Strong Shield had gone quiet, but Solar had not quite finished, he was ready with the killing blow.

“Additionally, whichever Guard, from either corps, has been the latest the most to duty , over the previous year is forced, on the night in the Inn, to guard the infamous “room 6”.

Struggling, to contain himself barely, Solar could see, behind the helmeted faces of the other guards, mischievous smiles begin to emerge. They knew of what Solar spoke. All except Solar’s new ‘friend’ Strong Shield, And Solar knew why.

“Tell me, Strong Shield, was it? When you had to leave that rooms door open thirteen unlucky inches, and when you had to listen in to whatever ‘fun’ your fellow Guard was getting up to in there with a lucky mare, did you use the bathroom four room down to the left, or the bathroom seven rooms to the right to relieve yourself?”

Strong Shield couldn’t help but let a quick gasp escape his lips, something, very unfortunate for him, his fellow guards heard. They were not easy with the following teasing.

“Shield! How long did you last you horny thing!” laughed one Guard.

“Or perhaps he went to throw up. Maybe he doesn’t really swing that way” cried out another, causing obvious embarrassment for the big guy.

“Alright! Alright! I get it. Yes I lost. It was two years ago” he admitted, to his misfortune. However unprofessionally, the additional guards present could not compose themselves any longer. This was an event only the guards spoke of or knew, it had to be evidence enough.

Yet perhaps in an attempt to deviate the attention from him, Strong Shield shot bac with more questions. “But- h-how do we know you didn’t just hear that from somepony in the Guards.”

Solar rolled his eyes and his further integration. “The code word for any civilian in hearing proximity is vegetable. Because that’s what each Guard resembles at the end of the event, when they are quite passed out.” Strong Shield had no response. “I’m a Night Guard I can assure you. I even have the scar from the Griffin defence class back in basic. “He showed the group a small scar on his upper right shoulder. Something that all guards in basic training they got when they practiced with the Griffin instructors.

They were never gentle.

By now, Solar had seemed to convince them. Almost forgetting her however, the Princess, who up to this point had been quite confused, bordering on shocked at this realisation of Guard traditions, spoke up.

“Um…well…that was all rather….fascinating…” she stuttered, likely feeling a little awkward at this knowledge. “but may I ask Solar Gust, why are you here, in Ponyville?”

It was a very good question. One Solar had to fake an answer at quickly.

“I...I was performing an order 21 at Section 2. Pretty routine check”

“Um..?” was all that the Princess could manage. Her puzzled face turning to look at Strong Shield.

“Magic creature check on the Everfree Forest boarders. It’s the Night Guards who usually do this. Seems to check out.” The guard replied, allowing Solar to breath a mental sigh of relief.

“Well. In that case, how can I help you Solar?” The Princess asked.

Again Solar smiled. Everything was working so far.

“Well Princess, I was just wondering what was happening? She seemed in a rush is all.”

The Princess of Friendships eyes opened wide, and her mouth let out an almighty gasp.


In those following seconds, Solar had many questions. What was going on? Why was she going crazy? What was this book she spoke of? All things he didn’t even get a chance to begin. A bright flash of light engulfed the group, a quick feeling of weightlessness followed before another flash occurred.

Solar didn’t have time to process the fact his surroundings had totally changed, despite the fact the architecture of Canterlot was rather unique and instantly recognisable.

“w---what?” was all he managed out.

“Sorry! Sorry!” apologised the Princesses sincerely. “Teleportation is the quickest way of travel. I’m guessing it’s not something you’ve really done, huh?”

Head spinning, and his mind a little dazed, Solar still managed to catch for concern that plastered the Princesses face. He considered it a shame he couldn’t even internally call her out on her fake concern with the mild shock he was currently experiencing.

“Can’t really say I ha-“he never finished his slurred sentence, for something far worse now replaced it.


He knew that voice. He knew the consequences of that voice. He knew it was brown alert time.

“Shining Armor!” cried the Princess with delight, leaping towards the Captain turned Prince. It was a joyful act that confused Solar. Despite having served alongside Shining for a fair while, he knew precious little of the personal life of him. Of course it wasn’t a fact lost on Solar. Unless it was useful to him, something he could use to get himself out of trouble, or even use against, why, in the name of sweet Celestia would he care to take the time out of his day to stand like a statue for minute upon minute in order to listen to some pony explain how he played a terrible game of Hoofball at the weekend. “Gosh big brother, this is all so crazy, how quickly did they all arrive? Where are they now?” Twilight continued, enthusiasm and curiosity dripping from her voice.

It was only a couple of minutes ago Solar would have awaited an answer to these questions with baited breath, fully eager and curious to know what on Equestria the Princess was talking about and more importantly, how such information could prove useful to him. The change now however, had completely taken that opportunity from him. Here he was, from what appeared to be the inside of Canterlot Castle, surrounded by even more Guards now, and worst of all, Shining Armor right in front of him, somepony he had been trying to avoid for a while now, and with good reason.

“The main group only got here about twenty minutes ago, Twi. We contacted you as fast as we could” said Shining Amor, withdrawing from the Princesses hug. They’re with Celestia in the Throne room right now. No pony is to enter” He looked a little worried to Solar. Who they were, while not in fear of this unknown development, had to admit, whatever was causing all this, truly was peaking his interest.

“So far there hasn’t been any trouble. We-“ Shining scanned the room as he spoke, ensuring all guard ponies were present and attentive. It was then when his eyes came across Solar.

It didn’t take long for he to be recognised. His appearance had changed little since the guards, only a longer and far more unkept mane differentiating him from when he left the guards.

“S-Solar? Solar Virtue?” he asked, almost confirming is suspicions.

If Solar ran, it proved his guiltiness, as well as showing cowardice. If he stayed he would be at the mercy of his former ‘friend’.

“What the Taturas are you doing here! Get away from my sister!”

Now would be a very good time for an escape plan Solar.

“Guards, arrest this pony” Shining ordered, allowing a small army of gold clad ponies to surround Solar, spears pointed directly at him. “I don’t know why you came back Solar, but you aren’t getting away this time”

Princess Twilight, who seem bemused at his sudden development, quickly intervened in Solar’s defence. “Shining its ok, he’s with me. Solar Gust is in the Night guard” She almost seemed overconfident, a royal cockiness bleeding through into her words, once again reminding Solar of his disdain of royalty.

Was in the Night Guard” quickly interjected Shining. “And the Day Guard. This disgrace of a pony got himself removed dishonourably from both” Now Twilights misplaced sense of knowing feel flat on its face, and it would have been amusing for Solar was it not for this failure on her part was also bad for him too. “Its Solar Virtue, Twi. You’ve been lied to again.” Shining’s eyes were strong and angry, constantly embedding themselves into Solar, even when talking to his sister, such was his disapproval of his former comrade. Twilight on the other hoof had rapidly changed in her demeanour. Gone was her overconfidence, now replaced with a look of severe disappointment, and a healthy amount of sadness, a feeling which confused Solar. She did not know him. She had only just met him. Why was she taking this personally?

Does the Princess of Friendship seriously take it to heart when another friend isn’t made?

Shining Armor now approached Solar, his physical presence far greater than the ex-guard.

“For crimes against Equestria and her Royal Highness, Princess Luna, I hereby arrest you Solar Virtue. You do not have to say anything; but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.” Escape right now was impossible. He was simply too outnumbered. “Though we all know you’re quite clearly guilty” Shining practically whispered, his face uncomfortably close to Solar’s.

“How unprofessional Shining” Solar blankly replied, trying to keep his cool in this precarious situation.

“Coming from you” instantly retorted Shining, his tone bordering anger now. “I’m going to personally take you to be processed now, the rest of you, escort Twilight to where she needs to go. Dismissed!”

Now it was Solar’s turn to feel anger. Escorting him alone, without any other guard presence may seem a bad idea at first, allowing an easy escape by him, but Shining was testing his resolve right now. Sure, Solar could make a break for it once it was just him and Shining, but in doing so showed a great weakness on his part.


Some ponies may say it’d be greatly dishonourable to ruin this partial trust Shining had given him in escorting him alone. To that, Solar would simply ignore. Honour was not a quality carried proudly by him, but in running, it not only showed a personal fear of Shining Armor, shameful enough, but also a fear of the law and Guard institution. If he broke at the smallest sign of trouble, what sort of stallion was he?

So now here he was, departing with Shining, his eyes quickly glancing back at Twilight, now oozing pity for Solar.

He didn’t need it.

Solar’s walk with Shining had been completely silent. Almost awkward.

“Why dude?” the said Shining, his tone now a far more personal and relaxed one, but filled with disappointment. Regardless of Solar’s past insults towards the Guards, Shining was the closest thing he ever had to a friend.

Or whatever Solar would call a friend.

“I don’t expect you to understand Shining. I gave my reasons when I left and they haven’t changed.” Solar’s tone was venomous.

Shining sighed. “I remember what you said.” He took a moment, his past anger and Princely regaility all but gone, now the caring guard Solar knew him to be from years past in its place. “You had such a good thing going Solar. Yes I know, the Day guard wasn’t for you, and in hindsight it was stupid of us to ignore your cries to transfer, but the Night Guard? Princess Luna herself once mentioned to me you were a captain of the guard in the making. It seemed perfect for you dude.”

Were he not officially under arrest, Solar would have easily fought back at Shining’s pleads. The two may have gotten on well enough in the past, but the now Prince never truly understood him.

“Oh was it? Shows your delusion then Shining. Not that I’m surprised though. Look at you now, Captain of the Crystal Guard and Prince of the Crystal Empire. You were probably too focused on Cadance to ever really see what was wrong”.

Shining kept his cool, not thanks to his trained discipline, but his disappointment of his once friend. It may have been genuine concern, but it was concern spawned from a severe lack of understanding of Solar and his reasons behind his past and as such, wasn’t even worth the time and effort in explaining to help him properly understand.

Again Shining sighed. “I’m just trying to help you Solar….” He paused, deep in though, a trickle of professionality returning. “ But then again, your total lack of respect for both your fellow guards and the ponies you’re meant to protect, your extremely heavy hoofed and nearly barbaric methods of ensuring order, and your illegal use of your honourable and esteemed rank in the guards for your own desires need little explanation. Not to mention your completely unacceptable insult to Princess Luna. Were it not for your timely escape, you would have felt her full and mighty justice crashing on you.”

Solar snorted a sarcastic laugh, both ponies walking speed increasing with their frustration. “Sure it doesn’t. And I’m willing to bet you’re total lack of help for me needs little explanation. You were supposed to be my friend, Armor, but after that little incident down in the Badlands, you---OOF”

Solar gave an almighty exhale and he collided with another Pony after he and Shining turned a corner. It wasn’t really an issue, but conversing of his past in the Guards only served to make his blood boil, and his anger rise. “Watch where you’re bucki-“

Oh shit

“Solar Virtue? Was it?” asked Princess Luna.

Well, I’m dead.


Author's Note:

dun dun duuuun.
Getting into the meatier parts of the story now. Guessing its pretty obvious who "they" are.
Also, for those of you thinking thats it for the mane 6, worry not! Rainbow is going to get a hell of a surprise soon is all ill say.
Thanks for reading guys, feel free to comment :)

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