• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 28: Love is in bloom

Solar Virtue

Solar truly had it all.

It had barely been a week since the moment when the mine had struck gold, and Solar was initiated, through the power of Luna, not only into the order of the Shadow’s themselves, but as their de facto leader.

Despite all the telling of oaths, the official paper work, and strange, almost centuries old customs that the Shadow’s held onto, Solar’s enthusiasm for the future had not waned. The unstoppable feeling that had inhabited him since that moment had only remained.

In truth, there was very little to process anymore. The shock had gone, leaving however beautiful clarity. No Shadow had attempted to over throw him, and regardless of all the bitter oaths of allegiance, they had all thus far fallen in line, though that maybe because of Luna’s insistence, Solar predicted. Because of this so far painless ride, Solar could focus on the possibilities that now lie ahead. He could right some personal wrongs and visit some old friends to pay a mortal debt. He could in fact take on those old criminal organisations he once was employed by to either remove them from the face of the planet, or add them to his collection of puppets.

The options were truly limitless now he had the backing of the ancient order of the Shadow’s, what with their unparalleled capacity for disruption, and also the added trust of Luna. Furthermore, It had become obvious in recent days that she had become increasingly relaxed around Solar. This of course could just have come down to an increased feeling of safety, or it could be because of something being shared. Something that Solar wanted to be shared, however unlikely it seemed. Nevertheless, even if feelings weren’t reciprocated, the mere fact that Luna was comfortable around Solar meant he had access to her like few Ponies ever did, and that could open a thousand doors.

That, and the thought that he could request the Shadow’s to requisite some farm land for personal cider production all in the name of “national security”, was pretty fun.

He had even been given a cozy little office to work from, yet true to the form of the Shadow’s, it was secret, hidden and generally pretty gloomy. Like the room in which the Shadow’s meeting took place, his office was situated deep under Luna’s Tower, so while this meant natural lighting wasn’t exactly a selling point, it did mean Solar’s new work would remain undisturbed from his and Luna’s enemies.

Thinking of the office however, and all his recent accomplishments, Solar was hit with a heavy, problematic fact. Essentially, his goals were complete. He had escaped poverty, crime, injustice and now the law, in a sense. He had climbed right to the top, as much as a Pony like him and with his abilities could possibly go. He had everything he wanted, and that was good. Solar was not a Pony to suddenly delve into a depressive state of monotonous existence. Even if he had his power, he did not grow bored or fail to move on. No, it was because of another point in his victory, his closeness to Luna, and just how he felt about that.

He could no longer deny it. No longer assume the role of some ignorant, emotionally inexperienced fool. He saw now, in Luna, not only his leader and Princess, but somepony to care for, and crucially, somepony to attach to. He saw in her a friend of the likes of which he had never felt before. He enjoyed his time with her, wishing deep down it would never end. He would think about her constantly, even until his vision blackened and he fell asleep. The simple thought of just spending time with here, two souls completely open, was an amazing one, and one Solar always hoped for. In short, he wanted to be with her, more as a servant, and more emotionally connected than a mere friend of hers.

All this filled Solar with happiness and a warm heart. For that reason, it wasn’t necessarily an issue. Where the problems began to arise was in how this emerging relationship would ultimately develop, and how it would impact the wider world.

Would he to so liberally embrace his feelings, and by some miracle, it would end up happily and successfully between he and Luna, what then? There was of course the logistics about such a thing, even the legality of it. Was it allowed? Would the wider public, specifically those with vested governmental interests allow it? Solar could very well find himself at the aggressive end of some jealous, albeit delusional aristocrat, crazy about gaining Luna’s heart. All important points Solar needed to be aware of, should he peruse this new desire relentlessly.

However, these issues were more side points. Added consequences of the primary concern. This was, ironically, a return to what comes next, exclusively for Solar. There he was, content in his position, no longer concerned about keeping himself going upwards. Then though, came Luna and with her, Solar’s feelings for her. He might have won his power, and the question now was, would he keep it?

He didn’t fear external, wild threats in the form of Ponies. Should they try and disrupt him, he would do his hardest to fight them, tooth and hoof, however difficult the task may be. Fighting wasn’t something he was unfamiliar with and if it was required, he would continue to do so. The major problem here wasn’t the fight, but the reasoning and thinking behind that fighting.

Would he fight merely for himself and his power? Keeping Luna close and on his good side only to benefit that? Would he fight for himself, but so he could serve Luna better and help her in some sinister, quasi takeover of Equestria, effectively sharing his past desire for power with Luna. Or would he fight for his feelings, and his desires with Luna exclusively, as passionately as his heart would allow?

These were all very enticing and very real options for Solar now. What sort of Shadow he would be, and how exactly his power would be exercised, remained very much in the air.

All were thoughts and questions he couldn’t chance to day dreaming and hope. His position was simply too influential now to leave anything up to chance. Even in his limbo, he would have to practice administration to a level he could never before imagine. His job wasn’t just of action, it was of predication, hidden bureaucracy and networking. Fortunately, even in the face of his issues, he wasn’t alone. With Luna’s blessing, there was a rough framework for a working partnership with the Human’s, under Victus, and the shady realm of the underworld, represented by the ever dubious Blank Slate. With them, perhaps Solar could share his workload and more importantly, his fate may become clearer. Only by advancing could he see where his road may lead him, regardless of its seemingly evident irresponsibility.

The burdens of command did seem to weigh heavily it seemed, but such drags had to wait. With an audible knock of the door, Solar knew this was not just some passer-by wishing to say hello. At his level, both figuratively and literally, in terms of his location, any visitors were of high importance, and he had to now greet, whoever this was, in a manner befitting his rank, and the long history that came with it.

If only his knowledge of the Shadow’s extended properly beyond a few days.

Yet even trying to play the role he was meant for could do little to counter his surprise when he opened that old door, and saw before him, as simply as she could appear, a humble Princess Luna, completely alone, as if she had sneaked down here without permission.

“Princess!” exclaimed Solar in hurried shock as he tried to collect himself into way that would please Luna. “Sorry for the mess. I hadn’t expected you!” Solar clumsily rushed back to his desk as he tried to rectify the chaos that was his desk. Papers and reports of varied importance and tediousness cluttered the area as if an explosion had just occurred. Not at all a good impression for the Princess who had apparently so much faith in him, in this job.

Luna, however, couldn’t seem to care any less. She stood there, a faint and content smile on her face, looking around the room, her eyes not on the state of it, but the change of its occupant. In her eyes, while Solar may be having troubles adapting, the situation was a million miles better than how it had been.

“Oh, it’s quite alright, Shadow Solar” she said with an actual wink, knowing the title was still a strange feeling to Solar.

The Shadow managed a nervous laugh in retort, still choosing to at least make the place presentable.

“Please Princess, sit! Make yourself comfortable.” It was odd for Solar to suddenly found himself so evenly matched with Luna, in terms of rank. Of course she was his superior in every way, but there now felt a far clearer, easier understanding between the two, with a difference in name only separating them.

“Why thank you, Solar” she said politely in response, a calm, comforting collectiveness to her, yet still in a way that made Solar feel he was being judged.

“So um…to what do I owe the pleasure?” Solar finally said after sitting down opposite her. Only then did he realise he hadn’t exactly put his question in any form that a Shadow would approve of. It wasn’t even to the point, as he would have liked. This mess up instantly created panic in his suspicious mind, as he realised in his busy past few days, some meeting may have slipped his mind.

“Wait, I didn’t forgot something important, did I? Oh sweet Luna…” The most crucial thing to Solar right now was to not let Luna down. All his options depended on her, yet now Solar knew they weren’t the only reason he wanted Luna to have a good opinion of him.

Yet taking him by surprise once again, Luna giggled. A soft, cheerily and very real giggle. Solar did, for a brief moment, wonder if, by some strange Alicorn magic, Luna was aging back, and had reached the high school girl stage.

“No dear Solar, you did not…” Luna then replied, truthfully happy today it seemed.

Yet while this set one fear at ease within Solar, it drew attention to many more. It was becoming increasingly likely this was some sort of test or analysis, as was proper for somepony entering a new rank. Maybe this was Luna trying to reassure herself in her choices, or perhaps it was reconsidering them, based on Solar’s performance.

Right now, that performance desperately needed improving.

He needed to remain calm, collected and professional. Easy surely. He had been in many high stress situations. He should be ok.

But here Luna was, and Solar now produced a thought he never believed he could create.

Luna looked beautiful.

Her deep eyes, her enchanting mane. Her physical form was perfection in Pony form. No pony could deny that. Solar was pretty sure it was even common knowledge. It wasn’t her physical beauty currently enchanting him however. To him right now, Luna appeared benevolent, a kind, fun and easy going leader he could follow anywhere, and crucially, be happy doing so. Yet knowing her as he did, Solar also knew her to be strong and capable. A pony he could properly admire and trust at the same time, what with her kindness and passion. She was truly the Pony Equestria needed, and being this close to her was enticing, like she was producing an intoxicating spell that totally put Solar in a state of complete admiration.

This was no trick though. Solar saw Luna as the only Pony he had ever known that was more than just a lie or power mad maniac. Luna was everything he admired in one package.

That made her a beautiful figure, but Solar wasn’t so shallow in that he only went for the sweetest thing. It was obvious to him now that Luna had problems. Depression most likely, an increasing sense of betrayal from figures she once trusted, important one’s like Celestia and the previous Shadow Commander, and a feeling of uselessness.

He could sense it right now in fact. That ever present darkness that constantly threatened to take her and it had many times prior. She was a flawed Pony, and Solar was wrong to call her perfect.

However, as liberal as he was with his compliments, he still was aware that her flawed, her possibly dangerous and destructive side was still a commendable point.

She was a real Pony, plagued with real issues. Despite what many may think, Luna wasn’t so detached from the world that she also detached herself from its problems. Celestia seemed so fake and mightier than thou at this point, that Solar wasn’t so sure she even considered the citizens of Equestria her kind anymore. Luna was quiet yes, but she suffered as her subjects suffered. She was a complex character, with complex issues, but still managed to press on, be strong, and aim for the bigger, more beneficial picture.

This was the type of Pony Solar could love. So yes, she was beautiful, inside and out.

In all this deep thought however, a racing mind must have produced a compromised look on his face, one that betrayed his hidden thoughts and emotions in a way that made him seem concerned. Now ironically, this compromise panicked him somewhat, knowing Luna was watching and probably assessing.

Shit! Compose yourself Solar!

In his worry, he nearly didn’t realise what next happened. Should that failure in acknowledge happen, he could never have forgiven himself, for what he physically now felt, on his desk resting hoof, was in all sense of the word, extraordinary.

“Hey…relax Solar. You have no reason to stress…”

In that very moment, Solar looked down upon the desk and saw not only his hoof, but Luna’s. It was literally resting upon his, reaching over with little effort in an attempt to comfort him.

Luna was actually holding his hoof, all while she smiled a sweet, caring smile.

This was no accident. No meaning of misinterpretation. Luna was truly holding his hoof in a deeply personal, tenderly and affectionate way.

There was simply no way of putting it. Nothing that could articulate his current feelings, shock and excitement.


There was just no words right now. How many Ponies could say they had been in a situation like this? Maybe even less than the current occupants of this room.

“Hehe…” was the only thing he vocal cord could literally producing, prompting immediate red alerts suggesting that now he was the stricken high school girl.

“Oh sweet Luna! Oh damn! I-I-I-I….” but he could say nothing really. The moment was just too overwhelming.

Luna however, in total contrast, couldn’t be enjoying the moment any more awarely. She knew what she was doing, and she liked the reaction she was getting.

“Ha!” She bellowed, although still with a degree of feminine cuteness, so thought Solar. “It always both intrigues and entertains when such an exclamation uses my name as such. I cannot decide if they use it in vain or not…”

Removing her hoof, Solar could at least be free of the mental prison he just found himself in. Still, this was all actually happening, and nothing could have prepared him for it.

“I…meant no offence, Princess…I-I…just…” yet still words escaped him.

What does this even mean? Does Luna feel the same way? No. How could she? Why would she? I’m everything she hates. She basically said it.

“None taken!” Luna snapped back cheerfully. In her joy, she was quick and attentive, and very much enjoyed almost playing with Solar.

With that cleared, at least on her end, everything went silent, and Solar could have almost suffocated himself as he became painfully aware of it, even to the point of being aware of his breathing, thus slowing it. Any noise he made would be heard and in this moment of shock, fluster and bewilderment, he wasn’t sure he could take any more developments.

Luna, again, was not so paralyzed in aghast and baffled in her mental being. Cruelly almost, she continued in her games.

As soon as she caught Solar’s gaze, predictably easy in fact, given her enticing dreamy eyes and Solar’s inability to compose himself, she caught her prey. Their eyes locked and Solar couldn’t look away. He felt the full power that came with her look, feeling every part of her vision and acknowledgment upon him. He was the centre of attention for the entire world, such was the intensity of the spotlight on him, and here he was, helpless bait, totally at the mercy and whims of Luna. He had no power to fight it, and his strings could now be manipulated brilliantly by her.

She then proceeded to flutter her eyelids seductively, knowing full well what the effect would have on Solar. To the surprise of absolutely no one, Solar nearly mentally collapsed on the action, and as was the prediction, blood rushed to his face as lava did when erupting. It could have been lava for all Solar cared. It was boiling hot, and he wasn’t sure his coat could even hide his almost bleeding like blushes.

He then instinctively coughed in a move that he couldn’t control even if he wanted to. Luna had him right where she wanted, and with a consistent smile, she looked upon Solar with glee, amusement and pride in her seductive abilities.

She was loving this toying with her prey, but in some brief moment of comprehension and mental life, he saw another feeling in her smile.

She was loving this, and not just in a fun way.

This, finally, after an unknown amount of moments of Solar in pain, came to an end as Luna seemed to decide enough was enough, and it was time for the torture to end. Still, regardless of his suffering, Solar did manage to realise this playfulness, this very un-Princess like performance, was just another reason he found himself drawn to her.

There simply was no Pony out there like her. She was as unique as each star in the night’s sky way, and just as beautiful.

“My…I’m sorry Solar. I know you had no anticipated such a move. That was very…unbecoming of me.”

Luna did not seem entirely regretful of her actions, neither did she seem embarrassed. She did, however, seem a little shamed. Maybe it was the lack of professionality at this meeting of most professional ranks, or maybe it was feeling of confusion on her own end. Either way, shaking his head of his shock, Solar jumped back into action, as best as he could, given what had just happened.

“I...um…didn’t mind, Princess. I’m just….well you know, not exactly practiced in all this kind of stuff…” that was extremely awkward for him to admit. Here he was, a pony, not even a teen anymore, admitting to one of the most powerful Ponies in the land, his Princess and the leader he loved, that he didn’t know how to talk to girls.

Send me to the moon. Now.

Luna said nothing. She stiffened up a little, removing her smile. Solar became worried then, fearing she realised now she was wrong to try anything.

Please…oh please, for the love of all there is, don’t hate me. Please, don’t feel in any other way than what I feel…

Solar could wait no longer. This was his moment. Shock, confusion and paralysis be damned. He couldn’t lose Luna now.

“Princess I…” he took a moment. Feeling Luna’s gaze upon him, he took a deep breath, and charged. “…I…like what you just did…”

Luna took a moment to respond, her own mind considering her words very carefully.

“Yes?” She questioned, really just leaving the ball in Solar’s caught. Regardless, he would catch it, and send it back passionately.

“Yes. Yes I do.” He admitted strongly. “Because…well…I feel …strongly about you. In a deep, personal way. I think…I think I….” Solar then paused. Without intention. This only served for the tension of the room to reach supernova levels. Luna watched him intently, awaiting his response, the weight of her moon crashing down upon Solar. “I think I like you…”

Good job. You’ve ruined it.

He didn’t mean to say that word beginning with that first letter. He wanted to admit his love so badly, but in his surprise, he didn’t. Even Luna shared in his shock here.

“You like me?” she asked, a deepened voice accompanying it.

Fuck it!

“I really like you Luna! Deep down in my heart, I feel so deeply for you. More than any Pony I have ever felt for before! I yearn for you constantly. I pain when you are in pain. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I think….I think I love you….”

And there it was. The first Pony he had ever admitted his love for, and probably, given the harsh and brutal reality that now flushed into him, the last.

“You…love me?” Luna asked seriously, almost as if she hadn’t heard it correctly.

Solar nodded in response. Unable to speak any longer.

This was mistake, given that a void then swallowed the room, producing a silence worse than the last even. If he felt at Luna’s mercy with her games, then now his life was owned by her. He couldn’t ignore the fact that he was waiting not only for her response, but her decision and with more hope than he could muster, her approval.

Then, with no magical obliteration or storming out the room in disgust, Luna returned, to Solar, the thing he longed for, and the thing, despite it only being gone for barely a few minutes, the thing he missed.

A smile.

A kind, happy, and appreciative smile. One that told Solar one thing.

That she was ok with this.

The only issue with this however, was that Luna was unlike over Ponies. She wouldn’t go weak at the knees or explode in joyful hugs and celebration.

In short, the games were only just beginning.

“Interesting…Very interesting….” She said, with that same smile.

Solar did not feel cheated or frustrated with her answer. Not much anyway. He could have demanded a proper answer. Some clue of if she actual felt the same way. Though Luna was Luna. She was never going to give an outright yes or no at something like this. The good news however, was that it pretty much seemed the latter answer was out the picture. To make the answer a full blown yes, then Solar would have to wait.

This didn’t stop him trying for one. Fighting his internal butterflies, and a level of nervous excitement of likes of which he had never before felt, Solar forced himself to try and meet Luna’s gaze once more, if only for this unbelievable and momentous point in his life to not yet end. Maybe she would say something for him, or maybe it would just serve to allow her a few moments more of thought of the matter. Whichever it may be, Solar could only feel giddy at knowing this moment was solely about he and Luna. It was he that was on her mind, and it was he who had yet to be rejected by her. Baby steps, but further than any Pony may have ever gotten before.

“So…um?” Regardless, Solar could barely contain himself. Luna had yet to reply, but her mind was full of thought. It was a risk to take the matter into his own hooves, but this wasn’t something he could easily dictate. For the first time in his life, ironically in relation to something extremely personal, his own feelings, he had no control. There was no background manipulation here, no fighting it head on until he got what he wanted, every result he wanted lay now in the hooves of Luna. It was a strange, unnerving feeling, knowing he was so helpless here, and as such, the best he could do was to mutter some words in blind hope it would help him get his answer.

Luna however, wasn’t so simple. Solar knew speaking like some awkward teen wouldn’t exactly make it easy. Yet it was the only thing he found himself doing. In reality, what was the difference between some school kids engaged in a crush, and he, finally admitting his love to a near goddess?

Solar had never felt so flustered.

Still though, Luna said nothing, worrying Solar a fair amount. Composing himself physically somehow, panic nonetheless set in. It was very possible now that he had messed it all up with his impatient immaturity. There was no rushing or forcing a Princess. Her ways were her own, and Solar was nowhere near powerful enough to influence her.

Was he?

Fortunately, his world did not end here. He did not experience the painful sting of her rejection. She looked upon Solar once more, a faint, content smile emerging again, and narrowed eyes, intently studying Solar’s full self.

Now this did feel like judgement. It didn’t seem harsh, but it was yet again another helpless and disabling feeling. He could only stand there as Luna’s mind filled with judgments and conclusions. Standing up strongly as if to appear brave somehow, Luna finished her look, definitely not unsatisfied, in a moment of great luck for Solar.

“So, Solar, shall we do it?” She asked confidently.

“D-Do it?” repeated Solar, totally confounded by her words.

“Yes, it should be exciting I believe!” Luna instantly replied.

Solar nearly chocked on his own tongue. How could he even respond to that? More importantly, what exactly was about to happen to his poor self?

“It….should?” Solar eventually managed slowly. Was Luna actually suggesting what he thought she was?

Luna then leaned over the desk, her head approaching his. Alarm bells suddenly went off in Solar’s head.

Is this really happening? What do I do?!

Solar remained as still as a statue. His gaze froze as if he had seen a ghost, much to Luna’s probable confusion. He had kissed Ponies before, but never in a moment like this. Never a Pony who he loved. Certainly never a Princess.

Fuck! What do I do, what do I do?!

He was certainly appearing the fool here. He simply couldn’t remain still for fear of, not only seeming compromised, but missing this rare opportunity.

Fuck it!

Taking on the moment carefully, Solar slowed down, but still took his chance. His own head gingerly moved forwards, as if a train docked into a station, all while becoming closer and closer to Luna’s own exquisite face. He could truly see her beauty now, and he was about to come into contact with it.

“Tell me…” Luna whispered, no doubt intending her seductive tone. Their two faces were mere inches away, and Solar could feel her actual breath. “Are you ready?”

Solar swallowed hard. His head feeling as if it was about to explode. He was sweating, his mind was racing and in his heart, he felt it pumping so rapidly, that he was sure it might just overload and end him.

“I am…” replied Solar, his voice verging on breathlessness. Luna had him right where she wanted.

“Good” replied Luna, satisfied. “Then let’s get to business!” With that, she recoiled her head quickly. Her horn came to life with magic, and from the mess of Solar’s desk, Luna found some blank parchments, ready to write on.

“Wh-What?” What else could Solar say? It didn’t take a genius to realise that he, yet again, he duped. Played with like the gullible fool he was. Luna wasn’t so petty that she would laugh or smirk at Solar’s embarrassing misfortune, but in her now contrasted activity, that being readying notes for actual business, Solar could easily sense her satisfaction, her enjoyment of her bedevilling of her loyal servant.

It was an awkward, humiliating shame. A moment of true weakness as he so easily allowed himself to be toyed with just like that hypothetical socially inept teen he kept trying to contrast himself with. Even though this proved he wasn’t Luna’s equal just yet, behind the disgrace however, was a faint bit of light. The end of the tunnel so to speak, complete with a possible future with Luna.

She enjoyed manipulating Solar in her own way, but ultimately, it was as it seemed. Just a bit of fun. A moment of innocent joy in this increasingly dark and serious world. Luna was free to mess with Solar, as she was free to decline his advances which crucially, she not yet done.

Now it was Solar’s turn to smile. Maybe things weren’t so bad after all.

“Now, I was wondering, after being given some time to adjust, how is the role treating you?”

A very general question, almost an easy one. A question beneficial to him to help his mind relax after all that had just happened. Solar entertained the idea seriously that Luna had planned this all along, very cleverly so.

“I won’t lie, Princess, but stressful. Yet it keeps me aware, and am thankful for the challenge.” A general answer for a general question. Solar knew it wasn’t a question Luna cared much for. She knew Solar, and trusted him to adapt, which he could at least say he was managing, somewhat.

“Hmm” replied Luna, quite predictively. Her mind had already ventured elsewhere, and in a brief vacant pause, considered something of an increased severity, and of troubling consequence.

No doubt this was truly back to business, that being the state of things right now. Solar was now the head of the Shadow’s and he had to use it. It was time to act.

“If I may, Princess. I’ve been thinking, planning per se, about our future course of action.” Solar took the initiative, mentioning the change Luna desired back in the eventful meeting with the Shadows. It got her attention.

“And what future do you see for us?” Her tone was deliberate, sober almost. The situation was looking so bad it seemed, that it did little to beat her depression,

Now Solar really prepared himself. This was his moment. The moment that could possible be the start of whatever his fate may be. He would decide soon what his goal may be, but it would start the same. With a total shake up of things, and a full test of his new powers.

“Well, I was thinking about the Luna Guard…” Luna scoffed, considering such a point to be moot.

“The so called “Luna Guard”, as you call it, are a long extinct organisation. By their proper name, the ‘Night’s Guardians’ were proclaimed dissolved not long after my…my banishment…” Such a topic proved still to be sore for Luna. Unsurprisingly really, given the severity of it, and a recent return to time not too different to the one when she was indeed banished.

“Yet it was never criminalised!” Solar cried. “An oversight maybe, from Celestia?”

Still, Luna did not entertain this idea.

“Bah, what help can an old name provide us now? Celestia wouldn’t even let the idea come off the ground.”

Solar was ready for this. He had done his research, and already his position in the Shadow’s would prove useful.

“Well, this order, my order of which I belong in to serve you, we were apparently your most loyal and dedicated servants, back in the day. Even to the point of…well…”

Solar didn’t need to say it. Luna already knew it. The real question was if it ashamed her still.

“Yes. They provided my ‘enemies’ with ample terror. I am aware.” She seemed, perhaps against her wishes, to remember it well. From what Solar had found out, the Shadow’s, upon the arrival of Nightmare Moon, arose from a level of sole protection to the Princess, as they weren’t yet secret agents at that point, to one of paramilitary like status, bringing terror and enforcing the rule of Nightmare Moon, even if such rule was time limited.

“Yet my point is, despite being worse than the Luna Guard, they weren’t dissolved, weren’t even criminalised. They survived by hiding! And when you returned you allowed them into a position of purpose yet again!”

Luna didn’t exactly disagree, but she clearly had concerns on the matter.

“And in that time, during my banishment, they lived by a law of continued oppression of many of my Ponies. If you are so well researched into the matter, am sure you are aware of the crimes many Shadow’s thought necessary, even desirable?”

It was true. During Luna’s banishment, the Shadows were a small, cult like organisation, practically worshipping Nightmare Moon. Solar would go as far as to say they were terrorists, but in the name of their dark Mistress, they did terrible, awful things, all while they waited for her return.

“True” admitted Solar, but not yet making his full point. “But it means the return of the Luna Guard isn’t out of the question and it means….well…while the Shadows were quite…brutal in their methods, they proved to be extra loyal, and ready to see your rule spread!”

Now Luna did understand. He gaze shot to Solar’s with almost surprised velocity. This was a dangerous thing for Solar to ask, he realised. It could very well be considered going too far.

“So you will have me command my servants to spread fear across the land?”

Solar couldn’t allow this matter to get out of hoof. This was for her sake, after all.

“Not fear.” He said, sitting up straight and assured. “Strength of your rule! Peace across the land! The true majesty of the Night being known, for the betterment and prosperity of all your realm!” Solar now was essentially echoing the goals set out when all the Shadows were too present. Helping Luna and her duties was paramount, and at this point, Solar was sure everypony wouldn’t exactly be too picky at how they got that.

“….Expand on your point, Solar….”

Solar knew this to not to be a ‘explain yourself’ kind of expression. It was an invitation, one given to Solar so that he may elaborate, and share his plan in more detail.

“My proposition, in short, is for, if we regain the Luna Guard, to create a force of extreme loyalty. The Shadows are already that, but they are small, and restricted to a very particular skill se. Recreating the Guard from scratch would not only allow us to design it to be as loyal as possible but to not be constrained in power projection ever again. Then, should that succeed, we use both them and the Shadow’s to allow your rule to restore what makes Equestria the envy of the world! We will make this once proud nation great again!”

It was simple idea really. To create a faction of Ponies loyal to Luna, so that her position may evict its weakness, and that she may face her problems head on. Solar could tell it already seemed enticing to the Princess.

“And why is this extreme step necessary?” Luna argued. “Why not improve what we already have? The Night Guard is loyal”.

Solar could see the cogs turning in her mind. Increasingly she was entertaining his plan, yet perhaps to say she at least scrutinised the plan, over suggestions, however weak, were thrown out.

“They are loyal until they are not.” Shot back Solar, hard on the offensive. “They pledge their support to you, as does the militaries of other nations to whoever they find themselves serving. If they aren’t following the money, what else holds them to their oath?”

Luna knew this to be a good point. Both the Day and Night Guard weren’t some special organisation tied to the Princess’s. Yes, they pledged their oaths upon joining to their respective figure head, but that was the extent of their connections. These were just Ponies hired to protect the people, and knowing from his own experiences, Solar knew they weren’t exactly beacons of virtue. That was the essence of an armed force. Strong, but more independent than most would like.

Still, Luna couldn’t so easily jump in. Solar understood. She was a leader, and a leader never blindly charged head in. Her opinion was the same as Solar’s and despite token opposition, she knew it was time for extremeness.

“I still see it as inefficient to disregard a force that has previously served me faithfully thus far.”

Solar felt a need to sigh. Not at Luna’s words, but at his own knowledge. Knowledge that, unfortunately, Ponies and other races all, they all had the capacity for corruption and with it, treachery.

“Ever heard of a coup, Princess?” Solar’s sarcastic tone was deliberate. He meant nothing concrete by it, but the mere suggestion of such a horror, combined with his claims of disloyal Guard’s sparked quite the disbelief in Luna.

“How dare you sugg-“Solar, however, did not allow this. His day so far had been a wild one. An emotional charged, intense experience. Although it was never an example of a perfect day, it nonetheless had been advantageous to levels he could never have imagined. For this, it meant a good day, and nothing was going to ruin that for him.

“It’s exactly what could, and might happen, Princess!” Solar was unrelenting. His passion was shining through. Maybe it was Luna herself, and his now unveiled love for her, or maybe it was just his general increased fear of losing everything he had. Whatever it was, it told Luna clearly now, the stakes were high, and what might have been the norm in the past was now just a footnote in history. “I know exactly what can happen….what…might happen to you, should just a few agitators or disillusioned fools get ideas. Look what happened to my predecessor, Steel Onyx. He messed up and nearly got you killed, and he was meant to be an extremely loyal Pony!”

This fact hit hard for Luna. If the Shadows were capable up such failure, then what about any other Pony out there? Disillusioned Ponies who had no obligation to her were a best case scenario. Ponies who despised her and unjustly thrust their problems upon her were rea; and very dangerous. Luna knew this, and Solar now thought it was a probable miracle she had got this far.

“You speak harshly, but truly, Solar. I will explore the possibilities of this idea…” she said, a defeated tone to her voice as she realised what a shame it was that it had to come to this.

“Thank you, Princess. As the leader of your Shadow’s, I shall do everything in my power to ensure your safety, and strengthen our Night” This was Solar’s professional side speaking, the words he was required to say. Any other Pony could have easily taken his place in that moment. The difference between that Shadow and him, was a personal one, and one he now shared with Luna. “I….care about you, Princess, and I want to protect you….I hope I can…I don’t know….I hope I can just-“ the words struggled to come out. Solar’s mind was already considering the worst. The mere thought of Luna coming to harm hurt him, and in his should he desperately wanted her to succeed. Luna saw this, and once more, she saw a Pony truly dedicated to her.

“Solar…” she said, emerging from her seat to join him on his side of the desk. With a softly placed hoof on his chin, she raised Solar’s deflated appearance, allowing the two Ponies to share what they had previously shared.


“…I know you care” she said, caringly yet carefully. “For that, I am truly grateful” It was a simple statement, a thanks that most Ponies may just see as polite or fabricated gratitude. To Solar though, feeling the warmth of her flesh, even though her ornate slipper, knew this to be more. In fact, there was most likely no other Pony she would say it to. Like earlier, she may seem somewhat apathetic to Solar’s living position, but Luna would never allow these feelings of his to be free, not while she would have most likely shot them down if she wished them gone.

“I…I’ll get right on it I think, with your permission. “He said, forcing himself to not forget the matter at hoof as Luna’s lowered her hoof. “This may be the biggest thing I’ve planned for, after all.”

Luna nodded understandingly. Again, she allowed the idea to flourish further in her silence. Perhaps she was not yet fully convinced, yet mattered little to Solar. She was allowing many things from him today, and from now on, those emotions, those ideas, he would go above and beyond to see them ensure Luna’s happiness.

“I will talk with Captain Thunder Mist.” Luna stated thoughtfully. “He may be of the Night Guard but he has proven himself to be a capable, reliable and loyal servant. Perhaps he can help you with the logistics of setting up this new….Order? We will have to work on a name for it, wont we?”

If only that was the most severe of our problems…

“If you have any ideas for potential candidates in this possible revival of my old Guardians, do not hesitate to inform me Solar. Ponypower, assistance…anything really. It might prove a challenge to raise up a force in so short a time.”

The logistics did not put off Solar, but they remained a test. He would need to find loyal Ponies to make up the core of this idea, but also to find individuals that could elevate this force from a mere army, to a power that could solidify Luna’s rule.

Fortunately, the latter had already been started on.

“Should it be ok with you, and I know it’s a risk, but I was considering the idea of, to a degree at least, involving our new …friends. The friends we made without Celestia…”

Luna knew instantly who Solar was referring to.

“This Blank State, is he to be trusted within this scheme?” she said in deep thought.

“No. not at all” replied Solar plainly. “But I know him, and I know how he works. I’ll use him only when I know it’s safe. You have my word.”

Luna listened intently, surely considering every possible option in this development. Solar’s fortune, however, did not end as she spoke once more.

“You have my blessing then. I have heard Victus Vane is quite eager to work with you after all. He likes you, I believe” Luna stated with a smile. Solar, in contrast, could only scoff.

“Ha! I don’t think so, Princess” he spat, hardly even entertaining the idea. “The Human may not be so bad now, but his entire family seem a bit…off.” It was true. Solar hadn’t conversed with Victus much recently but it still seemed the fact that back home for him, his family was up to something, and his Father’s looming shadow cast a dark cloud over Victus, who in turn had allowed himself to neglect his contact with Celestia, and throw his lot in with Luna.

“Then I suppose he’s a perfect friend for you!” retorted Luna with a wink, a statement that emitted a loud gasp from Solar’s lips. He had witnessed her games and teasing with him today, but he had never expected such an insult.

“My oh my Princess, how dare you!” he replied, faux outrage dripping from his words. “Perhaps I should ask Celestia out for a date instead.”

“Oh, so it’s a date you seek for, is it?”

Solar had not expected such a response, for he had not intended such a point.

Had he?

“I-I-I…W-well….” Solar truly despised such a compromise in his being. He truly appeared the fool as he stuttered, and he knew it would stain his memory for years to come, ready to sting his very should as he remembered this day. Luna, however, did not think this way, not with the way she so admirably watched his suffering.

“I will not forget you asked for such a thing, dear Solar” Luna then said, instantly making Solar’s embarrassed position even more pronounced.

“I-I didn’t ask, Princess” Of course Solar didn’t mean to outright deny such a request, but the sheer audacity of asking for such a thing, like he would a girl down the bar, was even more stupid than it was for his admission of love.

Luna, ever the exception however, did not react as Solar had expected. It was as if she saw straight through the young, ambitious Earth Pony that stood before her, and never strayed away from her own true desires.

“It may be wise to rectify the organisation of the room, Solar. You may never know what invitation could hide itself among the mess…”

Her words and tone were telling. Solar really and truly had a chance with an actual Princess, and that moment for when he would wake up from this dream seemed ever closer.

That moment never came however, and perhaps luckily, any more developments that could overwhelm Solar did not come. As Luna returned to her side of the desk and headed towards the door, it was clear today’s eventful meeting was drawing to a close. Intent on ending it well, Solar escorted her to the exit, desperate to maintain his, apparently, irrespirable self.

Stopping before the door however, Luna allowed Solar a few parting words.

“I wish you luck in your future endeavours, my dear Shadow.” This was a respectful, empowering goodbye to Solar, who not only felt the mantle of his new responsibilities, but his power, which would surely make it mark. “Build me this relief, Solar, and perhaps we shall usher in a new golden age.”

A final encouragement and approval for Solar, who could now venture on his path clearly and confidently. That was an exhilarating feeling that truly made him feel alive, but what that life would gift him, apart from Luna, seemed still cloudy. Should this new mission succeed, what would he be? Ultimately, there was something still within him, something that felt like another new beginning, just like it had when he had found himself in Ponyville, a time that now seemed an eon ago.

The future seemed as open to him as his mind was. His options and very morality as flexible as it needed to be. As he wondered how his constant victory may gift him, he could never has expected what the present would gift him.

A sharp, yet warmly comforting feeling on his cheek, and a sensation originating from Luna herself.

“Farewell Solar. “ Luna said, falling back from the kiss she just gave to Solar, pecking his right cheek. “And if you may, in private at least, it’s just Luna to you…” With that, Luna left, leaving Solar as stricken and dumb founded as he had ever been.

Luna just…

He had no idea how to feel. His power, his feelings for Luna and now, his luck. He had risen from a lonely troubled orphan, risen and moulded by crime and danger, into a power seeking and scheming Pony, to a practical suiter to the Princess of the Night, her trust fully instilled within him.

Times truly were changing, and it was he who was changing them.

Author's Note:

So as we finally enter the romance side of it all, i think it best to explain what kind of romance it, and the story , will be.

Im not some clop fic expert or even reader really. I am determined to make the romance seem real and meaningful. Not just for the sake of it, you know. Yet i haven't had too much experience writing such stuff, so feedback, tips etc are always appreciated.

This stage of the plot also, ironically i suppose, coincides with a change of direction. Things may seem on top for Solar right now, but when you reached the top of the hill, the only way is down. Not a spoiler, more of a general theme from now on.

Anyway, to all those reading still ( yes you, the one reading these very word) thank you so much! It always just nice to see people are willing to read the things you've worked on.

Until next time!

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