• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 32: Two hearts as one

Today was a good day.

Extraordinary really, considering recent events, but there Solar was, a smile on his face, a strength in his stride, and a Princess by his side. A sight to be seen, and seen it was. Such a thing couldn’t really be hidden in public after all.

Yet as fast as it was becoming the norm, Solar would not allow legions of adoring Ponies to ruin his or Luna’s day. Yes, they came in their droves upon seeing their Princess and the famous Night Warden who had so bravely saved the Royal family. Solar had fortunately moved on beyond feeling in a constant state of annoyance whenever the public were around, but alas, maybe it was something that stemmed from his job, or perhaps it was pure protectiveness for Luna, but he could not find peace whenever the moment was as crowded and unpredictable as this. This made him a qualified shield for Luna of course, as vigilance never abandoned him for even a second. He was bound to win gratitude, but right now, just a week after the disastrous confrontation between Celestia and Luna, gratitude was something he was in no need of winning.

The past week would not go down as one of any great triumph or progress of fortunes. Ever since Celestia had stormed out of that chamber, something of a cold war had arose between the forces of the Night, and the forces of the Day. Perhaps wisely so, in order to plan and for the sake of safety, Luna had specifically instructed her followers to not land the first blow. They were to hold back, watch the situation as it was unfolding, and react accordingly if necessary. So far, this had at least resulted in any lack of deaths, which was surely a positive thing. Celestia in turn, clearly paranoid that her rule was falling apart, was investing heavily in the Guard, and grasping it with an iron hoof.

None had been surprised when she approached Captain Thunder Mist, ever the loyal and dutiful captain of the Night Guard, and with neither grace nor gratitude of her own, demanded he enter immediate retirement. This was something foreseen by Luna, who knew, for the legions of status quo supporters, looked upon the formation of the NG with suspicious and fearful eyes. For the average Guard, they knew, and perhaps even cared, extremely little in regards to the underlying politics of the day. Their job was to protect Equestria as they knew it, and in their ignorance, the Equestria they knew was one of betrayal, danger and decline. They weren’t aware of the failures of Celestia, and certainly weren’t aware of what horrors she was willing to unleash for her own personal power. Predictably in retaliation, there had been many in the Night who advocated some form of a public information campaign, or at least an attempt to fill them in. Alas, the Shadow’s, the most capable forces within the Night, were better best suited for undermining the rule of others, not the construction of strong public relations. Should Luna try and win other the populace and more importantly, the Guards with, what she knew was the truth, it would most likely appear as nothing but slander and suspicion from the mind of a Pony once seen as reclusive and paranoid. As of now, there simply wasn’t enough strength in the trust between Luna and the rest. Furthermore, public relations were Celestia’s admitted strength. She was used to getting out there, mingling with Ponies and winning them over. Ever the populist, she was sure to win the favour of the smaller pieces of this great game, way before Luna ever could.

So when the Captain had to so tragically and reluctantly give up his stewardship of the rank he had bore for so many decades, additional tears were not shed as Celestia too collected not only the rank, but the majority of the Guard. The Night Guard was born to protect the land when the moon rose, and historically had been connected to Luna herself, but they did not carry the loyalty that the NG now embodied. As such, when it appeared to them that Luna was regressing, when Celestia insinuated history repeating itself and Luna was once again falling back into the dark pit she once inhabited, few Guards could be blamed when they instead followed the leadership of their loving beacon of literal light.

This was the type of war Solar now found himself in. With great skill and fortitude, Neon Edgy and Thunder Mist did at least manage to scrape away some Luna loyalists to the cause. Night guardsponies who did not believe the lies of Celestia, and Ponies who took their oaths more seriously than others. With these last few bastions of trust in Luna, the two opposing positions were well defined, as the two extremes of the cycle of the day were pitted against each other. Stragglers in the ranks of power were now hard to find, as most Ponies could ill afford to remain impartial. Fortunately, however, as it was well known to Luna and her allies, a plurality of Celestia’s support was not won through courage or the aptitude of her leadership, nor was it gained honestly. Lies, disinformation and the playing of fears had ensured Celestia had built a fortress of strength, but foundations of power built on such unpredictable and unstable ground was far from being permanent. This was the real reason behind todays entry into Canterlot proper. To show the Ponies the caring and loving face of the Night, to show Luna to be one of them, and neither the reclusive hermit nor the shadow of Nightmare Moon that Celestia had portrayed of her.

A public show of affection was one thing however, but it would not break the deadlock that existed between the two sides. A venture into the city wasn’t going to win the war, and that was where the second purpose of today’s visit came into play.

About mid-week, almost in an attempt to buy them time to prepare, Luna had made a proposal to Celestia. Effectively the final truce before bloody war, this idea was constructed in a way that to Celestia, would appear not only harmless, but ironically, dangerous should it be declined. Remarkably, even when Celestia refused a whole race of Ponies legal rights, a criminal injustice if there ever was one, she had appeared to favour the Human’s more than the Thestrals, members of her own species. Solar had given up trying to find the logic or even sanity of this decision, for when a letter came back saying that Humanity was free to venture from their embassy tower, nopony could explain what was going through Celestia’s mind.

Of course, in logical terms, this sudden development was not some invitation for the Human’s to start swarming Equestrian cities. Solar could accept the fact they could now actually venture into the surroundings they were sent to develop relations with. The trouble was, upon further thought, Celestia may very well be using this idea of Luna’s to benefit her own cause. Humanity was a strange, unfamiliar species, and it would make obvious sense to get them on side. Celestia however, may have had a head start in regards to this, for it was she who had accepted them here in the first place, and secrets of hers regarding them were still very much hidden to the Night.

On the other hoof, Celestia may be receiving way too much credit than she actually deserved. Sure, she could be playing the long game here, in a bid for the potential strength of Humanity, but as was quite obvious now, devising schemes and generally being of sound mind wasn’t exactly her strong point as of late.

Whatever the reality was, Solar decided to take no chances. Whether or not Celestia was fighting for the Human’s mattered little when it was the forces of the Night who desperately needed external support. On their end, winning the Human’s was still an important objective.

Alas, being one’s own publicity campaign was a challenge, especially for Luna. Quite simply, all the attention that she was receiving from the public right now wasn’t as rosy as it seemed. Indeed, because of Luna’s relative isolation compared to her Sister, she had developed quite the curiosity behind her, as one would give to some far off traveller, or the Humans themselves. Without a doubt, there were many Ponies today who loved her for who she was, and appreciated her character and everything she stood for. These were, described by Solar at least, as loyalists. Ponies whom could be relied on in the next stage of this grand confrontation. They however, were the minority.

Next in the line of interest were the mere fans. Ponies who admired Luna, but knew very little of her. Perhaps at home they enjoyed talking about her, and maybe they revelled at any news of her. In fact, Solar was very much aware of the heavily civilian attitude to the Princesses that currently existed. Treating them as celebrities, the disconnection between them and the Sisters themselves was so large, that it wasn’t unheard of for many Ponies to have regular household items, based around the Princesses. This merchandise culture created a very strange atmosphere, as these Ponies now saw Luna as less of a real figure, and more of a construction of their mind come into reality. Their current fascination with Luna was bordering on irritating.

Still, they could still be included in her supporters in some form, however unmatched that relationship may seem. The rest of the crowd though, could not be said to be as adoring. They were curious at the sight for sure, but the scale of their affection could not be said to be vast. Mistrust was obviously rife here, and in the most extreme of cases, fear could be clearly seen in the innocent eyes of many. This was, without a doubt, a great cause of concern. This may be the perverse work of Celestia in action, who had already caught these Ponies with her traps of lies and misinformation. Deliberately slandering Luna in an attempt to win them over, it was clear that this could not be the tactic employed by the Night, less they fall to the calamitous depths that Celestia inhabited. Luna needed to be better, and as pessimistic as the current situation seemed, it was the right path to tread.

“Dear Solar, I must ask, are we wise to be generously placing ourselves at the mercy of the mob?” Luna clearly was thinking in the incorrect mind-set, but there was little she could do to fight against it. A paranoid leader shut themselves in and acted dangerously, and Celestia was playing that part rather excellently right now. “I’m already aware of at least seven opportune openings for an enemy”

Solar couldn’t hold his smile back. At heart, Luna was a logical, observant Pony. Most likely from her adventures and interventions in the dream realm, she had developed quite the warry personality in a situation she thought dangerous. Useful in more perilous moments, but Solar wasn’t about to let some Dayling supporters to ruin her day, if there were any even. Still, the word cute came to mind as he listened to her musings.

“Not to worry Princess. I’ve got the situation fully under control”. A moment of ironic coincidence, just as he was forced to move some overly enthusiastic fans aside. Not a thing to worry about, but now it was Luna’s turn to smile as Solar was forced to eat his words. “The sun was in my eyes! Didn’t see them.” He defended, albeit half-heartedly. For Luna’s following reaction was not one of disapproval in his care, nor was it further concern for the crowd. Solar had transcended beyond those cold feelings. In their place, remained a smile, and one that had only gained in warmth and desire each passing day.

What kind of desire however, remained an ever present question. Like a following personal rain cloud, such a question regularly put a damper on Solar’s mood, as he constantly wrestled with looming wonders of what exactly Luna currently felt. Love? Comfort? Just happiness even? Not knowing pained him, a fact only vaguely alleviated by the promise of what the future now held. If he played his cards right, Celestia would no longer be an issue, the nation would finally show its strength, and Luna would be indebted to him.

“Mhm, maybe I should have you thrown into the dungeon for your insolence.” Clearly jested Luna, who still could not find the full effort needed to deviate her mind from the crowd.

Solar did not take the comment personally. Whatever he shared with her, it was magnitudes better than what any other Pony had the fortune of sharing. Through fire he would walk into, if it meant Luna was on the other side.

“It would be in your royal prerogative, your most gracious majesty.” Solar instantly replied with a mock bow of the head. “I do wonder though if Celestia will be in the forgiving mood. Do you think the sun will appreciate of the might of Solar?” Luna didn’t even hide her laugh as some more attentive members of the crowd tried desperately to eavesdrop on the conversation.

“Be my guest, dear Warden, but do not hold me responsible when Celestia has you tied down and has her sun shine down onto to you, with neither rest nor water.”

Solar swallowed hard. That surely was not a fun way to go out, and given Celestia’s current mental state, that may be the fate awaiting them both, should they fail.

“She…. does that?” Solar asked gingerly, trying to imagine how else he’d rather Celestia murder him.

Luna, predictably given Solar’s obvious discomfort, let out the sweetest laugh the nervous Earth Pony had ever heard. A weird moment for sure, given that she was indeed giggling at Solar picturing his own death, but moving past those thoughts, so did Solar join in, revealing in the quaint moment they both found themselves in. A second of joy, in a current lifetime of woe.

“Hah! Pranked! As the youth say!” Solar could only look at the eternal figure he was literally escorting with total admiration. In years past, he had given little if any thought of his future, specifically, in his future with other Ponies. Such a thing hardly concerned him. There was no way he would chose some fluffy and peaceful lifestyle after the one he had so jealousy fought for. Yet here he was, in love with a beautiful mare. She may be a Princess, but to him, she was that brilliant twist that had allowed her a place in his life, all while not veering him off his current path.

And right now she was overjoyed in tricking him with thoughts of painful ways to die.

What a girl!

“So she isn’t going to turn me into some Pony like raisin then?” Solar said, playing along. Again, Luna giggled rather adorably, for a moment causing Solar great regret he couldn’t share in this occasion in the seclusion of a private room, instead of having to put Luna on show almost, in front of the crowd. Selfishly, but with little regret, he wanted her all to himself.

“I confess, probably not! But who can say for sure nowadays. I do however, remember similar rumours of Celestia’s rage when we were young…” No doubt as soon as Luna’s mentioned days gone by, and good days at that, her mood took a sudden nose dive. Solar couldn’t be sure if it was due to memories of Celestia of a good and loving sibling, or it was lamenting of calmer, simpler days. Either way, it changed Luna, and being deprived of that adorable laughter, Solar could not linger.

“So just before we met, right?” Interjected Solar, truly hoping his words word regain that smile he so desired. ” You don’t look a day over perfect to me!” He truly cared for Luna at this stage, even to the point of spurting out ridiculous comments he thought he would never have to say. Still, if it meant Luna knew she wasn’t alone in this dark time, he would gladly act as cringey as possible.

“Oh my!” Exclaimed Luna, appearing to not expect the comment. “How charming you are, good sir! Would you be so kind as to escort a lady from this place?”

Solar smiled a half smile. He was of course glad Luna took the comment in good faith, even to the point of playing along. But alas, there was a sense of disappointment, deep down within him, that told him to have wished for Luna to instead have taken the comments far more personally, and appreciated them for the truly complimentary, truthful words that they were. Solar really did think her beautiful, and no matter how much he bogged his imagination down with her age, it would not change the fact that he had indeed found the best Pony for himself.

“Why of course! Do tell me if you need any noses breaking on the way!” replied Solar, putting no effort into elevating his voice to fit in more with the snobbery of many Ponies in Canterlot.

“Oh you sweet talker.” In response, Solar very nearly offered his hood in escort. It would be a powerful statement to these Ponies, that he had her trust in a way. Sadly, it was in no ponies benefit for the tabloids to be spamming out rumours that could potentially hurt the cause. Somehow, his past would leak out, and then it was scandals up to his muzzle.

Regardless, after some less than friendly stares given to some particularly energetic members of the crowd, Solar successfully withdrew Luna from this uncomfortable situation, and carried on their journey through the cobbled streets of Canterlot. No Pony was so brazen or stupid to actually follow them too, creating quite the moment of reprieve. As Shadow Commander however, Solar couldn’t leave things to chance as he might have once done. No lazy days existed for him anymore, even to the point of tediously planning the route out prior to leaving the castle. Thinking for a moment, this job wasn’t really a job anymore. Being a Shadow was a lifestyle dedicated to Luna, and having the unbelievable fortune of leading them, Solar was only now beginning to realise just as defined his life was to be.

So intense and unfamiliar was this recognition, that in the current, very near empty streets he and Luna now found themselves in, Solar now paid little attention into just how close Luna was to him. This was a literal, intentional placement by the Princess, who was now practically leaning into him, despite she being the taller figure. Only when did she finally brush the side of his torso with her wing did he retreat from realisation that his day to day life was set into stone, and feel his blood suddenly freeze instead.

It was a soft, yet undeniably deliberate feeling. Like pure silk brushing against bare skin. Solar couldn’t find even a vague enough reaction to display, for like the moment he had received her kiss, there could simply be no previous experience to call upon in order to maintain some sort of composed stature. This was a pioneering moment, and not one he could call comfortable.

His eyes drifted to Luna as they carried on walking in silence. Predictably, she was not looking back. This was meant to be a passing moment, just as any feelings of the time were. Solar had not questioned any of her facial expressions or actions of that kind, so why should he now? It would only make the moment even more awkward. Yet awkward as it was, and as much as his blood now felt thawing to the point of boiling out of his veins, not a second passed in which he wished it hadn’t ended.

“Um…” While Solar might have held his tongue as Luna brought her touch to him, there could be no equal luck when she withdrew. It was safe to say which of the two variations he preferred.

Though this was a deeply personal and as of that moment, exclusive to him. Luna, despite all her power, could not know every part of Solar’s soul. Courage was hers in her decision to move closer, and it would have never have been called upon, if she in turn had not felt nervous.

Rejection of intimacy may have seemed likely, as Solar could only reply with great awkwardness and no sense of appreciation. No doubt the Princess saw him as lacking a decent amount of affection, understandable given the type of Pony Solar was. Yet still, feeling brave, Luna took her chance, knowing full well how Solar felt about her, and allowed him his reward. But here he was, taking it as he would should a stranger cuddle him.

I’m messing up already!

“No, Princess!” he exclaimed, foolishly loud, given the fact that the crowd wasn’t too far behind. Yet this only seemed to make matters worse, and little wonder, as the words that escaped his mouth were nothing short of a mess. ” No I mean, no, you didn’t have to stop!”

Perhaps now the damage was already done, and Luna’s heart was already punctured. She betrayed no emotion, as was the norm, but around Solar, it was not. Then, for a moment, Solar, in some brash way of apology, wished only to return the gesture, and wrap his hooves around the Princesses neck. For both their sakes, such a brazen action was never attempted, but not for one moment did this stop Solar’s great regret.

“I suppose it’s just a little difficult to say that I…um…. liked that?” Solar groaned and shut his eyes in fearful embarrassment. Romance was seriously not his thing, though a stranger as he was to it, he had never wanted it more.

Luna was not so simply bought however. It would take more than that to rectify matters with her.

Chasing the most stupidly impulsive move he could, Solar returned the gesture in kind, allowing himself to fully lean into the surprising warmth that was Luna’s body. There was no wing movement he could employ to return affection, and for the first real time, he cursed his Earth Pony heritage. Still, this was an honest move, and one that did not rely on anything else but his full heart. The result was instantaneous. Luna stopping in her tracks and she paused to contemplate what was currently transcribing. But she did not turn to stare at the audacity of her Commander, neither did she freeze up as he did. She simply gazed forward, portraying to some surely that her feelings were nothing but blank. But Solar knew better, and he knew it took more than most to surprise the Princess.

Whatever it was that the Princess and Shadow Commander were experiencing, Luna now understood why it wasn’t so easy to move beyond this point. An Alicorn born centuries prior to Solar, now brought down to the same emotional level as he inhabited. Yet all things come to an end, and releasing they were stood still in the centre of a narrow street as if they were so drunk they needed to hold each other up, the dup once again allowed a gap to recreate itself between them.

Solar had then expected, however awkward it might be, at least some explanation or reaction from Luna. She instead seemed to regress, looking around as if she was prey to a hungry predator. Considering that threat to be the public, Solar called up his protectiveness, and sprang into action as if the physical contact had never even occurred.

“Everything ok, Princess? If you’d like, I could call for some of the Luna Guard?” Solar advised, knowing the ever growing, more militaristic arm of the NG would be all too happy to disperse some annoying mobs.

Yet Luna did not feel reassured, or even satisfied with Solar’s answer. This was clearly not just about safety in public.

“No. That will not be necessary.” She replied plainly.

“The Honour Guard then? Familiar faces at least.” Solar then suggested, considering the more personal Night Guards who had always stood by her side, no matter what happened to their own order.

Still though, nothing. Not a thing Solar could offer to reassure his Princess.

“It is not that, Solar Virtue.” Luna then went on to saying, dropping her gaze somewhat.

“What then, Princess?”

Luna took a heavy breath of air in. This was one of those moments Solar had hard won through dedication and loyalty to her. This was a moment exclusive to him, and he couldn’t let her down.

“See what we are doing here today, Solar. Do not think for a moment the circumstances we find ourselves are normal. I admit, these sort of interactions outside the Castle do not come naturally to me, but consider why they are even needed.”

Solar nodded slowly. Luna was coming to terms of the broken peace Celestia had insisted in. This was reality catching up with her, and as everything collapsed around her, so did her emotional stability.

“Not something I would have ever wanted to put you through, Princess. It’s not right…having you need to fight against your own Sister!” Unexpected passion from Solar, whose words had immediate effect on Luna.

Turning her head to look at Solar with unprecedented openness, both knew no lie had been said, and the tragedy of recent days was real. “Truly, yet for good reason, and I am eternally grateful for your guidance in bringing the terrible matter to light…”

My guidance? That’s a new one.

“…But Solar, I confess this to only you, I am left with a simple yet considerably burdensome question.” Solar listened carefully, ensuring he appear as trustworthy and open as possible. If this was his fortune speaking, then he needed to appear to have earned it.

“A question? What kind?” he asked, considerable sincerity in his words.

“One of the heart” said Luna with surety. “Tell me honestly, have I done the right thing? Was I justified in making an enemy out of my own Sister?” Solar could only pause at such a question, for any hastily said response would never be doing Luna right.

It was clear this was not just some demand of advice, even from one so close to her. More than she even said, this really was something exclusive to Solar, for no Pony currently existed who could instil such trust and comfort into a bond between them and the Princess. Luna stood there asking Solar for help, practically pleading for him to stay by her through this mess. In short, there had never been anything like this.

But while this indeed wasn’t something he could slip up on, it remained a question with an easy answer. Many would panic at the pressure of having to guide Luna’s very feelings, but not Solar. He knew the truth of what she seeked, and what he desired.

“Yes!” he spoke carefully. “Of. Course!” No Pony could say Solar was being dishonest with himself, for his words were positively idealistic in their belief. This, obviously, was what Luna was wanting to hear. “You had no choice, remember! Celestia should never have- “As he went on however, this seemed to deviate away from what Luna needed to here. Cutting him off, she only entered a state of even more emotional vulnerability.

“I know that, Solar, but, I suppose, I just fear… the exposure of this path. The solitude.”

Solar blinked. Luna was looking right at him, no feeling other than wanting so desperately to hear what Solar had to say. Yet he was now beginning to understand. Luna did indeed question the legitimacy of this journey and its decisions, but not from fear of feeling wrong. No, she worried she would have to do this all alone, and taking such a heavy mantle with no external support had not historically ended up well for her.

For a moment, Solar too feared of what he could do. He was just some meddlesome and overly ambitious Earth Pony who was trying so desperately to wins the Princess of the Moon and Night’s heart. How could he comprehend the finer details of a Goddesses deep feelings?

Yet maybe that was exactly why he was being asked, and right now, why he was so qualified to answer. Yes, his life was not as eternal or omnipresent as Luna’s, but his ambition had led him to places few would have gotten, and the very fact he was being allowed to love her, in plain view of her in addition to the great responsibilities he now carried, was a sign that she knew this ambitious Pony could help, more than any Pony more in tune with society.

“Princess…” Solar began, moving to face Luna confidently.

“Solar…I have told you…it’s just Luna to you…” Solar could only smile warmly. Habit had ensured he remained respectful, but he had to admit, it was nice to have this pleasure reiterated.

“Luna…As both your Night Warden and Commander, I will not suggest ever that this change will be easy. There will be trials. There will be pain. We may even fail, for changing this rotted status quo, one that has been allowed to fester for too long, will be the greatest transformation Equestria has seen in a long time.” Aware his words seemed defeatist and pessimistic, Solar was determined to usher in another change. To ensure Luna smiled once more. “And through all those difficult times, through all the fights we will battle, I will be there, for you, every step of the way….”

The following silence was intentional. Luna needed a moment to gather her thoughts. Perhaps the quiet lasted for longer than he had anticipated, but without a doubt, Luna understood. She had the answer she had been seeking.

“Luna…I’ll always be there for you…. You will never be alone. Never again…”

Please. Let that work. For her.

There could be no hesitation now, as Solar realised his love for her wasn’t just some attempt at courting her, nor was it a prize to help him feel better on the side. It was a commitment. A bond of loyalty and trust of the likes of which erosion could never defile. It was an unspoken connection that joined two souls, and never abandoned the other to the cruel darkness.

Luna’s eyes then seemed to gleam with enchanted joy. Solar hardly even recognised that the two Ponies of the Night were now smiling, and looking upon each other with unquestionable devotion. This was not just friendship. It was an emotional and passionate respect for each other that no other Pony could hope to obtain. It was care and yearning for one another, especially knowing what difficulties the future would throw at them. Importantly, it was a certainty they had each other, and Celestia, least of all, wasn’t going to change that.

“I thank you, Solar…. I…. Thank you so much…” Suddenly, with a quick glimpse at her surroundings, ensuring they weren’t being spied on, Luna swept a large majestic wing around Solar, before promptly drawing him as close as can be.

An ardent and very much loving kiss then was shared.

A kiss.

From princess Luna.

Not one as suggestive or even brash as the kiss he had received on his cheek, back in Luna’s study. This was a personal and romantic kiss, right on Solar’s very lips. There were seriously no words in any language to describe just happened to him, but not for a moment did he feel it even necessary, not as he practically sank into the embrace that the Pony who is admired most now offered him.

It was a warm feeling. A feeling of safety and pleasure. Most of all, it was a sense of genuine happiness, a kind of joy he had never ever felt before in his life. Seconds seemed to transcend into minutes, which blurred into a life time. Solar didn’t even know if Luna too had her eyes shut, but he could hardly even wonder as his heart fluttered erratically, and he lived the most defining moment of his life.

Finally breaking and eyes opening, Solar witness Luna faintly smiling at him, probably thinking and wondering as he did. A Princess and an Earth Pony, totally mirrored in their emotions. The irony then became clear as Luna did not speak, telling Solar that, despite all his worries and apprehensions of if Luna loved him truly or not, it was the mighty Goddess who now feared rejection.

Like that’ll ever happen.

“Wow….” Was all he could mutter out, enticing another adorable giggle out of those soft lips of Luna’s. The surrealism of now being able to say he knew what her lips now felt like, was not lost upon him. “Can’t say I expected that.”

A truth both could understand, and one said humorously. Though perhaps a remnant of her fear of being alone, Luna could seemingly not help herself as her smile disappeared, if only for a moment, so she could almost awkwardly ask Solar to confirm something.

“And…you are happy with this…turn of events?” It was strikingly momentous that Princess Luna of all Ponies, once thought to be cold and uncaring, now seemed so powerless in her hopes. Heart-warming, and a testament to the reality, that she was far more authentic and pure than her Sister could ever be.

“If I may answer that question with another?” Solar asked, his smile as persistent and genuine as it had ever been. Luna nodded, almost with a degree of nervousness.

“May we do that again?”

Luna literally then laughed, showing another beautifully true side to her. One of two jubilant actions in that one moment.

Saying nothing, Luna obliged, wrapping her soft wing around Solar’s neck this time, allowing the two to share in a relatively confined and private moment, as their hearts danced in tangent, and lips collided in a time of pure ecstasy.

Solar did not admit to be an expert on this, but it seemed to matter not. Luna took the lead and almost begged for Solar to allow her tongue to venture further into his mouth. Out of a mix of embarrassed inexperience, but also a sense of excitable bravery, Solar denied the Princess, however much it pained him, such was the amazing feeling he was currently blessed with.

“The media is going to have a field day with this.” Solar then finally said, recovering with a breath after the insanity his body had just be subject to.

“Let them write their petty. I’ll usher in a Solar eclipse to blot out their slander!”

Warnings not taken lightly, thought Solar. It was also very admirable that Luna was displaying such much invigorated bravery here, and she felt anyway like he did, he was sure it might have been down to a little growth of romance.

Yet apparently, Luna was not just in some confident, challenging mood. Looking down upon Solar with wide eyes, she looked to be awaiting something very particular.

“Hehe, I’m sure you will, Luna.” Solar instantly felt at fault upon saying these words, for he knew it was not what Luna wished to hear.

Wait, is this another one of her games?

But no teasing came from the Princess, insinuating this was not her playing around with Solar, and this was indeed Solar genuinely missing out on something.

“As in you, dear Solar.” Luna then began, surprisingly awkwardly. “Because you’ll protect my honour, surely?”

This is the sweetest thing.

Solar understood now. This was not a tease, but a heartfelt attempt at feeling loved. Naively innocent, Luna for once wished to just play the part of a freshly fallen filly, wanting only to experience the warmth of a protective Stallion. Shedding her royal duty, Luna for just a second even, wanted to feel normal, and Solar had been stupid enough to mess it up for her.

Yet instead of hastily collecting himself to apologise, thus seeming even more foolish for not understanding, and more importantly, seeming as if he did not understand the love Luna was giving, Solar smiled warmly, and tenderly took the glistening show that nested Luna’s hoof.

“Through night and day, Luna. To the end of the world, and beyond my mortal abilities.”

Never had Solar been so open in matters of the heart. His honesty rang true, and ardently appreciated by Luna.

Smiling with unprecedented joy and pride, Luna began lovingly. “Thank you again Solar.” Then so genuinely that for a moment, she seemed to lose her Royal accent, and just seem the most ordinary Pony in love.

Solar had never felt so honoured.

“Luna, Princess. The honour is all mine. I would have never made it this far if it weren’t for you. Without any exaggeration, you seriously were the best thing to have ever happened to me and my…well…shitty life…” Unforeseen reminiscing, harking back to a long gone time when food was a luxury, and a good night’s sleep a stranger. So often recently, Solar had been focused on his quest for power, and prior to that, practicing whatever criminal activity he was doing that month. Not for a long time had he been burdened by the quest for very survival, and the dire thoughts that came with it. Until now.

He had come a long way. Through poverty and loneliness. Through pain and hardship. Through danger and near death. Never had he so calmly established himself in the good life, and now, standing before a Pony who he loved, and who’s feeling were reciprocated, it shone a very bright light onto the contrast that was his life, and he had never felt so happy to be here now.

“Solar…” Luna cooed, lowering her face to Solar’s own. “You are a strong, determined Pony. While you may be unlike many others, it is preciously because of that, that I now so joyfully accept your courtship.” An accompanying cheek nuzzle sent a tidal wave of warmth and love through Solar’s entire body, casting out all negativity and painful recollections. “It is I who would not be here, exposing Equestria’s corruption and chasing a better future, were you not here, by my side. In all my centuries of life, I have experienced my own pain, and I have had help enough dispel it. But I have never had my heart so delicately touched, so cherished with such care and effort, as much as you.” Her look was intense, one of great potency. She meant these words. “Solar, no pony as loved me as devotedly or with as much respect as much as you. I have courted Ponies of great kindness, but great fear of my Night. I have been loved by hopefuls of unyielding bravery, but souls lacking any degree of responsibility. You are a Pony forged by your trials, and one shaped by what you have not had, and that has made you an individual of not only adamant relentlessness, but also of unwavering service to what matters most. The greater good. For that, I dearly believe that it is you who have given me life once more, in the most perfect way imaginable.”

Solar instantly rose his deflated head at this. Luna’s had shown more kindness than he had ever received, and more care than he ever deserved, but in that love she generously gave, was the truth. The truth of who he was as a Pony, and why he had aimed for where he was now. His past and almost callous quest for power had made who he was today, and here Luna was, stating it out loud and proud. Maybe she was filled in more in regards to his plans than he had initially though, or maybe not. Either way, that was pure love coming from her lips.

“Hm, Solar and Luna together then.” Began the galvanized Shadow Commander. “Does this mean I replace Celestia? I must warn you, it’ll take a few years to grow a mane like hers.”

A moment of jokingly distraction went a long way after the past few minutes of intensely personal and romantic development. Satisfied in great amounts at how each Pony felt regarding each other, Luna let lose a hearty laugh.

“With respect Solar, I’m not sure you could pull it off. Plus, I fear by the time you somehow manage to lower the sun, we would have had a summer of unyielding drought!”

Solar sarcastically sulked, feeling as if he was conversing with just another Pony. “I guess you’re right. I’ll leave all the planetary stuff to you.” To which Luna giggled slightly, putting into frame the fact that was, now romantic feelings were so liberally exchanged, the relationship between the two was essentially ordinary. Just two Ponies relying upon each other, despite the fact one was an immortal Goddess who could move the entire moon.

“And I will leave you adorableness to you” shot back Luna, speaking as if her mind had slipped. Of course, Solar could not react without seeming the smitten fool, but it mattered little really, as Luna finally realised what she had just said.

“Oh I um…. Hm…. perhaps it high time we at last meet Victus? What say you?”

If princesses could blush, then Solar was sure he was witnessing history still. The picture of cute awkwardness that was all his now, was nothing short of surreal.

What is my life anymore…?

Channelling his inner strength, if only to not risk discovery out here, Solar held back his urge to tease. With a smile, he let his happiness win out.

“With pleasure Luna, it’s a date!” Rolling her eyes at the suggestion, but most likely wishing it for another, more private time, Luna took the lead, with Solar closely shadowing as any responsible servant did.

Emerging out of the lonely street into one of pure contrast, Solar, just for a second realised one thing.

Luna was his.

And that was a game changer.

Author's Note:

Nice bit of emotion and slice of life, somewhat, before the next chapter. Wasn't exactly planning all the paragraphs you read today, but thinking about where the next few chapter are going, I know i needed something a little lighter, something with a bit of happiness, and that's what this is today. Finally a romance coming together.

Interested to hear what you think about it.

Until next time. (and don't forget to watch season 9, last time you can all catch a full season)

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