• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 25: Trapped in darkness

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow had both enjoyed and dreaded the last day.

Sleep had not been something she found herself great friends with. The sea was gentle and fair, as were the crew. The ship in itself had not been disruptive to her in any form. Of course Rainbow wasn’t so ignorant to think this was only because the Humans were peaceful, loving creatures who believed kindness was the way. Rainbow had long past the point in believing they weren’t as bad as they seemed. They were bad, and there was no way beating around that painful and ugly truth. In fact, Rainbow had now transitioned into a more philanthropist way of thinking, though perhaps only in good wishes and hopes. There was very little to be done in saving the world, but after all, it’s the little steps that count.

In all, her time aboard the Fortune, the name Rowan had finally shared, was still pleasant, at least in contrast to the rest of the world.

Perhaps it was in fact that the Fortune had been too beneficial. Of course there was the very fact that the ship and its Captain had literally saved Rainbow from hunters and the savagery of the wastes. Yet while such a thing would have been a godsend, were she fresh here, it honestly just felt like a relief, albeit a strong one. That was not the reason she had enjoyed herself.

The reason joy had returned to her was that it wasn’t the only thing returning. Throughout yesterday, and late into the candlelit night, Rainbow had been living a normal life. Just a plain, decent life.

Gone was the constant death threats. Gone was the arguments and conflicts with Navnløs. In their place was a safe and fun environment, just socialising with the other Humans. The crew, at least most of them, had taken to winding down below deck once their jobs had been fulfilled. Rainbow eventually developed the courage to join them and had discovered that Human fun, Human humour and general Human life wasn’t too different to Ponies back home.

Sure they were a bit blunter. They all had developed a very dry, dark sense of humour. This was all a by-product of living in this world. It had raised them to be quite a bit rougher around the edges to Ponies at home. Rainbow couldn’t blame them however, and she never wanted to. She loved her friends, and would do everything to be with them again, but Rainbow still had her own sense of fun, and by chance, it just so happened that these Humans were more in tune with that.

It was rowdy, stormy and often crude fun. Offensive jokes were thrown around more times than she could count. Initially this had created a sense of nervousness within Rainbow, as she feared she wouldn’t fit in. But after some time, the group opened up, and despite plenty of teasing about her appearance, Rainbow sunk into her new comfort zone, and finally began to smile

It was worthy to note that Rainbow wasn’t fully sure the enjoyment she currently felt was legitimate and real, or it had stemmed from the very peculiar drink she had tasted. It was alcoholic, that much was certain, yet it had not been refined or perfected into the tastes experienced back home. Not that she was an expert on such things, for Rainbow generally stuck to a healthier diet, but what she did know was that drink she had, it would barely even pass as drinkable in Equestria. It was strong and almost acidic with a part citrus taste. Appealing to some maybe, but the raw and almost boorish feeling that came with it wasn’t quite yet to Rainbows taste pallet.

Initially, this only fuelled Rainbows fears she wasn’t one of the gang present. Yet the only thing she really did provoke was a barrel of friendly laughter. Humour then gave way to confidence, which led to conversation.

There was much discussed and joked about that night, many things probably too outlandish for even a sober Rainbow Dash. Fun and games it was not all though. Rainbow learned a great deal of Human life. The tribal, almost primitive nature of many of the survivors outside the surviving nations. That if you weren’t some meagre village boarding on starvation, you were either stuck between a seemingly eternal war waged from the nations of Salutis and the Union, or whatever conflicts the remaining smaller nations warred, in a desperate attempt to be the predator and not the prey.

Laughter was common on that night, yet the grizzly reality of the world could not be ignored for long, even by the Human’s. Funny memories could not stop regretful and painful experiences. They could not what every Human present had been through.

Tales of absolute misery, that were apparently the pure norm, nearly resulted in Rainbow bringing back up her drink, such was its intensely awful detail. What Rainbow was , ironically, glad to know was that suffering was truly universal here, and everyone present on that night had somehow escaped a life of pure poverty and pain, only to end up in a life of desperate opportunity, where ruthlessness was key, and danger was everywhere. Rainbow was honestly glad these Humans ended up as pirates, as a life outside the relatively safe seas was a life of probable death. Rainbow was glad she knew this, for not only could she be thankful the crew now no longer had to be subjected to involuntarily misery created from both man and nature, but because she was increasingly becoming more aware of their true pain.

It hurt her to know these things, but it only solidified her firm belief that Humanity, Navnløs included, could not be forgotten about. That they had to be saved. While Rainbow now had a lead home which fuelled her burning desire to be there, now she wanted to be back of a higher reason. To get help for this world.

However she could, she would return here, and she would show it true loyalty.

Speaking of loyalty, or perhaps the lack of it, Rainbow had been meaning to talk to Navnløs. Throughout the night his almost spiteful anti-socialness hadn’t pleased her, and as she drank, laughed and had fun with the crew, it hadn’t exactly been subtle that Navnløs had taken to almost scarily staring at her. Every time Rainbow had confronted him about his behaviour, he simply acted as if it hadn’t had happened, and that she had come to him just for a chat. Furthermore, and upon further thought, this behaviour had actually been at odds with how had had chosen to act aboard the ship. This flip flopping however just wouldn’t do, and if he had to commit, Rainbow was sure it wouldn’t involve idle staring.

In all, Rainbow didn’t wish to spend her time talking with him like some parent to a child, not that now was a time she could be properly focusing on returning home. Navnløs, whether he liked it or not, had been instrumental in her actually getting to this point, and with luck, he would continue to help her. His skills, as he would probably call them, had admittedly, proven useful. Additionally, thanks to Rainbow’s own socialising with the crew, and with the amassed knowledge of the severity of the world, it would now hopefully be enough to show Navnløs that, at least in terms of ignorance, she was now an equal with them. Gone would be that condescending cruelty he had demonstrated too many times now.

The first obstacle to such a renewed partnership however, was a simple one. Finding him. Granted the ship wasn’t exactly large, yet Navnløs had already shown an ability to either gain attention from afar, with his staring, or on the contrary, not to gain any attention with his hiding skills.

So Rainbow emerged from below deck, finding no sign of the Human. Atop the deck and in the fresh sea air, she took a moment to Inhale the clarity of it all. Perhaps her body had just adjusted to the decayed air of the planet, or perhaps the air here was as fresh and clear as it seemed. Rainbow couldn’t be sure, but from what she was, it was obvious the deathly, worn feeling of the lands air was long behind them, quite literally so, given the endless horizon of water seemed to simply never end.

Satisfied with her current whereabouts, Rainbow continued her search. The bow of the ship was lifeless, with neither Navnløs nor crew manning that area. In fact, given the crews exaggerated actions last night, Rainbow was quite sure the ship may remain like this, with nothing but a skeleton crew keeping it going.

Next she ventured to the stern of the ship, right to the back of the vessel. While no Navnløs dwelled there too, Rainbow didn’t yet leave. Leaning over the rails and watching the sea go by, Rainbow was not left with a free, liberating feeling as she once felt here. Yes, it was calm, peaceful even, but watching nothing but empty ocean travel behind them, with its endless and equally barren impression, very akin to the ruined land, somehow unnerved her. Perhaps it was the fear of falling over, right into the ocean, and seeing the ship increasingly escape her forever, that was a panicking feeling. Being left in such an empty, lifeless place was a true horror, and such a lonely one that it almost made her just want to find Navnløs immediately, and seek companionship with him.

And that truly was a new feeling.

Pulling away from her fears, Rainbow lessened her chances of being left alone in her watery grave and retreated from the railings, expecting to get back to the search, Rainbow was stopped as she descended the stairs onto the deck, as she collided with Rowan, exciting the captains quarters, whose location was just directly underneath where Rainbow had been standing.

“Watch it pal!” Rainbow immediately found herself saying. It wasn’t even the annoyance of feeling her face suddenly collide into something else, nor was it the aggravating shock and suddenly being stopped in her tracks. It just came out, in an instinct seemingly new to her, and not the casual, almost nonchalant impulses found in her actions back home.

Rainbow made no mistake. This was a new development, one brought in through association with the Humans, and her prolonged time spent here. The fact that it was a Captain whom she bumped into didn’t matter. Her character had simply become more rugged.

“My oh my! You’ve been spending too much time with my crew.” Rowan’s analysis was far too keen, and Rainbow couldn’t help but shift in her embarrassment. New as it was, this new attitude of hers was still finding its feet.

“Hehe…Sorry…” she said, rubbing the back of her head. “Guess I don’t know my way around boats as much as I’d like to”. Rainbow felt obliged to take the humble route, if only to stay in Rowan’s good graces. His hospitality and assistance deserved some loyalty of course.

“Don’t worry about it!” the pirate replied, dismissing the collision as a non-issue with just a wave of his hand, a kind smile never leaving his face. “And don’t drag yourself down. If it’s all as you say, and you can break the sound barrier all by yourself, then I cannot and will not criticise you for not knowing the layout of this old vessel. Dare I say, one so cool can do no wrong”. With a mock bow, Rainbow allowed herself a laugh. It was continuingly a nice experience aboard the Fortune, and it forever made a welcome change to the harsh experiences of the land. As meant in friendly jest as it was though, Rainbow became aware of two things. Firstly, Rowan seemed to have a whole wardrobe of fancy clothing aboard, what with his change of attire into, while still the same captain looking long jacket outfit, an equally opulent and most likely expensive appearance. Fine fabrics and trimmings were common on him and complimenting the now red coat were an array of colourful yet tasteful details, with plenty of precious metals donning him too. As it would surely make Rarity blush with his charm and classy allure, Rainbow too did feel her laugh nearly enter giggle territory, and with it, the sound of an idealised young girl.

Thankfully, Rainbow betrayed no sense of admiration, but instead realised her second point. Rowan had, playfully, complimented her using the word ‘cool’. It was obvious that it was meant as nothing but a friendly point to ensure Rainbow need not dwell onto the collision. Yet as she seemed to be infamous for back home, Rainbow had many experiences of being ‘cool’. She liked to describe herself in such a way, too many times to the extreme. Many mistakes had been made in embracing and trying to own such an almost petty description, and despite liking being an almost opposite of Twilight, with her egghead like ways, she had been wary and increasingly careful over the past few years to not solely be associated with the word. It had corrupted her somewhat, and blinded her to her true responsibilities. Her friends.

She wouldn’t be making that mistake again. Not in such a friendless place.

“You know coolness doesn’t make me like…good at everything, right?”

In his own embarrassed defence, Rowan back tracked. He clearly had meant no ill will in his words, and keeping this mystical, foreign creature, in the form of Rainbow, to keep a continued positive opinion of him seemed like a fought for task.

“My apologies. Perhaps the charm offensive has come to a decisive end. Perhaps I should just…let go?” His smile remained, and his tone was at all serious, but still, his words contradicted this fact, and Rainbow decided to enquire.

“Let what go?”

Rowan leaned against the guard rail of the stern’s stairs. Folding his arms, he seemed to admire Rainbow in a way. Not in any heartfelt way, Rainbow realised, but as an artist admires their painting. He seemed, perhaps, proud that Rainbow was here, and with him on his ship.

“I suppose now the clues of both your entry and potential exit of this…word? If I’m correct in all this theorising. I suppose now they are emerging, you will be rid of the seas soon enough, ready to continue your search on land.” Rowan could not hide his disappointment, and his great desire to keep Rainbow In his company, surrounded by the empty sea he seemed to love so.

Again rubbing the back of her head, Rainbow formulated an answer. Of course she needed to get home, and staying for some, albeit fun, bunch of pirates wasn’t in her plans. Besides, she barely knew Rowan, so his sadness wasn’t all the way legitimate. Still, she didn’t wish to seem too harsh to the human who had saved her from potential capture.

“I mean…yeah, of course…” it was awkward for her. She wasn’t the soft, fluffy kind of pony to satisfy another’s pity with kindness and love, yet it was Rowan’s strange look of sadness that she had previously noted that prevented that very foreign quality to ever become an idea.

Perhaps it was just Human reaction to disappointment. They didn’t seem the type to break into tears. Perhaps this almost jealous sorrow was just the Human way of coping.

“…B-but you know I can’t stay here forever!” Rainbow pleaded, determined not to ruin the mood. “You know even if I figure out how to get back, and kick and chill here for a bit, there’s always the hunter guys after us, or rather you know, Navnløs.” Rainbow felt no great guilt in the truth, despite its effect on Rowan. Perhaps it would of in Equestria, but not now. It was change and adaptation saving her here, and her loyalty, shining bright. “You’ve both saved my life it’s just… Navnløs, I’ve known him longer, you know?”

This felt like strange justification to be making on her end. As if there had been two boys fighting over her, and she needed to make a choice. Perhaps that thought had some truth in it, as both Navnløs and Rowan were male, but that was surely all. Right?

“Yeah...yeah…he doesn’t have a fierce crew and a ship to boot, yes?” Rowan replied, picking himself up somewhat after some thought.

Relieved, Rainbow smiled back, thankful she didn’t have to make this weird. “You got it! Speaking of which….”

Rainbow had meant to bring up her original goal here, to find Navnløs. Rowan might have known, were he asked. Yet in some almost arrogant rudeness, his interruption brought them to another topic.

“Indeed! Your search for your home, while disappointingly takes you from this amazing local, does take you back to the forgotten land.”

Not at all the point Rainbow wished to make. While it was an important one, it was hopefully Navnløs who could help her here, should she find him and bring him back around. Rowan may be a master of the sea, but Navnløs defiantly seemed one of the land.

“Uhh, yeah. I guess it does…” Rainbow said, irritation etched in her voice and she did not approve of the interruption.

“And with it, the possibility of running into the Hunters from Salutis…”

Rainbow didn’t want to concede. No matter how much she felt she needed to. That was her stubbornness talking, and in reigning it in, that would Rowan would win. As the terrible loser that she was, even she had to admit, this was too a valid point. Navnløs was to help her with these plans, yet it was he who they were hunting, and until she had boarded the Fortune, they hadn’t been stopped.

A loss for her surely, but one worth living for, just to plan for the worst case scenario.

“Right…you met them before?” it was a silly question really. Asking something as if these dangerous Humans were long lost friends. In the back of her mind, Rainbow knew still she was too ignorant on the hidden dangers of the world.

“You think if I had, that I’d be still here? Let alone in the command of a ship and a crew?”

Now Rainbow really did feel stupid. Rowan didn’t speak as if he was joking anymore. He was serious in his speech, and carried a concerned level of sombreness with him. His tone was severe, not angrily so, but it made no mistake in proving the severity of the topic.

The truth was, were Rainbow to be in such a vulnerable position as she had been in before, she’d be screwed.

“I guess not…”Rainbow then replied in embarrassment. Rowan seemed to notice this, and took a softer tone, in both body and voice.

“Worry not. I’ll make it so that you’ll be well away from their grips. I’m sure Navnløs does not wish to subject his body to such…violations.”

Rainbow frowned at such a point. In all her long and hard travels to escape them, the hunters still carried an air of mystery. Navnløs had explained they were of Salutis, and they specialised in secret, perhaps darker motives.

Picking up on this, Rowan cringed a little, his mind occupied most likely on their reality. “Like I said, I’ve never had any direct encounters with them, but from what I’ve heard, whenever some poor soul gets them on his tail, he will be taken to the far north, into the mountains.”

His cautious speech was not lost on Rainbow. Already was she beginning to regain her fear for what was out there.

“And….um…what happens there?” she said, worryingly so.

“Your guess is as good as mine, I’m afraid.” Rowan said with a disappointed sigh, as his help for Rainbow was not so valuable. “None who venture that way ever return. What I do know is these Hunters, as malicious as they are, aren’t so cruel and violent that they act as if they were on a killing spree. They have a master, and that’s probably were your worries should truly lie…”

Rainbow listened intently, thirsty for knowledge that would ascend her survival skills. Yet as skilful as she could be, she had a nasty feeling they would all be for nought.

“…It’s that…scientist guy…”

Rainbow blinked. She was sure she had heard Navnløs mention something about that. Yet the knowledge had ended there. She was left confused. Confused if she should be worried about a potential egghead.

“Scientist?” Rainbow simply responded.

Rowan, regardless of his detected Rainbow’s continued worry or not, did not put it to chance. He wasn’t going to let Rainbow go into this overly confident.

“Now don’t let that word fool you. I know in the old world, and perhaps yours, a man of science was a man of peace and one dedicated to knowledge of the betterment of his field. ‘Science’ today is rare enough in that the only man of science will be a man of industry. The industry of war. Society has no need for research into anything but that, you see?”

It made sense, as sad as it was. What was left of the world was a fight for survival, and one who was armed and still living, or not. What higher culture was left was dedicated to finding new ways to kill. Nothing more.

Before Rainbow could say yes however, Rowan interrupted again. Yet this time, only for her sake. “That’s the norm, you could say. Dangerous, heartless men. Men who would put you in the middle of a live firing range just to calibrate some worthless cannon. Sympathy for them is as hard to come by as their actual ability to fight. This guy however, I just wish he was like them.”

Rainbow gulped, perhaps now realising just how much danger she was in.

“Dead men don’t talk, so I’m not sure how these rumours have come by me, but what I heard was this guy…Proxsis, I think it was, is an absolute maniac. No morality. Nothing on his mind but pain and misery”.

There were bad individuals in Equestria. Evil even. Rainbow however, was about to see just how nice they truly were.

“For that Lord Vanquisher, he conducts all sorts of creepiness. Granted, they make for great rumours and stories, but for whoever gets captured and delivered to him, I pray they are just that, rumours. There is true horror in those mountains of which you could never imagine, and of which you could never scream loud enough from the torture…”

Silence then came. The waves acting as the tumbleweed, so to speak. It was not an awkward situation though. It was a terrifying one.

“Geez….I…I-I um…”

Rainbow was left a mess. Rowan hadn’t exactly gone into gory details, what with it all only being rumours. But that was where the problem ultimately lay, for Rainbow. These were obviously not rumours, and the reasoning behind that was a simple one. Because here, the worst torture, the most unethical of actions and the worst pain imaginable was a part of everyday life here. It simply, in perhaps the saddest reality of all, that should anyone gain even a shred of power here, they would only use it to terrible effect, and produce true evil.

Rowan saw the trouble Rainbow was in. Usually he would have attempted to change the mood by now. Saying anything to set Rainbow’s mind elsewhere. Unfortunately, as someone more accustomed to the world, he knew the truth better than Rainbow and with it, his similar understanding.

“I suppose we just better not let them catch you then. Perhaps I can set course for some land, while close enough to Salutis, but still relatively safe.”

His words and meanings mattered little to Rainbow, who still in horror, couldn’t get those terrible thoughts out of her head.

“Have…have many Humans been…you know, caught?” she asked, a possible tear forming in her eye for the sorry state of the planet.

Rowan had an idea. Of course he did. Despite never being to this hellish northern place, he was well informed, and his uncomfortable face and struggle at replying told Rainbow everything she needed to know.

“Oh sweet Celestia…”

She felt physically sick. Sick that such evil may be so free here.

Disgust then turned to anger, and slowly, Rainbow began to understand at least a little why Navnløs and his ilk were the way they were. Rainbow certainly wasn’t suggesting they were angry about the world’s grave injustice, far from it. They were their crude, brutal way because the world had beaten them to it, and in not following its sick lead, they would only end up as its victims.

Rainbow knew survival here came at a cost, but she was finally beginning to understand just how much.

“Here, let me alter the course a little!” then cried out Rowan, climbing the stairs to replace the crew member currently manning the ships wheel. “It’ll make it a little easier and safer for you, trust me!”

With that, Rainbow felt the ships direction shifting a little, its course defiantly changing.

“And just like that, I may have saved both of your lives!” Rowan said triumphantly, down to Rainbow.

It was of little comfort however. Rainbow appreciated the action, but it was only hers and Navnløs’ lives that have been saved. What of everyone that had already been taken by cruelty and evil? What of those about to be taken?

Uncomfortable thoughts. Too much so in fact. She needed to occupy herself with something. Luckily, there was still the matter of Navnløs himself, so with the change in the winds direction, Rainbow to set off, looking for her friend.

“Don’t get too comfortable, Rainbow Dash” then cried out Rowan from the stern. “We may have saved you from the Hunters, but I know potential treasure when I see it, and I’m sure, come land fall, many others could and possibly will…”

Rainbow didn’t reply, not with her racing mind. Though a quick glace to the pirate, almost just to compensate a farewell, revealed a curious look from the Captain, one, for good or worse, Rainbow did not dwell on.

It was a serious yet suggestive appearance. A warning of course, but a strange one at that.

Rainbow ultimately put it down to the way he spoke, and nothing more.

That wasn’t the only reason Rainbow’s mind was so far elsewhere. Emerging from below deck, came the hulking form of Navnløs, his attire seemingly ready for battle. The same jacket remained, but like Rowan, he had modified it with various pieces of leather and metal armour. Most notably, his right shoulder had a large shoulder piece, fashioned as a pualdron made of various metal plates and underlying leather pads. It wasn’t out of proportion by any means, but it certainly stood out.

The main question Rainbow had on her mind however, was a simple one. When did take the time to do all this?

“Hey dude!” Rainbow called out casually, if to seem approachable.

Navnløs, true to form, barely even acknowledged her, choosing instead to lean over the ships bow. This was quickly becoming the place to discuss important matters it seemed.

“When did you make all that?” Rainbow said, aiming a hoof at Navnløs’ new attire. “I didn’t see you with it yesterday”.

Navnløs neither seemed interested nor uninterested. It was a strange look to him, not least because his face was both devoid of aggression or ambiguity. Right now, it was strangely neutral.

“If you didn’t see me with it yesterday morning, but you do now, think. When could I have made it? The answer is there”. Rainbow had thought this a return of his usual annoyance, and while it did ring true to his raw tone of speech, and his possible deadpan sense of humour, it never seemed too much of these things.

“I don’t know. When we were captured by the cannibal guys…” Rainbow didn’t even end with a smile or wink. She knew Navnløs better now. Smiling at the end of sarcasm destroyed the very purpose of it. As he would, Rainbow just looked elsewhere, almost as if to leave.

Navnløs looked at Rainbow for a moment then. It was an acknowledgment, perhaps even an approval. Yet a Navnløs approval, even the greatest kind, was but a ‘hmph’ and a look away. That was just his character, but Rainbow saw through that callous, uncaring attitude.

If he could, she was sure she would have seen a smile.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to talk to you…” Then interjected Rainbow, her mind casting back to her original motive. Navnløs was here now, and this was finally the chance to make possible amends. To sort out recent weirdness, and upon setting hoof on the shore again, to set out with renewed vigour, and strengthened bond. He would undoubtedly soon show his norm again, the side to him that all in this world showed. The selfish, insular desire to focus on oneself. That was inevitable, but however she could, Rainbow was now determined to tame such a demon so that, when she could, she could teach him loyalty, and help him.

Getting him aboard her quest to find home however could also stay such a deterioration into isolation. That was her aim right now.

Yet tight as she was about to bring the topic up, starting with his recent weirdness, Rainbow again was interrupted by a Human. As awkward as the discussion was about to be, Rainbow still did not appreciate the cut off. This was as much for Navnløs’ sake as it was hers.

“Yeah, me too…” the Human stoically stated, as if his matter was more crucial. “Your suicidal wish to go to Salutis is a bad one, but if it keeps you jabbering on about that home of yours, I’ll help you get there…”

Rainbow eyed the Human intently. It was her turn now to feel ambiguous with her thoughts and feelings. On one hoof, Navnløs had basically given her what she had hoped, at least in terms of continued companionship. Yet even on the same hoof, the fact he had to interrupt Rainbow’s own version of ensuring that, what with its thoughtful arguments and open discussion, it somehow cheapened the action, almost to the point of its genuineness seeming lacking.

That was bad enough, yet on the other hoof, was very annoyingly, a familiar problem, at least when it came to Navnløs.

He just seemed too…compliant.

Sure, as she had thought countless times, time with him and adjusted the two. No doubt they both felt more comfortable in each other’s presence. But why he was now acting like his plans always aligned with her own, was a mystery. Even with last night’s weirdness, he hadn’t deviated from such a theme. The discussion right here with Rowan, herself, and Navnløs on their first day of sailing confirmed that. He was strangely ok with venturing back to Salutis, despite always complaining about it, getting angry about the place, and even, tragically, reminding Rainbow of the fact that very jacket he wore was taken from the dying of such a place.

“Well first of all…” Rainbow began, trying to reiterate the very purpose of the landing, all while watching the Human intently. “…I’m not sure we need to go, like, too far into that place…Salutis I mean. I don’t, you know, wana die that quickly…”

Caution was a good thing. Wisdom was even better, and right now, Rainbow was proud she seemed to be displaying both. The fact that Navnløs did not share in this pride was…odd.

“You don’t? So you don’t want to get home?”

That was a stupid question. He knew clearly that she did, and the vengeful scowl she gave back all but confirmed this.

Somewhat increasing in stress, Navnløs did not give up on his point. “You need information of this magical shit, don’t you? So that means you need people to talk, and people live in Salutis. So if you want to go home, we must go there!”

His usual irritation then did seem to return. At first.

Rainbow, watching ever intently, was prepared for even the slightest change in tone. In personality. Here she spotted, from what looked like his ever present displeasure, but in reality, hid something far deeper.

He was stressed, almost desperate. His ‘annoyance’, seemed ever more like frustration the narrative wasn’t following his wishes. Or more accurately, that Rainbow wasn’t doing as he said.

While before this wouldn’t seem out the ordinary, he had been ever bossy after all, now, something seemed fishy. As Rainbow increasingly fought back his point, intent in acting out a steady plan as opposed to his hasty one, the more Navnløs seemed to increase in aggression and stress.

The judgment was clear. He wanted Rainbow to get to Salutis as soon as possible, and under no circumstance, creep around its boarders. This was a matter important to him and that, as Rainbow had learned through all his lack of cares, a rare thing, and one worth being concerned about.

“Why?” Rainbow simply, yet strongly asked.

“What?” replied Navnløs, as if nothing was the matter.

“Why should we rush huh? I know I’m fast, but even I know to slow down sometimes, or risk crashing.” The speed and determination of which Navnløs wanted to push Rainbow into his plans was worrying. She couldn’t see it yet, but Rainbow was sure a collusion of some sorts was coming up. “You’ve been acting all laid back ever since we got on this ship, and now we have a chance to get off it, you want to force me to do…I don’t even know! Get killed probably!”

Rainbow felt defensive, as if, even with smiles, she had been cornered by a furious beast, intent on her destruction. In being so out of character, Rainbow wasn’t sure that Navnløs wanted such a thing for her, but the feeling remained. He was trying to pin her into submission, for perhaps dangerous intent.

“I don’t want you to die! Idiot!” Navnløs fought back, his annoyance now genuine as he was left refuted and trying. For him, an individual who always had his own way, to now face reality, it was a thorny lesson for him.

“Then what’s with all this strangeness? Even Pinkie would be confused. What, in the name of Celestia, are you hiding?!”

Rainbow shot her demand, fixated on the Human opposite her. She needed an answer, and with her current attentiveness, her passion for the truth, there was no way out of this for Navnløs. He could squirm, he could try and lie, but Rainbow wouldn’t have it.

Now for the first time, she had him cornered and he knew it. His look was one of desperately searching his mind for an answer. There was nothing now that would stop him spilling the beans. Nothing to distract her.


Rainbow blinked. The ship had suddenly come to frantic life. Crew, no matter if they had been sleeping or not, were alert and in mid action. Ropes, rigging and sails seemed to take a life of their own as a gentle sail turned into a hot pursuit.

Switching her gaze from Navnløs to the horizon, Rainbow spotted a black object. Its size could not be determined fully from this distance, but from what she could tell, it was large, it was seaborne, and it definitely wasn’t natural.

Yet the latter seemed all too common here.

“What-What’s going on?!” demanded Rainbow, running back to the stern of the ship to look up at Rowan, still there in command. Her aggression from Navnløs remained, although now, as unhelpful as it could get, it was all directed at the pirate.

“My dear, don’t be so alarmed. Remember what kind of ship you are aboard.”

His tone was calm, almost excided. Whatever the object was, they were heading straight for it, and that was Rowan’s intent.

Rainbow however, was left still in a now very noisy and busy environment. All crew seemed to be occupied, either altering rigging, running around or perhaps, most concerningly of all, preparing large metal tubes. Such objects Rainbow had experienced before, yet on the receiving end.

These were the weapons that had ravaged the Humans in the cove, and in them being readied again, realisation slowly came to her. Dreadful, almost embarrassed realisation.

“You….you lied to us…” Little wonder Rowan had been so compliant with Rainbow’s request to head Salutis way. He knew the seas better than anyone here, and undoubtedly to also knew where the few remaining ships on this planet remained. As it so happens, Salutis seemed to be quite the fishing point for him.

“Lied?” suddenly retorted the captain. Until now, he had not yet shown a serious side to him. Everything either seemed too easy, or just too much of an opportunity to lay back. Rainbow had enjoyed that side to him, the side that seemed cool. Now however, that illusion had been broken, and Rowan did not appreciate the accusation with any degree of kindness. “No no no…I never lied!”

For a moment, it almost seemed as if the pirate was about to descend the steps, onto the main deck, and show Rainbow just how much he detested the accusation. Thankfully, no violent nature came over him, at least not one directed at the pony below him. That remained a major concern for Rainbow, that another gruesome horror was about to play out.

“You said we were going to Salutis! Not that we were about to steal and hurt others!” Rainbow’s own passion had begun to grow. Should she sit idly by, she knew all too well that death would dance tonight, and a lot of blood would be spilt. For failing to see this, for being so star struck and naive, now it was incredibly unlikely she could stop pirates being actual pirates.

For the lives about to be lost, Rainbow felt responsible.

“I never said that!” barked back Rowan, truly defending his literal course of action. “I said I could drop you off on the way!” this seemed to be the thing that spurred him into a true Human of the world. When it came to his bloody way of life, and not conversation or relaxation, it was then when he showed himself just to be just like everyone else. “My apologies if you actually believed id make this ship fall to your whims, and direct all my crew to your goals”.

That one stung.

Irritability was rising within him, and with it, discourtesy. With Rainbow arguing so passionately against his command, his goals and his life, his personality became ever blunter, even to the crude point of those swords of his appearing a lot less friendly.

“But you knew I wouldn’t like it. That’s why we changed direction earlier. You didn’t want to be honest with me!” It was times like this that Rainbow appreciated Applejack and all she stood for. Dishonesty had cost her time to prevent further death.

This point, Rowan did not argue against. Yet it did not ensure the triumphant return of cooperation with Rainbow, and it certainly didn’t bring back honour. He knew his trickery was real, but he showed no regret for it.

“Perhaps…”he said with an uncaring shrug. “But we’re pirates. Nothing can change that”.

A brutal, yet actually honest point. What could Rainbow say that would make Rowan consider? Nothing seemed the likely answer. If too she decided on her own course of action, yet in stopping the piracy, Rainbow was sure Rowan wouldn’t exactly tolerate her as he had been.

Meanwhile, while this bickering had been occurring, Navnløs had just been standing next to her, silent as he failed to choose any side. Rainbow did consider the thought that he was in on this, and chose not to warn her of this, but the question of what exactly was in this for him, very much stood out. For as bad as he was, Navnløs never seemed the type of take command from a stranger. Navnløs was a cruel and opportunistic being, but he never allowed the glory to be so liberally given to others.

“So that’s why you weren’t busy getting pissed up like the rest of the crew.” Then Navnløs said, intervening. “You hid in that cabin all night just so you could plan for today!”

Rainbow was thankful her friend had chosen the right side. For as much as she wished to make known her appreciation, the lack of that was all worth it for the almost betrayed look of Rowan, as he looked down and felt the pressure of another opponent to his plans.

Annoyingly, this seemed to but only serve to antagonise him. His still stature indicated to the crew that the raid was still on schedule.

“Whatever. Full sail ahead!” with that, Rowan had hoped to be rid of Navnløs and Rainbow, but in perhaps a moment of foolishness, Rainbow said no to surrender, and stormed up the stairs, much to the shock of Rowan’s nearby crew.

“No! Not whatever!” with furious demand, Rainbow was not the small, cute little animal many thought her to be. In that moment, she was an angry, determined and head string threat to Rowan’s carefully designed plans. “I won’t stand by a let you kill just so you can what…get some treasure?”

With a raising of his hand, Rowan at least prevented his crew from cutting the barging Rainbow down. Still, it did not end his unjustified encouragement of the matter. Still, he committed himself and his crew to battle and murder. With a slow, methodical tone to his voice, Rowan allowed himself a final warning for Rainbow, one of which could potentially receive a fatal reply.

“It is my deep regret you chose to this path, Rainbow Dash. Your company has been pleasant, and I do so hate for you to so harshly deny us all such bountiful rewards.”

His eyes locked with Rainbow’s, each pair giving no ground. The Captain, unlike Rainbow, permitted himself a mercy, for that was what it all was now. Mercy, or death.

“Tell the truth lass, do you really think your trip home will be easy and quick? Do you really think it will just fall into your hands…or hooves I suppose.” In that moment, his anger dispersed. He looked at Rainbow, breaking no eye contact, but right now for him, it was not a contest, not a tense situation. As wrong as his piracy was, in that moment, he wasn’t a blood thirsty criminal. He was a potential ally, and as both knew it well, Rowan did not want to see the back of Rainbow. The crew’s size wasn’t fixed.

“That ship…is a reward for us all! Each and every one! But not one to selfishly indulge ourselves it.” Rowan began to pace, frustrated almost that Rainbow was his opposition. His own passion now fed into this olive branch of his. “We have shed blood over the years just trying to survive. With this catch, we can finally be the owners of a bright future!”

Rainbow felt his burning desire. But it was not one of materialistic desire. He cared deeply for his crew, and for each and every one of them, he wanted them to prosper. It was clear this world had been cruel to them, and Rowan felt cheated and spat on as he took collective responsibility for them. Perhaps this was the reason for his anger.

“We have spent TOO MUCH getting here!” he cried out, as one would in a rousing speech given to the troops. Rainbow definitely felt that morale booster as he turned to face her once more, pleading practically for her to share in the treasure too. “Join us Rainbow!” he offered, a great smile on his face.

His look then was given to Navnløs, but it was not one of an outstretched hand, and not one with any offer. The two Humans shared a bitter look, and now, for whatever reason, the collusion was between them.

“Hey, we are one and all, Rainbow Dash!” Rowan finished with an impassioned hope. “We will share with you, fight with you, and love you as any family would! For that is what we are. A family! And it shall be us to help you on your journey, wherever you decide to go!”

Rainbow was left honestly stunned. It had all gone from bitter arguing to a genuine and heartfelt desire that Rainbow would not be on the side-lines, watching piracy go by. As Rowan wished for, as the crew had showed last night, perhaps it was here that Rainbow could find a home, at least for now.

Her mind raced. It was a tempting offer. These humans hadn’t been like others. They had welcomed her, in their own way, into their group. In time, Rainbow was sure she wouldn’t be some weird being unknown to Humanity, but one of the crew, fighting for each other.

Just as friends do.

She would be safe. She would be cared for….but she wouldn’t be happy.

Pirates seemed cool, at least on the surface. In the stories, the tales of their adventure was one to be adored at, and she could not deny, apart from them being in such a dead place, this crew, Rowan and the Fortune did engage on great adventures. Rainbow liked that.

However, reality was far different. The stories were just that. Stories. Unsurprisingly, they emitted the horror. The cruel and gruesomeness of it all. Even at home, when she was more ignorant to it all, Rainbow was sure she wouldn’t accept any offer, if it meant others would suffer for it.

“No. I can’t….I won’t…” It pained Rainbow to reply in such a way. As much as she disagreed with them, Rainbow didn’t hate Rowan and his crew, as much as she didn’t hate Navnløs and his dark decisions. For as hard as it could be, and as lonely as it would be in comparison to being part of the crew, her more independent plan, her desire to get home so she can help all Humanity, that was the right decision. That was the decision that would benefit all, and not just the crew.

Saddened, Rowan looked upon Rainbow, almost wondering as if he had heard correctly. Curiously then, he looked back upon Navnløs, defeat in his eyes, in contrast to the relatively upbeat and positive look of Navnløs himself.

“You…are sure in this? This is not an offer made lightly, if at all…”

Rainbow believed him, and shared in his disappointment. But she could never say yes, if it meant whoever was on that ship would be butchered, all while Rainbow practically supported those who were doing the butchery.

“I am. You have to be loyal to your ideals…you know?” Rainbow was left proud of her moral high ground. She had done the right thing.

“Oh I do know…” replied Rowan with a sigh. Looking upon Navnløs with near disgust, Rainbow was left with the impression that that silly thought she thought earlier, when the two Humans were talking at the bow of the ship, that the two were fighting over her, if perhaps for more deviant reasons. “Which is why, I suppose, as a pirate and all that, we must continue to live to our own ideals…”

Rowan shifted uncomfortably, and turned to look at his crew who, with admirable loyalty and patience, waited for his command.

“We are no charity. It doesn’t exist in this world. And with sufficient distance between you and those hunting you, it is with saddened but assured conviction that, as living to our own ideals, that we dismiss you from our ship.”

The ship went quiet, and Navnløs and Rainbow dared not raise their voices.

“And given the urgency of the situation, and the threat you pose to our jobs, we must get you off the ship immediately. Bosun…prepare the plank!”

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and the year in fact, for this chapter is not only the final of 2018, but temporarily at least, the marking of a pause for Rainbow's POV.
Now this does not mean in any amount her story has stopped. On the contrary, theres some Delicious story coming up for her, but for now, we wont be switching between her and Solar, focusing on the latter instead,
Hopefully this will make for easier reading, faster updates, and a more cohesive story, all until the worlds collide, and that definitely isnt a clue :rainbowderp:

Anyway, thankyou all so much for sticking with the story this past year. Ill start the next chapter ASAP but itll be 2019 when you see it.

See you all next year, literally, and i hope you all have a very happy new year :)

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