• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 8: Remnants


The one word Rainbow could use to describe this world.

Crooked dry branches and husks of trees. A pan of dry ground extending deep in the horizon, a graveyard for the diseased looked grass that scattered itself through the dead earth.

The barren rockiness of the environment was depressing, but it was the hue of the sky, and the general colour of the world which surrounded her that truly unnerved the usually stoic Pegasus. The entirety of the world looked sick, poisoned even. The beige, sickly yellow tint the was everywhere she saw proved to Rainbow that this world wasn’t one too alike to Equestria. It was ailing and monotonous, practically monochrome in places, were it not for the sickly, slight tint of yellow.

It was a direct horrific assault on her vision, and what she heard wasn’t much better.

Or more accurately, what she couldn’t hear.

The land was silent. No songs and chips of birds, no jolly chorus of the chatter of civilisation, no sound of life whatsoever. Not even the wind was present, adding to the corpse like feeling of the world.

It was a dessert but not sandy or hot, nor a polar variant, the temperature was fairly mild. It was a desert of its true meaning, a land desolate of life, a genuine wasteland.

Well, I guess I know what they were referring to when they mentioned the wasteland

Rainbow just stood there, outside the hut for Celestia knows how long, just having the displeasure of having to see all this. It was only thanks to the lifelessness of the land, that when even the slightest hoof movements occurred, and when just the smallest of stones moved because of it, that Rainbow snapped out of this bleak hypnotisation of the land, the sound of dry stones flooding into her ears.

It ripped her from the deep thoughts of the misery of the land, to the actual reality of it, and that she was present in it. She again looked around, but this time for Navnløs. The irony of it all was that there was nothing but him to see really, a bare barren dead land, but that was all that took up her thought and vision.

She saw the human standing atop a small incline, his back to her, holding a long strange object.

Slowly she made her way up to him, pausing once more. Talking to the two humans had totally distracted her from the horrible fact that was her functioning wings.

Rainbow primed both wings and body. She braced for herself for a high effort endeavour, judging on her earlier failure, and she ruffled her feather in anticipation.

She leaped into the air and unleashed the full power and effort from her famous wings… and she landed face flat on the ground. Again, it wasn’t as if she couldn’t fly at all, she had no doubt that she could. It was just far more effort for far less gain. It was as if the gravity was higher, but it couldn’t be, since walking was fine. Rainbow guessed she could probably manage a bit of hovering and perhaps a gentler fly, if she adapted to this new reality, bar the aching she currently felt. The most obvious and definite thing now however was any peruse at a powerful thrust and burst of attempted speed would just result in embarrassment at best, a slip up, stall and crash landing at worst.

All this commotion and loud noise, even in this silent land, and by now got the attention of the now turned Navnløs. Rainbow knew not how much he had witnessed, but the sorry sight of her slumped on the ground was an embarrassing one. She scrambled herself to get back up and make herself presentable to the confused Human. With an awkward smile, she gingerly trotted towards him.

“If you were attempting to sneak up on me, you doing a shitting awful job” he said, no sense of anger or frustration in his voice now, in total contrast to how he was acting just a few minutes ago.

“W-what? That’s not what I was trying to do” defended Rainbow.

“Terrible liar also” the human dismissed, with almost cruel amusement.

Rainbow was left silent and under the judgmental gaze of Navnløs, as her frustration and annoyance of him increased. It was the most recent of history repeating itself, annoying grumpy guys refusing to play nice.

“Why do you have to be a jerk?” Rainbow shot out, repeating her earlier attempt at such a question.

Unlike earliers attempt though, the question was not met with accepting hostility, but a sad matter of fact.

“Ha, not the first time someone’s told me that” he said, the smallest of smiles on his face. “How can you not be?” he indicated his head to the distance, turning back around to look upon the world.

Rainbow proceeded to stand beside him, admittedly a little nervous of this still newly met being. She too looked again upon this new world. Atop this small vantage point, it gave Rainbow a true scale of this place. The flat land extended as far as she could see, just as dull and bleak as it was at the bottom of the hill.

“Where am I?” she simply asked, prompting a semi frustrated look from Navnløs, remembering this question from inside the hut. The pony didn’t allow him to express such feelings however. She expanded her question, far more seriously this time. “I mean, I know I’m not home, and I don’t even know if this is the same actual world as mine, but…just what happened here? Why is everything so…. blergh?”

Navnløs allowed himself another smirk, one unseen by Rainbow.

“You really don’t know, do you?” Rainbow looked up to his face, surprised at his accusing tone, and half expecting his to wave away such a question. To her surprise, Navnløs continued his answer.

“You may be a damn freakish surprise, and it’s a fucking conundrum to what you really are. “He turned to his side, dropping his full attention upon Rainbow, who, while not quaking, could see the great intimidation in the dagger like grey eyes of the Human. “You speak our language. You’re one of the oddest things I’ve ever seen, and you talk of magic and other strange shit…” his tone then suddenly softened as he once again turned to face the horizon. “…but we live in very abnormal times, and I suppose there’s no current harm in at least entraining your story of teleportation. Or whatever it was you fucking said.”

Rainbow studied his face. It was thoughtful yet as plain as could be, as if he was telling simple facts.

“Seeing as you have no idea whatsoever of what happened here, I’m guessing wherever you came from has a degree of peace? Well If you were expecting that here, you’re a damn idiot, and around two hundred years late”

Rainbow had confusion written all over her, a fact not lost upon Navnløs, who seemed again annoyed at her ignorance.

“Look, I’m not that old, so don’t expect me to spurt out shit like I’m a damn book. I just know what I’ve heard, and what I’ve seen. So apparently years ago, when everything was all pretty and happy and nice…” He couldn’t hold in a laugh, letting it out in the expanses.

“huh?” was all Rainbow managed.

“Nothing.” Navnløs replied, but to an inquisitive face from the Pegasus, who obviously wanted an answer.

“Ugh, fine.” The Human rolled his eyes at her silent instance. “I just meant even in peaceful times, there’s no use pretending everything was perfect. We’re Human, so that means we are good at doing not good things. Believe it or not, there are some real arrogant shits out there who think the past times were pleasure on a plate…fucking idiots…”

He paused at his self-inflicted annoyance, only returning to the world as Rainbow gave an attentive cough.

“Right so, way back when, things go wrong, society screws up and it gets bad. The nukes hit, people fight for the ruins which are left. That makes a shit situation even shitter, and now that’s what we are dealing with”

Rainbow felt her throat contract as she desperately tried to find a response to Navnløs’s casually told story.

“Wait, nukes? I don’t understand, are you saying there was a war?” asked a confused Rainbow Dash, a growing sense of disgust on her face. It was a look caught by the gaze of the human, raising an eyebrow of his own.

“So, you don’t have those? Good for you I guess, but yeah, there was a war. The biggest one ever…” A sincere sigh of what seemed to be tiredness escaped Navnløs’s lips. “The nuclear fire and war after totally fucked us all. I’m not exaggerating when I say the entire world is done for. The whole planet is wrecked and ruined. Everything is in total ruins”.

Rainbow’s eyes fixated themselves on the expansive environment before her. She wasn’t afraid of a fight, nor getting rough and dirty. In fact, she often suggested and approved of a little heavy hoof action instead of the usual gentleness of Equestria. Yet hearing all this, be it true or not, was horrifying. The mere suggestion of ponies back home hating each other to the extent of mass war and destruction was an uncomfortable and shocking one to all pony kind, even Rainbow, so looking upon this ruined and lifeless land inspired a true fear that she had never felt before. The completely foreign idea that somepony would hate another to the extent they would destroy their own world, it almost made her sick.

“I…. I…I.” Was all Rainbow could manage, in the face of such a terrible revelation.

“Is it really that good wherever you came from?” curiously asked Navnløs’s, still allowing himself to seem distant.

Rainbow gulped, now comparing the two worlds even further, shaking at the thought of Equestria even suffering a fraction of this world.

“Um…Yeah…far better. There’s um…nothing like this”

Navnløs listened to her attentively, picking up on her shock.


The human’s words in turn conveyed the thoughts given to the contrast of his and hers worlds. He may not have seen Equestria, but the surprise of Rainbow to war and its result most likely allowed his imagination to go wild, entertaining the idea of a good world, and one free of the misery and death of this one.

Such a degree of innocence and a measure of pure thought was quickly vanquished from Navnløs’s face, as he resumed his usual sullen demeanour.

“A world that may not, and probably doesn’t exist, so what does it matter. I’m used to this mess of a place”

It was the same denial of Rainbow’s presence and even existence here from earlier, and as it ripped Rainbows pessimistic trail of thought away, she felt a measure of anger arise for the denying human.

“Hey dude! I get there aren’t any ponies here, but can you at least try believing I’m real” her posture took a far more defensive one, refusing to allow Navnløs’s denial triumph. Such was Rainbow’s annoyance at this rebuttal, she swiftly dug her hoof into the dirt before flinging a deep chunk of it upwards at the Human.

The gritty earth sprayed across the dark armoured jacket of Navnløs, while a small amount found its target in the form of his face.

The dirt did not win a reaction as Navnløs remained still as a mountain, unfazed by this aggressive action.

Rainbow at first thought she would have to send more dirt his way, but as the motionless and seemingly unaffected figure turned to face her, and as he closed the distance to her to a bare minimum, the towering height and deathly piercing eyes lost themselves on Rainbows much smaller form, The Pegasus actually felt a sense of physical weakness and inferiority in comparison.

She couldn’t say why, but by just being in this situation, she received a sense that, while it had been peaceful so far, this Human was not one of such a sympathetic way of living. Whatever they may be, Navnløs had performed many grave acts, and being in her position in any other time, that would be a very dangerous setting for the individual.

“The only reason I haven’t killed you yet is that your strange appearance and the fact you look like a fucking animal differs you from the rest of the poor sons of bitches that wander this hell” The towering prescience engulfed Rainbow in his shadow. She held her ground, for now.

“If that sounds like a weak excuse, it’s because it is. Trust me, your life hangs by a thread”

This was the first time Rainbow felt genuine fear for her life in for a time she could only guess was forever. It was this threat that reminded, if not convinced Rainbow she was far from home, in a place she would not wish on her worst enemies, and with a race of beings who she truly feared were no friends to Ponies.

Rainbow, in an act totally unknown to her, sacrificed her pride in the face of this threat. Bowing her head to the Human, and turning away, she allowed Navnløs this one victory, if only because she knew not the capabilities of these Humans, nor the strength of Navnløs himself.

Luckily, it seemed to work. Navnløs, sensing the submission, withdrew himself from looming over the pony and resumed his watch over the land.

“…And because it might not even be worth it” He said, most of the previous anger having left his voice. Rainbow turned her head just a little to this change in tone, confused in what he meant with this extra reason to the lack of Rainbows death. Such confusion only increased with the sly smile that emerged on the Humans face.

“You can’t kill a hallucination anyway. Waste of energy”

Rainbow Dash was left with a very generous amount of confusion and embarrassment. Had she so easily submitted herself to what could have been a joke? A prank even? Rainbow was a master of such things but if it was, she got no hints of one.

Or perhaps this was just what Humans were like. Undecipherable and unpredictable.

Whatever it was, it helped ease Rainbow’s nerves a little, even if it was her ignorance winning. Unfortunately, nervousness was replaced with annoyance. Joke or not, he was again referring to the disbelief of her actuality, an accusation she had already grown tired of.

“Hey! I told you— “Rainbow began on the front hoof, shedding her submissiveness as fast as she could, but the sharp interruption from Navnløs but a quick end to that.

“Shut up!” He hissed.

“What?” Rainbow asked in disbelief, annoyance increasing. “Listen buddy, I---“

Again, she was prevented from speaking.

“I said shut it!” Navnløs spat, maintaining an unusually low level of volume.

It became quickly obvious to Rainbow something was up, and they had to immediately quieten down.

“What is it?” whispered Rainbow, seeing Navnløs eye something behind her.

It was without warning the Human dragged the Pony down to the dirty ground, his powerful hand grabbing onto Rainbows mane. The strength of just a single arm pulling both species down into a low profile.

“Hey!”” cried out Rainbow in shock, to Navnløs’s great disapproval.

“Fucks sake, shut up!” he seethed. “Back at the house”

Rainbow lifted and turned her head from the ground, witnessing the new arrivals at the building she had just been in.

There was four of them, four more humans for her to deal with. Unlike Navnløs and Mex however, they were dressed far less…civil, as Rarity would day. Their garments were primarily made up from what seemed to be various pieces of leather, dirty fur and bone. It became quickly apparent to Rainbow these Humans were far less friendly than even the threatening Navnløs.

“Ugh, raider scum!” flared Navnløs. “Wondered when we’d come across them”

Rainbow swallowed hard, nervous at the seriousness of his tone.

“Who are they? What do they want?” She asked, as they both continued to hug the ground and spy.

“Didn’t you listen? Raiders…or wastelanders…. Or the forgotten. Dirty fuckers the lot of ‘em”

“Are they dangerous?” Rainbow in truth, knew the answer already. Here were four angry looking humans, clad as barbaric as one could, and all carrying some sort of blade. Of course, her unrequired didn’t go unpunished by Navnløs.

“Are you serious? Go anywhere in the world and you’ll met a variety of scum like this. They are the unfortunate remains of this world, clinging onto it like the parasites they are. Nothing but thieves, killers, pillages and rapists, the lot of ‘em”

Again, Rainbow couldn’t but herself bow her head in shame, such a small but significant humiliation forced upon her as she once more proved her ignorance of this world, and how to live in it.

“Suppose you couldn’t really know honestly, even as a hallucination of insanity” This sudden follow up, while an encore of proclaiming her to be fake, it was clear that it was not meant to offend, but the complete opposite, to reassure.

Rainbow looked up at Navnløs at this sudden change in personality, half expecting an understand kind smile on his face. Alas, he was stern as ever, committed to his overlook of the raiders.

A smile, albeit barely visible was present however just on Rainbow’s face instead. She knew precious little of Humanity in these early moments of meeting them, on the contrary in fact, witnessing them to be a rude and dangerous species, and one capable of incredible destruction judging their world, yet this barely even tiny act of understanding compassion, even by just a little, provided a redeeming factor, putting a smile on her face as saw a glimmer of hope, for Navnløs at least.

“Here we go” he suddenly said, as the pair witnessed the shady group of Humans sneak around the hut.

The stalkerish nature to these Humans was disturbing to Rainbow. They circled and circled the small wooden hut, obviously looking for any other entrenches or windows, for which there were none. The predatory movements of the group invoked trouble at best.

Her worst fears however were confirmed when each member of the pack drew their blades and weapons, be they knives and simple metal blades meant only to cause horrific lacerations, to crude homemade devices, clubs with crocked metal spikes embedded in them. It did show who these Humans were, survivors of the apocalypse resulting parasitic and simple acts of raiding and thievery, no one else there to help them survive the unforgiving land. As Navnløs stated, they truly were forgotten.

One then kicked the door in, as he and another stormed into the hut, obviously startling an unsuspecting Mex, judging by her shocked scream.

Rainbow sprang into action at the mere sound of such a noise. She didn’t really know this human, but she had sheltered and took her in, even despite being an unknown species who had been suddenly brought here, not to mention that the headstrong pony hated one type of trait above all, something she had dealt with since she was just a little filly starting her first race.


Here these Humans were, arriving unannounced and unwanted, expecting themselves to get whatever they like, no thought to the victims.

They would be facing consequences this time.

Or so she thought.

“What are you doing?” Navnløs cut in, preventing Rainbow from shooting off to the defence of Mex.

It was so unexpected, Rainbow at first didn’t realise he was holding her down, preventing her from getting up to rescue Mex. Her trail of thought crashed and went blank at this action, at why he was doing this, and why he wasn’t doing it too.

“Wh-what?” her mouth managed.

Navnløs understood her confusion, choosing to cut straight to the point.

“No, too many of them, possibly more. The fuck you going to do to help anyway?”

Rainbow was dumbstruck at his lack of action, his calmness in this situation.

“You---what are you doing dude? You just gonna sit here doing nothing? Get off your butt and do something!”

He didn’t.

“And get myself killed? You’re dumber than you look” he said uncaringly, returning am angry scowl from Rainbow. “I don’t have enough rifle ammunition to spare. I shoot all of it off now and I die later in the wastes.”

“Huh?” quizzed Rainbow, not understanding his last point.

“Ugh” Navnløs groaned with a sigh. “This thing. It’s a weapon.” With this he brought into view the long stick like object he had been carrying all this time. Seeing it right in front of her, Rainbow noticed it was a crude contraption, made of both wood and metal, but most definitely constructed on a budget. It was long, with a grip like protrusion where Navnløs now held it. At the other end was a metal pipe like piece, for some reason reminding Rainbow of a much smaller version of Pinkie party cannon.

“All you need to know it’s a weapon for use at range, and it kills. Easily”

Rainbow caught on that Navnløs was aware of her ignorance of the weapon, but reminding herself the Humans destroyed their own world, she felt uneasy at what this weapon he now held, could do.

The main point however, and one progressing worrying quickly, was action was needed from Navnløs. Now.

Rainbow would never advocate any sort of killing, yet despite the knowledge that such a weapon could kill, it paled in comparison to what would happen to Mex if it wasn’t used.

“Whatever, you need to go help Mex, like now!” her demands and pleas fell on deaf ears however, the uncaring nature of her current human companion reigning above all.

Time was running out. The sounds of struggle increased, and a third human ran in the hut.

“What are you waiting for?!”

Still nothing.

Rainbow’s heart began pumping wildly, the stress and tension of the situation taking a large toll on her.

“You dumb…bucking Human!” she cried, probably well above the level needed to remain unnoticed, something the human in question didn’t seem to appreciate. That and the repeated kicks of frustration upon him.

“Bucking? What?”

Rainbow was willing to bet now out of the two individuals being in a constant state of announce, it was her winning.


Guilt then grew, suddenly and quickly. She was irritated again and again at this Human, for quite legitimate reasons, but this was not the time. A life was in great peril, and every second they delayed arguing and fighting, was another second closer to the possible inevitable.

Rainbow tried to control the growing panic and festered within her. It grew into her voice as fear and desperation kicked in.

“Isn’t there any reason at all to get down there?!” Rainbow had meant to remind Navnløs of his connection the Mex, the bond of friendship Rainbow herself and learned a great deal from these past few years, and regardless of such lessons being known amongst the Humans, she had hoped that the idea that a friend was in trouble would at least cause action.

He did, but not as expected.

“There’s supplies I need down there, weapons I can’t go without. I’ll be damned if I let those fucks take them from me!”

The look of deep thought that proceeded this had given Rainbow hope he would do the right thing. He technically was, but it was not met with great approval from the Pegasus.

“Right! Let’s go kick some bu---“Again Rainbow was held down. “What are you doing?!” Rainbow pleaded.

“Don’t let this get to your head, but you won’t last a minute down there.”

Rainbow let out a confident laugh. “Um, I’m probably stronger and faster than any of them. They won’t expect a Pegasus teaching them not to hurt anypony”

“You’re probably dumber than I even knew also. Stay here, or get killed. Chances are they are here cos’ they are hungry. I’m not fucking around when I say they will literally eat you.”

Rainbow swallowed what seemed like a stone. Being reminded of the Humans carnivorous nature just unsettled her, pure and simple.

“Well, how about you go soften them up, if you’re so sure of keeping me safe, then I sweep in and— “

Cut off again.

“You don’t think I’m doing this for your own good, right?” Rainbow bore the swift accusing and surprised gaze of the Human. The meaning of which installing angst and heartache into her.

I hope you are

“Fuck me, dumb bitch”

Confirmation created a sorrowful version of her, one unable to reply to such callousness.

“I gain little from your death, so consider this warning to stay put a very generous one.” The repeated rigid look he gave as he slung the long weapon onto his back made Rainbow feel like she was at school again, getting told off by her teachers. “Now, stay here if you value your life, this won’t take long.”

If this was like any of the ego driven, over confidence found in Rainbow, it remained unknown how it would play out. Moving to a couching position and sneaking down the slope swiftly, he withdrew a long curved like blade, very much like the knife her was sharpening early, just with more length.

One of Human raiders still remained outside, guarding the entrance, but rather uncaringly and lazily so.

Such a thing would be his undoing.

Moving silently behind the hut, and emerging to the left of the raider, but straight ahead in Rainbows view, Navnløs caught the human completely unaware. Before any other action could be made, Navnløs gave the ferrous swipe with his blade at the side of the lonely forgotten, causing him to recoil and turn to his left side, covering his gruesome wound with his other hand, and facing Navnløs in the process.

Biggest mistake of his life.

Probably his last sight of his life was the full-on view of Navnløs tossing the blade into his left hand, and slashing outwards, the steel meeting throat in the process.

All this, from the initial strike to the final one, was done to speeds even Rainbow was impressed with. Yet this was countered almost completely by the fact this sudden move resulted in the immediate defeat of this Human and thus, his death.

Quick as the whole thing might have been, it only resulted in a waterfall of blood from the raiders open throat wound. He collapsed, and Rainbow gave a horrified gasp. This was the first killing she had ever seen, and seeing it in such a morbid way only made her vomit rise up even faster. It gave flushing out into the ground and Rainbows face had a permanent state of horror upon it.

Navnløs however seemed completely unfazed by the literal blood on his hands. He strolled into the hut, ready to deal with the remaining unfortunate raiders.

Only a few seconds passed before Rainbow felt fear for all Humans present. Mex hadn’t been heard for a while, leading Rainbow to fear the worst. Fear also for invading Humans, who judging by Navnløs’s use of the blade, might suffer an equally gruesome fate.

And yes, she had to admit, even fear for Navnløs himself. Annoying, unsympathetic and blunt as he was, it was he who she had had contact with the most in this world, so it would be a lie to say she didn’t care if he lived or died in that hut.

Wasting no time, she attempted to get inside as hastily as she could, meaning it was time to try her wings again.

The force in which she put into them however, and the speed in which she tried to achieve, meant again she fell straight to the ground, this time tumbling down the hill. She didn’t let this stop her journey though. Getting straight up, and resorting to plain old running, she reached the door, and peered inside.

Her stomach churned anew.

What greeted her was three Human bodies on the floor.

The first and closest, was one belonging to a large raider. His arm was laying a few feet away, a pool of blood surrounding it. The body itself had two wounds. One, a large gaping slash across his mostly bare chest, and a deep hole where Rainbow presumed his heart was.

The next body, also bloodied and horrifying, had the area between his neck and shoulder blade almost disintegrated, suggesting whatever it there, hit hard and deep. His other wound was another deep stabbing wound on his chest.

The final body, the least bloodied, was the one most horrifying to Rainbow, but not for the damage don’t to the flesh, but for who the body belonged to.

Laying just there was a collapsed Mex, her eyes shut and figure unmoving. This time, Rainbow didn’t have a feel to gag. Only sadness remained, sadness and failure.

They were feeling she actually wish persisted, but with two remaining Humans facing off, weapons in hand, they were emotions best suited for another time.

Navnløs, two blades in hand, stood at one side of the room while the last remaining raider, wielding a single hatchet, stood at the other, both Human’s sides facing her.

The former Human stood ready and poised to strike, the red blood covering him in a war paint like fashion. If this terrified Rainbow, Celestia knows how the other human felt, as his death could come at any second.

This fear caused the Human to frantically scan the room for an escape. Only when he realised the door was the sole means of entering and exiting, was when he saw Rainbow staring at them both.

The frightened Human blinked in shock, shaking his head as he struggled to believe what he saw. He gave a quick double take between her and Navnløs before making a break for it.

Dropping his axe, his nerve finally broke. He charged Rainbow and the door she stood by. His face was one consumed by pure terror and Rainbow could have sworn she saw tears forming, for he knew his life hung on the edge of a knife.

“I told you to stay put! Fuck!” shouted Navnløs as his eyes followed the fleeing raider. “You stupid shit!”

Before Rainbow could respond however, Navnløs threw his blades on a nearby table and retrieved a golden looking object from a pocket. Unslinging the unknown weapon from his back, he pulled back a metal protrusion before sliding the golden metallic thing into the weapon. All the while the fleeing Raider was making good progress from the hut, his legs carrying himself into the endless landscape, just to escape this current threat.

Further and further he got as Rainbow could only frantically scan the room and Navnløs, who was speedily assembling and preparing his crudely made weapon. It was time however Rainbow most spent looking at Navnløs’s handiwork, his death and destruction he had inflicted. Yet once more seeing the increased distance from escaping raider was making, Rainbow found herself doing the unbelievable, taking a side.

Who knew would happen should the human escape, should he return with reinforcements. As much as it disgusted her, she prayed for Navnløs to hurry up, and finish the job.

He wouldn’t disappoint.

“Down!” he cried, ensuring Rainbow hit the floor as fast as she could.

Mirroring his earlier, blistering speed with the blade, as soon as he let his cry out, he took to one knee, aimed his weapon, and out of it came a blinding flash of light, and sound like the heavens cracking open.

She never once got a chance to see what came out with the flash, as when she turned back to the raider, he had already fallen, never to get back up.

A few silent moments then went by, her ears ringing a little from the loud bang. Navnløs then looked at her, his gaze still not differing from the severe look of annoyance.

“You’re lucky I could take them, the amateur lot of them” Rainbow sensed his tone rising in anger, and it was in the most morbid and terrible way she found her distraction.

“Mex, is she…is she ok?”

Both human and pony looked upon the collapsed female, yet only one of these two showed any signs of remorse.

“She’s alive, but only just. She won’t make it” Navnløs said drily.

Rainbow would have taken severe issue to this lack of respect, but upon running over to the dying human, she couldn’t spend the effort.

“M-Mex? Are you ok?” she asked desperately, hoping for a response in any form.

It came with two sudden coughs, the second bringing up some blood.

“Good….to…see that you’re ok” Mex managed, albeit weakly and with great struggle.

“Navnløs took care of the bad guys. Are you alright, what did they want, who were they?” Rainbow began, shooting out questions with great haste, knowing deep down she wouldn’t have too much time to ask anything.

“I told you” interjected Navnløs, who surprisingly had now resorted to packing a large pack with various items. “They wander around, taking what they want”

Rainbow gave a disbelieving look at him, ready to scold for this unbelievably uncaring nature, but it was Mex who prevented this.

“It’s true…Rainbow.” She said with a few more painful coughs, to which Rainbow worrying held up her head in support. “The stubborn bitch I am prevented me from willingly give up anything, so they gave me a few stabs to convince me otherwise. Luckily, I don’t break when some testosterone fuelled man comes in and demands stuff from me”

It was defiance in which Rainbow couldn’t help but show a smile too. It was further fuel to the sadness which she felt when she realised this was the type of personality she could have befriended.

“B-but…you’re bleeding. A lot. “Rainbow showed panic now, a fearful display of desperateness for Mex’s life. “Maybe there something in here that can help you! That can heal you! There must be someth---“

“There’s nothing!” cut off Mex. “Hey, don’t worry any way. I knew my time was coming, I’ve been ready for a long time”.

Rainbow gave a quick questioning look at Navnløs at this remark, who simply gave a nonchalant look in return, focused instead on packing. It was a remark Rainbow decided to bring up again later.

“I’m…I’m sorry…I wish- I want to do something to help you…” Sorrow claimed Rainbow now, and for the first time in her life, she realised she was witnessing an actual murder, an unnatural death. It was one of the most depressing things she had ever known.

“Sorry? Ha!” Mex replied, strangely joyfully, causing an obviously painful laugh to her. “Ouch!”

Rainbow flinched at this sorry sight, raising a hoof to her in worry.

“I’m not sorry at all” Mex continued, seemingly happy despite literally dying. “not much left for me here” She then turned to Navnløs, who still seemed disconnected with the whole tragic situation.

“Where will you go?” she said to him, fairly seriously.

“I dunno yet” he said, not even having the curtesy to stop what he was doing to reply to his dying friend. “Going to stay away from the big places. Had enough with any of the so called ‘civilised factions’. “

Rainbow didn’t understand the meaning of his answer, and didn’t try to get one, but hearing of the planning of where to go next stirred thoughts within her. She wasn’t even in Equus, let alone Equestria. There were no ponies here, and this worlds inhabitant didn’t even know of any.

The following thoughts were nerve racking. Panicking even.

Where would she go? How would she get back home? What she would do in the mean time? How would she even survive?

They were thoughts seemingly picked up on by even a dying Mex.

“You’re scared, for me perhaps? Rainbow Dash I told you don’t wor— “

“No no no.” Rainbow quickly responded. “It’s not that”

It took her a moment to realise what she said and how she did, forcing an immediate embarrassed and apologetic face.

“No, I mean- I am worried about you, of course, but I was just thinking about what IM going to do now, is all”

A defeated sigh escaped her lips, a feeling she was not accustomed to at all.

“I can’t lie and say I have an answer for you…” Mex said rather plainly, to which Rainbow only felt more worry for. “…but…” The Human continued in a whisper. “…I will say this. Stick with Navnløs. He may not be good company, at all, but he knows the land, and he’s survived in it. If there anyone you have a chance with, in both staying alive and getting home, its him.”

Rainbow gave a quick look at the Human in question, seeing only his callous attitude and uncaring personality.

“Him? Why? He may be good at… you know” Rainbow began, indicating at the dead bodies, not wanting to mention that Navnløs had actually killed. “But he’s a pain in the flank! Pretty sure he hates me anyway.”

Mex only gave a small smile to this, her energy obviously at an all-time low. Her time here was approaching fast.

“True, he’s no ray of sunshine, but there’s more to that that man then meets the eye. Even more than I could ever know. Just stay by him, no matter what.”

Rainbow gave a pause to think on it. Mex didn’t.

“Please” she only said, a hint of a hidden desperation possibly riddled within her world.

Looking into the Humans eyes, her soon to be eternally closed eyes, Rainbow felt loss. Regardless of their short acquaintance, she seemed kind, wise, and strong. The fact that all that was about to be lost forever, that was something Rainbow could avoid. Tears began to form.

“Ok” The pony simply and quietly replied, agreeing to this last proposal of Mex’s.

She seemed satisfied at the answer, even at peace.

“Promise?” Mex added.

“Yeah…sure…” Rainbow Dash replied solemnly.

“Thank you” The female Human seemed actually happy in her final moments, ready to embrace deaths embrace.

By now however, Navnløs had finished his tasks, walking up to his friends dying body, the male covered in extra items and with a large pack now on his back.

“You ready?” he said as plainly as one possibly could.

Rainbow looked up at him, sadness in her eyes, yet ready to finally leave. She had to get back after all. No matter what.

“What? No, not you”

Navnløs seemed a little repulsed by Rainbow even speaking, surprised that she did. Rainbow in turn felt the same at the fact he even did.

“Mex, you ready?” he repeated, clearly indicating it wasn’t Rainbow who he was speaking to.

Rainbow now realised his question wasn’t of being ready to leave, it was being ready for the next stage. For whatever came next.

Mex took a deep breath in, ignoring the pain that accompanied it. She understood the gravity of such a question.

“I am.” She said confidently, striking a great deal of respect for her in the heart of Rainbow.

Silence followed. Rainbow at first was puzzled why Navnløs lifted his hand towards a blade of his, believing it to be merely moving it for comfort, but once the realisation that he was indicating he would possibly end it for his friend, Rainbow felt even more disgust for this Human.

It was fortunate Mex didn’t take him up on his offer.

“No, no need. The time is now, I welcome it peacefully.”

She closed her eyes for the last time, but taking the liberty to use her voice once more. She turned her head, eyes still shut, towards Navnløs.

“I hope…. you…. find….it……”

Her voice became slow and soft, and her last breaths were taken.

She left the world, despite covered in fatal injuries, as peacefully as she could manage, and if anything, it was the smallest of lights in the darkness that was Rainbow’s mood.

Rainbow let go of her now, feeling her muscles become loose and her body limp. She let Mex’s body lay gently on the floor, allowing her a respectful silence.

Navnløs, in a move that didn’t even surprise Rainbow in the slightest anymore, didn’t.

“Anyway…” He said, seeming almost refreshed.

“What did she mean? By finding it?” Rainbow asked him, the feeling a mourning too dominant to allow any anger for him.

“…I don’t know” Navnløs said frankly, giving the slightest of pauses to begin with.

Following this, he wasted no time in heading for the door.

While Rainbow only felt the need for more thoughtful silence, and a chance to properly mourn a death, this action was simply too much for her.

“HEY!” she shouted angrily, yet only resulting in him stopping, not turning to face her. “What do you think you’re doing?!”

However angry she seemed, or however loud her voice went, its effects were totally lost on Navnløs, who could do nothing but stand there, blankly staring at her.

“Leaving. You don’t think I’m going to stay here?”

Rainbow gasped in shock. She already knew this human to be uncaring, unemotional, and honestly unloving, but just leaving the body of his friend? So easily and freely, nothing seemingly holding him back?

Rainbow honestly wanted to see him depressed. At least something to show some genuine care and emotion in this situation.

But he showed none, and Rainbow stilled needed a response.

“But…Aren’t we going to at least bury Mex?”

Rainbow chose a more logical reply, hoping to appeal to his more sensible side, to at least not forget at least a little normality.

He couldn’t even do that.

He looked around the room, finding and picking up an oil lamp. He threw it to the ground, smashing it on dry wood, spewing oil and instant flames at its location.

“There’s your burial. Not going to waste precious energy digging a dis foot whole. I don’t have that much food”

Rainbow could have argued to his decision all day, but with fire spreading at an alarming rate throughout the wooden hut, she never got the chance.

She felt the instant heat of the wood completely burning, and it was Navnløs sensibly who left in great haste.

Rainbow, unlike him, didn’t have anything to collect, nothing to bring to prepare for the dead wastes that awaited her, she came here completely light after all.

There was nothing here for her, save one thing.

She gave one last look to the body of Mex, to the human that had helped her be introduced to this world. Far from knowing her as a friend, Rainbow thought, knew even, she deserved more than this.

Alas, she couldn’t ponder on such matters, such was the ferocity of the flames. The temperature of the room was becoming unbearable, regardless of Rainbows desire to grieve for Mex. Rainbow was forced to abruptly leave as the hut collapsed within itself, burning debris very nearly burning her feathers off.

She only just managed to escape the hut before the entire wooden structure was fully consumed by bon fire like destruction, allowing herself to see what remained behind her, chiefly the unexpected cremation that now occurred. She saw nothing but flames and smoke, perhaps fortunate, seeing as it served as a prevention from looking back, literally and figuratively.

The only direction now was in front of her, into the endless dead void that was the world of Humanity, the only deviation from the monotony of it all being the human Navnløs, the one who was her only company now.

It was with a deep breath, one preparing and readying her for whatever may come in this unknown world, that she forced herself to put aside what had just happened, and focus on the future, on living, on getting home.

She trotted after the walking Human, who was allowing nothing to stop him, even for a second, not even the indignation of his look when he saw that Rainbow had joined him.

“Now what are you doing?” he asked, his voice full of irritation.

Rainbow knew his reasons of anger. He obviously wished to venture further completely alone, but she wasn’t going to allow that, and not just because Mex told her to, and the pony’s loyalty to those words remained strong. Determination was always her strength after all.

“You can’t stop me from coming with you. Maybe we are just going in the same direction” Rainbow said with a bold smile.

“And you can’t stop me from killing you” he instantly replied coldly, Rainbow lying if she said this didn’t worry her a little.

“Well, I guess”

“Hm, well I guess you don’t know the way of the land. You’ll probably fall behind or get lost or whatever. You’ll die then”

Navnløs’s foul words repeated his disdain and low opinion for the pony, who couldn’t help but feel undeserving of this treatment.

“Wow” she said, taking no care into hiding her sarcasm. “How nice of you. Doesn’t shock me though, you treated your dying friend like muck”

Navnløs then legitimately showed real confusion, and not the disgusted variant Rainbow had seen too many times already.

“Friend?” he questioned. “She wasn’t my friend, I only met her a couple weeks ago. Who gives a shit that she’s dead now”.

Rainbow was left completely dumbfounded by this. Words were lost to her.

“I…W-what?” she struggled to say.

“Yeah, found this place a few weeks ago, stayed because I needed some place safe in this hell whole.”

At first, Rainbow, although surprised, felt a little relief. At least he didn’t totally disregard a friend.

“She was a total loner, living here doing nothing, yet with plenty of shit. No one wonder those forgotten likes what they saw. They would have been me, give or take a few days.”

Rainbow felt the relief flood away.

“what do you mean?” she asked, worryingly.

“Who do you think needs all the supplies more, a crazy witch like woman doing nothing, or me, someone who actually has to do shit in this world. If she wouldn’t give me what I needed when I had to leave, then I’d just take it.”

For such a barbaric act, he seemed very ok with all of this.

“What the--! How could you? Why? Jerk” Rainbow exclaimed.

“This aint some comfy little home where everyone acts nice and skips around, loving everyone each day. Here, you do what you need to survive, and that’s why I’m going to live, and you’re probably not”

Navnløs didn’t wait for a response. His words were full of confidence and belief, and his conscience, if he even had one, was at ease. He picked up his walking pace, leaving Rainbow trailing just behind, pondering his words.

“I will, you’ll see” she whispered under her breath, with the same grit determination she showed at every race, and every time she had demonstrated true loyalty.

“I never lose”

Author's Note:

Rainbows journey home begins!
Curious to know what you guys think of her chapters so far, and which location you like to ready more, even though theres only been two chapters in the Human world so far.
Back To equestria for next one however, unless you are love these kind of chapters more.
Thanks for ready everyone , feedback or just a comment of how you like the story so far really helps me out

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