• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 36: Why we fight

“I’m sorry…”

Two words Solar had never before thought he would hear himself say.

The truth was, recent weeks were nothing if not out of the ordinary.

How was it that now he had all the power he could have dreamed of, even on an extremely ambitious day? How was it that he had found himself fighting a cause that he fervently believed in? How was it, despite his literal crimes and forsaken past, that he now was so fortuitous that he had the heart of one of the most powerful beings to have ever lived?

Inquiring minds truly wanted to know how all this happened.

Mind boggling they were, but ultimately, they were beneficial. The prevailing moment right now however, could not be described as so.

It started as Luna had teleported Solar back down into Canterlot, causing a repeat of the nauseating experience he suffered from being a teleportation novice. He had reappeared in the city with a drive and determination he had never before experienced so intently. His was now a role of battle against Luna’s enemies. For all intents and purposes, the old Solar had been left high up in that mountain refuge, revealing a new, far more confrontational servant of the Night. For that was what the situation now dictated. All those who called Luna their Princess, and all those who wished for a stable Equestria that would survive the coming storm, should now rise up against those who would oppress and ruin them, such as those who had ripped the city apart with their cowardly bomb attack.

As soon as he reappeared in the city proper, the first course of action was to seek the NG, and prepare them. That went without issue, despite witnessing the city still under the cruel grip of chaos. The NG had acted admirably though, whipping themselves into action to protect their fellow Ponies. With the return of their Commander though, new orders were received. To regroup, make the best out of a terrible situation with a recruitment campaign, and bring order to the land.

With luck, this would go without issue or bloodshed. The Guards, both Day and Night, should they show wisdom, would remain passive, and not stand up to the NG. They may now be firmly in Celestia’s grip, but that did not mean that as individuals, hopefully caring for their country, they should stop those willing to stand up for it. They would back down, let the NG take whatever control was necessary, and help them keep the peace.

Following that, as instructed by Luna herself and should Solar deem it required, the NG would purge the land of any agitators that wished Ponies harm, like they had successfully managed to accomplish today. If it meant a fight though, if more severe action was required in the short term to ensure Equestria’s safety, then so be it. Those who caused the harm found today deserved no mercy, and those who supported it, equally so.

It had not come to that yet though. Not because it wasn’t necessary, but because Solar, after calling a meeting of NG leadership, had gotten quite side-tracked.

On the way back to Luna’s tower, he passed a small hospital. In predictable grief, it seemed the case that this small building was struggling to cope with the current amount of patients. It was an extremely sobering, deflating thought, knowing that the injured had barely anyplace else to go, such was the extent of the damage caused. Smaller, non-specialised establishments like this were not preferable at all for the critically injured, but alas, nopony could be so choosey now. Even then though, as Solar stood outside, the bleak realism began to set in. Equestria just was not used to pain on this scale. Even with rising tensions, even prior to Luna’s return, Celestia had not thought it wise to invest in public services, thus leaving the healthcare system critically underfunded and underprepared for when a catastrophe like this struck.

This vulnerability now only conveyed even more tragedy. Despite the best efforts of the hospital staff, the place was simply not equipped to deal with this many patients, suffering this great a wound. Desperateness dictated them to commit to matters of last resort, and send patients who were on the brink of death out, in search of another, larger hospital. Putting them into ambulance carriages with great haste, Solar watched as these poor souls were sent to another hospital, in pure and almost futile desperation that there would be space and the expertise.

A depressing sight, considering Solar’s new alignment in his ambitions. Equestria would not be strong, respected even, were it suffering like this. More importantly, Luna and her Night would suffer from the same afflictions. Solar now considered himself a vanguard of sorts, the first in and the power behind Luna’s rightful ascension, so when he stood there, watching Ponies needlessly suffer, he could only act.

Overthrowing Celestia’s failed reign need not happen through force. Of course, long gone was the chance that she would voluntarily step down, but perhaps, under the pressure for her population, she would see reason, or end up as just another victim of the revolution. Yet in order to first get the Ponies to even demand such a thing, they needed to know there was an alternative. Luckily for them, Solar was determined to show them that Luna was that alternative.

In he went, introducing himself as Luna’s Night Warden, still apprehensive that his role as a Shadow should be become more public. The doctors and nurses, who could barely afford to give him the time of day, considering their hurried tasks, accepted his unconditional help. Still, Solar was no medic, and it became clear that many grew confused at his very presence.

He was no Pony of extensive medical knowledge. He could fix a dislocated limb, and patch up a stab wound, knowledge gained through experience, but as the doctors themselves were demonstrating today, even they, with their years of accumulated knowledge, were having great difficulty.

No, his skills were not of the physical variety today. Who was he here, If not Luna’s emissary? He was here to further her cause and prove her worthiness.

He may have been a fighter at heart, but now, he needed to be a friend.

“Please!” pleaded one sorrowful Pony, her eyes red from the constant tears. “My Son! He’s hurt badly…”

The Mother was bordering on mournful, as if she knew the fate awaiting her young boy. Solar found himself sympathising for tearful Pony as if he had always been good of heart. Maybe it was because of Luna that he suddenly found empathy existing, or maybe it was the just awful state of her son, who lay there, on a hospital bed, clearly in a coma of some kind. His flesh was burnt and ruined, and deep cuts were found plentiful across his body. Solar would never say it out loud to her, but the Mother should count herself lucky that her young stallion had made it from the blast in a better condition than many others.

Now of course, Solar couldn’t help the physical condition of the boy, but he could help those who remained. The Mother was young and seemingly normal, were it not for her hysterical crying.

A perfect candidate for seeing the beauty of the Night.

“Listen!” Solar commanded gently, taking the Mother’s hooves in his own. “The doctors will do their best for your son, but this I promise you, as Night Warden and servant of Princess Luna, we will not rest until we bring your son’s attackers to justice! The doctors will do their jobs, but the fight doesn’t end there! We cannot pretend this never happened, nor wish it away with prayers and good wishes! The Night will do everything it can, like these hard working staff do, to ensure your kid is cared for!”

If anything, these words subsided the tears somewhat. Even through this harrowing experience, it was good to know that logic and belief had not also been obliterated in the attack.

“Y-You’re the Night Warden?” She asked through wet sniffs. “The actual one?”

Curious to hear what his name meant out here, Solar inquired more.

“I am. Is that ok?” He asked, trying to sound as caring as possible, more than he ever had to any other Pony bar Luna.

“I-I’m sorry!” She cried, quite flustered. “I-I didn’t mean to sound so hopeless!” Obviously Solar’s role, to the wider populace, wasn’t so well known. His was a name that commanded power and respect, but not much more. In order for him to be successful today, he needed to change that.

“Hey, you are doing the right thing!”

The Pony opposite him seemed confused, probably expecting Solar to be some dark and foreboding figure.

“T-The right thing?”

“Yes!” Solar shot back, full of surety. “Your Son has been hurt, and you, as a good Mom, stand by his side, even though he may neither hear nor register you. You cry for him, a loving act if there ever was one. You care for him, a quality lacking in the cowards behind the attack!”

Initially, the Mother had probably felt great shame for showing such emotion in front of this illusive figure in the form of Solar. Now, through a more honest, Pony face of the Night, that disbelief vanished.

“T-Thank you, Sir.” She barely even managed. “It’s just…I love him so much!”

Love was now a thing Solar could pride himself in experiencing. The thought of losing Luna was a totally heart stopping one, and one he hoped he would never have to experience. This passion only fuelled his connection with this Pony.

“I understand, and while you may feel alone today, know Luna watches over you, and sends me to personally to check up on you, while she battles to keep the rest of the city safe! The Night will always care for its Ponies, Miss….?”

The more personal touch was working wonder. Already the Pony had fought back her seemingly endless tears, and was now looking Solar directly into the eye, a new found confidence assured to her by the curtesy of the Night.

“Amber Star, Sir. And my Son’s name is Cobalt Ace…He always said he was an ace of the sky…”

“It is admirable you put more emphasis on your Son, in regards the question I asked specifically about you” Solar said with a comforting smile, one designed to ensure Amber Star did not feel at fault with her selfless answer. “And you don’t need to call me Sir, Amber. Solar is good enough.”

Every little helped in achieving trust, and just this small act of familiarity did wonders in this construction of friendship.

“Sorry Si-…Mr Solar.” Solar restrained his eye roll. After all, it was clear that already Amber was more at ease around him. “He hoped to be a Wonderbolt, you know? I suppose…that’s a long gone dream now…” Amber Star, at the mention of her son’s probable lack of future, began to descend into depression once more.

Fortunately for her, the Night was here for her.

“And he still might!” Solar intervened. “I will remember his name, and when he wakes, the Night shall take him under our wing, and provide him a life that you can both take pride in!” Emphasis, almost of the naive kind, on young Cobalt Ace’s future was a care taken with a strengthen smile by Amber Star.

“B-But we aren’t special, Mr Solar. Why would Princess Luna care about us in particular?”

What Amber didn’t understand was that she and, most likely, her Son were just the ordinary and good folk Luna was in seek of. Ponies of good heart and high ambitions, perhaps quite literally in Cobalt’s case. They were the backbone of a strong country, and only with them did Luna stand a chance of reigning successfully, and this time, with the loyalty and passion that made up a proud land.

“Because you are her little Ponies! The Princess doesn’t care for your age or job or whatever! You may be a cripple from some village nopony has ever heard of or ever will, but as long as you accept it, you will still receive the love and care of the Princess of the Night. She will not let you down, not give up on you and more importantly, she will strive each and every day to serve you as much as you deserve!”

This was the difference that separated Luna and her Sister. Celestia, even during her more sane days, ruled as a traditional monarch. Delegating more mundane matters to her government, while expecting unconditional and plentiful love from her Ponies. Barely acceptable in even peaceful days. When Equestria had come under attack, when its economy and society seemed at breaking point, and Celestia did little or even failed at rectifying these issues, then why was she deserving of the love and servitude she thought she was owed? The answer was pretty clear to Solar, and while Luna had made mistakes in the past, it was an inspiration to many that she now sought to learn from them, and in contrast to Celestia, gave the Ponies her servitude like a good leader should, and not vice versa.

“She really sounds like she’s serious about helping us…” replied Amber, a newfound confidence in her eyes for her family.

“She is!” cried Solar categorically. “And although you owe us nothing, not after all this, we, the entire Night, will keep you safe, and ensure your family’s star shines bright!”

Solar prided himself on that final touch, relating to Amber Star’s name. Intimate moments like these weren’t lost on her, and Amber now held her head high, finally seeing the light of the Night in these dark times.

“T-Thank you Solar. I know you’re a busy stallion, so it was very nice of you to try and console little old me. Know I seriously appreciate it.”

And there it was. Nothing could truly help her, not while her Son was damaged so, but when such bleak moments did come, and all hope seemed lost, the best thing another Pony could do was to be there, unconditionally, sincerity, and ready to help no matter the cost. Amber Star knew this support to now be from the Night, and Solar now dared to believe that Luna may have a new supporter.

“You need not thank those who what we owe you, the Ponies who give our land the soul that all others look upon with envy! It is our absolute honour to see you happy.” Solar bowed his head respectively, with Amber knowing that he had to be elsewhere now. But as a final touch, Solar turned his head around, and offered a parting gift. “When Cobalt wakes, send him our way. His destiny is his own, and his choices his to make freely, but I dare say he may be interested in putting that ace like skill to good use. There are more than the Wonderbolts, you know…”

The NG was in great need of skilful Ponies. However, as joint leader of that new order, a quaint idea entered his mind. The NG was meant to serve the Night almost militarily, or at least in more aggressive motives. Perhaps, as the more public face, a Wonderbolt counterpart could be established, attracting the best Pegasi talent while also showing the country just how incredible the Night was.

Solar then had to take his leave, but Amber was not left alone in sadness. She held Cobalt’s hoof with tender love, but not love devoid of hope. By Luna’s grace, they should be alright.

The same thing could not be said for the Pony met next.

This wing of the hospital was, by some marvel, comparatively quiet, at least compared to the rest of the building. The patients here had suffered untold injuries, but as much as they could be, they were stable. This room was simply a place to put them, while attention was directed to more pressing matters. Regardless, no false sense of security should be acquired from this fact. The patients, as was the case with Cobalt, were in no great health at all. They just weren’t about to die.

Yet the young mare that now faced him, as she lie in her bed, was surely not fully in the land of the living. If she could even be called a mare at this point.

The body in that bed barely even resembled a pony at all, let alone one of a gender. Her breathing was coarse and wheezy as she clearly pained to even inhale at this point. Her flesh was burned to a crisp, her face was disfigured beyond all belief, and that was only the what was on show. The worst, as Solar undoubtedly expected, was hidden behind the masses of dressing and bandages. Were she as much on show as he were, then, horribly, she would have frightened many of the patients here to death.

She may be alive, but unlike Cobalt, she was not ok. And she never would be again.

“Y-Y…. You’re the…. Night Warden?”

Managed was too weak a word for the sound of the voice that came. Harsh and broken it was, with plenty of pain heard as her throat attempted to even speak. What use was pity, while the form that lay before Solar now was not one living, merely existing.

“Indeed I am” Solar wasn’t sure what else to say. He couldn’t even see what her reaction was, not while so much of her face was hidden from view. Was she star struck? Was she fearful? Did she just wish for a friend in these most terrible of days?

Even further conversation proved almost too difficult for the suffering Pony, who evidently could barely even move, still, Solar approached. Maybe it was born of simple curiosity of what she had to say, or maybe it was that sensation of a full heart that now made him so susceptible to pity.

Luna, this is your fault.

He was indeed here to help, but as he approached ever closer, Solar only dreaded being here. How much help could he truly give, even with Luna on his side, to such a lost and broken form? Apart from healing, there was little this Pony would appreciate.

“I’m…. Sorry…. I didn’t…know…” Solar could only wince at the painful display on show. Part of him just wanted to go so she needn’t talk and suffer further. But what a look that would be, the Night Warden running from the broken and the damned. That was no way to win support.

“It’s ok. You don’t need to apologise.” He replied, struggling to find the words.

“No…I…m-mean…” But she could not finish. Blaming only himself for furthering the pain felt, Solar intervened.

“Don’t speak. Save your energy, and know Princess Luna and all her Night watches and cares for you.” This seemed just a simplified reproduction of what was said to Amber Star, in almost ignorant hope that this Pony would feel better. This lack of effort however, would not satisfy the Pony, and not for the reasons Solar suspected.

“Please….” She really tried, more effort put into her volume this time, unfortunately not helping the situation in any way. “…I mean…” With an anguished cough, Solar did not speak. He let her have this one, since it apparently meant a lot to her. If anything though, this strength and persistence was admirable, as she battled through her suffering like a true warrior. “…I didn’t know you were the Night Warden…when you ordered your drink….”


Solar suddenly remembered. He knew this voice!

Even through its croaks, coughs and general struggle to enunciate, there was something incredibly familiar about it, and that familiarity was a relatively recent one.

It was an innocent voice, one still evident as it fought through pain and misery. Despite everything, her determination was evident, as if it was an eternal quality of hers. Not something Solar could call upon in memory, in his quest to figure out who this Pony was.

Not that it would anyway, when the last interaction he had with this mare was anything but the sort.

“No. It wasn’t you that ran out, was it?” Solar’s question was, contradicting so much of his past, full of fear. It was a sudden realisation that was full of guilt and horror, for he had indeed met this Pony before. And it had happened today.

“I….saw…how you and the Human were fighting….and it looked too extreme….I went for the Guards…”

Then it was confirmed. This Pony that lay in front of him, in so much agony, was the waitress from the Inn. When Solar had commenced battle with the group of Human’s, he had seen a Pony make a run for it, most likely for the reasons stated. He had not worried about her returning, for all that mattered in that moment was the conflict. What Solar had realised now was, as she left to seek assistance, she most likely had only made it to the area of the blast, thus leaving her as she was now.

Solar approached her further then, as he proceeded to fall to his knees, his eyes now level to the bed ridden waitress.

“Sweet Luna…I am…Shit! I’m sorry!” Guilt couldn’t be used to describe his current condition. It was simply too weak a word. Obviously he had bore no ill will to this poor mare, despite her showing a capability to be spooked by a shadow. Scaring her was one thing however. Near murdering her was an entire other.

Though, for sake of mercy, it may have been better that she had died in the blast.

Solar now looked again upon the living corpse with a fresh pair of eyes. Before, she was just another victim, albeit one whom Solar was still willing to help. Now, because of a momentary shared past, Solar felt a connection, and above all, fault for her fate.

“I never intended for this to happen to you!” Cried Solar, almost begging for forgiveness. “I had no idea of the attack, and I-…I…” Words failed him. In years gone by, Solar was almost certain his actions as whatever dubious thing he was at the time had somehow contributed to innocents suffering. One way or another, he had been responsible for the loss of life of those who never deserved such a fate.

Not once had it weighed upon his conscious though.

Guilt was never known to him, on the contrary in fact. He had developed a rather cold heart in regards to situations like those, choosing to instead roll his eyes at the matter or even grow annoyed at the stupidly of Ponies that had foolishly gotten in his way.

Today, evidently, was not one of those days. Regret was now plentiful, as was the pain of remorse. For a Pony he had never met, barely even knew and even lamented in the few interactions they had shared, Solar now shocked himself as he seemed ever the mourner to this victim, just as Amber Star had to her son. That was understandable however. This, on the face of it, was far from it. Especially for a Pony such as he.

“Its…Ok…” wheezed the waitress, clearly uncomfortable in such a situation.

But Solar was not reassured. He did not suddenly feel guilt wash away from him. For were it not for him, this mare would be alive and healthy, only shocked by what had happened nearby, and not disfigured to the point of monstrosity. This was why death was a mercy, for living like this, broken, deformed and scarred, was no life. Solar had condemned this poor innocent girl to a lifetime of misery and emotional damage.

“No. Not it’s not!” Solar exclaimed, defending his guilt as if he were condemned to it. “I did this. I caused this harm to you, and I have done nothing short but ruin your life!

Reminders of reality, devoid of tact or care, was not helpful to the mare. She may have been resilient thus far, but this wasn’t what she currently needed. This was the reason behind the juggernaut of Solar’s remorse. Lying to one selves and falsely convincing that you were, in fact, better than you actually were, was a recipe for disaster. It could make one complacent, and it medical situations, unaware of potential pains and complications. Solar had to tell her of these things, but it did nothing to help either of them.

This was why he felt convicted in his role to ruin this girl’s life, but it did not explain why he did. The orphaned Pony with no friends nor responsibility to anypony else. The criminal who taken life gladly, and cared not when others lost theirs. This was the Pony who would have stopped at nothing, even if it meant manipulating and using Luna of all Ponies, in his quest for Power.


Luna was, again, the root of all his troubles.

Because of her, he had grown a heart. Because of her, he had begun to care.

This mattered little, and even benefitted certain points in his current life. He now cared for her reign, for she would make the land a better place, and instil pride in his soul. He now cared for the plight of the Night, and all its supporters that admired it. The Bat Ponies tragic fate was now one he subscribed to in alleviating. The success of his comrades was something he cared enough to lead as Shadow Commander. Most of all, he now cared for Luna herself, more than anything in fact.

Because of Luna, he now cared enough to not be alone, and do right by himself. He had a purpose, and he cared about that.

But why did he now care about some nameless waitress? A Pony so inconsequential to his life that he may, through all his years of life, never think of her again.

The answer was a simple one.

Because, like the reasons he now realised, he simply cared.

This simple act, this new quality of his, had made him, at least somewhat, a good Pony.

In caring, he was as many Ponies in the city and world were. Ordinary, emotionally speaking, and capable of love for one another.

A good Pony cared for the fate of others, and a better Pony did not sit back and smile as the world was subjected to horror and pain.

Because Solar was not evil, he did not wish for such a thing to come to pass, and least of all let it subjugate others into a pulp.

For as long as he was Luna’s, and for long as he counted himself a citizen of Equestria, he would care for its fate, and by extension, all those within it.

Well, those within it who were deserving.

“You will be avenged! This I promise you!” For Solar was not a kind Pony, even if he cared. As he discussed with Luna, up high in the mountain, he was not restricted as she was, and in today’s dark times, was not confined by mercy of public opinion. The Night’s enemies would receive due payment for their crimes, and it would not be gentle. Now he realised, because he cared, he cared about revenge. He began to take this attack personally, which was why he was even here, caring for those punished by it.

He shared what most Ponies would not feel. Anger. Frustration. A desire for vengeance. And while some would simply be content with a trial and lengthy prison sentence, Solar was far more free to decide upon the nature and detail of that vengeance. He had developed a heart, but understanding it fully now, he knew he could use it to fuel what unholy retribution would befall the orchestrators of this attack.

Hell and fire were coming for those cowards, and now, Solar would smile as he felt their hearts stop, finally sharing in a collective satisfaction with the rest of Equestria.

“I do not know your name, and I would understand if you would have preferred it were me in the blast, but mark my words, you will…” But Solar could not finish. His passion was high, his anger higher, but through all that, the words of a broken and damaged mare cut through.

“My name is Evening Primrose, and…yes…please, I want you to get justice…”

Solar blinked in surprise. Almost compensating for her predicted reaction, Solar had become so impassioned because he knew it to be up to him to obtain what most civilians were not familiar with. But here he was, instructed by one of those Ponies, to go ahead and fight.

It was strange, considering she was just a meek waitress of all things, that she now called for a crusade of violence. It was very clear, due to his tone and occupation, that Solar’s idea of justice would not be a friendly one, so in having supports here, really did shock him.

Yet maybe it needn’t have, for this seemingly normal and underwhelming Pony was the reason he was here. She was disillusioned, and suffering from what that disillusion had stem from. A failed state. A failed reign of Celestia.

“I…didn’t want to be a waitress…you know?” She began, her voice weak, but her resolution anything but. “I went to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Got good results too!” Solar had not expected this. That was a prestigious place, and learned recently, where the Princess of Friendship, had attended. “But after, my…I got news my Mom and Dad had been hurt in a climbing incident, way up in the Crystal mountains. Dad…didn’t make it…” Through burnt flesh, a tear did still form. Solar listened respectfully, for he did not need to subjugate further misery upon this poor mare. “Mom survived, but she needed constant care after. Each and every day. So I couldn’t get my dream job as a biologist, not while I had to stay and care for Mom all day…”

A sad, but all too common story. An economy under stress and cuts in funding had resulted in many services becoming inefficient and side-lined. Care of the kind Evening Primrose had been involved in was a constant, strenuous job, and one sensitive to lack of funding. Because of the fact that she had been unable to become employed full time, this must mean that the failing economy had resulted in a lack of care for her crippled Mother.

“…But I had to make ends meet somehow, so I got a job wherever I could find, even if the hours weren’t exactly kind….” Then, with a sad, deflated eye, she bore into Solar, and gave him another sad fact. “…My shift today started last night, around two in the morning. I volunteered to stay after ours for a few more bits…”

A tragic, depressing state of affairs. What modern society would force a bright young mare to work overtime, all for a few more measly bits, so they can keep their family alive? Solar had no personal experience with the burning injustice facing society today, but even from his far off point of view, he saw it was cripplingly unfair.

“…And I just didn’t want to be blamed for the mess of the fight, so I went to get help to break it up, but I could never get it…”

Appalling. How could Celestia allow something of this level of inequality to spiral out of control? Had she no heart, asides from the fake one she so proudly put on show?

“We had no intelligence that the attack would come in that- “Solar found himself desperately trying to defend his mistakes, but to no avail. Not from lack of trying, but from lack of chance.

“I…It wasn’t because of the explosion, Sir. I found the guards, but they seemed too busy. Some big shot was leading them somewhere. A guy that looked pretty scary…if I’m honest.”

Solar suddenly stood to attention. There had only been one Pony out there today who could be associating with the guards, but carry a degree of fear about him.

“A large Pony?” Solar asked. “White coat and limited armour?”

“Y-yeah. You know him?” Evening Primrose asked weakly, looking to him with request of leadership. Solar was ready to offer it of course, but that was another matter. Gathering supporters was one thing, but this strange officer type that had been spying on the Human’s and now, acting suspiciously around a crime scene, was not one to be ignored.

“And he was doing what?! Removing the guards from the area of the attack?!” Solar’s tone was perhaps too strong for its intended recipient. Alas, he could not help it. This unknown servant of Celestia’s was indeed concerning, least of all for his scout like mission earlier, as if he were probing for a weakness. Now he had been seen ushering Guards away, this only mean one thing.

He knew something of the attack.

“It looked like it. It was a big group too. About 20 guards I’d say…”

Celestia, to Tartarus with you!

Alone, this information did not directly implicate the Princess. But this new player into the game was of her band of traitors, and he clearly didn’t wasn’t any of his side to suffer from the attack. This realisation was only given further life as it combined with Solar’s own knowledge, that no Guards had been hurt at all in the attack. Not even a scratch. Plus, after arriving conveniently late, they had proven apprehensive and unresponsive to any immediate requirements, of which there way too many.

Nopony could now say Solar Virtue did not care, not as his anger rose to boiling point, and his desire for revenge trumped even that. This unfamiliar crook of a Pony, her vile mistress too, were enemies of the state. This much was certain. Now all Solar had to do was to prove it, or failing that, to stop it even happening again, by any means necessary.

And it was Ponies like Evening Primrose, the beaten and the damned, that now gave Solar so much cause. That fire needed to fight. Ponies like her, in contrast to Amber Star, were not ordinary happy folk who had been cruelly struck down by treachery and anguish. Families such as theirs were to be relied upon in public, an irony that now was to fight against Celestia and her apparent care for those kind of Ponies. Evening Primrose was not so fortunate to have a pleasant life preceding this. She was a talented soul, but one who’s potential had been wasted by mistakes made by Celestia and her minions. All that intelligence and skill had simply been thrown away as she was forced into the struggle of survival, something no Pony should have to fear.

“I have to go. I’m so sorry…” In truth, Solar did indeed lament his requirement of leaving here. He did not wish to go so easily, not while Ponies needlessly suffered here. But if anything, today had been a day of surprises, and a display of the strength and tenacity of Equestrian’s.

“It’s ok. You do what you have to do…” Solar would indeed do that, and so much more. “And tell Princess Luna…she has my support. As long as she wants to fight for a better future…then I’m in! If not for me…then for Mom…”

Solar stopped as he began to turn to make his leave. Looking back, he didn’t see a broken, corruption of a Pony. He didn’t see a victim, but a warrior, fighting for what was right and shrugging of all previous pain and trouble. If all Ponies were as Evening Primrose were, then perhaps, the world would have no need for him. And it shouldn’t have surprised him, perhaps for just one reason.

“Evening Primrose. Isn’t that one of those night blooming flowers? That kind that remain open even after sunset?”

That namesake was surely no coincidence, and the Pony in question knew that, and indeed, where her loyalties now lie, if that hadn’t always ever had been,

“Yeah, Mom thought of it, on one of her hikes. She found one late at night at her camp, and said she admired its persistence.”


“Then she chose wisely. You give that name meaning, more than any Pony ever could! Your Mom would be proud of what you have become”. No irony need to be mentioned, for even in her current state, Evening Primrose was more than most would ever be in their entire lives. She was an inspiration. “They say the flower is at home during the night, and so shall you be, if you desire it so…”

Solar did not dissect his offer any more than it need be. Evening Primrose wasn’t just a number for a quota that had to be filled by the NG. Even if she declined entry into the Night, then she would still remain a beacon of hope and heroic attitude to the world, and that was a reason enough to fight if there ever was one.

In response, she did not speak. A smile, even seen behind bandage and dressing, overcame her. Maybe this was more than anypony had ever offered her, or maybe this was just a reversal of fortunes, plain and simple. Whatever it meant to her personally, the two parted with an understanding smile, a respectful nod, and a spirit raised.

Ponies like her, Amber and Cobalt were a force to be reckoned with, Solar knew it. They would show Celestia of what it meant to be a strong, proud nation, not one to fool or fail.

Solar had, not too long ago, cared nothing for these Ponies. He would have gladly left them to rot if it contributed to his benefit. But now, his benefit was their own, and together, under the care and love of the Night, they would do what this hospital had shown plenty of today. Fight, and never give up.

Heading for the exit with an invigorated, determined soul, fuelled by camaraderie and love, Solar knew it was it was wrong to pre judge, to determine a Pony based entirely of their first interaction. Evening Primrose had, on the surface, seemed to be a timid and fearful Pony, but under that exterior that society had forgotten about, she was in reality and fighter, and a Pony who knew what was right, just as Luna did.

Though there were always some exceptions.

“Move aside already!” He ordered, devoid of any decent respect. Crashing into some hurried sow was always a gear grinder if there ever was one, and that was on a good day. When the moment required haste, and the heart bleed passion, interruptions like these were dangerous for the Pony responsible. “I don’t have time for this!”

It wasn’t a good image for Solar that he now so crudely seemed to spit upon an innocent, whose only crime was to bump into him. In truth though, they should have known better than to hog the hallway as if it were their own, and not expect something like this to happen.

Especially for the Princess of friendship.

“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I-I-I didn’t see….Solar?” Princess Twilight seemed genuinely shocked to meet Solar here. After all, it had been so long since their last visit, way back when he had followed her in Ponyville in fact, under the guise of a fake name, all so he could get in on whatever power grabbing session was available. From then, he had the great misfortune of meeting her brother too, the block head that was Shining Armor. After he had taken Solar away, that was the last he had seen of Twilight, who had taken to remaining in her home of Ponyville, instead of actually displaying leadership and being in the capital.

“Princess.” Solar replied stoically but coolly. In truth, Equestria had too many princesses as it was, and with Celestia complicating the rule of the Night, more royalty wasn’t something he wished to juggle with. That and the question that so begged to be answered. Why in Equestria did the country even need a Princess of friendship?

“I mean, it’s Commander Solar, right? Or Commander warden? There never has been a moment in history where somepony occupies both of those titles after all!” The snort that trailed her comment was an unexpected one, and one that only convoyed a sense of ‘know it all-ism’. Not to mention the very fact that she seemed to be aware of his rank, which was more than annoying enough.

How did this nerd make it this far?

His question was promptly answered, as Twilight needed little reminder of why she was here, and by extension, what had happened. If Solar could concede her anything, then he could at least admit that she wasn’t so disconnected from the proper world that she ignored its problems, like Celestia seemed to be doing. At least Twilight was here.

“Call me what you want Princess, but I have little time to chat. I must go.” He could get away with talking to her like this, for she was no born royalty. She had only been given that honour. A small town Pony, sometimes, needed to be reminded that they were just that, and should keep out the way of more consequential individuals.

“Hey, wait!” Twilight then cried, preventing Solar from his departure with a grip of a hoof. This was where options began to run out. He could speak to her with a more forceful tone, but being so physically was a step too far, even for him. “I…I heard of what happened, and I teleported here immediately!” Twilight did indeed seem distressed about the whole thing, and Solar could not blame her. It was enough to make anypony squeamish. Anypony but Celestia at least. For this, he gave Twilight a moment of opportunity to talk.

“That’s very good of you Princess, but I really must go. My people have need of me.” That word, ‘people’ had slipped out totally by accident. It referred to the Shadows and wider NG, but that was not what surprised him so. Without design or influence, he had spoken of them as if they were his own. He spoke of them like they were him family. From the interactions today, combined with the love he bore for Luna, this shouldn’t have appeared shocking. His fate was now tied to the Night and all those who would come to support it. All that was left now was to admit it, to himself first and foremost.

“Let me come with you, please!” Twilight begged, her eyes now portraying a recent history, and revealing a very current red tint to them. She had been crying, obviously for what had happened, and judging from her appearance here, she was desperate to help.

“Princess I-“ Solar’s thoughts were instantly proven to be correct, as Twilight moved even closer to him as a child would to a parent , whenever they desired something so greatly. She now so clearly didn’t want to be left in the dark, and left to her own devices to help the victims.

“Please!” She wailed, her breath cutting short as stress took her and blind hope became placed on Solar’s answers. “I know you’re probably going to see the Shadows, but let me come with you! I just want to help! Please Solar!”

That was a big question. Twilight wished to attend the meeting with the NG, which on its own, was not a thing commonly accepted. In more peaceful times, this was a question with an easy answer. No.

Yet these were not peaceful times, and the Night was in need of allies. He had never considered it before, but Twilight was apparently popular, what with her friendship lessons and the like. She may be as ignorant as anything in regards to higher matters, but winning her to the side of the Night, would surely be beneficial.

And the sweet irony of Celestia’s once prized pupil being set against her was delicious to merely consider.

“Fine, but stay close, and do everything I say. I mean no offence Princess, but you are no longer in your element.”

Granted, Twilight had enough sense to believe and obey Solar’s words. She seemed frightened, lost and utterly panicked, but she did still show enough wisdom to become reliant on Solar’s leadership. Fear was a power tool, and used correctly, even in fearful times the world over, it could be used to brilliant effect.

Nopony could exactly afford to be picky in winning strategies after all.

“Ohmygosh thank you, thank you!!” The simple desire to help was equally powerful, as Solar had demonstrated today. If all went to plan, then within the immediate future, that help acquired, be it from Princess or simple Pony, the war against the corrupt would begin in earnest, with more than a chance to topple the despotic rule of the missing and the omitted.

Celestia, unlike her student, was nowhere to be found. And good thing too, for the bravery and strength shown today, would surely be too much for her treacherous heart to deal with.

Author's Note:

More of a continuation of last chapter if anything, but a crucial explanation of what is at stake, and why Solar will now go to any lengths to achieve victory. He may seem to be a little more of a good pony now, but make no mistake, the purge is coming.

Hope you're all enjoying the story so far, and of course, thank you ever so much for reading!

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