• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 29: Darkness rising

Solar Virtue

A couple days had passed since that fateful day. Two weeks since the moment of Solar’s life had been gifted to him.

Throughout that time, there hadn’t been a seconds past in which he didn’t still feel Luna’s kiss on his cheek. This obsession of a memory could have easily spiralled into a form of physical degeneracy, as Solar almost wished himself to not wash, all so that blessed area on his cheek would remain forever stained by Luna.

That would forever remain a day that Solar would remember for the rest of his life, even if his mind a body decayed into disrepair. Luna had, regrettably, not spoke of that day since however, causing some panic in Solar’s already strained heart. The ever looming question of ‘will she, wont she?’ hurt him to the point of cold sweats in the middle of the night, such was his content thoughts on the matter.

Despite the panic however, Solar’s excruciating ignorance could not hide one fact, that being Luna’s reconsideration of it all. Thanks to his position in the Shadow’s nice, Solar was almost obliged to meet Luna, as much as he could. This allowed him to view her personally and thus, her possible thoughts about him. This showed Solar that, despite being secret about it, as if it had never happened, Luna did not lose her appetite and seeing her Shadow leader. In the safety of private rooms, Luna never relinquishing her approval and apparent comfort around Solar, the newly appointed Shadow did not guess of feeling of regret. Her teasing games continued, and her warmth radiated beautifully. It may be the case of taking her time to answer, or it may be some dignified, ancient royal custom that Solar had missed. Either way, this wait was far from a problem really, epically if this was a place no Pony had ever been.

Luna’s blessings to him hadn’t ended there however.

In the past few weeks, Solar had to make his stamp of authority known to the Shadow’s. Their behaviour had thus far been commendable, with respectful obedience given to him. Yet only a fool would have considered this acceptable, for in the hearts and minds of many of his new flock, there was still uncertainty in Solar leading them, and even anger that he did in the first place.

It was time to show them he was one of them, and would bleed for them as they would for each other.

The first step of this bond actually coincided with his own, more personal plans. The order that Solar had suggested to Luna, that of a part merge of the Shadow’s and the old Luna Guard. In recent weeks, this reformed group had begun to take place. With Luna’s leadership and best legal minds, the beginnings of this order were allowed to proceed. Celestia could do little, legally speaking to object, for what they were doing wasn’t necessarily illegal, however concerning it may appear to other parties. The Luna Guard had never been officially disbanded, despite being dormant and vacant of members for centuries. They had lied undisturbed, and largely forgotten until recently and now, after passing the initial legal and logistical hurdles, Solar now looked upon his new Order’s first recruits.

These were Ponies who would never be Shadow’s, such was the independence and exclusivity enshrined into that order by Luna herself. They would instead form the reincarnated form of the Luna Guard, designed now to work alongside and even with the Shadow’s themselves. Together, they could cover more ground, accomplish more than ever and be a force that Equestria had never before witnessed. This new order had eventually been given the rather tedious name of The most honourable and noble Order of the Guardians of the Night, defender of the Dark and protector of Her Majesty Princess Luna. This was, obviously, not practical, thus the name was shortened to the Night Guardian’s, as the Luna Guard had once been officially named back in the day. Already though, laziness had already taken form, and the order was almost always referred to, simply, as the NG.

So now Solar stood before the NG’s newest and first recruits, or rather, they stood before him. He was the leader of the Shadow’s, but only the Shadow’s. Despite being the brain child of this new organisation, he would not be the ruler of it. Because the NG’s two containing orders were close, yet fundamentally separate, a second leader would be needed. However, one had not yet been found, and potential candidates, upon further inspection, were either simply not fit for the role, or downright possibly a danger, such as Solar’s predecessor.

These Ponies however, having the luxury of not being considered for leadership, would make for perfect foot soldiers, in a sense. Those few in the know of the NG, mostly Luna’s closest advisors, Military officials and generally just anypony trustworthy, had not exactly taken to Solar’s way of running things. That had accepted the creation of the NG, but all had their own thoughts on how to run it, and how exactly to fill it. Captain Thunder Mist, the commander of the Night Guard, being the anomaly he was, had effectively shunned his comrades and superiors, including Celestia and Shining Armour themselves, and thrown his lot in with Luna. Despite this however, Captain Thunder Mist was an older Pony, and a Pony of strict military tradition. His idea of filling the ranks was a tried and tested one, that being finding Ponies of discipline, obedience and even previous military experience. He was set in his ways, and Solar could respect that.

What happened in reality though, much to the distaste of many of his now allies, Solar had opted for a simpler route, a route of loyalty, no matter a Ponies past. As such, the Ponies now present, in the same room as Solar’s first meeting as a Shadow took place, were of a mixed past. There were plenty of colourful characters present, and personalities with histories not too different to his own. That was the reason he had found objections to his plans here, because like him, many Ponies here today weren’t of qualities most would consider “admirable”.

The way Solar saw it was unorthodox to be sure, but judging from his own experiences, his times of hardships, he could confidently say that without conflict and all his days of misery, that he would not only have the will and mental strength to be here now, but he would not have matured to the point of finding his home. Had he not overcome his trails, Solar would not only be a weaker Pony, susceptible to however many external influences, but also a Pony who’s own soul was not set. A Pony with no past, especially a troublesome past, was a Pony who had not been tested, and been rewarded with a destination they could call home in. Solar knew his home was where the power was, and would remain furiously loyal to it. Through meticulous research, mostly throw his Shadow contacts, Solar had found these Ponies, troubled as they were, but they were Ponies who had, secretly or not, expressed loyalty and admiration of Luna, and as Solar saw it, their troubled pasts had prepared them, toughened them up, and shown themselves that no matter what, they could withstand any future storm.

“Well, they’ll do for now.” Solar admitted out loud, holding back his enthusiasm as professionally as he could.

Dark Blossom, ever the seemingly useful and helpful Shadow towards Solar, took great pride in his words. She knew Solar’s confidence in her was well founded, as she was, after all, the first Shadow who had not only defended Solar, but embraced his entry. For her experience and apparent skill, Solar had elected her to be his second in command, despite such a rank not even formally existing.

“I’m sure the Daylings will have a field day with the calibre of your candidates…” Dark Blossom said with a sly smile. Ironically, it was the Shadows themselves, even the individuals less trusting of Solar’s rule that supported his decision of the new Order the most. Of course, there was concern about their independence, but with some reassurance, they saw what the top brass, and even more so, what Celestia’s lackeys did not. They were of the world, and had experienced all the horrors it had to offer. To them, perhaps using a Pony who had also experienced that reality, wasn’t so much an ill informed decision.

“Yeah, I’m sure they will.” Solar replied, uncaring of the complaints of his enemies. “If Celestia keeps trying to pick a fight with Princess Luna, I might have them paraded in front of her even.”

Dark Blossom shared in her Commanders dismissal of their counterparts. Gleefully so, thought Solar, who in recent weeks, in an attempt to win over the Shadows, had tried to bring home the reality of today’s issues, that being the ever growing rift between the forces of the day, and the supports of Luna and her Night. In Solar’s mind, making the Shadow’s more aware of their loyalties, and more patriotic to the cause, could make them see him as one of them, and enable a more determined push to ensure Luna’s rule. Even little things, like trivialising their rivals with names like ‘Daylings’, would make the supporters of see the widening gap and, however disingenuous it was, to see the other side as friends no more.

Solar could be considered a manipulator here, a Firestarter even, but he saw it in another way. A way that only a true and loving supporter of Luna could see it.

That dark days were coming, darker than Equestria and ever seen, and he would ensure his side won.

“Exactly! It’s nice to finally have somepony with a proper vision” Dark Blossom was a bit of a veteran in the Shadow ranks. To make it that long, she too needed a vision, and not just the blind ambition of youth. She, throughout the years, had proved to herself and others that she was in sync with Luna’s own shadow, hence her quick acceptance of Solar’s plans. If her own personal ambition had been unleashed and taken her to the top, to Solar’s new job, then he was sure the current way of doing things wouldn’t deviate too greatly.

Solar liked this Bat Pony, even as her ‘kekek’ like laughs did really cut through him.

“And don’t you worry about the rest of the Shadow’s. They will warm to you eventually. Even the buffoon that is Midnight Dust. Just keep up what you’re doing, and even the Thestral nationalists will accept you.”

Solar appreciated the show of support. Speaking of him, Midnight Dust, the Shadow who had aggressively opinionated his distaste of Solar, while not entirely disagreeing with Solar’s plans, the very fact that he was an outside to him, that meaning neither a Bat Pony or previous Shadow, did really seem to irk him. In regards to being a Shadow, Solar was confident he could make that point moot. Continued support and loyalty to the cause would make him a Shadow as any of his comrades were. The former point however was a different kettle of fish. Solar wasn’t a Bat Pony, and despite his previous experience with them, more than most thought Solar, it wasn’t enough to be classified as a friend to the race.

Solar knew plenty of the tragic history of their kind. In their isolation, rumours and suspicions had arose. Tales that they fed on the blood of sleeping Ponies. Hearsay that they kidnap foals for their own sadistic reasons. Silly things like that. Solar wasn’t so gullible to believe them, but he had to admit, through a combination of their scarcity, distrust of general civilisation, and history of supporting Nightmare Moon, especially as part of the Shadow’s back in the day, this had left Equestria with quite the low opinion of them. Furthermore, as they chose to live away from towns and cities, and often lived lives apart, there had been no attempt in recent history to reconcile their race with the rest of Equestria. As such, stories and rumours spread like plague, and as every day passed, the Bat Ponies were presented with an ever decreasing positive view of them.

This sad fact meant, as times got tougher, and tension rose in the rest of the world, as it was today, there were always misguided and prejudiced Ponies who liked blaming their problems of the innocent Bat Ponies. A failing economy meant more Ponies left poor and angry, and the extra disillusioned among them somehow managed to find reasons to pin the blame of the Thestrals, despite them, in their seclusion, hardly if at all having any influence in the economy.

This was just one of the problems that separated the races, and it left Solar in command of a group of Ponies who automatically distrusted and disliked him, just for being different. Who was to blame and why, Solar didn’t care for though. All he knew was the situation was bad, racism was rampant, and this divide would only serve to make matters difficult for him and to ensure rising support for Luna’s night slow, as much of the populace wouldn’t have anything to do with this apparent monsters of which they knew nothing about.

This was why, at least personally, Solar needed to bridge that racial gap with the rest of the Shadow’s. He couldn’t care less for the race of his Order, but there were many who did, and Solar would need to address that first.

“Say, Dark Blossom, to what effect would asking our Princess to, I don’t know, create some legislation to help the Thestrals, help our cause? I was thinking there might be a way to allow your kind to join the rest of society in a better way”.

Dark Blossom smiled honestly. She knew Solar’s heart to be in the right place in this regard, but obviously, things weren’t so simple.

“I appreciate the thought, Commander, but if it were that easy, it would have probably already been done. It is my deep regret to say that distrust runs deep, and convincing general Government to address an issue that few have motivation to do so, may prove impossible.”

Solar could sense the ingrained pain of stating such things. As dedicated solely to the job as she was, Dark Blossom still belonged to a race long persecuted against, and he had no doubt she had many personal feelings on the matter.

“I’ll still have a discussion with her about it” stubbornly stated Solar, partly wishing to seem a friend to Bat Ponies. “Though I wonder when I will get the time, what with Celestia channelling her inner bitch and constantly antagonising our Princess!” Solar felt genuinely impassioned by this point. As governmental matters got worse, with the economy going down the drain, and the stresses of poor diplomacy with other nations, not to even mention the formation of the NG, Celestia had taken it upon herself to argue these developments out of existence. Of course this foolish behaviour only served to make things worse, and as Solar again and again had to witness the two sisters arguing fiercely, he couldn’t help but feel defensive over Luna.

“Unfortunately, you are right.” Said Dark Blossom with a sigh, before entering a second of deep thought. “Damn whore!” She then suddenly spat maliciously. “How dare she! The wench decides that she cannot ruin our country enough, so she turns her destructive tendencies upon our Princess, who, in most rights nowadays, should be the sole Monarch!” A blood curdling hiss accompanied her words, and very visible and sharp fangs told Solar that, if maybe even more than himself, any Bat Pony Shadow felt extremely strongly on the matter.

It wasn’t unusual to for them to show so much vigour and aggression when it came to the Princess’s, Solar had discovered. These were, after all, a race of Ponies essentially dedicated to one Alicorn, and through a shared history, this was a race who only had one Princess. Luna.

Solar shared in Dark Blossom’s frustrations. His interests aligned closely with those of the Bat Ponies, he just needed to show it.

To start this charm offensive, it was time to choose a leader for the more numerous side of the NG, and picking a non Thestral wouldn’t exactly start it off well.

“I agree that we need stand up for ourselves a bit, so if you have it, I’d very much appreciate the list of candidates for our new Captain”. Solar said, bringing the conversation back onto topic.

Dark Blossom, however enraged she may have seemed, was not unreasonable right now, neither was she lost to anger. Her passion for her people was admirable, and in seeing Solar as a friend, she again gave a genuine smile.

“Indeed, and I have noted a few names that I believe could advance our cause”. Solar truly felt honoured in being included with the use of that word, ‘our’, and as he was handed a sheet of paper from Dark Blossom, he couldn’t help but feel victorious in this trust between he and the Bat Pony.

“Not putting your own name forward huh?” Solar asked curiously with a smile of his own, as his eyes began to scan the list of names.

Dark Blossom, perhaps humbly, shook her head with a hearty laugh. Of course, Solar knew the answer anyway, but it was interesting to always hear why, directly from the source.

“You’re joking right? I wish you best Commander, but the role is not for me. I was accepted into the Shadow’s during a deep low point in my life, and as part of my gratitude, there can be no worse way at repaying that debt than being behind a desk.” Solar raised his eyes at this, looking upon the veteran Shadow with a half smirk, awaiting for the realisation to hit, if at all. Regardless, her position was one he respected, and glad to have nearby. “No offence Commander”.

There it is.

“None taken” simply replied Solar with a chuckle, returning his eyes to the names in his hooves. It was a relatively small list, and one restricted to current Shadows. Not an issue, thought Solar, who wanted a Pony loyal to Luna of course, but one to show the rest of the Shadow’s that they were still valued. Should he pick one of them, the NG may in effect, be the Shadow’s enlarged, but its creation aims would still be obtained, and trust may flow better.

One group under Solar’s direction. The possibilities were endless.

“Say, Dark Blossom?” Solar inquired, his eyes continuingly scanning the names before him, not once looking at his opposite.

“Commander?” she replied, almost carrying a concerned tone. “Is the list not to your liking?”

Now Solar did remove his gaze from the paper, suddenly even.

“What? No. I like it!” he cried defensively, not wishing for the Bat Pony to misunderstand his intentions. “I mean, the list is good, it’s just….” Solar thought the point through his head, wondering at all if this was a joke or some initiation test. Failing to detect any pattern, he jumped straight into it and took the bait. “…It’s just there’s only two names here.”

Solar had not expected some scroll of hundreds of names. The Shadows, after all, was an exclusive, tight knit group. If Ponies like Dark Blossom didn’t even want the job, then this group would appear ever smaller. Still, only two names? Was he basically being told to choose the correct candidate?

“Alas it is so” replied Dark Blossom. “Yet rest assured, these two Ponies could not be any better for the role, in my belief at least…”

Solar frowned. It was very well possible the situation was direr than he thought. It wasn’t unlikely that no Shadow wanted the job really, and Dark Blossom had to scrape the bottom of the battle for names, just so she didn’t fail him.

“Moonshadow Trust…” Solar said, reading the first name.

“Ah yes. A capable Unicorn. A good Shadow.” Dark Blossom trailed.

Solar remembered him from the meeting in this very room not but a few weeks ago. A quiet, content Pony with a yellow coloured coat. From what he could remember, Moonshadow Trust had appeared professional and either uninterested or unwilling to join in on the teasing of Solar. For that reason, he was already doing well as a candidate. Furthermore, from what Solar as Commander had read, Moonshadow was reliable as the world spinning. In short, he would be a safe choice.

“And…Night Watch?” Solar then asked, reading the second and final name.

“A Commander in the making” Dark Blossom informed. “Brash, but utterly focused on her job. Very uncompromising. She will keep the troops in line.”

Solar had not met Night Watch. From reading his own papers in his office, she had apparently been off on duty during the meeting, and as thus had not yet had the time to meet her new Commander. All Solar really knew of her was that she was considered an excellent fighter, a menace to her enemies almost, and along with what Dark Blossom had said, was a Pony who had the respect of all the Order, almost admirably so.

Plus, she was a Bat Pony, so that automatically elevated her chances.

“I can assure you Commander, you can do no wrong in choosing either of the names. So, if I may ask, which would you prefer?”

She said that he could do no wrong, but the point of this was to elect a Bat Pony surely. Otherwise, what was the point? He could have just commanded the entirety of the NG himself. Moonshadow Trust was a Pony Solar felt like he could trust, and wouldn’t regret putting him in command, but alas, he wasn’t a Bat Pony.

Regrettably, he might have to choose the Pony who he knew very little of, which always carried a degree of risk.

“Well, I suppose Night Watch is looking goo-…” Solar then paused as his eyes momentarily dropped to the paper again, initially only intent of picking his choice. However, only then, however faint it was, Solar saw the beginnings, or rather the scribble of another name.

“Who is this ‘Ne’?” asked Solar, squinting to read the almost vanished writing.

Dark Blossom suddenly appeared compromised, embarrassed even. She rushed over to Solar’s side and looked to the paper, only then realising her mistake.

“Apologies Commander. That was a mistake. I had hoped to remove the ink fully, but it appears I failed.”

As much as Solar wished to know how a non-Unicorn would remove the already settled ink on the paper, his thoughts instead drifted to wishing to know who this ‘mistake’ actually was.

“Well, be that as it may, I would still like to know who you initially had in mind.” For that was what this error most likely was. A Pony Dark Blossom had in mind, before performing a U turn and attempting to erase her work.

In response however, Dark Blossom seemed apprehensive about voicing this error. Solar understood that she didn’t consider the Pony appropriate enough, and in saying so, she may think it encouraging Solar to choose it, but what he wanted to know, was why.

“It’s um…Neon Edgy….”

Neon Edgy?

At first, Solar nearly thought this to be another Shadow who had been on leave, but then it hit him. The reason he had almost forgotten the name, was because the Pony whom it belonged to, was practically a shadow herself, that being silent and one with the dark.

She was the slightly odd, quiet Bat Pony who had stuck to the darkness in the meeting previously here. Solar had found her very secluded, and almost suspicious.

“Oh yes…” said Solar, remembering what he could have her. “Honestly, she gave me the creeps a little”. He meant no offence by this, but remembering when Neon Edgy had spoken to him, the only time in fact, nothing could make him forget the chill that went down his spine as she spoke to him. There was just something off about her. Something that, despite her relatively gentle appearance, that felt like ice clawing at him.

Solar made no mistake. There was something dangerous about that Pony.

“You wouldn’t be the first Pony to say that.” Agreed Dark Blossom. “Like I told you then, do not underestimate her.”

Solar now however, felt even more curious. Curious into why Dark Blossom would renege on this choice, and now, even more so, on what made Neon Edgy so special.

“So why remove her?”

Dark Blossom frowned. Being a veteran of the Order, it would be her most in tune with her comrades. It would be her who knew the darkest of secrets.

“Make no mistake Commander, she’s a good Shadow. Scarily good at her job, but let’s just say, when all the bigots and idiots spread rumours about us, they may not unnecessarily be too wrong, when it comes to her…” Her sombre tone indicated only one thing. That this quiet, almost unassuming Pony, was a true horror of the night. A terror that practically gave credence to the masses that Bat Ponies were dangerous.

Solar now liked her.

He now distinctively remembered her advice to him too. That he should chose his friends carefully. Thus far, Solar believed he had adhered to those words well. Alone, this advice did not stand well as of this moment, yet remembering her further words would cause a change.

She had, in telling him to be wary of a betrayal of Luna, ironically created a persona of trustworthiness. Solar was no fool. He had met those quiet ones who had ended up causing havoc to the populace, but Neon edgy was not one of those. To him, she appeared as a quiet, yet loyal to the end, kind of Pony. Through her seclusion, it would seem her havoc was directed to Luna’s enemies instead, and Solar could get behind that easily.

Then there was her last and most recent words with him. At the time, Solar had both wondered and almost feared her meaning when she told him to seek her out, when decisive actions were needed. Solar had gained this answer through his own brutal ambition, that being the swift elimination of any present traitors, so now, upon reflection, it appeared Neon Edgy not only agreed with him and his plans, but wanted a part in it.

The Shadow’s had come around to his polices, yet Neon Edgy seemingly wanted to further them herself.

Solar could make no mistake. This was a Pony who was wasted in not orchestrating chaos against his enemies.

“Her. I pick her.” Solar said plainly and confidently, gaining quite the shocked reaction from Dark Blossom.

“Commander? She isn’t even a choice. Why would you pick her?” Dark Blossom didn’t, and wouldn’t believe Solar in need of humbling. She knew her Commander was aware of the risks, and wasn’t making this decision for the pure, random sake of it. She was just wondering why Neon Edgy, over other traditionally decent choices.

“We cannot be complacent here, Dark Blossom. We cannot be timid and hide in the night.” Solar said, puffing his chest out in a sign of confident authority. “Princess Luna said it herself. We need a proper change in course!”

Dark Blossom clearly disagreed, yet only on a professional level. Neon Edgy clearly had made a name for herself, even to the point of another Shadow choosing to emit her from a list, but in what was perhaps a fortunate stroke of luck, Dark Blossom put aside her feeling and thoughts, and trusted in her Commander, just as he had hoped.

“Well, I can only hope she will make Luna proud. After all, I dare say you know, maybe even better than me, what she really feels and thinks…” A suspicious wink set off alarm bells in Solar. Discreet as she would remain, Solar couldn’t help but wonder now if not only Dark Blossom, but other Shadows were aware of the …thing slowly developing between him and Luna.

Not fair. I don’t even know what we are yet!

A leader couldn’t dare compromise himself with feelings however, especially on the job. For his own sake, Solar looked away from the sly smile of Dark Blossom, and tried to steer the conversation onto more fruitful endeavours.

“So…um….yeah! Neon Edgy it is!” Solar finally proclaimed, to which Dark Blossom did something rather unexpected.

Successfully casting aside any drama or feeling over the decision away, the Bat Pony took a moment, looked around, and cried out.

“Neon? Come on up, you’re needed!”

Solar’s head then began twitching around as if he were some alarmed chicken. He had no idea, despite the room being of no great size, that Neon Edgy was actually present here. Immediately his mind rushed to remember if he had somehow invited her, or at least a group that she was part of. Not for one moment however did he recall any invitations or papers with her name even, and the very fact she was apparently here, somewhere in the dark boundaries of the room.

“Wait, what?! Where is she?” Solar said, very nearly stuttering. His words felt faltered as this intervention like moment could hardly be prepared for, leaving him an exposed and disarmed leader, unready on how to even congratulate the chosen candidate.

“Commander…?” ambushed an almost ghostly voice, directly behind him.

“Fuck!” Solar could only shriek, trying quite terribly to hide his shock. Turning around swiftly as if to defend himself, there beheld the infamous Shadow in question.

Neon Edgy, appearing out of nowhere as if she could teleport, stared deep into Solar’s eyes with eerie concentration. No feelings of emotion were betrayed on her face, and as silently and mysteriously, even concerningly, as she had apparently been present all along, the freakishly odd Bat Pony almost started into Solar’s soul with those fierce amber eyes, the laceration like pupils almost biting at Solar’s very resolve. If she came here as a friend or ally, however chilling as her presence may be, Solar could only feel pity for which ever poor soul had the mortal misfortune at facing her as a foe.

To make matters more unusual and sinister, was the fact that Neon Edgy seemingly had no understanding that this practical trauma like surprise was even a thing. She stood there, silent and still, awaiting an answer as if she had patiently waited for an audience with her Commander.

“Is something the matter Commander?” Neon Edgy then proceeded to ask, her voice cutting straight through Solar.

She truly wasn’t a common find, then thought Solar. Her mere presence was unnerving nearly, and the way she spoke, a tone not far off supernatural, made the still shaken Solar wonder if she was either drugged off her mind, or possessed. Electing both a weak minded addict and some demon like being into such a position power wasn’t exactly inspiring to the troop, though Solar did entertain the thought of which of these options would be worst.

“What?” asked Solar with a hint of confusion, no doubt a gift left from this madness. “Yes I mean!” his mistakes seem to have little effect on the stoic Neon Edgy, with her eyes remaining as ever attentive. Solar had to admit, there was a strange sense of innocence on that mysterious face, and were she not one of the most dangerous group in Equestria, there would be no doubt that Solar could admit that, in reality, she carried a certain…cuteness to her.

Not that mattered in any way possible, least of all now. This was a momentous moment in the mighty advance of his plans.

“Neon Edgy, if you are willing, I would like to make you co-leader of the NG, along with me, of course.” Solar’s tone was plain and celebratory. There was no sense in complicating the matter, for efficiency above all was needed now, and only with the NG strong and confident could Luna’s rule be advanced.

The Pony in question however, in perhaps a slight betrayal of her own feelings, blinked. A small gesture, but one that pulled the curtains down on her statue like demeanour. Right now, she was just as much a Pony as Solar was.

In too seemed the case that Neon Edgy wasn’t exactly willing to say no, but consideration her new position, especially as she would be giving up her present life, and working with Solar a lot more.

“I accept” she then said, equally as plainly, dousing the worried fires within Solar’s mind.

“Just like that, Neon?” interjected Dark Blossom, clearly somewhat concerned for the younger Shadow. This Shadow, it seemed however, was not for backing down, nor was she for wasting this great opportunity. As Solar had thought, her loyalty to Luna was true, and her methods were better served in charge.

“If my Commander and Queen require it, then I shall accept…” Solar noted the use of ‘Queen’ there. He knew clearly that the only Ponies who described Luna in such a way were often loyal to the death and sometimes even, overzealous. “…Yes….just like….that…”

Solar nearly shivered as Neon repeated Dark Blossom’s words as if she was learning the language, or even creepier, as if she was a machine self-learning. As much as he wanted her in command, and even was quite curious about the enigma that she was, there was no denying that her social skills left something to be desired.

“Then…I suppose, Captain Neon Edgy, this lot is yours now.” Solar said with a forced smile, as if to try and connect with the Shadow. In response, Neon Edgy did turn to look at the newest recruits. Studying them for a moment, she returned to gaze at Solar, forcing a smile of her own, albeit with far more enthusiasm than Solar could ever muster.

“We need more, Commander”. Solar had decided her tone was nothing short of weird. Automated almost. Still, her point was a solid one.

“We will find your some names. But by all means, if you find any you like, don’t hesitate to get them tested.” Solar saw this as the start of proper proceedings. Neon Edgy quickly fitting into the role.

How wrong he was.

“Maybe we could acquire Thick Plate. He’s always been eager to help.”

Solar had to double take.

Say what now?

“Excuse me?” Solar replied, internally though, panicking. His ears did not deceive him. Neon really did mention the Guard Solar had been using, and that could only mean one thing.

“You know, your informant. The Day Guard you keep talking with.” Neon couldn’t sound any more nonchalant about the whole thing, even if the subject matter was that Solar had been found out. Now it was Dark Blossom’s turn to roast him.

“You have an informant Commander? Since when?” she asked, not so angry as much as she was surprised.


Solar really didn’t know what to say. He had enlisted the help of Thick Plate prior to his entry as a Shadow, by posing as one! That was a crime in of its self.

“Not too long after Luna reintroduced him into her service.” Neon proclaimed, almost uninterestedly so.

Solar then felt the gaze of two Shadows who were now aware of his crime. How Neon had found out wasn’t the concern anymore, it was if he would live to even ask.

“….I can explain….” Solar had never before wanted to hit himself as hard as he said perhaps the stupidest and most pathetic response he could ever think of. Nevertheless, this wouldn’t even matter when he was outed for a criminal and removed from the Shadows. To make matters even worse, Luna would surely be so saddened and betrayed by Sola, there would be no chance of anything happening between him and her.

Luna save me.

“Hmm, impressive. No wonder Luna saw something in you”. Suddenly said Dark Blossom with raised eyebrows.

Again, Solar had to double take.

“You’re not…disappointed?” That was an understatement of a question if there ever was one. Solar, in his continued shock, couldn’t say anything but more stupidity it seemed.

“You’re loyal, Commander.” Neon said, taking control of the conversation. “It all worked out in the end.” There was truly something unnerving even when Neon Edgy supported him even. It was as if he had been seeking her approval, and only by a whisker had gained it. “Besides, if I thought you were some baddy, you wouldn’t be here. You’d have long been taken care of…”

This time Solar really did shiver. Seeing those sharp fangs on clear display in front of him, drew up a host of thoughts of what could have happened to him if he hadn’t shown himself loyal enough. If Neon had found out this plot of this and kept the knowledge secret until now, then maybe he too wouldn’t have seen her coming, just as his life was cut short.

This part threat silenced the trio for a moment, even if Neon’s silence was one of confusion and apparent boredom. Perhaps this was the reason she was the first to speak.

“If we are looking for recruits who aren’t orthodox, I know for certain there are a few in the Guard. I think I might…poach them?”

Ok that she must have overheard!

Ignoring the fact that she again had become aware of Solar’s plans, he instead allowed his almost morbid fascination with Neon to increase. This time, the curiosity was that, apart from sounding weird, she too spoke in an almost childlike way, as if she was enjoying listening to herself and thinking about every word as innocently as she could.

“Commander, if I may?” then asked Dark Blossom, listening intently.

“Sure” Solar said, stepping off to one side with her. “What is it?”

Dark Blossom sighed. Not depressingly so, but in a way that suggested trouble was ahead.

“We need more Ponies, and Neon may be right in that there are worthy candidates in the Guard, but stealing them, even the lowliest of ranks, will provoke the Guard, and maybe even Celestia. They will not appreciate our leeching off them.”

Solar understood. It would serve to deepen divides by suggesting the newly formed NG saw the Guard as some sort of rival to weaken. That would surely anger them, and Solar understood the severity of it.

The trouble with that issue, ironically, was that Solar didn’t care. Properly done, this idea would strengthen the NG, at the expense of Celestia’s forces.

That’s what you get when you cross Luna.

“Hey, what you guys talking about? Kekekek

From staring into nothingness, to literally resting her head on Solar’s shoulder, Neon Edgy had snuck up on him again, and nearly made him jump out of his very skin.

“Sweet Luna! You have to stop doing that, Edgy!” Solar cried out, trying to relax his poor heart. Dark Blossom on the other hoof, was seemingly immune to this attack, most likely only after learning the hard way.

With another very Bat Pony way of snickering, Neon now proved her to be, not only an enigma, but an enigma that didn’t sacrifice her mischievous side to her job. This playfulness really put her innocence into perspective for Solar.

“Sorry.” She replied, totally devoid of sincerity. “Can I join in though? I am the Captain.”

Solar looked to Dark Blossom, almost for guidance. Her point said however, and perhaps even knowing her point was to fall on deaf ears, she could only shrug. After all, out of the current three, she was actually the lowest rank here.

“I’ll leave the Commander in your capable hooves, Neon. “ Dark Blossom then said. “Play nice, ok? Be easy on the poor guy”.

For some reason, Solar desperately didn’t want to be left alone with the Pony he had not only chosen to work with him, but the very individual whom he saw so much promise in. This, of course, armed him with the fact that if Neon’s allies felt so unfordable around her, then pity her enemies, yet this was clearly a logical issue. Where Solar felt most an unease now, was in his heart.

The simple fact of the matter was, that despite his entire life and despite meeting however many unsavoury characters belonging to Ponies who, for better or for worse, were like him, Solar had never met one of those terrible individuals, of whom he shared so many characteristics and even professional interests that he actually felt relation with.

Neon Edgy, as she placed her sole and silent attention and gaze onto Solar, making him suddenly felt quite the ant under the magnifying glass, was left with quite the revelation of her own, albeit in a very delayed way.

“Are you tired, Commander?” She then asked, rather casually.

“Tired?” Blinked back Solar in confusion, to which Neon Edgy, continuing her puzzling behaviour, began studying her Commander as if he was a museum work.

“Tired yes! Only Bat Ponies are nocturnal, so maybe you should go to bed. I’m the Captain now. I can join in on conversations which is cool.”

Solar just wished her could shake his head in disbelief at this performance, but around an animal like figure, who did not follow social norms, perhaps that wouldn’t be so wise.

“Oh please!” he replied with a scoff. “I can deal with a few less snores. Who do you think I am?”

Neon was quick to reply but notably, quickly to challenge.

“Dark wants me to go easy on you…So shouldn’t you do what the rest of you guys do and sleep at night? You’re good at it!”

Solar really didn’t know what her point was. Was she trying to get rid of him? Was this a coup? Well Solar didn’t like being toyed with like this, Luna had saw to that.

“And what are good at then?” he spat back, almost spitefully.

“I’m good at finding things!” then came his reply, contained in a joyfully happy smile. “I found out your Guard friend, remember?”

Solar squinted his eyes, as if to focus and attempt to see what exactly Neon was after.

“Neon, you only just told me.” There was no mistake, Neon really did ask Solar this as if to genuinely remind him. “But anyway, if you’re good at finding things, I’m sure we can use that to help Luna. Celestia and her cronies, you know, the actual day goers, they’ve troubled Luna for too long. Our Princess has suffered for too long in shadows not of her making.” Solar couldn’t help but feel ardent in his dedication for Luna. This much he knew, and seemingly, this much Neon knew also.

“Is that why you love her?” She asked, simply and almost gently.

“What?!” Solar did not stutter this time. He did not feel red faced or embarrassed. His deepest feelings were an ever present burden like experience for him, ever filling his mind with questions and steadily dictating his life, for good or bad. In being called out on them, Solar couldn’t feel awkward, not when his protectiveness, over all his loved, prevented this. “You dare say that out loud?!”

Solar made no attempt of hiding her accusation. Not because he didn’t care, but because he did, and his commitment to Luna was simply too important to hide and this, ignore.

Kekek, I told you I was good at finding things. I’m also good at finding real things out. Echolocation is so useful!” What could Solar even do as Neon totally neglected to even continue the point she had made initially? Right now, it seemed that words just flowed out of her mouth as a floodgate opened.

Containing his near unjustified anger, induced only be his actual love, Solar played Neon’s game, and went along with her on her wild ride.

“And that’s what your Cutie mark is, echolocation?”

Practically overjoyed that Solar noticed such a thing, Neon, with no subtlety at all, thrust her flank into the open, pure pride emitting from her eyes.

“Yep! I guess I’m just really good at it!” she proclaimed, letting Solar see the mark that looked strangely like some concert speaker emitting soundwaves, which was in effect, what echolocation was . Before Solar could comment on it though, Neon turned the conversation sideways yet again. “You’re good at making Queen Luna happy, Commander. You’re good at serving her”.

A pause then took place, and not because Neon had the audacity yet again to comment on his personally. It was always interesting to hear another individual comment on him. Not in some vain, petty way, but as a method of real decryption, and truthful reality. In hearing that Neon believed him to honestly support Luna, as if he was some inspiration to her followers, it provoked quite the strange sensation within him. The sensation of honour.

“Well um…Thanks Neon…That means a lot…” and in genuinely did. It was a helping hoof to provide clarity on what he wanted from this power, and ever more so, Luna’s ultimate benefit was what was being revealed. “Maybe we can have the pleasure at seeing how good you are at that…” Solar said, more interested in seeing Dark Blossom, approaching the duo once more, this time however with far more urgency, and carrying a note.

“Commander. Captain” she said respectfully, to which Neon seemed almost giddy with excitement in hearing. “I hate to interrupt this little hang out, but you are required for a special meeting.”

Taking the letter in hoof, Solar read that, immediately, all figures of importance were required at, what wasn’t even pretending not to be, a literal top secret get together, with Luna present. Solar already had experienced his fair share of such occasions in his short time here. Neon, on the other hoof, could hardly contain her buzzing nature.

Kekekek, Commander, will you take me to the dance?” She asked.

Um, What?

Solar didn’t answer. He had Dark Blossom as his interpreter luckily, who with a roll of the eyes, provided him with context.

“She’s asking you if you will take her to the meeting too.”

Solar turned his gaze to the Pony in question, who apparently seriously needed lessons in authority, and not just strange quirks and murderous tendencies.

“You are Captain of the NG, Neon. Of course you’re coming.” This time, Solar was prepared for the clicks that emerged from Neon’s mouth, clearly her way of showing happiness or elation.

“Good luck.” Wished Dark Blossom, allowing the two leaders to leave. “Have fun on your date”.

Date? Oh geez.

“It’s because we are the different ones.” Neon whispered into Solar’s ear as they left the room.

“Speak for yourself, Captain” Solar muttered under his breath, not sure how to take being basically called weird by the weirdest Pony he had met.

“I’m not a mind controller. I can only speak for myself, silly.”

Solar cringed internally. Sometimes, he wondered and almost wished he stayed out there, stuck in the Badlands participating in some illegal raid on weapons or something, such was the trials he was being subjected to in the present day.

Neon was an oddity, but in the wilderness, only day to day survival was a concern.

Sometimes the pressures of all this weighed down upon him, but allowing himself a smile, sometimes, this adventure he now found himself on made it all worth it.

Author's Note:

Bit of the calm before the storm here. Next chapter is going to be wild. Stay tuned!

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