• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 984 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

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Chapter 1: The Portal

Author's Note:

So here it is, the crossover story between my universe and the universe of my stories, and the universe of BradyBunch22's stories.

This chapter is a bit of a recap/epilogue of the last Entry in "Burning Star Saga", but it will give an introduction to the three major characters from my universe.

Burning Star, Quickfire, and Hiller the Protopony.

Enjoy the chapter and music I picked for the intro. (Credit to the band)

(Everfree Forest, Clearing)

The Everfree Forest is a mysterious place, full of monsters and ancient magic and old ruins, and these woods didn't take kindly to intruders...

Especially if you aren't from this world entirely!

In the middle of a clearing, a pony was lying unconscious, its body covered in burns and bruises.

Its fur was colored a dark purple and had hints of lavender in it. Her mane and tail was a mess of dark purple and black, bearing resemblance to flames.

This was the dark entity that inhabited the body of Princess Twilight Sparkle of another world...

The Dark Alicorn, Midnight Sparkle!

Midnight groaned and struggled to her feet, saying to herself, "Ugh... I have to remind myself to think before I leap into random portals... I've never felt this much pain in a long time. Then again, I really don't feel pain, my magic usually shields me."

Midnight looked around, she had no clue where in Equestria she was... but the trees gave the impression that this was the Everfree Forest.

Midnight tried to clear her head and remember what exactly happened and how she got here...

(Canterlot Castle, Burning Star's Universe, 3 Months Ago)

Midnight Sparkle was assaulted by a beam of light magic coming from Burning Star, then Twilight, and on and on... until everypony in the room was unleashing their power upon Midnight.

She remembered hearing, "True power is formed through Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty, Honesty, and Magic! Now face my fire, the Fires of FRIENDSHIP!"

With that, Burning Star blasted a full power fire nova spell at Midnight, aiming to knock her backwards, which it did.

He shouted, "Now!"

a wormhole opened up and began to gravitationally pull Midnight towards it, it was going to send her to Tartarus!

Midnight looked back and smirked, "You will never catch me, If this world won't accept me as its true and rightful ruler, then I'll go somewhere else! Hehe-HAHAH-AHHA!"

Midnight fired a bolt of dark magic into the wormhole, which changed its destination to parts unknown, it looked like an empty desert on the other side.

Midnight made a mad dash for the portal, and stepped through, then it closed behind her.

Everypony stood there in shock, then somepony said three words that stumped everypony.

"Did... we win?"

The flashback ended, and Midnight stomped her hooves in glee!

She had escaped destruction yet again and had gone to another world.

But what world was she on?

Midnight took flight and flew towards the Castle of the Two Sisters, she could see the old spires on the roof, so she dashed off in search of answers.

(Castle of the Two Sisters, Throne Room)

Midnight arrived at the old and decrepit throne room of the castle and sat down on Celestia's old throne, she could still sense the old magic in the air from when Celestia banished Luna to the moon 1,000 Years ago...

Oh how she wished to send those two to their respective celestial bodies...

Midnight Sparkle smirked, "Oh yes, this will do nicely as a base of operations for me... how ironic that Celestia and Luna will be destroyed by their very student, from their original home! Haha-haaaha-ha!"

She began to tidy up using her magic, summoning paint cans and rebuilding the crumbling walls better and stronger than ever.

She painted the walls purple, red, and black, repaired the broken windows, rebuilding them in her own stain glass image, and hung extravagant banners with her wickedly dark cutie mark from the old banner holders.

Pretty soon, Midnight's Castle of Darkness was formed!

She took a gasp of air and said, "Perfect! My new...ish home. Can't believe Celestia and Luna left this place to rot, SO much magic to harvest here." SO MUCH! And, without any obstacles to my studies to avoid, I will be back at full power within the month!"

Midnight threw her head back in a manical laugh, shaking the very room with it.

In a way, when Sombra tried to corrupt Twilight, it was a blessing.

It brought forward enough negative energy to regenerate her body and regain enough power to strike down Celestia and Luna, granted it was a temporary defeat...

But she could defeat them now without much difficulty, and that filled her with glee.

She grinned wildly and said, "Soon, this world, the previous world and any other world, will kneel before my might! Hehehehee-Hahahaah-Haha!"

(Twilight's Castle, Garden)

Burning Star was all packed and ready to go off into Portal in front of him, which sparked with multicolored cosmic rays.

He had many of his little inventions with him, including his Changeling Dust, Magitek Wings (for Quickfire), some bits, food and water, and three portable tents for everypony coming.

He knew Twilight would probably give him an earful for going after Midnight Sparkle without her knowing of it, but he didn't need to worry about that now.

Besides, Twilight wasn't the best at nagging him, Shadow Armor tended to do that instead.

He thought to himself, "As long as Midnight Sparkle remained out there in the Multiverse, she was a threat. Now it is time to end this crusade against the darkness by taking her in, dead or alive."

His team would be two of the most dangerous ponies in all of Equestria, one was an old friend, the other a recent ally and elite soldier.

His old Unicorn friend Quickfire, easily identified by his black and reddish orange mask and Battle armor. He carried a giant Trotland Claymore as well as his signature Carbon-Fiber and Steel Katana, his twin crossbows and bag full of explosives and other nasty surprises sat on his back. He was stronger than Big Mac and could apparently use more of his brain than anypony living or dead.

His other companion was the Earth Pony Hill Taker, or Hiller, known as the Protopony. He was easily identified by his dark brown coat of fur and black mane and tail styled in a short military crew cut. his powers came not from magic alone, but from a mysterious and powerful virus known as the Blackhoof Virus.

The Blackhoof Virus gave Hiller amazing and deadly powers, with many of them mainly derived from his ability to consume biomass, which was anything organic and living, to transform and mutate his body into weapons and other forms. Said weapons were constructed mostly of hardened flesh and muscle, mixed with bone and iron. these weapons included razor-sharp claws, tendrils that could ensnare his foes, heavy hitting Hammer-Hooves that could cause spikes to erupt from the ground and could crumple the strongest of armor, a gigantic guillotine-like blade that probably overcompensated for something, and a Blade-covered whip that could lash and drag his prey towards him like some character out of a video game.

Despite Burning Star's best efforts to find out how to duplicate the effects, he found nothing to replicate it, even though the Virus inhabiting Hiller was stable enough to be studied.

Hiller explained to him that "The Virus has some sort of awareness that prevents itself from being modified by many factors, it cannot be replicated, only spread."

Burning Star stood in front of his companions and said, "Now listen up, everypony. Prince Eclipsio finally managed to pinpoint Midnight's location, when she jumped through the wormhole, she had fled to another world entirely. I can't just sit by as Midnight tears another world asunder, and neither will you two, she will most likely come back for revenge against us once she is done doing that."

Hiller grunted out, "So, I'm guessing we are going after her to unscrew any problems she makes? I'm tired of playing clean-up crew to these sorts of disasters that the world chucks at us, it will be pretty good to finally see some action outside of our world, even if it's for a little while."

Quickfire stared at the portal with his one blue eye, feeling a tad nervous for the first time in a long time.

He said to himself, "Gah, I hope this is the right portal. I have to travel to another dimension, I've already gotten lost in Space-Time before, I would not like to do that again. Midnight must be stopped before she causes any irreversible damage to the space-time continuum."

Quickfire asked Burning Star a question, "Hey hot stuff, do you think the inhabitants of this world will be ponies, and even if they are... don't you think seeing a jet-black Alicorn, not to mention one that spews fire from his horn and can light himself on fire as well, is going to set off a massive panic?"

Burning Star nodded, "Of course it is Quickfire, I'm still going though. Maybe the inhabitants of that world will accept me as their god. Who knows?"

Hiller gave them both a deadpan stare before saying, "Really? You expect a positive reaction from the inhabitants? I know I should try to be positive here, but we all know how unknown life forms are reacted to, with fear."

Prince Eclipsio flew down from the skies and landed in front of them, eyes full of concern. He said to the trio, "There you three are, I was prepping my gift for you three so you can get back home, it's a one-time use, but it's guaranteed to work."

Eclipsio used his magic to create a few glass orbs, they were filled with some sort of black smoke.

He began to explain to the trio, "These are Distortion Orbs, they allow anypony to distort the fabric of reality and open a wormhole back to here, but there are only enough for three ponies to come back and forth. Use these wisely, warriors."

Burning Star picked up the trio of orbs and put them in his bag carefully... hoping not to shatter them.

Prince Eclipsio pulled him aside and said quietly,"I will be watching your travels through my Pool of Oversight, however I cannot communicate with you. Once you step through this portal, you cannot return home until you eliminate the threat of Midnight Sparkle, via capturing her, or possibly killing her. Only then will the orbs activate and let you return home to us. Be careful, I sense the presence of powerful warriors on that world."

Burning Star whispered to him, "Are they friendly?"

Eclipsio said in an unsure tone, "Wether they are friend or foe eludes even me, they seem to be cloaked by some sort of magic that only my sister could generate, some sort of enchantment that renders them immune to detection by beings with precognition like me..."

Hiller overheard that part of their conversation and decided to interrupt, "Then we assume they are not friendly until there is sufficient evidence that they are against Midnight. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, you two. Remember that phrase?"

Burning Star smirked, "Yeah, but if these warriors are against us, we are more than prepared to take them down!"

Quickfire smiled at Burning Star's fighting spirit, it was nice to see his friend so excited to go into battle again, he also was pretty stoked as well.

New opponents meant new experiences...

Eclipsio looked at everypony, "Alright, any last words before you three head off?"

Hiller said to the Eclipsie Prince, "Yeah, can you get on with building me a house, living with Shadow Armor is starting to get old." Hiller walked into the portal, a steely glare in his eyes.

Burning Star said with pride, "Tell Twilight I love her, and that I'll miss her dearly!" He then jumped into the portal.

Quickfire looked back, seeing Twilight's castle and the rest of Ponyville, he sighed and said, "Eclipsio, tell Twilight that she succeeded in making me believe in her again, she can write her own story, chase her own dreams, so can everypony... tell her that her other BBBFF is going to finish this once and for all."

Quickfire slowly stepped into the portal and disappeared, then the portal closed with a flash of electricity, leaving the smell of ozone and burnt matches.

(Canterlot Castle, Celestia's Room, Other Universe)

Princess Celestia was just getting up from her slumber, blinking crud out of her eyes and stretching out her large wings.

It was dawn, time to raise the sun into the skies above Ponyville.

She said to herself as she got up, her mane disheveled and her wings still cramped, "Ugh, I am still tired, I'll wake up when I get some breakfast."

Celestia walked out to the balcony and ignited her horn, slowly beginning to raise the sun...

When a loud bang startled her and caused the sun to raise very abruptly, sending a wave of heat across the land.

Celestia looked out to the horizon and tried to find the source of the sound, seeing many ponies going out their doors still in their bed robes, trying to figure out what in Tartarus was going on.

Celestia looked across the horizon and saw a large blue-black vortex open up over The Everfree Forest, she looked on in awe as it stayed open for a few seconds, then closed just as fast.

Celestia got worried, something like this had never really happened yet without her knowing about it in advance. Who or what could have come to this world?

were invaders from another world here?

Was it Discord warping out of his home realm?

She didn't know, and she didn't like it at all...

Celestia thought for a moment, she needed to know what or who came here, and she couldn't send Twilight, she had recently battled Tirek, and Celestia figured she had to take a break before she could go into her missions again.

Celestia had an idea, she had recently assembled a secret task force to deal with problems of this magnitude.

The Guardians of the Sun, they had also recently gotten back from their own mission to Skyworld, which they collectively refused to talk about due to the embarrassment factor.

Celestia pondered the idea for a moment, before calling a piece of parchment to her side.

"G.O.S.(Guardians of the Sun)

"Princess Celestia requires your presence in the Royal Archives, we have a situation to discuss and a possible mission for you. This is an official order, not a request, so move your flanks!"

Princess Celestia"

She then set fire to the letter to send it to the Guardians of the Sun, and went to her dresser to get ready for the day.

She said to herself, "I pity the invaders that have arrived, my task force is the best of the best."

(Castle of Darkness, Everfree Forest)

Midnight Sparkle was in the middle of meditation in the courtyard when she heard a loud bang and saw a portal open up in the distance, roughly above the border of Sweet Apple Acres and the Everfree Forest.

She said out loud, "Damn it to Tartarus! Of all the times for those pests to arrive, it's right as I'm getting settled. Oh well, better give them a "warm welcome" when they find me, but let's give them a bit of a challenge, first."

Midnight ignited her glowing horn and caused sharp magical vines to sprout up from the ground, the infamous Pludervines, blocking off any gaps in the trees, she then put up a large dark purple shield over the castle and turned it invisible as to not draw attention.

She then smirked, "Let's give them something to entertain them for a while... hehehee!"

Midnight began to gather up the roots of the Plundervines and began to create bodies, creating fearsome Plundervine Timberwolves and sent them off towards the farmland.

She teleported back inside and laughed, "Oh I'm going to enjoy watching those little ponies struggle against my Pluderwolves, I may even finally put an end to that stupid Apple Family..."

With that, Midnight resumed her meditation, as the Plunderwolves ran through the trees towards their target...

Sweet Apple Acres!

(Sweet Apple Acres, Edge of the Apple Orchard)

Applejack and Big Macintosh strided through their prosperous orchard, it was Zap Apple Season, and they were harvesting Zap Apples by the dozens.

Applejack bucked a tree, sending a rain of Zap Apples into a waiting basket, she wiped her forehead with her hooves, since it got very hot ever since the portal in the sky opened up.

Applejack walked over to her brother and said, "Hey Big Mac, you need a break? A'h will take care of the rest for ya. I know you have a date tonight with your mare friend, and ya don't want to smell like sweat, do you?"

Big Mac shook his head, "Nnnope. I'm not missin this Zap Apple Season, I can take a shower when I get back to the farmhouse."

Applejack was about to respond when the two ponies suddenly heard a scream from over head.

(Equestria, other Universe)

Burning Star was falling out of the sky like a stone, he was trying to flap his wings, but they wouldn't respond.

Quickfire was trying to activate those Magitek Wings he had, but they weren't working, so he fell fast as well.

Hiller just braced for impact with the ground, and looked over at his companions and sighed.

The trio plunged towards a barn, and crashed through the roof, compromising the barn's construction.

Hiller rushed over to the pair of ponies and turned his front hooves into large shields, blocking the falling debris and wooden beams.

Applejack arrived just in time to see the barn collapse from the impact, she shouted out, "What in tarnation is going on here?!"

Big Mac looked at the hole in the collapsed roof, "It looks like a meteor struck the barn, Sis."

She could make out a vague silhouette of an Earth Pony with a pair of Shields in his hooves, he was standing on his hind legs, and she ran into the wreckage to check on him.

She saw the Earth Pony lower his shields, which seemed to melt back into his front legs with a fleshy squelch.

Big Macintosh ran in after her and saw the trio of ponies in the dust.

One of which looked like an Alicorn!

Had Twilight fell out of the sky or something?

Burning Star got up and looked around, "Well, we made it, Where are we...?"

He then fell unconscious, along with Hiller...

Applejack and Big Mac dragged the trio out of the broken barn and took them inside.

They had not clue who they were, but they had an obligation to help ponies in need...

Even if they smashed their barn to pieces... they would have to fix that later.