• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 985 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

  • ...

Epilogue: Ashes of the Past and Kindling for the Future

Author's Note:

Well... it's the end of Sundered Universes.

I want to thank BradyBunch22 for his assistance on this project. Without him, I probably wouldn't have gotten it out at all!

This Chapter is the last, but there is one more surprise left...

(Canterlot Castle, Main Hallway, Burning Star's World)

Eclipsio had opened a portal to Burning Star's world, Knowing that the Guardians world had not developed the equipment to help treat an Alicorn.

As soon as Noble Blade, Firestorm, and Freedom Fighter arrived in the castle, Shadow Armor escorted them down the halls towards the guest room.

While they were walking, Noble Blade got to chat with the Black Knight copy of Shining Armor.

"So, let me get this straight." Shadow Armor said, speaking to the slightly smaller Noble Blade. "You were able to a defeat an identical copy of Nightmare Moon, kill the real Queen Chrysalis of my world, assisted in the defeat of the Pony of Shadows and the Destruction of Midnight Sparkle?"

Noble Blade nodded, "That is right, Shadow Armor."

The Black Knight continued, "You also to somehow hold your ground against Dawn Star and Dark Star? Beings composed of pure unrestrained magic?"

Noble Blade smiled, "Yes we did. It was a hard fight, but we won nonetheless."

Shadow Armor rasied an eyebrow, "You also, despite all odds against you and near certainty of death, took on Doom Star, a self proclaimed God of Destruction?"

Noble shrugged, "Well Burning Star took him down, but we fed magic into his blade, which he then completely obliterated the dark beast with."

Shadow Armor stopped dead and said, "You all sure you aren't some sort of demigod or something? Because judging from all the heroics you've done, you all certainly have the strength of one."

Noble Blade shook his head, saying with a chuckle, "Shadow, if we were demigods, I think we would be written in some sort of prophecy. Considering I haven't seen anything of the sort on my world, I highly doubt we are warriors from the heavens."

Shadow Armor put his hoof in front of Noble Blade and said with a bit of frustration, "That still doesn't explain why you succeeded against a foe so powerful? How did you do it?"

Noble Blade looked up to Shadow Armor and gave a smirk, "We won because we were a team. That... and we had something to fight for, Doom Star had nothing to fight for, he was only lashing out in rage. A rage that consumed him and blinded him to his flaw."

Shadow Armor caught up to Noble and spoke, "What sort of flaw?"

Noble simply said, "He let his pride and wrath go to his head, he was impatient, which Burning Star took advantage of by dragging out the fight till he was overexerting his powers."

Shadow Armor thought on it, deciding to ask Burning Star a little later once he woke up, and the group opened the door to the Medical Wing

(Canterlot Castle, Medical Wing)

Everypony pushed open the door and saw Burning Star laying down, various tubes pumping raw magic back into him to help his Alicorn regeneration work faster.

Prince Eclipsio stood at the Alicorn's side, observing the various monitors that displayed Burning Star's vitals.

He then took out an full IV packet of pure liquidated magic and replaced the now empty one on the tube.

Firestorm rushed to Eclipsio's side and said, "So, how is the hot head doing?"

Prince Eclipsio looked over with some frustration on his face, "Well, his vitals are stable, but he is burning through the IV bags of magic we have from donations fast."

Shadow Armor raised an eyebrow, "Donations? How many ponies donated, Prince Eclipsio?"

Eclipsio looked at Shadow Armor and replied, "A lot, and please call me Eclipsio, we have no need of formalities right now, Shadow."

Noble cut in, "How much is "A Lot" Eclipsio?"

The Prince smiled, "Well, while we had standard IVs of magic from normal ponies, his body used them up very fast... so I got a much more powerful dose."

Freedom signed out, "Where and who was this donation from?"

The door to the office opened and Princess Celestia and Luna of Burning Star's world stepped out, small bandages on their horns.

Firestorm shouted in surprise, "Tia and Luna gave some magic? Who else?"

Twilight Sparkle stepped out, the same bandage over her horn, followed by Cadence and finally, King Sombra of all ponies.

King Sombra answered Firestorm's question. "Burning Star needed a colossal dose of magic to restart his regeneration. I CAME UP with the idea of transfusing Alicorn Magic of Twilight, Cadence and the two sisters took care of the normal magic to activate his regeneration, while I infused my Dark Magic to supercharge it. If we hadn't done it, he certainly would have died."

Noble Blade asked the Prince of Eclipses, trying to shake off that last sentence, "So he is going to be okay?"

Eclipsio nodded, "Yes. He is just resting, we can talk with him later."

Shadow Armor peered over Burning Star's sleeping body and said, "Wait a minute..."

The Black Knight noticed there was a small smirk on Burning Star's face!

Shadow raised his front hoof and smacked Burning Star across the face HARD.

The Alicorn of Fire yelled in pain and sat up, looking around to find the source of his pain, seeing Shadow Armor's disappointed grimace.

The Alicorn shouted at Shadow Armor using a voice that made the Royal Canterlot Voice seem quiet.


Shadow Armor scowled as he said, "You were fully healed, Burning Star. I bet you were just stopping your regeneration so that you can lounge around, didn't you?"

Burning Star sighed, "Ugh, yeah. But you didn't need to freaking slap me!"

Shadow Armor responded with his still scowling expression, "Now get up and get to work opening a portal to get these heroes home." He said as he pointed to the Guardians

Noble stepped back as Burning Star sat up, before he saw something extraordinary. Everypony saw it too and bore the same shocked expression as the Alicorn of Fire got to his hooves.

Burning Star noticed this and asked, "What are you so surprised at?"

Twilight squeaked out, "Y-Y-Your Mane..."

Burning Star tilted his head, "What about my mane-" before seeing his mane for himself.

Burning Star's long scarlet red mane and tail was now an inferno of red flames, floating freely on some invisible breeze. Orange embers dropped off his fire-wreathed head, slightly burning the floor as they landed.

The Alicorn's eyes widened, "Well... ok, that's new. My mane is like Celestia's now, cool I guess..."

Noble Blade reached towards it carefully, but felt no scorching heat as he touched the scarlet flames that now wrapped around Burning Star's mane.

Firestorm was the first one to say a word, "That... is... AWESOME! You really now live up to your name now, 'cause your Burning Star? You are actually burning? Eh? EH?"

The Alicorn of Fire put his hoof to his face, "Not funny."

Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, creating a clipboard and a pencil for herself and began to speak to Burning Star, "So, just to make sure this development with your body is safe I need to run a few tests on you, Burning Star."

Shadow Armor decided to slowly push the Guardians out of the room before he was caught up in the inevitable storm of questions that would follow.

Twilight turned towards the Guardians and said, "Wait! I need to find out what sort of magic you used to stop Doom Star! That way we-"

Shadow Armor cut her off, "Maybelaterbyeprincesstwilight!" and hurried the group out the door.

When they were out of the room, He said to Noble Blade, "You know, Burning Star probably looks up to you, even respects you, Guardian Noble Blade."

This caused the azure maned unicorn to raise an eyebrow, "Why would he look up to me?"

Shadow Armor responded, "From what I observed while in Eclipsio's vision room, Burning Star appears to treat you and the rest of the Guardians of the Sun like members of his family, maybe he sees you and your friends as siblings to him?"

Firestorm turned around and said, "Why would he consider us as his brothers? We have only known him for a few weeks, I don't think we're related to him, right?"

Freedom Fighter signed out his response towards of the group, "I believe I know why. What I've noticed from my observations of Burning Star is that he never seems to be very good at speaking to anypony, always trying to avoid the concept of companionship. Although he hasn't told us directly, the Alicorn of Fire must have spent a majority of his adolescent life in either mental and/or physical isolation."

Firestorm responded, "Ya know, that actually makes sense. Remember when we looked trough his data crystal files? There was little to no evidence that he had any relationships with anypony. Im going to make an educated guess here, judging from the utter lack of detailed information regarding his past, either he erased his own notes or he can't talk about it."

Noble Blade added in, "Why in the world would he talk about it? It does cause him a great deal of mental trauma and tons of aggressive behavior, but you have a valid point Firestorm. He doesn't exactly say what happened to him all those years ago. Every time he mentions it he doesn't say it the same way."

Freedom finished off by signing out, "Personally, I don't think he remembers anything about his past at all. He may have made up what happened to him as a way to divert attention about who he really is?"

Noble, Shadow, and Firestorm all gave him glances of confusion. Freedom continued, "Think about it... what do we REALLY know about who Burning Star is? Practically nothing. He mentions that Firebrand Village was destroyed and that he was born an Alicorn, but he doesn't have to tell us the truth, or at least the whole truth."

Shadow Armor nodded, "I agree with Freedom Fighter, if we want physical and written proof of who Burning Star is, he must have it in his private quarters!"

The Black Knight rushed towards Burning Star's Room and flung open the door, the Guardians close behind him.

Noble said to Shadow while running, "Wait a minute! Isn't this a bit wrong?! Can't we just ask him about it once Twilight stops her tests?"

Shadow Armor shook his head, "No! I need to know now, and this is the easiest way to find out!"

The Guardians all sighed and followed the Black Knight to the room of the Alicorn of Fire.

(Canterlot Castle, Burning Star's room)

Burning Star's room was nearly pitch black, so Noble and Shadow Armor ignited their horns, until the room was filled with a soft blue light from Noble Blade and a dark green light from Shadow Armor. The room was massive, the ceiling at least 20 feet above them.

Firestorm spoke, "Jeez, you would think somepony with such a large room would have a light switch or something. I can barely see even with your lights!"

Firestorm pulled out his katanas and ignited them, producing a soft orange light from the flames, Freedom Fighter electrified his staff, making a white cluster of lightning at the tip.

Even with all the lights from everypony, the room was still dark.

The room walls were painted white like most castle rooms, but with a queen sized bed covered by orange and black blankets at its center, which had his cutie mark of a flaming star stitched on them in deep red. It stuck out as a black rectangle in the middle of a white room.

Along the right wall was a large desk with multiple drawers, various scrolls and jars were stacked on it loosely.

Freedom thought to himself, "Wonder what those are for? Spells? Alchemy?"

Further down the side of the wall was an armor rack holding what the group assumed to be his battle or ceremonial armor, it was colored a dark silver with red highlights and was polished vigorously. From that they concluded it was probably for ceremony.

Next to the armor rack sat the so called "Godslayer Cleaver", Burning Star's large single edged sword that was similar to swords Firestorm saw in manga from Neighpon. The Blade was huge and thick, almost as long as Burning Star himself, and colored a blazing red and orange.

Freedom wondered how a colossal weapon such as that could be used so effortlessly in a fight, but brushed it aside when he saw everypony walk towards Burning Star's closet.

As expected, Burning Star's closet held various colored tunics and shirts, as well as a rough leather cloak hanging on the wall.

Noble bumped into a large object on the closet floor, which was quickly yanked out by Shadow Armor, sending Noble Blade to fall on his rear.

Noble Blade asked a question that should have been answered a few minutes ago, "Hey Shadow Armor? Don't you think this is a breach of privacy for Burning Star? Because if he locked this container it implies that it should not be opened."

Shadow Armor looked towards the knight and shrugged, "No. I am his captain of the guard and personal attaché, knowing what he is doing and where he is going is my job when Lady Twilight Sparkle is away in Ponyville, which she is right now. Ergo, this is completely reasonable for me."

Everypony looked at the large object sitting in front of them. It appeared to be a trunk or foot locker of some kind, colored a dark gray and black and covered with steel bands that were bound together by a combination lock.

Firestorm spoke to Shadow Armor, "Listen, if he had this stuff locked and hidden I don't think it is a wise idea to open-"

Shadow Armor shot a bolt of magic that reduced the lock to dust and flung open the lid of the trunk.

Firestorm put his hoof to his face, "Or don't listen to me at all..."

Shadow Armor brightened his horn light and peered into the trunk, before pulling his head out and saying to everypony.

"You got to see this."

Firestorm and Freedom Fighter peered in, joined by Noble Blade who struggled to get a good view thanks to the three ponies in front of him.

Firestorm reached in slowly and pulled out something, it was a rectangular digital watch of some sort, colored gray and red. The numbers on the screen were flashing 12:00 over and over, so Firestorm assumed it was either broken or hadn't been used yet.

Freedom pulled out what appeared to be an oblong cylinder, upon closer inspection it was a glasses case with the specs still in them, and he carefully put it back.

Shadow Armor took out what appeared to be an old stuffed teddy bear, it was brown and had the name "Felix" on a tag near its neck.

Noble Blade pulled out something unusual, to say the least.

It was a large hooded sweater of some sort, colored camouflage green, it matched with a pair of camouflage shorts and dark black jeans.

The unusual part was that they were much larger than he was... and only had two sleeves or pant legs. The fabric was much more coarse than his tunic, and it was well insulated on the inside.

He put them back, not finding them interesting.

"Guys, I think I found something new!" Said Firestorm, pulling out a holster of some kind.

The holster was made of strong leather and had metal studs keeping the flap closed. Some sort of L shaped object was secured inside it, and black rectangles were sitting on the belt the holster was attached to.

"What are these?" Firestorm thought to himself, before putting them back.

Shadow Armor and the two Guardians put the stuff back and the knight said, "So this is what he was hiding, a watch, glasses, and a stuffed animaI? Some clothes and a belt? Damn, guess there wasn't anything important here after all... oh well."

He carefully put the trunk back and created a new lock for it, then walked towards the door. Firestorm and Freedom Fighter followed suit.

Firestorm said to Noble Blade, "Hey Noble? You coming? Eclipsio is ready to send us home tomorrow morning!"

Noble looked at Firestorm and said, "One second..." he looked at the trunk and at the rest of the room, trying to find something out of place, before heading to the door and leaving.

(Canterlot Castle, Guest Room)

The Guardians had been given the best guest room in the castle, and also the softest beds in the castle.

As soon as Firestorm and Freedom laid down, they fell asleep. Fighting a God of Destruction was not a easy task, and both of them were very tired...

Except Noble Blade, that is.

He sat on his bed, thinking to himself about what he saw in the trunk in Burning Star's room.

He sensed something... off, about it.

He said to himself, "Why would Burning Star hide a stuffed bear, a watch, and a glasses case in a heavily secured trunk? Also, what was that belt holster holding?"

The door to the room suddenly flew open and Burning Star walked inside, seeing Noble Blade awake.

The Alicorn hopped onto Noble Blade's bed and said, "Hey, just came here to talk. You want to talk?"

Noble Blade nodded, "Of course, what about?"

The Alicorn sighed and said, "Listen, Noble. I think we both know why I am here, yes?"

Noble's smile disappeared, "I think I do, Star. You are here about your adventures with the Guardians, you wish to discuss them with me?"

Burning Star nodded, "Yes. I believe I finally figured out what I've learned from our experiences. After pulling it all together, I've discovered something about myself I never thought I had."

Noble's ears raised, "Oh, and what would that be?"

Burning Star got up and began to speak, "You see Noble, I've been looking back on the past weeks and I've noticed that you did something No pony has ever done."

"What's that, Star?"

Burning Star continued, "You told me something different. You said to me that it would be easier to let go of the past and I said to you that the past is what made me who I am..."

Noble responded, "I do recall saying that letting go of the past would be good for you. Did it work?"

The Alicorn smiled and said, "And I'm glad I was proven wrong. You were right, The past is better left behind me."

Burning Star let his now free flowing mane wander a bit, illuminating the room with a soft red light. He continued, "While I was fighting Doom Star I realized something about him. Doom Star wasn't an opponent like Midnight Sparkle. He was essentially a manifestation of my past that had been twisted and corrupted into a character that I put all my regret into. After doing some self-contemplating and a lot of blasting Doom Star with magic... I found it, the one thing I could never achieve. One thing you have, Noble Blade."

Now Noble was curious, "Ok stop delaying the answer and just say it."

Burning Star concluded with a Line that surprised Noble completely, "You had the power of choice. All my life I assumed that what happened to me determined who I was and that those past grievances meant I was to become a destroyer of ponies, hence how Doom Star came to be, but I realized something... I could had changed that, I COULD no... I CAN change that. My past is nothing but a nightmare that I allowed to take course for too long, while I believed I was unable to stop it. But you did, Noble Blade. YOU and the GUARDIANS did. You all had the courage, passion, and most of all faith to stand in the face of complete oblivion and say "I'm not afraid of you." At least that's what I think, the point is... I've finally found some peace of mind. For once, My mind... is clear..."

Noble's face broke into a smile as he wrapped his hoof around Burning Star, "I'm glad I could help, and I'll tell the guys what you said in the morning before we go."

Burning Star climbed into the bed next to Noble and said, "Oh yeah, Eclipsio wanted me to erase your memories of me, but I don't fear him. Just keep me and all the dimensional world traveling nonsense a secret, at least until you do it again, ok friend?"

Noble Blade pulled up the covers and smiled at Burning Star, "Your secret is safe with me, I swear it."

Burning Star nodded and closed his eyes, saying. "Like a Phoenix, my past was burnt into ashes, now... I rise from them a changed pony."

The next morning Noble Blade and the Guardians were all ready to go, only Burning Star and Eclipsio were there to see them off, while Celestia and the other royals tended to the public's questions about the recent disasters appearing in Equestria.

Just as The Guardians were about to step through the portal, Burning Star said, "Wait, before you go, I wanted to give you something to remember your times with me by."

Burning Star opened one of his bags and pulled out a golden circle with a flaming star at the center of it.

"Thanks, but what is it?" Firestorm asked the Alicorn of Fire.

The Alicorn explained, "A Disaster Beacon. Works across dimensions, but it is a one time use. If ever something this big or bigger comes up, You throw it on the ground, and I'll come running to your aid. My horn alight and with the Masters of Nature at my side, got that?"

Noble Blade and the Guardians were suddenly embraced in a hug by the Alicorn of Fire, he said to them, "You three are probably the best things that could happen to me on one of my adventures. I'm happy to call all of you my friends, and thank you for setting my demons to rest and setting my mind to rest as well."

He let go and Firestorm said, "Well we were only doing our jobs as Guardians of the Sun, but now I'm looking forward to some sweet R and R when we get home."

Prince Eclipsio spoke up, "Don't count on it, Firestorm.

"And why is that, spooky?" The Pegasus replied.

The Prince responded with some steel in his voice, "I have a feeling that the next few years of your life will be pretty hectic. You all are in for a Rather Large Adventure soon, one that may change your history forever, but I could be wrong... who knows?"

With that, the Guardians stepped through the portal and it closed with a flash of light.

After a brief silence, Burning Star said, "Well, I've destroyed Midnight Sparkle and Doom Star, a being of pure destruction... I would say that's a pretty good conclusion to my adventures, right Eclipsio?"

The Prince turned towards Burning Star and shook his head, "No way, pal. I know this is only the beginning for you, next one may take you out of this world once more... back to your real home."

Burning Star looked at Eclipsio and the two teleported to his room, where Burning Star stood in front of a mirror, it was covered in dust and smudged Up, but it still had a reflection to it.

Prince Eclipsio said to him, "You know you can't hide like this forever, man. Eventually your have to come clean, and I feel like next time will be that time."

The Alicorn turned towards the mirror and looked at himself in it, before pulling the trunk out of the closet and pulling out the hooded sweatshirt and jeans.

Burning Star suddenly said to Eclipsio, "Do it... I wish to see myself, the real me, again."

Eclipsio engulfed Burning Star in a purple and blue light, watching as his body grew in size and he reared up onto his back hooves.

His back hooves became feet, five digits springing from them, as did his front hooves, turning into hands with five digits as well.

His fur disappeared and was replaced with smooth white skin with a slight tan, but his flaming red hair still remained, developing into a long, draping, and uneven mullet.

His deep blue eyes were centered and his snout disappeared, leaving a short Mouth with a small nose on his round face.

The horn on his head shrunk until it was nothing but a small bump and his wings folded up onto his back neatly, adjusting themselves to fit his new form.

He put on his clothes, which a perfect fit for him, before saying to the Alicorn Prince.

"Well, how do I look?"

Prince Eclipsio said simply, "the same as the day I found you. The time to return to your world is fast approaching, soon your world and this one will collide and the catastrophe will endanger all close to you?"

When the light cleared, Burning Star was himself again, jet black fur with a red mane, large wings and horn, and dark blue eyes.

"You know I'm ready."

He looked towards the stars, one gleaming out of the hundreds present and said.

"I'll be home soon, Earth...

"Burning Star, no... Matthew is coming home soon...

With that he closed the balcony doors and went off to his bed, dreaming a peaceful dream...

Eclipsio was staring at the stars and said, with a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Thus, the Sundered Universe crisis is over..."

He turned and went inside, but a mysterious figure perched on a rooftop was eyeing them and listening to them.

Before it said, "It is over... for now..."

The creature took off towards the north, to the Crystal Empire.

It was about time it took a long look into a mirror...

Comments ( 2 )

Awwwww...this was touching! A great send-off!

Is Matthew gonna face some crisis in the Equestria Girls universe next? I feel like the Matthew here is the physical description of yourself. It's a good thing you didn't put your age, last name, or your social security number in your description of Mr. Matt.

Glad I could help :D

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