• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 985 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

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Chapter 10 Part 1: Homecoming

Author's Note:

So I get to write again, yes! :yay:

Last Chapter we saw Burning and Noble start talking bout some deep things to think about.

Now Burning Star needs to head back to his world, and The Guardians are coming with him!

(Manehattan, Apex Hotel Lobby)

Firestorm sat on the couches in the lobby of their hotel, twiddling his hooves, flipping his knife up and down, doing anything he could to pass the long hours that Noble and Burning Star had been out on the town.

He noticed that Quickfire was heading into the bathroom...

and Firestorm couldn't take his mysterious mercenary act any longer and decided to violate the sacred privacy of the bathroom to see who in Celestia's name this guy was!

Quickfire entered the bathroom and placed his rump on the toilet. Indoor Plumbing was always a issue with him, as he was accustomed to going wherever he was camped out... so he struggled to... get it moving when he was indoors.

Firestorm silently flew through the window of the bathroom and saw Quickfire sitting on the loo, he quickly took the stall next to him. Obviously, the assassin heard the hasty shutting of the door. Firestorm cursed at his haste, "Oh damn, this was not my brightest move. Maybe... he didn't hear me?"

Firestorm appeared to be in the clear when he heard the door of Quickfire's stall open and he stepped out to the mirror over the sink, he grasped the back of his orange and black mask and began to remove it with a small hiss.

Firestorm tried to get a closer look at Quickfire's real face, only identifying that he had a light blue Mane...

Before Quickfire slipped his mask back on and sent his back hooves to the stall door Firestorm was peering through, smacking him clean in the nose and sending his face into the toilet which activated, sending Firestorm's face into a swirl of water.

Quickfire pulled his face out of the toilet by yanking him Up by his mane before saying from behind him, "Well, if it isn't Firestorm, the super deadly, super hot, super fast, and totally annoying? Should I add the "totally deprived of manners" to that list? Wasn't enough that you wanted to know my identity and I denied it to you, you violated the sanctity of a bathroom to try and sneak a peek of me?! Have you no shame?"

Firestorm had the balls to respond to him, "Well, this would have been avoided if you told me when I opened up Burning Star's Data Crystal. I couldn't find anything relating to you in there!"

Quickfire dodged a kick from Firestorm and pinned the Pegasus against the wall with his hooves, his mask was still on, and his single blue eye glinted in the light.

The assassin snarled, "You did what?! Why in Tartarus would you invade his privacy, he has done nothing to pry into yours. Now, he has a DAMN good reason to be mad at you three. What were you thinking you would find? Lewd photos? Bad credit reports?"

Quickfire drew his katana and placed it against the Pegasus's throat, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cut your throat and make you choke on your own blood?"

Firestorm smirked and tried to surprise Quickfire with something from that data crystal, "Oh by the way, did you know that Burning Star was King Sombra's student? Yep, the two were very buddy-buddy with each other back in the day. If I had known about that sooner, I would execute the poor guy immediately for associating with somepony who makes ME look nice and honorable."

Quickfire wasted no time and sliced part of Firestorm's mane off, leaving it an uneven mess, the assassin then responded with venom in his voice, "Don't do this again, or I will swing a bit lower and see if you still talk with your head chopped off."

He sheathed his sword and dragged Firestorm by his tail out of the bathroom and into the lobby, where Freedom Fighter and Hiller were sitting. Freedom saw the distressed look on his friends face and attempted to get up, but Hiller put his hoof against his chest saying, "Don't try it, Freedom. I overheard the conversation in there, Quickfire was trying to tidy himself up and Firestorm tired to invade his privacy by spying on him, this is your friends fault, and Quickfire cut off part of his mane as a warning."

Firestorm heard the last part of that sentence and reached up to find that his mane had been ruined, he cried out in anguish, "NOOOOOO! Not my mane, It took me weeks to grow this back after I lost it on our last mission." He pushed Quickfire back, "You are a monster, a mean masked monster."

Quickfire whistled and got the attention of the two, "Hello, you two. I need to talk with everypony about what we saw last night, so can you two listen up for a moment?"

The two Earth Ponies nodded, and Hiller asked with a hint of concern in his voice, "Well what is it? Spill it."

The assassin waved off the doorman so they could have some privacy, then began to speak, "I knew he was King Sombra's student. He told me when we reunited a few months after the Firebrand Village incident. He invited me to Sombra's castle in the Frozen North beyond the Crystal Empire, appropriately named Castle Nevermore."

Freedom made a gesture asking what happened, and Quickfire continued, "What happened to me, you ask? Well I was surprised by how... civil the Shadow King was to me. When he left the room, I tried to talk Burning Star out of this... nightmarish apprenticeship and he didn't want to."

Firestorm crawled over to the couch where the rest of his companions were sitting and then asked in a shrill voice, "What?! Why would he want to stay with that monster?"

Suddenly, Noble and Burning Star entered the lobby and Burning Star cut the assassin off with his response, "Because I needed to do it, I needed to go through the horrible trials and lessons he put me through. I did it because I felt it made me stronger."

Noble added his own question with a raised eyebrow, "So you felt like that was the only way to be strong, Star? That the best lessons in life are learned through pain? Did you learn nothing from our talk in the cafe, Burning Star?"

The Black Alicorn shook his head and said in a slightly harsh tone, "I did learn something during that chat session we had. I just don't intend on applying it... yet. I think that what I have planned for the rest of the week is a lot more important and may actually help us beat Midnight Sparkle."

Noble interjected first, "Then tell me one thing, why do you insist on continuing your anger fueled life? It would be much easier to let go of the pain."

Burning Star froze up, before saying in a tone that was unnervingly casual. "Well, I figured that if the world wouldn't treat me kindly and care for me... then why should I care for anypony else?"

Noble snorted out, "Don't use that as your excuse, you can't avoid this problem forever."

Burning Star smiled and said, "Actually I can, I'm an Immortal Alicorn."

Burning Star reached into the bag on his back and pulled out a clear orb, he then spoke to it, "Let's get off this subject for the time being, Portal Home, please."

Firestorm flapped over to Noble and asked quietly, "What does he have planned? Because I don't think that leaving Manehattan now is a good idea. We haven't even found the source of that magic spike yet and this guy is just bailing on it?"

Noble tapped Burning Star on the shoulder and asked him, "My friend here brings up a good point. Weren't we supposed to be investigating the spike in dark magic?"

Burning Star turned to the group and held out a piece of paper, it had a line graph on it with the words "Dark Magic Levels" on the bottom , "Already dealt with, guys. While i was sitting in the cafe with Noble Blade here, I sent out an illusion copy of myself to survey the city, I picked up no readings of high dark magic outside of my own. I then sent him to graph the data and it turns out that whatever or whoever was causing the disturbance has completely vanished. So, its safe to assume that Manehattan is safe for now."

Quickfire asked his Black Alicorn friend, "And what happens if you made a mistake? If there really is a threat here that is hidden from you?"

Burning Star shrugged, "I don't know then, we will just have to play it by ear if that happens..."

A blue and navy portal opened in front of Burning Star, and he smiled, "Ah yes, right on time, I can always count on Spooky to pull his weight, I will teleport my stuff down here along with everypony else's stuff. Then, we head to my world. I need to talk with a few of my friends, and we all could use some R&R. Plus, The Guardians of the Sun will finally get to see what my world is like and how crazy and exotic it can be. Sounds fun, right?"

Freedom Fighter looked at the portal, it was the same color that Midnight Sparkle came through, so he thought to himself, "This better not be a trap, I don't want to deal with that madmare for a long time. She asked me to side with her because of what I am, No. Why in Celestia's name would I join her?"

Freedom Fighter made a gesture towards Noble and Noble translated it to Burning Star, "Freedom wants to know if this is a trap. He is asking cause that is the same type of portal that Midnight came out of, so it seems rather coincidental that you created the same portal. How do you do that, Burning Star?"

The Black Alicorn hadn't been paying full attention as he transported everypony's Stuff to the lobby and Hiller began to move it towards the portal. He was stopped by Firestorm saying, "Woah, Woah, Woah! Why are you just assuming that we want to come with you? I mean... the idea of exploring another world entirely is amazing and sounds like something out of a comic book, but how do you know that portal thing is safe?"

Hiller pushed the Pegasus aside and said, "Firestorm, come on, use your head. Do you really think that Burning Star would open up a portal to another world if he didn't know if it was safe or not?"

Noble chimed in, "Honestly, yes. Star is extremely reckless and impulsive, almost as much as Firestorm here."

The Pegasus responded with pride in his voice, "Thanks! I enjoy doing everything on a whim, it's what makes me, well... me."

Burning Star tried to ignore the comment, but it was evident it was bugging him as a plume of smoke rose from his head. He finally snapped, still proving Noble's point that he needed change "I don't know these spells as well as my partner ok?! I used this Distortion Orb to amplify my powers and open up a stable portal, so... I can't do it on my own."

Quickfire interrupted the conversation with a smug tone, "I know a thing or two about inter-dimensional bridge Portals, its that they can only be opened by two ponies who can bend the fabric of space-time. Aka, Burning Star with his Distortion Orb, and his associate."

Noble looked at the portal, which sparked and crackled with stardust, before saying to the Alicorn. "You are completely, one hundred percent sure that this is safe?"

Burning Star nodded, impatient to go. "Yes, Yes, Yes. It is fine. Jeez, you sound like my mother..."

Burning Star jumped into the swirling rift in dimensions, followed by Quickfire and Hiller.

The Guardians of the Sun looked at each other, then at the portal. Noble closed his eyes and stepped into the portal, Firestorm followed after him, and Freedom Fighter last, as the portal slammed shut with a flash of light.

(Canterlot Castle, The Oversight Pool, Burning Star's world)

The six ponies felt as if they were being dragged into a tornado, before being shot out of another portal into a large stone cavern with dark basalt walls.

Noble was the first to get up, shaking his head free of the dizziness that overtook him, and trying to hold back the vomit in his throat.

Burning Star was already on his hooves, looking around before spotting his partner in opening the portal.

Firestorm felt sick to his stomach and immediately threw up, getting vomit on his outfit. He was pale as a ghost, obviously feeling the effects of dimensional transition sickness.

Noble looked to his fellow Guardians and gave them some cloth to clean up their clothes of stomach acid, then surveyed his surroundings.

There was a large pool in the center of the room, which seemed to be carved into the side of a mountain, judging by the large stalagmites and stalactites lining the walls of the cave, like the giant teeth of some sort of monster...

Another Alicorn approached him, his fur blending into the rock walls. He spoke to Noble in a voice that sounded like he was gargling rocks.

"Who are you and why have you come to my world? Answer me, now."

Noble looked up and saw that another Alicorn was standing over him.

He was similar in height to Burning Star, maybe an inch or two shorter. His fur was black, but reflected light subtly, almost like he was covered in a chrome coating. His platinum colored mane and tail flowed like water and had a metallic sheen to it.

His wings were not a normal Alicorn's wings, they were great dragon wings and were shiny black with a metallic silver webbing to them. His horn was large and began to glow white as the Alicorn lifted Noble and his friends to their hooves. His golden eyes seemed to shine like the metal they were colored like... it was peculiar to say the least.

What really shocked Noble was the Alicorn's mark upon his flank, a Solar and Lunar Eclipse...

He spoke the first words that came to mind, "While I am usually the one to be the first one to ask that, you beat me right to the punch. I am Noble Blade, Normally I would not reveal this to a unknown Alicorn, but something tells me you have been watching us, correct?"

The Shiny Black Alicorn cleared his throat and said, "Yes I have, Noble Blade, Guardian of the Sun. I must say your accomplishments are impressive to say the least, I've not seen such heroics from somepony new in a long time... good work by all of you."

Firestorm finally stopped losing his lunch and said with a ragged breath, "Who are you exactly, and why do I feel sick?"

The Alicorn bowed in respect and responded to the Pegasus's question. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Prince Eclipsio Alicornus, younger sibling of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Prince of Eclipses, Surveyor of the Cosmic Reaches and Swallower of the Sun and Moon. You must be Firestorm, the Pegasus member of the Guardians of the Sun."

Burning Star was carrying the luggage of everypony out of the cave when he said, "Can we talk about all our titles in a minute? I brought them here to get familiar with my background, but we need to unpack first! Come on!"

Noble Blade bowed before Eclipsio and said with awe in his voice, "Tis an honor to meet you. We do not haveth somepony like you where we are from, art thou unique to this world?"

The Prince of Eclipses nodded and said with some pride in his voice, "I be-ith unique to this world. I know your accent, hath Luna been rubbing off on you, Knight of Celestia?"

The two ponies laughed for a while, before Quickfire cut in. "Uh, guys?" He said, a bit of annoyance in his voice. "Can we get a move on, I'd like to get my stuff organized and you three need to go meet Burning Star's friends."

Firestorm raised his eyebrow in bewilderment, "Wait, what? Who said we wanted to meet any of the crazy pony's friends? Besides you two of course... no offense?"

Quickfire and Hiller sighed simultaneously, then the assassin said, "Let's go."

(Canterlot Castle, Training Room)

Noble Blade and the Guardians of the Sun were surprised to see so many guards lining the halls to the training grounds, all three of them wondered what was going on, until Eclipsio spoke to them.

"These guards are waiting in line to have a chance to duel Burning Star's head of security, but he is currently up against somepony you may know.

Noble heard the clash of weapons and two battle cries, one he knew, the other he didn't recognize...

When he entered the room, he saw the two combatants.

It was the former captain of the guard, Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire!

He was fighting somepony Noble didn't know, but he looked all too similar to Shining in terms of body shape, but his appearance was radically different.

The other unicorn's fur was a dark gray with black undertones to it, his mane and tail were blood red and Forest Green, quite garish color choices, and his eyes were bright red and seemed to glow red along with his horn's aura of magic.

Noble gasped as Shining staggered back from a monstrous blow from the dark unicorn, who walked over to Shining and put his serrated sword against his head.

Noble heard the voice of that pony, it sounded very similar To Shining's, but slightly deeper and growl-like.

"Yield, Shining. I've won again. It seems no matter how much I teach you of my savage fighting style, you still can't keep up."

Shining got to his hooves and bowed, "Correct, but I'm still better than you at shield spells, Shady."

The Guardians of the Sun all looked to Eclipsio and the Eclipse Alicorn explained, "That dark unicorn there is Shadow Armor. He was an superior clone of Shining Armor created by King Sombra, since his former commander was lackluster in his abilities. However, Shadow Armor was created with free will, and when he saw how evil Sombra was..."

Noble finished Eclipsio's sentence, "He defected and joined the good guys?"

Eclipsio shook his head, "Yes and No. while Shadow Armor works alongside Burning Star and the rest of Equestria, he is a bit of a wild card sometimes, he is neither good or evil, he is what he is, a wild card fighter who broods a lot and is generally a grumpy pony."

Noble fumed for a second, he wasn't one to start fights, but to see Shining Armor's honor tarnished by this... copy made him angry.

Noble took a chance and shouted at the dark pony, "Hey Shadow Armor, He is trying his hardest, you do not fight with honor, sir."

Shadow Armor turned towards Noble, his red eyes fixed firmly on him as all the spectators, Firestorm and even Freedom Fighter shrank away from the glare of those red eyes.

Shadow Armor snorted out a response, clearly annoyed by Noble's words. "Who in Tartarus are you? You here to criticize my way of teaching? Fine, have a go if you think your hard enough, pal."

Noble hopped down into the arena and drew his sword with his magic, saying to Shadow Armor. "Here this, Shadow Armor. I, Noble Blade, Kinght of Celestia and Proud warrior will avenge Shining Armor's honor and defeat-"

He was cut off by Shadow Armor striking him with the back of his hooves, sending Noble sprawling back. Shadow Armor created an energy sword and swung it down hard, Noble still felt the force of the blow as he parryed and countered with his sword, landing a clean slash right across Shadow Armor's side, it slowly dripped blood through the gash in his armor.

Then, something snapped in Shadow Armor. He let out a roar of primal fury as he threw the energy sword at Noble, who ducked under it as it lodged itself in the wall. Noble sidestepped out of the way as Shadow Armor charged like a raging Minotaur, his eyes bright green with purple smoke coming out of them.

Noble instantly recognized that as Dark Magic and prepared a blast of pure Light Magic, he didn't finish it before Shadow Armor ripped a chunk of concrete out of the wall and threw it at him, eyes still ablaze with Dark Magic.

Noble shielded himself, blocking the thrown chunk of rock, and Shadow Armor began to strike and buck the shield like a wild animal, he used every part of him to try and shatter the shield, but it didn't budge.

Suddenly, Burning Star walked in to see Shadow Armor whacking away at Noble's shield and he called out in his own Royal Canterlot voice, "Shadow Armor, stop!"

The black knight immediately seized up, and turned to see Burning Star had returned, he kneeled and said, "My apologizes, My lord. I lost control my powers again, didn't I?"

Firestorm ran over to Burning Star and unknowingly shouted, "What is wrong with him?! He is a beast, a pure, wild beast. That is your head of security?"

Burning Star glowered, his eyes in a flinty glare, "Yes it is. And I would appreciate you not calling him that, Stormy. He has enough problems on his mind, he doesn't need more insults thrown his way."

Noble dropped his shield and spoke to Burning Star, "Is there anything else you wish to introduce to us?"

A shrill voice suddenly pierced the hall of the castle.


The Black Alicorn smiled sheepishly, "Heh... my wife is here."

Firestorm looked at him with a look of bewilderment, "You have a wife, What?! Wait... You have kids yet?"

Freedom smacked the Pegasus in the back of the head for being rude, then the doors burst open and the Guardians of the Sun's jaws went to the floor.

In front of them stood the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle... except she was a lot bigger than the first time they saw her at her coronation. Her mane flowed like water, similar to Celestia and Luna and Eclipsio... it had purple and pink stars set in it and it sparkled like a twilight sky. Her wings had grown larger and so had her horn, Twilight stood about as tall as Celestia would be, but Burning Star still towered above everypony they knew.

Twilight grabbed Burning Star with her magic and hissed at him, "Where did you go?! You have been gone for a week and you don't send a message telling me you're ok. I was worried sick!"

Burning Star nervously tried to change the subject, "Uh... That isn't your concern, Twilight. So, let's ignore that for now. Have you met my new friends, The Guardians of the Sun?"

Twilight Sparkle looked at the trio of newcomers, dropped Burning Star, and hoisted them into the air with her magic.

She began to speak to Freedom Fighter, "Who are you and why did my husband bring you to our world?"

Freedom Fighter shook his head and signed out words during his panic,

Noble cleared his throat and responded for Freedom Fighter. "Excuse me, Princess. My friend I can't speak, for he has no tongue, you know. Please put us down, I... well... we would rather not hurt you."

Twilight Sparkle sneered, "Well, then you start talking, boy. I'm a little short on patience now, so spill the facts."

Noble Blade tried to explain in the most basic way he could, "I am Noble Blade the Unicorn, this is Firestorm the Pegasus, and this is Freedom Fighter the Earth Pony. We are the Guardians of the Sun, the secret task force of Princess Celestia. Tell me, where is our dear Princess at this moment?"

Twilight went deadly serious, and turned around dragging the Guardians in her telekinetic grip, "Celestia left me and left Canterlot for who knows where, Luna went with her. She understood that what she did to me was not easily forgiven. It's taken three months for me to even talk with her in a full conversation, so you will be listening to me and Eclipsio while you're staying here."

She continued, "I can sense the energy of Midnight Sparkle on you, especially the Earth Pony. Have you come in contact with her recently?"

Noble Blade nodded, "We have. And if it weren't for the sheer power of your husband, we would have perished to her Nightmare Moon copy."

Burning Star added in, "And Me and Sun butt beat down a Lord Tirek Copy in Canterlot."

He got various worried glances from every pony around him, he continued. "Yeah, I forgot to mention that I fought Tirek, sorta slipped my mind."

Twilight Sparkle's face turned hard, "So your way of avoiding your duty as a ruler is to run off to another world to fight monsters and capture Midnight Sparkle? Are you really that desperate, Burning Star? We have a family now, you have to be here for our kids."

Burning Star snapped back at Twilight with his Royal Canterlot voice, which shook the room. "I KNOW THAT! But I can't lose any more friends, it's better that I stay away from you and the kids when stuff like this happens. I attract violence like a magnet! You know that, I know that, every pony knows that!"

Noble was taken aback by the sudden burst of emotion, as Burning Star displayed a serious anxiety attack, small tears peppering his cheeks and his wings were fully flared in defense.

He suddenly turned to the open window and said, "I need some time alone, I'll be in my room, don't bother me... I need to calm down."

The Black Alicorn took off, leaving Twilight and the Guardians alone. Eclipsio suddenly melted out of the shadows while saying, "If we are all done with our outbursts, the rooms for the Guardians of the Sun and Star Hunters are ready, but Noble... come with me."

Noble was released from Twilight's grasp as Eclipsio took off down the hall, and he quickly sprinted after him.

(Canterlot Castle, Royal Archives)

Noble followed the Eclipse Alicorn into the Royal Archives, which were much larger than the ones on his world, there was a large iron gate in front of a giant door, Eclipsio was standing in front of the door tapping his hoof on the floor while waiting for the Unciorn to run across the LONG hallways of the Archives.

Noble asked the Chrome black Alicorn, "Why did you ask for me, and not somepony like Quickfire or Hiller? Somepony Burning Star knows personally?"

The Prince chuckled, "Because you are probably the first pony in his entire life that has ever cracked that diamond hard shell on his emotions, and I would like to inform you of something that may make you think of Burning Star as less of a rude savage and more as somepony who has every right to be worried he would become Sombra."

Noble raised an eyebrow as Eclipsio used his magic to slowly pull back the iron gate that barred the entrance to another part of the Archives.

Eclipsio turned to Noble and asked him with a serious tone in his voice, "You will not tell Burning Star or anypony other than me of what I show you here, is that clear?"

Noble nodded, "You have my word, Prince Eclipsio. What could be of such secrecy that only you and I should know about it? And more importantly, you just met me, why do you immediately trust me?"

The chrome black Alicorn replied, "Ive been overseeing this universe for a great amount of time, Noble Blade. When suddenly a bright light came off your world, it was you... And you were a shining star of trust and compassion, tempered by righteous fury and a code of honor. If I didn't trust you, I would have obliterated you three on sight." He opened the great doors, revealing an ancient library that seemed to be strangely void of books.

Instead, scrolls of various sizes and colors sat in holes on shelves, all magically preserved by the magic of the Archives.

Eclipsio flew up to a group of scrolls and pulled them out, tossing them at Noble Blade, who caught them with his magic.

He asked the Alicorn, "If I may ask, What are we looking for, My Prince? Also, what is this place?"

The Alicorn began to explain, "This is the archives of the First Alicorn. Before Celestia's battle with Nightmare Moon, The First Alicorn secretly transferred all of its knowledge to here. I stumbled upon it when I was exploring these lands, over 1,000 years ago."

Eclipsio shouted out as he picked up a dark brown scroll with the Crystal Empire's seal on it. "This thing. This scroll will explain everything about Burning Star and what his relation to the Shadow King is, this area must remain a secret... do not tell anypony of this, got that?"

Noble bowed, "I swear on my life that this place will remain secret."

Noble Blade opened the scroll and immediately went wide eyed, this thing was written in a language he didn't know!

He was about to let the Alicorn know but Eclipsio swooped down and began to read, but he said first, "Before we start, are you sure you want to know what is in these texts? The reason you can't read it is because it is written in Dark Equestrian, a language that can only be read by somepony who can use Dark Magic."

Eclipsio's eyes began to glow green, and began to read aloud.

"I am King Sombra, and this is for my student Burning Star. After running some tests on your magic levels and aura coloration I believe that I may have stumbled upon something extraordinary, so much so that it seems impossible."

"Your magic signature matches mine nearly exactly, right down to my signature red aura that your horn emits. I couldn't believe it, so I did some digging into my family and I think I've uncovered something amazing."

Noble Blade asked with eagerness in his voice, "Well? What did he uncover? Tell me, cause now I am curious."

Eclipsio continued to read, knowing what would come next.

"About 1,000 years ago, a family known as the Stars came to my doorstep asking for sanctuary from Celestia and Luna's conquest of their village. I was accepting and let them in, noticing a sick filly by the name of Dawn Star in the mothers hooves. The mother was near-death, so was the father. I couldn't let them suffer To future to find out where their child was, for he was born An ALICORN. I made sure to give the parents a painless death, and watched as the parents died in their sleep. It was the last time I shed a tear for somepony other than myself."

Noble slowly started to put the pieces together, An Alicorn filly with dead parents, King Sombra from over 1,000 years ago... wherever this writing was going it was going to be big.

Eclipsio continued to read, "I know that this child will die if I do not intervene, therefore I will adopt him as my own... my Dawn Star. I know what I must do, Celestia and Luna are banging on my black crystal fortress as we speak, I will do what I think is right. I will use my magic to seal him in a 1,000 year long hibernation, and erase all memories of me and his old life. The father he deserved, me. King Sombra of the Crystal Empire, the pony with a heart as black as night, but as big as the sea for the child, my child..."

"I pray that he awakes to a family of good ponies, for he deserves to find his purpose, as the one who will unite the Dark Magic with the Light, for he will be the strongest, wisest, and of course, most handsome heir to my father's and my throne. Dawn Star, My only son... I will always protect you with my servants, when I get free of the prison the sisters put me in, I will wait for you to come to me, and we will once again be a family. Father and son, together again... I love you my son, be strong for me when you awake."

King Sombra."

Noble sank back into his chair, feeling the massive weight of the information just dumped upon his mind. He had just found out that the relationship between Sombra and Burning Star was even deeper than just a student-teacher relationship.

Burning Star was literally King Sombra's son!

The knight shakily asked the chrome black Alicorn, "I-I-Is this true? Does Burning Star know of this?"

Eclipsio nodded, "Yes it is, Noble Blade."

"Burning Star is King Sombra's son, and the heir to his throne, the is the reason he keeps himself away from everypony is because he is related to him, now you know that he is more than related to him... He doesn't know that he is Sombra's son, and telling him that may just seal his fate to become what his second father was."

Noble filled in Eclipsio's thought, "A Tyrant King and a monster..."

"The path he is on now is a dangerous one. For his Dark Magic is the key to stopping Midnight Sparkle... or all hope is lost."

Noble simply fainted, his last thought being...

"Oh I have made a grave mistake in misjudging him... oh sweet Celestia... I pray that he stays free of those dark thoughts."