• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 985 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

  • ...

Chapter 15, Part 2: Star of The Morning/Prince of Insanity

Author's Note:

So this is the Guardians point of view while Dark Star is at Midnight's...

No spoilers for what's ahead, just read to find out!

Also, try to figure out where the names of the attacks shown are from!

(Music is from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the Musical! Credit to them!)

(Canterlot Castle, Dining Room)

The Castle dining room was built for large crowds, since parties and private galas for the nobles.

It was also the site of many meetings of the shrewd and petty political group that surrounded Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood Morningstar. This group was known as the Pure Blood Party...

Anypony who was in deep financial or social troubles often got a invitation from this group of corrupt ponies, and Blueblood was their main boss. While he maintained a albeit flamboyant and cocky personality in public.

In private, he was cunning and ruthless. Trying to constantly scheme and plot to get laws passed to further elevate the upper class above the "ignorant masses", which to him was everypony except himself.

Blueblood got all of this hidden mercilessness from his father, Lord Morning Star. Blueblood had never met him in person... for he had been killed by an assasssin when the prince was a colt.

As per request of his aunt, Prince Blueblood right now was sitting with Noble Blade and the Guardians, and the Star Hunters.

As much as his auntie loved the Guardians and appreciated the Star Hunters, he hated both... especially the Star Hunters.

Blueblood finally stopped thinking about the recent events and stomped his hoof on the table, getting the attention of everypony, he said, "Sir Noble, may I ask you a question? It concerns me and the safety this city. I believe that I speak for the majority of Canterlot when I say that I am extremely concerned about these... heroes from another world."

Noble sighed, Celestia's nephew was always so aggravating, but he had to maintain a straight face. Noble replied, "Well they are a great help to us, Prince. Also, this Midnight Sparkle happens to be from their world..."

Prince Blueblood scoffed, "Excuse Me?! So these invaders from another world brought this "Midnight Sparkle" here? And you expect me to trust them? I would ought to have them executed for this reason!"

Firestorm snorted, "Woah, Woah, Hey! You can't just kill these two for something that they had no control over..." he pointed to Hiller and Quickfire, both of them glaring at the pompous prince.

Blueblood waved his hoof and said, "Of course I can, you are a threat to my homeland! I am a Prince of Equestria, aren't I?"

Noble stomped his hoof down, "That does not give you the right to impose your will on them. Celestia is in charge, not you."

Blueblood completely ignored Noble and said, "Guards! Seize them!"

The Royal Guard quickly approached Hiller and Quickfire, swords and spears drawn, Hiller and Quickfire simply stood up.

Hiller growled out, "What the hell is wrong with you, Prince? We haven't done anything to you, so why are you calling in the death squad on us? By Faust you're xenophobic..."

Prince Blueblood snarled at the Protopony, "I am xenophobic Because of what you can do to us, earth pony filth! I will not have this city, MY city, be overwhelmed by ponies as dangerous as you, also... you have no right to shout at me!"

Noble Blade and the rest of the Guardians pulled their seats back in an attempt to get up, but Quickfire put one of his hooves up and said, "Calm yourselves, Guardians. We will take care of this, WITHOUT excessive bloodshed."

The mercenary pony turned to his partner, "Are you ready Hiller? Remember, don't kill them."

Hiller smirked and stood on his back hooves, Quickfire did the same, a unearthly gleam in his one eye.

Hiller spoke to the approaching guards, "Oh I'm not gonna hurt you..."

Quickfire drew his katana with one good and ignited it into a blade of electrical power. He picked up a hand crossbow in his other and loaded a bolt into the sling.

Hiller turned his front hooves into his hammerhooves, saying "I'm just going to hurt you really, really, badly."

Blueblood signaled the guards to charge and they did just that, each one of them having a fiery gleam in their eyes.

Noble looked on with awe as Quickfire and Hiller leapt into the fray.

Quickfire ran headfirst into a pair of burly earth ponies and disarmed and electrocuted them with his sword. He then used his crossbow to nail their shoulder pads to the floor with bolts.

Another guard, a Pegasus, approached from behind and he backflipped over him, before sending the back of his boot into the guards helm, crumpling it like paper with a audible crunch. He then grabbed him by base of the wings and suplexed him over his head into a back breaker.

Hiller blocked three unicorns swinging down with their swords with his massive hammerhooves, he then pinned the three blades in his grasp and snapped them as easily as snapping a twig. Hiller toppled all three of them and sent a huge uppercut to the first unicorn pony, a flying cannonball kick to the second, and finished off the last one by wrapping his tendrils around him and throwing him like a hammer into the wall, leaving a sizable crack.

Blueblood was in shock, his own personal guard detail, beaten! He had picked them personally, how did they lose.

Quickfire spoke to the now furious Prince Blueblood, his hooves clenched in frustration. "Listen here you litte sh-t! We, well... I do not have time for this. If you think you're hot stuff, prove it. I am more than willing to stake my life and honor on a Duel, provided you can back up your words?"

Blueblood laughed, "Hah! Me? Degrade myself to fighting a common assassin? I would never!"

Quickfire smirked, "Then you will forever be without bravery, Blueblood Morningstar. Unless you fight me, and only me."

Noble watched, completely amazed as Quickfire stared down Blueblood and refused to falter. He himself had once wanted to knock Blueblood on his flank, but he had never gotten the chance...

Prince Blueblood reached back and pulled at the braid on his hair, it came down in a cascade of blond and white.

Blueblood then scoffed, "Ok then, cretin! If you challenge me, then you remove your idiotic mask. I've degraded my honor, I think I should know who I am about to best in a duel!"

Firestorm looked at Quickfire and then whispered to Freedom, "Hey, Quickfire is gonna finally hopefully remove his mask... who do you think he is? My bet is on a future version of Noble Blade from a horrible reality."

Freedom raised an eyebrow, silently saying, "Really? My best guess is Burning Star without wings."

Firestorm looked on with utter amazement as Quickfire reached back and pressed down on the back of his mask, it let out a hiss as the clasps came undone.

When he pulled it off, Firestorm, Noble Blade, and pretty much everypony in the room went slack jawed.

Quickfire had white fur, albeit faded. He bore a short navy blue mane with sky blue streaks, it was ragged and cut roughly, almost as if he cut it with his own sword. His face was covered in scars, and a small pair of canines hung out of his mouth. His horn was a normal unicorn horn, but sharpened into a blade like shape.

The most glaring thing was that left eye was missing! And his right eye bore a brand of a reddish-brown crosshairs on it.

Firestorm thought to himself, "Guess that little brand is where he gets his name... wait... that's?!"

The face was unmistakable!

That face was Shining Armor! A scarred, beaten and battered Shining Armor...

But still Shining Armor!

Prince Blueblood was in shock, how could Prince Shining Armor be here, standing in front of him... When he was staying in the Crystal Empire?!

"This is impossible, completely impossible!" Said Prince Blueblood in disbelief.

Quickfire smirked and said, "Guess I'm no common assasssin anymore huh? So, are we going to do this... or are you all talk?"

Noble raised an eyebrow in curiosity, Blueblood's temper was known to be as tough as a fortress, but here he was... fuming and behaving like some common street fighter.

Blueblood pulled a broadsword out of an unconscious guard's sheath and pointed it at Quickfire, he said with a roar. "Listen well heathen! YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME ANY LONGER! I WILL PERSONALLY BEAT RESPECT INTO YOUR SORRY HIDE!"

Quickfire stood on his hind legs and growled, "Bring it on Prince Charmless!"

Firestorm and the Guardians watched as Prince Blueblood charged Quickfire like a raging Minotaur, his sword gripped in his magic and thrusted forwards, Quickfire didn't move an inch...

When Blueblood was within about 10 feet of the assassin, Quickfire swung his katana down on the blade of Blueblood's sword with a loud clang, and then Quickfire let loose his attack...

With a deadly gleam in his eye, Quickfire sent a full-power strike to Blueblood's body, Noble heard an audible crack and then the prince crying out in agony... most likely having many ribs broken.

Quickfire then sent him flying onto the table with a powerful buck from his back legs. The force of the impact shattered the soild marble table and sent the Guardians flying from their seats.

Freedom was the first to get Up, only to see Prince Blueblood heavily bruised, battered, and completely unconscious from the pain.

It got worse, Celestia walked in to check on the group, only to find her nephew and his guards knocked out on the remnants of the table, with Quickfire standing over them, mask off and teeth bared.

Celestia shouted in her Royal Canterlot voice, "WHAT IN FAUSTS NAME HAPPENED HERE?!"

Firestorm stood up and said, "Well you see, Tia... Blueblood got all... what was it you said, Quickfire?"

The assassin put his sword away and said, "Xenophobic."

Firestorm nodded, "Yes, that. Anyways he completely overreacted and thought the Star Hunters were a threat to Canterlot."

Celestia interrupted, "Why would my nephew think that? You all have been somewhat civil... I guess. Also, I'm surprised that Blueblood would actually take matters into his own hooves."

Quickfire quickly hoisted Blueblood to his feet and smacked him awake, saying, "Hey, Pal... wake up. I didn't hit you that hard."

Price Blueblood screeched, and took another swing at Quickfire, who pinned his sword on the ground with his hoof, "You broke my ribs you twat! You consider that not that bad?!"

Narrowing his one eye, Quickfire snarled, "Do not push me, Blueblood. If I wanted it, you would be dead already. In fact, you're lucky I even gave you my mercy..."

Blueblood grimaced, and slowly limped out of the room, two guards helped him to stand and he waddled to his chambers.

Celestia then addressed The elephant in the room, Quickfire's assault on her nephew.

Celestia turned to the assassin and shouted, "Quickfire! What in Tartarus has gotten..." she paused, realizing who Quickfire actually was, before continuing, mind racing at the sight of the scarred Shining Armor's face.

"S-Shining? H-How is this possible? You're in the Crystal Empire with Cadence... what is going on?"

Hello, Princess Celestia Aliconus, Isn't it nice to see you again... "Quickfire Shining suddenly spoke in an unfamiliar voice and language. It sounded roar-like, as if something from the pits of Tartarus was speaking to them.

Suddenly, a crack in the floor appeared and a dimensional portal sprang to life over the wreckage of the table.

Noble assumed it was this Eclipsio sending the masters of Nature Burning Star has spoken so highly of, but the portal was drastically different...

Instead of the blue black color it was a dull red and brown and sparked with flames. Firestorm stared into the portal and literally saw the most unholy things he could imagine.

Demons, some pony like, others barely pony shaped, were stomping and fighting on the other side of the portal!

Noble concluded that this wasn't a portal to the other world, rather it was a gate to the fire pits of Tartarus!

Suddenly, Quickfire's body spazmed and contorted, before he let out a haunting scream and a gray and red wisp popped out of his mouth. It violently thrashed around in the air before settling to the floor.

Firestorm gathered up every ounce of breakers he had left and spoke to the voice, "Uhh... who or what are you?"

The voice began to speak in a language unknown to everypony but Noble, it was Dark Equestrian, but spoken in a Latin language. Noble thanked Eclipsio and Sombra for teaching him how to understand that ancient speech...

The wisp spoke, "It must be hard to understand me, is it not?"

Noble responded, "I can understand you, can you understand me?"

He motioned to his mouth "Can you speak Equine English? Uh... Tu loqueris Latina Equine?"

The Wisp sighed, then let out a laugh, "Hahahahaha! Oh Noble Blade! You are truly such a simple pony, yes I can speak English... give me a second.

Suddenly, the wisp expanded to a gigantic size, to where it was bigger than Celestia and then a body began to build, with it radiating a bright light.

Everypony covered their eyes as the light brightened, before shrinking away to reveal a truly frightening sight.

The creature in front of them was a Alicorn Pony... of some sort. It was heavily warped and twisted by what looked to be the magic of Tartarus.

The pony was a stallion, he stood and nearly two heads taller than Celestia, and his face was well chiseled, almost as if it was carved from stone. Long fangs and razor sharp teeth sat in his mouth and a forked tounge flicked in and out like a great snake. Two bright yellow reptilian eyes that emitted a red aura of magic sat in its massive skull. On his head sat a set of curled Ram Horns, with a curved Unicorn horn in the center, forming some sort of crown. Six small braids of hair ran down the back of his neck.

His body was colored dark, dark blue, nearly black. Upon his back sat his wings, they were great black and blue dragon wings, and they came in three pairs. Six wings upon his back, each folding in upon each other, like some sort of living cape.

The final freaky part about this... thing was his legs, he had the torso of a Minotaur, and had large scale-and fur arms with five digits. His torso had four legs, like Lord Tirek, but instead of them being bovine they were reptilian, and had clawed digits on each, forming toes.

The giant demon lowered his arm to Noble Blade and put out his hand, it was nearly the size of Noble Blade himself!

The demon spoke, "I am Lucifer matutinus, Diabolus ipsum or in normal speech, Lucifer Morning Star, the Devil himself..."

Everypony's blood went cold, then their faces went pale, the devil, the Faust-damn lord of Tartarus himself was standing right in front of them... holding out a hand to Noble Blade, and introducing himself?!

Noble held out his hoof slowly, before saying, "Wait. If you're the devil, how come you're not trying to steal my soul?"

Lucifer Morning Star laughed, he sounded like somepony he knew, his father... Noble figured it was a way that this demon got the trust of others before taking their souls... he was the Prince of Lies after all.

Celestia recognized that voice, "Lucifer Morningstar! Get down here, and stop with the whole being big thing!"

The devil-pony looked down and sighed, "Uuuh... fine. Sweet Faust... you are a buzzkill."

Morningstar shrank down to being slightly larger than Celestia and smirked, "There, happy?"

Celestia asked the Lord of Tartarus an obvious question, "Yes. Care to explain why you are standing here and not burning in Tartarus?"

The Devil pony just laughed, it was frightening enough to scare even Freedom Fighter stiff. "No, I'm here to speak with Noble Blade and the Guardians. It concerns the matter of your friend releasing this monster known as Dark Star, mainly how threatening he actually is."

Noble Blade addressed Lucifer, "We know about Dark Star and how destructive he is. He has the power to destroy entire cities within hours, hence the reason why we have been training ourselves to deal with him and hopefully contain his destructive powers."

Lucifer face palmed, "No, you are missing the point, Noble Blade. One does not simply "Contain" Dark Star. You have to kill him and send him to Tartarus... speaking of new faces I've seen, how in your name Celestia, did Daybreaker wind up in Tartarus? And also, Who summoned Gomorah, Devourer of the Divine? Who did that?"

Firestorm answered this time, "Oh, That would be King Sombra. He came over from Burning Star's world and he is an Alicorn now, did you know 'bout this?"

The Pegasus brought up an interesting question, "Speaking of other worlds, are you from Burning's world, Or ours?"

The Devil Pony began to snicker a bit, then explained, a certain authoritative tone in his voice. "I am from both worlds actually. You see, being the lord of a plane of reality actually makes me knowing of all versions of Tartarus. For every Tartarus, there is a version of me, and I often converse with them on a regular basis. But if your asking for a specific world, then yes, I am from Burning Star's world. In fact, I made the journey ALL the way here to congratulate you three."

The devil suddenly started clapping, then continued, "Killing Queen Chrysalis was no small feat of skill. She was filled with the sin of lust. Her soul was so delicious to devour... like sweet chocolate ice cream with a sprinkle of sugar. Ohh... it was good."

Lucifer noticed that everypony was staring at him with a horrified look on their faces, he smiled sheepishly. "Uh, sorry... I get carried away when talking about myself. It's a bad habit, but why should I care? I'm the devil after all!"

Freedom mentally sighed and thought to himself, "THIS is the Devil? Wow, he is rather lax..."

Lucifer Morningstar gave Freedom a glare and spoke to his mind, Don't insult me, Freedom Fighter, I know who you are, I know what is under that mask of yours... and unless you think that your friends will stick by you after they know what you did, then I assure you... they will not."

Celestia tried to steer the demon back on topic by saying, "Listen... about this Dark Star. How are we supposed to defeat him if we can't contain him? If we simply let him fight my Guardians out in the open, then dozens of acres of land will be ravaged! If you have a plan to put a stop to him, please say so."

The demonic Alicorn shrugged, "I don't have a plan yet, I prefer to do things on the fly... kinda like Burning Star does. Did you know that I once went hoof-to-hoof with him in a magic duel? Holy hell he is powerful. He managed to exhaust my healing abilities, but I still beat him with a blast of a demonic lightning beam. He isn't as invincible as he thinks he is... and I showed him why I am the king of the pits of Tartarus!"

Quickfire finally regained consciousness and looked up to see the satanic Alicorn standing in front of him, he cleared his throat to get everypony's attention and said, "Um, guys? Care to explain why Lucifer Morningstar is here in Canterlot? Because I would like a reason as to WHY you chose to possess my body, you creep!"

Lucifer Morningstar picked up Quickfire in his arms and said, "I possessed you Because you were the most inconspicuous pony in the room, the Guardians were too well known, Hiller was too unstable, and Blueblood is... well... related to me."

The group's jaws hit the floor, excluding Celestia, as they all collectively said, "WHAT! BLUEBLOOD IS RELATED TO YOU! HOW?!"

Firestorm stopped for a minute and thought, then said, "Actually. It makes sense, Blueblood's last name is Morningstar, and Luci boy here has the title of "Fallen Star of the Morning." So, there is evidence that they are related. Also, Prince Blueblood is kind of an uptight twat."

Noble interrupted, "But that doesn't explain why he is Celestia's nephew! Unless... oh no..."

Lucifer leaned in and put his face next to Noble's, "Oh yes... One of the relatives of this Celestia is me... and Blueblood isn't my nephew, he is my bastard child. Why do you think he is such a jerk?"

Celestia roared at Lucifer in the Royal Canterlot Voice, "YEAH! CARE TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU DUMPED HIM ON MY DOORSTEP ALL THOSE YEARS AGO?!"

Lucifer sighed, "Welp, I... didn't know how to take care of a kid that egotistical and snobbish, he gets that from his mother. so, I kinda-sorta, left him with the closest ponies in power I knew, those two ponies were Celestia and Luna. I figured they would shape him into a proper Prince, but the title only inflated his ego even more. In short, I messed up... I was young and in love with a bitch of a wife, The Demon Queen Lilith. She used my powers to expand her domain in Tartarus, and she bore a son that was supposed to kill me."

Noble asked the Prince of Darkness, "So are you the reason he was acting so rash today?"

Lucifer nodded, and said, "Well... yeah. Close proximity to me stirs up the negative emotions of life forms, causing them to act... well... nasty."

Suddenly, Blueblood entered the room, bandages around his midsection and saw his apparent father, he spoke out loud, loud enough to get everypony's attention. "Excuse me! Is the whole world going mad!? Why is there a demon standing in the castle! Is he here to finish what that dreadful Lord Tirek started?"

Firestorm continued off the snobbish prince's topic, "Yeah, why did Tirek escape Tartarus? Did you have something to do with that?"

The devil pony smiled sheepishly, "I may or may not had set him free to test the strength of Twilight Sparkle and her friends... in fact, most of Tartarus was betting on Tirek coming out as the victor, I was the only one who bet on your student, Sun-butt. Let's just say I had my fill of souls that day, and Burning Star defeating Tirek again... also a won bet by me. Tirek that time wasn't summoned by me, Midnight Sparkle summoned him. Glad he is dead and back in his prison... I came to congratulate him as well... but he seems to be out."

Hiller chimed in, "He is currently talking with Midnight to HOPEFULLY avoid a full on war. You know, preventive negotiations."

The demon gave them the "are you kidding me" face, "You all know that Burning Star sucks at negotiating things? Why do you think he hates politics?"

Everypony simultaneously facehoofed, with Noble saying, "Damn it, I know that already... but, I have faith that he will pull through. He disguised himself as Dark Star in order to appear as if he is on Midnight's side. He knew it would be a risky move, but it is his last resort outside of a confrontation. In fact, he came up with the idea... which certainly surprised me."

The devil pony went pale and his wings flared in terror, "HE RELEASED DARK STAR! IS HE INSANE?! THIS IS THE WORST... POSSIBLE... THING!"

Everypony watched as Lucifer Morningstar began to scream in terror, he said as he freaked out, "We have to stop him before he loses control and Dark Star breaks free of his mind! We have to! we have to! Gather the army! Call the Pegasus Air Force! Do something!"

Noble reached out and slapped him, saying "Calm yourself Lucifer! This is no time to freak out, at times like this it is ideal to stay level headed and clear minded. If Dark Star were to break free, we would know, he radiates magic with the intensity of the sun, Besides... Burning Star assured me that he could control himself."

Firestorm added in his own opinion, "Yeah! So cool it, Morningstar!"

Blueblood heard the mention of his last name and interrupted, "Hold on a moment. Why is this demon's last name the same as mine?"

Lucifer sensed a chance to fulfill a moment he always wanted to do, he spoke in a chilling voice, "Because Blueblood, I AM your father..."

Prince Blueblood somehow went whiter than he was, and stood back in shock and said, "No... that's not True... THATS IMPOSSIBLE!"

The devil Alicorn stepped forward and said, "Search your feelings, you know it to be true!"

Blueblood dropped to his knees and cried out, "NOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO!"

Celestia gave the demon a raised eyebrow, causing Lucifer to smile and say, "What? I've always wanted to do that, can't I live my favorite movie moment?"

"Seriously? I thought the Devil was supposed to be this all-powerful serious as crap, deity of evil, not a snarky, sarcastic centaur." Said Firestorm, ruffling his wings.

Lucifer faked being injured, clutching his chest, "Oh! Oh your words wound me Firestorm! The reason I don't act like the world ending demon lord of darkness is because... well... I am bored of that. I want to have some fun, and playing by the stereotypical "Serious Devil" mentality isn't fun. So, I figured I should enjoy myself a bit! Hahahah-ha!"

Blueblood suddenly cried out, "Why! Why did I have to be cursed with this... ugly... thing as my father! Noooo!"

Lucid we walked over to Blueblood and picked him up in his arms and said, "Well I didn't ask for a snob of a son, but that is your mothers fault, not mine. Come on, I'm taking you out in a few minutes."

Luckier turned to Noble and said quietly, "Listen here, Noble Blade. I am a betting pony, but I will not place my bet on you. My bet is on Dark Star, and I never lose a bet, for he simply is that powerful. You need a miracle to stop him, in fact... I'll give you a catch-free wish if you manage to defeat him, how does that sound?"

Noble turned to his partners, and then to Celestia, who then shook her head.

Noble swallowed hard, and said, "You got yourself a bet, Lucifer Morningstar. But this will be the first time you lose. Burning Star will overcome that monster, and we will be fighting alongside him!"

The devil pony created a portal and said before he stepped through, "Don't count on it!"

Noble Blade would normally regret that decision, but today was not a normal day.

He turned to Celestia and said, "Before you decide to strike me down for betting against Satan himself, hear me out. Has Burning Star ever lost a fair fight? No, from what King Sombra has told me he always delivers the goods."

Celestia said in shock, "You are trusting the word of a Dark Alicorn King who is most likely going to stab us in he back? Have you gone insane, Noble Blade?!"

Firestorm and Hiller chimed in simultaneously, "We are putting are backs to the wall here, and you thought it was the most logical choice to strike a deal with that monster?"

Quickfire retorted against the two, "We are already against the wall, and our options are limited. It wasn't the most intelligent decision, but it was the most practical one available at the time. To be honest, I trust Noble's judgement, it may be a bit flawed... but I would rather tangle with Lucifer in battle rather than Midnight. He may say he beat Burning Star, but he only won through a real cheap shot, and because Burning Star was holding back a lot. If he were to let loose, That demon would be nothing more than ashes..."

(Tartarus, Fortress of Burning Hell)

Blueblood Morningstar and Lucifer Morningstar arrived through a red portal into a black obsidian room, it was hewn from the rock and was decorated with things Blueblood recognized from his childhood.

There was a set of black steel Armor on a rack, it had a spiked helm forged to look like a dragon skull, the most glaring thing was the object fused into the chestplate.

It was the infamous Alicorn Amulet!

the Armor rack had a nameplate under it that read, "For my beloved son."

There was a picture of himself as a foal with a stallion he once saw as his father cradling him in his hooves, there was another showing Blueblood earning his cutie mark, and then there was the one that drove him wild with fear.

It was him, as a newborn foal, being held by a mare he didn't recognize...

She had bleach white fur and two Devil horns sprouting from a dirty blond mane. She had blue eyes and slitted pupils, and she seemed to be smirking in Blueblood's direction.

Blueblood read the name underneath the picture of the demonic mare...

"My Love Lilith"

Lucifer noticed this and said, "Welcome home, Son. You like your room? I can have a window installed later so you can look out over the burning fields, they are quite beautiful if you ignore the tormented screams of souls..."

Lucifer noticed that his son was still shocked stiff, and he hugged him "Listen, I know this is all really abruptly timed, but I felt as if I should have told you who you really are. In fact, the version of me from Burning Star's World also has Blueblood as a son! What a coincidence, right?"

Prince Blueblood was still trying to process all the information that was dumped on him, and oh boy was he struggling.

He thought to himself, "I am the son of a demon? And not just any ordinary demon, the Devil himself?! How? Why? Ok, calm down Blueblood, surely this is just a bad dream. You're still asleep in your bed in Canterlot... you're not the son of the devil..."

Lucifer leaned down and said, "You know I can hear every thought your thinking, right? And I assure you, this is no dream. Look!"

Lucifer ignited his horn and engulfed Blueblood in dark red fire. When it died down, Blueblood looked in a nearby mirror and his jaw dropped.

His formerly normal unicorn horn had changed into a crescent Shape, and was now colored a bloody red. His teeth had grown into fangs and his face in general had broadened to accustom to his new maw. His eyes had slitted pupils, and had turned orange. His decently sized legs and had increased in size and sprouted sharp claws in place of his hooves. He looked behind to see two giant dragon wings erupt from his back with a disgusting squelch of bone ripping through flesh.

His compass cutie mark had been replaced with a red pentagram, which looked like it was carved into his own skin.

He wanted to both scream and cry out, but now he knew he wasn't dreaming... it all seemed too real.

Blueblood asked the demon king, "Uh... Lucifer. Is it true that you are my father? Am I really the twisted son of the devil himself? Because if I do not get a response I'm probably going to go insane!"

He grasped his father with his magic, "Tell Me! Please!"

Lucifer nodded, "Yep. Every word, and since you are my son... you actually are a legitimate Prince, since I am king down here."

Blueblood suddenly began to feel a sense of pride, he was an actual prince! It wasn't just a title anymore, he was born royalty!

Granted it was royalty literally from Tartarus, but still Royalty!

Prince Blueblood smiled, and then spoke to his dad, "So if I'm a prince, I can marry a princess and become a king?"

The elder devil pony nodded, "Well I would have to be dead in order for you to become king, but considering the fact that I'm immortal, I don't think you'll be moving on Up. You can still marry a princess, but no... kingship for you is not in the near future."

Blueblood hung his head and thought to himself, he had an evil idea, which was hidden from Lucifer by a mental shield. "Perhaps you are wrong, father. I'll show you how powerful I am, and you will be helpless to stop me... I will be king. I will be king! I WILL BE KING!"

Prince Blueblood spoke out, "Dad, this is all a bit too much now... can you please leave?"

Blueblood's father nodded and teleported away in a flare of light. Saying to him, "Sure thing, my boy. I'll go get some cookies, and we can talk about what I do. Goodbye!"

Blueblood began to speak to himself, "I'm probably going insane, no... I am going insane. But what is more insane? Me? Or the World..."

Blueblood came to his conclusion finally, "No I am not insane, not yet! The World! The WORLD HAS GONE INSANE!"

Two Hell-Hounds appeared at his doorstep and stood guard. Prince Blueblood clutched his head as the world began to spin around him...

He cried out, "Aaaarggh!"

The two hounds looked at the Prince with puzzled expressions, what was he doing?

Another cry of pain, "AHHHH!"

Prince Blueblood then began to sing, pacing about the room. "The world, has gone, INSANE. And parasites are eating at, my brain!"

He wheeled around and rushed towards the door, "And nothing is the way it was before. A pack of wolves is howling at my door!"

The two Hell-Hounds still looked confused. They certainly didn't look like wolves... did they?

Blueblood continued, "I'm living in a non-stop nightmare, dead mare's dream, filled with screaming PAIN! Hurling me to mad extremes, in a world, that's, gone, INSAAAAANE!"

Blueblood charged out the door, and down the hall, avoiding the freakish demon servants.

The world, has lost, its head. And every evil hour, is filled with DREAD."

He jumped through a window and fell into a lake of bloody water that happened to be floating upwards. "I'm floating in a lake... but upside down! And when I try to breathe, I start to DROWN."

He fell out of the water and onto the hard rock path, seeing the various spirits of lifeforms walking around, Each horribly distorted and twisted. "I cannot speak as nameless ghosts, and faceless ghouls, live to join the dead!"

He grasped his head once more, feeling more pain. "No one tells these gruesome fools, that the world, has, lost, its, HEEEAAAAD!"

He started to run wild, seeing the horrors of the realm of Tartarus. "Fiendish creatures leave their graves, to taunt me! Old friends risen from the dead, to haunt me!"

He fell into a bloody river, floating down stream, "God forsaken images, that daunt me... drowning in an endless flood of BLOOD!"

He jumped out of the river, stained red with blood and flesh. He continued his madness motif, "The world, has lost, ITS MIND! And everywhere I turn, I fear, I'll find..."

A group of demons approached Blueblood, they were chained together. He still sung out, "Some nightmare even worse, than those, I see. Satanic demons closing in on me!"

He grasped his head, tearing at his face, leaving gashes. "How can it be that even though they see my plight, everypony's Blind!"

"Night is day, and day is night. In a world, that's, lost, its, MIIIIND!"

Prince Blueblood teleported to the room he began in, and saw the Armor, he began to put it on, a manic look in his eyes.

"The world, has gone, BERSERK! I'm hiding in the murk, where nuances lurk!"

Prince Blueblood watched as the Armor slithered Up his legs, he still sang through the feeling, "I see a sea of snakes, upon the floor!"

A skeletal pony with a scythe passed by his doorway, and smiled in a oddly friendly manner. Blueblood continued, "I see the reaper, GRINNING AT MY DOOR."

He put on the gauntlets and shoes, still screaming lyrics. "I scream in silence! Bad is good, and good is bad! SACRED IS PROFANE!"

He finally lifted the helm over his head, "And its wiser to be MAD!!!"

When he dropped the helm over his face, a visor dropped and his voice changed to a truly demonic tone...

"In a world that's gone INSANE..."

(Cut the song)

Blueblood's body was now fully armored by the enbony colored Armor, he smirked, showing his sharp teeth. His draconic wings folded over his back, and his eyes glowed with a haunting light.

Blueblood spoke, his voice deeper, more growl-like. "Heh-Heh-Heeeh, I think it may be time for a fresh start and a little journey of my own... and a fresh start means a new name."

He looked at the former clothes he was wearing, seeing a black soot-covered sun medallion that was his former badge of office.

He finally said, "How about, Black Sun? Yes... that is certainly a fitting name for me? Black Sun, Demon Champion and Prince of Tartarus! Heh-he-Hahaahaha!"

Blueblood, now Black Sun, unfurled his wings and blasted a hole in the wall that lead to the outside, he lifted off, heading towards the Gates of Tartarus.

He said to himself, "If the world chooses to become insane, then I will cleanse it of its madness... I will exterminate the filth and unworthy of this world, and any other world, until only the paragons of the world survive! And when Celestia sees me for who I am, I will rule over her! I WILL PREVAIL!"

Black Sun flew at extremely high speeds and smashed straight through the massive Gates of Tartarus, laughing like a madpony.

Meanwhile, Lucifer Morningstar teleported back to his son's room saying, "Oh Blueblood! I brought cookies, they are double... Dark... Chocolate...

The demonic pony noticed the massive hole in the wall, as well as the set of armor missing.

He cursed, "Ah Fuck... he put on the armor before I taught him how to control it... well, only one thing left to do...

Lucifer pulled up an orb of vision and focused it on Blueblood, he then began to eat the cookies, smiling to himself.

He endearingly said, "My little colt is about to preform his first genocide, I am so proud of him, but his time hasn't come yet. Well... Time to beg for help from the Guardians...

He thought for a moment, then said to himself, "Or... I could let them figure it out for themselves, screw it! Blueblood can be their undoing, and then I'll bet that a rebellion against him will form, and The Guardians will most likely be a the tip of the spear for them."

He finished his thought with a sigh and an evil laugh, "Ah... it is so good to be bad. Mwah-hahahah-ha!"

(Equestrian Skies)

Meanwhile, Burning Star was streaking across the sky like a shooting star. He was silently panicking, no... he was actually panicking.

How could he have been so naive? He should have known that having Dark Star do the negotiating would end up in disaster.

Hell, it would have been smarter to talk with Midnight as himself!

And now... Midnight was marching towards the city, due to arrive within the next few days, and he had no plan ready!

Burning Star was screwed...

Completely screwed.

Totally, one hundred percent, beyond a shadow of a Faust-Damn doubt screwed!

He was also speaking to Dark Star, tying to find out what in Faust's name was he thinking.

"This is a disaster, and you are the cause of this, Dark Star! I swear if I ever try this again I will ask Twilight to shoot me in the head with a Horn Hyper Beam."

Dark Star snapped back, "What are you worried about? Just let me run wild and destroy everything, that usually solves our problems, right?! Hah-haha-ha!"

Dark Star felt a pain on his face as a mental version of Burning Star blasted him square in the jaw with a pulse of magic. It sent him flying into a mental structure of a building.

Burning Star roared at his darker half, "Ugh! Why do you have to be so hateful and angry! Even I'm not that petty when it comes to a grudge."

Dark Star's head popped out of the rubble and he snarled in retaliation, "Uh, newsflash buddy! You made me this way, and now you're going to have to live with me the rest of your immortal life!"

Burning Star stopped talking to the destructive beast and concentrated on flying back to Canterlot as fast as he can...

When suddenly a black blur hit him mid-flight!

Burning Star fell towards the ground, and he braced for impact...

He landed in a grove of trees near what looked to be the remnants of an old logging town. There were small ruined log cabins and a large stone building with a forge and large saw blade used to chop lumber into manageable pieces.

The black blur landed in front of him and roared, "BURNING STAR! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL TO THE DEATH."

Burning Star, his mane and tail fully ablaze with an intense flame, simply said, "Oh give me a break!"

The Black Alicorn took a quick glance at the pony in the ebony armor, he noticed the Alicorn Amulet at the center, and two great demon wings. As well as a braid of... Blond... hair?

The armored demon pony spoke again, "Stand up and fight you hot headed heathen, and face you demise at the hooves of Black Sun, Demon Prince of Tartarus!"

Burning Star instantly recognized that voice, trying to hold back a laugh, he said, "Blueblood? Is that you under all that armor?"

Black Sun hissed, "I was once Blueblood, but I am no longer! I am Black Sun, the Star of Hell! And I will slay you in combat, ponies of your power cannot be allowed to run wild with their powers! I should be the only one with power!"

Burning Star's left eye twitched and his flames turned bright red, he was MAD.

He roared back in the Royal Canterlot Voice, "For Faust's sake, I don't have time for any MORE VILLIANS TODAY!"

Burning Star charged at Blueblood, his horn turned into a flaming blade. The Demon Prince responded in kind, creating a blade of ebony and icy energy that clashed with Burning's blade of flames.

Blueblood sneered during their clash, "You were all too easy to track, Black Alicorn of Fire, I simply followed your smoke trail. You really must think you're good if you're willing to expose yourself to me!"

Burning Star snorted back loudly, "I am good, but I didn't expose myself to you, you followed me! Why can't you just be happy and leave ponies like me alone?!"

Blueblood broke the clash and shouted, "BUFUDYNE!"

He struck Burning Star with a blast of ice, responding with his own quip. "Leave you alone?! Ha! Don't make me laugh, I've heard through a few new friends down in Tartarus that the counterpart of me on your world may be dead! So, since you were a frequent thorn in his side, I feel it is my duty to remove you from existence, as he tried to do many a time."

Burning Star retaliated against the blast of ice with his fire attack, and shouted, "AGIDYNE!"

Blueblood had little time to react as a large geyser of flames burst up from underneath him, searing him even under his armor.

Blueblood noticed that Burning Star was charging another attack, he quickly fired his own. "SWIFT STRIKE!"

Blueblood struck Burning Star 4 times with a lightning fast energy blade from his horn, sending him sprawling.

Burning Star was even angrier now, he was not going to lose, especially not to Blueblood!

He got up and said, "So, I guess whoever is training you taught you a few new skills, huh? I'm impressed you found somepony who would teach you..."

He dashed at Blueblood and knocked him into a nearby cabin, causing it to crumble on top of him. "But you have a long ways to go before taking me down!"

Burning Star reared up and launched his attack, "MYRIAD SLASHES!"

The Black Alicorn's horn glowed with a bright light before he let loose a flurry of slicing blows upon Blueblood, cutting gashes into his armor.

Both Blueblood and Burning Star were getting sick of this, it was time to end the fight now!

Blueblood gathered his magic, before unleashing his strongest attack, "BEHOLD! MEGIDOLAON!"

A huge beam of light rained down from the sky, Burning Star replied in kind with one of his strongest moves... one he borrowed from Celestia, ironically.


The stars above gleamed with a bright light as a huge laser beam, nearly the size of the village, impacted Blueblood's own, completely overriding it and slamming down on him, causing a powerful explosion of energy.

Blueblood writhed in pain as his armor was burned away and he was hit head on, he fell to the ground, completely unconscious. The Alicorn Amulet stopped glowing, and Blueblood was now out of action.

Nothing was left of the village but a smoldering crater... the smell of magical discharge filled the air.

Burning Star smirked, "You did alright, but you got a lot to learn. I'm outta here!"

Burning Star took flight and dashed off towards Canterlot, knowing he needed to tell Celestia of the bad news.

It pains him to think of it, but he wished she was here to give him advice on what to do...

He said to himself, "Haven't used those moves in a few months. That incident with Spike going nuts due to breeding season took a lot out of me."

Burning Star looked back to see the sun rising, and he smiled... then frowned.

It was going to be a LONG week...