• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 985 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

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Chapter 4: Burning Star's "Greeting"

Author's Note:

This Chapter was written by BradyBunch22

(Edited 6/8/18: Removed one track of music)

So, Burning Star is throwing caution to the wind again, planning on going right up to Celestia and explaining the problem in his normal blunt manner.

Oh boy...

Rights for music go to Game Freak!

(Canterlot, Main Street)

The city of Canterlot was all around Burning Star’s view upon their all too sudden arrival in the capital city. Directly ahead of him was the Royal Castle’s doors. Behind him were Quickfire, Hiller, Firestorm and Freedom Fighter.

Beside him the strange blue knight he had met was saying, “So you’re going to simply walk in and explain to Celestia the circumstances and expect her to respond naturally? Is that thy plan?”

“Yes, it is. I'm not one to sugarcoat things, Noble.” Burning Star spoke back. “What’s your idea again?”

“The news could be presented in a, ah, not-in-your-face sort of way, maybe?” he said mildly. “Not as forcefully as thou intendest?”

The Black Alicorn raised his ears at the sound of Nobles accent, “What is up with your speech? You sound like Princess Luna when she is drunk or being humorous, or both.” Burning Star demanded.

“Oh, the, um, thees and thous?” Noble asked. He shrugged. “ ‘Tis an idiosyncrasy of mine, I’m afraid. Princess Luna taught me it. I'm guessing you are from somewhere out in the wild from your blunt speech?"

Burning Star retorted, "You've got it, That's my MO. I do not sugarcoat my words, my teacher never did. When I speak my mind, you can guarantee that it is bitter, blunt, and Bile filled."

Noble sighed, saying back to him, "You can't use that tone around Celestia and Luna."

Burning Star turned around almost instantly, The top of his head was getting warm, as was the air around him. He couldn’t take it anymore. “Wait a minute, You said Princess Celestia and Luna?” he asked lowly, a lot of irritation on the last word in that sentence. “They taught you to speak fancy, right? Is that what I'm hearing? You’ve been looking up to the princesses and you’ve been eating out of their hoof and you think that they’re absolutely perfect, right? That they’re your mommies and your mommies are perfect in each and every single way? Well mine wasn't, Noble! my mother was too fragile to deal with the stress of raising a Natural-Born Alicorn, and my dad didn't help. He thought I was a little monster, and I never really cared for him again."

Noble blinked. “I didn’t say that. What in Equestria you talking ab- “

Suddenly the black Alicorn's Mane ignited, sending Firestorm into a panic at the sight of a literal hot-headed Alicorn. “Noble Blade, allow me to say this and you listen well, They are not perfect! They’re not the kind, wise, amazing beings you put her up to be, Noble. They can hurt others fatally if they really want to! I should know! They nearly killed me when I first encountered them! Granted, it was my world... that place is different from here. But their power is unchecked, and that is a risk that Ponies deal with on a daily basis..."

“Anypony can hurt others fatally,” Noble pointed out. “But what is thy intense animosity directed towards the two?”

Quickfire sighed, getting the attention of Firestorm, "Oh boy here we go again."

Firestorm asked him, "What's going on?"

Quickfire rolled his eye, "Prepare to see why Burning Star is pretty quiet about where he's from and how he grew up. He'll go into an entire rant about it."

Burning Star calmed his fiery mane to a small plume of smoke, he looked at the ground as they walked. “Allow me to elaborate, Noble Blade. You see, I was born in a small village called Firebrand, it was pretty peaceful. Then, My village...in my own universe...was attacked by Changelings, apparently they were on a campaign into Equestria. And Princess Luna and Princess Celestia didn’t do a thing to stop them! Not a shred of help or comfort! They sent nothing to prevent it from happening, and now that’s led to me becoming the last surviving members of my tribe. They thought my village was too low a priority to allow the expenditure of the royal guard! I was so furious I personally set of The nearby Ironhoof Base ablaze to send a message to the two that I'm not a pony to be messed with. I killed every, last, guard there. I have no regrets."

Noble blinked, stunned at the sheer release of frustration from the Alicorn. “Goodness, I’m sorry to hear that. But don't you think murder is a little too far?”

“Celestia and Luna didn’t raise a hoof to help me before,” Burning Star continued, now his eyes were getting brighter. “So it’s ridiculous that we’ll be trying to help and warn them now! All they would do is send you three and us out there AGAIN to fix this problem. They are no longer the warrior Princesses. I was told as a foal that they were a proud fighting force, not... this prissy mess of politics and policies that are so wrapped up in making compromises that they can't even get Up and deal with a threat to Equestria! Where I came from, My village was ruled by the strongest pony, which was a Unicorn by the name of Stone Spike. I quickly found out about his connection to Celestia after he escaped with his family. I left his family the funds they needed to escape Equestria, but I incinerated that spineless pony for relying on her... I swore that day no pony will be safe from my wrath as long as Celestia has a connection with them."

“And do you think they were happy about what they had to do?” Noble asked, all serious now. “Did they cheerfully shrug off the plea for help? Did they relax and eat cake and shrug you off while your pleas went in vain? No, Burning Star. The Celestia I know would never do that. Sometimes rulers have to prioritize, and they feel awful when terrible things happen because of their choices. Celestia probably felt awful after she was forced to conclude her choice. Her mind starts to think of the possibilities, of, “What could I have done more to help?” But her mind’s made up because there are more immediate issues that need to be dealt with, and she has to push the issue from her mind. But it’s still there, and every time you think back on it you feel awful all over again.”

Burning Star stood firm, a venomous stare in his eyes, which were bearing down on Noble. He responded, "What makes it even worse is that when they finally learned of my past, they didn't even comfort me, they didn't even APOLOGIZE for not helping! They just shrugged it off!"

His tone grew softer. “Burning Star, believe me. I understand how it feels to have a plea go unanswered. And I agree. Celestia and Luna aren’t perfect. But OUR Celestia and Luna are also not the cold, tyrannical, ruthless, snapping, intolerable beings you insist they are.”

Burning Star grumbled, “You are a lucky stallion, sir knight. You haven't had your entire home collapse around you, Noble Blade. You know NOTHING of my trauma, no pony does. Admit it, They could be a lot better. They could have stopped Queen Chrysalis for good. They should have set her hives ablaze. They have the power, why do they not use it? They are afraid to get their precious hooves dirty, where I personally would."

“We all could be a lot better, and you especially need to work on your attitude. It's not right to be so harsh on them, especially since you're on a different world, with a different Celestia and Luna." Noble pointed out. “And they do have problems, I am free to admit. But Celestia and Luna are good enough because they’re trying hard enough, and that’s something we all need to try to be. I wish to aspire to be as good as I can as well.”

Burning Star wheeled around. “You are unbelievably naive Noble. You’re the most pure pony I’ve ever heard of! I swear you give my Shining Armor some serious competition for ignorance. Open up your eyes, Noble, and fight tooth and nail for your right to be strong."

“But I am not perfect,” Noble insisted. “I could do a lot better than the job I’m doing now.”

An idea popped into Burning Star’s mind as they walked. “Hey Noble Blade, I'm not the best judge of character, but I know leadership when I see it. Have you ever thought about taking Celestia’s place?”

Noble shifted back, startled. “What?!" he exploded in shock.

“You say you're doing the best you can. You seem benevolent enough, (albeit a little soft) Maybe...well, who knows? If Celestia and Luna don’t survive the encounter with Midnight, (which they probably won't at this rate) or if we can prove they aren’t doing such a good job, you could take the spot on the throne. Of course they would give it up without a fight, but I'm used to overthrowing oppressive governments. I've done it numerous times, How about it, Noble? Doesn’t that just appeal to you?”

Noble’s face grew hard. “No, Burning Star,” he refused. “I’m better than that. I seek not for power, but I seek to pull bad power down or usurp others. I seek not the glory and honor of the world. I only seek to hear the words, “Well and faithfully done, my servant.”

“Excuse me? You want to be a servant? That's absolutely ridiculous! All your power, and you choose to be the pawn of somepony? You just went hoof to hoof with Midnight Sparkle, and she is leaps and bounds ahead of Celestia, why squander your power to being a servant?" Burning Star asked incredulously.

“Is helping others not your standard of greatness?” Noble asked. “All great rulers must needs be servants as well. I wish to help others to the best of my ability only.”

“Oh... Oh Really?” Burning Star’s tone grew sly. “I can relate to being helpful and being a hero, but You could do that better with you seated on a throne, you know. I'm an Alicorn, the Lord of Fire, as most ponies call me. Also, you may enjoy the limelight for a change, Noble. I certainly do here."

The Black Alicorn looked around to see ponies bowing and kneeling. So, he continued, "You see? I have the power to obliterate these ponies, I just choose to let it dwell on their minds so they don't anger me."

“Where I am now is good enough for me,” Noble said, waving a hoof. “Thrones aren’t for me. I’d rather let my actions, and not my title, say who I am to others.”

Burning Star shrugged and said to himself, "Suit yourself, you ultimate doormat of doormats, but don't expect me to fall in line for your princess like you do."

They arrived at the entrance to Celestia’s throne room. Two guards barred the way inside. Upon seeing the party arrive, their spears crossed the doorway with a clink. Seeing who was there, however, including a dark black shadowy silhouette with two red eyes and a military crew cut, a decorated and battle-worn unicorn with one eye showing out of his orange mask, and an alicorn as black as the night, with a Mane as red as a blazing fire. their stances began to shiver.

Burning Star walked forward, spreading his wings. He looked upon the two guards with contempt and superiority. “Let us in, Now.” he commanded.

“Who are you to command us?” one of them asked in a deep voice.

Before Burning Star could respond with an venomous insult, Noble Blade came forward. “He’s with me. Don’t worry.”

He looked relieved. “Oh, it’s you, Noble Blade. I’m happy to see you. Do you really need to talk with Celes- “

“Yes, we wish to converse with your princess!” Burning Star interrupted. “Open the door before I burn it down!"

Noble looked at him for just a second, seeing the fires of frustration in his eyes, which were set in his already rage contorted face. He then sighed and jerked his head at the guards. “Do as he says, he unfortunately, isn't bluffing.”

Looking a little miffed, and a little scared, the two guards moved. Burning Star raised one hoof, and slammed it forwards, sending the doors swinging wide open.

(Canterlot Castle, Throne Room)

Upon their entering the throne room, Celestia looked up in interest and surprise by the sudden bang of the doors, And what she saw jolted her backwards. There were the Guardians of the Sun, yes, but...who were those other three following them? And that black one, in the front…

Was he an Alicorn? And why was he jet black and glaring at her with poison in his eyes...

Whoever he was, he was not friendly looking.

The pony in question moved forwards aggressively, shoving aside Noble, who staggered back.

“Princess Celestia, I would like to have your ear for a second.” he said in a ire-infused voice. Was it Celestia’s imagination, or was smoke coming off of his head as he spoke her name? “You’re in trouble right now, Big trouble. And since you didn't get off of your butt to do your job, we have come here to tell you what is going on."

She was in trouble? Coming from this black alicorn that was marching towards her with a tone of danger in his voice? Celestia straightened in her seat, igniting her horn warily, unsure of his intent. “Pardon, Who are you?”

Burning Star ignited his horn as well, it burned with a crimson red glow and he prepared a fireball attack.

Before anyone could say anything or do anything, a voice piped up from the back. “He’s Burning Star, this is Hiller and Quickfire off to the side, they came from the portal above the Everfree, they’re tracking a pony called Midnight Sparkle, which is the threat you also called for us to go investigate, they’re the good guys (not nice ones), they’re on our side (I think) they’re super OP, now cue the leaving music,” Firestorm boredly said. He spun around with a twirl of his heel and made it three feet before he was stopped by Quickfire’s hoof across his path, stopping him abruptly.

The assassin asked him, "Where are you going. You're staying here, pal."

“That’s...actually a rather accurate and succinct summary right there, Firestorm.” Noble commented, pointing at the Pegasus as he was shoved forwards by Quickfire. Noble turned around to face Celestia. “Princess, I regret to inform thee that a mistake was made by us by infiltrating the Everfree assuming an alicorn wouldn’t be lying in wait. After an unsuccessful attempt to apprehend the threat mentioned, we decided to regroup in a cave, and we met these three.” He gestured at the new arrivals.

The word "Alicorn" snapped Celestia’s head up even more than her already-stiff position. “Alicorn?” she asked softly. “And who was that name you mentioned...Midnight...Sparkle?” she asked in horror. If that meant what she thought it meant…

“Yes, Princess,” the black alicorn of Fire said, pumping a ton of venom into the last word. “The Dark Alicorn, Midnight Sparkle, the self-proclaimed Empress of Magic. Me and my associates, Hiller and Quickfire here have been hunting her down from her escape into this dimension. She’s the dark side of your protegee Twilight Sparkle from my world. She is a culmination of Twilight's repressed negative energy, she didn't let it loose for fear you would punish her and look what happened... We now have her running amok in this world."

Noble opened his eyes a little wider. “So that dark entity we faced was a dark version of Twilight Sparkle? The princess of friendship?”

“To be more accurate, She is a conglomeration of Twilight's Magic, and her hate and anger towards you two, which corrupted her body and mind into a demonic form.” Hiller said. “And me and the others want to go ahead and warn you now, Celestia, that this dark and elusive force plans to make its move in not only this universe, but in all others universes as well.” He looked behind him. “That’s why we’re here and why we teamed up with your little posse--to defeat this Midnight Sparkle and bring peace to the multiverse. You know, general neighborly Stuff. Our worlds are very close to each other in terms of history."

Celestia’s head was spinning. All this talk of multiverses and opposite dimensions was giving her a headache. Even rulers needed clear heads. So she shook her head and said, “Very well, mister Burning Star. You can stay here in Canterlot castle for the night, and in the morning you and the Guardians of the Sun will set out to eradicate this threat from this world. Also, Burning Star, why are you so rude to me?"

Burning Star broke off from the group and went down the hall, but before he left the room he said, "Because, Celestia... I'm not a big fan of you. I'm also not in the best mood for today, I'm still mad at you, no matter what world I'm on. Good day, Celestia."

Celestia looked at him for a moment as Burning Star unfurled his massive wings, which were jet black and coated in red, orange, and yellow feathers. His horn was long and sharpened like a sword.

He easily stood about a foot taller than the princess, and his wings made Celestia's look small...

Celestia retorted, "You are talking to a princess, Mr Burning Star, mind your tounge!"

Burning Star bared his teeth, then spoke in a voice that was all too similar to her Royal Canterlot voice, "I don't give a damn whether your a princess or not! Why should I be nice to anypony when no pony was nice to me when I was young? Hm?! Now YOU leave me alone, Celestia Aliconus!"

Burning Star stormed off, leaving fiery hoofprints in the floor. Everypony was stunned by the sheer release of rage towards an otherwise innocent soul.

(End Music Here)

Celestia asked Noble, "Why is he so mad at me? What did I do?"

Noble responded, "Its not what you did, it's what The you from his world did... he is still sore because of it."

(Castle of Darkness, Main Hall)

Midnight Sparkle was pacing up and down the hall in her purple and black castle. It wasn’t technically her castle, but she didn’t care. She had reused it for her own purposes, and that was what made it hers to use. And that annoying orange pegasus had pointed it out to her to let her know in the first place, which, she hated to admit, got her thinking about it in the first place.

"Who was that?” she wondered aloud.

She took flight now, flying in circles, “They mentioned they were Celestia’s greatest warriors, but I was able to beat them rather quickly. Huh, not so great after all.”

She looked to the side in thought. “But they did last longer against me than most others would. Those three definitely might prove to be a pain in the rear, especially if they have Burning Star. That Alicorn is a massive threat to my plan.”

She gritted her teeth, “Especially that Pegasus with the fire mane. What was his name, Firestorm? He is almost as annoying as Thunder Fury!”

She lazily ignited her magic and allowed it to drip out of her horn and drift around her hooves as she walked. “That one in all black... Freedom Fighter. He was definitely a surprise. I could sense he was full of anger, full of power, full of a desire to hurt others. That’s a figure of good Celestia decided to use as a warrior? That's a risky move by her, He might be a powerful foe to contend with, I admit…But he could be a powerful weapon of my own once I kill him and use his body to serve me, and me alone. Seems only fitting to kill Celestia with one of her own soldiers, have someone close to her stab her in the back just like she did to me.”

She snorted. “And then there’s that one goody-goody knight boy. Noble Blade, Oh he is a true joy, with his cheesy lines and archaic speeches. He is outmatched, by a long shot. He was powerful, I can admit, but he wasn’t filled with the resolve to hurt me. He's like my former brother, no killer instinct... makes him weak! But... I think I could use that to my advantage in the future when I fight against him and kill him.”

She pawed at the ground and sighed. “Oh, I’m talking to myself again. Why do I do that? I’m going mad, maybe. I need something to talk to. But, who would want to talk with me?"

Her face lit up as an idea entered her head. “Actually, Let me...fix that.”

Igniting her horn to its fullest power, harnessing the dark power contained within her body, she gathered her power until she stood as the focus point of the castle’s residual dark power from Nightmare Moon’s presence, all those years before.

Until she stood at the axis of the universe.

This was the power of the dark side. The promise it made. The dark power didn’t just show her the unlimited center of the universe’s power, it made her the center. And here, at the shatterpoint of everything, she could observe the power all around her and see it drift alongside her in the air and crawl along at her hooves like low fog in the grey morning.

Cackling gleefully, she began to pick and choose little bits of dark power out of the air until she had assembled a servant of the dark. A pony that had been twisted and manipulated by the darkness inside of her. It left her exhausted, though.

The Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon, lived again!

With a single blow, she breathed life into the wispy shadow.

Her pure white eyes opened in a snapping instant.

“My pure and faithful servant,” she said authoritatively to the glassy figure. “Step forth and do my bidding.”

“Yes, my lady,” Nightmare Moon replied slowly. She took a step forward and bowed.

“Go to Canterlot Castle,” she whispered.

“Bring me Celestia and those three protectors of hers. I want the one in black clothing alive--and undamaged. The others you can do whatever you want with. Make me proud, my creation. Do my bidding.”

“Yes, my lady,” the figure breathed, steam coming out of her nostrils.

(Canterlot Castle, Guest Room)

Noble Blade woke up much later than usual. It was strange; he felt like he had slept much, much longer than necessary, but when he blinked and rose out of his apartment room in the castle’s chambers, the light outside was simply not there.

He checked the red alarm clock on his dresser. And he bulged his eyes, making a honking noise. The clock read one PM.

How had he slept in for so long? And more importantly, why was it still dark out? He leaped out of his bed and threw open the curtains. And there it was, the moon itself, lying there high in the night sky and not rising or falling.

The door suddenly banged open and there was Freedom Fighter, ready for battle, his eyes wide and his body stiff.

Noble wheeled around. “What happened, Freedom?”

Freedom Fighter made a frantic single jerking motion towards the main hall, then signalled for Noble to follow him.

Noble didn’t have time to put on his armor, but he did have time to summon his sword and shield from across the room and hurriedly strap it to his body as he ran down the hall. As he ran more doors flew open and out ran the Star Hunters, with Burning Star somehow already pissed off despite being awake for barely ten minutes, blinking his slightly glowing dark blue eyes in confusion as they tried to adjust to the unusual circumstances.

“Noble! This Better be good, I was having such a nice dream!” Burning Star cried. “What in Tartarus's name is going on?”

“Just follow Freedom Fighter!” Noble cried back as he managed to adjust the scabbard across his back and attach the shield to his left arm as he ran. “He probably knows what’s up!”

Left with little other choice, the Star Hunters followed the two of them to the throne room.

(Canterlot Castle, Throne Room)

It was an awful scene. Many of the Guardians were in shock, while Burning Star stood there, a gaze of pure hate on his face.

Princess Celestia, Princess of the sun, was unconscious and trapped in a dark blue bubble lying on the ground, sparking with electricity and forcing her to lie on her face on the ground. Princess Luna was held suspended in the air, struggling for breath, as a dark blue aura gripped her throat.

And the pony strangling her was none other than Nightmare Moon.

Burning Star snickered to himself, "Well. It appears that our lovely little demon has sent her first pawn, time for me to put you to bed again, Nightmare."

Noble was stunned. How could it be? How could she have come back? And wait...how was it possible for both her and Luna to be in the same room together?

Most importantly, why was Burning Star so calm? The embodiment of fear was in front of him, and he just stood there, staring her down with hate in his eyes. Completely unfazed by Nightmare Moon's presence.

That was when he noticed her appearance. She was an opaque color of blue, and had the appearance of being viewed through distorted glass, and her eyes were a solid white, but apart from that, she was Nightmare Moon in all of her terrible glory.

And then it hit him. This was only an illusion; a puppet sent to do the bidding of its master. But who--

Midnight Sparkle.

Of course! It should have been obvious to Noble to know it.

“How sweet,” she whispered to Luna, who was slowly turning an unnatural shade of pink.. “My opposite side...my alter identity...the force of good...finally dying at my own hooves.”

Burning Star shouted at the demon, "Drop her Nightmare Moon, now!"

Freedom Fighter snapped the combat sticks off his flanks and leveled a hard stare directly at the force of darkness. He conjoined them together so loudly Nightmare stopped what she was doing and looked at Freedom Fighter. An expression of amusement crossed her face.

“This is the force sent to stop me?” she laughed. “What nonsense. Now go away. I have something I need to accomplish here.”

“Asking us to go away won’t work, Nightmare,” Quickfire snapped. He drew his katana with a steely rasp. “Get ready to become Nightmare chow, ‘cause I’m going to slice you up!”

Hiller turned his front hooves into sharp claws, turning to face the Nightmare.

“That was the best you could come up with?” Hiller whispered. “Nightmare chow?”

“What else could I think of? It's late at night, and I'm tired, ok?!” Quickfire defended. “Maybe- “


Quickfire and Hiller were suddenly thrown up to the ceiling and hit it with two hard thuds. The blue aura pinned them to the ceiling like a supermagnet. Try as he could, even Hiller couldn’t morph his way out of the prison Nightmare had all around his body.

Quickfire groaned. If they hadn’t gotten distracted, they wouldn’t have gotten blindsided by Nightmare. They hadn’t worked together!

Hiller groaned, "Well sh-t. Guess we have to enjoy the show then?"

Burning Star had enough, he just was fed up, he had the worst day in a long while.

He was dropped out of a portal and crashed into a barn. Which really hurt, by the way. He made a mental note to slug Eclipsio when he got home.

He was angry that his Ifrit disguise didn't scare off these heroes.

And worst of all, he had to take orders from CELESTIA! The same pony who he had hated since he started out on his own!

Something in his head snapped, and The Black Alicorn glowed bright red, "THAT IS ENOUGH! TIME FOR YOU TO BURN!"

Noble Blade barely had time to put up a barrier before Burning Star screamed in rage and erupted into an inferno, his eyes blazing with blue fire and his wings wreathed in flames like a Phoenix. Within seconds, the Black Alicorn was blazing like an effigy sacrificed to a false god.

"NIGHTMARE MOON, YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT! I ACTUALLY TOLERATE LUNA! SO BACK OFF NOW!” he roared, and opened his mouth. A stream of fire blasted out of his mouth and encircled the alicorn, coating her in a shield of flame.

Once the flames died down, however, it was revealed that Midnight had put up a shield coating her body, protecting her from the flames. Burning Star saw this in disappointment, and his flame ceased to fire at her.

“Nice try,” she gloated. “But not good enough for me, I’m afraid.”

“Stand down, Nightmare!” he roared at her, the flames on his body burning brighter still. “You and I shall be evenly matched. I've faced you before, I will succeed again. Surrender now, and I won’t kill you.”

“I have nothing to fear from a pony like you,” Nightmare replied smoothly. “A pony that decides to focus more on power than his fellow people, like in the past, perhaps, when you were the cause of death for countless of your friends and fellow villagers.”

Burning Star froze. The flames on his body subsided just a little, then reignited into its full glory.

“I can sense all of your fear emanating off of you,” she told him as she took a stance. “Oh yes...I feel it in you...your past regrets...your anger...and your desire to hurt others. Buried behind your charismatic and blunt face is your fear, For I am the manifestation of the dark, deep fears in others. You can hide nothing from me...student of Sombra. You aren’t sure what you can do now. How you feel towards your friends, your allies,” She pointed her head at Celestia, lying on the ground. “Your rulers.”

“I’m not scared of you, your magic isn't real. It's just Midnight talking through you.” Burning Star snarled, and the flames grew brighter. “You have nothing about myself I need to have released. I made peace with both the good and the bad in me, You can’t harm me. And I'm definitely not going to kneel before you, precious Midnight.”

“Oh, but I can,” Nightmare grinned, her slitted pupils narrowing. “I can hurt you worse than you can possibly imagine.”

And suddenly Burning Star saw in front of him visions, visible only to him, of darkness and destruction over all of Equestria. They circled around him like he was juggling them. Cities burning, toppling into the ocean, crumbling off of mountaintops. Ponies enslaved and led away into dark dungeons to be tortured forever by fear and pain. And Twilight...Sweet, lovable Twilight, crying out for help, and a cruel, discarding laugh as she was silenced with a blow to the head.

And the hoof that did it...looked awfully similar to his own!

This is all you, Burning Star,”Nightmare Moon’s voice echoed in his ears. “You will cause this if you continue on your path. You are out of control. You need guidance...but you are too arrogant, and too powerful to do that. The only way to stop this...is to kill yourself now, and end the visions.”

Burning Star sank to his knees, and all who noticed him gasped as he trembled and whispered, “I can’t...I can’t…"

Noble Blade stood in front of him, not noticing as Burning Star was bent over, a sickly green light was in his eyes... the mark of Dark Magic.

His presence didn’t block Nightmare’s influence. “Stand down, thou shallow puppet of Midnight." Noble commanded the Nightmare copycat. He drew his own sword and pointed it at her. It was trembling slightly.

“Point that needle away from me, boy,” Nightmare commanded him back. “Thou art barely a stallion. Thou hast not the courage to face me down.”

“I have enough of it to stand in thy presence, and enough to stand in the presence of Burning Star... even as he is wrapped in flames like a demon from Tartarus." he replied. “And that’s good enough for me.”

“And if thou shalt be called a courageous stallion,” Nightmare cooly replied, “Thou shalt know when to stand down from a fight.”

Noble twisted the hilt of his sword suddenly and hurled it blade first at the Nightmare force. Nightmare twisted her body around the path of the glowing blue sword and grabbed it by the hilt as it flew past, then spun around and hurled it back at Noble. Noble put up a shield with his magic and the sword hit the magic shield, but it penetrated its layer enough to strike him in the shoulder. Noble cried aloud, clutching his upper arm.

Nightmare then contemptuously flung him backwards at the wall, and he hit the opposite side and bounced off of it to the ground, where he stayed, struggling to rise again.

Nightmare then turned to the pony with his staff held in an attack position.

“Ah... There you are Freedom Fighter, finally showing your true colors. I was hoping to inflict more pain before you showed up, I'm glad you're here." she said simply. She dropped Luna to the ground and a bubble encircled her, trapping her. “I know you. Midnight told me all about you. You’re the pony of darkness. A warrior, waiting in the shadows...and behind your own secrets you put around yourself. I can smell the anger, and the fear coming off of you. You want to kill me. But you’re not sure if- “

Her words were silenced when Freedom Fighter, to the amazement of the ignorant Star Hunters, fired himself forward at an impossible speed and slammed his staff into the alicorn with all the force he could muster before she could say another word. Spinning his staff like a propeller, he laid half a dozen more hits on her before bringing his leg forward and kicking her so hard she flew backwards and hit the wall so hard it created a rippled crater and she slid to the ground.

And before Nightmare could move away, stunned by his speed and sudden willingness to physically hurt as opposed to using magic, he had already launched forward and pinned her to the wall by the throat with his right hoof. He then pulled her head down so her horn was horizontal to the ground, brought his left hoof into the air, and sliced it downwards like a meteor strike.

There was an explosion of bright blue light as Nightmare Moon’s horn shattered like an icicle and clattered to the ground in small shards. She let out a cry of loss and pain as she dropped to her knees, still pinned to the wall by Freedom Fighter. Burning Star shook his head and got up, his vision clear now, the shields around Hiller, Quickfire, Luna, and Celestia suddenly disappeared, and Hiller and Quickfire fell to the ground. Hiller constructed a large net with his outstretched hoof in the tendril form, stopping their descent abruptly. Everyone now was looking at the limp form of Nightmare Moon against the wall.

But Freedom Fighter didn’t stop!

He just kept on hitting her in the face, drawing his left hoof back over and over again after each hit, splattering dark blue blood all over her face with each loud blow. Nightmare tried to lift her hoof to hit him with a strike back, but Freedom Fighter simply stopped her hoof with his left, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head no at her.

With a slow, inexorable cracking noise, he clutched her hoof so hard it became alarmingly limp, and Nightmare cried aloud yet again. He threw her broken hoof at her own face, and pinned her head to the wall with his left hoof, still holding to her throat with his right. He didn’t hit her. He just pushed. And pushed. And pushed.

Hairline fractures appeared all over the surface of the fake Nightmare Moon’s head like a glass about to shatter. She yelled and squirmed and tried to break free, but even she was not strong enough to break away. With more cracking sounds, bigger cracks and spidering lines appeared all over her head.

As he drew back his hoof for one last blow, Nightmare Moon looked up at him, a pleading expression over her distorted and cracked face.

Freedom Fighter grinned so hard she could see the teeth in his mouth stretched to its utmost capacity. For the first time Nightmare Moon could remember, she felt afraid of something, rather than the other way around.

And Freedom Fighter slammed his hoof into her head like a cannonball into a cracked window.

It was a cracking sound that first hit the ears of those that listened. Then a wispy booming noise The pieces of her flew to the sides of where she had once stood, and as they bounced aside they turned into wispy fragments, trailing smoke, and eventually disintegrated completely. There was now nothing left of her but a thin, dissipating cloud of sparkling blue dust.

Freedom Fighter looked with disgust on the remains of her for three seconds, then spat a wad of a thick liquid contemptuously at where she had stood. He turned around, and without looking at any of the others, picked up his fallen staff and disassembled it and reattached it at his flanks with a few twirls of his hooves.

Burning Star, trying to hold in a vile bile at the back of his throat and keep his bowels under control, was having second thoughts about trying to stop him if Freedom made an aggressive move on him. Even he had limits, and he was not the best when handling somepony like Freedom Fighter, his brother was a good example of his failure.

He looked at the remnants of Nightmare Moon, "That... thing... that was a mirror construct, it possesses all the abilities of the organism it is mimicking. It's a very complex Dark Magic spell that only the strongest of sorcerers can master, thankfully... I have."

Neither princess did anything. They just stood there, looking at the Guardians, then at the now-indistinguishable blue fog, then at the Star Hunters, then back at Freedom Fighter.

And then the doors banged open and right there in the doorway was Firestorm, in a full-length pair of footie pajamas and a drooping nightcap. There were bags under his eyes.

He looked at the princesses. Then at the panting, hurt warriors. Then at the burn marks and rubble in the throne room.

Finally, he mildly asked, “Did I miss something?"