• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 985 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

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Chapter 2: Guardians of the Sun

Author's Note:

This Chapter by BradyBunch22, explores how the Guardians of the Sun's mission to investigate the old castle goes very wrong.

(Edited 2/13/18: added Music)

Because Midnight is camped there, and she doesn't take too kindly to ponies walking up to her door and asking questions!

Music belongs to Nintendo and the Legend of Zelda!

(Canterlot Castle, Archives)

The Canterlot archives were one of the most secure spots in the entire city of Canterlot. Princess Celestia currently stood in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing, a place filled to the brim with the legendary unicorn’s accomplishments. She paced uncomfortably back and forth, pondering on the distortion above the Everfree.

Nothing like it had ever happened before. Even with Discord being loose before, he hadn’t chosen to create massive disruptions in the sky like what had just happened. But if it wasn’t Discord, then what was it?

Suddenly, through the window, a swirl of orange fire materialized in front of her into the shape of a scroll. Celestia, relieved at the quick response by her most trusted warriors, unfurled the scroll quickly.

Wassup, ‘Tia?

Celestia sighed.


How many times did he have to call her that?

"You want us in the archives, right? Well, just give us a minute to catch our breath from the really big teleport from the Badlands. I, uh, don’t want to talk about recent events. Just hold up, alright?"

Yours truly, Firestorm--the fast, the deadly, the super hot, and the totally annoying.

Oh, and Noble Blade and Freedom Fighter, too.

A loud pop filled the room, and Celestia turned towards the source. In front of her, reeling from the teleportation spell he had used, was a unicorn in a dirty chrome suit of armor and a flowing brown cape. On his back was a shield with the royal coat of arms on it and a massive chrome broadsword. The unicorn used his exposed pale blue horn to slit open his visor vertically and the visor split to the sides to reveal a thick bright blue mane and a soft, pale blue face of distinctly average features. His deep blue eyes, however, were bright and alert.

Celestia nodded. “Good morning, Noble Blade.” She looked around the room. “I, uh, don’t mean to inquire, but where are the rest of them?”

“They’ll be along in a second or so,” Noble said with a shrug. “Firestorm had to go and pick up some donuts.”

Celestia blinked. “Donuts?”

“I didn’t want to deny him the privilege of them. We just got back from the Skyworld mission you sent us on, and he felt like he needed something to commemorate the end of it. Goodness, you should have seen the wreckage from the station.”

“Did you get the file I asked of you?” Celestia asked.

Noble Blade scratched the back of his head. “I’ll, uh, let Firestorm take care of telling you that.”

Celestia arched an eyebrow. “Why?”

Noble Blade coughed. “We misunderstood your direction to wipe the records off of Skyworld’s file. We decided to...ahem...destroy it. Firestorm, uh, decided to go all-out on it. Afterwards...I couldn’t find enough of the file to recover to bring back.”

He then widened his eyes. “Aaaand I just told you myself instead of having Storm do it for me. Whoops.” He sighed.

“It’s understandable that you made a mistake.” Celestia sighed and offered a smile to reassure the unicorn. “While I was hoping for us to gain Skyworld’s file, it’s probably better off being left alone. Is Freedom Fighter here?” Celestia asked, giving an imperceptible nod towards the ceiling.

Noble Blade looked up, twitching his ears a little. Then he chuckled. “All right, Freedom Fighter,” he called. “Come down from there. We know you’re there, so just come down slowly, and I might be able to persuade Firestorm to share his donuts with you when he gets here.”

There was silence for a moment.

Then a dark shape dropped down from the ceiling and landed without a sound on his hind legs between Celestia and Noble Blade. That shape settled back onto all fours and gazed at Noble Blade with a questioning look.

“I just know where you are at all times, Freedom. I have to because someone has to. We don’t have to go over this all the time.”

Noble turned back to Celestia. “Did you know about him?”

“Honestly?” Celestia said. “Not really. I just know he has a penchant for creeping into rooms without anypony noticing.”

Freedom Fighter nodded slowly. Freedom Fighter was in a black bodysuit that covered every inch of his body, including his eyes. All over his body were an assortment of knives in all kinds of sizes and types, and at his flanks were two folded, hinged, seemingly innocuous sticks.

A voice cried, “LOOK OUT BELOW!” Through the open window in the room, in flew a pegasus holding half a dozen donuts on a long thin blade. He settled slowly to the ground holding the blade upright, then once he was on the ground he offered the donut kabob to Celestia.

“Want some?” the pegasus asked. He was in earth-colored rags, like maroon and brown, with a dull shiny armor showing in between stitches underneath. There was another sword similar to the one in his hoof across his back, and there were two combat knives on his flank and underbelly. The pegasus himself was a shade of orange, the same shade of color as Applejack, with long wild red and orange and yellow hair on his head that stuck straight out and up and behind him like a real flame.

Celestia held up a hoof respectfully at Firestorm’s offer.

Firestorm shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he said simply. He flicked the blade upwards, and a donut flew off into the air and landed in Firestorm’s awaiting mouth, who chewed it with every hint of satisfaction.

“I didn’t want you to hold off on my summons simply because you wanted donuts, this is a serious issue here.” Celestia told Firestorm with just a hint of irritation.

“And I didn’t want to hold off on getting donuts simply because I got a summons, staying fed is a serious issue too.” Firestorm unequivocally replied with his mouth full. He swallowed the bit he had in his mouth. “Anyway, we’re all here. Whadda ya need?” he asked with a tone of simplicity.

“I called you all here because of a situation I observed in the Everfree Forest,” Celestia said, turning towards the massive window in the library wing.

Outside was a view of the Everfree Forest, with Ponyville barely discernible in the background. “Earlier today, as I was raising the sun, a vortex above the forest startled me and made the sun rise rather abruptly.”

“I was wondering why you were so hasty, it is not summer yet." Noble Blade muttered contemplatively.

He then widened his eyes. “Wait, did you say a vortex?”

“Like, an extraterrestrial portal that can dispense time travelers and dimensional beings? Really?" Firestorm asked in wonder, gnawing a bite of donut slowly off his sword. “We gotta deal with that?”

Freedom Fighter looked behind him at Firestorm in barely-restrained surprise.

Firestorm noticed this and asked, “What’s he looking at me for?”

“I think he’s surprised that you knew those words, is all,” Noble said jovially. He ignored the look of mock offense Firestorm levied at him and turned to Celestia. “Anything else we should know about this situation?"

“The vortex opened only for a few seconds, then closed just as quickly,” Celestia continued. “It’s my guess that whatever was in there escaped into the Everfree and is waiting there to bide their time.”

“And you want us to go in there and dispatch it before it causes untold terror and destruction to the inhabitants of this world?” Noble Blade asked.

“Correct,” Celestia said. “I don’t know why exactly, but it feels like this particular threat will be greater than any you’ve encountered before. You’ve dealt with uprisings in the fringe of Equestria’s borders. You’ve managed to prevent a civil war in the dragonlands. You led a raid upon Arimaspi Mountain to retrieve the magical Horn of Alagamora. But this time, I’m afraid you might not succeed without help.”

Noble Blade thought for just a moment, then respectfully kneeled. “Then I shall not shirk from the challenge presented. For if we do not take care of it, who will? I will fight. I shall protect this land from any intruders and shall try my hardest to eradicate that which shall cause strife in our fair land. And if we may die in this attempt, I shall die knowing I have done all in my power to serve my country.”

Behind him Firestorm and Freedom Fighter also kneeled, accepting their mission without a word.

Celestia nodded. “Then go and make this land proud to have you as its protectors.”

(Everfree Forest, Forest Depths)

A few hours later, in the heat of the day, the three Guardians entered the forest from an undetected area around the perimeter of the forest, far away from civilization. None of them had ever been inside the forest before, and so they kept their hooves on their weapons warily and looked around, searching for predators and dangerous plants. None came their way, however.

Where were they?

As the part of the forest they had entered was remote and untraveled, the journey through the uncharted parts of the forest took them the lesser part of four hours, a lot of hacking and cutting through overhanging vines, and many conversations created to simply pass the time as they ambly but steadfastly pressed into the forbidden magical foliage.

Finally, after a time period none of them measured, they reached the spot where the castle was supposed to be. But it was peculiar; the castle simply wasn’t there. It was just...empty.

“I think we made a wrong turn,” Firestorm observed dryly. “Unless the castle decided to turn invisible on all of us?”

“You know... That wouldn’t be out of the question, Firestorm." Noble Blade observed. “Remember, the portal above the Everfree had to be created by somepony with extensive magical knowledge. It’s highly likely that the pony in question came through the portal he or she created on their own, and is likely also powerful enough to put up a shield around the castle to block it from view.”

“So what do we do?” Firestorm asked, poking around the area of the castle. Then suddenly, without a warning, he disappeared.

Noble started backwards upon seeing the spot where he disappeared. “Firestorm?” he called with uncertainty.

Then all of a sudden Firestorm’s head materialized in thin air. “Hey! Check it out! There’s something around the castle after all! It’s a force field! See?”

He suddenly made his hoof appear, then withdrew it and it disappeared. “Come on! I think I fell through!”

Noble Blade and Freedom Fighter looked at each other for just a moment, debating silently whether they should go through, then took a few steps forward and felt something cold pass through them before they emerged on the other side of the force field.

Indeed, looking up, they could see a dark purple dome encircling the entire castle. The three Guardians now stood at the foot of the castle. It loomed dark and foreboding above them, sending a whistling whisper of cold through the cracks in their separate uniforms, and striking them all with a rather unexpected bad feeling…

Purple Electricity was seen flying through the air, it was coming from the tallest spire, that was probably the thing that was sustaining the force field. It was creepy to say the least.

For the castle appeared to have been recently redecorated. Where once was broken glass in window panes, now was elaborate stained-glass windows with the shape of a dark purple Alicorn prominently featured in the center. Where once was broken-down walls, now was stronger grey bricks painted over with red and purple and black. The old vegetation had been chased away, and Plundervines now infested the surrounding area.

“What happened here?” Noble Blade mused out loud, stepping over a vine with black spikes ridden all over it.

He immediately identified them as Plundervines, a plant that once threatened to strangle the Tree of Harmony.

Why were they growing again?

“Whatever happened here, the pony that did it had to have a really big ego to redecorate here and strengthen its defenses,” Firestorm said. “Like, bigger than mine.”

“Since when did you insist you have a big ego?” Noble asked, turning around.

“Since now,” Firestorm said, crossing his front arms in a false show of indignant bravado. “I intend on being as unpredictable as possible in my behavior.”

“That’s not a desirable quality,” Noble told him.

“I’m not exactly known for my many desirable qualities,” Firestorm pointed out. “Everyone says I need to improve myself and not be as burlesque, but I’m certain I can just ignore them. I mean, the health critics say it doesn’t matter what others say about you, so I figure I don’t need to listen to advice telling me I should be serious and warrior-like all the time. It doesn’t matter what they think of me, right?”

“There’s a difference between not caring what others think about you and not listening to constructive criticism, you know.”

“Then how do I know which is which?” Firestorm asked. “How can I differentiate?”

Before Noble could answer, Freedom Fighter held up a hoof for silence, shutting up both of them. He glared at one pony, then the other, then jerked his head at the wall of the castle nearest them.

“He’s got a point,” Noble said. “We need to infiltrate this castle. How do you want to do it, Freedom?”

Freedom Fighter pointed at Noble Blade’s sword strapped across his back, then pointed at the castle wall.

“Are you sure? Not scaling the walls or flying through the windows?”

“Well, what if the pony inside is watching those ways of entry?” Firestorm pointed out. “This way, we can be virtually unseen.”

Noble gave him an approving nod before he used his magic to draw his sword from off his back and float it over to the wall. The sword was forged out of a single piece of shiny flawless chrome metal. With a circular motion of his head, the sword, in a blue aura, sliced a perfect circle in the wall of the castle and blew itself inward. Even though it was solid stone it was cutting through, the sword sliced as easily as if he was cutting bread. The sword returned to Noble’s hoof, who held it aloft as he advanced forward. Freedom Fighter and Firestorm followed him into the castle.

As it turned out, the wall they had cut into to avoid detection was the side of the wall in the main throne room. The three Guardians of the Sun collectively looked up to admire the admittedly marvelous architecture present in the once-dilapidated old castle. The walls were all red and purple and black, a rather catchy color scheme. And the castle was remarkably well-lit with torches in their proper holders on the walls, spewing purple and black flames. But on the banners surrounding the perimeter of the castle throne room, there was the same dark purple rearing Alicorn that struck an involuntary rush of fear into the chests of every pony there.

Freedom Fighter raised an eyebrow and gestured to the banner, then to Noble Blade.

The unicorn responded, "I don't know who it is, Freedom. it kinda looks like some sort of Demon shaped like an Alicorn..."

And they heard a chilling laugh as well in the supposedly-empty throne room, and their heads whipped to face the source.

Seated on a throne of black and purple crystal, in place of where Celestia and Luna’s thrones once were, was the Alicorn in question.

She was colored midnight purple and had a black and purple mane that flowed upwards, similar to a raging fire. She had black raven wings and a bright greenish and glowing serrated horn, as well as some sort of mask made of light that looked like winged glasses on the sides of her eyes, which had slitted pupils like a reptile.

The Alicorn smirked, "Well... I'm a Demon, thats a new name that I've been called, Ha ha ha! You pesky little ponies dare to trespass on my land and get away with it? Either you are incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid? Maybe you are both, the hell if I know...” the Alicorn roared and hissed, her long jagged horn crackling with electricity.

Firestorm came forward, swallowing his own fear. “Well, uh, actually, that was the point, miss Mane Dye colors. We’re here from the Homeowner’s Insurance. I mean, look-” He cleared his throat, trying not to piss himself in front of somepony who made even Changelings look cute and cuddly.

He continued to speak, “You seem like a good girl. You seem nice, charming--really good at redecorating. I like the purple and black color scheme, it really fits you."

Midnight leaned back on her throne, obviously bored.

Firestorm looked around once more. “But you’re wrong in that you own this land. Last I checked, this land belonged to…” He flipped through an invisible sheet of papers in front of him and squinted at something in front of him. “A miss Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. And also-oh, my goodness, your mortgage payments are super low. No payments at all? So, uh, I’m afraid you’re going to have to vacate this land, miss. And take your fancy drapes with you too.”


“Look, lady, if you don’t vacate the premises within the next forty-eight hours, we’re going to have to go ahead and kill you.” Firestorm reared on his hind legs and drew both of his swords across his back simultaneously with a loud whistle. “Nothing personal, you see. It’s just that you seem like a comic book villain and we’re the ones best equipped to deal with ponies like you--corny, overpowered ponies with a dark, uh, color scheme and extraterrestrial origins. So, uh, hold still, okay?” Next to him Freedom Fighter took both of the combat sticks off of his flanks while on his hind legs, holding them out to the sides with an aggressive stance.

The dark purple Alicorn stopped for a moment, then laughed, "You call those toys Weapons?"

She lanced a long white beam of power out of her horn and held it aloft like a sword as she stood proud and high. "Now THIS is a Weapon!"


“Wow,” Firestorm murmured to Noble Blade. “Can you get any more melodramatic?”

“I dunno,” Noble whispered back. “Maybe she tried to intimidate us?”

“I couldn’t tell, honestly.” He shrugged. “But she’s pretty loud, I’ll give her that.”

(End 1st Music)

(Start 2nd Music)

Midnight, with an angry snarl, slammed the beam of white energy down on the ground, breaking the conversation abruptly as a ripple of stones made them all fly backwards into the opposite wall in three seperate thuds, their weapons flying out of their hooves.. Noble’s shield on his back absorbed most of the impact, but the other two Guardians slid to the ground limply and got back up slowly.

“Midnight Sparkle!” Noble roared, extending his hoof. His dropped sword skittered back to his hoof, surrounded in an aura the same color as the one surrounding his horn. He stepped forward, already shaking off the impact. “Thou art not welcome here! Cease thy activities and thy attacks against us, or we shall be forced to use dramatic action against thee!”

Midnight simply rolled her eyes, "Don't make me laugh, fool. You are outmatched and cannot harm me with simple weaponry like that. Behold my Powers!"

Midnight raised her hooves high in the air and from beneath the stones in the ground, there crawled Plunderwolves, created from the dead vegetation underneath the castle. They crawled out of the ground like cicadas from their nests, snarling and snapping.

“Attack, my Plunderwolves!” Midnight cried.


Midnight then floated back to her throne and sat down, crossing her back hooves and watching the conflict.

Firestorm sighed. “Idiot,” he murmured. “That never works against us.” He picked up his swords and flicked a switch near the handle. A loud click was heard and the twin blades erupted into bars of sharpened flame flickering up the swords. He flicked them in a mock salute before rushing forward and sinking both of them into the chest of the first wolf to attack him.

Noble turned to Freedom Fighter. “Freedom! Hold them off of me. I’m going for her!”

Freedom Fighter nodded, then stooped down and picked up his combat sticks, holding one in each hoof. With a flick of his wrists, the hinged sticks doubled in length until they were a meter long each. He then conjoined one end to the other to form a long staff that he twirled expertly in front of him. And he rushed forward and smacked a wolf in the face so hard he fell with a hard slam to the ground and did not move again.

Midnight was somewhat impressed, perhaps this warrior would make a good slave to her will when she kills him and resurrects him from the dead...

Noble Blade rushed forward, slicing across the path of the wolf nearest him so he was cut cleanly in half. The wolf’s twitching vine body shuddered for just a moment, then lay still. Beside him, Firestorm spun like a tornado with his blades outstretched, setting fire to all that tried to come near. Little flecks of flame flew off and landed on the purple carpet and on the wolves, who yelped as the flame bit at them. He leaped and spun, ducked and dodged, whirled and twirled and swiped with his swords like he was a blender. And Freedom Fighter was not far behind him in terms of combat. Spinning his staff like a propeller, surrounded by wolves, he always found hits on any wolf that came near enough that tried to hit him. He snapped his hoof to the side and a thin blade shot out, then he swiped it in a vertical motion on a wolf’s jaw, splitting his head. He spun around and jammed the blade into a wolf’s eye, then slammed his staff on the back of another so hard he fell to the floor, paralyzed. The wolf looked up to see Freedom Fighter slide forward a thin blade in his staff, then jam it into his skull like a spear.

Noble Blade continued to advance on his hind legs, always moving forward no matter what the wolves did. They moved in front of him and he would sink the broadsword into their head. They attempted to blindside him and he’d whip around and slash them with a heavy cut. Finally, leaving a litter of bodies in his wake, Noble Blade stood in front of Midnight Sparkle’s throne holding his sword in his right hoof aloft. He gave a slight tilt of his head. “Midnight,” he said mildly. “My offer is still open. Leave peacefully and we will not harm you."

The Dark Alicorn smiled an evil grin, "So you beat my Plunderwolves? Hmph... then I suppose I should take the fight myself."

Midnight conjured a dozen whipping tentacles of pure purple energy from behind her like the tongues of snapping flames in response.

Noble sighed. “Suit thyself.”

And he twisted the hilt of his sword and the entire sword, blade and hilt, suddenly exploded in a shimmering aura of humming blue energy. He flourished the sword around his body, tracing a trail of blue light in the air, then held it at a stance, ready for Midnight to launch her first attack.

Midnight launched the tendrils of purple energy at him like attacking snakes. Whipping his sword around him like the thing was weightless, Noble Blade struck all of the attacking whips one at a time before they could reach him. With each impact on the sword the purple tentacle flashed and recoiled before striking again from another angle. Noble kept the tirade up for the good part of half a minute. His movements were never off, his aim was always straight, he never moved a millimeter more than necessary to deflect the tentacled attackers.

Midnight, growling in anger, ramped up the intensity of her attacks from twelve strikes a second to sixteen, then to eighteen, until finally, at twenty strikes per second, she finally overloaded Noble’s defense.

So Noble decided to shift his tactics to attack.

Knocking aside an angry tentacle in front of his face, he parried three more attacking whips before firing a beam of dark blue energy at Midnight on her throne. Midnight, so focused on the attacking whips, was thrown back hard against her throne with a hard gasp and the attacking energy tentacles stopped abruptly.

She got up and said, "You have much more fight in you than the other rabble, let's see how many seconds longer you last."

Noble stepped forward, balancing on his hind legs. He pointed his sword at her. “I abjure thee now once, and once alone. Surrender, creature of darkness. Flee from the presence of the warriors of the princesses, and come no more against the fair citizens of Equestria.” Behind her, Firestorm and Freedom Fighter had dispatched the rest of the Plunderwolves and were observing the scene in front of the throne, their weapons put away.

Instead of surrendering, however, Midnight snickered, "Yeah, apologizing is not my real strength, so no."

Midnight threw her head back suddenly and all three Guardians were picked up in her magic aura, flailing as they tried unsuccessfully to get free. Noble strained to break her grasp, but her magic was too powerful.


Firestorm, flailing in his own aura, said in annoyance, “Well, duh! If we thought our attacks wouldn’t hurt you, we wouldn’t have attacked you in the first place!”

“Storm, that’s not helping,” Noble interrupted him, being rotated in the air by Midnight.

“Well, don’t act like you weren’t thinking it!” Firestorm pointed out as he was also flipped upside down. “Honestly, it’s like she says these things just to sound like a comic book villain or something.”

“SHUT UP! FOR THE LOVE OF FAUST SHUT UP!” Midnight screamed.


“Wait, I have?” Firestorm asked in wonder, being flipped to face Midnight once more and facing her war-ready face. “Wow. Really? I have?”


“Yes!” He hoof-bumped the air in triumph.

With a scream of rage, an explosive blast of wrathful power, and a stomp of her hooves, Midnight Sparkle expelled the three Guardians through the rest of her castle. They blasted through walls, tore through tapestries, and finally crashed through the two wooden front doors and hit the earth with three impacts of compacted soil.

Noble looked up slowly, somewhat surprised that he wasn’t hurt, until he remembered that he had been in a magic aura for the time of his flight and therefore impervious to most outside influences so long as the unicorn in question kept up their defensive shields around him. In front of the castle, the ground itself was being ripped up like a wave of water, surrounded in an all-too familiar dark purple aura.

Noble gestured hurriedly to his fellow Guardians. “Come on! Get up! Go! Let’s go!” His friends needed no encouragement, however, for upon seeing the wave ripple towards them, they scrambled out of the impacts their bodies had made and ran away from the wall of earth running their way. Their path was cut off, however, by a massive gorge cutting around the entire perimeter of the castle. Their only path across was a raggedy rope bridge spanning the gap.

As they came near Firestorm flapped into the air and promptly flew across the wide gap. Noble Blade quickly enveloped his body in a blue aura with his horn and floated into the air. And the same aura encircled Freedom Fighter as well, floating him into the air just as the wave of soil sailed over the edge of the gorge and fell down the gorge in a shower of dirt and pebbles, collapsing the bridge as well..

The three Guardians settled down on the opposite side of the gap, catching their breath and bending over in exhaustion. The castle was now invisible to outside view once more. They panted for a little bit, then Firestorm asked indignantly, “What happened there?”

“Hm?” Noble turned to face him, leaning on his sword.

“We should have had that in the bag! We should have been able to conquer her easily! But she overpowered us! And now we can’t go back! Why?”

“Well,” Noble said, sliding his sword back across his back, “if you’re unfamiliar with the concept of thinking, I’d advise you to try it sometime. It feels good for you.”

Firestorm pouted his lip in a not-too-serious attitude. “That was ruuuude!” he whined. Behind him Freedom Fighter convulsed with silent laughter like he’d been tasered.

“Well, all the same, let’s try to think,” Noble said. “We know that she’s a being of enough power to utilize portals to other dimensions. We know that she’s an Alicorn, a incredibly powerful one at that. And we know that she wants to become the most powerful being in any universe ever. So I should have known that a simple magic blast wouldn’t do much to her.”

“So what do we do?”

“For the moment, fall back and formulate a plan to take her down. Charging at her with a sword isn’t going to cut it.”

He turned around. The darkening skies were turning an opaque blue in the east as night came on and the half moon was being raised in the sky. “Come on. Let’s get out of the Everfree first before most of the nocturnal creatures decide to show their faces.”

The other two Guardians obediently turned and followed Noble Blade into the dark forest. As they went inside, Freedom Fighter paused and looked back at the invisible castle for just a moment.

Inside was a dark force that was threatening to kill Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in order for her to gain complete control of the entire multiverse.

Midnight Sparkle.

How pathetic of her for try and do that.

She didn’t know power until she was the one being forced to the ground and forced to lie still while every ambition she had fled away. That’s what real power was. Real power was the ability to conquer others, yes, but not nation by nation. One by one. It was individual, forced power that mattered to Freedom Fighter, and he had enough of it in himself to make all his enemies tremble at the mere mention of his name. And he would make Midnight tremble in fear when they met next.

Underneath the cowl he wore over his face, he made a scowl at the dark force lying inside and silently promised, if it was possible that if they weren’t able to dispel the threat, that he would be the one to kill Midnight Sparkle.

He would be the one to throttle her from behind. He would be the one to slit her throat, to bash in her skull, to cripple her and watch her crawl away weakly before he would hurl a knife into the back of her head. For she was planning to kill Celestia and Luna, and Celestia and Luna were the ones that had given him purpose, given him power, given him the reason he was who he was now. And if anyone--pony, griffon, or dragon--were to plan on killing Celestia, he would show the traitors the same amount of mercy they were planning on giving their princesses.

He heard Noble’s voice call, “Freedom Fighter? Are you coming? You seemed distracted for a moment?" The syllables snapped him out of his thought process, and he shook his head and turned around, away from the force in the castle that was so self-authoritative it had the gall to conquer entire dimensions.

Freedom Fighter trotted away into the dark forest, his mind simmering with ideas on how to kill her. He silently thanked goodness that it was good that he couldn’t talk. And It was dark and lonely at night when the three ponies, exhausted, tired, and heavy-eyed, finally appeared at the border of the forest and an apple farm.