• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 984 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

  • ...

Chapter 20: What it Means To Be Pony

Author's Note:

Here it is! The true final battle for not only the fate of two worlds...

But the fate of all worlds!

And Finally, Burning Star's past is revealed!

Edited 9/1/18: (Fixed a few grammar mistakes and switched one of the songs out.)

(Disclaimer: This Chapter has some gore and language in it)

(First Song belongs to Game Freak and Pokémon!)

(Second Song belongs to Sonic Forces and Sega!)

(???, 1 Hour Later...)

Burning opened his eyes and looked up to see the surrounding landscape was faded, almost gray. He tried to stand, but he was too weak to move.

He looked up to see Doom Star... frozen mid-air, the ball of darkness suspended above its head.

He saw Firestorm and Freedom Fighter frozen, as well as Celestia, Luna... even Noble Blade frozen in place.

He started to crawl forward, standing up and using his sword as something to lean on. He limped forwards before collapsing again, he was in incredible pain, and felt as if he was going to die... which judging by Doom Star's attack, he will.

A mysterious voice called to him in his mind. It sounded... familiar.

"Burning Star... at last we meet."

Burning Star looked around... seeing nothing, he tried to call out... but no sound came out... only wind. His hooves and body felt numb now.

"If you are wondering why you are numb to feeling and nothing is happening, it is quite a simple explanation...

Burning Star thought, "Stop being so vague! Who and what are you?! What is happening?!"

A bright white light exploded in front of him, forcing him to shield his eyes. The voice emanated from the light.

"Fine... I suppose I should introduce myself. Although you have referred to me by speaking my name when angered..."

The ball of light disappeared and in front of Burning Star stood a pony he thought was a myth... simply a being that could not exist.

Before him stood a white Alicorn mare with a dark red mane cut short, but even. Her horn made his look tiny, and even her size was immense. Her wings were ginormous, and covered with cream white feathers.

He spoke, stuttering as he said. "Y-Y-You're... F-Fa-"

The alicorn cut him off with a voice soft as down pillows. "My name is not important... Alicorn of Fire, and you are right now, dead."

Burning Star's heart sank, "That is what I thought, so I guess I've failed, Doom Star destroyed this world and our world, didn't he?"

The unknown pony nodded her head, "Yes, Doom Star destroyed this world, and all others, until he finally annihilated the entire universe. Not even I could stop him... I could only do something I would never encourage."

Burning Star finished her sentence, "let me guess... You traveled back in time to find out how he came to be? Quickfire did the same thing with Midnight Sparkle... and you saw how that turned out, didn't you?"

The mysterious alicorn nodded in surprise, "Why Yes. How did you know that? But back on topic, I saw Quickfire's future... but it has changed. It was erased from reality and replaced with a newer, brighter future."

Burning Star stomped his hoof in frustration, "I know, but why did we lose here? Is this my fate? To be destroyed by my greatest mistake, like Midnight was destroyed by her own mistakes?"

The Alicorn of Fire collapsed, tears in his eyes. "I knew It! I knew that going after Midnight was a bad idea! Now i have birthed the God of Destruction! I am the cause of this."

The mystery alicorn placed its hoof upon his head and said, "You are not the only cause of this, many factors birthed this monster. The main one was my ignorance of a problem, the problem of balance."

The mysterious alicorn bowed her head in shame, "I ignored a growing threat to this universe and because of my inaction to save this universe... it will die, and I will as well."

Burning Star raised his head, "Then what do i do? How do I fight something that is a literal god?!"

The alicorn smiled a warm smile, "You know what to do, Burning Star. Now... Who are you?"

Burning Star raised an eyebrow in confusion, "I'm Burning Star... The Alicorn of Fire."

The other Alicorn shook her head, "No. Who are you?"

Burning Star narrowed his eyes, "I'm Burning Star! I'm the Alicorn of Fire damn it! Why are you doing this?!"

The other alicorn slammed her hoof down, "Why do you deny your identity from yourself? Why do you hide who you are?"

Burning Star clutched his head in pain, shouting out in anger, then sorrow. "I... I... I don't remember! Why, What... Argh!"

The Alicorn cupped Burning Star's face and said, "Why are you fighting yourself? Let your past flow..."

Burning Star squeezed his eyes shut and said, "If I remember, then all the pain will return. I will be reminded of my failure..."

The other Alicorn spoke, "Perhaps it will. But your memories bring meaning and remembering what happened will help clear your head, for you cannot hide from yourself."

Burning Star stomped his hooves and snorted, "Why do you do this to me? What could I possibly learn from something so painful and sad?"

The unknown alicorn put her hoof in his horn and said, "Why do you block any attempt to help? What do you have to hide?"

Burning Star relaxed his body and lowered his guard... and the memories came flooding in.

(Unkown Village, 20 years ago...)

In a village deep in the woods, the skies were dark as night, flooded with beasts of dangerous power.


Dozens, Hundreds of Changelings...

All of them razing and wrecking this village.

The unknown Alicorn was bearing witness to the most tragic memory of Burning Star's life.

She whispered to herself, "This is Firebrand Village.. this is where Burning Star's joy died... and was replaced by hot anger."

She watched as a young Burning Star ran through the village, dodging blasts of neon green magic, unleashing columns of flame to incinerate his attackers. He frantically rushed to his home.

Bursting through the door, he said "Mom! Dad! Where are you?!"

A weak cry of pain came from the next room over and Burning Star blasted the door open, revealing Burning Star's parents bloodied and beaten, and crushed underneath rubble.

Burning Star attempted to lift it with his magic, but his mother said to him, "No, My baby... it's too late for us. Go, go run and live."

Burning Star frantically yelled, "Wait! I can still save you! I can still..."

The house shuddered and started to collapse, it was being bombarded by beams of green light.

Suddenly, both Burning Star's parents were lifted into the air by the main cause of this destruction...

The Changeling High Queen, Tumora!

Tumora smirked eviliy and said, "So you're the little brat that has been causing me so much trouble? You are weak inside, and you know it! You don't Care for anything other than yourself. Couldn't even save your mother and father. Such a special relationship, crushed by me, like music to my ears."

Burning Star snapped back, "That isn't true! I love my family, and there isn't anything you can do to stop that, Tumora!"

Burning Star's father clenched in pain, tears in his eyes, as he said, "Son... know that we will always love you. Never forget that you are destined for... grhrgh!"

A sickening snap was heard as Tumora snapped the necks of Burning Star's parents, dropping their lifeless bodies into the inferno below.

The Fire Pony sunk to his knees, heartbroken by the sight of his parents dead on the floor.

Tumora flew down and kicked him in the head, then stomping on his chest, breaking ribs, following up by stabbing him in the chest with her dagger like Horn, letting bright red blood ooze out of him.

She said to the near-dead Burning Star. "No one loves you Burning Star, and now... you will die alone and without reason, knowing that you are a failure to your kind. You ponies are so soft, wills so easily crushed. Once I get to Equestria I will make sure to exterminate all of your pathetic race forever!"

She signaled for two Changelings wielding spears to lunge at him, saying, "Kill him slowly, let him suffer his failure, then end his pathetic existence."

Then, as the Changelings rushed the heavily wounded pony...

Something... Snapped...

And suddenly,

There was a ROAR...

Not a roar like one that had come from a lion or tiger, or from a wild animal.

A roar that sounded like it came from the blackest pit of Tartarus itself.

Burning Star said to the queen as he stood up, some unknown strength powering him. "No, this... this is not how I die! Not by you... COWARDS!"

Tumora turned around to see Burning Star, grabbing the spears of the Changelings with ease, wrenching them from their grasps with brute force alone...

Before stabbing them both through the skull, ripping off their heads and spraying The ground with luminous green blood. Another Changeling charged him, but Burning Star thrust his horn forwards and skewering the bug in the chest, hitting the heart and causing the bug to slump to the floor, green blood dripping from Burning Star's Horn as he ripped it out of its chest.

The Fire pony stood his ground, his voice raising in intensity. "I will not fall to you in battle, nor will I ever fall to any monster that seeks to harm me!"

He suddenly screamed a terrifying shriek as he was completely engulfed in flames, which turned a rainbow color as he stared down Tumora and stomped towards her.

She ordered more of her minions to attack and kill him... but Burning Star either completely incinerated them, or grabbed them and brutally ripped them apart with his telekinesis. This left the scent of blood and ash in the air as he steadily approached the Changeling High Queen, his dark blue eyes staring her down, causing her to slightly wither underneath that gaze... which could cut diamonds.

Multiple changelings suddenly tucked tail and ran or flew away from the raging inferno that was Burning Star, only to be yanked towards him and evaporating into powder by fires that burned with the temperature of the surface of the sun.

Tumora lunged at Burning Star, her horn alight with neon green plasma and flanked by a swarm of poison knives, he effortlessly blocked the knife storm with a massive plume of fire and flung her to the ground, where he stomped a hoof onto her horn, snapping it off like a twig

Tumora screamed in agony as Burning Star brutally ripped the horn out and lit it ablaze, he roared out.

"YOU HAVE MADE A VERY DANGEROUS ENEMY! I will become more powerful than anything that has ever walked this world! And I will destroy any and all in my way! Raaargh!"

He finally raised the horn above Tumora's chest as she was pinned down by his magic, and he said.


The unknown alicorn nearly puked as an unholy shriek echoed across Equestria as Burning Star plunged Tumora's severed horn into her chest, carving out her heart...

Before stomping on it, spraying neon green blood on his face, which held his blazing dark blue eyes, once full of happiness, now only full of hate and grief.

He dropped the horn and ran over to his parents bodies, clutching the two in his hooves and crying tears of sorrow.

"I couldn't save you, no... no no no no... I couldn't save you. I wasn't strong enough, but I will never let that happen again. I, I will... I WILL AVENGE YOUR DEATHS! AAAAAAAAGH!"

As the Fire Pony screamed, an inferno of hellish fire, larger than anything ever seen, erupted around him, consuming his home and the village. The flames were expanding until it looked as if somepony had dropped a small star upon the planet. they burned and destroyed everything they touched, sending waves of heat into the atmosphere, changing the very weather from a humid climate to a dry wave of air, and searing the ground into a wasteland.

In the middle of the blaze, Burning Star was still screaming, which the unknown alicorn shed a tear for, she watched with her own eyes as the village crumbled and the very earth was eaten and burned away... leaving behind only ashes.

When the fires died and ash settled, a jagged crater nearly 30 meters wide and 30 feet deep was burned into the ground, it looked like an ugly scar upon the face of Equestria.

The unknown alicorn looked around the crater, seeing the devastation that had been brought about...

And at the center was Burning Star, weeping heavily, as his whole world came crashing down hard on him.

He had lost his family...

His home...

And his friends, who had abandoned him.

Said friends were watching from afar, with a young Iron Steed saying To Thunder Fury, who was rocking back and forth in a fetal position... seeing his brother burn his home into a pile of ash.

"Thunder Fury, there ain't nothing we can do now... we must give him some space to calm down, to grieve."

Thunder Fury responded with a question that pierced Iron Steed's stoicism.

"And what if he thinks we left him?"

Wind Walker stepped forward and put one of his hooves on Thunder Fury's mane and said, "Burning Star's fate is clouded to even me, but he needs time to experience sorrow, it will harden his will... despite breaking his mind."

He turned to the group, "We have to keep moving, Masters of Nature. I suggest we go our separate ways, if Burning Star would find us he would only be reminded of how he failed so badly to protect the ones he loved."

Sea Breeze and Thorn Horn asked a question at the same time, "When would we return?"

Wind Walker looked back, upon the ashes of their former home, smoldering with embers as Burning Star still wept like a small filly, he then said, "When the Master of Fire falls ill to his own power, we shall reveal ourselves to the world, as an icy Invasion will begin, and Equestria will need us again."

The masters of Nature turned around and started to head out, but Iron Steed stopped briefly and said.

"I'm sorry... Star."

Burning Star was seen by one of the important figures of the town, the mayor, Stone Spike.

The mayor roared at him,

"It's him! He is the one who destroyed our town, he is the monster! Get him! kill him!"

A mob of ponies each holding some sort of blunt or pointy weapon rushed Burning Star, who put up a wall of fire, before saying.

"Wait! Please! am no monster! Stop this! It's all a big misunderstanding. I was trying to defend you all!"

A pony lunged at him and swung a dagger across his face, carving scars across his face.

Burning Star blasted the pony into the dust. Then looked to his right at a large glass pane that somehow survived the blast of fire.

The mystery alicorn looked at Burning Star's face, and what she saw was depressing.

Across his face were two diagonal red gashes over his eyes, more scars ran up his legs, and a large part of his Mane was torn off, making it look like someone had taken a hacksaw to it, it now sat... uneven and rough.

Such a handsome face, scarred and battered into a face that bore an almost permanent scowl.

He was physically fine, but his face now looked like somepony who had been through hell... and his body was no better.

More ponies were shouting and screaming "Monster!" "Killer!"

Burning Star's face twisted into a angry snarl, causing his sharp, dagger-like canines to show...

He whipped his head up and screamed, knocking everypony flat with gust of heated air, including his observer.


He ignited his mane into an inferno of red hot flames, and said to the group of ponies that were harassing him.

"You call me monster? Fine... if you want a monster, then hunt me if you dare. But know this, if you think I will not defend myself against attack. Then you must know what will happen..."

His eyes sprouted bright blue flames as he said, "I will kill you, and any who attempt to defeat me. Good Bye...

The fire covered pony walked off, tears in his eyes as he looked back on his home, destroyed by his own hooves... by his own powers... by him...

(Back to Unknown Location)

The unknown Alicorn's face bore a hard frown as Burning Star opened his eyes once more, she had seen the memories he had repressed, and was feeling slightly guilty subjecting him to such pain...

Burning Star simply sighed, "Now you know why I sealed that part of me away, it is the worst of me..."

The unknown alicorn placed on of her hooves upon his face, drying his tears and saying. "Burning Star, I saw your memories as well, yes... your past is marred by tragedy and sorrow, accented by the spice of rage and vengeance... But that is a part of life, for if there is joy, there must be sorrow... but you must accept those truths, Both the good and the bad. Look back again, but this time remember who has stood by you so long, what beings have been by your side during the bleakest hours. Do you know who they are?"

Burning Star's memories flooded back into his mind, he saw visions of ponies.

But instead of shouting curses and threatening to kill him... they were shouting encouragement and saying to him that things will be ok... when he was at his lowest.

He muttered their names as he saw the various events that led to where he was now.

"My defeat and lessons from Twilight...

"My brother and team members from the masters of Nature fighting the Windigos..."

"Celestia and Luna of this world, the only mothery figures I've had in a while, if not the only real mothery figures I've had..."

"The guardians... the ponies who served as a wise group of pseudo-siblings and understanding allies against impossible odds..."

"King Sombra... my true father and mentor for four years, building me into the strong pony I am today... all to surpass even the greatest of Forces..."

Burning Star's mouth shifted into a thin lined and serious expression, then a smile, a genuine smile. His eyes took the look of a true warriors stare, now he knew who he was.

The alicorn asked her question, "Now, Who are you?"

Burning Star stood up... his face previously stony, but now relaxed. He said out loud...

"Who am I? My name is Burning Star, A Pony of Equestria."

He took a breath, as the light brought him back to life.

The voice of the unknown alicorn spoke out loud, "And what are you fighting for?"

Burning Star flared his wings and said, his blue eyes practically glowing, "I'm fighting for everypony's sake, they are counting on me. I CAN change the future! I WILL change the future! And I will do it... because I believe in it now more than ever, and because this world , and any other world... will not, and will never... fall to darkness!

The unknown alicorn then smirked and said, "That's my boy... that is the Burning Star that died all those years ago, now returning to us... now unleash the power that was inside you all along... go, strike down Doom Star and save our worlds! Prove that you will be the one to stop him!"

Burning Star felt a wave of warmth and power wash over him as he saw and felt time unfreeze.

He knew what he had to do...

He will defeat Doom Star, and end this battle so that all worlds can be free...

(Back to normal time... Canterlot Gardens, Main Courtyard)

Noble Blade, The Guardians, and the Princesses all shakily got to their feet as Doom Star was still charging his giant black ball of death...

Noble realized how inappropriate that sounded and tired to thInk of another way to phrase it, but came up with nothing.

Firestorm looked up and the giant ball of death then said, "Welp... Guess this is the end for us, we had a good run guys. Because there is NO WAY that we can stop that... thing."

Suddenly, Noble felt a burst of heat come from the still body of Burning Star, followed by another, and another until the very air began to seemingly burn.

Each burst of heat came in rythm, like the beating of a heart.

Doom Star looked over and fired a massive bolt of black lightning at Burning Star, carving a hash in the earth and sending the Alicorn's body flying into the bushes.

Followed up by an explosive blast of magic that decimated the surrounding area...

Noble Blade tried to stand, but he was far too hurt, he got to his knees and scowled at the God of Destruction.

Freedom Fighther was barely standing, using his staff to hold him upright, while the Princesses were both out, visible gashes and scrapes lining their bodies.

Firestorm was struggling to stand, leaning now in his swords, he was silent, utterly without words at the sight of such a cataclysmic force.

Doom Star roared out,


Noble Blade felt the beats of heat from Burning Star getting stronger...

Suddenly, he felt a warmth from inside him. A orange and red light was coming from his chest.

Firestorm felt the pulses of warmth as well... and he said to Noble. "Hey, what's with the glowing lights?"

Freedom Fighter struggled to his feet, the same red and orange light shining from his chest.

All three ponies noticed that the cuts and wounds they had received during the battle were closing up, being replaced by new flesh and bone.

Then suddenly, the hole that Burning Star had been flung into began to glow a bright red, and the air began to heat up, causing a thick haze to cover the guardians and princesses, obscuring them from the sight of Doom Star.

Then, it finally happened.

Noble turned to see the hole that Burning Star had been flung into explode into an inferno of flames, colored bright red and orange, and shooting out like spikes.

The force was so intense that all three Guardians had to get behind one of Noble's shields to prevent themselves from being disintegrated, when the fire died down, Noble saw a sight that made him smile.

Burning Star, alive and well, walking with great power in his stride, his steps practically searing the ground as he moved.

Burning Star called out to the dark god, "Hey dickhead! You forget about me so easily?"

Doom Star turned to him and roared, shaking the ground beneath them,


Burning Star's face turned into his trademark smirk, "Heh-Heh. Guess you didn't kill me hard enough, a mistake you are going to regret!"

Firestorm raised one of his hooves into the air to cheer Burning Star on. as did Freedom Fighter, his hoof clenched in determination.

Noble surprisingly found the strength to raise his sword and say, "Go Burning Star! We all believe in you!"

Firestorm added in, "Yeah! Kick this god's flanks till their red!"

Freedom made a series of signs that translated to "Kill the bastard!"

The Alicorn of Fire nodded and surprised Doom Star with a lightning fast tackle wreathed in fire, it flung the godly being to the floor, which shattered from the impact.

Doom Star smashed Burning Star in the face with both his back hooves, drawing blood, but not before Burning Star retaliated with a swing of a recently generated energy sword, it glanced off the God's wings as Doom Star went airborne.

With a wave of his hooves, Doom Star created dozens of dark magic bolts and unleashed them upon Burning Star.


Burning Star glared up as Doom Star sent the whole cloud of dark magic careening towards him, he smirked and prepared his own spell.

A protective red gel-like substance formed around Burning Star, it caught the storm of dark missiles and stuck them in place.

Burning Star suddenly shouted.

"Slime Repulsion Burst!"

The ball of slime fired upon Doom Star, the dark missiles still lodged in the gelatinous substance, mere inches from his body.

Burning Star fired a spark of magic from his horn, and the gel exploded into a massive blast, the missiles colliding with Doom Star.

Each warrior was flung away by the blast, Doom Star ended up crashing through a row of trees and landing in a fountain, which was soon blown sky high by a burst of hate-filled dark magic.

Doom Star slammed the ground with his front hooves, screaming at the top of his lungs.


Burning Star took flight and saw the attack rush under him towards the Guardians, who were just now getting to their feet.

Burning Star shot a large ring of scarlet flames at the trio, saying as it encircled them.

"Blazing Ring!"

The flaming ring effortlessly blocked the shockwaves from Doom Star, and bought the Guaridans enough time to re-arm and stand tall.

Firestorm flew into the air, hovering next to Burning Star and spoke to him, "Nice block there, bud. When did you get so protective of little ol' us?"

Burning Star said not a word, but his expression said it all to Noble Blade, before the Alicorn of Fire dived headfirst towards the eldritch monster that is Doom Star.

Noble spoke to his two friends, "He finally gets it... we must get some assistance!"

He pointed to the sack that Burning Star had dropped during his first fight with Dark Star. "Quickly! The Distortion Orbs!"

Firestorm dived towards the bag, before a massive blue and black portal ripped open above them...

and Prince Eclipsio rushed out, his horn ignited and firing bolts of power upon Doom Star.

Eclipsio shouted down to Doom Star, "HEY UGLY! You want to wreck a world? I have access to all of them! Come get me!"

Doom Star snorted like a bull and flew after Eclipsio, Burning Star trailed after Doom Star, the two exchanging blasts of magic before being swallowed up by the portal.

Firestorm looked to Celestia and Luna, who had recovered during the scuffle.

He said to them, "Is that prince mad?! He is giving himself up to Doom Star?!"

Celestia shook her head, "No Firestorm, he is luring the God of Destruction into a place where they won't destroy any more of our worlds, a space in between..."

Celestia and Luna picked up the Guardians in their telekinesis and flew off into the portal, which shut with a flash of light.


Noble Blade had closed his eyes to protect himself from the flash of the portal vortex, now he opened his eyes to see a jarring sight, so much so that his jaw dropped.

Firestorm's jaw also hit the floor...

Freedom Fighter's red eyes went wide with surprise as well.

Before them was a massive emptiness, changing in rainbow colors and distorted, like ripples in water.

Free-floating in the void were islands of varying landscapes, each of different sizes and shapes.

Noble stared in awe as they passed by a massive ancient Trottish castle, which floated across the void like a ship across water...

Another marvel was floating islands, covered in ruins and pillars from some forgotten age...

A blue police box for some reason was flying slightly off to the right...

Noble was about to take a mental note before the damn thing vanished in a flash of light.

Finally, a huge city, possibly twice the size of Canterlot, was ahead of them.

Celestia and Luna were in awe as well, but they needed to concentrate on not letting the Guardians fall into the endless abyss below them.

The princesses set the Guardians down at the edge of the massive city, where Noble asked, "Where are we?"

Eclipsio flew down to them, leaving the battle between Burning Star and Doom Star for a moment, before saying, "A better question, Noble, would be... where aren't we?"

Freedom signed out, "What do you mean, spooky?"

Eclipsio read the signs and responded, "Well everypony, welcome to the realm of Nil, a place which is without place..."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Once again, What do you mean?"

Eclipsio began to explain, "Well... I don't entirely know how to explain this realm, Luna. I don't entirely understand what this is or isn't. I came across it one day and named it Nil."

He continued, "As for why are we here? Nil is a realm that changes and shifts randomly, nothing is permanent."

He pointed to the portals above them, one lead back to Eclipsio's chambers, the other lead to the Guardians world.

"Things, ponies, everything comes and goes here, it is the space between my world and yours, serving as my highway between various worlds, does that explain everything?"

Noble shook his head, "No, but it's probably the best answer we are going to get right now. Where is this place? This city?"

An explosion went off as Doom Star flung Burning Star through a building, to which the Alicorn of Fire retaliated with a blast of searing fire, it hit Doom Star and burnt one of his bat wing membranes, causing him to lose control and crash.

Prince Eclipsio sighed as he said, "Well, this is the City on the Edge of Oblivion, or Nilville as I call it. It never stays the same, and thus it cannot be destroyed."

Firestorm interrupted, "That's why you opened up a portal here! So the two of them could unleash all Tartarus upon each other and not worry about collateral damage, right?"

Prince Eclipsio nodded, "Yeah... also because every time you guys would fight and destroy the landscape on your world, since our worlds are so close, the amount of force being applied has the same effect on our world, and thus every time you blew some stuff up on your world..."

Noble finished the sentence, "Your world would also suffer damage?"

The Alicorn of Eclipses nodded and finished his statement, "Since this realm of Nil isn't connected to anything in particular... its safe to bring these two here and have them go all out than to risk destroying either one of our worlds."

Freedom Fighter looked up to see Doom Star throw a spear made of dark magic right at them, before the group could react, he leapt nearly 20 feet in the air with his weapons drawn and whacked the spear away into a nearby building, which then exploded.

He landed without a sound in front of Celestia. Freedom thought to himself, "That was close. Few seconds more and we would be dust in the wind."

Celestia spoke to Eclipsio, "I hope you intend to stop this madness, Prince Eclipsio. Even if this place is separate from both our worlds, that doesn't mean that Burning Star will survive this battle without our aid!"

Luna watched in horror as Burning Star was smashed into a building, and crushed by another.

Doom Star still continued his bombardment of Burning Star, saying as he unleashed all of his might upon him.


Burning Star staggered to his feet, his body cut and ripped nearly in half, his femurs were visible and his back was broken. His wings were bent and tattered...

In short, He looked as if an entire building... or entire buildings had fallen on him... which they did.

Burning Star was mangled, but his legs stood firm, he was in excruciating pain... but his will was as strong as ever.

He spoke right to the self proclaimed "God of Destruction", his mouth oozing dark red blood as he said.

"Huh... Huh... I thought you were a God of Destruction, ack!" He coughed up blood, "Yet here I stand... still alive, with my world and the Guardians world still in... grk... one piece."

He lifted a hoof weakly and pointed it at Doom Star, "You are no god, neither am I... neither is Celestia or Luna... therefore nopony will ever stop our fight. you and I will forever be locked in conflict until the end of time, should this future take its course."

Burning Star pointed upwards and ignited his horn, "Or I will take option two."


Noble watched, tense as a tightrope as Burning Star stared down possibly the most powerful being in existence while he was at his weakest.

There was silence as Burning Star lowered his hoof to the floor and said, "What is Option 2? Simple..."

Suddenly, Burning Star unleashed a large beam of scarlet magic that plowed Doom Star 20 feet into the ground.

"I stop holding myself back..."

The Alicorn of Fire exploded into a ball of light that seemed to blind any who looked at it, illuminating the darkened city streets with a light that made the sun pale in comparison.

Doom Star tried to stand, but was pelted by a blast of magic that shot him into the air and into a solid concrete wall.

Noble Blade managed to see Burning Star emerging from the ball of light, but his appearance was much more incredible.

Before Noble and the Guardians stood an alicorn that was the same height as Doom Star, it was covered in chrome black fur and seemed to have shimmering rainbow light pouring off it.

A halo of multicolored flames danced above his head, his Mane, tail, and wings were also wreathed in rainbow flames that seemed to shine brighter than any star imaginable.

The Alicorn's eyes were golden in color, and had the same multicolored fire pouring out of them.

Celestia, Luna, Eclipsio, and the Guardians each felt their postures waver as the new Alicorn strode in front of them.

It was Burning Star! He had triggered some new form... Or something along that line.

Whatever the case, Burning Star had transformed into some sort of Rainbow-Flamed Alicorn...

The question still echoed in everypony's minds.

"What in Faust's name was going to happen?"

The group got their answer when the rainbow Alicorn spoke "The Alicorn of Fire has finally embraced who he is... his mind and body have been balanced... and thus I have come forth to stop you, Doom Star."

Doom Star fired a storm of dark magic spears at the flame-wreathed behemoth of a pony that slowly walked towards him, said pony swatted them away and they exploded in the distance.

The Alicorn of Rainbow Fire, from what Noble assumed he was called... spoke again.

"You have attempted to destroy two worlds for no reason other than petty revenge for something that happened many years prior... something that you still let haunt you... how sad."

The God of Destruction summoned a cluster of flaming meteors and hurled them towards this rainbow colored being.

The Rainbow Alicorn took one glance at them... all the projectiles shattered into dust and he continued his advance.

"Now I see why Burning Star had locked you two away, to protect himself and his allies from the wrath of his mistakes. Now that he has let go of his fears of you, I HAVE ARRIVED."

Doom Star unleashed a shockwave, "STAY BACK! I'M WARNING YOU!"

The Rainbow Flame Alicorn stopped moving, seeing the shockwave level all buildings in front of him...

He sensed The Guardians and Royalty behind him... and threw up a massive golden energy barrier the size of a castle wall that blocked the destruction and dispersed the flying rubble and debris away from the group.

Freedom Fighter wanted to jump into the fray and fight Doom Star, and he took a step forward.

the Alicorn in front of them turned his head around to face Freedom, his golden eyes practically boring a hole in his skull and causing everypony, even him... to step back in superstitious awe, before his head turned back to Doom Star, his horn now ignited.

His horn charged up with a blazing rainbow light that burned with the intensity of a volcano, he said three words that shook Doom Star's resolve to its core.

"Ok... My Turn."

The Guardians heard a noise similar to a speaker being blown from too much stress as the Rainbow Alicorn fired a MASSIVE white laser blast as wide as the street, it collided with Doom Star and sent him flying through dozens of abandoned houses, collapsing them on top of the great destructive beast. He finally stopped when he hit a outpost tower, with crumbled on top of him, burying Doom Star in bricks and concrete.

The impact of the laser was so great that it split the ground it passed over, carving a vicious slice in the ground and sending rocks and dust hurling into the air, even the very fabric of reality seemed to shudder as the laser tore across the city.

When the attack stopped, a good bit of the city was reduced to nothing... a flat wasteland of grey ash and upheaved rock.

Noble and the Guardians finally found the courage to step towards the wondrous titan of power and slowly made their way through the wreckage of the city towards the rainbow Alicorn.

(Pause music)

The rainbow-flamed alicorn turned to the Guardians of the Sun and they instinctively dove into cover, hoping not to be noticed by him.

Despite being thankful that this being just blasted Doom Star across the ruined city and far enough away that they could relax a bit...

They were terrified of him because he also just leveled DOZENS of city blocks with a single blast!

Freedom signed to Noble Blade, "What are we going to do about that thing?"

Firestorm whispered to Noble as well, "First off, we gotta find out what IS that thing?"

Noble took a breath, and steeled his will for something incredibly brave, and possibly incredibly stupid.

Noble stepped out of the shadows and into the view of the alicorn that just kicked Doom Star's ass.

The Knight spoke to the Alicorn, "Greetings, Alicorn. Pardon me if I ask, but who or what art thou?"

The Alicorn walked up to Noble Blade and ignited his horn, which dragged both Firestorm and Freedom Fighter out of their cover, their hooves pinned at their sides.

The Alicorn looked at the three ponies and gave a snort of amusement, his voice lowering as he said, "Hmph, how curious... you cower with the other Alicorns before while I faced that creature, now you come to approach me with some semblance of bravado."

The Alicorn began to walk in circles around the trio, Noble felt this beings gaze on him and his friends... almost as if he was studying them.

"Do you do it out of curiosity? Out of fear? Or both?"

Noble Blade slowly reached for his sword, only for the Alicorn to snatch it off his back with frightening speed, he also removed the weapons of all other Guaridans, holding them in his telekinetic grasp.

He said with a little ire in his voice, "Why did you try and draw weapons against me? These blades would not harm me. Then again... you draw them to defend yourself from the wrath that you have seen me use against the "God of Destruction." So I understand your unease."

The Alicorn grasped Noble Blade's sword in one of his hooves, analyzing it.

"An rather ordinary magic sword, forged from steel... yet when you run magic through it... the Alicorn's horn ignited and the sword blazed with bright multicolored flames. "It becomes extraordinary."

Noble Blade smiled, "I'm quite proud of my swords power, do you find it interesting?"

The Alicorn gave Noble Blade a glance of boredom, then moved on.

He then moved on to Firestorm's twin katanas, "Iron-Aluminum Alloy Katanas, designed to be light and strong for close range and fast combat, they are coated in oil, intended to be set ablaze, are they not?"

Firestorm made a smirk, "Yep. Pretty clever right?"

The Alicorn looked at Firestorm with a unamused glance, then sighed "Yes, very clever... for a simple Pegasus."

He finally moved on to Freedom Fighter's battle staves, saying "a pair of steel rods fashioned in the shape of twin staves, intended for blunt force attack and can have attachments affixed to them. Very versatile, but not very effective against a sufficiently intelligent opponent like myself."

Freedom Fighter gave a snort of frustration, which was quickly silenced by the Alicorn staring him right in the face, which shut him up.

Noble asked the Alicorn, "Why do wish to study our weapons, sir?"

He returned the weapons to the Guardians and said, "The reason I am studying you and your armaments is because..."

He paused for a second as the group heard a roar.

Doom Star was charging down the Rainbow Flamed Alicorn, he was coated in black-blue lightning.

The Alicorn simply blinked and ignited his horn for a second, saying briefly to the Guardians.

"Get behind me and put up a shield around yourselves. I'd prefer not reducing you to ash."

Noble did as he was told and put up his strongest shield as the Alicorn charged up an even bigger blast, waiting till Doom Star was right in front of him.

Then... he fired, sending the Alicorn of Destruction flying away into the distance, while also reducing more the surrounding buildings to rubble from the recoil.

Noble was surprised his shield was able to withstand the blast of pure power.

The Alicorn signaled to lower the shield and he continued. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by that idiot... I am studying you and your armaments because I'm trying to figure out How and why..."

Firestorm asked him, "How and Why... what exactly?"

The Alicorn continued, leaning his head in, "How did you manage to handle Dark Star and Dawn Star in combat, beings of pure, primal, and unrestrained magic, on your own. And why... why did you risk your lives for my world? A world you all have nothing to do with whatsoever?"

Noble responded with a smile, "Do you really need a reason to do the right thing? Your world and my world was in danger, My friends and I certainly were not going to sit idle and watch two worlds be ravaged, we did what we thought was right, and we saved the day, didn't we? While I'm asking, care to introduce yourself?"

The Alicorn suddenly bowed in respect, "Ah Yes... I guess you did save the day from Midnight Sparkle. And for a name? I am Burning Star's awakened form, but as that is too complex I will give you a more simple term to refer to me by."

He spoke his name, "You may call me... Pure Star, Burning Star's full might and pure power, awakened to the world once more."

He snatched the Guardians weapons away again, "Now if you excuse me, I have a Demonic Alicorn of Destruction to kill, and I require your weapons. I believe that King Sombra told you that they are coated in Alicorn-Bane... the only thing that can kill an Alicorn for good."

Pure Star took all three weapons and began to channel his magic into them, they began to fuse together.

Noble's Sword made up the majority of the weapon, as Firestorm's Twin katanas lined both edges of the blade, Freedom's twin Staves bolstered them together, and the hilt grew into a long bar.

When the weapon was complete, it floated down into the left hoof of Pure Star, who leveled the sword in front of him.

Noble asked Pure Star, "What are you going to do?"

Pure Star responded, "Well... I'm going to kill a god. So I suggest you stand back, lest you get reduced to dust."

Doom Star charged down Pure Star again, a black and blood red scythe in his hooves, coated in black fire and practically searing the floor as it dragged along the ground. His eyes were filled with hatred and pain.


"Hatred is such a fickle emotion, always changing... useless under the wrong circumstances, but yet it drives you so much. Why? Why be so filled with malice and spite towards everypony, even those who had nothing to do with you? For me, and certainly for Burning Star, I take things that disagree with me with a few, maybe even one grain of salt, but you never let go of any pain inflicted on you, be it physical or emotional. You embrace it, let it rule you."

Pure Star rushed Doom Star and began to raise his massive sword, funneling his immense magic into the center of the Blade. He said with steel in his voice.

"For the safety of all life, even yours... your existence must end! You will die by my Blade, or by my magic. Whatever the choice or method, I will kill you, Doom Star, I must save you from yourself."

Doom Star clashed weapons with him, stopping the two Alicorns cold, he spoke, so much venom in his voice that you could feel it figuratively poison the air around you.


(Resume 1st music)

The battle resumed, and The Guardians of the Sun looked on in awe as Pure Star parried a strike from Doom Star that fractured the ground below him from the force of the impact.

Pure Star retaliated with an upwards swing of the sacred sword he forged from the Guardians weapons, it cut Doom Star's chest, which bled bright silver blood, Doom Star countered with a spinning slash of his scythe, slicing Pure Star across the face, cutting his snout and causing golden blood to flow from his nose.

Doom Star created a stream of massive dark lightning bolts and hurled them at Pure Star, intending to vaporize him.

Pure Star roared into the air and called down a beam of burning light from the sky, which blocked the incoming lightning and hit Doom Star right in the back, scorching the dark beast and causing him to crumple to the floor.

Pure Star took a kick to the gut from Doom Star, sending the Sacred Blade sliding towards the Guardians, he was pinned down by Doom Star's powerful telekinesis, and felt the force of nearly 20Gs on him.

Doom Star now hammered him with multiple meteors, until they were blocked by a magic shield...

Doom Star looked over to see Noble Blade using his magic to its highest possible level, blood started to ooze from his nose as he was pushed to his magical limit and past it.

Noble spoke to his friends, "Go! We have to buy Pure Star some time to recover, we can do this... I know it."

Firestorm asked Noble, "How are you so sure of yourself, Noble? This monster has just smashed Pure Star into the floor, and you think we can take him on? On our own, no less?"

Noble looked to Freedom Fighter, and then to Firestorm, then smirked. "I have faith in us, Guardians. I know that everypony is counting on us to stop Doom Star, and that is what we are going to do. We swore an oath to protect Equestria, even at the expense of our own lives. It's not only our Equestria that is threatened, it's every Equestria... and I know we can defend those worlds from this... demon, then I'm willing to give my life to stop this monster. How about you two?"

Firestorm looked over to Pure Star, who was struggling under Doom Star's powerful gravity magic.

Freedom Fighter didn't need to hear anymore, he remembered his oath... his duty.

So he charged into the fray, taking up a piece of rebar he ripped out of the ground, before jumping up and smacking Doom Star across the face, he landed in front of Pure Star, assuming a defense stance.

Firestorm took a deep breath, pulling out one of his knives, and lunged at Doom Star, dodging a storm of spears himself before plunging his knife right into the God of Destruction's chest, where it caused the dark beast to shriek in pain, as he slowly released his grip on Pure Star. He landed in front of The Rainbow Alicorn, his teeth bared and hooves spread wide, hoping to block any attacks coming from Doom Star.

Noble seized the opportunity that Doom Star was weakened and grabbed the sacred sword and ignited his Horn, charging it up with his signature blue aura. He leaped with the blade in his hooves, uttering a battle cry that would have scared even Nightmare Moon...

Before slashing downwards with all his might, carving a massive gash across Doom Star's side. This caused the dark Alicorn to lose his focus for a brief enough moment for Pure Star to get up and cast his own spell.

(Stop 1st Music)

(Begin 2nd Theme)

"Heavens Fury!"

Another beam of searing light crashed down upon Doom Star, setting him ablaze with holy fire.

Pure Star stood up, lifting his hoof, pulling the sword from Noble's grasp while saying to him, "I will be needing that back. If you need weapons, then here."

Pure Star duplicated the signature weapons of the Guardians and handed them over. Noble Blade's magic sword, Firestorm's flaming Katanas, and Freedom Fighter's fighting staves.

The Guardians assumed their battle stance, and Pure Star stood behind them, his sword glowing a bright white.

Celestia shook her head, she couldn't watch any longer! She was an Alicorn, she won't let her world or any other fall to ruin from this... nightmarish thing. She conjured up her signature halberd, the Sunsplinter, and rushed to the side of the Guardians.

Luna grimaced in irritation, Celestia had the right idea... defend their world and other worlds from Doom Star, so she created her broadsword, the powerful Moonbeam Slicer, and dashed off to Celestia's side. She was ready to defend her home, even at the cost of her own life.

Prince Eclipsio knew he would follow Burning Star to the ends of the earth, that the entire fabric of reality was in danger! He summoned the Spacecutter, a double edged axe shaped like a reverse crescent. He quickly dashed to Pure Star's side.

Doom Star saw how the Alicorns of Sun, Moon, and Eclipses were standing in front of Pure Star, and his face assumed a manic grin.


Princess Luna snorted, "You will not succeed with this disaster, Doom Star! We will stop you and this cataclysm once and for all!"

Celestia continued, "Doom Star, what gives you the right to destroy our worlds? Just because of your petty vengeance and feelings of hatred towards ponies? I don't think so, you monstrous beast."


Doom Star was quickly hit by a beam of silver light that sent him sprawling onto the floor. It came from Eclipsio who said to the group, "I believe the time for talking is over. The time for defeating this evil being is now!"

Luna and Celestia nodded and struck Doom Star at the same time before he could get his balance, thehy both unleashed a storm of magic lasers from their horns, pelting the God of Destruction.

Doom Star smashed a large building into them, sending them flying back, when Firestorm slashed into his side with his katanas, to which Noble Blade followed up by thrusting his sword into the open wound, causing the dark beast to shriek in agony.

Doom Star threw his scythe at them, but it was knocked away by Freedom Fighter, who delivered a crushing blow to Doom Star's skull with his staff, hearing an audible creak as the steel staff nearly snapped in half from the blow.

Doom Star unleashed a torrent of blue-black flames upon the group, which was shielded by Pure Star putting up a large golden barrier, before he unleashed a storm of magic missiles that exploded upon impact with the dark alicorn. He followed up with a slice from his sacred sword, cutting deep into Doom Star's body.

Doom Star punched Pure Star in the gut, before attempting to hammer his hooves into his back. Pure Star noticed this and immediately blocked the attack, before grabbing and throwing Doom Star to the floor.


Freedom Fighter impaled Doom Star upon his staff and smashed him into the ground over and over, each smash lessening some of the stress he felt while fighting this thing.

He finally stopped by throwing Doom Star into a building and mentally saying, "Puny god..."

Before Doom Star could even stand, Pure Star fired a blast of magic that blew up the building he was in, dropping rubble and dust upon him. He smashed his way out and roared like a demon.


Doom Star immediately funneled as much of his destructive magic to his horn and created his most devastating attack, a giant black and blue sphere made of unstable magic. This Attack could wipe out cities, and he was busy creating his largest one yet.

Pure Star looked back to the group of Warriors and said, "This is out only window to stop Doom Star for good! That Armageddon Orb attack can be deflected, but I'm going to need every ounce of magic power we have!"

He raised the sword in his hooves skyward and said, "COME! Send the power to the sword!"

Celestia fired a golden beam of light into the sword, and the central blade took on a golden glow and a sun rune appeared on it.

Luna unleashed her blue beam of light and it was drawn into the sword, turning the Blade to a bright gray and expanding in size and causing a moon rune to appear.

Eclipsio added the final charge, his silver beam of magic, which made the blade at the center turn a radiant white, before shining with the intensity of a star.

Pure Star nodded, "Thank you. Now I will strike down Doom Star, so please stand back."

Doom Star screeched in an unholy tone and threw his attack forward, it was the size of Canterlot Castle itself!

Pure Star flew towards it at blinding speed, his sacred blade gleaming like the light of a star.

Through that form, Burning Star looked upon the portals to his world and the world of the Guardians, before looking back towards everypony who fought alongside him.

He said to himself, "This is for all of you..."

Pure Star finally got close to the ball of destruction and swung his sword as hard as he could...

The glowing blade sliced through the dark ball of death as easily as a hot knife cut butter.

Pure Star smirked as he delivered a series of rapid slashes and jabs, hacking and cutting away at the ball of death slowly.

Noble watched in awe as Pure Star unleashed his flurry of slashes with the speed of a raging tornado, his blade was somehow cutting the ball of destruction to pieces!

Doom Star noticed his ball was shrinking rapidly, and he charged it up more... it did nothing, the more energy he added, all of it was drained away from his attack.

Pure Star finally broke through the attack, which exploded right in Doom Star's face, blinding him to the Alicorn of Rainbow Fire rapidly approaching him.

(Put the volume of the 2nd song higher)

When his vision cleared, he was hit with a sharp pain as Pure Star ripped into him with a glowing sword.

His regeneration wasn't active! The Blade was made with Alicorn Bane!

Doom Star created a executioner's axe and tried to block the attack, the axe broke like a toothpick and he was struck again with agonizing pain from the glowing blade.

Pure Star started his finishing blow. He preformed a sequence of slashes that carved up Doom Star's chest.

He slashed in massive carving cuts, forming a Star pattern on the dark beast's chest. Each slice made arcs of light pour off Doom Star.

Pure Star finally finished off the series of strikes with a thrust that embedded the Blade in Doom Star's chest.

Doom Star, despite being in extreme pain and weak as hell, managed to get out a snarl, "Huh... I can still fight you... you horrid little Alicorn. Burning Star is still weak... relying on you to do all the work for him... ack. So I'm still better than you in every... huh... way!"

Suddenly, Pure Star's Form disappeared and Burning Star's original form appeared, he twisted the handle and said.

"You know... I really don't give a damn, just shut up and die."

Burning Star funneled all the magic he had as Pure Star into the Blade and activated its beam release mechanism.

A mighty roar of magic was heard as the beam on the sword blasted into Doom Star's heart... causing him to shake and shudder in pain.

Before the beam pierced his body completely, tearing through his flesh and bone.

Burning Star ran out of strength and fell to the floor, exhausted. But, Doom Star remained floating in the air...

His body began to develop cracks and breaks that light poured out of, his body began to glow a bright white as he thrashed about wildly...

Before exploding into a huge surge of light, blinding everypony that saw it. It illuminated the entire city in its bright white glow...

When it finally cleared, there was silence... and then the group realized what happened.

Doom Star had vanished! He was gone!

Burning Star slinked his way towards the Guardians and Noble asked him, "Is he..."

Burning Star cut him off by saying something that made everypony rejoice.

"Yes, its happened...

"Doom Star... is dead."