• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 985 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

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Chapter 9: Inner Demons

Author's Note:

So it's Brady's turn to write again, and I am going Begin with a big entrance of Burning Star's greatest adversary...


Also Noble drops some hard truth on Burning Star... he needs some advice even though he never asks.

Also next chapter we head back to Burning Star's world! Yes!

Music belongs to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the musical!

(Manehattan, Apex Hotel)

Everypony woke up tired in the morning thanks to the info that Burning Star had dropped last night.

In the past, Burning Star was the student of the Shadow King, Sombra. He thought that meant he would become just like him... he would become a monster.

That information shook the groups view of him, now they really had a reason to fear his powers.

But Noble and the other Guardians cheered him up, and kept that demon at bay... at least for now.

Noble awoke to the sounds of Burning Star humming a tune to himself. The knight got out of his bed and slowly opened the door to see Burning Star sitting in the armchair, staring at the crown of King Sombra... a solem look on his face.

The Black Alicorn noticed Noble and called out to him, "Noble Blade? What are you doing up? It's five in the morning, don't you need sleep like the rest of us?"

Noble approached Burning Star and asked him, "I should be asking the same question to you, Burning Star. Why are you holding King Sombra's crown and looking at it with tears in your eyes? I thought you left him because he betrayed you?"

Burning Star nodded, then wiped some mucus dripping from his nose. Noble observed his body language, he was upset and depressed, And Noble knew exactly why.

He spoke to the Alicorn, "Did you actually care for Sombra?"

Burning Star slowly nodded, a single tear running down his cheek, "Yes I did, he was like a father to me, he helped me discover my true power, and I feel like he honestly thought I was his son... Noble, he sacrificed his life stopping Sunset Shimmer, and left me his crown and armor to fill his shoes as King. I became a king, and I hated every minute of it."

Noble now was confused, "Then what was all that talk of being on a throne was the best thing in the world?"

Burning Star snorted out, "I am no royal like Celestia, I am a warrior king. So, while my title may be a king... I have left the politics to the government. My rash acts and short temper would endanger the safety of Equestria, so I became a warrior king to not drive Equestria to ruin."

The Alicorn turned to Noble Blade and sighed, "I lied to you, I said all that stuff to change the subject away from my past. I felt like I shouldn't bore you anymore with my sob story. Are you mad at me?"

Noble laughed slightly and shook his head, "Why in Celestia's name would I be angry with you? You told me a painful part of your past and you thought I would brush it off? Burning Star, I'm not somepony who ignores strife, be it internal or external. You being King Sombra's former student is very concerning, but the fact that you chose to leave everything about him, including the chance to be king, is what makes you stronger than he will ever be."

Noble put his hooves on the crown and placed it on the desk, he continued to speak. "Leaving an opportunity like that must have torn you up more inside than any childhood torment I could imagine, but I know that you had your reasons, and I respect that."

Burning Star smiled slowly, before embracing Noble Blade in a crushing hug, "Thanks Noble, I'm glad somepony finally listened to my full story instead of bailing out because it seems so unbelievably sad."

Noble was struggling to breathe due to Burning Star's immense strength, and he gasped out, "You... are, crushing me."

Burning Star let go of the knight and he took several deep breaths of air. He then turned to the Alicorn and said, "how about this... we go out today to get to know each other, maybe that will cheer you up?"

Before Burning Star could respond, Firestorm and Freedom Fighter walked into the room. Freedom raised an eyebrow underneath his suit's mask, he was very confused as to what's going on.

Burning Star turned to the pair, "Oh good. Noble has just offered to go out to have some fun today, you two want to join?"

Firestorm shook his head, "Nah, after last nights fiasco, I need to rest. So does Mr Strong and Silent here, we will see you later."

Suddenly, Burning Star stood up quickly and went to his room, Noble followed him in, wondering what was happening as he stared into the mirror.

Out of nowhere, Burning Star began to sing a song that was rather odd. Noble watched as the Black Alicorn sung its tune. It reminded him of a play he once saw, about a doctor who became a monster... then it hit him like a ton of bricks.

He sung out,"Its over now, I know so far. None should know the sorry tale of Sombra's side. and those who've died, no one must ever know."

Firestorm whispered to Noble, "Hey, what is he doing?"

Noble shrugged, "I don't know..." and he kept listening.

Burning Star continued, "They would only see tragedy. They wouldn't see my intent. The Shadow of Sombra's evil, would forever kill the good, that I had meant..."

"Am I a good man? Am I a mad man?"

The Rest of the group, Hiller and Quickfire, walked out of their rooms to see Burning Star singing to himself in the mirror, and they ran behind Freedom.

Freedom Fighter, along with the rest of the group, were surprised by the range of Burning Star's voice, he didn't know that this Alicorn could sing, none of them did.

The Black Alicorn continued, "Its such a fine line, between a good man and a..."

Suddenly, everypony heard an evil laugh from the room, and The Guardians drew their weapons, so did Quickfire and Hiller.

(Quick note, the lyrics below are shared. Color will indicate who is singing. Red - Burning Star, Black - Reflection of Sombra)

"Do you really think that I would ever let you go? Do you think, I'd ever set you free?"

Noble instantly recognized that voice and shuddered, but the Alicorn in front of him stood in silence.

More dark words echoed forth from the mirror, as the shadow of Burning Star began to extend.

"If that's so, I'm sad to say, it simply isn't so..."

The dark voice finally revealed itself, and Burning Star opened his eyes to see his worst nightmare, and it spoke the next words.

"You will never get away from ME!"

The voice was King Sombra, and now his face was in the mirror!

Noble braced himself for a battle of words, this was going to be freaky.

Burning Star sang out, "All that you are is a face in the mirror! I close my eyes, and you disappear!"

"I'm what you face, when you face in the mirror. Long as you live, I WILL STILL BE HERE!

"All that you are is the end of my nightmare, all that you are is a dying scream! After today, I will end this demon dream!"

Noble watched in horror as Sombra began to slowly emerge from the mirror, his eyes bleeding purple smoke.

"This is not a dream, my friend... and it will never end. This one is the nightmare, that GOES ON!"

"I AM HERE TO STAY no matter what you may pretend. And I'll be here long after you're gone!"

Burning Star retorted, "Soon you will DIE and my memory will hide you, you cannot choose but to lose control!"

"You cannot kill me, I live deep inside you. Each day you feel me devour your soul!

"I don't need you to survive like you need me, I'll become whole as you dance with death! And I'll rejoice as you take your final BREAAAAATH!"

Sombra bellowed out, "I WILL LIVE INSIDE YOU FOREVER!"





Noble couldn't move as Sombra's Shadowy form jumped into Burning Star, causing his eyes to shift back and forth from normal blue to sickly green, his voice changing constantly.

Burning Star voice began again, "Can't you see it's, over now. It's time to die!"


"If I die, you'll die too!"


Noble suddenly joined in, "Damn you Sombra! leave him be!"


"Noooo! Deep inside-


Burning Star suddenly stopped and forced the king from his body and collapsed, Noble suddenly started shouting, "No! Never!"

Sombra's voice responded, "Yes, FOREVER!"

Burning Star got up and said, "Celestia damn you Sombra! Take all your evil deeds and rot in Tartarus!"

Sombra started to vanish, "I'LL SEE YOU THERE, STAR..."

(Cut the song)

Noble Blade helped Burning Star to his feet and said, "Yeah, we need to get out for a walk... that was scary."

(Manehattan, Crystal Cafe)

The coffee shop was mostly empty, but not a lot of Manehatten citizens were okay with drinking later in the day, so it wasn’t unforeseen. Coffee shops got a fairly mild customer rate for being in Manehatten, however. After all, most of the ponies that visited were tourists. It wasn’t empty by any means, making it a comfortable environment for Noble Blade and Burning Star to hang out in.

The day had been mild so far. With the uncomfortable fact that Burning Star was an Alicorn, most of the ponies in his way had melted out of his path, and Noble Blade remained blissfully inconspicuous in his presence. They had gone sightseeing, had seen a few of the more interesting and eye-catching sights in the city, bought city merchandise, and had just tried to connect and talk with each other. After the disturbing song with Burning Star in the mirror, Noble had tried to get both of their minds off of the event by trying to get him to enjoy himself.

It wasn't going well... Burning Star seemed to react with the same feeling of indifference each time.

Noble thought to himself as the two sat drinking coffee, "Maybe if I put his hooves to the fire, I can get him to change his view on the world..."

For the moment, however, the two underground warriors hung out facing each other in a coffee shop doing nothing of extreme importance.

“How are you liking the city?” Noble asked him calmly.

Burning Star took a single sip of his coffee, a large Chocolate Chip Frappe the size of his horn. “It’s fine, I guess. I've seen my Manehattan, its really no different.”

“Did you ever do anything like this back in your own world?”

“Nah.” He waved it off. “I was too focused on the threats at hoof to really enjoy myself. Either that, or the fact that ponies tend to see me as some sort of god because of my wings.”

“Are you always like that?” Noble asked.

“I suppose so,” he said, setting down his drink. “Ever since Firebrand. I focused more on improving my magical prowess over my social prowess. Also, Emotions and me go together like oil and water, we do not mix well..."

Noble raised his eyebrows, “And you let yourself not forget about the event for all this time?”

“How could I?” he pointed out. “It’s not something you let go that easily. I lost my family and friends, Noble."

“But if a rope is sliding out of your hoof--if a situation is out of your control--if you hold a memory too close to you--letting go is less painful than holding on.”

“Don’t say that." Burning Star groaned, nearly becoming a snarl.

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“Because I don’t need any more ponies pointing out advice to me I don’t need. Other ponies tell me to "let go of the past" No, the past made me who I am."

“And you apparently know all that the world has to offer you? You need no improvement whatsoever? You are the epitome and paragon of absolute perfection?”

Burning Star huffed, “Noble, I’m not perfect, and neither are you. I don't want to be perfect, it would be boring really fast."

“I made no claim saying I was.”

“If we’re not perfect, what room do we have to tell each other that we’re doing something wrong?”

“Isn’t that what you do to the princesses all the time? Point out how they all stink and how they all need so much more room left to improve that they shouldn’t be proper rulers?”

Burning Star narrowed his eyes and his head began to smoke as he said in a loud enough volume to attract some stares. “NO! That’s different.”

“Explain to me why.”

Burning Star noticed the ponies staring, and waved them away with his hoof. He then continued, “If you’re in a position of power, you need more feedback than unquestioning obedience to every single little thing you do.”

Noble grunted out, “Questions are tolerated, Star. Dissent isn’t.”

“Explain to me the difference to me, then...” Star said smugly, echoing his previous words.

“Dissent is when you take a response to a question you had like a child and decide to try to overthrow the current position of power because you disagreed so hardly with the pony that knows what they’re talking about that you’re willing to abandon your common sense and your control.”

Burning Star’s smirk disappeared and he made a low growl in the back of his throat, a small fire slowly climbing up his tail. “I have not abandoned my common sense, Noble, I simply set it aside to make room for my survival instincts." he said patiently through his teeth.

“Then are you in control of your actions?”

“Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

“Then do something to correct them.”

Burning Star's temper climbed as he said, “Tell me what I’m doing wrong first. Because from my view, Noble Blade, I did what I had to do to survive.”

“You act aggressively towards everypony you meet for the first time, your heart is centered on glory and power rather than love and a desire to help, you bear extreme animosity to the rulers of the land I love for an act committed in another universe and over two decades prior, your actions often contradict each other with little to no explanation, you meddle in dark magic and call it progression in your life, you solve problems with violence first and call everypony lesser than your power weak and a pushover, and you try to excuse your harmful actions whenever we try to tell you that you’re going down a path that ought not to be followed.”

Burning Star slammed his coffee cup down at their desk and stood up. There was a wild, bestial fury in his eyes, and he felt like he was about to ignite. “Don’t you dare speak another word against me, Noble. I already feel bad enough that I still had "Him" running around in my head." he snarled.

A lesser pony would have cowered before that diamond-hard gaze from Burning Star's dark blue eyes. Noble Blade, however, didn’t. “Is this your normal reaction towards other ponies giving you feedback? Do you seek no improvement, Burning Star? Or are you content to stay in your current state of willful stiffneckedness and hostility to outside help?”

Burning Star drew heavy breaths as he sat back down. He avoided looking at Noble Blade. “Yes... I... No! UGH! I’m telling you, you can sometimes make me go very close to erupting at you, Noble. I've rarely done it in public, so you know that I am MAD if that happens."

“And to tell you the truth, you make me grow very close to erupting as well,” Noble said to him back, though his face was serenely calm.

“You?” Burning Star gave a short laugh, but he stayed angry. “You haven’t exploded at me once this entire time I’ve known you. How are you so stone-faced?”

“Because I know restraint, Burning Star. Because I know better than to let my emotions show in an argument. I have that power.”

“You call not showing your power...power? What in Equestria are you talking about?” Burning Star asked in incredulity.

“Of course,” he said simply. “I thought King Sombra taught you that. Control of your power, no matter how much of it you have, is the most important aspect of having it. The strong pony is the one that can keep his head in a heated debate and not explode it every time they get offended at something another pony might say to them.”

Burning Star glared at him. “Excuse me? Control? King Sombra did not teach me to restrain my powers, he taught me how to free myself from the opinions of others by smashing them under my own words.” he said in a sinister tone.

“You’re doing it right now,” Noble gently reminded him. “And you’ve done it every time I can remember you in a conflict, be it in words or action.”

Burning Star, with immense difficulty, leaned back and let himself grow calmer. The smoke off the top of his head disappeared. He breathed a sigh through his lips and looked back at Noble with a hard glance. “But if we ever get in a fight, Mr. White Knight, I’m telling you, I’d crush you and your selfless ideals faster than anypony you know.”

“And that won’t happen because we won’t fight, Star,” he replied swiftly.

“Pity, you'd be a good warm up. I could crush Celestia in a fight, Noble. You know it, I know it, Princess Celestia knows it, and everypony else that has met me knows it. Hell, I've Beaten DAYBREAKER, an evil version of your Princess.”

“What would fighting her and beating her prove?” Noble said.

“That I’m more powerful than her, of course. That my fighting spirit burns hotter than her sun! That... I'm BETTER."

“Oh, wow. You’re belligerent and eager to fight. You must be so powerful to initiate a fight with a pony you said yourself you could easily crush.” Noble had a little hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“I am better than Celestia, Noble. You might be a good leader, but I know how to rule.”

“And you rule by terror, Burning Star.”

The comment jolted him back, sending little embers into the air as he quickly combusted and even quicker extinguished himself, "WHAT?! No I don’t! I’m not like Celestia!”

“You’re eager to fight those you don’t like personally. You make threats of harm and dismemberment to harmless guards just doing their jobs, even going so far as to doing harm when your were younger. You decide to engage in revolt against the current rulers. You were trained under a tyrant. You have little to no self control. You spread your power in a form of obscene pride everywhere you go just to prove you're better than anypony. You insist Celestia and Luna have too much power and rule on fear, but how much better than them are you, Burning Star? And the best part, you still think that your sad backstory is an excuse for your frankly inconsiderate and rude personality!"

“I--” he started, then paused. And he frowned. He was right! How much better than them was he?

“You are no kind or benevolent ruler, Burning Star. Under your rule, not a lot of ponies would flourish and sprout good fortune because you decide to object to everypony that speaks out against you.”

The words made him shake his head in anger. “I thought you were the kind Guardian of the Sun. I already have a snarky know-it-all pony that fights well back on my world. He always says that "I can't be impulsive and rash anymore." So whats with the sudden shift of message, Noble?”

“I prefer to be kind, yes. But if I must speak bluntly, I must. I’ve tried to avoid that route with you, but I fear I must use it now.”

“I wouldn’t rule by terror! I am not Sombra!” Burning Star cried wildly, sending a wave of heat through the cafe. “The ponies I’d be in control of just won’t do anything bad because I’d make their lives better!”

“Right. And their fear of losing it is what will keep them in line. And so will their fear of if you decide to come after them if they’re uncomfortable with the life you give them.”

Burning Star gaped at him. Where had this come from? Noble wasn’t normally so harsh with him.

Before the Black Alicorn could retort, Noble continued, “Celestia and Luna are not unique in their motives and methods. Star, what you have to realize is that all rulers rule by a threat. But it’s whether they use that threat that decides if they’re despots or not. Celestia and Luna do have extreme power, but they decide not to use it. They don’t inflict harsh punishments upon their subjects if they don’t acquiesce to each and every part of their agenda. That’s what King Sombra did. He enslaved his subjects and put harsh burdens upon their backs simply because he could. Not Celestia. Celestia and Luna aren’t perfect, but they’re only mortal flesh, after all. Nopony is perfect. Besides, who do we know that’s eligible to take their position?”

“Remember what I told you when we first came to Canterlot? You know exactly who is fit to rule, right?" Burning Star asked. He was trying to ignore the effect the words Noble was speaking were having on him. “It could be you, you know.”

“And you must remember the answer I gave you, Burning Star. I’m not eager to assume the responsibilities of a monarchy. Those tedious responsibilities and those boring assignments they’d heap upon me would make me wish I was only a servant of the princesses. Besides, having too much power goes to your head and makes you become inflated with pride.”

“Nopony would tell you what to do, that is a freedom ponies rarely get." Burning Star pointed out.

“Nopony tells me what to do now, and I’m not saddled with all of those tedious responsibilities like paperwork and royal complaints to the throne. All I do is I go out into the borders of Equestria and have fun with my friends in destroying a threat. It makes me feel like I’m doing something, like I’m being productive and loyal. Like I’m doing a good thing for the ponies I care about.”

“Why do you care about Celestia and Luna so much? What did they give you that makes you their number one lapdog?” Burning Star demanded all of a sudden.

“They taught me in the ways of magic, alongside my father who taught me the ways of combat,” he answered. “Like my father and me, There’s always a bond with student and teacher. You of all ponies should know that."

Noble didn't realize at the moment how literal Burning Star was taking that.

after all... Burning Star was a descendant of King Sombra's family himself!

Although Noble didn't know that... yet.

Burning Star looked at the ground. “Let’s get off this topic. It’s making me uncomfortable.”

“Why does the truth make you uncomfortable?”

Burning Star didn’t answer, he just stared blankly at Noble.

“Why is the truth hard for thee to take? Why doth it pierce thee to the center and maketh thee to lose thy temper?”

Burning Star still didn’t answer him. He was deciding to listen to what he had to say before saying anything he might be refuted by.

“I think that you simply...had the wrong mindset, and when you are compelled to readjust, you lash out and you’re afraid that you were wrong, and afraid that we will force you to be remolded into a shape you aren’t sure is better than the one you’re currently in.”

“I am not afraid! I've never been AFRAID OF ANYTHING!" Burning Star lashed out. And then he silenced himself. He was just proving Noble’s point, wasn’t he?

“I actually think you’re more afraid now than you are or were at any other point in your life. Because everything you’ve ever known has come under attack and criticism. You are also on a new world with ponies of incredible power in your midst. The question now is, Burning Star, if you’re willing to improve yourself based upon what others tell you.”

“I don’t have to listen to this.” Burning Star drained his coffee in a single gulp. “I don’t have to listen to you.”

The Black Alicorn leaned right into Noble's face, the unicorn feeling his companions hot breath on his face, "And I don't have to listen to anypony, I have lived by that code my entire life, and now you are telling me that I have to listen to you? Do you take me for a fool, Noble Blade?"

“You’re right. You don’t have to listen to me, its your choice. But if you don’t, you are a fool and will fail against Midnight Sparkle. For she not only has power, she has control of her power. You do not. She has a plan. We do not. She can harm us. We cannot. Now, more than ever, we must stand united and strong. Now more than ever we must make the effort to improve ourselves and grow, for if we don’t, we will surely fail.”

Burning Star desperately tried to redirect the conversation. “And you also need to improve in other areas, Noble."

“Tell me where I must improve, then.”

Burning Star wracked his brains. Then he said, “You need to work on your combat skills. Every time we face up against Midnight Sparkle’s minions, there’s little you can do against her. Talking with her is not going to stop her, trust me. Celestia, Luna, hell... even I have tried to reason with her, her mind is damaged beyond repair. The only way I can get through to her is with violence... and it's the only way I've seen problems solved when it comes to power-mad godlike ponies."

Noble corrected the Alicorn, “Maybe that’s not an individual problem. Maybe that’s an issue we all need to confront together. If Midnight Sparkle must ever be defeated, we all need to come up with a certain plan to either banish her to Limbo or kill her. But like you said, there’s little we can do against her, but it is possible to beat her. So we need to all meet together back at our hotel and come up with something effective.”

Burning Star asked the knight, “Like a trap of some sort?"

Noble Blade smiled. “Yes. Exactly. Like a trap. And once we come up with this trap, all we have to do is…”

Burning Star gave a grin back. “Spring the trap. Actually... I have a friend back on my world that could help with this... care to take some R&R on my world?"

Noble Blade shrugged, "Maybe. What did you have planned?"

Burning Star smirked, "That's for me to know, and you to find out, Noble. Heh..."