• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 985 Views, 29 Comments

Sundered Universes - Super Ponyman

Following the events of Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred, Midnight Sparkle has escaped to another universe entirely, Burning Star's allies Quickfire and Hiller are sent to capture her, and have to team up with group of elite ponies for help!

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Chapter 14: In The Dark of The Night

Author's Note:

I'm doing two chapters back to back, since this buildup for the climax.

(Edited 4/11/18: Fixed some grammar and added some lines that got deleted.)

Anyways, if any of you get the reference in the name... we may be seeing An old friend again.

Oh, yeah we left off with Midnight mentioning wanting to summon

Music from Anastasia! God this music is awesome!

Art from Derpibooru! Also awesome!

(Castle of Darkness, Library)

The Castle of Midnight Sparkle was truly a sight to behold, with its sheer size that seemed to grow the more you looked at it.

Despite Midnight's denial that she was nothing like Twilight, the whole castle was a testament to her constant denial

The color scheme was purple, black, and had red and hot pink accents, not a clear blue and light lavender like the Castle of Friendship.

It was heavily inspired by older castles, having flaming braziers that spewed unnatural purple and black flames, filling the whole room with dim light, it gave the appearance that the castle was underneath a black light you would commonly see at dance parties across Equestria.

But for the practicality factor, it was most awful. The halls were like mazes, making it easy to get lost...

the rooms were huge and full of little shadows that invaders could hide in...

To Stygian, now storming down the hallways trying to find the library, it was his worst thing about living here.

While he could teleport everywhere like Midnight did, he found it wasteful expending magic, since he often saved his own magic reserves up in order to maintain himself as the Pony of Shadows during the heat of battle.

Unlike Midnight, he wasn't a pony with limitless magic, although he had astronomically sized magic reserves, there were two disadvantages with his Pony of Shadows body that made it more efficient just to walk around as himself.

One, his Pony of Shadows body was extremely costly, he remembered that a few months after he left Canterlot, he nearly killed himself from lack of energy when he found out he could turn into it again, he was in control of his power.

Two, While The Pony of Shadows was extremely powerful, perhaps powerful enough to take on and destroy Midnight... it was not the easiest thing to move around as... both the Pony of Shadows's mind and Stygian's mind needed to work in unison to just move the damn thing.

He once thought that, despite his energy weaknesses, he assumed the form was indestructible in every way...

Oh how he was wrong... so very wrong.

Ever since a few days ago, Burning Star figured out how to break the shell, now he can go for the chick inside.

That chick being Stygian...

The Pony of Shadows began to speak to Stygian as he walked into the library, no pony ever came here except Midnight when she was bored.

Midnight's library was filled with thousands of books, each of which she had read within a single week. They were all from Burning Star's world, since this world had not caught up in history yet... It took Stygian a week to finish just ONE BOOK.

The dark entity spoke, "Oh do not look so glum, my boy! We finally have a chance to destroy Midnight and you're going to ignore it?! When is this plan of yours coming into play, Stygian?!"

Stygian said something that took his other half by surprise, "Ok then Partner here is what will happen if I execute my plan now, supposed We kill her, then what? We will be alone in this war."

The Pony of Shadow was about to respond but Stygian cut him off, "If you're going to suggest we take on Canterlot, then it is a fools errand, we run into Canterlot again horn ablaze, Burning Star WILL cut us down like wheat in a field! He has shown that he can wound us, I have no doubt he has any problems killing us off for good!"

The Pony of Shadows snapped back, "No! We were wearing him down! I've seen his mind, He is weak, we can kill-"

Stygian roared at a volume that would have been more suited for the being he was talking to, and it shook the room.


The dark beast fell silent for once, and Stygian walked down the silent corridors of the library, searching for the file on this "Daybreaker."

Stygian wondered something,

who in Tartarus was Daybreaker?

Who He/She was, He/She sounded pretty strong if Midnight wanted this file to be brought to her.

Stygian remembered that Midnight had asked him to read the file. He opened it with a sigh and began to read aloud, since he knew that his other half was listening...

"Daybreaker, The Empress of the Sun."

Stygian stopped reading and said to his shadow, "Wait? Empress of the Sun? I thought Celestia controlled that burning ball of gas in the sky?"

The Pony of Shadows returned and manifested itself beside Stygian, saying "Yes, interesting. Perhaps there is another Alicorn who commands the sun... Keep reading! We must find out what or who this... Daybreaker is."

Stygian began to read, each paragraph was written neatly, so he didn't have to use a translator spell...

"Daybreaker... the empress of the sun... the solar tyrant... little is known about what Daybreaker is expect for one factor. Daybreaker is the hypothetical version of Celestia if she ended up like Nightmare Moon... she is brilliant, cunning, and a master of Alicorn Magic. Celestia only once saw herself as Daybreaker, when she peered into the dreams of a Unicorn called Starlight Glimmer, who had unintentionally switched Celestia and Luna's cutie marks in an attempt to mend their sisterly bond. Daybreaker fought Nightmare Moon in Starlight's dream, but both Celestia and Luna stopped their own personal fighting and Daybreaker was erased from existence."

Stygian slammed his hoof on the desk, snapping it in two, and he threw the book away, "What!? Oh come on! Then why in the holy realm of Faust did Midnight send me here?"

The Pony of Shadows pointed to a smaller book within the book, it must have fallen out during his little tantrum, "Hey Genius, there is more to this story. Look! Another book."

Stygian picked up the little book, its cover was made of hard red Dragonskin Leather, It had runes of magic etched on the spine, and it had the title "DAYBREAKER" emblazoned on it.

Stygian picked up the book with his magic grip, but it responded by blasting him with a large blast of magic.

The Pony of Shadows's body engulfed him and created a large magic shield, blocking the blast.

The book began to violently rumble and shake, it fired off stray bullets of magic that seemed to hit the walls of the library, inches from the priceless books.

Stygian remembered how much Midnight loves reading, and how he once heard describe that she once lived in a giant tree library when she was still known as Twilight...

When a giant demonic beast named Tirek appeared and started absorbing the worlds magic from nearly everyone in Equestria, Twilight was imbued with the power of all Alicorn Magic...

Tirek's reaction to seeing Twilight...

blasting a Horn Hyper Beam right at her house and destroying it completely.

Stygian apparently found out that Twilight Sparkle battled this "Tirek" to a standstill, Tirek thought he won when he bargained her friends lives for her magic, but the Element Bearers suddenly unleashed some kind of... Rainbow Beam... Rainbow Power... whatever, either way, they totally crushed him in one shot.

He was thinking off topic, TLDR... Midnight would obliterate him if her precious literature was destroyed.

Stygian moved his shield over the book and encased it in a magic bubble... where it still thrashed about.

The Pony of Shadows's body disappeared from around him and Stygian was left to carry the book, CAREFULLY, to Midnight's throne room. He silently dreading what will happen next.

(Midnight's Castle, Throne Room)

Midnight Sparkle sat in her throne tapping her hoof, she was not a patient mare today...

She had a Flash Sentry to get back to, and she wouldn't miss that for her minion Stygian slacking off!

Stygian opened and walked through the door with the book still in his little bubble, Midnight clapped with glee.

"Well done, Stygian. You found the book I was looking for... I'll take that from you please."

Midnight popped the bubble around the book and grabbed it with her own magic... before doing something Stygian hoped would not happen.

Midnight opened the book, laid it out on the floor, and spoke an UNSEALING SPELL!

The host of the Pony of Shadows was starting to put two and two together, that book wasn't about Daybreaker...

That Book is Daybreaker!

The Pony of Shadows appeared and covered Stygian in its body, it threw up a black shield barely in time.

With a blinding flash of light, and a loud bang, the book exploded into a burst of solar plasma and Stygian could only look for so long before he needed to shield his eyes from the bright light.

When the light died down, what he saw was extremely frightening.

Before him stood a White Alicorn with blazing fire for her mane and tail, she had bright orange and red armor on that had wing-like spikes on the breastplate. Sharp teeth hung in her mouth, and a forked tongue slithered out.

Her eyes were burning pools of dark orange and yellow with reptilian pupils, and there was a look of pure insanity in them.

Daybreaker let out a mad laugh, "Oh Finally! I was getting tired of reliving my defeat over and over! Now, I can finally take my rightful place as true ruler of this world, and my sun shall NEVER SET!"

Midnight cleared her throat to get the attention of the twisted version of Celestia, Midnight spoke to her, "Uh, down here Lady Daybreaker."

Daybreaker snapped her beck downwards to see Midnight Sparkle, and she gave an evil smile of satisfaction.

Daybreaker spoke to Midnight, "Ah! TWILIGHT! Glad to see you finally let your mane down like I have, tell me... did you find me, my most favorite student... or did that little coward over there do it?"

Daybreaker pulled Stygian from his hiding place, literally ripping him from the Pony of Shadows's shield and wrenched him closer, he winced at the bright light coming off of her mane. It was like staring into the sun... blinding.

Daybreaker began to speak again, "While you are a coward, I believe that thanks are in order, little Stygian. Oh yes, I know of you, and your friend in the shadows. But let me tell you this, host of shadows, cowards will not survive under my rule."

Daybreaker dropped Stygian like a bag of wet cement and he booked it for the nearest exit. The Pony of Shadows went with him.

Midnight Sparkle scowled, "I'll have you know I intend to make him my NEW number one assistant when this is all over, do not hurt Stygian!"

Daybreaker scoffed, "Hmph, fine. I see you've redecorated our old castle... well... THIS worlds Celestia's old castle, are trying to establish your own rule, Twilight? If so, way to go with the commitment!"

Midnight facehoofed and said in a deadpan tone, "Listen here, Daybreaker! we both know why I summoned you. You want to destroy Luna on this world or the other, maybe even both? So go ahead, but I have one task for you first. I have this group of warriors that are bothering me... you take them out as well as Luna, I can easily destroy this and the other worlds Celestia... How does that sound?"

Daybreaker smiled and nodded, destroying Luna, great... destroying TWO Lunas?! She was in heaven...

Midnight opened a portal to Canterlot, it was in the castle throne room, during the middle of the night.

Daybreaker jumped with glee into it, knowing full well how much she is going to enjoy destroying Luna's precious night with her rising sun.

Midnight whispered to herself, "Please, for the love of myself, do NOT LOSE. If you do, I have no choice but to launch myself against Burning Star alone..."

(Canterlot Castle, Central Hallway)

While everypony was asleep, clearly tired from the recent few days, Burning Star was talking with this worlds Princess Luna as the walked through the hallways.

Yes, he needed rest like anypony else... but he needed somepony to talk to about his inner demon. For that demon was clawing and screaming to get free.

Luna trotted alongside the large black Alicorn, she was listening intensely to his whole speech about what he was dealing with in regards to his dreams, which she noted were quite violent, well more violent than what he considered "normal"

Princess Luna asked him, "Does thou tell anypony other than Noble and us of this, "Dark Star" you have informed us of?"

Burning Star shook his head, "No, Noble and his friends found out on their own, I've only told you... well... other you, of Dark Star and his reason for existing. Is there any way to get rid of him?"

Luna put her hoof against his head and sighed, "Unfortunately, no. we... I mean I, do not have such power as to stop a demon such as this, the same goes for this Midnight Sparkle, you said your mentor knew how to stop Dark Star, yes?"

Burning Star raised an eyebrow, "What are you suggesting? That I just go back to my mentor and beg him to remove this thing?"

Luna nodded, "Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. While he's here, We can kill two birds with one stone and take down both Dark Star AND Midnight Sparkle at the same time! I am truly a genius, aren't I?"

Burning Star sighed, and said, "Listen, Princess Luna..."

His words were cut off by the sun rising high into the sky and burning with great intensity...

Wasn't it a bit early for Celestia to raise the sun?

Burning Star lost his train of thought as he heard several doors smashing as Princess Celestia flew through them right at him, screaming and covered in battle wounds.

Princess Luna was shoved aside as Celestia was physically caught by Burning Star, only for him to be flung back through another two sets of doors that led to the Guardian's and Hunter's quarters.

Freedom was the first one up and ready, had he slept in his battle clothing?

Hiller and Quickfire tumbled out of bed by the sudden impact, where they lay on the ground absolutely dizzy.

Noble was the first to ask, his tone filled with irritation from lack of rest, "What in the name of Tartarus deep was that!?"

He looked to the broken door and looked right to the end of the bed, where Burning Star had skidded to a stop by melting his hooves into the floor until they stuck like tar.

Burning Star picked up Celestia and felt for a pulse, there was one, but it was not very strong...

The Black Alicorn got up and pulled his hooves out of the floor, before creating a large bastard sword with a blade made of superheated rock.

He said in an icy voice that was quite ironic considering what his name was.

"Hey boys, We got company. Arm yourselves, Midnight has one last guest for us to entertain."

(Canterlot Castle, Throne Room)

Daybreaker was having the time of her life as she continued to increase the sun's output... it was turning a bright red, and the thermostat steadily rose.

Noble had his helmet and armor off, only his sword was on his back, yet he was still sweating buckets, as were the rest of the ponies that burst into the throne room.

Oddly, only three ponies were not sweating even a little.

Burning Star was fine for obvious reasons, The guy can light himself on fire, so sweat wasn't much of an Issue.

Hiller outright stated before that the Virus he has adapts to its surroundings...

But Quickfire was another case entirely... you would expect somepony covered in tightly-padded leather would roast like a turkey on Hearts Warming Eve... but all he got for a response was,

"I'll survive. I've been through worse..."

Daybreaker sat lazily on the throne of Celestia, admiring who walked in. A bright light obscured her from them.

She knew she would have to destroy the Guardians of the Sun, but there was no denying that they all looked really good sweating their flanks off.

Noble Blade didn't know who this was, but whoever this was, she posed a threat. This heat was sweltering and this light was blinding... but he will not falter now.

Drawing his sword, he said with all the strength he could. "Identity yourself, demon!"

Daybreaker smirked and said in Celestia's voice, "Oh Noble? You don't recognize your princess? Have you gone blind?"

Firestorm chimed in with a small quip, "We may go blind due to this freaking light, pal! Turn it off!"

Burning Star snorted in anger and ignited his horn, the light immediately disappeared, revealing the twisted form of Daybreaker,

This earned a gasp from Noble, a scream from Firestorm, and a snort of surprise from Freedom...

All Burning Star did was roll his blue eyes.

He thought to himself, "Come on Midnight, give me a new foe."

He stepped forward and assumed a battle stance, his large flaming sword was ablaze, making it look like a pillar of white light, even amongst the bright orange and red sky.

Burning Star stepped forward with bravery you would only find in dragons, "So, I figured it was only a matter of time before I would have to send you away again, Daybreaker! Tell me, does Midnight hold your flaming leash this time?"

Daybreaker stomped forward and roared, "She will be holding your HEAD by the time I'm finished tearing you apart! Your mentor isn't here to save you now! Ehehehe-Hahahaha-HAHA!"

Burning Star pondered what to say next, then he had an idea.

Reaching into his bag, he threw a Distortion Orb on the ground behind the Guardians, causing a portal to appear, leading to his world.

Noble screamed at Burning Star, "What are you doing?! We can help beat this... Daybreaker."

Burning Star shook his head and saw that Quickfire drew his blade, eye burning with white-hot fury, and Hiller created a giant blade out of one of his hooves, his own eyes dead set on Daybreaker.

Burning Star shouted back, "No! Your bond with Celestia will render you unable to harm her! I have an idea, go find my mentor, Noble! He can stop Midnight, we will hold off Daybreaker until you return, here!"

Burning Star tossed Noble a Distortion Orb, and said, "That Orb will not activate until you return with him! Now Go! Go!"

Noble watched Burning Star shed a single tear as he pushed Noble into the swirling vortex, and he and the Star Hunters lunged at Daybreaker.

He couldn't seal her, but he knew somepony who could...

(The Frozen North)

The Guardians fell into the icy dirt, they were back on Burning Star's world...

Noble collapsed to his knees and wept, he couldn't save them in time, Daybreaker and Midnight Sparkle would surely overwhelm them...

Or... he could take a gamble and hope that he... Burning Star's mentor... listens to him and doesn't kill him and his partners.

Firestorm flew into the air in panic, "What are we going to do?! We are stuck on his world with no way back! Meanwhile, your hot-headed friend is dancing with another demon that Midnight summoned from her possibly limitless Magic reserves!"

Firestorm grabbed Noble Blade and Freedom Fighter, somehow hurling them into the dirt. "All of this wouldn't have been prevented if we just killed him and his friends. Then, we would not be wading in our own blood!"

Noble slapped Firestorm, who was in tears, before saying "No, you idiot! We would be wading the blood of our family and friends plus our own! What about your sister?! What would she think of you if you gave up now."

Firestorm thought of his sister... what would she think of him?

Noble Blade drew his sword and pointed to the north. "We cannot sulk now... we must move."

Off in the distance, maybe 1-2 miles away, stood a giant black castle nestled in among the mountains like an egg in a nest of some dragon. It had giant black and silver towers, each reaching high into the snow clouds, a Great Wall stood about half a mile away from them... behind it stood... a long path leading to other little keeps, before ending at the massive castle.

He felt something alien on him... he reached into his armor and pulled out an unknown emblem.

He didn't put it there, perhaps Burning Star did?

It was a circular object, about the size of his hoof, emblazoned on it was an unknown logo.

The logo was a Red five pointed star of flames, surrounded by a quote in ancient Equestrian...

It read, "For safe passage past death, hold me at its doorstep."

He spoke to his partners, no, friends. "Listen, Burning Star said that he had a mentor, and that he went north, unless he wanted to freeze to death in the icy wastes, he would come here to the only place that was hospitable. And that place is supposedly here, now are you coming or what?"

Firestorm got to his feet, so did Freedom Fighter.

Noble signaled for them to clean up and get ready.

So they pressed on into the distance, towards the black castle and the great wall of dark stone...

From the black castle, watched a single batpony with red eyes and white skin...

An Albino.

The Batponies were much more resilient than the Pegasus to the cold, being able to grow fur around their necks and breast muscles.

And their tough, leathery wings do not freeze like feathers do because they are warmed by blood...

The albino bat pony swooped down and landed in front of a shadowy mass...

The Shadow spoke, "Wraith, what is it? Can you not see I am resting?"

Wraith bowed in respect, "I'm sorry, My Lord. But there is a trio of ponies approaching our third keep courtyard. They appear to be armed. Wait... one of them is holding up something..."

The Shadow got up and peered in the window. It saw something he never thought he would see...

A five pointed star of fire...

Suddenly, it said... "Well I'll be damned... cease fire." The shadow signaled to a team of archers that there was no threat.

The Shadow walked to the large chair in the room and sat down, before saying.

"Go my guards, let them in... they are friends of an old friend. They are to gain entrance, to my Castle Nevermore."

(Castle Nevermore, Throne Room)

Noble Blade stepped onto the last step of the cast staircase that lay on the side of the mountain, but they were let up without any trouble.

On another note, who takes time out of the day to build thousands of stairs up the side of a icy mountain!

Strangely, no guards were seen... or at least weren't seen. Freedom Fighter had seen some tracks from something... no somepony.

It took all three of them to open the great stone door. They each walked into the great room, it was still freezing in the room as is it was outside.

Freedom sensed something was up, all of them did. But they could only see darkness...

Suddenly, a voice arose from the back of the room.

"Who are you?"

Firestorm got into the air and shouted back, "Bigger question is who are you? You opened the door for us, thanks by the way."

The voice got closer, "Why do you have the seal of Burning Star with you?"

Noble chimed in, "Because were friends-"

The Guardians were suddenly knocked down by a powerful gust of wind from the roaring voice in the darkness. "LIES! BURNING STAR HAS NO ALLIES!"

Freedom heard the sound of many footsteps, somepony sounded the alarm.

And, probably this big blowhard here was stalling...

Noble finally cried out, "Ok... I've had it with ponies hidden in darkness. Reveal yourself to us, I know who you are, King of Shadows. I do not fear you anymore! Burning Star set us to find his mentor, you!"

Freedom and Firestorm looked at Noble Blade, both of them thought...

"What in Celestia's name was he talking about? Mentor?"

Noble snorted as he unsheathed his sword and ignited it into it's magic charged form.

But instead of blue, the aura was bright red... like Burning Star's...

The sound of footsteps stopped, and there was a piercing silence...

Before a slow clapping of metal covered hooves and a deep, short laugh.

"So Burning Star did send you... well this changes a few things... excuse me for a moment."

Suddenly all the darkness shrank away to reveal quite a large amount of ponies in armor, each with a weapon at the ready and pointing right at them.

The torches blazed to life and the shadow finally settled down on the great obsidian throne.

Noble scowled, "So what I saw wasn't a dream... you are alive."

Freedom and Firestorm looked up to see a great black stallion sitting upon a black throne, his eyes were a sickly green and held red slitted pupils. His black mane and muzzle had a little gray in it towards the edges, but nonetheless it was who they feared it was.

Before then sat the Shadow King, Sombra!

Sombra bellowed in a voice that echoed around them. "Welcome, To CASTLE NEVERMORE!"

Freedom had his hooves at the ready to draw his weapons, so did Firestorm... both of them knew one thing.

This won't end well if they messed up.

King Sombra trotted over to the trio and stood in front of them, he was massive, easily a head taller than Freedom Fighter.

He extended his own Weapon, a great War Scythe, and clashed it with Noble's sword, a small spark emerged from them. A sign of respect and trust amongst warriors, to come this close with weapons drawn outside of battle.

Suddenly a smaller voice piped up from the door on the right, and out stepped a purple unicorn with an icy blue mane. Upon her flank a caduceus sat, signaling a talent for healing.

The voice said, "Sombra? What is keeping you?"

Sombra made a quick 180 and said, "Oh Faust... Nothing, Hope my dear! We have company that's all... go back to bed, I will be with you shortly!" he whispered in all of their ears, "What in Tartarus deep are you doing here? Why would Burning Star send you?"

Noble spoke to him, a smug grin on his face, "King Sombra, have we caught you at an... "inappropriate" time?"

King Sombra snorted, "Don't joke with me, KNIGHT. I think I know why you are here... Burning Star has finally grown fed up with me and thus he sends his assassins to kill me." the war scythe suddenly flew back and ignited into a crescent of green fire. "I will kill you for your attempt on my life!"

The giant scythe was stopped by a pair of swords covered in fire, and a large battle staff.

King Sombra stood in shock, never had his swing been stopped by sheer force alone...

Firestorm screamed at him, "Jeez! Calm down, Mister! We aren't here to kill you!"

He put his weapon down and said, "Well... If you are not here to kill me, why did Burning Star send you three out into the wastes of the Frozen North?"

Firestorm spoke, "We are here to ask for your help, big man. So don't make us angry, or I'll sick Freedom Fighter on you."

Sombra took a look at Freedom Fighter and saw a reflection of himself in his eyes. They were cold and red, just like his...

King Sombra spoke, his voice was baritone, but somehow it was deeper. "Well, you obviously are not stupid enough to fall for my bluff and run charging into the darkness like many warriors before you... so, you have piqued my interest."

Suddenly, the guards surrounding them started to advance, Sombra put up his hoof, "Stop! They are not my enemy, they are guests for now, and I believe they have news for me. Now begone!"

With perfect unison, all the guards in Red and Black walked orderly out of the throne room, with Sombra's Royal Guard, in Gold and Black, moved to their kings side.

King Sombra ignited his horn, picking up the three of them in his magic grasp, disarming them instantly as well as summoning three guards.

He said to the Guardians, "My... companion Hope has a rule against no weapons when we are speaking. So I will be taking those."

Noble looked confused, "You see, I tend to have an itchy hoof for my scythe when communicating with beings that are new to me or beings that annoy me, or both."

Freedom was about to protest, but Sombra's voice stopped even him cold, "Do not worry, your equipment will be maintained and taken careful care of, my weaponsmiths never fail me, and thus they will not fail you."

Firestorm looked around at the long hall, despite being in a closed space, he felt no claustrophobia.

Sombra noticed this and smirked, "Do you have claustrophobia, Pegasus?"

Firestorm shook his head rapidly, "N-No! I'm fine!"

Sombra gave him a knowing look, "Yes you do, do not fret, my feathery friend. I have made my rooms large because many of my flying legions roost here in the very halls. So when I say I have eyes and ears everywhere... I mean it."

Firestorm scanned the ceiling and saw dozens of pairs of yellow and red eyes, as well as long fangs.

He thought to himself, "He has batponies?! Wow, I know he is evil, well... sorta, I'm not sure yet... but that is seriously awesome!"

Noble asked the king an obvious question, "Where are you taking us?"

Sombra smiled, his sharp teeth glinting in the torchlight, "To the meeting hall, and to get you three some coats, it's freezing in Frozen North."

Freedom signed out with his hooves, Noble translated, omitting some of the colorful language he used. "No Duh, Sombra. The reason he cannot speak is because he is mute."

Sombra bowed his head in gloom, "I know, I've met ponies in my travels with their entire vocal cords ripped to shreds, leaving any words they said a bloody gutteral growling mess... they could not even cry out in pain when killed, it is truly tragic."

Noble Blade and the Guardians were dropped into preserved Mahogany wood chairs, They suddenly had coats thrown on them as well. They were made of yeti fur, with was heat retaining and extremely resistant to cold.

Noble began to speak, "This is quite the impressive castle. How did you build this so far into the Frozen North?"

King Sombra smirked, "It is amazing how much you can accomplish when you have mastery over Dark magic, Knight."

Sombra pulled up his own chair, and leaned his large head on his hooves, "So tell me, you three. What brings you, under my former students command, to Castle Nevermore, hm?"

Firestorm spoke up, "Noble let me explain this one, ok?"

Firestorm took to the air and began to speak, "You see we come from another world entirely, an evil Alicorn has come to our world to conquer it..."

Firestorm went on and on, King Sombra slowly staring at him in utter enrapturement by the fast talking Pegasus's speech.

Firestorm finally landed and took a deep breath, "And that is pretty much it... so, yeah... Midnight Sparkle is on our home."

The name Midnight Sparkle made Sombra frown, he got up and said, "Well this is rather concerning, Why did I not see this coming? Of course that stupid spell I helped cast to send the windigos to Tartarus didn't reach her as well... now your world is doomed."

Noble spoke up, "It will be doomed you do not help us quickly, please!"

Sombra shouted, "NO! I will not involve myself in another conflict with that beast, she is your worlds concern, not mine."

Noble played his trump card, saying, "Also, she wants this world as well. So, wether you like it or now, you are going to have to face her again... also, Daybreaker is there too..."

Sombra raised an eyebrow, "Really now? Ok then, I will lend my assistance to your cause, I know it is sudden, but this world should not know the pain of Midnight Sparkle again. And Daybreaker, foals play, I have a vendetta against her, leave it to me. I have a curse to prepare to stop Midnight Sparkle, come with me."

Sombra ignited his horn and the fireplace extinguished, revealing a set of steps. The Guardians descended after him... knowing that this way lie answers.

King Sombra sighed, "I see now that my dark powers will not be wasted."

King Sombra lifted a jar of some sort into the air, it was filled with greenish-purple liquid. Pure Dark Magic! "And the last of Midnight Sparkle will Die! Gra-hahahahah-Ha!"

He suddenly looked around, seeing everypony recoiling in fear. He grinned sheepishly, "Whoops, force of habit... for me... evil is a second language."

Sombra ignited his horn and The Guardians had their weapons teleport to them, they were all polished and shiny... and etched with powerful runes.

Sombra spoke, "Those runes are a special spell I prepared for you. I call it, "Alicorn-Blight" It will allow you to injure Alicorns greatly, perhaps kill them."

King Sombra shut the opening behind him, saying, "Follow me, Guardians. My spell is near..."

Suddenly, guards appeared as King Sombra began to sing.

(For future notice, Bold Italics- Sombra, Normal Italics-Guards, Capitalized Bold Italics-both)

"In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning."

He swished himself around, "And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be!"

He levitated into the air, "It scared me out of my wits!" he suddenly exploded, sending body parts flying and rolling around. "A corpse falling to bits!"

His head rolled in front of Firestorm, and it suddenly started singing as well! "And when I opened my eyes the nightmare was ME!"

Firestorm screamed in terror, even Freedom was unnerved by Sombra's apparent disregard for... well... sanity, and King Sombra laughed, before reassembling himself.

"I was the most mystical mage in all Equestria!"

The guards started singing, "Ooh-Ah-Ooh."

He stepped forward to a table, "When the sisters betrayed me, they made a mistake!"


King Sombra created an image of the Two Alicorn sisters weeping over the loss of their student. "My curse made both of them pay. But Midnight somehow got away!"

The image focused on Midnight's face, "Little Midnight beware, King Sombra's awake!"

All the guards started singing,

"In the dark of the night evil will find her! In the dark of the night, just before dawn!"

King Sombra stopped in front of the warped mirror down in his secret lair-thing. Revenge will be sweet, WHEN THE CURSE IS COMPLETE!

"In the dark of the night...

Sombra snarled, "She'll be gone!!!"

Two female guards appeared, surrounding Firestrom. ooo-ooh-Ooooh-oooaa

He nervously said, "Uh ladies, not now..."

Sombra's Scythe suddenly flew to his side, "I can feel my powers slowly returning... Tie my cape and a dash of cologne for my smell!"

The Guardians were suddenly lifted into the air and guards tied his signature crimson cape and sprayed him with cologne, giving him the scent of fresh spruce trees.

The mirror created an image of Midnight Sparkle, "As the pieces fall into place, I'll see her CRAWL into place!"

He wheeled around on his heels, now standing On his hind legs, "Do Svidaniya, Midnight your grace! FAREWELL!"

The Guardians followed him deeper, absolutely amazed by his guards dedication, going along with his insane lyrics.

"In the dark of the night, terror will strike her!

"Terror is the LEAST I can do!"

"In the dark of the night, evil will brew! OOO-Ooh-Aaah-Ooo!"

He grabbed the three with his magic and pulled them close to his face, "SOON SHE WILL FEEL, That her nightmares are real!"

"In the dark of the night...

King Sombra cut them off, continuing to drag the Guardians downwards. "She'll be through!"

"In the dark of the night, evil will find her! FIND HER!

"In the dark of the night, terror comes true! DOOM HER!"

Sombra slammed the jar around his waist down on the ground, and Noble finally realized what he was looking at, it was a soul battery!

"My dear here's a sign! IT's THE END OF THE LINE!"

The guards began to slowly increase in volume, "In the dark of the night, in the dark of the night-"

Noble put up the strongest shield he could, knowing full well what happened next.

Sombra opened the soul battery, and pointed it at the hundreds of guards, "Come my minions! Rise for your master, let my evil shine!"

Noble noticed as each guard's soul was being channeled into Sombra, bulges began to form on his cape...

Oh no...

"Find her yes! Go, Fly ever faster!"

The last remaining guard sang as he flew towards Sombra "In the dark of the night, in the dark of the night, in the dark of th-"

Once Sombra had absorbed the last soul, exlcuding Noble's and his partners, he saw something that made him regret even coming here...

From Sombra's back, part of his cape ripped away where the bulges were...

and a pair of large, black and red, DEMONIC WINGS APPEARED!

Sombra screamed at a volume that shook the very chasm they were in, "SHE WILL DIE! Gra-Haha-Haha-Haaaaa!"

King Sombra, through some Dark Magic, soul stealing ritual, had become AN ALICORN!

The Guardians stood there, still in shock...

The Shadow King had ascended to an Alicorn...

They were doomed. Completely doomed...

(Cut the Song)

Sombra turned to the group, saying "Well I've been waiting for an audience to do this... ascending thing... judging by your reactions of petrified fear you are absolutely shocked that I, Sombra, the one pony who is LEAST LIKELY to become an ALICORN, became one. And just in time to destroy one of my greatest foes!"

Noble dropped the shield in fear, and Sombra picked up the group, they were still shocked and frozen. "Huh... guess I came on too strong, oh well..."

Noble unfroze and quickly used the distortion orb to open a portal and he ran screaming through, the other Guardians right behind him.

Sombra sighed, "I guess some things never change, well... Off I go!"

Sombra flew at blinding speed into the portal, which closed with a flash of light.

(Canterlot Castle, Courtyard)

Burning Star had been fighting Daybreaker for at least 5 hours now, it was hard to tell as the sun remained stuck at its highest peak... where were the Guardians?

Daybreaker had shown some signs of tiring, and he was now fighting alone, as Quickfire and Hiller were finally unconscious from heatstroke. He was running out of stamina as well, although he was evenly matched with Daybreaker.

Daybreaker would stirke him with her spear, he parried, slashing dozens of cuts into her.

He would swung his greatsword at her, she blocked it, and landed a few jabs into him.

Both of them were covered with wounds... and now were resorting to Horn-to-Horn combat. Dropping their weapons, They ignited their horns, turning them into energy blades, and began to slash and thrust away at each other.

The two took to the air and clashed blades, and sparks of magic rained down on the courtyard below

Burning Star spoke in his own Royal Canterlot voice, "You know Daybreaker, this is kinda like a dream for me... he blocked a slash and sent his own cut into Daybreaker's chest place, cutting it in two and sending her flying into the ground. "I... Burning Star, get to fight some of Equestria's worst enemies and win, its fitting I would fight Celestia in some form of another one day! And I get to kill her too!"

Daybreaker roared back, "I must admit this is quite the fitting way for you to die as well!" she took flight again sent an upward chop to Burning Star's face, giving him a visible scar and sending him flying upwards. "I've never actually directly battled you before, but seeing your ferocity now, I see why King Sombra chose you to be his student! But, you are unbelievably predictable!"

The two Alicorns clashed, their horns ablaze with energy, Burning Star shouted at the corrupt copy of Celestia. "You might know everything I'm going to do! But that's not going to help you since I know everything you're going to do! STRANGE, ISN'T IT?"

They both swung at each other and bashed the other away, Daybreaker spoke again, "Speaking of which, I'm surprised he didn't show up to our little showdown..."

A dimensional portal opened up, and the Guardians transitioned from running scared from Sombra to bravely charging towards Daybreaker!

Sombra himself rushed down Daybreaker, Great War scythe in his magic grasp, and landed a huge chop to her back, making her cry out in intense pain.

The Guardians let loose their own barrage of attacks, each one thankfully leaving a gash or bruise on Daybreaker.

Their weapons also seemed to give them some new powers to play with, and they were paying off immensely.

As soon as he drew his two swords, Firestorm flew at high speed, sending them slicing through Daybreaker, he was moving so fast that he was leaving afterimages of himself as he passed by.

Noble ducked under a beam of solar radiation and smashed the hilt of his sword in Daybreaker. To his surprise, Daybreaker suddenly froze in place, pinned by powerful petrifying magic. Noble swung away, seeing magic projections of himself swing in line with him for more than one slash, he finished it off by taking the back of his hoof and smacking Daybreaker with it and sending her flying back.

Freedom connected his two fighting sticks and began to spin them around, creating a vortex of magic, as he launched his strike, he suddenly spun like a swirling top, sending his staff repeatedly into Daybreaker's skull and body. He finished by sweeping her legs from out under her and slamming the end of his staff on her chest, hearing a crack as multiple ribs were broken.

Daybreaker used a pulse of magic to repel everypony off her, and she struggled to stand, finally getting up and flying into the air. She ignited her horn for her last ditch attack...


Daybreaker began to glow bright red and Burning Star immediately knew what she was doing, she was going to use her power to create a small star and detonate it, destroying most of the planet!

King Sombra turned to his student and said, "Get everpony back! Now! I'll summon the Devourer of The Divine!"

Burning Star put a shield around everypony and flew into the air, slicing Daybreaker up a bit more.

King Sombra used his scythe to cut a red circle on the ground and he uttered the words...


The Red Circle sprang to life, and a portal was opened up, and out popped the head of some Demonic Beast that looked like a dragon mixed with a crocodile... it had black and blue skin with purple spikes lining its back.

It roared out, and Noble strangely heard the trumpet of an elephant from Zebrica... what was this thing?

Daybreaker screamed in terror as she fell, "NO! NOT AGAIN! I HAD IT ALL! DAMN YOU ALL TO TARTARUS!"

Sombra smirked and said, "No, Damn you to Tartarus, Daybreaker... Because that is where this beast is from! Meet Gomorah, the Devourer of the Divine!"

Daybreaker fell headfirst into its mouth, and the great beast began to chomp and chomp and crush some more, until it finally swallowed, letting out triumphant elephant-like roar, before being sucked back into the portal.

As soon as the portal closed, the sun stopped burning the land with heat and a cool breeze began to blow... it was over.

The shield dropped and King Sombra took a deep breath, that summon had taken a lot out of him. Burning Star dropped to the ground and hoisted Sombra to his hooves.

King Sombra smirked, "I've been waiting to get my revenge on her for a long time. Hope she has fun in Tartarus! Grah-hahaha-Ha!"

Burning Star finally noticed the giant pair of wings on Sombra's back and responded with his eyes wide, "Since when did you become an Alicorn, old friend?"

King Sombra looked back and shrugged, "Since about 15 minutes ago... used that Soul Battery I had lying around to help, as well as half my guards as fuel."

Firestorm simply lay on the ground, completely blown away at the sight of that... thing.

Noble stood in shock, unable to move... what was that thing?

Even Freedom stood in total silence, well he was mute so he could speak, but still...

Burning Star teleported everypony inside to check on Celestia and Luna, as well as Quickfire and Hiller.

(Canterlot Castle, Throne Room, 30 Minutes Later...)

Burning Star sat next to Noble Blade and the Guardians of the Sun, he was trying to explain what just happened with the giant demon-thing...

While Sombra was negotiating with Celestia and Luna, who were back on their hooves thanks to Alicorn regeneration.

Burning Star started to explain, "What you saw out there was a demon from Tartarus. King Sombra and I can tap into Dark Magic to summon powerful creatures from portals, although it really drains our magic immensely... we only do it when it's time to bring in the big guns. I soon found out that Twilight could summon powerful beasts from the heavenly realm of Elysium like holy dragons, giant stone war machines, and great monsters the likes of which would give you nightmares, despite them being holy... they aren't that appealing to look at up close."

Firestorm snorted, clearly angry, "Then why didn't you do that before?!"

Burning Star hung his head, "Unfortunately, while I can summon these creatures, I have trouble controlling them. You see, it requires you to impose your will upon the beast, open the portal, and... direct it in the closet direction of your foe. The Demons of Tartarus and Angels of Elysium aren't the most eager to help us ponies anymore... a group of ponies from 500 years ago could harness them, but they abused their powers and their demonic and angelic protectors left them. Only now are we getting some of our old friends back."

The Guardians listened intently as Burning Star explained in detail about the event that happened 500 years ago...

Meanwhile, Sombra was talking with this worlds Celestia and Luna, he was trying to explain his reason for Alicornhood, and Celestia wasn't pleased to know that one of her oldest enemies was now on par with her in terms of power.

Princess Celestia asked Sombra, "Listen King Sombra, you must not abuse this new power of yours... why and how did you become an Alicorn, by the way?"

King Sombra shrugged and said in a nonchalant tone, "I figured I needed to be on Midnight's level to beat her, since she is an Alicorn and all, on the subject of how... used a Soul Battery to absorb the life energy of my guards, but do not worry, they are merely constructs, no living beings were harmed. I will be out of your mane when this is all over, I swear."

Luna pulled Sombra aside and away from her sister and she said, "I have terrible news for you, an evil being known as Dark Star has appeared in your students mind. We have an idea that you can defeat him as well as the monstrous Midnight Sparkle."

Sombra whispered back, "I understand, Luna. Midnight Sparkle comes first, then we can tackle the issue of Dark Star. For now... we get some rest and prepare for a battle the likes of which have never been seen since the age of my father..."

King Sombra turned to the group of heroes, "Alright! Summoning Daybreaker must have used up quite a lot of magical energy to control her, We have a few days before Midnight can try again. I suspect she will attack personally again, this time well-prepared for battle. That means that we must be prepared too!"

He turned to Celestia, "I need some rest myself, care to show me to a bed, Princess?"

Celestia nodded, slightly unnerved by the Shadow King's politeness. "I... uh... Of course, we have another bunk in the Guardians room." She turned to the heroes, "Do you ponies mind?"

Burning Star shook his head, "No I don't mind, do any of you guys? I mean he did save your lives and all..."

Noble sighed, "Very well... Guardians, Get to bed... I have something to discuss with Sombra, alone."

Celestia and Luna left for their own rooms, and Burning Star flew with the Guardians to their quarters, he was eager to get some rest.

King Sombra stood in front of Noble Blade, his eyes no longer filled with green light and were back to normal white backgrounds for his eyes. His irises stayed red though...

King Sombra broke the awkward silence, "Well... what is it you wish to speak about, Noble Blade? I am eager to retire to my bed, and I am sure you are as well, yes?"

Noble Blade lifted two chairs and placed them down facing each other, "You may want to sit down for this, because this may surprise you."

King Sombra sat down on the wooden seat, and Noble sat in his, they both were staring at each other, another awkward silence falling upon them.

Noble broke the silence again by saying, "I need to ask you about Burning Star. Specifically concerning his mental state."

King Sombra knew where this was going, "This is about Dark Star, isn't it?"

Noble nodded, "It is, did you plant that monster inside of Burning Star's head? If not, can you tell me how to defeat him once and for all?"

King Sombra snorted, "You're accusing me of placing a demon of pure destruction in my own students mind? Noble, I may be evil, but even I have to draw the line somewhere. I cannot rule a kingdom if there is no kingdom to rule."

Sombra's posture stiffened, "So no, I did not create Dark Star, he was within Burning Star when I met him and took him as my apprentice. I spent many days and nights trying to unravel his mind, but even my incredible power could not penetrate his mental defenses. Brainwashing him into attacking the sisters when we came to my world's Canterlot all those years ago was extremely hard, after the great disaster that resulted from it, I swore off messing with his mind and emotions."

He continued, his voice growing slightly concerned. "If I could destroy Dark Star, I would. He is Destruction incarnate, Noble Blade... and I cannot allow my home to be destroyed any longer. That is why I recently swore off my plans for conquest, and watched as Burning Star's New Equestrian Government blossomed into a proud nation filled with opportunities for anyone, not just ponies."

Sombra stretched his wings and said to himself, "I am going to have to get used to these wings, how do the Alicorns sleep?!"

Sombra started speaking again, "To be honest, I would think he would my son if it weren't for the fact that I had an heir to my throne... his name was Dawn Star, but I sealed him away, I looked for him, but gave up and I assumed he was dead."

What Noble said next made Sombra freeze up...

"Actually, He is your son..."

King Sombra blinked for a minute, then threw his head back in laughter, "Grah-hahaha-Ha! I never took you for one that makes jokes, Noble Blade! But my son is dead, I just said that, remember?."

Noble Blade knew Eclipsio was going to kill him for this, but this would be the only way to ensure Sombra's loyalty...

Noble pulled a scroll from his bag and held it out, "I am completely serious, read this... I've already seen it, but I'm guessing your memories are a bit fuzzy from being in the ice for so long. Read it, please."

King Sombra grabbed the scroll, it had his old sealing ribbon on it, the same ribbon he used for messages over 1,000 years ago...

Sombra broke the ribbon and began to read.

I am King Sombra, and this is for my student Burning Star. After running some tests on your magic levels and aura coloration I believe that I may have stumbled upon something extraordinary, so much so that it seems impossible."

"Your magic signature matches mine nearly exactly, right down to my signature red aura that your horn emits. I couldn't believe it, so I did some digging into my past, since my mind was always fuzzy from being in the ice for so long... and I think I've uncovered something amazing."

Sombra continued to read, his memories slowly returning as he read.

"About 1,000 years ago, a family known as the Stars came to my doorstep asking for sanctuary from Celestia and Luna's conquest of their village. I was accepting and let them in, noticing a sick filly by the name of Dawn Star in the mothers hooves. The mother was near-death, so was the father. I couldn't let them suffer To future to find out where their child was, for he was born An ALICORN. I made sure to give the parents a painless death, and watched as the parents died in their sleep. It was the last time I shed a tear for somepony other than myself."

Noble watched in awe as King Sombra, the Shadow King, shed a single silver tear. Normally Alicorn tears were golden, this was new...

Sombra started to sniffle a bit, but he pressed on.

"I know that this child will die if I do not intervene, therefore I will adopt him as my own... my Dawn Star. I know what I must do, Celestia and Luna are banging on my black crystal fortress as we speak, I will do what I think is right. I will use my magic to seal him in a 1,000 year long hibernation, and erase all memories of me and his old life. The father he deserved, me. King Sombra of the Crystal Empire, the pony with a heart as black as night, but as big as the sea for the child, my child..."

Sombra shuddered with pain, for the first time in over 1,000 years, his emotions were overwhelming him.

"I pray that you awake to a family of good ponies, for he deserves to find his purpose, as the one who will unite the Dark Magic with the Light, for he will be the strongest, wisest, and of course, most handsome heir to my father's throne and my throne, respectively. Dawn Star, My only son... I will always protect you with my servants, when I get free of the prison the sisters put me in, I will wait for you to come to me, and we will once again be a family. Father and son, together again... I love you so much my son, be strong for me when you awake."


King Sombra..."

Sombra closed the letter, and Noble saw a sight he never thought possible.

King Sombra finally broke down into tears, weeping at the news that his family still lived...

Noble spoke up, "Listen I know this was a bit sudden, but I felt that you should-"

He was cut off by King Sombra embracing him... in a HUG!

Sombra said to him, his voice softer now. "Thank you, Noble Blade... you have no idea how much this means to me... I can never repay you enough for this gift."

Noble put his hoof up, "You need not reward me, King Sombra... I am fine with just being a knight."

Sombra cut him off, his deep voice returning, "NO! I must insist, I will give you the tools needed to stop Midnight Sparkle and Dark Star for good!"

King Sombra took out a group of his own Distortion Orbs that he created a few months ago and held them in his grasp, he said with pride. "You said Midnight Sparkle had an powerful army with her? Well, I just so happen to have an army that is itching to get into battle. How many soldiers do you need?"

Noble, now realizing that he could not back out of this, said "Midnight's army is growing, last time we saw it I estimated a good 1,500 soldiers assaulted the city. From the rate at which her army grows, that number should be around 3,500 now. She outnumbers us ten to one."

Sombra smirked, "Then I will give you a quarter of my forces!"

(Canterlot, The Caverns)

He teleported Noble to the caves beneath the city as they stood on a ledge overlooking a huge expanse of the cave floor, and threw all of the distortion orbs on the ground, ten in total.

Suddenly, a giant portal appeared and Sombra's horn ignited as he spoke into it.


Noble Blade heard the thundering of hooves and the cries of battle, and his jaw dropped...

Out of the portal, poured hundreds of soldiers, clad in black and gray armor armor and carrying weapons made of Crystalline Steel.

They were not flesh and blood, They did not seem to breathe...

Noble came to the conclusion finally...

They were artificial life forms, completely composed of rock and crystal, created by King Sombra's magic, and given life through a powerful source of magic that only the king could provide.

Noble finally asked Sombra, "How many soldiers did you call?"

Sombra laughed, "You said Midnight would have 3,500 soldiers? Yes?"

If Noble's jaw wasn't connected to his head it would have detached itself and fallen to the floor.

Sombra spoke to him, "So, I summoned 35,000 of my army, will this be enough?"

Noble wheezed, "35,000... what... the... oh dear." And fainted at the King's hooves.

Sombra smirked, "I guess it is more than enough, I better get some rest now... I'll show Celestia in the morning, I hope her reaction is just as hilarious."