• Published 4th Aug 2018
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Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Little Lost Pikachu



Pikachu’s mind was a mess. As he was about to bounce the beach ball with his head towards Popplio, an innocent and fun game to pass time with his pokemon friends, some sort of multicolored portal appeared above his friend's heads, sucking them in. Before he could even react, he ended up pulled in as well. The sandy beach shifted into a tree-filled forest as gravity pulled him down.

The moment his little feet hit the ground with a weak thump, he examined his surroundings in confusion as many questions were born in his mind:

First, where is Ash and his other friends?

Second, why was he sucked into some sort of portal out of nowhere?

Third, why the surrounding trees were looking nothing like the ones in the forest he visited so many times? Was he even still in the Alola region?

Trees with broken branches which were shaped like large hands and trunks in the shape of ghostly faces stared at him. Even bushes added to the spooky atmosphere with thorns growing from their branches. Was this forest haunted by ghost pokemon or something? Dealing with a Mimikyu was already challenging enough.

He lowered to his four paws and looked around, now on guard. Wherever this place was, it could be dangerous. Step by step, he walked through something resembling a path between two lines of trees and bushes. Whether this path led outside of the forest or not he couldn’t tell, but it still seemed better than running into the sea of trees and wandering randomly. <Ash, Rowlet, Litten, Lycanroc, Popplio! Where are you?!> he shouted in his own language as “Pika” and “Pikachu” echoed through the forest.

A minute of walking and shouting seemed to bear fruit as his pointy ears perked upward, picking up the noise of rustling leaves and breaking branches. He felt the earth tremble a little under his tiny feet. Whoever was coming, it was big. He took a fighting stance, his tail raised up as bolts of electricity started escaping from the dots on his cheeks.

Two trees tilted to the side before falling to the ground, pulled from their roots by a large beast. It had the appearance of some sort of giant cat, but with wings, and a red mane covering its chest and neck, a huge stinger was present at the end of its tail. It roared, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, and lurched forward again with long, slow strides. Saliva kept falling from the beast’s mouth as it licked its lips.

<Now listen… I’m just looking for my friends. I’m sorry if I stepped into your territory, I’ll leave.> Pikachu took a step back, not daring to take his narrowed eyes from the massive beast. Whatever pokemon this was, it seemed hungry and he was a snack in its eyes. I hope this pokemon isn’t resistant to electricity. I need to find Ash and I have no time for a long battle.

The tension in the air grew as Pikachu felt each of this pokemon’s step, the quakes under his feet grew in strength. The long tail with a poisonous stinger waved left and right. The beast’s mane and Pikachu’s ears and tail flapped on the wind as the noise of rustling leaves echoed in the air.

<I really don’t have time for a pokemon battle,> he said as bolts of electricity started escaping the dots on his cheeks. <Leave me alone or I won’t hold back my electricity, this is my last warning!>

Three meters, two meters, one meter, the distance shrank as the large pokemon roared again, hitting Pikachu with bits of its saliva as he covered his face protectively. The large pokemon now towered over him and raised its foreleg, its forepaw alone being a few times bigger than his entire body and wide enough to trap him under it.

Pikachu grit his teeth, not intimidated in the least. If it wanted a fight, it was going to get it. He had more than enough electricity to spare.

<If there’s someone in there, please answer!>

Pikachu and the beast looked towards the source of voice as another creature jumped from the bushes.

Shape? Pear-like up to the neck, with a wide, white belly.

Legs? Two rear paws very similar to his own but way bigger, each with three toes, and two stubby forepaws. All orange with bronze patches of fur on the edges.

Tail? Similar to his own but heart-shaped at the end and waaay longer, as if his own tail was attached to a long black whip.

Nose? Bronze, very small, somewhat flat, button-like.

Ears? Floppy and misshapen, yellow in the middle and bronze on the edges with something like a tiny rolled twine at the end.

Size? Taller and wider than his, but still very tiny when compared to the large beast.

Yes, it was totally a Raichu, and a female one.

<Hey Manticore, leave him alone!> the Raichu shouted while pointing at the large beast, her tail slammed against the ground with a weak thud.

Pikachu looked at the female Raichu in pity and his ears drooped. The good news was that this pokemon was on his side. The bad was that the large beast now walked in her direction, most likely choosing a bigger and fatter creature to feast on. <Hey, I’m not done with you, stop ignoring me!> he shouted and ran towards the Raichu. This pokemon was trying to help, they were in this together.

<There’s no need to fight, I hope,> the Raichu said as she shot him a friendly smile before stepping forward.

What did she mean, no need to fight? This pokemon clearly wanted one, Pikachu thought and then stared at the long-tailed pokemon in confusion, who clenched her forepaws and unleashed a ‘Thunderbolt’ into the sky with a loud shout. Her attack power… didn’t seem to be anything special, certainly weaker than one of his average ‘Thunderbolts,’ but it still created a bright spectacle. Maybe she’s trying to scare it…

The manticore took a step back and covered its face with a forepaw.

The Raichu ceased her attack and trotted forward on her two feet, leaping to the side in time to evade being slammed by the large paw. Her tail touched the upper part of the paw, shocking it lightly. She leaped backward as the large poisonous sting pierced the ground in front of her, and touched the large tail with her forepaw before sending another small portion of electricity into it.

The manticore withdrew its tail and walked backward as the Raichu unleashed another ‘Thunderbolt’ into the sky.

The female pokemon drew a line in the ground in front of the beast with her rear foot. <You see, we’re not worth the trouble. Now leave, shoo, shoo,> she said with a shake of her forepaws as “Rai” and “Raichu” echoed in the forest. The Manticore seemed to get the message as it walked away the same way it come from.

Pikachu rubbed the back of his neck. Display of power as a warning, why didn't I think of that? It would be so much easier. He stepped forward, waiting for the Raichu to turn towards him. <Thank you for your help, but I need to go and find my trainer and friends.> He examined his surrounding and then smiled awkwardly. <You don’t happen to know where the Pokemon School is… do you?>

<Well… about that… I'm sorry to say this, but... you’re far, faaaar away from wherever you were,> Raichu explained, tapping her forepaws together.

<What do you mean? This is Melemele island, right?> he asked, suddenly afraid of the answer to his question.

<Melemele? One of four islands in the Alola region?> the Raichu asked.

<Yes, that one.> His ears perked up in hope.

The Raichu shook her head. <Now… I know that what I am going to tell you may sound scary and unbelievable, but I assure you, there’s no need to panic.>

Pikachu approached, blinking in confusion.

<Well… you’re in a different world. No pokemon, no trainers, no Alola region.> She held her forepaw on her chest. <Now, I know it is hard to believe, but I’m speaking the truth. >

Pikachu rubbed the top of his head, only to flinch and gasp. <W-wait… are you saying that there is a chance that my trainer isn’t here?> He narrowed his eyes and stomped with his rear foot. <If that's a joke, it’s a terrible one.>

Raichu sighed before gesturing with her forepaw. <Follow me before more monsters consider us as a snack. I’ll lead you out of this place and explain what’s going on.>

Pikachu nodded before running on his four paws, following the Raichu, his eyes still narrowed. While this Raichu tried to help and scared away that hostile pokemon… A Manticore was it? Something he was capable of doing on his own. The fact that she appeared out of nowhere while speaking nonsense raised a red flag in his mind.

<The place we’re in is called the Everfree Forest, a dangerous location in a nation called Equestria,> the Raichu explained as their running speed matched one another. <This place isn’t populated by humans or pokemon. The most common are pony races: Unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies. You’ll meet them soon enough once we reach Ponyville.>

No pokemon or humans? Is this Raichu insane? Pikachu thought, now not so sure if following this pokemon was a good idea.

<This world is filled with powerful magic which is very different than our power and can be used to cast dangerous spells.> The Raichu glanced at him and smiled sheepishly upon seeing his distrusting stare. <I don’t want to overwhelm you, so in short, a spiral of events took place that led to me and Darkrai ending up in Equestria permanently and a bunch of other pokemon being summoned temporarily.>

<Let’s say I believe you, what does it have to do with me? Was I summoned as well?> Pikachu asked.

<Kind of. While the crisis is over and war was avoided, some ummm… unfortunate circumstances led to you and some other pokemon being summoned into this world. Princess Twilight Sparkle is working on a spell that will let us return to our world, but until she’s done, we’re stuck here.>

Pikachu stopped and crossed his forearms. <Alright, now I’m certain you’re insane.> He turned around. <I think I’ll go in the opposite direction, thank you very much.>

<Wait!> She rounded him and stopped in front of his face, holding both forepaws in a pleading gesture. <You don’t have to believe me yet, but come with me. Everything will start making sense soon enough.>

Pikachu shook his head. <I need to find my trainer and friends, I have no time for detours.>

<I fear you won’t see your trainer until the princess finishes her spell, but if your friends were summoned as well, I’ll help you find them.> The Raichu pointed up. <The reason I came into this forest is because I noticed a portal appear in the sky and I wanted to escort you to safety. Most portals appeared in Ponyville.> She displayed a puppy stare and held a forepaw on her chest. <Just give me a chance, a tiny bit of trust, pretty please.>

Pikachu kept looking slightly up as the top of his head was on the level of the Raichu’s chin. As crazy she sounded, her pleading eyes and voice didn’t seem to be one of a liar. <Alright…> he said with a nod, receiving a cheerful smile in return.

After a few minutes of running, they left the shadows cast by the towering trees, now greeted by the warm rays of the sun in the clear sky. The grass field and a few hills were ahead of them.

<See, I told you I'd lead you out,> the Raichu said before raising her forepaw towards him. <I’m sorry for not introducing myself. My name’s Nica, it’s nice to meet you.>

Pikachu glanced at the raised paw before grabbing the bronze patch at the edge and shaking it, a friendly smile on his face. <Nice to meet you too. I still don’t believe most of what you told me, but I’m grateful regardless. Thanks for helping me out in that forest.>

<You’re very welcome.>

He withdrew his forepaw, took a deep breath of fresh air and looked over the area. There seemed to be a small cottage nearby and some town in the distance, yet nothing seemed familiar to any locations he and his trainer visited in the past. He turned back to the Raichu and chuckled. <You’re familiar with this area… correct?> Upon seeing a nod, he asked, <You wouldn’t mind showing me around and helping me find my friends.>

Nica spread her forepaws and leaped several meters into the air, landing softly on the grass a moment later. <Of course!> She poked her own chest. <When I arrived in this place, the ponies showed kindness and acceptance. It’ll be my pleasure doing the same for a fellow pokemon. Follow me.>

Pikachu followed, now walking on his two tiny feet. <Where are we going?>

<To the Friendship Castle!> Nica shouted with enthusiastic uppercut against the air. <There’s plenty of space for you to settle in, while Princess Twilight and her student Starlight will no doubt help us find your friends.>

<Friendship Castle? Princess Twilight, Starlight… those are some odd names,> Pikachu pointed out.

<I know, I know, but they’re also very charming.> Nica stopped and pointed ahead towards the sky. <Speaking of the princess, here she comes.>

Pikachu raised a forepaw over his head to keep the sun rays at bay as he glanced at the pointed direction, seeing a flying creature making its way in their direction.

<Twilight, over here!> Nica shouted as she stood on the tips of her rear paws and waved.

Pikachu took a few steps back, observing the descending creature. Lavender fur, long feathery wings, four hooves, a horn, and a long tail and mane. <This pokemon reminds me of Rapidash and is almost as tall as one, though its legs are wider, and instead of flames it has those wings and fur. This is the first time I have met such a species.>

Nica giggled. <She’s not a pokemon but an alicorn. They’re kind of like the legendary pokemon in our world, rare and possessing a lot of raw power,> she commented before their attention focused purely on the princess.

“Good work Nica, I see you found the summoned pokemon in the Everfree Forest,” Twilight said as she lowered her head, now examining his features. “No injures, that’s great. You did a fine job.”

Nica shook her forepaw dismissively. <I didn’t really do much.>

Pikachu blinked as his attention focused on an aura on the alicorn’s horn, and next on a levitating collar. One thing was certain, this alicorn pokemon was most likely a psychic type. <Wait… she spoke in the human’s language… with her mouth rather than telepathy... what’s going on?>

“So your name’s Pikachu. Nice to meet you little fellow,” Twilight said as she raised her foreleg towards Pikachu, which he shook with his two forepaws, returning her cheerful smile with one of his own.

<Nice to meet you too.>

Twilight raised to her full height and looked at Nica. “By the way, you forgot your translating collar.”

Nica grabbed the levitated collar and presented it to the Pikachu. <Put this on, it will translate your words so the ponies can understand you. It’s really, really handy.>

Pikachu sniffed the collar before picking it up with his smaller paws, now staring at it curiously. Color? Blue, with five white gems decorating it while small yellow lightning was present between each gem. It was certainly big enough to fit on Nica’s neck, but shouldn’t be too big for him.

“You want to share your translating collar with your new friend? That’s actually a good idea,” Twilight said with a nod of approval.

Once done examining, he attached the collar onto his neck while Nica tied it up from behind. He poked it before asking, “Is this working?”

“Yes, it seems to be working nicely,” Twilight said with a nod.

Pikachu’s eye became wide. Did he just speak in the human’s language?

<A magical translating collar made by Starlight and Twilight with Rarity’s fashionable touch. Really neat, don’t you think?> Nica asked.

Pikachu nodded. “It sure is. Though I still find most of what you told me hard to believe.” He looked up at the towering alicorn, feeling quite small in comparison. “Miss Twilight, are you a pokemon or not? How can you speak the human language? Is this... magic… really responsible for bringing me here?”

“Me, a pokemon, oh no no no,” Twilight said with a shake of her head and a chuckle before she lowered herself to the critter’s face level, nearly touching the ground with her chin. “I know it may be difficult to swallow, but you’re really in a different world where magic is quite common. I’ll try to discover a way to send you back, but until then there’s nothing we can do.” She stood up to her full height and lowered her wing to the grass. “Climb up. I’ll accommodate you inside the castle.”

He nodded, walking towards Twilight’s back as his paws made contact with the soft feathers before he perched himself behind alicorn’s neck. “But what about my friends? I saw them being sucked into holes in the sky as well.”

“If they were transported to Equestria, we’ll find them, but with the mess on our hooves, we need to get organized. I would appreciate if you cooperate, Pikachu, and we’ll do everything we can to make your unforseen stay pleasant and comfortable.”

Nica leaped onto Twilight’s back, perching herself behind him. <I know how it feels to be stuck in an alien environment, but the ponies living here are really nice. Just know that if you feel lost or want to talk, I’m here to help anyway I can.>

Pikachu glanced at Nica and sighed. While he still wasn’t sure how much he actually believed them, it was obvious that he needed their guidance. It seems my best option is to trust them for now. I hope Ash will be fine until I find him.

"Hang on tight,” Twilight said as her horn flared into life with a rich aura, only for them to vanish in a flash of teleportation.

Pikachu blinked in confusion as the natural scenery with grass fields, forest and hills was replaced by numerous colorful homes and a massive towering crystal tree with some sort of construction built into it. While teleportation was something he saw pokemon like Abra use in the past, a town filled with ponies with wings, or horns or without any outstanding features, all speaking in the human language, was certainly something new.

<Still think I’m insane?> Nica asked before giggling cheerfully.

Pikachu massaged his forehead. Maybe… just maybe… he was indeed stuck in a different world. One thing was certain, if he couldn’t return to his trainer, finding his friends and learning more about this place was his top priority.

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