• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,387 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.11 - A Tiny Problem - Pt.1

Summoning of Chu


Chapter 11
A Tiny Problem - Part 1

Pichu’s eyes were narrowed into thin slits and his ears were spiked aggressively, twitching as he tried to pinpoint each beast’s position. He observed the approaching monsters and vines, quickly finding the biggest threat. Wow… that Cragadile is humungous… I mean, it looked massive before, but now... He glanced over at his shoulder to Nica, who maintained her usual fighting stance with a tiny ‘Iron Tail’ raised and ready. Even tiny-sized, she’s still willing to fight if it means protecting me. If everything is so big for me, I can only imagine how gigantic it must be for her.

He looked back at the Cragadile and stomped, finding his new strength to be very underwhelming. Normally, our size rarely matters when it comes to our real power, but I doubt that same theory applies to shrinking in this weird world. He chanted his name, charging electricity into a glistening orb atop of his short, inky tail. Nica protected me during the fight against yaks. Now when she’s so small, it’s my turn to return the favor and protect her!

He felt Nica’s tail constrict around his shoulder for stability, no doubt understanding his intentions. With a quick jump and spin, he threw the sphere of electricity at the Cragadile, aiming towards the creature’s squinted eyes. To his disappointment, a few thorny vines crafted a last second barrier, causing a detonation of lightning long before the orb could hit the intended target. The vines remained unharmed.

Pichu gulped in fear. Unlike the last time he had faced the forest’s foes, his adversaries were not only numerous, but showed a terrifying teamwork similar to their own. His ears sprung to attention as he picked up a pitter-patter of footsteps near him.

<Behind you! Jump forward!> Nica warned with a squeaky voice, due to her shrunken vocal cords.

Pichu leaped forward without a second thought as a large, poisonous stinger hit the ground with a loud thud. The toxic point just missed him, scarring the dust kicked up from his frantic getaway. He twisted in mid-air while attacking the manticore with ‘Thunderbolt.’ The beast roared in pain but didn’t back down.

<Your attack isn’t nearly as strong as before! You won’t push him back with this kind of power,> Nica commented. <We should retreat while we have the chance.>

Pichu grit his teeth and clenched his forepaws, refusing to give in. If his raw power wasn't strong enough in this weakened form, he just needed to push himself harder to compensate. WIth a loud shriek, he unleashed bolts of electricity once more.

The manticore winced and stumbled backwards as multiple burns scarred the hybrid’s coat, static still flickering. A few seconds later, long tendrils laced with jagged spikes emerged from the ground, redirecting the electricity away from the beast and into the soil. The lightning was rendered useless.

Too focused on maintaining his powerful attack, Pichu failed to notice two massive plants flank him from both sides. With a shrill screech, the overgrown weeds released a choking cloud of poisonous gas and targeted the pre-occupied pokemon. His ‘Thunderbolt’ was interrupted when a feeble blow made contact with his belly, pushing him back a mere two meters. Upon seeing a cloud of gas clotting before him, he looked around in panic. “Nica, where are you?!” Much to his relief, his tiny friend rounded the poisonous vapor and jumped towards his face, now clinging to his pink cheeks with the bronze patches of her forepaws.

Nica looked into his large eyes with a disapproving glare. Even in her small state, he still felt a wave of shame wash over him when seeing her disappointed in him. <Pikachu! A lot of your strength lies in your agility, but you seem very prone to counterattacks, especially when unleashing all of your power for one attack. You need to be careful!> She gestured at the living plants behind her while clinging to his face with her other paws. <As you can see, we’re surrounded. If you focus too hard on defeating one opponent, others will soon swarm you the second you let your guard down.> She climbed back onto his shoulder and frowned in frustration. <Normally, I would cover you and let you focus on offense, but at my size… ugh… this is so irritating! I’m useless when this small!>

Pichu considered his guardian’s words. She does have a point. I need to alter my strategy a bit, seeing as I’m down an ally. Glancing to the right, he noticed a massive maw charging at him and focused a blast of lightning towards the foe while evading the large jaw. The moment the plant tried to swallow him again, he stood on a single leg and swung his tail, pushing a smaller orb of electricity into its mouth. The plant dropped to the ground with smoke escaping from it. Nica remained desperately clinging to his shoulder, trying her hardest to avoid being thrown to the ground like a rag doll.

His ears sprung up at the noise from behind, while his attention focused on another living vine opening its maw to unleash a stream of poisonous gas. With a single jump, he evaded both the long, massive jaw of Cragadile chomping at him from his blindspot, and the cloud of gas which unfortunately had no effect on the stone beast. He landed on top of the plant’s head before unleashing a weak ‘Thunderbolt’ against it. While unleashing weak shocks, he sent extra charges of power into his shortened tail and looked at the third monstrous tendril. Small streams of toxins leaked from the carnivore’s open jaw.

As he expected, it opened its large mouth, intent on swallowing him whole. With ‘Iron Tail’ charged, he jumped at the plant’s jaw and spun, only for his shorter tail to miss the target by a few centimeters. His surroundings darkened as the aggressive flora quickly pounced, capturing him in its maw and releasing a relentless stream of noxious fumes. A muffled painful yelp echoed through the forest as his tiny feet and belly sunk into the creature’s acid. <Great, just great. I just had to forget that my tail is way shorter now.>

<A change in tail size is certainly difficult to adapt to, especially so soon. I know from my own personal experience,> Nica pointed out, her own tail wrapped around Pichu’s ear for support. <Regardless, any ideas on how we get out of here, or will you go for pure force?>

<Pure force should do,> Pichu said, feeling Nica brace herself for the upcoming attack. The tendril attempted to chomp on the squirming pokemon, but it was no match for the battle-hardened creatures. With an ear-splitting screech, he used ‘Thunderbolt’ as electricity started burning the hostile weed from the inside. <Hold tight!> he mumbled before using ‘Quick Attack.’ Despite the limited space, he burst away from his bindings, piercing through the plant’s mouth.

The second his paws touched down on the flattened grass, he briskly shook the remaining acid from his body, staining the wildlife with the toxins. He glanced down and saw that the lower half of his body was covered in burns, with multiple bite marks and scratches decorating his hind legs and tail . <It seems that while those vines are immune to electricity, those plant creatures aren’t. At least there’s something going for me at this point.>

<Watch out from your left!> Nica warned, tapping his head to regain his attention.

Pichu heard her cry while noticing an incoming attack from his right at the same time. A ghastly creature of fallen timber lunged, emerald magic seeping throughout its body, while its eyes flashed with death. Charging another ‘Quick Attack,’ he got out of the way in the nick of time, striking one of the Timberwolves from the side as it shattered into pieces of wood.

If what Starlight told me about Timberwolves is accurate, they are made of lumber and are held together by enchantments. The stronger their magic, the more durable they are and the faster they can restore their form. He watched as the pieces of wood started piecing itself back together at an alarming rate, indicating that his foes were more powerful than before.

As three Timberwolves started circling around him, he bent his legs and waited for an attack. Bolts of lightning flickered from the dots on his cheeks. As all pack creatures jumped at him as one, he leapt up, evading their jaws and wooden claws while striking all three with a single ‘Thunderbolt.’

He landed on a piece of wood as a green aura of magic scattered on the ground.

<We’re surrounded!> Nica hollered.

Pichu glanced around, noticing numerous vines in a diversity of sizes blocking all possible ways of escape. From one side approached the previous Cragadile with slow but long steps, causing small quakes under Pichu’s feet. From another approached the manticore with saliva dripping from its opened mouth.

The monsters and plants are surprisingly well coordinated and cooperative. They're nothing like they were a few hours ago, Pichu thought as he tried to jump over the obstacles, only to be pulled and face-slammed into the dirt.

Confused, he looked at his tiny feet and gasped. A thorny vine which spawned from underneath him was wrapped around his little leg, preventing him from moving. Before he could react, three more vines grew from the ground and constricted both of his legs in an unrelenting grip. He raised himself to a standing position and struggled against the vines, his teeth grit and forepaws flailing as he pulled his legs with all of his strength. A few seconds later a few more vines grabbed both of his forepaws while a bigger vine held his belly in place.

Pichu gulped in fear as he found himself immobilized. Two large beasts towered over him as he felt the tendril’s thorns press into his limbs and belly. With a loud shout, he attacked with a ‘Thunderbolt’ against the vines… with no effect. His electricity was redirected into the ground, proving utterly useless. He repressed a yelp and fought back twice as hard upon feeling the sharp points prick even farther into his skin. The vines started to suffocate him as the approaching predators only got closer, seemingly smirking with their victory. He wriggled, trying to swing his short ‘Iron Tail’ against the vines, yet failed to reach any. He was trapped.

Suddenly, just as he was about to lose hope, he noticed the vines immobilizing his left forepaw lose their grip, only for the same to happen to the vines holding his left leg.

<I cut the vines on your left, now’s your chance!>

Pichu peeked over at his miniature guardian, who now stood next to his rear leg, striking any vine emerging from the ground with her ‘Iron tail.’ He nodded before swinging his short tail to cut the vines holding his right limbs in place, his breathing no longer restrained by the vines wrapped around his neck.

Once free, he jumped over the clawed lion’s paw which tried to strike him before chanting his name in focus. With a quick swing, he tossed a small orb of electricity at the manticore, who jumped back in a hasty attempt to evade. ‘Electro Ball’ hit the ground instead with a explosion of electricity, kicking up a large cloud of dust. Wait… wasn’t Nica… Pichu’s face became pale at grim realization. She was still on the ground, oh no… what if she was caught in that explosion!?

He looked over the ground in panic, frantically searching for the tiny Raichu moving among the grass. An aggressive cragadile wasn’t as concerned about his shrunken friend as he was though. Not interested in letting him search in peace, it raised its massive tail, ready to strike and crush him.

Pichu narrowed his eyes and took a step back, ready to evade, only for a manticore’s paw to stomp on him from behind. In act of pure panic, he shouted a long-lasting “chuuuu…” as electricity sparked and flashed around the manticore’s paw, forcing it to withdraw or be burned. He didn’t get an opportunity to stand though as the massive, raised tail of the Cragadile descended, its entire weight pressing on his little body. A long scream of pain followed, though muffled by the dirt he was stuck face-first in. The static ability activated in the form of paralyzing electricity, yet it did little in terms of pushing the colossal beast off of him.

<Leave him alone!>

Pichu felt a surge of relief when roughly three tons of crushing force was lifted from his body. He raised his head and looked to the side with a bit of struggle, focusing on a tiny creature surrounded by an aura of electricity, who ran on top of the Crocodile's muzzle. Did she… just hit it in between its eyes with a ‘Volt Tackle’? He stood up and gasped. The aura of her electricity alone was smaller than the pupils in this creature’s eyes, and yet she’s still trying to help. Not only that, but she’s succeeding!

Despite Nica looking like nothing more than a bug to the towering beast, the strength of her ‘Iron Tail’ proved just enough to force it to close its eyes. The moment the colossal clawed foreleg raised in preparation to squash the tiny pokemon, she jumped to the ground, evading the powerful slam. The Cragadile smacked itself in the face, roaring with a primal rage before raising its massive foreleg. Its second attempt on squashing the tiny pokemon failed as Pichu’s paralyzing electricity went through the beast’s muscles, preventing his limbs from moving.

Hearing a loud, angered bellow, Pichu turned around and stood face to face with a manticore's bared jaws. Its lips were pulled back in a feral snarl, and without a second’s notice, the hybrid leapt towards its prey. Using ‘Quick Attack’ he ran underneath it and jumped, striking the unprotected part of its belly. He grit his teeth and massaged his tiny arms from the backlash. Though the move had no recoil damage, his previous injuries were more than enough for him to feel the strain this battle was putting on his beat and battered body. To make matters worse, using electric attacks seemed a bit painful, adding tiny burns into the mix.

He struggled to hide his grimace as he felt Nica hop atop his shoulder, landing on a bruise formed from his recent thrashing.

The manticore snorted, brushing aside the attack and charged once more, swinging its massive paw.

Pichu vaulted himself into the air, effectively dodging the swipe, and landed on the manticore’s foreleg before channeling a large voltage of sparks into his tail. He jumped up as an orb of electricity appeared, balancing on the extra limb. Nica, however, was no longer clinging to his shoulder.

<Nica!?> Pichu frantically screeched, concerned for his bite-sized friend. He landed on a branch of a nearby tree and scanned the battlefield as horrific thoughts of worst case scenario darted to his attention first. His fears were quickly put to rest as he spotted her sprinting across the manticore’s paw, coated in lightning. She ducked within the beast’s fur before reaching its face and smashing herself against it to finish her ‘Volt Tackle.’

He followed up with his ‘Electro Ball,’ tossing his pre-formed sphere of lightning towards the manticore’s opposite side. Before it could make contact, a collection of thorny tendrils snaked out of the ground, weaving together to create a barrier and block the orb. His attack fizzled out, useless when absorbed by the vines.

He formed one more, jumped forward and launched it at the brute from above. Watching in horror, the creepers responded and moved to intercept his second attempt, only to be sliced down by Nica’s ‘Iron Tail.’ Electric proof the vines may have proven to be, these were still thin enough for the tiny Raichu to cut.

An explosion of electricity followed as the sphere struck the top of manticore’s massive head.

The manticore stood on its trembling legs for a moment before succumbing to the static swimming up and down its body and falling to the side. One look at the burns covering his face being enough for Pichu to tell that it was unconscious.

Not wasting a moment, he ran towards what looked like movement in the scorched grass. He stood and presented his forepaws, Nica bounding up a second later. <I… I can’t believe you fought with such bravery while being so tiny.> He raised his paw and nuzzled Nica’s face with the tip of his little button nose. <You were incredible!> He shouted in excitement as the volume of his voice forced Nica to cling to his nose, struggling not to fall off. She winced and fought to maintain a smile on her face. <You may be much smaller and your attacks may be way weaker than normal, but even then I can still depend on your skills and teamwork. You really are the best.>

<You really think so?> Nica asked as she smiled proudly and her eyes sparkled in joy. <I… I don’t care if I’m way smaller than a Cutiefly. I won’t be insignificant, not if I can help it!> she continued with confidence growing in her voice as she stomped with her right foot. <I’m still a well-trained Raichu. I won’t be a burden to you and let the trials I’ve gone through be proved meaningless.> Her body started glimmering within the darkened forest for a few seconds as her size started to increase, her ears becoming just a tad bit longer.

<Wait, you grew a little...> Pichu narrowed his eyes. <And hey, what’s up with those bruises and burns?>

<Other then the recoil damage from using ‘Volt Tackle,’ I got caught off guard nearby the explosion caused by your ‘Electro Ball’...> Nica rubbed the back of her neck. <Twice...> She smiled sheepishly and gave an awkward chuckle. <At my current size, even being close to your attacks is a bit dangerous.>

<S-sorry, I should’ve been–>

Nica pushed her forepaws against Pichu’s mouth, closing it with a prompt ‘shush.’ <Don’t apologize. I’m tough, I can endure it. This is what I’ve conditioned myself for. So long as I can help distract those humongous creatures so that you can defeat them, getting hurt is a low price to pay. As long as I can be useful, I don’t care what happens to me.>

Pichu didn’t get an opportunity to protest as the earth under his feet started to tremble, tossing both pokemon to the side. His ears wilted and fastened to the side of his head, as he witnessed a colossal being emerge from the soil before him.

A tendril snaked towards the sky, casting looming shadows over the neighboring trees. The vine shuddered and swelled, uprooting the forest’s flora as each thorn embedded in its thick skin grew to the size of a Rockruff, each spike sharpened.

Pichu’s eyes stood propped open in shock, as his pupils shrunk to mere dots. Looks like I ordered more than I can chew with this adventure… He shook his head. What am I thinking? Thrilling adventure, hard battles, teamwork with Nica… that’s everything I wanted to happen, and more! Getting flattened by giant, thorn-covered vine… totally worth it.

Nica looked away from the titanic vine and jumped onto Pichu’s shoulder, snapping him out of his revelation. <These plants are getting faster, bigger, and more aggressive. It may have been a fun game before when we were wandering the Everfree, but now we’re fighting the very ground we stand on!> she shouted with a squeaky voice.

<I hate to admit it, but I don’t think it’s possible to come out on top with our current disadvantages. We have to retreat.> Pichu turned around and ran, only to trip over as Nica fell from his shoulder. <Not again!>

Tumbling over the ground, Nica stopped her decent and pushed herself to her four paws, her gaze focusing in on the aggressive vines constricting Pichu’s limbs. She shuddered before gathering the courage to dash into danger, risking everything as she leapt towards her trapped companion. Facing living wildlife wasn’t too new, but going head to head with flora immune to her lightning, one of her main defenses, was a nightmare for any electric pokemon. Not to mention their maneuverability underneath the ground was awful, allowing them to strike from below, a big disadvantage for creatures like her not blessed with the levitation ability.

Without a moment to lose, Nica sprinted towards her hero with a metallic gleam shining in her tail, only for more vines to raise from the ground and block her path. She fell back as her ears perked, hearing a suspicious noise spawning from underfoot. Swiveling her tail into the soil, she backflipped just in time to dodge an incoming tendril, using her long appendage to push herself to safety.

Nica glanced at the titanic vine, which seemed to be preparing itself for a powerful swing. <Oh no…> She looked back at the trapped Pichu and darted towards him, zipping in between the vines which tried to block her way. <Pichu!> she shouted, slashing and cutting at tendrils that dared stand in her way. Too focused on reaching her confined hero, she failed to notice two vines stalking behind her, capturing her mid-air as she was about to decimate another foe.

She grit her teeth in frustration. While the vine itself was only big enough to trap one of Pichu’s legs, for her it was large enough to squeeze her entire body, leaving her gasping for air. The other snaked around her long tail, immobilizing it.

<Nica!> Pichu howled before one of his captors stuffed his mouth shut, contracting around his head. Nica watched as it slowly suffocated him, his face turning an alarming shade of blue.

Nica threw away her inhibitions and directed as much power as possible into her strangled tail, desperately trying to ignore the massive thorns being shoved against her body. Though her tail was trapped along with the rest of her, it proved flexible to wiggle itself to a more promising position when pushed hard enough. With a deep focus, she moved the pronged edge to strike against one vine, giving her breathing room. Once her tail was free, she swung it against the other one, which promptly dropped her to floor. With a strong push of her tiny legs, she leapt to her forepaws and dashed to her earlier destination, but she was too late.

Out of reflex, she ducked, forced to watch as the titanic vine smashed into Pichu with insane force, sending him flying against a nearby tree. The vine didn’t stop there as it collided with Pichu once more, destroying the timber while sending his battered body airborne against a large trunk sitting further back. He arched in pain as his body was crushed into the waiting oak, nearly destroying the second tree in the process. Would Machamp grab a car and use it like a baseball bat, smashing a thrown Pichu with it while sending him flying out of the stadium’s borders, it would still look weaker than what she just witnessed.

Nica whimpered, running with every ounce of her remaining strength. By now, pure adrenaline fueled her as she dodged to and fro within the army of aggressive tendrils, each out for blood. She leapt over a fallen tree, using her tail to protect herself with as she made her way to Pichu. Small wood fragments littered the clearing, tossed in either the surrounding vicinity or mini craters created by Pichu’s earlier tumble.

She pressed her legs into the dirt, kicking up a microscopic cloud of dust before stopping herself in front of the bruised Pichu. <Are you okay?!> she frantically cried before placing the copper-dipped edges of her tiny paws on his cheek, shaking his head while trying to check his pulse at the same time.

Pichu whimpered in pain before standing up and massaging his forehead. <That was… a... strong hit…>

<You’re okay!> Nica shouted before jumping onto Pichu’s shoulder and nuzzling his cheek. He winced from the sudden outburst but ignored the ringing in his skull and returned her affections.

<Of course I’m okay. I’ve been hit much harder than that in the past. Have some faith in your hero,> he teased, adding a playful wink. A sudden wave of pain washed over him as he put pressure on his scarred legs, causing him to grit his teeth and sit. <Though my body…. was way tougher back then.>

Nica sighed in relief before giggling. <Look on the bright side. You can now try to prove that you can become strong and win hard fights without evolving as a Pichu. You know, battling for the honor of all those Pichu who don’t want to evolve into Pikachu and stuff. It’ll be way harder though, and it might take someone getting used to for a head that big.>

<Way harder? No kidding.> He stood up and looked around, still fearful of hidden enemies. Upon seeing vines form a trap inside the passageway behind him, he dashed in the opposite direction, not very eager to continue fighting. He’d had more than enough battling for today. <We need to hide and rest, that’s for sure. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.>

<Maybe we can find a place to conceal ourselves from the top of a tree, or at the very least learn where we are now before continuing,> Nica suggested, scanning the forest for familiar landmarks while holding onto Pichu’s neck.

<That’s a great idea,> Pichu said before reaching the peak of a nearby bough, using the supporting branches to peer over the leaves. He held a forepaw over his head while examining his surroundings.

Nica leaped atop Pichu’s head and surfed her gaze over the sea of trees, the forest seeming endless from her new perspective.

<I can see some ruins in the distance, maybe we can take shelter to regain some of our strength,> Pichu proposed.

<That’s the old castle of the Royal Sisters. It is where Twilight and her friends got the Elements and defeated Nightmare Moon,> Nica said, not noticing Pichu’s confused expression.

<Elements?> Pichu asked.

<It’s a long story involving powerful artifacts and the healing of an alicorn princess from corruption and jealousy. We have got no time for that, especially while trying to escape pokemon-crushing vines,> Nica wisely pointed out. <I’ll tell you all about it when we make it out of this place.>

<Sounds good,> Pichu agreed before jumping from branch to branch, soon arriving next to a rickety wooden bridge. He stopped in front of what looked like their final boss standing in between them and their destination.

Nica’s breathing turned sporadic, her ears dropping beside her widened eyes. Before them stood a massive, bear-like creature, sporting numerous star constellations within its transparent body. Each of its massive paws was equipped with razor sharp claws and were big enough to squash them with a single stomp. Whether the creature weighed thirty or fourty tons was hard to tell, but merely staring at it made her feel like an insignificant grain. <M-maybe we c-can go around this creature?>

<If we do, it will follow us into the castle, destroying the one place we would be able to regroup,> Pichu pointed out before taking a fighting stance, raising his stubby tail in the air. The ruined tower of the castle was visible behind a line of trees.

<Oh… I was afraid you were going to say that.> She leaped to Pichu’s shoulder and took a similar battle pose. When she had the option, she preferred to sort things out without using violence, but when faced with such aggressive creatures of the Everfree, she feared she didn’t have any other choice. Small sparks flickered around her cheeks.

Maybe we could lure that creature away deeper into the forest and then sneak around it using the underbrush. Although it’s big, it might not be too perceptive, giving us an opportunity to escape to the castle… She shook her head. No, if he says fighting is the only option, he must be right. He didn’t overcome great dangers and prevent the power of legendary pokemon from being abused by making poor decisions. I need to trust him, like he has trusted me. We can do this!

The ursa roared before approaching with slow but heavy steps, its eyes staring them down, treating them as nothing more than a mere snack.

Pichu stood on all four paws, preparing himself for the very slim chance of avoiding a confrontation. <Excuse me, but I have to ask; is there any chance we can avoid conflict? We would simply like to pass by.> He pointed at himself while balancing on his remaining limbs. <I’m very small and not worth the effort to hunt, trust me on this.>

The beast keep approaching, exposing its sharp teeth.

<Negotiating is pointless without our translating collars. These creatures just can’t understand us,> the Pichu said to his guardian without taking his eyes from the massive opponent, who was getting closer and closer.

<It wouldn’t work even when we had them. When I first met you, scaring away the manticore wasn’t difficult, but today they are attacking without fear and hesitation. Something is clearly wrong.> Nica pointed out, <They don’t seem to care about what happens to themselves, only catching us.>

Bolts of electricity started escaping the dots on Pichu’s face. <If they get more aggressive, then we’ll just fight harder.> With a loud shout, he attacked with ‘Thunderbolt,’ leaving a few burns on the ursa’s face. The beast roared in pain, though it was more agitated than hurt. <This creature may be big, but without those annoying vines in the way I should be able to outspeed him and land more hits.> With the help of a ‘Quick Attack,’ he leaped to the side, evading the beast’s paw before striking its side with his head.

Nica held tight to Pichu’s shoulder, wondering how she could be of help against opponent that big. I guess I’m just along for the ride.

Pichu was panting heavily as the long fight started taking a major toll on him. The beast before him seemed to be on its last legs, coated in a layer of burns and scorch marks. The question was who would drop first? Was his electricity going to run out? Or would the beast lose consciousness? Not having a normal-sized Raichu to recharge his electricity substantially lowered his chances.

He charged power into his tail before using ‘Quick Attack,’ slamming his head against the ursa’s face. The moment his right foot touched the ground, he leaped forward and spun, swinging his short tail against cheek of the large beast, completing the combo. Attacking at close range backfired though as the beast’s clawed paw struck him and pinned him against the soil, digging his face into the dirt.

The bear raised his paw and stomped quickly as a loud, painful “chuuu…” escaped his mouth. Due to his ‘Static’ ability, paralyzing electricity struck the gigantic ursa, yet it did little to stop the beast from squashing him with full force. He attacked with ‘Thunderbolt’, but the beast didn't give up pressuring him into the ground. If anything, when the creatures muscles locked up, it put more weight atop his fragile body, leaving his key advantage useless.

A few drops of saliva fell onto Pichu’s cheek as the beast opened its mouth, displaying its teeth in all their shining glory. Pichu’s ears dropped as his face was drained of color. While slow drips of drool splashed onto his face, his heartbeat skyrocketed, thumping against his ribcage.

Nica jumped from the grass and ran up the gigantic forepaw while building up ‘Volt Tackle’ with ‘Iron Tail’ already prepared in advance. With a quick jump, she hit the massive beast dead in between the eyes, following up her assault with a few well placed ‘Iron Tails.’

Pichu whimpered in pain, feeling the shift in weight when the ursa raised his other forepaw in attempt to smash Nica.

The tiny pokemon cringed upon hearing his gasps, but continued nonetheless knowing it would be better in the long run. She climbed onto the ursa’s head and ran into its ear, evading the reckless swung of its large paw. The beast roared in rage and pain as bolts of electricity started shining from his left ear, lighting up the night-sky creature.

Pichu threw himself to the side the moment the large paw was lifted from him. He grit his teeth, feeling a debilitating aching in multiple spots all over his body.

The ursa stood to its full weight and started smashing its own head, trying to free itself from the annoying intruder. It pressed its claw into its ear, only for Nica to leap onto its finger and run on its paw. The large beast put its own paw into its mouth and closed it. It pulled the paw out, yet outside of saliva, no tiny creature was on it.

Pichu’s ears drooped and his mouth opened agape. The large monster started chewing… his friend. The nicest Raichu he ever meet was now being eaten alive before his very eyes for no other reason than trying to protect him. Feeling a growing anger simmering in his chest, he unleashed one ‘Thunderbolt’ after another against the beast’s face. He jumped and climbed up the ursa’s belly with ‘Quick Attack’, striking its chin. Pure rage fueled every action, bordering on desperation to free his hopefully surviving friend.

The large beast, which was still standing on two rear legs lost its balance, tilting and crashing onto its back with a powerful quake. Nearby trees dropped numerous leaves from the impact and the landing echoed a loud thud.

<Release her!> Pichu shouted before slamming the mouth open with his ‘Iron Tail.’ He jumped into the open mouth before climbing out with an injured Nica resting on his forepaw. Both he and his little friends had bits of saliva covering their fur. <Nica, please tell me you’re alright. You’re strong, I know you’re alright. Please Nica.>

He glanced down at the large monster, who simply lay unconscious and in defeat. Feeling somewhat safe, he sat on the monster’s neck and raised Nica up to his face on a single paw, poking her gently. <Wake up, please.> His ears perked up and a wide smile grew on his face upon seeing movements of his tiny friend.

<I’m… f-fine…> Nica weakly mumbled as she pushed herself to a shaky standing position, balancing herself on his outstretched paw. Her fur was covered in bruises, from her belly to her four limbs. <I must say; no matter how many times I’ve been chewed, everytime it happens it tends to be very unpleasant.>

<How can you still joke after what happened? The teeth didn’t break any of your paws, did they?> Pichu asked in concern.

Nica examined her features and next stretched her rear legs, slightly wincing but otherwise okay. <They hurt quite a bit, but no broken bones this time around.> She fell onto her belly as her limbs hung motionlessly on both sides of Pichu’s forepaw. <Though I admit, I really need a break. I feel absolutely beaten.>

<So do I.> He perched Nica on his shoulder before carefully climbing down the large monster, racing to the ruined castle for both shelter and rest, limping slightly from time to time on his bruised legs. With the final beast beaten on their way to safety, he could only hope things would turn out okay for him and his fallen companion.

Author's Note:

Wow, an instant downvote the moment I uploaded this chapter, and the only comment I got after a few hours is about Pichu being underpowwered.

I hoped some action and a situation with bigger tension and actually some risk involved would prove interesting. Instead, I now feel that everyone really disliked this chapter and don't like when this story is going.

I wish there was at least some critique telling me what I am doing wrong, because for the moment I got no clue where I gone wrong with this chapter.

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