• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,387 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.1 - Exploration Pt.4

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 1
Exploration Pt.4

Hill after hill, they made their way towards the sea of Apple trees as Pikachu kept up with his guardian. His attempt to start small talk with Umbreon ending up with angered growls and a distrusting glare.

“So, what do you think of Fluttershy? Isn’t she the kindest, cutest and best pony to be around?” Nica asked, excitement clear in her eyes and voice.

“Well… she’s certainly very kind, gentle, and nice to have around, but…” He paused for a moment. “She’s way too calm and peaceful. I like adventures, exciting battles, exploration. I fear that she wouldn’t allow me to fight or visit dangerous places, and I would get bored very quickly.”

Nica’s ears drooped as she looked ahead, now running up a small hill. “I suppose I understand how you feel. As for me, while I really, really love being around Fluttershy, I feel I don’t deserve all her kindness and affection. I want to be helpful and face dangers so others don’t need to…” She sighed. “Fluttershy is a sweetheart I like to visit and want to keep safe, but I fear she would keep me away from training and helping others.”

“Speaking of Fluttershy," Pikachu interrupted. "While she’s calm, kind and innocent, and lives with non-pokemon like that very polite thin creature which looks similar to an Ekans, and one very aggressive long-eared creature who kept staring daggers at me from a distance, Fluttershy did mention that she talked with a Manticore.”

“Yes, she has a talent in speaking with animals, what about that?” Nica asked as she ran down the hill. A sea of apple trees before them.

“How was she capable of talking with someone that aggressive?” Pikachu asked before stopping to take in the full view of the farm from the higher ground. His mouth open in awe as he took in the expansive sight before him. What for ponies was an average farm, for him, it was absolutely enormous. Hundreds or thousands of trees which spanned entire hills out to the horizon, full of beautiful, ripe apples.

Upon noticing that he was left behind, he ran down and sped up.

Nica slowed down and glanced at him as their paws once again ran across the flat grassy field, waiting for him to catch up before speaking, “It crossed my mind too. She apparently has her ways in calming down dangerous creatures, as well as her ‘Stare.’ It takes a lot of willpower to overcome it.”

<So she’s calm and innocent but capable of taming monsters. I think she would do nicely as a pokemon breeder,> Umbreon said as he shot another glare at Pikachu.

“Why do you keep staring at me like that?” Pikachu asked.

<Because I don’t trust you. My older sis may be your guardian for now, but she’s a bit naive and easy to offend. I won’t allow anyone to make her sad,> Umbreon said with a distrustful stare.

“I’m not a bully or a prankster, and she’s helping me the best she can. Why would I want to make her sad?” Pikachu asked.

<You say you’re not a bully, but how can I be sure?> Umbreon asked with distrust clear in his tone. He stopped for a moment and gestured at his own eyes and next towards the Pikachu. <I got my eyes on you.>

“He distrusts all strangers, give him time,” Nica said with a warm smile before pointing at a barn in distance. “We’re almost there.” They zipped in between trees, reaching the barn a few minutes later.

Pikachu passed under a small arch that served as the entrance to the farm, the thin frame decorated thickly with vines and apples. He began to trot at a more relaxed pace alongside Umbreon and Nica, admiring the peaceful scenery. The fence itself was three times taller than him, and every single tree was like a tower with tasty fruits.

He looked ahead at the large construction. The building was a strange blend of a very tall barn with a smaller wooden house. Several of the building’s windows reflected sunlight into the flower pots stationed on their windowsills. After looking up into the glare of the sun, he focused on some sort of tower with an apple-themed weathervane on top. He noted that the home had a second floor. “Woooow… Is one family really responsible for taking care of this large farm?” His eyes wide and mouth agape in amazement.

“They sure are. They’re quite hardworking and strong,” Nica said with a nod as they approached the front door, passing an archway similar to its larger cousin at the main entrance, though with far fewer decorations. “Twice I helped on the farm, working five hours or more a day. It has been lots of fun.”

“Hours of monotonous work on a farm was fun to you?” Pikachu asked. Seeing a nod, he sighed. “You’re one weird Raichu.”

“Weird? How so?”

The door opened, revealing an earth pony wearing a stetson hat holding a basket with cleaning devices in her mouth. She lowered said basket, placing it next to her forelegs, and asked in an odd accent, “Howdy Nica, what brings an honorary Apple to our farm? Are ya here to check on those pokemon that fell from the sky?” She stepped outside to wrap the Raichu with one foreleg.

“I am,” Nica said with a nod before gently pushing the foreleg away with her paws, landing on the dirt.

<Honorary Apple?> Umbreon asked, giving his older sis a confused stare.

“And Ah see yer not alone. Friends of yours?” Applejack asked, her attention now on the rest of the group.

“I am a Pikachu, and before you ask, I’m a pre-evolution of Raichu,” he said while pointing at himself. It was about time he made an introduction for a change. “Nica escorted me outside from the Everfree Forest and volunteered to be my guardian until I can return to my world. Nice to meet you.” He raised his forepaw, only for it to be shook along with his entire body."

“Howdy, the name’s Applejack. Friends of Nica are friends of mine.” She released Pikachu's forepaw a moment later.

Once on the ground, he took a few steps backward and danced left and right, trying to maintain balance as his surroundings still circled before him. He shook his head and massaged his arm.

Applejack turned to the side and approached Umbreon, who hissed at her and took a fighting stance. “Well, are mah eyes deceivin’ me? Yer the one who turned on Darkrai and kicked his backside in a rush of rage. Or was it someone else who looked like ya.”

Umbreon calmed down and nodded. <That was me.>

Nica translated, “He said you’re not wrong. As for the reason why he turned on Darkrai, it is because he’s part of Astra’s team. We raised him from an egg and he views me as his older sister.” She chuckled nervously. “Let’s just say… that he’s extremely protective… in a bad way.”

Applejack shook his foreleg enthusiastically. “Now that’s what Ah like to hear. The Apples are about hard work and family, and ever since Nica saved mah younger sister, she’s an honorary Apple in mah eyes.” She gave the Umbreon a proud smile. “She’s like family to me now, Ah can relate to how ya feel.”

Nica hid blush behind her forepaw. “When I was hurt and hungry, you let me feast on your apples, took me to a veterinarian and introduced me to Starlight. I… I just returned the favor.”

Applejack rubbed the top of Nica’s head. “Yer too humble. Ya put yer life at risk by jumping into one of the Hydra's mouths filled with big sharp teeth to save mah sis, getting badly bruised and breakin’ yer leg. It’s way more than simply returnin’ the favor. Ah owe ya really big.”

“Y-you don’t owe me... I just did what was right,” Nica said as her cheeks became even more red.

Pikachu gave Nica a proud look. Little by little, he learned more about what this Raichu experienced during her stay in this new world, and most clues showed that it involved hardship. Escaping from a Manticore without remembering any attacks, being chewed by some big creature… at least big enough for a pokemon like Raichu to fit in its mouth. How big a Hydra was, he had no idea. There also seemed to be something about facing a Darkrai and convincing him to stop his attempt to enslave this nation.

Now that I think about it, there was one trainer who had a Darkrai on his team, and he took down half of Ash’s team. If this one was as powerful, Nica had to be really brave to face such a pokemon, he thought. She’s also called captain by the other members of her team, and Ninetales seems to respect her power. Maybe under her cheerfulness and innocent attitude hides a good fighter. We can have a friendly spar once I find all of my friends. It could be fun.

Umbreon approached and looked up, now staring Applejack in the eyes. <You helped my older sis when she was hungry and hurt, and you see her as family.> He nuzzled Applejack’s foreleg. <I trust you.>

“Well look at that, he likes me already,” Applejack said as she stroked Umbreon’s head, who didn’t bite it or resist in any manner.

Nica gasped. “Wooow… I don’t remember him ever getting along with anyone this quickly. I think I know who’s a perfect guardian for this one.” Seeing a curious glance from Applejack, she added, “Twilight’s idea. She wants every pokemon to have a guardian until she figures how to get them back home.”

“Back home, will ya leave us?” Applejack asked.

Nica took a step back and rubbed her chin. Her ears dropped. “Well… I suppose I can stay some extra days… or I can visit this world from time to time, depending on how well the princess will do with her research.”

Applejack sighed in relief.

“Hey, what’s takin’ ya so long?”

The group looked towards the source of voice, now seeing a young filly wearing a big red bow at the back of her head.

“Ah’m waitin’ for… Oh, hello Nica!” The filly jumped over the fence and ran at the long-tailed pokemon, tackling her to the ground with great force. “How’s mah saviour and honorary Apple doin’? Ya come to look at the creatures fallin’ from the sky, or to play with me?”

“It’s great to see you too, Apple Bloom,” Nica said as her wrapped tail around the filly’s belly, taking her off herself so she could stand up. She stood on the tips of her rear paws and hugged her gently. “We can do both.”

“Great!” She rounded Nica and looked at the group. “I see you brought friends.”

“I am a Pikachu and...” He paused upon being wrapped into a tight embrace.

“The name's Apple Bloom and Ah’m a Cutie Mark Crusader. Nica’s friends are mah friends.” The filly released him and booped his nose. “Yer cute. Hope we can play as well once Ah’m done with cleanin’ and chores.”

Pikachu blinked, now looking at the energetic filly who poked the nose of the Umbreon. Hardworking, friendly, very strong for her size. I must admit, those ponies are really something. He massaged his arm, still feeling the filly’s strength in his little limbs. It feels a bit odd actually. It’s as if creatures with the potential to be as strong as pokemon were also intelligent and innovative like humans. That's so weird.

Apple Bloom picked up the basket with cleaning devices, balancing it on her head before walking the longer way into the barn.

“Seems Apple Bloom has got it covered. There’s something Ah prepared for ya Nica. Wait here,” Applejack said before walking inside.

Nica sat in front of the door, so did the Umbreon and the Pikachu.

Applejack walked outside with a mug balanced on her hat. She sat, grabbed it with her forehooves and placed it between Nica’s paws. “Apple Cider. Ah usually make it only durin’ the Apple Cider season, but Ah made some for ya.” She swung her foreleg. “Drink up, you’ll love it!”

Nica looked at the cider before taking a small sip. She closed her eyes tightly and gulped as the fur on her neck shot out, becoming stiff. Her ears perked up and her tail become stiff for a moment.

“Too strong for ya? Come on, yer a tough pokemon, ya can handle stronger tastes,” Applejack said as she looked at Nica with expectation in her eyes.

Nica steeled her nerves and took two full gulps. Her eyes became wide while her mouth started to pucker as if biting into a lemon. Tears fell down her eyes a moment later.

“Tears of joy? Now that’s more like it. Ah’ll get some for yer friends too, be right back,” Applejack said as she trotted inside her home with a cheerful smile on her face. Her head raised proudly.

Nica turned towards the group and looked at Pikachu and the Umbreon with pleading eyes. “Drink this for me, please, I beg of you,” she whispered, though somewhat loud for it being a whisper.

Pikachu tilted his head to the side. “What, why?”

“Because I can’t stand sour tastes. I love sweets but dislike anything sour. The only reason I even ate apples when I arrived in Equestria was because I was starving and thirsty,” she said in haste, trying to keep her volume down. “I like pears over apples and this cider is killing me, but I can’t tell her that, I don’t want to upset her, so I beg you, drink it.” Her ears drooped as her pleading stare intensified. The noise of a whining puppy followed.

<Forget about him and leave this to me. It’s not like he would even manage to drink half of it at his size,> Umbreon said as he grabbed the mug and drank in haste. One gulp, second gulp, third gulp, he emptied the mug the size of his belly and wiped foam leftovers from his mouth. He returned the empty mug.

“Thank you,” Nica said with a cheerful smile.

<Anything for you, older sis,> Umbreon said with a hiccup as he massaged his belly. <Mmmmm… it was really good.>

Applejack returned, placing two mugs before Pikachu and Umbreon, one for each.

“Ah see yer done already. Ah knew ya would love it. Ah can make ya as much cider as ya want, just say the word.”

Nica patted her belly. “I p-p-pass… I’m full.”

“Nonsense.” Applejack replaced the empty mug with a full one, already prepared in advance.

Pikachu looked at Nica with a look of pity who simply stared at the farm mare with a forced smile. Each gulp she took looked as if she was drinking lava which burned her throat. He turned towards the Umbreon, who simply drank the cider without a care in the world. His belly becoming more fat from the liquid alone.

He looked at his own mug and gulped. The size of that thing was bigger than his entire belly. While Nica was a bit smaller than the Raichu he had fought in the past, she was still no doubt four times heavier than him, same with the Umbreon. How was the six kilogram mass of a Pikachu supposed to store so much cider? He took the mug with his forepaws hesitantly and peeked inside before sighing in relief. Only one the third cider was present inside. After taking a few gulps, his eyes became wide and sparkled in joy. Now that was a great quality.

Pikachu’s ears perked up as he heard a scream escape from inside the barn. He dropped his mug and stood up, ready to run, only to see Nica already jumping over the fence. Not wasting a moment, he ran and jumped, following his guardian into the barn with Applejack and Umbreon only two seconds behind him.

He stopped as his eyes rested on a tall four pawed creature. Fur on his paws, muzzle, tail and neck was white, but was orange on the rest of the body. Each paw had three long sharp claws, and his neck was covered by a rich mane with four sharp rocks standing out from it. “L-Lycanroc?” There was no mistaking it, it was Ash’s Lycanroc, dusk form. All this time he was but several meters away. Upon a closer examination, Lycanroc’s fur seemed to be wet with soap and some foam stuck in his mane, and his eyes radiated a strong red.

Pikachu took a step back. This isn’t good. He looked at the filly, who was now curled and hiding behind Nica.

“Ah was cleanin’ him and tripped, and all the water splashed at him, and now he’s mad,” Apple Bloom said before peeking from behind Raichu’s belly. “Ah’m sorry, Ah didn’t mean it, please, don’t be mad.”

“Calm down this instant!” Applejack commanded with a stomp.

Lycanroc approached with slow steps while growling in anger. Its shining teeth exposed as if ready to sink into someone’s flesh.

Umbreon jumped towards Nica, now standing protectively in front of Apple Bloom while in a fighting stance. <Don’t you dare to hurt the Apples! If you lay a single claw on them, I’ll tear you to shreds, crush your skull, break your spine…!>

Pikachu covered his ears and looked at the Umbreon with a terrified expression. Now I see what Nica meant saying he’s both aggressive and protective. I definitely don’t want to anger him.

<... and once I’m done with you, there won’t be enough cleaning devices on this farm to clean up what’s left of you!>

The angered pokemon didn’t seem to calm down at Umbreon’s threats as he now slowly rounded the group, as if preparing to attack.

Nica glanced at Pikachu and asked, “What’s wrong with him? And how do we stop him?”

“He gets enraged whenever his fur is dirty. The only way to stop him is either to knock him out or to let him vent his anger on something,” Pikachu said before narrowing his eyes as bolts of electricity started escaping the dots on his cheeks. “Sorry Lycanroc, but I can’t let you harm anyone here.”

“Wait… let me try something,” Nica said as she started walking with slow steps towards the tall pokemon. “Umbreon, Pikachu, Applejack, no matter what happens, don’t attack him. Please, just trust me.”

Pikachu calmed down and observed Nica curiously. What is she trying to do?

Nica took a few calming breaths as she walked on her two feet towards the taller creature. Hearing his angered growling and sensing his rage didn’t make it easier. She slowed down and raised her left forepaw towards the angered creature as she now took one step each five seconds. “Please, don’t be angry. We’re your friends, not enemies.”

A dark aura surrounded the sharp teeth of the Lycanroc as he bent his legs, preparing for a vicious jump.

Nica’s ears drooped. It seems we’ll need to do this the hard way. She steeled her nerves, not intimidated in the least. As the angered pokemon jumped at her, she raised a forepaw protectively. The ‘Bite’ attack struck her as sharp empowered teeth pressed into the fur on her raised limb.

She grit her teeth, struggling to keep her eyes open while hearing calls of worry from behind, but paid them no mind as she had to focus on the problem ahead. She raised her other trembling forepaw, gently stroking the side of Lycanroc’s cheek with the bronze edge. “Ssshhh… it’s okay… it’s okay.” Her eyes closed for a moment as the sharp teeth sank into her forepaw with even greater force while the black aura caused burns to spread across her arm. “It’s f-fine… ssshhh… c-calm d-d-down…”

She relaxed herself, ignoring the growing agonizing pain as she kept looking the pokemon in the eyes with a compassionate stare. Her stroking as gentle as before. There seemed to be electricity building up within her, but holding it back to not hurt others for so long let her ignore this distraction. Her collar which absorbed electricity also put her mind at ease.

Several seconds passed mercilessly as the aura of anger she sensed seemed to weaken, and soon the red eyes shifted back to green. The pressure on her forepaw weakened and was replaced with licking as whimpers of sadness reached her ears.

<I’m… I’m sorry…>

“It’s alright, I forgive you. I barely felt a thing,” Nica said before hugging this pokemon’s muzzle. Saying she barely felt a thing was a forced lie, but she endured far worse during her harsh life. “I understand that as a rock pokemon being weak to water, you must experience rage rushes whenever you’re wet.”

<B-but… that’s not what caused it. I got angry when my fur got dirty…>

Nica released his head, took a few steps backward and held her forepaws on her hips, ignoring the pain in her damaged limb. “Are you saying you burst into rage and were willing to turn on friends and innocents, just because your fur was dirty? That’s ridiculous.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes and stomped. “Eeyup. Even Rares during her biggest overreactions due to destroyed fashion and stuff wouldn’t go this far.”

Lycanroc blushed in strong red as he covered his face with both of his paws.

“Oh, I get it, it was a joke. Well, it wasn’t a good one,” Nica pointed out. “Surely your weakness to water must be responsible in some way for your rage.”

“Y-yes… it’s contact with the water... I’m sorry,” Lycanroc said as he slowly lowered his paws.

Nica turned towards Pikachu, who stared back at her in shock. “It seems we found one of your friends. Who is left?”

“R-Rowlet... “ Pikachu gestured with his paws, drawing a picture in the air. “He’s my size, round, has little wings and a leafy bowtie on his neck. He was the last one I saw get sucked into this world before I ended up in the forest.”

Nica nodded before turning to Applejack. “Are there any other pokemon present on your farm?”

Applejack nodded. “Big Mac is with one.”

“Perfect, lead the way,” Nica said, receiving a nod from Applejack. She looked at Pikachu and asked, “Are you coming?”

“I’ll catch up in a moment, I just want to talk with my friend in privacy,” Pikachu said.

“Alright, just don’t make us wait for too long. We’ll wait outside.”

Pikachu nodded, waiting for the Raichu and the others to leave the barn. He pulled Lycanroc’s paw, leading him behind a large stack of hay.

<So, what do you want to talk about?>

Pikachu took a deep breath before raising his left forepaw. “Attack it with ‘Bite.’”

<Excuse me? Why do you want me to do that?>

“I want to test if I can try Nica’s trick in case if you get angry again. Just use ‘Bite’ on my forepaw and keep pressing until I tell you to stop,” Pikachu said.

Lycanroc rubbed his forearm. <I don’t think it’s a good idea.>


<Ugh… fine, but I don’t like it in the least.> He opened his mouth, charging dark aura for his next move.

Pikachu steeled his nerves and narrowed his eyes, his forepaw raised and ready. The following pain proved more overwhelming than expected. The fact that his forepaw was somewhat smaller than Nica’s didn’t help the matter. Come on, I endured worse than that. I fought legendaries, mega evolved pokemon and was hit by strong powerhouses. It’s… nothing. He raised his other forepaw, which trembled uncontrollably. Focusing on stroking his friend proved very difficult.

“Ssshhh… it’s okay… it’s… ok-ok-okey…” He gulped and half-closed his eyes as the pain grew in strength. “Ssshhh…” His ears drooped as he felt electricity build up inside his body, yet another painful distraction to worry about. Come on! She endured it, so can I…. I can endure… I can endure… I… can’t endure… He grit his teeth, struggling not to scream in pain. “R-release!” A big surge of relief came the moment the pressure was lifted. He massaged his burned forepaw. It’s one thing to endure a powerful hit and stand back up… but being hurt constantly… and remain focused on the task… and hold back my electricity… it’s another story.

<Are you okay?>

“I’m fine,” Pikachu said with a bit of a bitter tone. He walked towards the exit of the barn with his friend not far behind, now thinking back to a few situations when he was being crushed by large pokemon. He knew how to attack and act while under pressure, yet staying focused on calming an angered pokemon while under pain for so long proved more difficult than simply attacking with electricity.

The moment he was outside, he looked at Nica who waved at him from the nearby hill. How did she manage to do that? I’m battle-hardened, so why didn’t I last as long as her? That isn’t fair. He stomped before taking a calming breath. There’s no point to be jealous. So she can remain focused while under pain, it doesn’t mean she’s stronger and more skilled at battling. He smiled and trotted towards his guardian while hiding the burned forepaw behind his back. Being around those ponies and following her around is actually really nice. I shouldn’t let my competitiveness get in the way.

Searching for a pony named Big Macintosh took way longer than anticipated, resulting in the group splitting up into two. Finally, after half an hour of searching, Pikachu, Nica and Apple Bloom found the large stallion who seemed to be carrying a massive stack of apples with a two-legged pokemon meditating on it.

Yellow belly, black legs and paws, spikes on his chest and on back of his paws. Crossed legs and forepaws held together in front of his stomach. Yes, it is definitely a Lucario. Pikachu thought before his attention shifted towards the large stallion, now understanding where the ‘Big’ part of his name came from. “Wait… Pinkie Pie… like, pink pie… Fluttershy - shy… Applejack - apples… Rarity - rare… I get the impression that ponies get very literal with their names.”

Nica chuckled. “True, but according to humans, most pokemon keep repeating the name of their own species. Same with ponies. I had no idea about that until Applejack pointed it out due to my memory loss. If we would compare ponies and pokemon even further, their special talents gives them advantage at specific field of work, while our special abilities gives us a different advantage in combat.”

“Fair enough,” Pikachu said as he kept looking at the towering pony. The amount of apples in the cart he pulled no doubt being four times his own weight, with his weight being three to four hundred kilograms. “Are you Applejack’s older brother.”


Nica asked, “Hey, Lucario, are you also part of Astra’s team?”

<Yes, Master Nica.>

“Master? Not captain?” Pikachu asked as she gave Nica a curious glance.

“Well… it’s a bit complicated. Back when I was a Pikachu, Riolu volunteered to become my sensei and joined my trainer’s team willingly. He taught me how to use ‘Focus Blast’ and how to sense auras of other creatures.”

<My trainer, dangerous training, passed away… Nica, great potential, I nurtured her talent,> Lucario said as he maintained his meditating pose and closed eyes. <She mastered her potential, she’s the master now.>

“So you know how to attack with ‘Focus Blast?'”

Nica shook her head.

<New fighting style, new techniques. ‘Focus Blast’ powerful, but no longer practical, replaced with ‘Light Screen.’>

“Really?” Pikachu asked. Why would a Raichu give up on such a powerful move like ‘Focus Blast’ in order to use a defensive move instead? “What about sensing auras. Can you really do that?”

Nica nodded. “I do.”

Lucario spoke up, <Heavy struggle and hardship, rare talent unleashed. I nurtured, she mastered.>

“It’s very useful when it is dark or my vision is covered by a cloud of smoke, and it helps me defend against possible ambush and recognise a lie. I can also tell if someone is sad or happy even if they try to hide it.” Nica rubbed her forearm and looked to the side. “It’s kind of a double-edged sword. Sensing others anger, jealousy and disappointment during battle is often distracting.”

Pikachu took a step back and chuckled nervously. “S-sure…” His emotions being read like an open book wasn’t what he expected. He needed to be extra careful to keep his competitive nature in check. He didn’t want to upset this kind Raichu after all.

Apple Bloom walked towards her older brother, stood on her rear hooves and supported herself on her brother’s chest with her forehoof. She looked his brother in the eyes. “Do ya like each other’s company?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said with confidence in his voice and proudly raised head.

<I gather apples, he carries. Pony of a few words, but deep meaning behind each. We work, we meditate, we’re happy.>

Apple Bloom looked at Nica, who nodded and said, “Yes, he enjoys his company. I think I can write Big Macintosh as Lucario’s guardian.” She looked at the tall stallion. “You don’t have anything against it?”


Pikachu gave Lucario an odd glance. “You talk weird.” He looked at the stallion. “And you’re indeed a pony of a few words. That’s one weird match up.”

“And I think it’s very fitting,” Nica said with a cheerful smile.

Apple Bloom jumped onto the cart, climbing up the hill of apples before reaching the pokemon. “Mah name’s Apple Bloom, welcome to our farm. Nice to meet ya.” She picked one apple from the cart and presented it. “Are ya hungry?”

<Young pony, strong spirit and determination, flexible thinking.> Lucario stroked the top of Apple Bloom’s head. <Training and meditation, can teach, improve physical and mental condition.>

“What did he say?” Apple Bloom asked, looking down from the apple-hill.

“He said you have potential and he can train you,” Nica said with a chuckle. “That’s the good old Lucario, alright. He always had a keen eye for talents. One look at a human or a pokemon and he could tell most of their qualities.”

Pikachu jumped onto the cart and looked up at the meditating pokemon. “What about me?”

Lucario opened his eyes, now staring at him with a full curiosity. After half a minute of silence, he placed his hand on Pikachu’s head and said, <Supreme talent, great willpower, unwavering determination. Skills, weaknesses and techniques unknown, need to see in action for better judgement.>

“You need to see me in action?” He grinned. “I can arrange that.” He jumped from the cart, now standing in front of the large stallion. He clenched his forepaws and focused on his electricity as small bolts started escaping the dots on his cheeks. “I’ll unleash my strongest ‘Thunderbolt’ towards the sky. Get ready to be amazed.”

“Yes… about that,” Nica said, but not fast enough as Pikachu shouted from bottom of his lungs, yet no breathtaking spectacle followed.

Now blinking in confusion, Pikachu noticed a bright shining coming of his collar.

“I forgot to tell you. My translation collars also absorb electricity. It’s just a safety measure so I wouldn’t hurt anyone by accident,” Nica pointed out.

“Now you’re telling me?” Pikachu asked. “Why do you even have such a feature on these?”

Apple Bloom approached him, her muzzle nearly touching his nose. “That’s because when she visited our school -Scootaloo’s idea- she still had no idea how to use her powers. Overwhelmed by a bunch of other foals our age, she hurt them.”

Nica’s ears drooped and she whimpered. “It… it was horrible. Starlight got me out of my depression and I spend a few hours practicing how to keep my electricity from escaping. Luckily for me, Starlight and Twilight found a better solution.” She pointed at the yellow dots on her cheeks. “I regained my memories, but I still feel more comfortable knowing that my electricity won’t hurt anyone by accident thanks to this collar.”

Pikachu approached Nica and asked, “When you said, hours of practice, what did have you in mind?”

“I rubbed those spots on my cheeks violently while keeping electricity from escaping… Ummm, why are you looking at me like that?”

Pikachu gasped, his eyes wide. “You… how… why?”

“What’s wrong?” Nica asked.

“What’s wrong? What is wrong!?” Pikachu asked before waving his forepaws in panic. “What you just described is like the most agonizing experience an electric pokemon can have! Not passing out from the pain alone is a miracle.”

“It… was painful… but not that bad,” Nica pointed out.

Pikachu’s eye twitched. “Are you insane?” He stood on the tips of his tiny feet, trying to reach Nica’s face while staring her in the eyes. “As much as I like my trainer and his friends, stopping myself from unleashing electricity around them while under heavy pressure is too much for me to handle. Any combat injury is less painful than that.”

Nica blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. “W-well… I suppose I’m quite used to the pain, and I prefer to endure agony rather than hurt anyone with electricity. Seeing others sad is worse than the pain itself.”

Pikachu took a step back, his face still shocked. How… how can she be so much more durable than me…? Upon seeing a sign of sadness on Nica’s face, he shook his head and forced a smile. “That’s... really impressive.” He clapped his forepaws. If this Raichu could sense his emotions, being envious of her would only make things worse. At least against a rival everything was simple. The Raichu would provoke him and he would prove them wrong through a hard-won battle. With a sensitive Raichu like Nica who possesses ability to sense auras of others things got so much more complicated.

“Are those… burns on the collar?” Nica asked as she rounded Pikachu and untied the collar, now examining it. “Your strongest ‘Thunderbolt’ nearly overloaded it.”

Pikachu looked at the burned mark and small cracks on the little gems. <S-sorry.>

“Well… look on the bright side.” Nica pointed at herself. “This collar is strong enough to seal away my electricity. Your power must be really strong if you managed to damage it.” She put the collar back onto his neck.

Pikachu blinked, now starting at Nica in a growing confusion. But… this doesn’t make any sense. How can a Raichu have weaker electricity than me… while being so much more durable? Is she stronger or weaker than me, I don’t get it. He closed his eyes and massaged his forehead.

Lucario chuckled and crossed his arms, already learning so much from this little exchange.

Nica and Pikachu’s ears perked up, picking up the noise of an explosion, only to feel earth trembling under their feet. The group looked towards the source of noise, now seeing a rainbow-colored explosion as a multicolored cloud remained in the sky.

“I think I know where we should go next,” Nica said.

“You don’t say,” Pikachu said with a smug face.

Author's Note:

And so chapter 1 reached its end. Chapter 2 will be uploaded this Satturday. (This is where we can get to the real meat of this story).

Poor Pikachu, trying so hard to keep his competitivness at bay while getting confused over Nica's strenght.

As for Lucario, there's a specific game character that I based him on, (his way of speach mostly) I hope somoene of my dear readers will manage to get that reference.


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