• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,388 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.3 - The Best Day Ever Pt.1

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 3
The Best Day Ever, Part 1

Twilight Sparkle kept looking ahead while perched on a pillow inside of her library, a stack of closed books lay on the floor behind her while opened books covered the rounded table. Shelves built into walls filled with rich literature that she had read so many times surrounded her from all sides.

Before her stood two small pokemon:

Nica, who kept moving herself up and down in excitement with the help of her rear paws. She held her forepaws behind her back while a cheerful smile was present on her face.

Next to Nica stood Pikachu with a lowered head and drooped hands. Was he exhausted or bored she couldn’t tell.

With the help of her magic, Twilight levitated over the notepad from Nica’s shoulder-bag and read it with full attention. “I see… so both pokemon that belong to Astra Longshot and Ash Ketchum ended up in Equestria.”

“Correct!” Nica said with a quick nod.

“This seem too much of a coincidence if you ask me…" Twilight paused, reading with even greater interest. "So Rarity will take care of Starmie, Fluttershy will take care of Venusaur and Alolan Vulpix… I see… it seems all of my friends got pokemon under their care. I expected nothing less.” She kept reading, her calm curious face shifting into different expressions, shock and confusion being among them.

Twilight took a deep breath and said, “So let me get this straight. In search for Rowlet while asking residents from Ponyville, you learned that somepony brought him to Dr. Fauna, something about unhealthy napping with destructive awakening syndrome.”

Nica nodded.

“While visiting Dr. Fauna, you learned that she took Rowlet to the hospital since she couldn’t tell what was wrong with him. The veterinarian also became the guardian of Audino, a pokemon that doesn’t belong to Astra but to her friend Emily.”

“That’s correct, also, Audino’s name is Queen, and it's just a name, not a title or anything like that.” Nica cleared her throat. “Emily worked with Astra’s parents in the past. Somehow some of her pokemon were summoned into Equestria as well. Audino was Blissey’s friend and a very tough bodyguard.”

Twilight chuckled. “Speaking of Astra’s Blissey, she’s now assisting at the hospital, healing ponies with her own vitality. Kind of fitting.”

Pikachu raised his head and chuckled as well. “Where we come from, most Pokemon Centers had Chansey assisting Nurse Joys. It fits really well for Nurse Redheart to become Blissey’s guardian… A quick question, there aren’t more Nurse Redhearts in this world by any chance, are there?”

“Nope,” Twilight said with a shake of her head.

“Figures,” Pikachu murmured to himself.

“During one of Rowlet's outbursts, the hospital staff removed him for the safety of other patients, and apparently Miss Vinyl Scratch took him with her. What are those outbursts anyway?” Twilight asked.

With all eyes on Pikachu, he rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. “He…. sleeps a lot, and whenever someone wakes him up, he start flying and bouncing all over the place. We got used to it after a while.”

Nica raised her forepaw. “We asked ponies where this Vinyl lives, and we found a house with two musicians living together.” Nica displayed a dreamy smile. “I must say, I had no idea that such a talented pony like Octavia Melody was living here. I could listen to her playing the cello for hours. Calm and classical music is my favorite.”

Pikachu crossed his arms. “Personally, I prefer Vinyl’s music, way more action packed.” He rubbed his left ear. “As long as she does not put the volume up too high.”

Nica pointed out, “Another of Emily’s pokemon, Primarina, was invited by Miss Octavia into her home and they practiced together. I would say Octavia is Primarina’s guardian now. Oh… and Primarina’s name is Battleship.”

“Battleship? That’s a weird name for a pokemon,” Twilight pointed out.

Nica chuckled. “Trust me, if you saw her firepower on the sea, you wouldn’t be surprised… Are there battleships in Equestria by any chance?”

“We have airships with large balloons and magic keeping them afloat. I suppose it could also be called a battleship if it was staffed by unicorn Royal Guards. As for regular ships that are built for war, no, we don’t have those. Equestria is a peaceful nation,” Twilight explained.

Nica crossed her arms. “No wonder Darkrai thought pokemon could take over this nation. Ponies may be strong, but they lack combat experience, and your Royal Guards are a poor excuse for an army.”

Twilight frowned and continued reading the report on the notepad. “So it turned out that Rowlet ran away due to the loud music, and you followed his trail to the school.”

Pikachu nodded as his ears drooped, a tired expression present on his face. “It turned out that the pony teacher wanted to make Rowlet a school mascot, but after he started to rampage during the class, one of school fillies offered to take him home instead.”

Nica giggled. “It sure took us most of the day running all over Ponyville until we found Rowlet with Miss Ditzy…”

“Wasn’t her name Derpy?” Pikachu asked.

“Her name’s Ditzy but others call her Derpy.” Nica shrugged. “No difference to me. They seem happy together.”

Twilight bit her bottom lip. A clumsy and somewhat destructive pony taking care of a destructive pokemon. I wonder… with Derpy’s numerous accidents, would Rowlet’s rampages even make any difference, or will those two destructive forces together combine into something terrifying, only time will tell.”

Pikachu plopped down, now lying on his back while staring at the ceiling. “We explored most of Ponyville searching for him. I am so done.”

Nica looked down at Pikachu while towering over him. Forepaws on her hips. “Come on, it wasn’t that bad. I got to show you most of Ponyville and I left Rarity with the information and location of each pokemon while we were at it.” She carefully placed the tip of her tail under Pikachu’s back and gently pushed him to a sitting position. “Today was quite eventful, and tomorrow will be even better.”

Pikachu sighed before standing up. “You’re right. I know where all of my friends are, and I accept that I’m temporarily stuck in this… interesting world.” He smiled warmly and patted Nica on the shoulder. “Thank you a lot for helping me. I wouldn’t have found my friends this quickly if not for you. You’re a really good guardian.”

Twilight noticed a very strong blush on Nica’s face, as well as her sheepish smile.

“It’s… it’s an honor. Such kind words from a hero like you… I don’t know what to say.”

“Hero?” Twilight asked.

“Long story, I will tell you other time,” Nica said before grabbing Pikachu’s forepaw while pointing at the exit. “It is night already and you’re tired. Just rest and tomorrow we’ll have lots of fun.”

Twilight watched as Pikachu and Raichu walked towards the exit at a slow pace with the smaller pokemon taking three steps for every two steps made by Nica. They held each other’s paws and cheerful smiles were present on their faces. Despite a clear size and color difference, she could see resemblance between the different evolutions of the same species.

The moment the double green glass door closed, Twilight wiped a tear of joy from her face. “Nothing warms my heart more than seeing a blooming friendship.” She looked back to her books. “I suppose my side-research can wait an extra day or two. I will just focus on researching that spell for now…” Her ears drooped and a quiet whimper escaped her mouth. “B-but… a chance to compare the abilities of representatives of two different evolutions, a chance to learn how pokemon battles works from personal experience… so many tests I can do…” She gulped and lowered her head. Tomorrow was going to be a looong day.

Pikachu climbed onto his bed, took off Nica’s spare collar and placed it on the table next to him. After a few attempts to perch the side of his head on the large pillow, he climbed up further, perching himself on it as whole. His eyes now looked at Nica who leaped onto the bed and pulled the eiderdown with the help of her tail, covering most of his body.

“Comfortable enough?” Nica asked.

<Of course it is, thank you.>

“In this case, I wish you sweet dreams.” The long-tailed pokemon clapped her forepaws together. “Tomorrow will be sooo exciting. I can’t wait.”

<Same to you, Nica,> Pikachu said, not daring to move from his comfortable spot.

“Thank you, but I’m not going to sleep just yet. I need to burn my energy with night exercise before going to sleep.” Nica started stretching her limbs before leaping from the bed and walking towards the door.

<Wait… you’re still not tired?>

“Of course not. The idea of being in the company of such a great pokemon like you keeps me invigorated,” Nica said as she pulled the handle, opening the door with the help of her tail. She turned around and waved. “Goodnight.”

The moment a weak thud of the closing door reached his ears, he thought, How can she still have stamina after all that? She’s energetic, I give her that. He murmured to himself, <I really need to pull myself together. She views me as a hero after all… The worst I could do is to embarrass myself and ruin her expectations.> He closed his eyes and wriggled for a moment on the pillow as his body sunk deeper further into it. I’m battle-hardened and experienced. I faced legendary pokemon and had many dangerous adventures. The moment I get an opportunity, I’ll impress Nica with my skills. I’ll show her that I’m a Pikachu worthy of being her hero.

Pikachu yawned and stretched his limbs while pushing the eiderdown away, his blurry vision showly sharpening. Filled with energy and well rested, he stepped from the pillow and walked towards the edge of the bed, staring at the window while admiring the rising sun. He didn’t notice it at first, but there seemed to be some sort of large city on a mountain on the horizon.

<Welcome new day!> he shouted with a cheerful shake of his forepaws. He approached the table and took a moment to put the collar onto his neck, already used to it being somewhat too big for his neck.

With a tiny jump and carefree steps, he walked towards the door, jumping towards the handle. He anchored his tiny legs against the door and pulled the handle, unlocking it a moment later. Using the small opening, he walked outside and approached the door which was across from his room. He poked at the door with his paw. Without receiving any response, he called, “Nica, are you awake?” Upon not receiving any response, he opened the door the same way as before and peeked inside.

“Nica? Are you there?” He stepped inside and jumped onto the table to take in the interior of the room.

The bed wasn’t exactly empty, but it wasn’t Nica sleeping in it, but a tiny white creature instead.

A tiny long tail, small long floppy ears, thin whiskers. This creature was even smaller than Dedenne. If not for the fact that it’s legs were similar to his own, he would imagine it being Pichu’s pre-evolution. It seems Nica has a tiny companion… not surprised. He turned around, now staring at the mirror. His own fur clean, ears pointy as always, no dirt or grass left-overs on his feet, and most importantly, the bite-mark on his forepaw completely healed. He held his forepaws on his hips and raised his head in pride. I look presentable and ready for anything. He took a fighting pose with one clenched forepaw raised in front of his face, following it up by mimicking Derpy’s crossed eyes. Yes… still got it. I wonder if I should show Nica a few of my silly expressions. She looks cute when she laughs.

Upon noticing a picture attached to the mirror, he took a closer look, now seeing a picture of Nica waving from the top of unicorn’s head as they both showed a toothy smile. Wait… didn’t Twilight mention a pony named Staralight… I think she’s her student. So this is what she looks like. She must be an important friend if Nica has this picture of her.

He looked away from the mirror, noticing… a large plush in the shape of Twilight Sparkle sitting in the corner of the room. Alright… now that’s surprising. He jumped onto the large plush and stroked it’s neck. Whoever made it did a nice job. It’s not as soft as the real pony, but the resemblance is unmistakable.

His examination of the plushy was interrupted by hissing and angered squeaking. Upon not seeing anyone behind him, he looked down, noticing the little white creature from before. He lowered himself to four paws and looked at the tiny creature in the eyes. “Hello there, I’m a Pikachu. Are you one of Nica’s friends?”

The rat jumped, grabbing and chewing on Pikachu's ear. Caught off guard, Pikachu lost his balance, falling from the large plush with a quick yelp.

Spike and his bat-like companion walked through the hallway, heading towards Pikachu’s room while carrying a shoulder-bag. He was actually looking forward to meeting the pokemon that even a brave Raichu like Nica idolized. If he learned anything about his long-tailed friend, it was that she admired the accomplishments of others while diminishing her own worth. Nica’s desire to be helpful being something he could relate to.

He glanced up at Gliscor with narrowed eyes, his attention on the yellow collar with red gems in the shape of bats decorating it, a gift from Rarity and enhanced by Starlight’s magic. With the help of the translating collar, Gliscor’s first spoken words were polite thanks and praise for Rarity’s beauty and her diligence, followed up with a polite bow and kiss on the forehoof. Should he ask him for advice on how to impress the lady, or explain to him that he was intruding on his territory?

“Okay, okay, I’ll leave!”

Spike’s attention focused on a small yellow pokemon leaving Nica’s room. While Nica seemed to be almost as tall as him, this creature didn’t seem to even reach his neck.

The noisy screeching escaped the rat’s mouth as he yelled at Pikachu from a spot in front of the opened door.

“Calm down, Mr. Patrick,” Spike said, catching their attention. “Nica is this Pikachu’s guardian. He’s not an intruder, be polite.”

Mr. Patrick crossed his tiny arms and frowned. A jealous look present on his face.

“Sorry about him. The name’s Spike by the way,” the young drake said as he raised his hand towards Pikachu, who approached and shook it. “I’m Twilight’s assistant and a young dragon. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

Gliscor performed a polite bow, holding his wing before him as if it was a cape. “I’m Gliscor, a loyal soldier in Astra’s personal army under direct leadership of Captain Nica. It’s an honor to meet such a great hero that my officer admires so much. As a defender of justice myself, I’m at your beck and call.”

Pikachu chuckled. “Nica was right about you. You’re so different from the Gliscor I remember.”

“So a different Gliscor was part of Ash’s team. It’s an honor knowing that my species participated in something greater.” He poked Spike, pointing at his shoulder-bag.

“Oh, right, Starlight finished working on the translating spell for the collar made by Rarity herself.” He picked up a pink collar with blue lightning in between six little black gems. A small silver tag with ‘Pikachu’ written on it was attached to the collar. “Starlight told me that those gems are too small to make them absorb your electricity, especially if according to Nica your attacks are stronger than hers. Instead, she just made the collar resistant enough not to burn in case you used a powerful attack, but it won’t restrain your electricity in any way.”

Pikachu nodded, trying to untie the collar from his neck. Spike helped immediately, replacing Nica’s spare collar with a smaller and more fitting customized one. Pikachu massaged the free space on his neck and smiled. “Perfect.”

“Nica asked me to escort you to the top of the castle. She asked Starlight to help her bake some tasty goods for you and already planned a schedule with attractions for you,” Spike said as he patted Pikachu on his shoulder. “Listen. I have no idea what you did in your world to impress her so much, but she’s looking up to you even more than I look up to Twilight. If you want to make her happy, don’t hesitate to ask her for favours. She really looooves being helpful above all else.”

“Alright, I’ll consider it,” Pikachu said with a nod.

Spike flanked the smaller pokemon from the left while Gliscor flanked form the right, now escorting him towards the highest spot of the castle.

Pikachu looked ahead and down from the edge of the highest spot of the castle, the entire town and nearby forest were in his view, as well as the large town on a mountain.

“Nice view, isn’t it?” Nica asked.

Pikachu looked to the side and slightly up at Nica, whose face, paws and belly seemed to have some leftovers of flour, cream and dough. The bronze edges of her paws, white belly and orange cheeks now more multicolored than before. “It is indeed.” He turned and stood on the tips of his rear legs as he wiped away some of the flour and cream from Nica’s face, only to notice a few bruises. There also seemed to be a few on her belly which he mistook for dirt. “You’re hurt… what happened?”

“I just had a very intense morning exercise, that’s all,” Nica said and shook her forepaw dismissively. “Don’t worry about me. Let’s just eat and relax, alright?”

“Sure,” Pikachu said with a warm smile before jumping towards a nearby sunbed. Spike and Gliscor already perched on their own sunbeds, their posture relaxed, their hands and claws supporting the back of their heads, their legs crossed. A drink with a straw was present next to their perch.

The sunbeds themselves were positioned in a circle around a fountain.

Pikachu’s attention shifted to Nica who approached with two trays. One covered tray was balanced on her tail while the other tray with drinks was held in her paws.

“Fresh water, lemonade, apple juice, grape juice, which one strikes your fancy?” Nica asked as she now balanced the tray on the bronze tip of her forepaw.

Pikachu looked between four different glasses. Transparent clear, yellow, violet and red/bronze. He picked up a glass with yellow liquid. It matched the color of his fur after all.

Nica placed the tray on the sunbed not far from him and next displayed another tray balanced on her tail. She took away the round metallic cover. “Two apples, vegetable salad and a strawberry cake. Enough for the both of us.” She placed the tray with food and two plates next to the drinks before sitting on the sunbed as well.

Pikachu licked his lips, perched on one side of the sunbed. Nica sat on the other side with food in between them and rays of the sun from the east. He picked up one of two forks in the salad and ate, one bite at a time, drinking bits of lemonade in between. His guardian ate the salad as well while drinking fresh water instead. I must admit, the atmosphere of this breakfast is really nice.

With the salad mostly eaten, Pikachu pointed at the dessert, deciding to leave the apple for later.

“Sure,” Nica said as she carefully cut the cake with the help of her tail and next placed the bigger half on a plate in front of him.

Pikachu looked at the cake slice and next at the taller pokemon. “Ummm… question.”


“Why did you give me the bigger slice rather than take it for yourself?”

Nica chuckled. “Isn’t that obvious? A great hero like you deserves the best of the best. In this case, the bigger cake slice.”

Pikachu smiled awkwardly. “Yes… I appreciate the gesture…” He pointed at Nica’s wide belly. “The thing is, you’re like four times heavier than me. N-not that I'm calling you fat… but as a bigger pokemon, you need to eat more than me.”

Nica rubbed the back of her neck and displayed a toothy smile. “Good point, I got carried away.” She swapped the plates as each pokemon grabbed a cake-slice sufficient for their size, biting and chewing it simultaneously. Both licked the cream with a long-lasting ‘mmmm’ while massaging their bellies.

“You are both so different and similar at the same time. It’s really charming.”

Pikachu looked at the newcomer, who looked identical to the mare in the picture in Nica’s room.. “Staralight?”

“It’s Starlight, not Staralight.” The unicorn looked at Nica. “So this is your pre-evolution. Looks neat, but I prefer the way you look way more.”

“Not you too.” Nica grabbed her ears with her forepaws and pulled them down while lowering her head. “Why does everyone keeps comparing us?”

“Because it’s fun,” Starlight said with a smug face.

Pikachu chuckled at his fan’s reaction. So what if more ponies seemed to prefer his evolution in terms of looks? As long as it was about this particular Raichu, he didn’t mind.

Starlight approached, now giving Pikachu a judgemental stare. “I must say, when Nica told me that a pokemon from her world she idolizes and views as a hero arrived here, I expected someone way more impressive.” She looked at Nica. “But I learned from my friend here that the size of a pokemon is very misleading." She looked back at him. "In order to accomplish great deeds alongside your trainer you must possess great skills and power despite your miniscule appearance.”

“You bet I do,” Pikachu said as he puffed his chest and held a clenched paw in front of his head.

Starlight looked to the side and grinned, then looked back at him from the corner of her eye. “Sooo… I’m sure a powerful hero like you would have nothing against having a duel of epic proportions against me. Am I right?”

“Sounds great, count me in!” Pikachu shouted in an excited tone. “I hope you’ll prove to be a challenge. Rainbow Dash didn’t last long due to her being hurt and tired from her practice against Scizor.”

“Oh trust me, I have way more raw power than her and know how to fight.”

Nica crossed her arms. “Is this all about my refusal to train with you?”

“Nooo… of course not…” Starlight said as Nica raised her eyebrow. “Okay, fine. I know you told me that I’m too powerful and battle-experienced when compared to Twilight, but after you kept training her in self-defense, she started beating me in magical duels.” She stomped. “I wanted to fight a pokemon and I’m going to fight one.”

Pikachu stood up, only to be gently pushed to a lying position by Nica while an apple was placed between his forepaws.

“There will be a time for combat soon, but for now, just relax and enjoy yourself.” Nica looked at the sky with a dreamy smile. “I planned the whole day. It will be the best… day… ever.”

Pikachu nodded and relaxed himself, now biting an apple held in one paw while using his other paw as a support for his head. His number one fan promised to make this day his best and she was already doing a mighty fine job at it. A battle against Starlight seemed like a perfect opportunity to impress her in turn. He was her hero after all and he needed to prove deserving of such respect.

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