• Published 4th Aug 2018
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Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.1 - Exploration Pt.1

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 1
Exploration Pt.1

When riding an alicorn, visiting a large tree-castle made of crystals while also stuck in what probably was a different world devoid of pokemon and humans, one would expect mysterious breathtaking wonders never seen by their eyes. Yet what this little Pikachu saw was as generic and uninteresting as it got, quickly killing his sense of wonder.

Despite being very small as every construction looked massive, towering and mighty in his eyes, there was nothing outstanding in the maze filled with nothing but doors and crystal pillars. Sure, there were lavender banners with golden stripes in between, and some sort of yellow glass with a tree inscribed in it above each door, but they quickly lost their charm as every hallway inside the castle looked exactly the same.

I get the impression that tree-related decorations are a repetitive trend inside this castle. What’s more, I feel as if this castle is begging to be filled with life. Maybe more residents would add more diversity to this place, Pikachu thought before rubbing the alicorn’s neck with his forepaws while his feet sank into the fur on her back, causing him to experience conflicted feelings. On one paw, this ride was so much more spacious and comfortable than Ash’s shoulder where he needed to balance himself at all times. On the other paw, it just didn’t feel the same.

<So, how do you like the interior of this castle?>

Pikachu looked behind, now staring at Nica with a sheepish smile. “Well… it’s… shining and crystallic…”

<And also repetitive, you don’t need to hide it. I got bored quickly during my first tour of this place as well,> Nica said as she gestured over the area. <But this place has a few outstanding locations. The library, room with the cutie-map, kitchen which is downstairs, basement filled with friendly little creatures and webs.> She pointed at the ceiling. <There’s also a fountain on the roof of this castle with a few sunbeds, a really nice spot to relax under the sun or to practice jumping.>

“I’ll take your word for it.” Pikachu gestured at the doors on his right and asked, “Still, who designed this place? What’s the point of all these rooms if no one is using them?”

“I admit, this place is unnecessarily spacious, but what can you do?” Twilight asked while glancing at her passengers. “This castle grew from the seed of harmony we got after the defeat of Lord Tirek. It would be a bit rude complaining about a castle we got for free after saving the nation.”

“It… grew…” Pikachu placed his hands on his hips and displayed an annoyed stare. “I would kind of believe it if this castle was an actual tree. Grass pokemon are capable of incredible feats after all, but I find it hard to believe a seed would grow crystals.”

“If you think this is crazy, you’re certainly new to this world. While I study magic and try to learn about the mysteries of Equestria, by spending time with Pinkie Pie I learned to just not question what I can’t explain. Some magic and talents are just beyond our comprehension,” Twilight explained.

Pikachu crossed his arms. “I’m sorry, but you're making it difficult for me to believe in anything you say.” He felt a forepaw land on his shoulder.

<Just think of magic as a type of power with a large variety of uses. Instead of a few moves we can use, magic allows them to create numerous moves with different effects on the spot,> Nica said, yet her words weren’t convincing enough for his taste. <You’ll get used to it eventually.>

“And here it is, your very own room,” Twilight said as she turned to the right and pushed a door open.

Pikachu peeked from behind her neck, seeing a bed with a table next to it, a few shelves for books and one window. There also seemed to be another table with a mirror across from the bed. Not really the most impressive of accommodations, but certainly way too big for someone as small as him. I would imagine sleeping inside this room alongside Ash, but not on my own. His ears drooped. It felt so odd being separated for so long.

Upon noticing his saddened smile, Nica once again placed a forepaw on his shoulder. <My room is across from yours, If you need anything or just want to talk, I’ll be a few steps away.>

Pikachu forced a smile. “S-sure, I’ll remember that.”

With the help of her magic, Twilight wrapped both pokemon with levitation and placed them on the floor. “Alright, both of you, listen carefully. Before I can start working on a spell that can send you back, we need to get organized.” She opened her saddlebag and levitated out a rolled scroll, bottle of ink and a feather pen. “With so many pokemon appearing in Ponyville, we need to make sure each of them gets accommodated and has a personal guardian who’ll care for them and make sure they won’t get lost.”

<Can I borrow my collar for a moment?> Nica asked.

Pikachu nodded and turned around to let the collar be removed from his neck. Now upon seeing the collar on Raichu’s neck, he noticed a small metal tag with ‘Nica’ written on it.

Nica stood on her rear feet and held a forepaw on her chest. “I volunteer to be Pikachu’s guardian and I swear to do everything I can to make his stay as welcoming and pleasant as possible.”

“Sounds good to me,” Twilight said as she stroked Nica’s head, who returned the gesture by rubbing the princess under her chin. The mare gently lowered the heart-shaped edge to the floor and said, “I almost forgot to tell you. A bat-like grey creature with big claws and poisonous tail is currently under Spike’s care. Gliscor was it… He was surprisingly cooperative and acts as if he had a guard’s training.”

Nica rubbed back of her neck before gasping. “Wait… this sounds like a description of one my team members, Gligar or his evolution Gliscor… Wait… guard’s training, it has to be him.” She laughed and shook her forepaw. “Good old Gliscor, always dutiful. I can guarantee that he will follow every command or plea to the letter.”

<Wait… your trainer has a Gliscor that’s following orders?> Upon seeing a nod, he added, <That’s so weird. The Gligar I remember… let’s say that he was a bit too clingy and somewhat difficult.>

“Really, that’s a shame. The Gliscor from my team is in a desperate need to learn how to chill. He’s too formal for his own good,” Nica pointed out.

Twilight cleared her throat, catching others attention. “Pikachu, since there’s a chance that some pokemon who appeared in Ponyville are your friends, I would appreciate if you convinced them to remain cooperative with ponies. My friends no doubt took the initiative in providing the pokemon with a place to stay, and I would prefer if they didn’t try to run away and end up lost.”

Pikachu nodded hesitantly. He still wasn’t sure if he should trust Nica and the alicorn after all the magic nonsense they spoke of, but knowing where his friends are at all times would put his mind at ease.

“I can make a list of who stays with who, princess. Would this be helpful?” Nica asked with hopeful eyes, receiving a nod of agreement.

“That’s a great idea.” Twilight opened the door to Nica’s room with her magic, levitating over a little bag as the long-tailed critter put it on her shoulder. “While you’re at it, you need to know that Starlight is currently at Rarity’s boutique, working on translating collars for our unique visitors. Check on them first if you can.”

“Will do!” Nica said with a salute. She ran into her own room, only to run outside with an identical collar in her mouth. She grabbed it with the bronze edges of her forepaws. “I forgot I have two of these, you can have one.”

Pikachu turned around, allowing the Raichu to put the big collar onto his neck, only to feel her tail wrap around his belly. “Hey, stop that…” He ended up perched on Nica’s back.

“Let’s not waste any more time and find your friends. To Ponyville!” Nica shouted enthusiastically as she ran through the hallway.

“I have legs, thank you very much,” Pikachu said as he leaped from Nica’s back and ran beside her. While he didn’t mind riding on Ash’s shoulder or be perched on an alicorn’s back, the idea of his own evolution giving him a ride felt embarrassing, he would have none of that.

Twilight watched as the two pokemon ran through the hallway, disappearing from her sight a moment later. She giggled and thought, Nica sure is enthusiastic today, having a fellow pokemon of similar size to interact with. I hope they’ll become good friends. She unrolled her checklist for a moment. “Register where each pokemon will be accomodated and who’ll be their guardian… visit Rarity and Starlight to make sure they don’t need help with the production of translating collars… I think Nica’s got these covered.” She returned her checklist, feather pen and ink into her saddlebag before teleporting into her library, numerous damaged books filled the table with a third of them open to specific pages.

She approached with firm steps and narrowed eyes. “That reprobate Darkrai, trying to take over Equestria by stealing magic and summoning pokemon into our world. Books with the means to return Nica back to her world as an offering of peace… pfft… I should have known it was too good to be true.” She grumbled and lowered her head. “Thus far the summoned pokemon aren’t aggressive, so I doubt he’s trying anything dangerous again. Maybe he tried pranking us…” She stomped and frowned. “The nerve of him. Now I need to reverse-engineer his spell to create a portal that can send pokemon back instead of summoning them.”

She stopped and rubbed her chin. Now that I think about it, isn’t Pikachu a pre-evolution of Raichu that Nica spoke of? Maybe I could do a little research to compare both evolutions… She shook her head, her attention once again on the books. Focus, Twilight, there’s no time for delays… After a few minutes of reading the books, she looked at the ceiling. Well… maybe a very short delay for a tiny bit of research wouldn’t hurt...

Pikachu ran, following his guide while admiring the colorful houses of this town. A nice fresh change of scenery. Not the tallest buildings I’ve seen in my life, but at the very least there’s a lot of variety and creativity in terms of decoration.

“We’re here!” Nica shouted as she pressed one forepaw into the ground while raising her rear legs, performing a 180 turn. Now standing on two feet, she gestured over the building behind her. “I proudly present, Carousel Boutique.”

Pikachu raised his head, now staring at the decorative towering house with a flag on top. Now that was a tall, proud and elegant building. A nice mix of white, purple, blue and golden yellow. It was nowhere near as tall as the friendship castle, but still impressive enough from his perspective.

With a slap of her long tail, Nica knocked at the door.

“The door is unlocked, please, come in!”

Not wasting a moment, Nica stood on tips of her rear paws and pulled the upper handle, unlocking the whole door rather than a small entrance on its lower part. With a polite bow, she raised her forepaws in an inviting gesture and pushed the door open with her tail. “Guests first.”

Pikachu smiled sheepishly. Wasn’t he supposed to open the door for the lady, not the other way around? So what if he was smaller? A tiny jump and shoulder-push was all he needed. After taking a deep breath, he said, “After you.”

“Oh no, you’re the guest, you should have the honor.”

Pikachu lowered his forepaws in defeat, then walked in with hesitant steps. His jaw dropped and eyes became wide upon seeing the scenery. Lavender curtains for privacy wrapped together with elegant bows, pony-like dummies wearing random dresses in various colors with some of them having decorative gems. Now that’s style. It kind of reminds me of pokemon contests. He looked down at the white-purple floor clean enough to see his own reflection, though he felt bits of water with his tiny feet. It was most likely cleaned and polished recently.

His attention quickly focused upon a stage-like platform surrounded by three large oval mirrors, only for him to raise his forepaws to his mouth, resisting the urge to laugh. Starmie stood on the platform. The water-type starfish was wearing a yellow shirt with red gems inscribed into it, both colors matching the large ruby and golden ring surrounding it in the middle. The dress itself covered three of Starmie’s limbs, a white cape was wrapped around the upper limb with a ship captain’s hat resting on the top.

<Huuuh, a Raichu?> Starmie said, then looked down at them. < Captain Nica, is that you?>

“Captain… that settles it, you must part of my trainer’s team.” Nica held her forepaws on her hips. “So you were summoned into Equestria as well. Did Rarity make you pose and wear these clothes?”

<She did.>

Pikachu took a few calming breaths and gave the Raichu a curious glance. “Captain? What does it mean by that?”

<Captain Nica is Astra’s partner and second in command,> Starmie said. <We all respect her.>

Nica blushed and rubbed the back of her neck, showing a nervous smile. “I can’t deny that my trainer and the team trusts me.... but never mind that.” She looked at Starmie and asked, “How did you meet Rarity, report?”

Starmie nodded, explaining its circumstances.

Starmie looked around in confusion, unsure what to do. Just a moment ago its trainer tasked it with the transportation of important equipment, only for a portal to appear from above and suck it in. The pokemon inside its trainer’s luxury balls were freed and summoned by similar portals at the same time.

“Excuse me,” something called to her from behind, now staring at the starfish curiously.

“Huuuuh?” Starmie responded, now staring back at the unicorn.

“Is this gem a decoration? Or is it part of your body?” she asked curiously, lowering her head to take a better look at the shining ruby.

Starmie poked her own gem with one of its limbs.

“Are you busy at the moment?" Rarity asked as she examined the pokemon from top to bottom.

“Huuuh...” Starmie responded, taking a step back.

The fashionista stroked golden binding with her forehoof. “Has any pon… pokemon ever told you that your natural beauty is very inspiring.”

“Huuu...huuu?” Starmie took another step back as its limbs started shaking like jelly.

“Your trainer may not be into fashion, but I am sure a pokemon of your magnitude will appreciate it,” Rarity said as her horn lit. Her aura surrounded pokemon’s left middle limb. “Come with me. I already have vision of a new dress with your name on it.”

"Hyaaaaa!" Starmie responded as it was pulled against its will.

<And that concludes my report.>

Both Pikachu and Raichu chuckled before bursting into laughter, hitting the floor with their backs while the back of their heads collided with one another. Their forepaws were holding their respective bellies.

“My sister Rarity apologizes for keeping you waiting for so long,” a young voice coming from the stairs caught their attention.

Pikachu ceased his laughter and wiped joyful tears from his eyes. He was about to stand, only to feel something pick him up to a standing position. He looked at Nica who withdrew her tail. And there she does it again. The next chance I get, I’ll do something polite for her. He looked ahead, now staring at a white unicorn filly. Is it me, or does this pony have a three-colored shield with star and musical note tattoo on its flank?

“She is very busy… oh, hey Nica, what brings you here? And who’s your little friend?”

Nica stepped in between them. “Sweetie Belle, this is Pikachu, he ended up summoned to Equestria and I volunteered to be his guardian during his stay.”

“Nice to meet you, Sweetie Belle,” Pikachu said as he the grabbed raised forehoof and shook it.

“It’s nice to meet you too. My name’s Sweetie Belle, and I’m a Cutie Mark Crusader,” she said before presenting her flank. “I discovered my special talent already, and if you still don’t know what you’re really good at, just let me know. Pony or pokemon, doesn’t matter, I’m up for the challenge.” She rounded him, examining his features with a detailed eye while poking his ears and tail. “I must say, you look so adorable… maybe even a little bit cuter than Nica.” She raised herself to her full height and pointed at the long-tailed critter. “But definitely not as cool.”

Pikachu and Nica blushed, hiding their embarrassment behind their forepaws.

“Still, I can’t deny that some of your features looks similar,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“That’s because Raichu is my evolution.” Pikachu asked, “What’s a Cutie Mark Crusader?”

Sweetie stood on her rear hooves and took a proud stance. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders are dedicated to helping other ponies without cutie marks discover what’s their special talent. Once they realize what they’re good at and find the purpose in their life, a cutie mark appears on their flanks. It’s an important task and great responsibility.”

“W-wait… so those tattoos… are cutie marks?” Pikachu pointed at filly’s flank. “And they magically appear when you learn what you’re good at?” Upon seeing a nod, Pikachu closed his eyes and massaged his forehead. “Merely thinking about the rules of this crazy world brought me nothing but headache.”

Sweetie Belle pointed out, “That’s silly, considering that evolving into another creature is crazy from my perspective. So far only Twilight Sparkle has evolved from unicorn into an alicorn, and it was more of a transformation, not something a unicorn species usually do.”

Pikachu sighed. “Fair enough.”

“Sweetie Belle, is Stramie the only pokemon you saw today?” Nica asked before pointing at him. “Pikachu is looking for his friends, any information can be very helpful.”

The unicorn nodded. “Of course I did. There’s a red/black fire-breathing cat upstairs. Rarity’s working on to make a collar and dress for her.”

“Fire-breathing?” Pikachu took a step back. One of Ash’s pokemon was a fire type. “Is this pokemon named Litten by any chance? Wait… did you say her?” His ears drooped, so did Nica’s and Sweetie Belle’s as the noise of angered hissing and screeching came from upstairs.

A black cat with red marks present on its head and legs ran downstairs, only to stop before them. A white collar with blue rounded gems decorated its neck, and a long white skirt with blue naval waves inscribed into it covered half of his body while hiding his rear legs.

“Litten!” Pikachu shouted and spread his forepaws cheerfully, only to be tackled to the ground by the panicked pokemon.

“Save me or kill me before I die from this humiliation!” Litten shouted, his forepaws pressing Pikachu against the floor.

“Come back here this instant! We tested only three out of ten designs,” said a tall white unicorn. Her eyes narrowed, while two needles, white yarn and a measuring tape levitated by her side. A puffy white cat walked by her owner’s side with a cheerful smile and loud purring.

Litten pulled Pikachu to a standing position and hid behind him before hissing at the approaching duo. “Leave me alone you crazy creature! I’m not going to stand still for half an hour so you can test your designs.” He pointed at the cat. “And take that puffy feline with you. There’s just so much seductive gestures and mating dances I can endure!” He shot the cat an angered glare. “How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not interested!”

The puffy cat looked at Pikachu and hissed, taking a position to attack with sharp claws ready to strike.

Pikachu looked between Litten and the creatures before them before smiling awkwardly. Well… this escalated quickly.

Rarity frowned. “Your flames nearly caused one of my mannequins to burn if not for our water companion.”

Starmie displayed a proud posture… at least as proud as its body allowed with five limbs having limited mobility.

“Those dresses are both your punishment, and also an opportunity for me to display your inner beauty,” Rarity commented, her stare firm and filled with resolve.

“I’m a male!” Litten shouted from the bottom of his lungs. “Didn’t your puffy friend’s behavior give you any clues?”

“Oh dear…” Rarity raised forehoof over her head as a blush appeared on her cheeks. “My deepest apologies. You should have said it sooner. I will make you an elegant white suit with red flames inscribed to it in no time at all.”

Litten hisses at Rarity while Opal jumped at Pikachu with claws ready for slashing, who braced himself for the impact.

“May I suggest we all calm down,” Nica said as she wrapped her tail around the cat’s belly in mid-air, keeping her above the ground. The enraged cat started biting and clawing at the black part of her tail with no effect.

Rarity blinked, now looking between him and the Raichu. “Oh, welcome Nica? My apologies for ignoring you. I see you did not come alone. Who is your adorable little companion?”

“He’s a Pikachu and I volunteered for the role of his guardian. I’m trying to help him find his friends while showing him around Ponyville.”

“Charmed,” Rarity said before levitating her measuring tape over to his neck.

Pikachu leaped to the side, evading the tape.

“Would you please stay still. I can see you are using Nica’s spare collar, but it is a bit too big for your neck. I need to take measures to make you a custom one with a proper name-tag,” Rarity said before immobilizing him with her magic.

Pikachu nodded, deciding not to resist what may as well be a ‘Psychic’ attack, though it felt quite weak when compared to powerful psychic moves he had endured in the past.

“One question, how good are you at standing still?”

Pikachu tilted his head to the side.

Litten flinched and gasped. “Don’t fall for it. Trust me on this and run!”

Nica shook her head. “To be fair, it’s not that bad.”

Litten shot Nica a challenging glare. “Not that bad? Are you joking?”

“I’m not. I once posed for her for a few hours. My limbs got a bit stiff afterwards as most poses required standing still or balancing myself in different positions, but it was fun too.”

Litten’s jaw dropped to the floor. “I have no idea if I should be amazed or call you insane!” He pointed accusingly. “You’re insanely patient.”

Pikachu glanced at Nica curiously. So she’s very patient and have great sense of balance. Good to know. I wonder if I would last as long. Hours of posing and being dressed sounds extreme.

“May I suggest something,” Nica said, receiving Rarity’s full attention as cat wrapped by her tail calmed down and ceased her attack. “Twilight Sparkle want every pokemon that was summoned here to have a guardian. Since my friend Starmie don’t mind modeling for you, how about you’ll take care of it while we find Litten someone else?”

<No difference to me,> Starmie said as it fixed its captain's hat with a bit of levitation. <I can be her assistant. Clean the interior with water, levitate with ‘Psychic,' knock out intruders with ‘Hydro Pump’ and stuff like that.>

Pikachu bit his bottom lip. I hope that last part was a joke. Assaulting clients with water would be terrible for business.

Rarity rubbed her chin. “I do have a lot of work to do with all these collar designs, and Opal is already a handful with this new cat pokemon around.” She nodded. “I approve.”

“Thank you!” Litten shouted before jumping at Nica, who took a few steps back from the impact while keeping her balance, refusing to trip over. He nuzzled her belly and licked her cheek, which only caused Opal to become enraged again.

Nica nuzzled Litten’s cheek and stroked his head in return. Once the friendly exchange was done, she picked up a notepad and pen from her shoulder-bag and started writing.

“What are you doing, darling?” Rarity asked.

“I’m making a list of which pony cares for which pokemon.”

Rarity smiled before levitating measuring tape into Nica’s bag. “If that is the case, can you do me a favor?”

“A favor? Of course Lady Rarity. I’m always willing to help!” Nica shouted with a dreamy smile while standing on the tips of her feet and holding her forepaws together.

Both Litten and Pikachu flinched and covered their ears, caught off guard by Nica’s enthusiasm.

Rarity chuckled. “Can you ask all the pokemon you come across to visit my boutique? And if they refuse for whatever reason, take their neck measures and write some information about them, for example their fur color on their necks, chin, faces, bellies. Having such a list would really help me.”

Nica saluted. “Consider it done.”

Pikachu looked at the notepad curiously. She can write? Maybe her trainer had taught her. Now that I think about it, learning how to write could be somewhat handy. He shook his head. Nah… Ash can understand me well enough without need for it. He poked the collar on his neck. I wonder, will I be allowed to keep this…

“A quick question. Is Starlight upstairs?” Nica asked.

“Starlight? I am afraid she left already. She teleported to the castle to prepare numerous metallic attachments with translation runes. She promised to make and deliver me ten of them until we will know how many we need exactly.”

“I understand, thank you,” Nica said with a warm smile. She half-bowed politely to Rarity before turning around and walking towards the exit.

Pikachu narrowed his eyes and ran, bypassing the Raichu before leaping towards the handle, unlocking the door. Once his rear feet hit the floor, he shoulder-tackled the door open and politely gestured outside. “Ladies first.” Thus far this Raichu was quite polite and had good manners, it was about time he returned the favor.

Nica blushed. “T-thank you very much.” She stepped outside. “Our next destination is Sugarcube Corner. Follow me.”

Pikachu nodded and followed, only for Litten to bypass him and shoot him a glance of disapproval. “What?”

“Fair advice, be careful with your female friend. I already had crazy puffy creature trying to seduce me. I would hate to see you getting this Raichu over you in a similar manner.”

Pikachu’s face turned red. “Hey, I was just trying to be polite!”

“Sure you were,” Litten said with a giggle, only for Pikachu to send a weak shock of electricity through his side. “Fine, fine, I was kidding. Can't you take a joke?”

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