• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,387 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.18 - Welcome Party

Lost Little Ace


Chapter 18
Welcome Party

The riverside swelled, splashing into the shore next to a lone windmill as a big chunk of water was currently being used for Pinkie Pie’s water-themed party. Many guests were present and chatting, all having received similar style invitations from Ponyville’s resident ‘party planner.’ Ace and Dash were zipping around the liquid terrain with Pikachu clinging on to the Alolan Raichu’s tail with a massive grin present on his face. The pre-evolution jumped, launching himself off Ace’s tail as he dove forward and cheered.

Ace watched, laughing at the hero’s expression, before taking a big gulp of air. He held his breath in his ballon-like cheeks while levitating underwater, emerging with a big splash as all the dirt and soil was washed away from his fur. Pikachu jumped off and dove back into the water, currently attempting to spot Rainbow Dash. The collar Ace borrowed from Nica was absent, now wrapped securely around his sister’s neck. He spread his forepaws with a mischievous smirk adorning his features. Targeting the nearest prey, he spotted a jumbo float in the shape of a bed with a certain seamstress before lowering himself to four paws. Shouting in glee, he vaulted himself forward and surfed atop his tail, riding it as if it was a torpedo as water sprayed up all around him.

He bent his legs, waiting to reach his target before jumping at Coco. The mare yelped in surprise, nearly falling over as Ace crashed by her side and giggled. The float shook from the impact. Not wasting a moment, he nuzzled the fashionista affectionately, unintentionally pushing her to the edge of the makeshift raft before it flipped over, causing them both to fall into the water.

Ace’s head popped up from underneath the river almost instantly. Looking around, he noticed a certain mare was missing. Channeling a small portion of his psychic power, he surrounded Coco and gently lifted her higher, allowing her head to break the water’s surface. Splish splash, we’re taking a bath! he spoke telepathically before swinging his forepaw against the water, sending a flurry of droplets into the mare’s face.

The fashionista closed one eye and turned her head to the side, taking more splashes as she shook her head at her assistant’s childish antics. She swung her foreleg lightly against the water, returning the gesture. A surprised look shifted to a happy one as a cheerful chuckle escaped her mouth.

Now that’s what I’m talking about! Live a little and enjoy yourself. You deserve it, Ace exclaimed in Coco’s mind before diving into the water. He positioned himself under Coco’s rear legs before flying straight into the sky, picking the mare up and securing her with his forepaws. His rear legs lost balance as they flew out beneath him, forcing him to sit and grit his teeth as his forepaws trembled. He narrowed his eyes and kept steady though, refusing to show that this was pushing his limits. He wasn’t used to lifting things, or ponies, that were four or five times his own weight. Levitating objects and pokemon with his ‘Psychic’ power was much easier and now hoisting Coco over his head with his limbs was costing him some of his physical strength.

He flipped the float with a flick of his ears and placed the mare on it. The moment the seamstress landed, he bombarded her with questions, asking, Do you need a towel? Vanilla ice cream? Or maybe some excitement involving a massive wave of water?

Coco paused, trying to absorb the questions before nodding. “Uh, yes to number two. I definitely wouldn’t mind some ice cream, if it isn’t too much trouble.”

He saluted. On it! With his quick water-surfing and levitating, he flew towards Coco’s bag and grasped a few bits in his magic grip, excitedly clapping his forepaws together like a child. Riding atop his tail, he dashed towards the ice cream stand and approached the vendor. Two scoops of vanilla ice cream! A moment passed, before the Alolan Raichu quickly added, Oh, uh please! He gave a nervous chuckle as the yellow stallion nodded and prepped his order. It wasn’t long before the ice cream was placed before him, resembling the worker’s cutie mark, a symbol of ice cream with a bronze, white and pink scoop in a golden cone.

Sending his bits in exchange, Ace levitated the snack by his side before delivering it to Coco. Seeing her grateful smile filled his heart with joy as he remembered her unrelenting kindness. Using a weak ‘Surf’ attack, he summoned a wave to ride on as he examined his surroundings.

Rainbow Dash was napping on a fluffy cloud high above the coast with his tinted shades dozing at her side. If I recall correctly, seems like Rainbow is ‘chillaxing.’ He rubbed his paws together with an evil grin. I’ll definitely be sneaking up on her later on! In the back of his mind, he noted to get his glasses back as well. He couldn’t misplace Coco’s gift.

Looking to his right, Fluttershy lay in front of the coast on her stomach, busy talking with a few water creatures called fish. Venusaur relaxed by her side, drinking some of the river’s water while absorbing a ray of pleasant sunlight with the large flower on his back. Upon a closer look, he noticed a little, white vixen known as an Alolan Vulpix sleeping under Fluttershy’s wing. Probably one of Ash’s pokemon that ended up in Equestria. Such a cute, little lady.

Glancing to the left, he spotted Rarity sitting on a wooden pier with a slightly annoyed expression as she conversed with a nearby stallion. A ‘used’ straw hat sat comfortably atop his head, resting on his short-cut hair as it blocked out the worst of the sun’s light. He had a thick, brown mustache threaded over his nose along with a pair of bushy eyebrows that sat beside a single, elbony horn. Three footballs adorned his flank, entrapped in white fur, as the stranger rested a foreleg around the mare to his side. The mare sitting next to him had a deep purple mane that looked more situated for housing birds than belonging on her head. A trio of cookies represented her cutie mark, standing out against her pink fur. Rarity seemed to shout something towards her younger sister a moment later.

The smaller unicorn had four forelegs wrapped around one of Starmie’s limb as she rode the water pokemon, her eyes closed and mouth open in excitement.

Starlight and Nica, with Pikachu recently joining in, kept tossing beach balls to each other. Despite the beach toys being twice the size of Pikachu, the little pokemon didn’t seem to mind, tackling it with his tail, head or shoulder.

Two nearby trees had a banner tied up to them, which proved big enough for Ace to read at a distance. In sloppy writing, the poster spelled out, Happy Welcome Party for Coco and Ace, in a splash of colors. He couldn't help but smile at Pinkie’s effort.

Two dozen ponies, give or take a few, were present as well, either having a relaxing picnic on a blanket atop the grass or swimming in the water, some with bathing suits and some bare.

Eh, I wouldn’t call this a true beach party, but it’s good enough, Ace thought before focusing his attention on the organizer herself.

Pinkie placed a big blanket with a mix of cupcakes and candies inscribed onto it near the coast, patting it.

Watching Pinkie, Litten nodded and accepted the invitation, situating himself on it without a second thought as Ninetales followed closely behind.

Ninetales rubbed the blanket as if examining its softness and quality before perching himself next to the smaller pokemon. He rolled his eyes upon seeing one of his tails become a pillow for Litten’s chin, only to cover his back with two of his other tails and secretly wrap one more around the kitten.

Pinkie left three cupcakes and two cups of lemonade next to the fire pokemon before galloping towards the water. She cheered and leap atop a diving board, one she set up before the party that just graced the water’s edge.

Ace changed the direction of his wave, deciding to surf towards Pinkie, who used the platform to jump high before falling into the water. This is one cool river party you organized. You’re really good at this. Much to Ace’s surprise, the earth pony stopped herself a meter above the water and looked up at him, hovering mid-air.

“Thank you,” she responded, giving the Raichu a genuine smile. “Making everypony and everyone happy is something enjoy and take pride in. I take it very seriously.” Pinkie paused and stared at seemingly nothing for a few moments before finally falling into the water, causing a weak splash. Her head popped up, though rather than her normally poofy mane she sported a straightened one, still dripping with small water droplets.

Ace abandoned his wave and levitated towards Pinkie Pie, now staring at her curiously. I had no idea you could levitate.

“Levitate?” She shook her head. “I just stopped falling to answer you. I wasn’t levitating, silly!” Pinkie said, releasing a small snort. “I wouldn’t just ignore you! That’s rude.” She dug her forehoof through her wet, flat mane before pulling out a pair of goggles and putting them on her eyes. “The last one to touch the bottom of this river is a soggy pancake!”

Wait… how did you… Ace rubbed the top of his head in confusion, wondering how this mare managed to store so many items in her mane, especially now when it was thin and flat. As Pinkie Pie dived underwater, Ace smiled and thought, She’s weird, but it makes me like her even more. No matter how much I like her though, she’s not gonna win! With a grin, he took a deep breath and dove into the water as well, taking on the challenge. A trail of bubbles was left in his wake as he bypassed Pinkie and touched the soft, muddy bottom of the river. He looked up, searching for Pinkie, but the mare was gone.

“Seems I’m the pancake, congrats!” Pinkie murmured, somehow speaking clearly even though she was swimming beside him.

Ace flinched, nearly losing balance on his tail. He turned around, seeing the party mare floating right behind him. How did you…? He shook his head, deciding not to question it. After all, pokemon tended to do impossible things on a daily basis, so why would this not apply to ponies as well?

After a bit of underwater exploration alongside Pinkie Pie, he nuzzled her, making sure to keep his electricity in check, before carrying her up to the surface.

“Watch out!”

Ace’s ears perked up as he leavitated to the side, dragging Pinkie with him and swiftly evading Starmie who nearly crashed into him.

My apologies, Starmie said telepathically, giving a slight bow with the little unicorn still on top.

No biggie, Ace responded. While he knew that Astra’s Starmie never bothered to develop the skill to communicate telepathically with humans, talking between two psychic type pokemon was another story. It came naturally for their typing.

“Wait, you’re that tail-surfing Raichu!” Sweetie Belle shouted before jumping from one of Starmie’s limbs onto the free, now dwindling, space on Ace’s tail, causing him to back up while maintaining balance on white tips of his rear paws. She examined his features with a detailed eye, something passed down from her older sister. “Slightly smaller, chubby, bigger ears, blue-silvery eyes rather than oval ones, white tips on your paws and white stripes on your back.”

Ace smiled and allowed the filly to examine his features, feeling a sense of deja-vu. As the examination continued, the Raichu became bored and struck a few poses, making the filly laugh at the sight.

“I must say, you look really neat,” Sweetie said with a smile. “You look less fierce than your sister, but you’re definitely just as cute and that tail-surfing is really cool. I think I prefer Nica in terms of design, but you’re not far behind.”

Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself. Ace winked, circling behind the filly while stepping on edge of his tail, keeping his paws out for balance. He started examining Sweetie in return, standing on the tips of his rear legs as the filly seemed to soak up more and more space. Your silky fur reminds me of the wild wave’s foam, something stunning left in the aftermath of the ocean… He shook his head, realizing his poor choice of words. Scratch that. I can imagine finding you deep within the ocean’s trenches as a shining pearl, illuminating even the darkest depths. Something that people spend their entire lives desperately searching for, just for a glimpse of true beauty.

Sweetie blushed, suddenly out of words at the Raichu’s smooth talk.

Ace bit his bottom lip, realizing his poor choice of words once again as he hung his head in embarrassment. Uh, n-not that I’m hitting on you… b-bye! He levitated the filly onto Starmie’s limb and flew towards the coast. Upon noticing that Nica and her friends were no longer bouncing beach balls to each other, he flew over to check on them.

“Oh, Ace. Perfect timing,” Nica said as she waved at him, signalling for him to come closer. The translating collar was wrapped securely around her neck, the yellow, lightning stones shining brilliantly in the sunk. A matching one was strapped on Pikachu.

<Perfect timing?> Ace gave a confused look, before glancing at Nica for clarification. <What are you up to, sis?>

“Just something fun. I thought that since we’ll be returning to our home world tomorrow, we should show a breathtaking spectacle, for everyone to remember us by.” She turned to Pikachu and pointed at him. “And I need you two to help me.”

Pikachu approached on his two feet, walking through the grass. “Sure, how can I help?”

Nica grinned, untying and throwing her collar towards Starlight before charging electric power into her tail. <I want you to attack me with your strongest ‘Electro Ball.’> Her longest limb sparked in anticipation as she lowered herself to four paws.

Pikachu’s ears drooped. “But why? I don’t want to hurt you…” He shook his forepaws, reconsidering his words. “I mean… I know you’re tough and it wouldn’t damage you much, but still. I hate the idea of trying to harm you.”

<Just trust me on this,> Nica called before running away, increasing the distance between them. She stood on her two legs with her tail raised in front of her.

Ace recognized that stance. A samurai with her katana as one, awaiting for her opponent to strike in order to counter, a favorite position of his sister. What are you planning? he wondered to himself.

Pikachu lowered his forepaws, now standing on four. He repeated his name while charging an orb of electricity on the tip of his tail.

Ace observed the sphere curiously which after several seconds grew to half of Pikachu’s size. It took a moment before it was thrown at his sister. Even with a sister as tough of his, he couldn’t help but worry, seeing how much power backed behind that punch.

Nica leaped to the side while using her longest limb, causing the orb of electricity to circle around her tail and grow in size little by little.

<Using ‘Iron Tail’ and the resulting magnetic electricity to take control of Pikachu’s ‘Electro Ball.’ Neat,> Ace said to his sister.

<It’s more than that,> Nica explained before swinging her tail with a quick spin, throwing the orb towards the sky. <Pikachu. Do you remember our game of buckball? Let’s do it again, but with ‘Electro Ball’ instead. We’ll make it a big one.> She jumped up with incredible speed, waiting for the sparkling sphere to start falling before tossing it towards Pikachu.

The smaller pokemon nodded, watching with anticipation as the ‘Electro Ball’ flew closer. His tail glowed a bright, metallic sheen in response as he intercepted the orb with a careful turn of his tail and the overpowering force of magnetism.

<Great, now launch it towards my brother.>

Ace clapped his forepaws in excitement before concentrating on the orb of electricity, which grew in size even more before Pikachu threw it towards him. Ace’s ears shone in power as he forced the condensed lightning to circle around himself, as if a moon in orbit with him being the planet. “Piece of cake.” After sending a large jolt of electricity into the orb, making it the size of a Pikachu, he pushed it towards Nica with his psychic power. “I can use psychic to control my electricity. It’s no challenge at all.”

Nica shook her head, giving her brother an exasperated grin. <It’s not meant to be a challenge, just fun!> she shouted before snatching the ball towards her with her flexible tail.

Starlight, Pinkie Pie and Coco Pommel gathered at the coast and started observing the game with growing curiosity, waking up Rainbow Dash who grunted in annoyance. The mare peeked over her cloud at the commotion, hopping out a moment later to join in and observe the glowing ball of electricity.

Ace kept levitating randomly, following wherever the electricity chose to go as he was forced to jump up and down, soon switching to left and right. He was throwing the orb of electricity towards Nica or Pikachu in excitement, who kept running and jumping while bouncing the orb in kind. As the game went on, Ace picked up on an interesting pattern.

Pikachu, despite being unevolved, proved capable of sending a lot of electricity into his orb, charging it very quickly before throwing it away. I remember how much weaker my raw power was before I used the thunderstone, yet this though little guy can dish out so much electricity at this stage of evolution. Now that’s impressive. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He certainly deserves that hero title. Staring at the Pikachu, he could only feel overwhelming admiration, and maybe a tad bit of jealousy, for the tough little guy.

Nica however kept the ‘Electro Ball’ close to herself for much longer, easily controlling it thanks to her longer tail while moving it around playfully, as if it were a normal beach ball. While his sister lacked the raw power he and Pikachu possessed, she was still a battle-hardened Raichu with unrivaled stamina, allowing her to charge three times more power without getting tired.

Ace however specialized in offense, named as the glass cannon. He delivered powerful attacks that changed the tides of battle, yet when punished with powerful attacks, he couldn’t stay standing for long. That’s when Nica shone, helping her teammates avoid the worst of the damage and finding openings to attack in return. One thing was certain, he put a lot more electricity into the sphere than Pikachu did, though he couldn't deny that he would be the one to get tired first out of the three chus.

The ‘Electro Ball,’ which started as half the size of Pikachu was now almost as big as a grown mare, no doubt ten times more powerful than it was at the start.

Ace focused his attention on Pikachu, who at the start was filled with excitement, then started taking the game as a challenge to prove his strength. Now however, his face was coated in sweat, his breathing was heavy, and instead of narrowed and determined eyes, his face showed panic and fear. Not that he could blame him. An ‘Electro Ball’ of such size could do a lot of damage to even a tough electric pokemon, and was difficult to manipulate with such a short tail. One wrong move would mean a world of pain and with Pikachu’s pride, there’s no way he would back out, even if it meant serious damage.

Nica redirected the orb of electricity above her head, causing it to float above the tip of her heart-shaped tail. <Sorry, Pikachu.> She gave a sheepish grin. <I got a bit carried away.>

"It’s okay. I really loved the challenge,” Pikachu responded with a hesitant smile. He wiped the pooling sweat from his forehead and finally took a deep breath, able to relieve some of the stress of keeping the ‘Electro Ball’ going.

Nica looked at her brother and said, <Alright, Ace. It’s time for the big finish. Unleash your ultimate secret technique.>

<My ultimate secret technique?> Ace’s mouth opened widely in a big smile and his eyes sparkled as if covered by glitter, his forepaws raised up to his cheeks. <You really mean it, sis?>

<I’m not joking. I told you I want this to be a breathtaking spectacle,> Nica answered.

Pikachu looked at the levitating Raichu and questioned, “What secret technique?”

Ace beamed in happiness, now understanding his sister’s idea. The chance to impress the ponies like Rainbow Dash and a hero like Ash’s Pikachu was in his grasp. <Just watch and get ready to have your mind blown.>

He levitated towards the water, summoning a large wave of water with his ‘Surf’ move, expertly coiling the riverside around his tail, positioning it as if it were a cobra ready to strike.

<Naval!> he shouted, raising both forepaws high to the sky as his ears flashed in power. Using ‘Psychic,’ he grabbed the twenty meter tall wave and raised it upward, changing its shape from the snake into a beast with two massive wings.

<Storm!> He balanced four paws on his tail and grinned, using ‘Nasty Plot’ as a dark aura surrounded his body, temporarily boosting the strength of his special attacks. He could feel a new power coursing through him, and even if it was brief, he was going to take advantage of it.

<Dragon!> He shouted before screaming his name, unleashing an empowered ‘Thunderbolt’ while sending all the electricity he could muster into his creation.

The gathered ponies’ mouths hung open in shock. Coco and Fluttershy hid behind Venusaur, choosing to miss the light show.

Rainbow Dash stared at the spectacle with wide eyes and a massive toothy smile, picturing herself performing the same move. Unable to contain herself, the mare began to holler, “Woohoo! Keep it up!”

Ace grit his teeth as numerous drops of sweat fell down his face. He stumbled, feeling as if his body became completely drained of energy all of a sudden. Combining multiple attacks may have been easy for his sister, who had huge reserves of stamina and low raw damage, but for a high power attacker like himself, using four moves at once was another story. Keeping all the gathered water and electricity together further drained away his stamina as he felt his legs began to give out. Not now, he chanted to himself, begging his faltering body to hold on for just a bit longer.

“Great! Now send your Naval-Storm-Dragon to hit Pikachu’s ‘Electro Ball,’” Nica shouted before jumping up high and swinging her entire body, throwing the pony-sized orb high into the sky.

Ace narrowed his eyes as his paws and legs trembled. Using all the power he could muster, he sent his creation into the sky, watching as the ‘dragon’s’ wings seemingly pushed it higher and higher, the bundle of elements sparking together to create the Ocean’s Spirit. It flew among the wing, levitating on a collision course with the orb of electricity. Using what was left of his strength, he stood on the white tip of a single rear paw, taking a heroic pose. <Go Naval-Storm-Dragon! Show your might!>

The sky quickly exploded in a blinding spectacle bursting with stray bolts of electricity. A thundering boom echoed along the shore, showering the unfortunate guests in a shower of lightning. A flurry of droplets followed, the ponies looking up in shock at the dragon was ripped apart from the devastating attack, descending back into its original elements.

Fluttershy and Coco both yelped, the two timid mares immediately seeking shelter under Venusaur's belly as the pokemon lowered his stance above the two protectively. Two vines snaked out from the creature’s back and he held them close as they were overwhelmed by the sheer noise and power of the explosion.

Starlight’s horn flickered to life, a strong barrier coming to life. She raised it over the assembled guests who either covered their faces from the blinding light or curled into tight balls in fear.

Ace’s body started shaking, trembling uncontrollably as spare sparks of energy zipped through him, finding no other place to go. Attempting to stand, the Raichu’s legs gave out from underneath him as he fell to the ground, crashing into the soft grass as his vision went black.

“Ace, are you okay?”

He didn’t respond, deciding to remain trapped in the grasses soft embrace for a bit longer while giving his burning muscles a moment to rest. After all, he had just used a big portion of his energy and laying on the ground felt quite nice. He was always zipping around on his tail or diving into the water. Allowing his paws, belly and face to relax against the soft grass, he sighed and let his tense muscles unwind.

“Here, let me help.”

Ace felt someone grab his right forepaw and slide under the right side of his belly before heaving him to an awkward sitting position. He massaged his forehead with his left forepaw before opening his eyes. <Thanks Pikachu. My secret technique may have the power of three super-charged attacks combined, but it sure drains me. I forgot how taxing it could be.> He took a few deep breaths and wiped the sweat from his forehead before stepping onto his tail. The Pikachu who helped him stand started staring at him with a look of excitement and admiration. Pushing away the pain, the Alolan Raichu struck a heroic pose, before asking, <Did you enjoy the show? It’s not everyday people or pokemon see that kind of power.>

“Are you kidding?!” Pikachu shouted before bouncing from one rear foot to another, shaking his forepaws in excitement. “I’ve traveled a lot and seen many amazing things, but combining four attacks like that was among the best spectacles I have ever seen.” He pointed at the sky. “And when your attack collided with ‘Electro Ball,’ the power unleashed in that explosion was incredible. I think it could’ve been strong enough to knock out even a powerful legendary pokemon.”

Ace laughed at Pikachu’s enthusiasm. <Electro Ball, charged continuously for minutes by a talented Pikachu and two Raichu, aided by the combination of my ‘Surf,’ ‘Psychic,’ ‘Nasty Plot’ and ‘Thunderbolt.’ Certainly waaay above the power of a Z-move. Legendary pokemon may be powerful, but even they wouldn’t be able to endure a strike like that.> He paused. Looking back at Pikachu, he added, <Though the move is powerful, I need to be careful when I use it. If I perform it early on and miss, that’s almost all my energy sapped in one go. That would be devastating for me in a battle.>

Pikachu nodded, listening along to Ace’s advice as Nica approached, her face radiating pride while translating collar was once again decorating her neck. “Great work everyone. I knew we could pull it off.”

“That was amazing!” Dash shouted as she circled above heads of the electric mice. She stopped, now hovering in mid-air while looking at each pokemon in turn with an unrivaled enthusiasm. “That explosion was spectacular and so much brighter than even my ‘Sonic Rainboom!’” She flew closer to Ace as her muzzle nearly collided with his little button nose. “Why didn’t you show me that you could make dragons made of electricity and water? It totally makes up for your embarrassing running fiasco. I need to ask Coco if she wants to trade you for my Lucario. Be right back!”

Ace blinked, the wind from Dash’s sudden flight causing his ears to flap in the breeze.

Nica whispered, “Should we tell her that we’re leaving tomorrow?”

Ace shook his head. “Let her have her moment.”


The group of pokemon looked towards the approaching Starlight, who glanced back at them with a startling mix of worry and anger, a deep russet shade covering most of her face.

“Yes?” Nica asked obviously as she tapped her forepaws and tilted her head. “Did I do something wrong?”

Starlight pointed at Canterlot. “You do realize that the explosion you caused together was strong enough to do some solid damage to the capital.” She then pointed at the numerous houses not far from the riverside, some soaked from the freak storm caused by Ace’s special move. “Or in this case, raze a third of Ponyville.”

“R-really?” Nica whispered, bowing her head in shame. “I knew it was going to be strong so I sent the orb towards the sky, but I had no idea it was going to be this strong.”

“And it’s a good thing that you did. If you aimed at the ground, we would have another post-Tirek battlefield on our hooves.”

Nica bit her bottom lip as her eyes became wide and her face a deathly pale. Her ears drooped a moment later, trembling along with her forepaws, that were now held together. “I’m sorry! It won’t happen ever again!”

Starlight sighed and shook her head. “At times like this, I’m just glad you’re on our side.” She wrapped Nica’s neck with her foreleg and pressed her cheek into her chest. “There, there. I didn’t mean to make you sad. I’m sorry if I came on a bit too strong.”

Pikachu and Ace watched the display with their ears drooped, before smiling sheepishly at the scene, still trying to comprehend the destruction their innocent game could have caused. While they worked hard to be the best they could be, even to a point of mastering powerful Z-moves, none expected their teamwork would bring forth power of such magnitude.

Author's Note:

And here we have it, the last chance for Ace to shine in fornt of the heroic Pikachu before the time to return hope will come. (Next chapter, Farewell Party).

So, what do you think of Ace as character so far? Do you like him? Is he good enough to join the main cast?

Also, on a side note, Pikachu may haven't gotten the epic fight aginst Raichu he so desired, but it seems that just hanging up with Ace and working with the two Raichu as a team was just as fullfilling and enjoyable to him.

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