• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,388 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.12 - The Queen of Snuggles

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 12
The Queen of Snuggles

<I’m officially beaten!> Pichu shouted as he dashed into the guest room, jumping atop the bed. He body-slammed the puffy pillow before nuzzling it, sinking into the soft material with a satisfied sigh. <Ahh… that hits the spot!> He squirmed deeper into the cushion.

Nica entered as well, gracefully leaping to the side of her companion, currently diving in a sea of plush comforters. She placed one translating collar on the table beside the bed while keeping the other one wrapped securely in her tail’s grasp. She approached the moving bundle of fluff and said, <I take it your desire for adventure was finally satisfied after all these days?>

Pichu pushed himself to a sitting position, only his bruised head visible from his current spot. Small scratches were littered around his body, and large bags under his eyes indicated many sleepless moments and exhaustion. Even with the abuse, he still maintained a cheerful smile. <Are you kidding?> He waved his short, stubby paws. <The danger, the adrenaline, the excitement! I loved every moment of it. Except maybe almost being crushed, but that was still pretty cool too, especially when you saved me. It will keep me satisfied for longer than a week.> He climbed up from the middle part of the pillow to sit at the edge. <And the best part…> He pointed at Nica with a kind smile. <I experienced it all with you.>

Nica clenched the bronze patches of her forepaws, gathering all of her courage. She smiled and said with new-found confidence in her voice, <Considering you and your trainer’s ambition, teaming up with the partner of the Pokemon Master must have no doubt made today’s adventure even more enjoyable!> She shimmered once more, growing a millimeter taller moments later.

<It’s not just that,> Pichu added with a quick shake of his head. <Having an adventure with an extremely skilled pokemon was nice and all, but sharing those great experiences with a very friendly, helpful and brave Raichu like you is what made it truly amazing.>

Nica blushed, her words becoming lodged in her throat. A small, embarrassed grin made itself known as she peeked back at Pichu.

He pointed at himself. <The way you cared about my safety, putting yourself in danger just to protect me, risking your life to get me out of harm's way!> He held his forepaws very close to each other, <Not to mention you accomplished all of this while being teeny tiny! I don’t know how you do itl> Turning his forepaw back to Nica, he continued, <I’ve teamed up with many different pokemon over the years, some good and some bad, but your teamwork was one of the best! No doubt about it.> He held his forepaw on his chest and added, <After today’s adventure, I feel as if I could entrust you with my very life. Even if you’re at your best, or at your worst, I know I can depend on you no matter what challenges are thrown at us!>

<B-but… I’m unworthy of…> Nica paused as her body shrank a few millimeters. She shook her head and switched her frown to a hesitant smile. <I mean… thank you for such kind compliments.> She held a forepaw over her wide belly while regaining the millimeters she just lost. <I feel honored that you think so highly of me and will treasure your words.>

Pichu smiled, displaying a pearly, white row of his little teeth. He balanced on the tips of his tiny feet, stretching his forepaw towards Nica’s shoulder to gently pat it. <Seems someone finally started seeing her own worth. I’m so happy for you!> He gave a warm smile as Nica struggled not to duck away, embarrassed at the praise.

<Thank you,> Nica whispered before plopping herself in front of the pillow, their eyes meeting. <To be honest, every time I heard of you and your trainer’s numerous achievements, I would purposely convince myself of my inferiority. Beating myself up constantly, whether through training or battles, it made me work harder when I thought of how I could be doing so much more. I would criticize every move done wrong, every mistaken step, but no more!> She narrowed her eyes. <I’ll try to find a better balance between my pride and humility, and I certainly won’t let it affect me in such a negative way again.>

<And I’m positive you’ll succeed,> Pichu said with an encouraging smile. His gaze soon turned somber as he met Nica’s stare. <Part of me actually feels a bit disappointed. With the dangerous forest returning back to normal, exploring it will no longer be as exciting as it was today, and the residing beasts will either run or become less aggressive.> He crossed his arms and frowned. <The fact that you convinced Twilight to put warning signs before wild patches of those blue flowers rather than allowing Ninetales to burn them is a bit disappointing. I was looking forward to getting some good old fashioned revenge for a change.>

Nica looked to the side, her ears dropped. With a saddened tone she mumbled, <Are you really that angry at those flowers… for turning you into a Raichu?>

<Not exactly. To be honest, being a Raichu wasn’t as bad as I expected,> Pichu responded, giving Nica a grin. She glanced up and smiled, a spark of hope returning. <I’m more frustrated at its comedic timing when it transformed me in between my evolution forms. I almost ended up crushed by a gigantic paw because of that.>

Nica blushed and rubbed her forearm nervously. <Well… about that… I was kind of hoping it would let you stay as Raichu for a bit longer. Teaching you advanced tail tricks would have been a lot of fun.>

<You can still do that when I return back to normal,> Pichu pointed out, waving his own tail in response.

<It just won’t be the same.> Nica shook her head in disappointment. <Besides, there’s not much I could teach you. My best techniques require a long tail for their full potential.> She sighed as her ears drooped. <Not to mention that you didn’t get enough time to learn if evolving will affect your personality in a negative way. It would put your biggest fear to rest.>

Pichu hopped up from the pillow and looked up, gazing back at her depressed expression. <Actually, you helped me to put some of my biggest fears to rest, fears I was unaware I even had. You showed me my evolution in a much better light, and I thank you greatly for that.>

<Even if I did, it still changes nothing. You’ll never evolve anyway...> Nica muttered, casting her eyes downwards.

Pichu placed forepaws on his hips and said, <Never say never.> A sassy smirk shone through his reluctant tone.

Nica could sense he was still unsure about what he said, but there was hope, and she was going to take what she could get. <Huh? Did you say what I think you said?>

<While I don’t plan to evolve anytime soon, as it is a big change I need to consider carefully, I may change my mind one day. Don’t lose hope yet.>

Nica gasped as her pupil’s became wide. With a quick swipe of her forepaws, she wrapped Pichu in a tight hug. <I’m soooo glad!>

Pichu grit his teeth, feeling Nica’s paws unintentionally squeeze his bruised and battered body. At times like this… I wish… she was… way smaller… Scratch that… I should be grateful… she’s not at her... full size… Upon being released, he gasped for air, dramatically stumbling back and collapsing atop the bed.

<When you finally decide to take that step, you really need to inform me so I can teach you how to use your tail to defend yourself and those you care about. Maybe I can even teach you my best techniques. Helping you adapt to your bigger and stronger form to make you the best Raichu you can be would make me sooo happy!>

Pichu could do little but laugh at the cheerful reaction of his guardian. <It seems in the end, this adventure helped us both overcome some of our fears.>

Nica nodded. <Indeed, and I’m happy for it. However…> Her tone of voice became more serious. <My fear of being useless and my fear of failing to save lives are something I embraced a long time ago. It motivates me to work harder and overcome any hardship.> She shook her head. <Your pride motivated you to become the best without evolving, and my fear made me nearly unbeatable and dependable. I would rather not try to overcome those fears too quickly. Or at the very least find a more healthy alternative to motivate myself.>

<Fair enough,> Pichu muttered before climbing back onto the fluffed pillow, once again sinking into it. He stretched his forepaws and released a satisfied sigh before continuing, <I’m exhausted. I can’t wait to wake up in the morning and get this curse dealt with. Hopefully the cure will be finished by then.>

Nica bounced beside her friend, flashing a smile while she playfully nuzzled Pichu’s nose. Moments later, she forced herself back and slowly walked away, whispering, <Good night and sweet dreams… hero.>

<What about you?> Pichu sleepily murmured.

<What about me?> Nica asked, stopping at the edge of the bed. She glanced at the Pichu in confusion.

<Well, considering how much you had to endure during today’s adventures, you should go to sleep as well and recharge your batteries. You can skip your night exercise and stuff.>

Nica turned around and shook her head. <Sorry to disappoint, but the hardship we faced today is nowhere near enough to make me skip my training.>

“What!?” Pichu shouted, climbing onto the edge of the pillow. He gave Nica a look of pure pity, scooting closer to the slightly taller Raichu. <But why put yourself through such intense training?! You’ve explored the aggressive Everfree Forest, fought against the prideful and stubborn Yaks, climbed three mountains in a row, and faced monsters while being the size of my paw. Facing such trials no doubt made you stronger already. There’s no need to train tonight, right?>

Upon spotting her crestfallen expression, he waddled over to Nica, gently cupping her paws and staring into her eyes with a pleading gaze. <Right?> he repeated, already knowing the answer.

<I have to. Though we faced difficult challenges today, they didn’t make me stronger,> Nica said with a sad shake of her head. <I may be much more skilled and durable than you, but I’ve only managed to surpass my limits once. I’m at the point where I can no longer improve. In fact, I need to keep pushing myself just to maintain my current skills and survivability.> She pointed at him. <You have talent, that’s obvious. You can improve your abilities at a very fast rate and learn very quickly, but I can’t. My skills, power, stamina, durability; they may be great, but a harsh, painful and never-ending training regime is the price to pay for it.>

Pichu’s ears drooped, now understanding Nica’s predicament. <I… understand. Still... > He held his forepaws together, a desperate attempt to change her mind. <After today’s adventure, I believe nothing will happen if you skip your training for just tonight. There must be something more fun or relaxing you can do than train yourself to complete exhaustion.>

Nica rubbed her chin for a moment, thinking deeply before tapping her paws at the realization. <Actually, there’s something I can do now while I’m affected by poison joke. It may even be fun.>

<Whatever it is, go for it!> Pichu encouraged.

<I will… and I’m going to enjoy it.> She cheered, darting off without another word.

Fluttershy rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned as she slowly perched herself on her bed, feeling the soft fuzz of a pink pillow greet her drowsy head. With a peaceful yawn, she pulled a custom eiderdown, which was speckled with red velvet and cotton candy pink butterflies. She snuggled deeper into the blanket as its warmth enveloped her.

She glanced up at wooden birdhouses swaying above her head, at the spotless grey fireplace, and then at the numerous books resting on the shelf next to her bed. After considering her options, she stood from her bed to set up a small fire before picking up one book with her wing.

With the soft pillow supporting her back and the eiderdown covering her legs, she opened a book with a few lively bunnies playing in the woods on the cover. Light from flames at the fireplace providing just enough visibility for night reading.

<Excuse me.>

Fluttershy’s ear perked up at a familiar noise, one she found to be surprisingly quiet and squeaky, though she couldn’t place where she remembered it from. She scanned her bedroom for any sign of the creature, yet failing to find anyone.

<Over here!>

She looked at the edge of the bed, seeing two little critters sitting there. <Mr. Patrick? Why are you all the way here? And who’s your little friend?” She placed the book down, open on the first page and crouched into a sitting position to take a closer look. “Please, come closer. Don’t be shy, I’d just like to see who you are, if you don’t mind.” As the white rodent and his little companion approached, Fluttershy’s eyes became wide. “N-Nica…? B-but you’re so small! How?” She lowered her head, her eyes now focused on a pokemon one third of the rat she stood next to.

Nica ran closer and leaped onto her muzzle, hanging to it with her paws. <It’s a long, long story involving some mischievous poison joke.> She positioned herself, now sitting on the muzzle instead as her rear legs sank into the velvety, yellow fur. <Let’s just say that today was very eventful. Even more so than some of my days fighting crime back in my own world.>

“Poison joke? Oh dear…” she murmured as the movement of her snout forced Nica to tighten her grip. With a slow movement of her wing, she slid the tip of it under Nica’s legs, picking her up and rolling her onto a makeshift cloud of fluffy feathers. “I heard from my animal friends that hostile vines started to spawn in the Everfree Forest, and today I saw a few clouds embedded with thorns slowly making their way out of the Everfree’s borders. Please tell me you didn’t end up in any danger while being so small.”

<I’m sorry Miss Fluttershy, but it would be a lie if I claimed to have avoided peril.> Nica stepped from the tip of the pegasus’ wing and started trekking down. The moment Fluttershy lowered her wing a bit more, Nica perched herself among the yellow feathers while nuzzling one with her cheeks. She peeked from behind the plumes and shot the mare a toothy smile. <But worry not! My Pikachu friend fought bravely to defend us while I did my best to support him. Though it is worth mentioning that he was a Pichu due to the poison joke’s influence, which worked against us a bit. Even with that setback, he managed to keep us both safe, proving me once again why he’s worthy of being called a hero.>

“Oh… can you tell me more?” Fluttershy asked with a growing interest as every vibe in her body begged her to snuggle the tiny Raichu. Images of her nose gently pressing into the little white belly already appearing in her mind. “And a little bit louder, please.”

<I suppose I can, though it may be a bit scary!> Nica shouted, realizing she had to speak loudly in order to be heard.

Mr. Patrick jumped onto the wing beside her, squeaking his encouragement. Fluttershy smiled at his kind words.

“It seems Mr. Patrick is also very interested in learning how a mighty mouse-like creature such as yourself got so small, as well as the adventures you may have faced in that scary forest,” Fluttershy translated. “Oh, but before you start, may I ask you what you’re doing in my cottage so late at night? Not that I mind a friendly visit, but…” She tapped her forehooves nervously, awaiting for an answer.

Nica stood on the tips of her rear legs while her tail shivered in excitement. <I came here to ask you for a little favor!>

“Favor?” Fluttershy questioned as she carefully raised her wing closer to her face. Her muzzle was only centimeters away from her tiny companions face’s, able to distinguish their overjoyed expressions.

Nica walked through the makeshift jungle of feathers before supporting the copper-dipped edges of her tiny paws against Fluttershy’s muzzle. <Since Poison Joke changes my size depending on how I view myself, I took advantage of it and shrank myself with the help of my humility.> She pointed at Fluttershy. <I hoped a kind pegasus with a heart of gold like you would allow the insignificant, tiny little me to sleep on your soft and majestic wing... after some snuggling and nuzzling of course.> Her body shrank, becoming as small as one of Mr. Patrick’s limbs. She took a few steps backward and tapped her forepaws nervously with a blush appearing on her cheeks. <If you won’t mind…>

Fluttershy’s eyes sparkled with joy and a big toothy smile grew on her lips. “Of course I can snuggle and nuzzle you, and you can sleep on my wing for as long as you want.” She giggled before giving her shrunken friend an excited grin. “I hope you won’t mind if I playfully tickle you with the tip of my wing? Or if I give you a cute nickname?”

<As long as you won’t mind me nuzzling your large, soft cheek, you can tickle me all you want.>

“Deal,” Fluttershy cheered as she raised her other wing, tickling Nica’s face with its tip. The pokemon sneezed and then chuckled before falling onto her back in mock agony, vanishing from her sight among the forest of feathers. “Now, what kind of adorable nickname should I give someone as adorable as you? When Applejack shrank, Spike called her Appletiny. Maybe Raitiny, or Nicatiny?”

Nica curled her tail into a tight coil, imitating a snake ready to strike, before springing it out in joy. She held forepaw on her chest and declared, “For this night and just for you, I shall take the nickname Tinychu!”

"Tinychu?" Fluttershy asked.

The rat looked between Fluttershy and the tiny pokemon. He held forepaw over his mouth while uttering a variety of cheerful giggles.

Fluttershy giggled with a warm feeling filling her heart. “This name is absolutely adorable and lovely, my cute little Tinychu.” She squealed in excitement. “Listening to an interesting story before going to sleep, playing silly games, cuddling and snuggling with you while you’re so tiny! It’ll be so much fun.”

<You said it!> Tinychu cried before forming a devious smirk. Rubbing her paws together, she glanced to Fluttershy with a look of pure innocence, before springing off of the mare’s wing and shouting, <You’ll have to catch me first though!> The giggle’s of the Tinychu could be heard echoing throughout the cottage.

Mr. Patrick leaped from the wing onto the bed, now looking at the tiny pokemon from the edge. He looked at Fluttershy, squeaking a question or two.

“I believe she wants to play tag, and you're more than welcome to join. I’m not sure if I could even catch someone as agile as her on my own,” Fluttershy answered as she gently pushed away her eiderdown and carefully stepped from her bed, turning on the nightlight before searching for her tiny companion. While she was aware of this pokemon’s extreme durability, which was vastly superior to her little critters, stepping on her tiny friend was something she preferred to avoid.

She watched as a small, lightning-tipped tail darted underneath the bed, barley avoiding her outstretched wing.

The mare wandered around the bed, lowering her head to get a good view of below her cot. She spotted Tinychu curled behind a dust bunny, a small speck she must have missed during her spring cleaning. She stretched her wing under the bed in attempt to snatch Tinychu who effortlessly foiled her attempts.

The enthusiastic rat leaped from the bed and ran under it, flanking the pokemon. Tinychu ran away in between his paws as each of the rat’s limbs were as big as her entire body.

The chase continued as Tinychu sprinted behind an old chair propped against the wall.

“Hehe, I can see you silly!” Fluttershy called, noticing Tinychu’s little tail popping out from behind the cover. The little creature dashed away in mock panic as the mare closed the gap, gently flapping after her. As Tinychu jumped onto her bed, hiding under the pillow, Fluttershy giggled and lifted it up, only to blink in confusion.

“Tinychu? Nica?” She questioned, but she had disappeared without a trace. Or at least, had disappeared before a musical laughter spawned from beneath the massive eiderdown. A little bump could be seen moving from within, occasional snorts and giggles slipping loose.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but burst out laughing as well, not bothering to catch her friend for the moment. She watched as Mr. Patrick ran under the eiderdown, and than as the Tinychu squirmed out from underneath the heavy comforter and vaulted herself atop her lifted pillow, glancing at her with a tiny, playful smile. She returned the smile as she observed Nica make her way over to her headboard, latching on to another cushion.

Mr. Patrick blocked Nica’s path, running left and right while corraling her on the cushion.

Fluttershy dropped the pillow she was holding back onto the bed before reaching for Tinychu with her hooves, trapping her gently in between one hoof and the other pillow.

“Gotcha!” Fluttershy teased with a smile on her face as she slowly lifted the edge of her hoof to peek under it, only to frown seconds later at the spot Nica used to be. The little critter had seemingly disappeared. It was only a little later Fluttershy identified the Tinychu’s location, feeling her little paws traipse across her back, using her wings as a diving board. The pokemon took three testing jumps before launching herself off, landing with an unrivaled grace.

<See ya!> Nica called while dashing among the floorboards. She already jumped over the playful rat and made her way across the room before the pegasus realized where she was heading.

Fluttershy darted up and chased after with a determined grin, attempting to make up for lost time. She stalked after, attempting to use her soft wings to scoop up the mouse pokemon, but no matter how close she got, Tinychu was always one step ahead, surpassing even her most agile critters in terms of agility and jumping prowess.

Tinychu quickly scaled her stone fireplace to escape, using the rugged sone croppings to propelled herself upwards. With a final squee, she tucked herself behind a framed portrait, making sure to keep her long tail out of sight.

“I’m gonna get you!” Fluttershy teased, pretending she didn’t notice the little ball of fluff laughing atop the fireplace mantle. “Hmm… where’s Tinychu?” She quickly glanced behind a stuffed chair. “Not here. I wonder...” She tiptoed to the Tinychu’s spot, circling around one of the picture. Her rat assistant winked at her from the floor, playing along.

“Where…” She tried to casually walk near the mantle, pretending to be looking behind the small stack of logs piled in the fireplace. Noticing that Tinychu was gazing in the opposite direction, she giggled, attempting to stifle her laughter before her bite-sized friend caught on.

“She…” Just a couple more steps. Fluttershy thought as she snuck closer, eyeing up her prize.

“Is!” Taking Tinychu by surprise, Fluttershy sprung behind the startled pokemon, opening her wings and surrounding the little pokemon. Soon, she gently locked her in her feathery grasp, encasing her in a prison of fluffy doom. Very reluctant shouts of protest were heard before they died down almost as fast as they had come.

Nica’s eyes slowly began to droop, the warmth creating a spot of pure bliss. In seconds, she was curled in Fluttershy’s hold, falling fast asleep with little complaint.

“Oh my, you must be exhausted after all those adventures you and Pichu went on. Let’s get you to bed, we can talk over tea later, when you feel rested.”

Fluttershy carefully carried Tinychu to her bed, balancing her tiny body on her wings. She was moments away from placing her down on the bed when pokemon’s eyes shot open.

Not wasting a moment, she jumped up and sprung atop the pegasus’ head. “Hehe, I tricked you!” Nica cheered, before grabbing a strand of Fluttershy’s mane and swinging to freedom. She leapt across the chamber, overtaking more and more ground with every bound, when she reached the room’s entrance. She winked and slipped underneath the door, her shadow following a second later. “To get me, you need to try a little harder!”

Fluttershy shook her head in amusement. I should have known she had a trick up her sleeves. It’s on Tinychu. The cutest wins! She took off with a renewed determination, following after her companion’s trail with Mr. Patrick waiting for her to open the door.

Around half an hour later, Nica was pressed in between a nest of feathers on one of Fluttershy’s wings, and the tip of the other which tickled her belly. The Tinychu returned the favor as she snuggled in the mare’s wing a moment later, embraced within a multitude of plumage as she gave a soft sigh of satisfaction before crawling up beside the mare’s head. She replaced her previous perch for a small, improvised nest in Fluttershy’s pink mane, following up with a gentle poke to her cheek. Her paws alone sank into the rich fur.

<That was tons of fun! But now time for the story you’ve been waiting for. It all started when Pikachu took me to Sugarcube Corner for a treat, and then…> Tinychu started as she slowly began to increase her volume, ensuring the nearby large ear would hear every squeaky word.

Mr. Patrick exposed his ear, listening while perched on the pegasus’ belly. Each minute of the trilling story filled him with conflicting fear and excitement, finding Nica’s struggles and battles inspirational.

It didn’t take long before Fluttershy’s warm, cheerful smile turned into one of terror as she hid her head under a pillow, only to provide the Tinychu with a large portion of midnight cheer-up snuggles. As Fluttershy fell asleep holding her pillow with her forehooves while pressing her face into it, Tinychu curled herself up on the middle part of her right wing, holding Fluttershy’s feathers under her head in a tight embrace while perched in her improvised nest.

Author's Note:

Without spoiling anyting, It was suggested to me that since another character will be introduced soon (who will join the cast of main characters), and since Twilight's spell she was working on will be finished soon as well, it would be a good idea to continue this story with a sequel (and expand a tiny bit about what this other character was doing all this time, if only in 2-3 short chapters)

The next chapter I'll upload will be epilogue, together with link to the sequel (prologue and chapter 1). Depending on the feedback and reader's reaction, I'll decide if it is a good idea to keep that as a sequel, or is it better to merge it with the main story. I hope you'll all give this sequel a chance.

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