• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,386 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.7 - Clean Slate - Pt.2

Little Lost PIkachu


Chapter 7
Clean Slate - Pt.2

<That… means alot,> Nica mumbled before taking a deep breath and flashing a grateful smile. <First, let me start with an important fact. My trainer’s parents, Penny Longshot and Jeremy Longshot, were part of an organization that dedicated itself to eliminating crime in all regions. Kind of like a larger and better equipped version of the international police.> She took a quick pause, collecting herself before continuing on. <Rather than simply investigating, they were tasked with overpowering criminal organizations on a global scale. They were able to overpower any threats with the help of numbers, intense training, teamwork, and state of the art technology. Since criminals often targeted trainers, the members of this organization were equipped and trained to fight side by side with their pokemon, capable of defending themselves if necessary.>

<And?> Pikachu asked, before seeing how Nica’s ears drooped. <Oh no…>

<The leaders of many criminal teams banded together to corrupt the higher ups of the police in Kanto and Johto, getting information about the location of their main base. Utilizing the details they gained, they created a cruel plan of attack, killing Penny and Jeremy in the process, while the superiors of the local authorities fabricated evidence. The members of the Guardian organization were framed with accusations of turning rogue and assassinating their leaders.> She released a pained whimper before continuing in a depressed tone, <Before this happened, Astra was hidden... on an island... in a bunker… with Penny’s Ninetales who was tasked with keeping her safe.>

Pikachu’s ears drooped, feeling an ache in his heart which surpassed the burning sensation in his body. He forced tears back as he asked in a sobbing tone, <Did she… try… to avenge her parents?>

<That was her main motivation. She wanted to create a talented team and gain enough experience to throw other criminals in jail, preventing a repeat of the tragic tale for others caught in the crossfire. Astra swore she wouldn't let her parents die in vain and continued their work,> Nica explained. <While doing so, she developed an important ideology which she shared with me.>

<Which is?> he probed before no longer balancing himself on his tail, now standing on the tips of his tiny paws. A few centimeters of the water seemed to have evaporated already.

<The greater power one has, the more their responsibility grows. One needs to prove themselves worthy of greater strength, requiring a honed set of skills to back it up,> Nica explained.

<Is that why your trainer asked you to hold back on your evolution?> Pikachu asked.

<Pretty much. Our team evolved only after accomplishing near impossible odds.> She gestured at herself, allowing a small prideful smile to appear on her face. <In my case it was defeating an Alakazam as a Pichu, without the help of a Z-move. I caught him off guard with a fierce ‘Volt Tackle’ and clung on to his back where he couldn’t strike me. It was actually pretty funny. If his trainer put some more time into mastering his given abilities, rather than focusing on raw power, he would be able to land a hit on his opponents without seeing them. After him, I still managed to defeat another pokemon with a full-powered Z-move before dropping from exhaustion, truly a memorable experience.>

Pikachu approached, now staring at Nica in admiration, who took a confused step back in response. <You achieved such a victory and still managed to use a Z-move as a Pichu?> He waved his forepaws frantically. <That’s incredible!>

<N-not really… I mean… I had two years of experience thanks to our adventures. We spent half a year building up techniques and stronger moves on the island, while also building up our team. Not to mention another half a year I studied and learned how to write and read to communicate. My trainer always ensured for me to face stronger opponents or fight with a type disadvantage to teach me how to overcome the odds with skills and tactics, rather than depend of luck or favorable typing.> She smiled sheepishly. <My opponent… had less than two years of experience… so it wasn't completely fair…>

<You’re too modest. The fact that you had to struggle so much to prove yourself worthy of becoming a Pikachu alone is worthy of praise, not to mention all of your goals and accomplishments in both worlds.” He pointed at himself. <I got critically injured on my very first day of adventure against an army of enraged Spearow, so I know what it means to fight against the odds.>

<Well… I was always the last to evolve and put through the hardest challenges, but Astra treated me as a partner and trusted me with leading the team should something happen to her, which is why the others call me ‘Captain.’> She tapped her forepaws together. <But… it’s nothing… really. You’ve achieved more than I ever did. Wait... you were critically injured on your first day of adventure?> She looked at him in pity. <That's terrible! No wonder you're so brave in the face of danger and so much better than me.>

Pikachu rolled his eyes. She can praise others, but can’t take praise herself. No wonder Rainbow Dash says she’s too humble.

<Let’s continue… shall we?> Nica muttered, receiving a nod of agreement.

Pikachu observed his guardian, only to feel her tail lift him once again. Nica rounded him and he felt the soft gentle touch of a sponge massaging his bruised back. Being above the burning water alone brought him great relief.

<The same day I evolved into a Pikachu, we met an elite Team Rocket hitman who defeated and stole the pokemon from a four year Hoenn veteran… an experience I would rather forget as there was nothing we could do to help.> Nica looked to the side.

Pikachu felt the sponge clean his back, teasing his knotted and stiff muscles. A satisfied “Chuuuu…” escaped his mouth.

<That’s when Astra had a brilliant idea! If we could capture and arrest the most skilled and dangerous members of each criminal organization, other trainers would be able to defend themselves against the less competent members. We dedicated our lives to ensure that each crime boss would have an incompetent crew.>

<We had a fair share of problems with criminals as well, though most of them were indeed incompetent. I suppose I have you and your trainer to thank for that,> Pikachu said as he gave his guardian a proud look, which only earned him an embarrassed blush in return.

<It’s nothing… I would be honored if we were the stepping stones for you and your trainer…>

Pikachu patted Nica on the shoulder, while still perched atop her tail.

<Anyway… due to the disadvantages that Astra created for us, the first three years were filled mostly with defeats. She had only four pokemon in total when she faced the champion from the Orange Islands, and five when we participated in the Kanto League. But after I evolved into a Pikachu while she completed a full team, we won a tournament in Johto and even defeated Bruno from the Elite Four, though it was only because Astra had a full team and he used only five.>

Pikachu gasped and next blushed. <Well…>

<Yes?> Nica asked.

<It’s just… we tried our luck against some Elite Four members… but we were never able to claim a victory,> Pikachu grumbled as he looked away, only to feel a forepaw comfortingly rub his shoulder.

<Yet despite that, you and your trainer still had enough bravery, skills and maybe even luck to face the legendary pokemon and evil people who wanted to use them for their selfish gains. It’s not your strength but achievements that matter,> Nica clarified.

<Speaking of legendary pokemon, which ones have you encountered? I mean… someone as skilled as you with such a strong motivation to fight crime just had to fight or defend some.> He turned around, now looking Nica deeply in the eyes and pouting his lip for extra measure. <Please, don’t be shy.>

NIca nodded. <Our friend, Lt. Surge, promised to ask around for some favors and provide us with intel. When we were almost ready to face the Hoenn League, we got a message from him that Team Rocket had planned to capture three legendary pokemon; Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno. Our small raids in Johto delayed their plans to search for Lugia, but their operation in Kanto was still continuing at full speed.>

<So you gave up on the Hoenn League and went to stop them?> Pikachu guessed, receiving a firm nod of confirmation. Astra and Nica’s dedication had to be strong for them to leave the region to stop Team Rocket’s plans.

<Three of Giovanni's greatest hitmen were assigned to catch the legendary trio. The first one used poison pokemon and toxic gas against Articuno, while using the Grunts as cannon fodder. We defended Articuno, healed it from toxins with an antidote, fought side by side with it and became friends in the end.> Nica’s ears sagged as she started swirling the water around with the copper edge of her paw. <Team Rocket wasn’t going to fall for the same trick twice, and were ready for us when we tried to rescue Moltres. We wandered straight into their trap, but Articuno bailed us out of trouble.>

Pikachu nodded, listening with full attention while feeling a rush of excitement. His mouth slightly open in awe.

<Zapdos was already captured and was being brainwashed in Team Rocket’s facility, using the same technique the third hitman used to brainwash stolen pokemon to do his bidding. Lt. Surge, alongside some of his old friends, created a diversion while I snuck inside their headquarters and freed Zapdos.> She sighed, reliving the memory. <We barely escaped with our lives as Articuno gave us a lift to the Sinnoh region.>

<More, more!> Pikachu shouted eagerly, winning a warm smile and a chuckle as Nica rounded him and began to clean his belly.

<In Sinnoh I encountered a Riolu stationed in a hidden village where monks trained side by side with their pokemon, trying to push a human’s potential to their limits. Riolu noticed my talent and taught me how to sense auras while also instructing me on how to use ‘Focus Blast.’ He joined our team after months of diligent training.>

<So he taught you how to see your opponents without seeing them. Seems really helpful.> He paused, tapping his chin thoughtfully. <But at the same time it made you more sensitive to others feelings and made you dislike those so called ‘unfair battles’.>

<While our team was fully evolved and trained during our adventures in Hoenn and Sinnoh, Astra was desperate to shrink the gap in power between us and the Elite Four. This is when we traveled between Hoenn and Sinnoh on Articuno’s back, while challenging facilities there. The most important being a fight against the Pyramid King, Brandon.>

Pikachu narrowed his eyes, thinking back to Brandon’s legendary team, completely crushing Paul when challenged to a battle. <I remember him. Fighting his Regice was a massive struggle for me, one of my hardest fights.>

<Regice… yes, I remember our battles quite well. Brandon's abuse of the move ‘Rest’ during fights made his Regice a bit too vulnerable. Pokemon need to get hurt and heal naturally or in a Pokemon Center to toughen up. Misuse of healing potions or recovery moves make us more fragile, making our bodies dependant on instant recuperation,> Nica described. <I take it someone as skilled as you defeated Regice on your first try?>

<I did… what about you?> Pikachu wondered, staring back with full curiosity, only to feel a growing heat as his body was lowered back to the scorching water. He grit his teeth and ignored the pain, his attention fully focused on his guardian's intriguing backstory.

<Picture this. Astra challenges Brandon to a three vs three fight, demanding that he uses all of his legendary pokemon, fighting with his strongest team,> Nica revealed.


<After losing, leaving with a harsh beating, she trains her team for a week and returns to challenge him again. Each pokemon practicing new tactics day in and day out, taught to rely on strategy rather than raw power and determined to beat a seemingly unstoppable foe.>

<And…?> Pikachu gasped, paws trembling with anticipation.

Nica took a deep breath, her voice now devoid of all former confidence. <Now imagine me as a Pikachu, fighting such legendary pokemon. Should I win after weeks of coaching and running drill after drill, a few hours of rest later, Astra re-challenges Brandon and makes me grapple with a different legendary.>

<Wow, that’s a rough training session… Registeel and Regirock must no doubt be much tankier, able to receive greater blows and deal back twice as much,> Pikachu pointed out.

<That’s true. Now imagine this endless cycle on repeat… for half a year straight.>

Pikachu’s eyes became wide as plates, his voice filled with panic. <Half… a… year!?> He spread his forepaws and cupped his cheeks in shock while splashing the water, leaping directly in front of the Raichu. <You fought against Brandon, facing his legendary pokemon once a week, for half a year? Non-stop…!?>

Nodding solemnly, Nica continued, <Despite knowing ‘Focus Blast’ and constantly improving and changing my strategies, I ended up losing again and again, week after week. It took me six months before I managed to defeat those three mythical giants on the same day, with only a few hours break in between each duel. Half a year of struggle as I was the only pokemon in the team that hadn’t fully evolved yet. Each member had proven themselves worthy, except for me.>

Pikachu managed to choke out, <Wait… don’t tell me… this is how you earned your evolution into a Raichu?> Seeing a nod, he supported his paws on both of Nica’s shoulders as he looked into her in the eyes, stopping himself from shaking her silly for enduring such torture. <No wonder you take your evolution so seriously. It took you six months of fighting those legendary beasts over and over before you obtained your final form. You must have become extremely powerful.>

<Powerful, maybe… but not skilled enough,> Nica said as she gently situated Pikachu to a sitting position on her raised tail and lowered her head. <I thought I had proven myself worthy to become a Raichu, but one day when I tried to save a family in need from a burning building, I didn’t react fast enough. Because of that... because of that one mistake, that lapse in reaction…>

Pikachu’s ears drooped as he noticed the hesitation in Nica’s attempt to push the words out of her throat.

<A young girl lost her father that day, just because I didn’t… couldn't react fast enough. After all that preparation, the one time when I could use my abilities to help someone, I failed.> She turned around and lowered her head, nearly touching the water with her nose as swift tears streamed down her face. <Ever since then, I started training myself harder than ever while trying to master the use of my longer tail for defense, increasing my speed and agility.> She started sobbing. <The fear… that I can… fail others… has never left me since then…>

Without a moment's notice, Pikachu grasped the sponge from Nica’s hold, now cleaning her back and returning her kindness. <It wasn’t your fault. If even fighting legendary pokemon for so long didn’t prepare you enough, nothing could have.> He hopped from her tail and nuzzled Nica’s side. Now, it became obvious where the sensitive part of his guardian came from. A kind heart like hers had to have stemmed from somewhere. I can’t imagine the guilt she lives with everyday, blaming herself for something she couldn't control. <Cheer up, please.>

<B-but… if I was better at using my ‘Iron Tail,’ I could’ve saved him… I had a long enough reach, but I wasn’t good enough.> She massaged her forehead, depression clear on her lowered face. <I pushed myself too hard… forcing unnatural changes in my body. My offense was reduced due to my defensive style while my durability and stamina jumped through the roof. I changed my battle methods to best suit my survivability and reflexes, focusing on how to protect myself and those I care about.>

<So you became tough, calm and collected during combat. Now I clearly see what kind of nightmares you have endured,> Pikachu muttered, shivering while replaying her insecurities in his mind before cleaning her side. <You don’t deserve the punishment you put yourself through everyday.>

<Thank you,> Nica said as she raised her head, meeting Pikachu’s gaze. <Fighting Brandon for months, my evolution and my intense training out of regret made me stronger than I expected, and it showed during the tournament. However, something changed about me as well.>

<You mean, those experiences changed your personality?> Pikachu questioned as he pressed the sponge against Nica’s legs, which were submerged underwater. The taller pokemon took the sponge away, raised him with her tail and started cleaning his little feet instead.

<I know it may be hard to believe, but when I was a young Pichu, I was… a mean good-for-nothing bully.>

<What? Really?> Pikachu wheezed as the surprise after surprise battered his mind. The idea of this sweetheart before him, the kindest Raichu he had ever met, being a bully? Impossible!

Nica nodded grimly as she now started primping his forepaws, washing the last splotches of the dirt as drops of steaming water dripped down from his soaked fur. <Being around Astra, listening to her, sharing ideologies, assisting her in protecting others and fighting crime, it changed me. It gave me a purpose, and when I failed to save the life of a father, my personality shifted even more. I became so obsessed on becoming stronger and more skilled to protect others that I stopped caring about winning pokemon battles. They seemed so trivial compared to how I could be training to save lives and protect the innocents.>

<R-really? No wonder you are so peaceful. Ninetales praised your fighting prowess and skills, yet you seem to enjoy sweets, calm music and other sport activities instead,> Pikachu stated, amazed. Giving Nica a warm smile, he hobbled over and gripped Nica’s forepaws, staring into her eyes. <You’re really kind, even if they don’t deserve it. If only everyone were as sweet as you!>

<Thank you,> Nica sputtered with a deep blush as she hid it behind her copper toned paws. She lowered her limbs and climbed out from the bathtub before lowering her tail to the pink and white speckled ceramic tiles. <When we entered the tournament and I was matched versus a Dewott and Gyarados, I refused to use electricity due to my type advantage. I used only ‘Iron Tail’ and ‘Light Screen’ against them, evening the odds and basing the outcome on skill rather than luck. When I faced a rival’s Pikachu, I declined the battle and chose not to attack a single time, only defended while giving him advice on how to improve his fighting style. As a bonus, I still ended up winning in the end, pleasing Astra and helping out a fellow pokemon.>

<Now that’s something I can believe,> Pikachu giggled as he stepped from Nica's tail onto ceramic tiles.

Nica rounded him, selecting a fuzzy towel from the nearby table and started patting his fur dry, blocking his field of vision. The moment she withdrew the cloth, his fluff puffed into a large ball, causing a cheerful laugh to escape her mouth. Pikachu raised a forepaw up to his face and pressed it into his furry coat, chuckling as well. He had to admit, seeing Nica enjoy herself had become precious to him, with how often she placed blame on herself.

<Ever since I started sensing the auras and emotions of others I stopped enjoying fights. It was hard to continue battling when all I could feel was an immense sense of rage, sadness, disappointment and sometimes even hatred coming from my foe, whenever they were losing. Not to mention how devastating it was when I failed to protect a human’s life. My entire purpose for existing, to save those in need, failed because I couldn't react fast enough.”

Nica took a quick breath of fresh air, trying to calm herself. <Now that I think about it, the only time I actually enjoyed a battle was when I pushed away the drive and aggression from a fight and focused on teaching my opponent, helping them become the best they could be. Whenever I shared my experiences, gave advice, and pointed out weaknesses of someone’s fighting style, it left me satisfied.> She patted her forepaws in excitement, a big toothy smile lighting up her face. <Guiding others and sharing my experiences became the only part of pokemon battles that I still enjoyed.>

<So you don’t care about victory or your pride, but you love to tutor others and help them improve. Why didn't you tell me that before? It explains so much.> Pikachu grinned, watching Nica bob her head in agreement. <Instead of battle, I should ask you to train with me. Tell me more!> He grasped the towel and threw it over his guardian’s head, standing on the tips of his rear feet as he rubbed her fur. Cleaning someone taller proved to be a bit more difficult than expected. The moment he withdrew the towel, Nica’s fur fluffed even more than his, causing them both to drop to the floor and laugh as their fuzz sent small static shocks to one another.

Nica took a deep breath and sat, now perched on the tiles with a tad more presentable fur. Only a few mending bruises were visible on her body. <The funny part was, those pokemon I held back against and tried to teach, they wanted to become my friends, and their trainers became Astra’s friends in turn. After winning the tournament, we dealt with the last of Giovanni's hitmen. I was able to sneak through the underbrush and around the assassins’ back without making a sound, so when my trainer confronted him, I flung myself forward and snagged his belt of pokeballs right off him.> Nica’s eyes glazed over, a small smirk painted on her face. <He tried to take Astra’s pokemon as revenge, only to lose to his own tactics.>

<Let me guess. Defeating criminals made you way happier than winning tournaments?> Pikachu gathered, receiving a subtle <Yep!> in response. <What of the Elite Four? Where you victorious against them this time around?> He tensed as Nica’s ears wilted, crumbling alongside her tail as it flopped towards the ground. Her previous carefree grin was wiped clean, her mood taking a complete 180. Gathering the sweetest voice he could muster, Pikachu begged, <Please, trust me. Whatever happened, I won’t be jealous.>

Nica stroked the side of her limb nervously, not daring to meet Pikachu’s pleading gaze. She took a deep calming breath and spoke up, <We defeated the Elite Four and befriended Flint. His Infernape impressed me so much with his durability that I started to train with him regularly. The fact that he could use fire and fighting attacks meant that I needed to be very careful and creative with my ‘Iron Tail’ to defend against it. It made me always think a step ahead and not to rely on raw power.>

<Wait… you defeated Flint’s Infernape?> Seeing a nod, Pikachu gasped and stumbled a step backward. <B-but… he took out half of Ash’s team with ease, and despite my best efforts, I couldn’t defeat him.> He pointed at her. <Are you saying you managed to win in a one vs. one fight versus that Infernape?>

Nica dipped her head in confirmation. She smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck. <Y-yes… about that… It’s kind of my fault he got so tough. We trained so often and so hard over the years to stay in shape, that his durability and attack increased a lot. He still can’t beat me though, no matter how hard he tries.>

Pikachu kept staring in disbelief, his jaw inches away from the floor. A fight which seemed near unwinnable from his perspective was nothing but a training session for the Raichu before him. Don’t you dare be jealous of her, Pikachu. Don’t you dare! He shook his head and grinned widely, a new flame sparking in his eyes. <You’re truly amazing! No wonder you wanted magic to enhance my power. Without it, I wouldn’t stand a chance.>

<You’re… not jealous… or angry?>

<Of course not!> Pikachu declared, faking offense.

Nica sighed in relief before patting her fur.

He took her example, fixing his puffy coat while asking, <What happened next? Did Astra defeat the champion? I need to know!>

Nica curled into herself slightly. She tapped the tips of her forepaws together and added in a quiet, squeaky voice, <We… we did…> She squeezed her eyes shut, fearing the worst, until her hero’s voice cured her worries.

<Woooow… to think that I get the honor of befriending the partner of a champion herself,> Pikachu whispered, awestruck as he approached and shook Nica’s forepaw, an excited smile present on his face. <How can you view me as a hero when you’re so amazing yourself?>

<I… I’m not,> Nica replied as she withdrew her forepaw and turned to the side, gazing downward.

<What happened next? Please tell me,> Pikachu said encouragingly.

<Not long… not long after Astra became the champion of Sinnoh, we focused our attention on dealing with crime in the region. We rescued the mythical Darkrai from Team Galactic and weakened the pokemon hunters responsible for his capture by recruiting all of their best members. It turned out some former members that worked for Astra’s parents in the past, felt betrayed and joined the bandits to earn money and escape arrest. Astra swore to clear their name and drafted them, helping them restore their former purpose. Emily was one of them.>

<And… and…?> Pikachu tapped his forepaws, energetically hopping from one paw to the next.

<And when we heard of someone trying to capture Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres… again... we rushed into action, only to end up observing from afar as you and your trainer transported the orb needed to save the day. We were too far and had no information available to be of use,> Nica said, her voice now lacking spirit. <When we tried to learn about the hero who cooperated with Lugia to stop this natural disaster, we discovered a young trainer from Pallet Town, adventuring side by side with a Pikachu, you.> She pointed at him. <It wasn't long after we started to admire your acts of bravery, which you both showed in the face of danger while having little experience or power.>

<Admire, but why?> Pikachu asked in disbelief. <You and Astra did so much more. You were the partner of the Champion of Sinnoh when we didn’t even win our first tournament in th->

A steady pounding at the door interrupted his speech, leaving him slightly annoyed at the intrusion. It quickly vanished though as he saw Starlight gaze in through the entrance, a curious look glancing in through the entrance.

The mare leaned down and mouthed a rapid succession of questions to Nica, his ears twitching as he picked up on the mare's muffled whispers.

"Is he angry or jealous of you? Are you two getting along?" The Raichu shook her head no, quickly switching to a nod.

What is she talking about? Pikachu thought, pretending to be looking off into a corner. I mean, I'm a teeny tiny bit envious of her accomplishments, but who wouldn't be? All that matters is she deserves it through and through. After listening to her adventures, I feel as if I could trust her with my life.

He peeked back over towards his company, watching as Starlight flashed a smile and disappeared in a bright spark of magic. As the glare cleared, she was gone.

Nica's eyes popped open and she leaped over to a table, picking both their translating collars while securing them in her tail's steady grip. Her paws squeezed shut, slow drops of sweat sliding from her forehead. Whatever happened next was going to be serious. She leaped towards the exit. Standing in the cavernous crystal hallway, she gestured for him to follow.

Pikachu nodded, waiting for Nica to close the door as he walked side by side with her, taking three steps for her larger two.

<I already told you of my beliefs. The more power one possesses, the more one needs to accomplish in order to show they deserve it,> Nica said while looking ahead at the long walkway. <You and your trainer didn’t even win your first tournament and only had around one year of experience, yet you managed to face three legendary pokemon, horrifying dangers, and come out on top. That’s what makes you amazing. Nothing can hold you down!>

Pikachu didn’t say anything, trying to comprehend his guardian's kind words.

<Again and again we heard about your achievements, which both inspired and humbled us. We had more resources available, a stronger team of evolved pokemon and over five years of diligent training, yet no matter how hard we tried and what we accomplished, you and your trainer were always in the right time and place. Despite having a weaker team, neither of you gave up and always saved the day in the end.> Nica lowered her head, pulling her tail which lay flat on the floor. <Each of your successes made me feel more useless for not doing enough, but I’ve accepted my incompetence and your superiority> She looked at him with an inspired smile. <As long as I could ease your struggles by hunting the most competent criminals and make a difference in the long run, I was happy.>

Pikachu looked away and grit his teeth. Nica’s humility and her inferiority complex, it was all his fault. But… it’s unfair… If she was in my place, I’m sure she would be able to help Ash way better than I can. She’s blaming herself for something she has no control over.

<Please, don’t place guilt on yourself. While I admit that we would give everything to be in your place, we’ve accepted our role. Knowing that a superior trainer with a superior partner is out there fulfilling our dreams, that’s more than enough for us,> Nica commented as she patted his shoulder.

Pikachu took a deep breath and asked, <Still, there’s something I don’t understand. Why were you so afraid to tell me all this? Why did you try to make yourself look like an ordinary Raichu by hiding such amazing experiences like that?>

Nica paused in between the two doors leading to their respective rooms. She clenched her forepaws, her stare now firm as perspiration wet her face. <B-because… because half a year after Astra became the Champion of Sinnoh, she participated in the Supreme Tournament, which takes place every five years. Champions and former champions gather from all around the world to participate, fighting countless battles until the judges choose the eight top performing trainers for the tournament. The winner can challenge the Pokemon Master herself for the title.>

Pikachu gasped and took a step back, finally understanding where this conversation was leading. The title of Pokemon Master, a symbol of being the best trainer in the world that he and Ash had chased all those years... He pointed at Nica with a trembling forepaw and asked, <Are you trying to say that… that…>


<So Astra… became Pokemon Master… That’s… that’s…>

Nica held her paws together under her chin in a pleading gesture, murmuring to herself jumbled prayers.

<That’s incredible!> With his eyes sparkling as if filled with stars, Pikachu ran towards Nica and grabbed both of her paws while causing both collars to collapse to the floor. <So you’re the partner of the best trainer in the world. No, you’re the second-in-command for the strongest team of all! You’re the best of the best, I can hardly believe it. No wonder you thought I would be outmatched from the start.>

<N-no, I’m not!> Nica shouted as she took a step back, her face now cherry red in embarrassment. <Just because I’m the strongest doesn’t make me the best. This title only means we have an unbeatable team and strategies, but how much we accomplished with such power is nothing when compared…>

<Stop it!> Pikachu interrupted as he kept staring in admiration. <Stop diminishing your own worth.>

Nica whimpered. After taking a moment to regain her composure, she asked, <Are you… are you really not jealous or angry at me?>

<What, why would I be?>

<Because I am a Raichu!> She pounded a forepaw to her chest. <I’m your evolution, the very embodiment of what you fear and loathe deep in your mind. I’m terrified that you might view me as a rival, an obstacle to overcome to your ultimate goal. I’m petrified that you’ll hate me once you discover that you can’t defeat me.> Her eyes watered uncontrollably as she started to speak with sobbing hiccups. <Isn’t defeating... the master... your trainer’s goal? Isn’t defeating... the strongest Raichu... your ambition?>

<Y-yes, but…> Pikachu was cut off.

Nica bowed before him humbly, her face now millimeters above the cold floor. <As the strongest Raichu in the world, most likely unbeatable in pokemon battles –with the most powerful legendary pokemon being an exception– I proudly admit your superiority. You, a heroic Pikachu, are better than me in each and every way, and I assure you, I believe in every word I speak. I am as sincere as I can be. You are my hero.>

Pikachu froze, his mind drawing blanks. So this was the source of all of Nica’s fears. Her humility, her inferiority complex, all this time she cared for nothing but his happiness and approval.

<Isn't having the strongest Raichu admit your dominance what you deeply wished for? Please tell me it satisfied your pride,> Nica pleaded as she looked up from her lowered position, still bowing on her knees.

<N-no… in fact…> He shuffled his feet nervously while looking to the side. Under other circumstances earning respect from a top-notch foe and proving his worth to a powerful Raichu would fill him with joy, especially if it was the partner of the World Champion herself, yet seeing Nica humiliate herself for his sake… was just wrong. This particular kind, gold-hearted Raichu… he didn’t want to defeat, much less fight… to prove superior to. So what if she was more powerful, had better honed skills and helped her trainer achieve the title of Pokemon Master? All that mattered to her was achieving his happiness... and he felt the same way. <To be honest… a nice Raichu like you saying that… it makes me feel terrible. You don’t deserve that in the least.>

Nica stood up and sighed. <And here I hoped it would raise your spirits. Seems in the end my achievements only make me an obstacle in your way... I'm sorry.>

<No!> He ran forward and hugged Nica, pressing his cheek into her fluffy white chest. <You’re a friend, a great friend who has been there for me ever since I crash-landed into this place. I won’t be jealous of you, I won’t see you as rival if it hurts you so. I just won’t allow it.>

<Do you… really mean it?> Nica stuttered, staring in shock at her hero. <I sense a mix of emotions… even anger... but you’re not angry at me?>

<Of course not! I’m frustrated at myself for being jealous of you in the first place.> He withdrew his face from her chest and looked up. <I won’t deny it, I feel envious of you, and I hate it, but I want to be your friend. There’s so much you can teach me!>

<Even… even after everything you learned about me?> Nica sniffled.

<Of course! In fact, knowing that I was bested by Ninetales who was trained by Pokemon Master herself makes my defeat so much easier to swallow. I don’t think I would even mind being easily defeated by you, Raichu or not.> He raised his head and held forepaw on his chest, taking an honorable poze. <I’ll keep my jealousy in check and I won’t let it ruin our fun, I swear on my honor as a Pikachu.>

Nica felt herself bursting into tears again, this time however those seemed to be tears of joy. She returned the hug.

Pikachu grit his teeth, feeling squeezed as his bruised, tired and burned body ended up facing even more discomfort from Nica’s loving hug. He put on a brave face for his friend. Suddenly, he ended up wrapped by her tail as the friendly Raichu escorted him into the guestroom while trotting cheerfully, all past grief seemingly forgotten.

<While I don’t deserve all the effort and struggles you put yourself through for me, I really appreciate how much you’re willing to do to save our friendship. I’m overjoyed that in the end all of my fears were put to rest.> She leaped onto the bed.

<You’re the one who suffered the most,> Pikachu retorted, watching his guardian place his collar on the table next to the bed before situating him comfortably on a primed pillow. She withdrew her tail and covered him with a warm blanket with apples embroidered on it, one he recognized from the top of the castle while dozing under the sun. The pleasant soft sensation overcame him as his exhausted body finally got the rest it desired.

<This is a present that Apple Bloom gave me more than a week ago. I’m sure it will serve you better than that big heavy eiderdown,> Nica promised as she gently nuzzled his cheek. <Sweet dreams.>

<Sweet dreams to you too… and I’m sorry…>

<Whatever for?> she asked.

<For thinking you looked down on me and refusing the magical boost, but from now on I’ll know better.>.>

Nica shook her forepaw dismissively. <Already forgiven. In fact, if I knew you better, I would trust you more and told you the truth from the start. I’m more than happy that we’ve put it behind us.> She held a paw on her chest, displaying a dreamy smile. <My heart… it’s so much lighter, knowing that such an amazing Pikachu like you still views me worthy of your companionship despite everything I represent. Let’s get to know each other better from now on and not allow our flaws to hold us back>

<And I’m happy to finally know what had made you so apprehensive all this time. You’re an inspiring and amazing Raichu, and I’ll do my best not to upset you again,> he said, matching Nica with a cheerful grin.

<Amazing? Me? I… I’m not…> Nica blushed. She turned around and scampered towards the door, quickly leaving the room.

Pikachu chuckled. <Of course…> He waited for the door to close before turning around, looking at the window. The crimson paint streaked sky telling him that the night was still hours away. Was he going to wake up in the middle of the night? Or was he going to wake up tomorrow morning? He couldn’t tell, and couldn’t care less. One thing was certain, he now had an awe-inspiring friend and partner, one who he was proud to call his hero.

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