• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,386 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.2 - Big Revelation (updated version)

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 2
Big Revelation

With a quick movements of his paws as he felt the softness of the grass, Pikachu ran side by side with his guardian, zipping in between apple trees in the direction of the explosion. Feeling a surge of excitement and curiosity, he thought about his day’s experiences.

He had to admit, ever since he arrived in this new world, most of his time he spent interacting with peaceful creatures… with the Manticore being the only exception.

A pony with wings and a horn seemed to be a leadership figure and a scholar of sort. She was the one who was working on a way to send him back home after all so she had to be very intelligent. I wonder… Nica did say that Princess Twilight had a lot of raw power that could rival the power of legendary pokemon, but she’s also more like a human scholar in terms of intelligence. If she ended up in our world, would she do better as a pokemon trainer? As profesor? Or as a fighter herself? Maybe she would be her own trainer… leading five pokemon while herself being number six… that sounds weird.

He thought of another pony. This one had a horn on her head… and was certainly a weird one with an obsession for fashion, but at least her younger sister seemed to be more nice and collected. Miss Rarity was also behind the design of the very collar he now wore on his neck. She may be the one behind the design… but it was Twilight and her student who enhanced the collar to translate our language… as well as absorb electricity. It kind of makes her less impressive in my opinion.

The one called Pinkie Pie. Super enthusiastic, capable of self levitating and silent teleporting, as well as giving very strong hugs. Also a baker, a really, really good one. Applejack’s cider… or Pinkie’s cupcakes… it’s hard to tell which is better. Both were extremely tasty. I must say, those ponies make superior food to the one in my world.

The one called Fluttershy was overwhelmingly kind. Snuggles, hugs, a peaceful nature. She was a sweetheart indeed, but while Nica enjoyed her company, for him being around Fluttershy would get boring fast. He needed adrenaline, excitement and a challenge after all. I think Umbreon had a good idea. She would do really well as a pokemon breeder, though I still find it difficult to believe she managed to talk with a Manticore without putting herself in danger. Maybe she’s not as defenseless as she appears to be.

Applejack, certainly a hardworking pony, and the way she demonstrated a way to gather apples from a tree during their search was quite impressive. Applejack herself mentioned that she used only a fraction of her strength, or else she would destroy the tree by accident, meaning she would be capable of delivering quite a strong physical attack during battle. Her younger sister Apple Bloom no doubt had to be strong as well to help on the farm, and she was both energetic and enthusiastic during their search.

If I had to choose, I think the Apple family left the best impression. Maybe I can visit the farm from time to time and ask Lucario or Umbreon to fight with me, it could be a challenge. He glanced at his running guardian while matching her speed, making three quick steps whenever she made two. I suppose I could challenge Nica to have a friendly battle with me and finally find out if she’s a strong Raichu or not… But… she seems so nice and sensitive… what if she wouldn’t enjoy our fight? His ears drooped. While he didn’t have any regrets fighting the other Raichu in the past, the idea of striking that smiling face with an ‘Iron Tail’ or ‘Quick Attack’ didn’t seem all that appealing.

Pikachu’s attention shifted towards two creatures who now stood atop a tall grassy hill while facing each other. Actually, some of the grass seemed to be gone from where the metallic creature was currently standing.

Metallic creature? It was covered by red armor and equipped with pincers while white non-transparent grey wings were standing up from its back. Despite being hit by whatever exploded a moment ago, there seemed to be only a few small scratches on its shining armor. This… ummm… what was this pokemon’s name… I saw him before…

“Scizor? Considering that most of my trainer’s team is already in Equestria, I should’ve seen this coming,” Nica said as she waved at the bug/steel type pokemon. “Scizor, over here! It’s me, Captain Nica. Hello!”

The armored pokemon looked at Nica in silence, saluting. He didn’t seem to be the only one noticing her though. The other creature standing at the opposite side of Scizor seemed to be a blue pegasus covered in bruises, no doubt being the one responsible for the massive explosion.

“Well, well, well! If it isn’t the awesome defender and saviour of Equestria?!” the pegasus asked before flying towards Nica, now hovering in front and above her. “You should’ve seen our practice, it was amazing! Now I see why pokemon like to fight so much. It’s really exciting and fun.”

Pikachu blinked. The speed this pegasus displayed was… incredible… as if watching a fast flying pokemon using ‘‘Quick Attack,’ not to mention that this pony actually had a pokemon battle and was excited about it. Pikachu smiled, now that’s a pony he could get behind.

“Stop calling me that,” Nica said with a stomp. “You know I dislike being praised, especially if I don’t deserve it.”

The pegasus crossed her arms and shook her head. “Sorry, but no can do. You’re a heroine and that’s final. And you totally deserve to be called that.”

Pikachu approached slowly, now focused on Nica instead. “What did she mean saying ‘Defender and Saviour of Equestria’?” He crossed his forearms. “Mind explaining?”

“She’s… she’s just exaggerating.” Nica blushed and tapped her forepaws. “The ponies were the ones who defended their nation. I played just a very little,” she brought her forepaws close together, “very little role in that conflict.”

The pegasus narrowed her eyes. “I won’t give up. I’ll keep telling you how awesome you are until you start believing it. It’s my duty as a friend to…” She paused and looked to the side at him before flying closer. “Another pokemon? Are you Nica’s friend or something?”

Pikachu took a step back as pegasus' muzzle was but centimeters away from his nose. “I’m not really her friend,” upon noticing a saddened expression on Nica’s face, he continued, “yet... we just met each other today inside the forest and she volunteered to become my guardian.” He smiled warmly and raised his forepaw towards the pegasus. “I’m a Pikachu, nice to meet you.”

“The name’s Rainbow Dash,” she said as she lightly booped the tip of his little paw before flying in slow circles around him.

Quick poking of his ears, tail and limbs followed as he felt Dash’s hoof making contact with his body with her judging stare examining his features from different angles. Pikachu smiled awkwardly, feeling as if an attraction on display.

“Pikachu you say, so you’re Nica’s pre-evolution,” Dash said before landing in front of him and lowering herself to his face level. “Sorry to say this, buuut... you’re nowhere near as cool as a Raichu. I mean, you’re mostly yellow with not many neat features.” She poked his stomach. “No white fur on your belly.” She poked his ears. “Pointy but simple.” She pointed at his rear legs. “Your feet are so tiny. How can they even support your whole weight? I don’t envy you if someone stepped on your foot by accident.”

Pikachu narrowed his eyes while feeling an increasing annoyance.

“But worst of all, you don’t have a long cool-looking tail. Not impressed,” Dash said before rubbing the top of his head and shooting him a grin. “I bet you can’t even hold yourself in a battle and that your speed is decent at best.”

Pikachu pressed his cheek against Dash’s muzzle, as if trying to wrestle her head with his entire body. He wasn't just going to stand and take all the teasing. “Hey, I may be smaller but I’m faster for it, and I’m really tough.”

Dash pushed back. “You mean faster than your evolution on those tiny feet of yours? I doubt it. I would like to see you prove me wrong.”

He leaped back and landed on his four paws, returning Dash’s grin with his own. “How about you show me what you’re capable of. That explosion you caused… meh... not impressed, my bursts of electricity are way stronger.” Upon seeing that giving Dash taste of her own medicine was working, he added. “Also, you may be a fast flier, but are there any skills behind your speed?”

“Oh, it... is... on!” Dash landed, spread her wings and rubbed the grass with her forehoof aggressively. “Show me what you’ve got!”

Pikachu maintained his fighting stance, his tail and ears raised in anticipation. “You first.”

Big Macintosh, Lucario and Apple Bloom reached the scene at their slower pace, now observing the confrontation as they sat next to Nica.

“A bigger audience, now that’s more like it,” Rainbow Dash said before flying at full speed in circles around Pikachu.

Upon noticing an incoming strike from ahead, Pikachu leaped to the side, just in time to not get hit in the face by the speeding forehoof. He charged power into his tail and turned around, yet Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. No more than two seconds later, he felt a hoof hit the back of his head, pressing him into the ground and pushing him across the dirt. His face left a few meters long trial in the ground.

“Got enough already?” Dash asked.

With a quick push of his little paws, he leaped to the side in time to avoid another kick as Dash’s rear hoof struck the ground instead.

With a leap and swing of his tail, he tried to strike back, but the pegasus flew backward and away in time to evade as his tail ended up stuck in the soil instead, cracking the ground all around while giving the pony a chance to deliver a punch and push his light body a few meters away.

Pikachu rolled in mid-air and soon his feet pressed into the grass, leaving a trail. This pony can actually fight. Not bad. From now on no holding back. He poked his collar which prevented him from using electricity, not that he needed it. Now no longer underestimating his foe, he awaited for another strike with sharpened senses, leaping to the side to avoid an attack from behind. He followed up with a ‘Quick Attack’ as his running speed increased substantially. Upon noticing the pegasus attempt to fly out of the way, he jumped to where Dash was going to be, striking the pegasus’ side with his head. The force of the impact sent Rainbow Dash flying a big distance.

Pikachu followed and jumped, ready to strike the pegasus with his ‘Iron Tail’ the moment she would hit the ground. Much to his surprise, Nica jumped in front of Rainbow Dash, softening the crash with her own body before raising her own ‘Iron Tail’ protectively.

Pikachu stopped his attack and landed on the ground, now staring at the scene before him.

Rainbow Dash was in Nica's embrace whose feet were stuck in the ground from the impact, yet she maintained her balance, refusing to trip over. Her defensive tail was withdrawn a moment later. Despite her smaller size Nica kept the pegasus raised above the ground.

“Owww… that was… a solid hit,” Rainbow Dash said as she sat on the ground and massaged her side. Yet another bruise was added to the pile, this one way bigger than the others. “Thanks Nica.”

“You’re welcome,” Nica said before giving Rainbow Dash a disapproving glance. “Also, I know Scizor most likely held back his punches against you, but I can tell you were hurt from practicing with him. You can’t rush into another pokemon battle in such condition.”

“Ugh… no kidding.” Dash stood to her full height and looked at Pikachu with a proud smile. “I must say, you may not look cool or impressive, but you’ve got lots of speed and power. Your tiny feet are way way stronger than they look.” She shook his foreleg enthusiastically. “Also, props for guts and self-confidence.” She glanced at Nica. “I know someone who could really use some of it.”

Pikachu blinked. Hurt or not, this pegasus seemed to lack a pokemon’s durability. He hoped Rainbow Dash would take more than a single ‘Quick Attack.’

Lucario spoke up, <Rainbow Dash, speed, outstanding, surpassing fastest flying pokemon. Skills, Reflex… above average, not sufficient to make full use of speed, room for improvement. Durability, no match for Big Macintosh, underwhelming. Ego… both weakness and strength… great source of motivation, causes dumb decisions and blind to danger. Overconfidence… big weakness… lower guard, makes easy target.>

Rainbow Dash looked at Lucario and next glanced at Nica, asking, “What did he say?”

“He evaluated your strengths, weaknesses and skills,” Nica answered.

Pikachu spoke up, catching Dash’s attention, “He said your speed is great, but your skills and reflexes aren’t good enough and could use some improvement. Your durability isn’t all that good and your overconfidence and ego cause you to make dumb decisions.”

Dash groaned, giving the smirking Lucario an annoyed glare.

“He nailed ya really well, Dash,” Applejack said as she stepped from behind a line of apple trees, joining the group. Umbreon and Lycanroc sat by her side.

Nica approached Pikachu, now looking with expectation in her eyes. “You have met most of my friends and explored very important locations in Ponyville. So… what do you think? Do you like it here? Which pony and place do you like the most and least?"

Pikachu rubbed his chin. Nica gave him a tour and introduced her pony friends while helping him find his pokemon friends. It made sense she would want to know the impression her tour left. After talking a deep breath, he smiled, looked her in the eyes and spoke, “What can I say? As crazy as it is, this world has its charm.” He poked his collar. “That rare mare… Rarity was it… she’s weird, but she has a nice younger sister.” He pointed towards the top of Twilight’s castle visible on the horizon behind the sea of trees. “I didn’t get to know Twilight all that well yet, but I think she is trustworthy. I trust that she’ll find a way to send us back home..” He smiled sheepishly. “If I had to choose… Fluttershy’s hugs and voice are way better than Pinkie’s, but Pinkie’s enthusiasm can keep things interesting and her sweets are delicious.”

He massaged his belly and then pointed at Applejack. “The Apple family left a really good impression, and their apple cider is just as great as Pinkie's sweets.” The farm mare raised her head proudly while Apple Bloom smiled cheerfully. “However, Rainbow Dash has the best personality. A willingness to fight, drive for adventure, enthusiasm. I like her the most.”

Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a sassy smile, who in response rolled her eyes.

Pikachu crossed his arms. “Long story short, I like them.”

<I like the Apple pony too,> Umbreon said as he rubbed Applejack’s foreleg.

Scizor closed his eyes, crossed his arms and smiled slightly.

Lucario placed his hand on Big Mac’s shoulder. <Silent companion, interesting, sufficient.>

“Ah don’t know what yer sayin’, but Ah like workin’ and talkin’ with ya. Yer a good listener,” Big Mac said as he gave the pokemon a calm smile.

Rainbow Dash flew over to Pikachu and said, “A quick question. Did Nica tell you how we saved Equestria from doom more than once and stuff?”

Pikachu blinked and shook his head.

Dash looked at Nica with hurtful expression. “What!? How could you not mention how awesome we are to our guests?” She held her forehoof on her chest. “I feel so wounded.”

“I… I’m sorry…” Nica said with guilt clear on her face.

“Come on Dash, not everypony wants to brag of their accomplishments in others faces.

“I know, I know, but we’re missing a big opportunity to impress visitors from another world. I can’t let it slide.” Rainbow Dash sat in front of Pikachu and grabbed him with her wings, placing him on her knees. “Listen carefully, because I’m about to blow your mind with a story of an epic proportions.”

“You’re… actually serious?” Pikachu pointed accusingly. “I mean, I can imagine you and Applejack face danger, but Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and especially Rarity… I don’t see it.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Don’t underestimate them. Fluttershy can get really brave whenever we’re facing dangerous animals, Rarity is way more than just fashion and Pinkie’s unpredictability really helped on many occasions. As a group, we unleashed the Elements against Nightmare Moon and Discord, faced a horde of changelings, defeated King Sombra.”

“Twilight and Spike were the ones who beat him,” Applejack pointed out. “And Cadence kept him at bay. We didn’t do much.”

“Details, details,” Rainbow Dash said with a roll of her eyes. “What’s important is that whenever Equestria faced a crisis, we’re there to fix it.”

“So true,” Nica said with a nod and look of admiration towards Rainbow Dash. “They’re national heroines, really great and important ponies. Ever since I heard stories about what happened in past years in Equestria, I started admiring them more and more.”

“You’re a hero to, Nica,” Dash pointed out.

“I’m not… I just helped a bit, nothing more.”

Pikachu raised his head proudly and puffed his chest. “You’re not the only one with heroic deeds. I and my trainer encountered many legendary pokemon, some hostile. We faced many great dangers, fought dangerous people who wanted to capture legendary pokemon for their selfish reasons. We even once restored a balance of nature.”

Nica took a step back and gasped, her mind a mess. Did… did this Pikachu just say he and his trainer faced legendary pokemon and restored natural balance? Can he be...? She clenched her forepaws and approached, her throat suddenly dry. “Excuse me.”

“Yes?” Pikachu asked, now sitting on Rainbow Dash’s knees.

“You didn’t happen to… cooperate with Lugia… while in a crossfire between fighting Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos… by any chance.”

“I did, how did you know?” Pikachu asked.

“Well… when I reached a large gathering of pokemon to see what was happening, I saw a trainer with Charizard trying to reach an island while the water was frozen solid. I was too far away so I couldn’t recognize any other pokemon,“ Nica said and then looked to the side, her ears drooped. “I wish I could have been of assistance, but you were too far away and I wasn’t sure what to do.”

Pikachu smiled. “I remember that day. It was really cold and dangerous, and my trainer would have drowned if not for Misty. Thanks to Lugia we managed to deliver the missing orb that was needed to restore natural balance.”

Nica’s eyes became wide. She cleared her throat and asked, her voice now filled with hesitation, “Just… to make sure… did you encounter pokemon like Latios and Latias?” Seeing a nod, she asked, “Kyogre and Groudon?” Another nod. Nica felt drops of sweat slide down her forehead. “Deoxys, Rayquaza, Palkia, Dialga? A scientist who tried to create mirage pokemon…?”

“We have… how did you learn about this all?”

Nica gulped, feeling a hastened beating of her heart while unable to even name some emotions she started experiencing. “Is your trainer… Ash Ketchum by any chance.”

“Am I missing something?” Dash asked. “Have you both really never met each other before? This sounds like you’re pals or something.”

Pikachu stood up and placed forepaws on his hips. “Now, seriously, were you spying on us? How do you know so much?”

“Spying… no… well… maybe a little.” Nica blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. She took a few steps backward. “I… need a moment, be right back.” She ran, ignoring the calls from Pikachu and Rainbow Dash, bypassing the confused Apples and other pokemon.

After a minute of running, Nica stopped and looked behind, no one seemed to be following her, and the call of her friends and pokemon no longer reached her.

She perched herself on the soft grass, looked at the cloudless sky and took a few deep calming breaths, trying to comprehend the situation. This… is happening, it’s really happening, she thought while charging power into her tail. She yelped in pain after slashing her raised forepaw with her own 'Iron Tail,' yet nothing seemed to change. Alright, I’m not dreaming, it’s really happening. She massaged the bruise on her forepaw. Maybe striking the same limb that was struck by a ‘Bite’ attack not long ago wasn’t the best idea.

Alright, calm down… so the Pikachu that ended up summoned to Equestria happened to be your idol, big deal... she thought, yet it did little to calm her rushing emotions. Excitement, fear, embarrassment, happiness and so on overcame her mind.

For eight years ever since she was caught while still being a Pichu, she and her trainer faced a long journey to create a powerful team that would weaken criminal organizations by defeating and arresting their most skilled trainers. From a near ten year old girl hidden in a bunker on an abandoned island whose parents were killed for fighting crime, and from a young immature bullying Pichu, they grew into a force to be reckoned with, ready to face any danger. However, at the peek of their power, a new inexperienced trainer appeared on the scene who started accomplishing so much despite having a very weak team. No matter how hard they worked, this trainer and his partner Pikachu accomplished so much more, always a step ahead, always in the right place at right time.

Astra more than once told her that Ash Ketchum is a superior trainer to her, being able to accomplish so much good in keeping the fragile balance of the world safe while having so much weaker team and less experience.

However, Ash had a trusty partner, a dependable Pikachu, and since Ash was superior to Astra, by default this Pikachu was superior to her.

For years ever since Ash and his partner played an important role in delivering an orb needed to restore natural order, Nica started to admire this Pikachu’s resolve. Each time she heard about Ash interacting with legendary pokemon which resulted in keeping a town, city or even the world safe, she admired Ash’s partner more and more while feeling a growing sense of inferiority.

Now, the very hero she admired, a superior pokemon who accomplished so much while being weaker was now in Equestria, and she had the honor of being his guardian. The very idea of interacting with her hero and making his stay pleasant filled Nica with chills.

Nica smiled with a wide grin and her forepaws started trembling. Her tail flipped left and right. With a cheerful hopping and closed eyes, she started to cheer, grabbing a few flowers into her embrace before spreading them over the area. Nica opened her eyes, which now sparkled in excitement. She stood on her four paws, bent her legs and gathered all of her excitement and energy in preparation for her highest jump.

Three… She grit her teeth. Two… Her legs started to tremble slightly in anticipation. ONE! Like a mortar round, she launched herself into the air, performing her strongest jump.

76 meters, 142 meters, 198 meters, 244, 280, 306, 322, 328… Between eight and nine seconds the gravity finally caught up with her as Nica kept cheering while in mid-air, only her collar preventing her from unleashing a cheerful dose of electricity. After being around seventeen seconds in the air in total, her rear legs finally smashed into the ground with a loud thud, sinking into the soil.

Nica held a forepaw on her chest and took a calming breath. Now with all of her excitement burned out, she returned to her collected peaceful self and walked towards the line of trees. She had an important role ahead of her after all. Her hero was in Equestria and she needed to make his stay pleasant and distract him from missing his home. To make things better, she got an opportunity to learn more about her hero personally.

After a few minutes of cheerful trotting –Pinkie Pie style– Nica reached the hill where Dash faced Scizor and Pikachu in a battle. All the ponies and pokemon were gathered together in a circle.

“Hey, Nica, what took ya so long!?” Apple Bloom shouted as she gestured for her to join.

Nica ran over and sat in a free spot between Apple Bloom and Applejack.

“While ya were away, we talked ‘bout adventures and stuff. Ya missed a bit,” Applejack said.

Nica’s ears drooped. In her rush of excitement she wasn’t here to hear about her hero’s deeds. I can ask him about details later. No big loss.

Pikachu stood up and approached, now looking slightly up with a curious stare. “Since you’re back already, could you please explain how you know so much about me and my trainer?” He tapped the grass with his little foot impatiently.

Nica nodded, taking a deep breath into her lungs before speaking, “Ever since you and Ash faced Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno while trying to deliver the orb that would save the day, I and my trainer got really curious about the heroes behind it, so we asked left and right.” She took a deep breath. “We soon learned that said trainer’s name was Ash Ketchum and that he had you as his partner.” She pointed at the smaller pokemon, who kept listening with full attention.

“Again and again whenever something big started happening or when criminals tried to use legendary pokemon to their advantage, we rushed to do whatever we could to help, only to find out that you and your trainer were there first and cleaned up the whole mess.” She held her forepaws together and started looking at Pikachu in admiration.

“W-what’s wrong with your eyes?”

Nica continued, “Everytime you showed courage in the face of danger and made a big impact on the world, I started admiring you more and more!” She grabbed Pikachu between her forepaws, raising him in front of her head. “You’re my idol! Your courage and achievements motivated me to become the best Raichu I can be. It’s truly an honor to finally meet you! I’m sooo happy!”

“I am your idol? Wait, what?!” Pikachu shouted as his guardian placed her forepaws on his hips and raised up. “Are you saying that you and your trainer kept track of our most dangerous adventures and started to idolize us?”


Pikachu yelped as he was thrown up by the enthusiastic pokemon, only to be caught by Nica’s tail in mid-air as she now held him captive in front of her excited face.

“To think that I can be your guardian and guide, I’m so excited!” Nica patted her chest and added in a more serious tone, “I’ll work extra hard to make your stay pleasant. If you need anything, just ask, and I’ll do it without delay.”

Pikachu blushed and remained speechless, overwhelmed by Nica’s stare and unable to move his restrained forepaws. I’m… her idol. An energetic and durable Raichu like her learned about my most dangerous adventures and she views me like some sort of hero. When I thought they were spying on us and wanted an explanation, I expected many things, but no that.

He looked the Raichu deeply in the eyes, seeing nothing but admiration and excitement in its purest form. It became obvious that Nica meant what she said. Even if she’s not the first fan I have had, being admired by my own evolution from the start is new. It kind of feels nice.

Pikachu smiled lightly while allowing his pride to speak to him. It was one of his goals to prove that he could become a great pokemon without the need to evolve after all. He even defended his pride and honor against other Raichu, defeating them in hard battles to prove himself and earn their respect. This time however he was admired and respected by a Raichu for his accomplishments without the need for him to prove anything.

This is actually a nice change of pace. I like it.

“Oh… I get it,” Dash said as she flew over and poked Pikachu on the shoulder. “Congrats, you got the most awesome fan you could have wished for.”

Pikachu kept staring at Nica in silence, finding himself in quite an odd predicament. Instead of being wrapped by the tail of a Raichu trying to prove their superiority, he ended up restrained by the nicest Raichu who viewed him as a hero, trapped with her in a different world. But he couldn’t remain silent, he needed to respond to it one way or another.

“Well… you can start by releasing me,” Pikachu suggested, quickly feeling the grass with his feet.

“Sorry,” Nica said as she withdrew her tail.

Pikachu kept looking at Nica, whose excitement levels seemed even higher than before. “I swear, your enthusiasm is far greater than Buneary’s, and that says a lot.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the sky and spoke up, “I still remember how I viewed the Wonderbolts as those great heroes, screaming in excitement at their every acknowledgement while wishing deeply I could one day fly by their side. Truly, dreams do come true with enough effort put into achieving them.” She looked down at both pokemon and then pushed Pikachu with her wing. “Come on, say something. Your words could mean the world to her.”

“S-sure…” Pikachu steeled his nerves and cleared his throat, now addressing his fan. “It’s… nice to be admired by another Raichu… It’s actually something I didn’t expect.” He smiled warmly and raised his forepaw, pushing away his hesitation while replacing it with a look filled with confidence. If this Raichu thought so highly of him, the last thing he wanted was to embarass himself. He was viewed as a great hero after all, his pride demanded for him to prove worthy of such admiration.

“I’m glad our adventures inspired you to improve and become a better Raichu, and I’m happy to meet an energetic and kind fan like you. Though I am not sure if I am really worthy of such admiration.”

Nica squealed in happiness before shaking Pikachu’s forepaw energetically, shaking him as a whole. “Are you kidding? Facing great dangers while accomplishing so much. You deserve way more admiration than I can show you!” She released him. “Sorry!”

Pikachu massaged his arm. She sure has a strong grip when excited. He took a deep breath and said, “However.”

“Y-yes?” Nica asked, suddenly worried as she raised her forepaw towards her face.

“I would prefer if our interactions weren’t just of a fan and idol. I wouldn’t be comfortable with it. After the kindness you showed me and all your efforts to help me, I would like if we could view each other as friends instead?” He smiled while showing his shining teeth. “So, how about it, will you accept my friendship?”

“Of course!” Nica shouted before while waving his forepaws in excitement. ”I’m honored being the friend of someone as great as you!” She stood on tip of her rear leg and spun cheerfully. “I can’t believe this is happening!” She placed a forepaw on her forehead in a dramatic gesture and fell onto her back.

“H-hey… Don’t faint on me now, please.” He glanced at his friend Lycanroc, who now licked Apple Bloom’s muzzle. The filly’s attempt to nuzzle his neck resulted in a bruise. Oh right… I still didn’t find all of my friends yet. He looked back at Nica and reminded her, “We still have Rowlet to find.”

Nica pushed herself to a standing position in an instant and saluted. “On it!” She said while wrapping her tail around his belly and running towards the town.

Pikachu crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as he once again found himself held captive by this Raichu's tail. Of course.


They stopped, now seeing the puppy stare of Apple Bloom.

“Can’t ya stay and play with me?” Apple Bloom asked, displaying her puppy eyes.

Pikachu gulped, now remembering his encounter with Fluttershy. Pleading stares were always so hard to resist.

Nica turned around and faced the filly. “I’m sorry, Apple Bloom, but we need to find all the pokemon in Ponyville and register them for Twilight and Rarity.” She shot the filly a confident smile. “But we will come and play with you tomorrow, won’t we?” Nica looked at him.

“Sure!” Pikachu said from his awkward position. The moment Nica looked at the filly again, he pressed his forepaws against the black part of the long tail, taking several seconds of struggle to free himself. Not that Nica’s grip on him was tight or anything, but her long tail was certainly her strongest limb.

“Yay! Ah can’t wait.” Apple Bloom waved with her foreleg. “Good bye, Nica, Pikachu. Good luck in yer search.”

“Best of luck to ya. Ah’ll prepare more apple cider for ya.” Applejack gave Dash a look of disapproval. “Sorry Dash, only for our guests.”

Rainbow Dash frowned and rubbed the dirt with her forehoof.

<Good luck older sis,> Umbreon said with a wave of his forepaw before narrowing his eyes, giving Pikachu a suspicious stare. <You may be my sis’ hero, but you’re no hero of mine. If you upset her, I’ll make you pay.”

Pikachu ignored him, after all, why would he ever want to upset his own fan? They started running side by side, smiling at each other cheerfully.

As Pikachu and Raichu left for the town while the rest started heading towards the farm for supper, Lucario walked side by side Big Mac and crossed his arms. <Pikachu’s weakness… discovered. Attack, fast, powerful, predictable, tiring. Not evaded, high damage, evaded, easy to counter. Need balance, much room for improvement.>

Big Mac gave him a curious look.

<Master Nica, dislike hurting, loves teaching, good sensei, can improve. Turn weakness into strength.>

“Ah can tell there’s wisdom in yer voice. Ah wish Ah knew what yer sayin’.”

<Patience. Language barrier, temporary drawback. Magic… can fix.>

Author's Note:

So long story short. I felt that the big revelation scene was a bit lacking (considering how impactful this scene was meant to be), specifically Pikachu's reaction to Nica admiting to be his biggest fan.

To fix this, I expanded that scene (When Nica tells Pikachu that he and Ash did great things and admits that she admires him, there is a scene break and perspective shift to Pikachu's point of view. This is where the scene was greatly expanded/improved. The changes ends the moment Pikachu mentions that they need to find Rowlet).

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