• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,477 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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One early Saturday morning, Connor looked outside his window to see, finally it had stopped raining. It had been three days, THREE WHOLE DAYS since Connor had been able to go outside and do what he loved doing most: play soccer.

He ran out the front door, soccer ball in hand, and went to the park. Once he arrived, however, something seemed a bit...different than usual.

First, he was the only one there. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 11:00. He had assumed that everyone would want to get outside and do something rather than sitting inside all day, waiting for the rain to stop.

Second, his arm, or more appropriately, his wrist and started to buzz. He looked down and saw his old Dino Gem was glowing. Strange, he hadn’t used that thing since high school. Dr. Oliver had told him that the power no longer worked, but he decided to keep it anyway.

Nevertheless, Connor decided to ignore it. He put his ball down about fifty feet from the soccer net. He backed up a little, and prepared to kick it. But when he ran toward the ball, he ran quite a bit farther than he meant. He was all the way on the other side of town!

Had his powers returned? Was he dreaming? He quickly pinched himself, and sure enough, he was not dreaming. Connor decided to run quickly back home. Once there, he shot an email at two of his old friends: Ethan and Kira. He told them in the email what had happened at the park and asked them to meet him and the Cyberspace cafe back in Reefside. He then gathered a few of his belongings and ran out the door, towards Reefside.


Ethan was more excited than ever. He had finally gotten his hands on a copy of ‘Demolition Man 2’. He had been waiting for this game for years!

He got home and practically flew through his house. However, in his excitement, he accidentally knocked over a bookcase. It started to fall on top of him, until he held his arms up and heard a loud crash to the left of him.

He didn’t feel a thing on his arms, but the bookcase was still on the ground. When he looked at his arms, he realized, his Dino Gem was glowing and his arms had that protection on them. He was confused beyond confused. Dr. Oliver said that the powers from the Dino Gem were no more, but here they were.

Not twenty seconds later, Ethan got an email from his old friend: Connor. The email said that Connor’s powers had returned as well and told him to meet at the old Cyberspace cafe in Reefside.

Without hesitation, Ethan packed a bag and headed towards Reefside.


Kira was at the top of her game. She had accomplished her dream of becoming a famous singer, she had complete freedom to do what she wanted with her career, and she was one of the few people in the world to truthfully say that she saved the world.

One night, at a not-so-important gig she booked because she had time, she was getting very into her music. More into it than usual. She felt like she was going to bring the house down. She closed her eyes and did her signature microphone pose. Only one problem. When she opened her eyes, the house was literally in shambles.

Wide-eyed and confused, Kira said a quick “Goodnight” and ran out of there as fast as she could. On the way to her van, she was approached by a man looking to rob her.

“Leave me alone,” she said.

“Not until you give me what I came here for,” he retorted.

“I said, LEAVE ME ALONE.” When she yelled she saw a surge of energy come from her mouth, sending the guy flying.

Then, with a terrified look on his face, he said, “Okay okay, just don’t yell again!” He ran away quicker than Kira could say anything else to him.

She was both worried and confused. Why had her power returned? Dr. O said the powers from the Dino Gem had gone. But she had clearly just used them.

Once she got to her van, she opened her computer to send an email, only to see that she had already got one. It was from Connor saying that his powers had returned and that they needed to meet at the old Cyberspace cafe in Reefside.

Kira was hesitant leaving her career at the moment, but then realized that if they could not get this under control, she might not ever be able to sing safely again.

She made a few calls to cancel a few gigs she had booked for the heck of it, packed a small bag, and began the drive to Reefside.

Once at Reefside

Connor was the first on to arrive at the cafe. While he was waiting for his friends, the owner, Hailey, had recognized him. “Hey Connor, long time-no-see.”

“Hey Hailey, how’s it been?”

“Fine, a little uneventful after you guys left, but fine. What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well, you see, my Dino powers have returned for some reason, so I called the others here to meet about it. By the way, what was the last you heard from Trent or Dr. O?” he asked.

“I haven’t heard from them in a while, but last I heard, Tommy was in some city called Canterlot doing some investigating and Trent’s gone into business with his father,” she explained.

Connor wondered why Dr. O was in some place called ‘Canterlot’, but quickly replaced it with another thought once he saw Ethan coming toward them.

“Hey guys, I got your email, Connor and came right over. For some reason my powers have returned too. I wonder if Kira’s have,” said Ethan.

Just then, Kira walked up to them as well. “Well wonder no more. They have, at the worst possible time too.”

“Well now that we’re all here, we should probably get to the old base and figure this thing out,” said Connor.

“Good idea, let’s get going,” agreed Ethan.

Once they stepped outside, however, they were instantly surrounded by Tyranadrones. “Here’s a familiar face I never thought I’d see again,” said Kira as the three of them got into fighting poses.

Connor stepped forward and kicked one of the Tyranadrones in the chest, sending it flying backwards. Then, he ducked under another one’s kick and swept him. He then threw a punch at one more, putting it down. Once he got cornered, he simply used his super speed to get to the other side of the goons to take them out.

Ethan threw a couple of punches and dodged the occasional attack. When one of the Tyranadrones pulled some sort of knife, Ethan simply used is power to block it. He then used that same power to take down three more goons.

Kira let a few if the Tyranadrones attack her, only to put them down with a series of punches and kicks. Soon enough though, she was thrown down to the ground. But the goons had made the fatal mistake of grouping together. Kira took a deep breath and unleashed a mighty roar, taking down the entire group at once.

Once the Tyranadrones were defeated, the three regrouped. “Okay, so first our powers return, and then so do these guys? This can’t be a coincidence,” said Ethan. Connor and Kira agreed.

“We have to get to our base and figure this out,” said Connor.

However, just then an extremely bright light appeared in front of them. The three winced at what seemed to be a laggiing invisiportal. Once the bright light had receded, they looked up and saw the town of Reefside. Only, it wasn’t Reefside. It seemed to be an old village that had just suffered a vicious attack.

“Um, where are we exactly?” asked Ethan.

“Like any of us know,” replied Connor.

“Well I think it’s pretty obvious that it isn’t Reefside,” said Kira.

Then, as if things couldn’t get any weirder, what looked like a horse with wings, having a grey coat of fur and a blonde main came flying by. This was definitely the weirdest thing they’ve ever seen, weirder than anything from there careers as Power Rangers.

“I know no one knows the answer to this one, but what was that?” asked Connor.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,

This is the start of my very first story. I know not all of you are power rangers fans, but I am. I could really use some constructive criticism, but by that I don’t mean ‘ugh power rangers.’

Also, chapter wise, I’ll update as much as I can. In fact, I’ll try to have chapter two up by tomorrow.

I plan to have chapter two take place in Equestria, but before the Rangers arrive.

Yours truly,