• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,474 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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Break away

It had been a long day for Connor. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t get comfortable with Rainbow Dash chained to him. He had to turn to open doors, he had to move his head down and eat with just his head, and he couldn’t even sit down.

Things were even worse for Rainbow Dash. She literally couldn’t do anything. She had to go wherever Conor went, she had no choice. She could barely even move. Luckily, the chains didn’t suffocate her too much so she had no trouble whatsoever breathing.

“Ugh, Connor, can we move any faster?” Rainbow Dash complained. “I don’t like it any more than you do, but like Ethan said, if I move too fast, we could both get really hurt,” Conor replied. “Ugh, fine,” said Rainbow.

Once they finally arrived at the castle, Kira had her daggers drawn. “I’m pretty sure the wrought iron’s weakened enough to cut. Ready to give it a try?” Ethan asked. “Boy are we,” Connor replied. “Yeah, let’s hurry this up already,” Rainbow agreed.

With that, Kira gave the chain a small slash and the chain began to give way. Kira grabbed onto the chain and cut it directly and it fell off of Connor and Rainbow.

“Finally! No offense Connor, but flying is just so much better than walking,” Rainbow said. None taken, I’m with you on that one,” Conor replied. Just then, Twilight walked into the room. “Glad to see we got the little ‘problem’ fixed. Now, why don’t you get back to telling me about the rangers Ethan,” she said. “Of course, Twilight. See you guys later,” Ethan said as he walked out of the room with Twilight. “There’s a match made in heaven,” Connor said. “Yeah, egghead on egghead,” Rainbow agreed. “Knock it off, you two,” Kira said as she exited the castle.

“Well, I’m gonna go practice soccer. See you later, Rainbow,” Connor said as he also began to exit the castle. “Wait, what’s soccer?” Rainbow asked. “Oh, it’s a sport back on Earth. I figured since I was able to bring my soccer ball with me here, I might as well use it,” Connor replied. “Oh, cool. Mind if I watch? It sounds fun,” Rainbow said. “Sure, come on,” Connor said.

Once they got to the place to practice and set up the goals, Connor explained the rules. “It sounds pretty similar to buck-ball,” said Rainbow. Connor thought about asking what that was, but decided that was better for another day. “Alright, let’s play.”

They commenced playing and Connor at first was obviously the better of the two. But Rainbow had begun to pick up and managed to catch up to him. After about half an hour, the two of them got hungry and ended their game. “That was fun. I’ve never played a game like that before,” said Rainbow. “Gotta admit, you’re pretty good. Back on Earth, no one was able to keep up with me like that,” Connor replied.

“So, what kind of games do you have here, other than buck-ball?” Connor asked. “Well, they’re mostly flying sports and running sports,” Rainbow replied. “I’ll race you to Sugercube Corner,” challenged Connor. “Oh, you’re so on!” Rainbow replied. With that, the two took off as fast as they could toward Sugarcube Corner, equally matched due to Rainbow’s sheer speed and Connor’s super speed.


“So after we defeated Zeltrax, we thought we were done. But then, Mesagog came out of nowhere and challenged us to one last fight. Then, the impossible happened: Mesagog got even uglier. He stretched his neck out, forced his mouth open, grew his claws, and slightly increased his size. After defeating Zeltrax, we thought we could do this, no problem. But once we began our fight, he was mopping the floor with us. We couldn’t even get close without getting hit. We thought we were done for. But then, he multiplied into four of himself. One was bad enough, now we had to deal with four? But just then, our Dino Gems began to really glow. We summoned all of the strength we had left and a T-REX appeared! It chomped up Mesagog with one swipe of the mouth. It was awesome. Unfortunately, it drained all of the Dino Gems’ power. And that’s it, that’s everything we’ve ever done as Power Rangers,” Ethan said, finishing up his story.

“Wow,” said Twilight, “that was AMAZING! The technology, the fighting, and this ‘Dr. O’ you kept talking about sounded like the best guy ever. I wish I could’ve met him when I was on Earth.” “Now that I think of it, I haven’t heard from him or Trent in years. I wonder if their dino powers have returned too?” “Well, maybe they’ll get sucked here like you did,” Twilight said. “Maybe. In the meantime, I’m a little hungry. Wanna go get something to eat?” Ethan asked. “Sure, sounds good,” Twilight replied.

On the way to Sugarcube Corner, Ethan and Twilight ran into Connor and Rainbow Dash. “Hey guys, what’s up?” Ethan asked. “We’re on our way to Sugarcube Corner. Wanna join us?” Rainbow asked. “Sure. We were on our way there anyhow,” Twilight replied.

Once they arrived, Pinkie Pie came bounding out to the front counter like a roadrunner. “Hey guys! I just finished planning the party for you guys. It’ll be tomorrow at noon!” “Thanks, Pinkie,” Connor said.

While they were eating, Kira was at Raruty’s boutique, trying to help Rarity with the clothes she was making for the others. “I’m so sorry, darling, but I’ve just never made clothes like this before. I’m afraid it’s gonna take a bit more time than promised. I do hope you understand,” Rarity said to Kira. “That’s okay, Rarity, take all the time you need,” Kira said.

Outside, a monster with thunder bolts on the sides of his head and a blue racing suit stepped up to the boutique. “Looks like big, bad yellow is distracted. This oughta get her attention,” it said as it screamed at the boutique, causing it to slightly shake and the girls inside to cover their ears. “What was that?” Rarity asked. “I don’t know, it I’d better go check it out,” Kira replied.

“Well, what took you so long? I’ve been waiting for ages,” the monster said as Kira stepped outside. “It’s time for you to go back into the hole you crawled out of,” said Kira. “We’ll just see about that,” said the monster as it roared at her once again. Kira took a breath and roared back. The blasts were equally matched.

“Guys, get here as fast as you can. I’m at Rarity’s boutique. This guy’s gonna be tough to beat,” Kira said into her communicator. “We’ll be there as fast as we can,” replied Connor as he and Ethan ran out of Sugarcube Corner only to see a swarm of Tyrannadrones. “We’re gonna have to get rid of these guys first before we can help Kira,” Ethan said as they began their battle.

Back at the boutique, Kira was facing off against Thunderscreach (the monster). “Let’s do this! Dino Thunder! Power up!” Kira shouted as she morphed once again.

The two engaged in battle and seemed equally matched for a minute. But then, the monster drew a pair of thunder-shaped daggers and used them to slash repeatedly at Kira. Kira tried to draw her own daggers, but they were blasted away by the monster. The monster then ran as fast as it could at Kira, landing a number of shots as he ran by. Kira couldn’t even get up without being knocked down again. “Guys, where are you? I need your help!” Kira shouted as the monster blasted a bolt of lightning towards her.

“We’re here, Kira. Sorry we took so long, we had to deal with some Tyrannadrones,” Connor apologized. “Dino Thunder! power up!” Ethan and Connor shouted as they became morphed as well. The rangers and the monster continued to fight as Twilight and Rainbow Dash were tending to Rarity. “Are you alright?” Twilight asked. “I’m okay, darling, but I can’t say the same for Kira. She took quite the beating,” Rarity explained. “I just wish there was some ways we could help,” Rainbow said. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. We could risk getting in their way,” Twilight reasoned.

As for the rangers, they were getting their butts kicked. They just couldn’t keep up with the monster. “I know,” said Rarity, “is there a way for you to slow the monster down?” “I’ll try, but I need a clear shot, or I might hit the rangers,” replied Twilight. “Rangers, get out of the way! Twilight’s gonna try something!” Rainbow shouted. “It’s worth a shot,” Ethan said. With that, the rangers stepped away from the monster. “What’s wrong? Scared?” Thunderscreach taunted. Then Twilight blasted the monster and its feet began to glow.

“Alright, let’s keep going,” Connor said as the rangers drew their weapons. The rangers began to slash away at the monster. The monster tried to run, but it couldn’t move. “Hey, what’s the deal?” it shouted. “Looks like you’re all out of amps,” Kira yelled. “Let’s end this,” Connor shouted as the rangers began to combine their weapons.

“Z-Rex blaster!” the three shouted in unison. With that, they opened fire on the monster and the monster exploded. “Thanks for the help, Twilight. I’m not sure how much longer we would’ve lasted,” Ethan said. “Don’t thank me, it was Rarity’s idea,” Twilight responded.

Just then, a laser blasted the monster’s remains, and the monster began to grow in size. “You’d better run, now!” it shouted. “Let’s finish this jock off. Dino Zords!” The Dino Zords appeared as the rangers jumped into them. The zords began to combine, as the monster prepared for battle. Once the Megazord was finished, the monster ran toward it, careful to avoid the drill. The monster ran by repeatedly as the Megazord took a beating.

“He’s just too fast! We need help!” Ethan shouted. “Let’s hope the accessory zords are here,” Connor said. His morphed began to glow purple as the ground below began to shake. “What’s happening? The sores are already here!” Rainbow shouted. “Look, over there!” Twilight shouted back as she was motioning toward a purple Dino Zord that was bouncing toward the fight. “It’s the Pefalazord!” Connor shouted as the purple Pefalazord lunged toward the monster and threw a couple of punches at it. “Quick, before it recovers! Pefalazord combine!” With that, the Pefalazord folded its arms in and attached itself to the side of the Megazord. Its head cocked all the way back, and once the monster got up, the Pefalazord fired its head at the monster three times, putting it down for the count.

“Seems like a knockout to me,” said Kira as she and the others jumped out of the Megazord


Once he reached the dragon lands, Zeltrax drew his third beacon and placed it in a crevice. “Three down, two to go,” he said.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” asked a dragon walking up to him. “You’d better get out of here,” the dragon taunted. “Don’t go getting into trouble when you don’t know what you’re up against,” Zeltrax replied as he shot a laser at the dragon, severing one of its scales. The dragon ran away as Zeltrix approached the scale.

“I think it’s time I brought a little bit of terror into these lands,” he said as he teleported away.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,

Another chapter down. I bet you guys can’t guess what the next monster is gonna be.

Other than that, how did you like the chapter? Tell in the comments below and maybe give me a suggestion on how to continue the story.

Yours truly,