• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,477 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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Defeat and Triumph (part 1)

“What’s ‘dark matter’?” Starlight asked. “Dark matter is one of the strongest concentrated elements on earth. That explains why the Terrorsaurus had so much energy after the sun went down,” Ethan explained. “This doens’t make sense. There’s no way Zeltrax didn’t plan for my arrival. Why would he waste his dark matter on a monster he knew I could defeat?” Trent asked. “Oh yeah...forgot to mention, I’m getting readings of more dark matter coming from separate areas of Equestria.” “What exactly can Zeltrax do with ‘dark matter’?” Twilight asked. “Well, with enough of it, he could create a black hole.” “But that would destroy him too,” Kira said. “Hold on, what’s a black hole?” Rainbow asked. “In non-sciency terms, it’s a giant death portal, from which there is no escape,” Connor explained. The ponies in the room felt their heart rates increase by one hundred and ten percent. Something like that terrified them, mostly because they didn’t know that kind of power even existed.

“Where exactly in Equestria are you getting those other readings?” Twilight asked, trying to hide the fear in her voice. “Here, go ahead and compare them to the map,” Ethan responded. Twilight and Starlight took a look at Ethan’s laptop. They compared the location readings to the map. “Let’s see, there’s something coming from the Everfree Forest, another from the Dragon Lands, one from the Crystal Empire, and one more at the outskirts of Equestria.” “We should probably go check those out,” Connor said. “I call dragon lands. After all, my Dino Power is of a dragon,” Trent said. “I guess I’ll go with ya, if y’all don’t mind,” said Applejack. “Not at all,” responded Trent. “I’ll take the one in the Everfree forest. I’m not afraid of that place,” said Kira. “I can probably help you navigate,” said Fluttershy. “Thanks,” Kira responded sweetly. “I’d personally like to see the ‘Crystal Empire’. It sounds very fascinating,” said Ethan. “I’ll go with you. Maybe Cadance or Shining Armor have found where it’s coming from,” said Twilight. “Alright. Although, I’m assuming you just want to see Flurry Heart?” said Ethan. “Maybe...if there’s time.” “I guess that just leaves the outskirts. Wanna come take a look with me Rainbow?” Connor said. “Sounds good,” she replied. “We’ll stay here in case Zeltrax or one of his monsters appear,” said Starlight. “Alright, we’ll try not to take too long,” said Ethan.

With that, everyone and everypony set out to find where the dark matter was coming from. They needed to do what they could to contain it. However, unbeknownst to any of them, Zeltrax was watching from a distance. If the rangers got to his beacons, it would put him back at square one, if not ruin his plan completely. He had an idea, but it would be too risky. He decided to keep an eye on the rangers, and if things got too close, he’d unleash it. For now, he decided he would watch the white one.

Trent and Applejack arrived at the dragon lands. “We should talk to Amber. She’s the ruler here,” suggested Applejack. “Sounds good,” responded Trent.

Before they could find her, a group of rebels walked up to them. “You guys aren’t welcome here,” said the red one. “Ugh, what do you want, Garble?” Applejack asked. “Just for you wimpy ponies to leave us alone. Amber said to make peace with you, not hang out with you,” Garble responded.

“What’s the deal with this guy?” Trent asked. “He’s just a rebel with a bad attitude,” Applejack responded. “Hey, wait a second, you’re one of the rangers, aren’t you?” Garble said, this time to Trent. “Yeah, so what if I am?” Trent responded. “We don’t share the idea that you ‘Power Rangers’ are the ‘Almighty Saviours from Another World’. So here’s a challenge-“ Garble started to say, but was cut off by Trent quickly running past him like Connor. “You were saying?” he taunted. “You said you wanted to see Amber? She’s this way, follow me,” Garble said sheepishly.

Garble leaded Applejack and Trent to the dragon leader, Amber, as promised. “Hey Applejack. Who’s this?” she asked. “Hey Amber. This here’s Trent. He’s one of the Power Rangers, the white one,” Applejack responded. “I thought there was only a red one, a blue one, and a yellow one?” Amber said. “He’s just arrived,” Applejack explained. “Oh. So what exactly are you guys doing here, if you don’t mind my bluntness,” Amber said. “Well, have you seen anything suspicious at all? Or felt anything weird?” Trent asked. “Well, a couple of days ago, I did see a weird flash over there,” Amber said. “Thanks, we’ll go check it out.”

Once they found where Amber was talking about, Applejack and Trent found some strange device. When they tried to approach it though, Zeltrax appeared out of an invisiportal. “Not another step, white ranger.” “What are you doing here, Zeltrax?” Trent said. “Exactly what you think,” Zeltrax responded. Zeltrax drew his blade and fired a shot of lightning at Applejack and Trent. In response, Trent shoved Appljck out of the way, and dodged the blast himself. “White Ranger! Dino Power!” Trent shout as he activated his morphed and became the white ranger. He drew his blade and engaged in battle with Zeltrax. During all of this, a swarm of Tyrranadrones appeared and tried to attack Applejack. But Applejack had fought these guys enough to know their weaknesses, and she stood her ground pretty well.


“Woah, an entire empire made of crystal! This has to be the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen,” exclaimed Ethan. “That’s right, I forgot how rare crystals were on earth,” Twilight responded. Once they officially arrived at the train station, they were greeted by Shining Armor (Twilight’s brother), Princess Cadance (his wife), and Flurry Heart (their child). “Twily! It’s great to see you. We heard about what happened and we were just on our way to see if you were okay,” Shining Armour said as he took Twilight into an embrace. “And this must be one of the rangers. I’m sure you’ve heard it a lot by now, but thank you for your help in protecting Equestria,” said Cadance. “No problem, it’s what us rangers do. Anyhow, I’m Ethan, the blue one. It’s nice to finally meet you,” Ethan responded. Flurry Heart responded by giving a joyful laugh as she too Twilight’s horn in an embrace.

“So, not to be rude, but what are you guys doing here? It’s been pretty calm here,” said Shining Armour. “We’ve been getting pretty strong readings from our enemies coming from around here. we’re here to check it out. Or, at least I am. I’m pretty sure Twilight just wanted to see you guys,” Ethan explained. “Well, we haven’t seen anything. But we can ask Sunburst if he has,” said Cadance. “Alright. Hey Twilight, who’s Sunburst again?” Ethan asked. “Sunburst is Starlight’s old friend who helps keep an eye on Flurry Heart sometimes,” said Twilight, with Flurry still on her horn.

Once they arrived at Sunburst’s hut, Twilight knocked at the door. A yellow/orange unicorn with a cloak and a somewhat ruffled mane opened the door and walked out. “Oh hey Twilight. I didn’t know you were coming, or else I would have cleaned up a bit,” said Sunburst. “It’s no problem. This is Ethan, the blue Power Ranger,” Twilight responded. “Oh wow! I’ve been wanting to meet you guys ever since I heard about your arrival,” exclaimed Sunburst. “Oh well, here I am. Now, if you don’t mind, we were hoping to ask you a quick question,” said Ethan. “Go right ahead.” “Have you felt any kind of weird energy in the Crystal Empire?” “Now that you mention it, I have sensed a powerful energy that I’ve never felt before. Why do you ask?” “It’s highly dangerous and we need to contain it. Now, where would you say it is?” “If I had to guess, I’d say toward the edge of the empire.” “Okay, thanks. And if there’s time, we can chat about my powers later.” “Okay, good luck finding whatever it is you’re looking for.”

Once Ethan and Twilight said their goodbyes to Cadance and Shining Armour, they are their way to the edge of the empire. Once there, they found a strange device in the ground, waiting to be activated. “I think this is where the readings are coming from,” reasoned Ethan. “Let’s see,” responded Twilight. Before they could get too close to th device, a swarm of Tyrannadrones appeared blocking it. Along with them was a monster with dark scales, large fangs, snakes coming up its arms, and a snake head as well. “I am Viprex! You will feel my poison,” the monster said as it fired a liquid of some sort out of its arms. Ethan and Twilight ducked out of the way. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” Ethan exclaimed as he morphed into his blue ranger mode and engaged in battle with the monster. Twilight fired a beam of magic at one of the Tyrannadrones and prepared to fight.


Fluttershy and Kira were making their way through the Everfree Forest. Kira was leading the way as Fluttershy was mostly telling her which way not to go. “I don’t get why you’re so afraid of this place, no offense,” Kira said. “Oh, none taken. I’m just kind of scared of the dark, along with all of the other creatures that lurk in here,” Fluttershy responded. “Well, I guess it is kind of dark for midday. But what kind of creatures do you mean?” Kira asked. “Well, mostly just timberwolves. But there’s also snakes and bears and manticores and...u-ursamajors!” Flutter shy said, hiding further under her mane. “It’s fine. If one of those things show up, I’ll take care of it,” Kira tried to comfort Fluttershy.

A little bit later, Kira felt a strange source of energy. “We must be getting close, I can feel something,” she told Fluttershy. And sure enough, they found a strange contraption under some vines. “Hmm...I’ve never seen anything like this before. We should probably get it back to the castle,” said Kira. “O-ok sounds good. As long as we can go,” stuttered Fluttershy.

However, when they turned to leave, Kira and Fluttershy were confronted by a group of Tyrannadrones. With them was a monster with branches for arms and legs, complete with vines for hair and a face. “I am the almighty Birge! You will pay for interrupting my slumber!” the monster shouted. “Fluttershy, get out of-nevermind,” said Kira as she saw Fluttershy running away as fast as she could. “Looks like it’s just you and me,” shouted Birge. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” Kira shouted as she morphed into her yellow suit and roared at the Tyrannadrones, taking them all out in an instant. “Looks like it’s really just you and me now.”


Connor and Rainbow Dash were running and flying as fast as they could. They had a long way to go, and there was no train to take them there. Once Connor felt the dark matter, he started to slow down. Rainbow noticed this and slowed down as well. “It’s around here, I can feel it,” Connor said.

Sure enoug, after looking for a minute, Rainbow found an artifact she had never seen before. “Hey Connor, come take a look at this.” Connor came over and saw what she was talking about. “This must be what the readings were coming from. Let’s get it back to the castle,” Connor said. “Right,” replied Rainbow.

When they tried to approach it, however, a swarm of Tyrannadrones appeared along with a monster. The monster had a long spiky spine, sharp-looking claws, and a head that looked like a fossil. “I’m gonna send you back ton the stone-age!” it shouted as Connor and Rainbow prepared for battle. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” Connor shiouted as he and Rainbow charged into battle.

Connor connected with the monster’s claws and was knocked back a bit. He quickly recovered and slashed at the monster with his blade. The blade hit, but the monster didn’t react at all. “Hey, that tickled. I hate being tickled,” the monster said as it fired a laser beam at Connor, sending him flying backwards. “Oh boy,this is gonna be tough to do alone,” Connor said to himself. He rose his morphed close to his face and spoke into it, “Guys, I need help.” “I’m sorry Connor, but Zeltrax is here. I’m dealing with him,” said Trent. “There’s a monster here in the Crystal Empire, too. I can’t help you,” said Ethan. “There’s a tree monster in the Everfree forest, so I’m occupied at the moment,” said Kira.

“Great. Looks like I’m on my own here.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
Here’s what two days worth of work gets you. This took SO long to make because I had no clue where to go. This segment’s gonna be a little longer than just two parts. I’ll get to work on the next chapter as soon as possible. Until then, LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS ONE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT. I don’t think I’m gonna have the next halter up until next weekend, so I’ll se you guys then!

Yours truly,