• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,474 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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Best friends stick together

“So then, we found a video in our lab that Dr. O made in case something like that happened,” Ethan said to Twilight. He was telling her all about his journey as a Power Ranger and she was listening intently. Twilight wanted to know everything there was to know about the topic. “When we started the video, Dr. O began to explain about his own history as a Ranger,” he continued, “Like, we knew he had some experience in the field, but we had no real idea that he was also a Ranger. It turns out he wasn’t the first though, and there were like five others. I can’t remember their names off the top of my head though. Anyhow, Dr. O became a Ranger when he moved to this town called Angel Grove for a martial arts tournament, and even though he only got second, he caught the eye of this evil space witch called Rita Repulsa or something like that. She captured him and gave him the green power coin. He became the green ranger at first, but he was evil.”

Twilight was really excited to be learning the history of a group of super heroes from Earth. She had wanted to learn more about Earth’s history ever since her last visit there, and where better to start than here? “So your teacher was evil when he first became a ranger, and then he became good?” Twilight asked just to make sure she was following along. This ‘Dr. O’ kind of reminded her of her friend from Earth, Sunset Shimmer.

“Yeah, but his friends didn’t give up on him, and they destroyed some sort of sword that was keeping the spell on him. When the sword was destroyed, so was the spell,” Ethan said. This fascinated Twilight. She had never heard of this ‘Rita Repulsa’. She had been everywhere in every library, from her own to the castle of the two sister. She made a mental note to ask Princess Celestia about it later.

“So after we watched the legacy of the Power Rangers, we figured out where Dr. O was and rescued him. Of course, Zeltrax and Elsa weren’t gonna give up so easily so they gave chase. But then, Dr. O pulled out a black Dino Gem and activated his own morpher.”

Outside, Spike and Starlight Glimmer were listening half-heartedly. It wasn’t that the rangers didn’t fascinate them, just not as much as it did Twilight. “You wanna get the other rangers and get something to eat?” Spike asked Starlight. “Sure, I could eat. Besides, I keep getting lost with what Ethan’s talking about,” Starlight replied.

The two gathered their friends and the other humans and went over to Sugarcube Corner. “Let me guess, Ethan was rambling on about something and you got lost?” Connor asked. “Yeah, pretty much,” Starlight replied. “Haha, sounds like Ethan,” said Kira.

“Just outta curiosity, how often do y’all deal with these monster attacks?” Applejack asked. “Well, usually at least once a week. But that was back on Earth,” replied Connor. As they were talking, a group of Tyrannadrones ran through the streets of Ponyville, enticing a few screams from the citizens.

“We’d better go check that out,” said Connor. Everyone, humans and ponies included, ran outside to see the hoard of Tyrannadrones. “How much combat experience do you ponies have?” Kira asked. “Well, I can’t speak for everypony, but I have no problem taking these guys down,” said Rainbow Dash. “Same here. We’ll be fine helping y’all out. It’s the least we could do,” said Applejack.

Fluttershy, for her part, was hiding behind Rarity. Her encounters with these things were a]only getting worse. “I’ll look after Fluttershy here. She seems pretty scared,” said Rarity.

With that, the rangers and ponies charged into battle. Starlight Glimmer was having no trouble taking these enemies down. She could just blast one, teleport away, and blast another. Rainbow was not having much trouble either. Her flight definitely gave her an advantage, even if she didn’t really know how to fight. Pinkie Pie, on the other hand was having a bit of trouble. She tried attacking, but she just bounced right off of them. It wasn’t until she pulled out her party canon that she did any real damage. Applejack was doing what she could to fend off the beast, and her strength was really helping her out. Simply bucking an enemy could put it down.

As for Connor and Kira, they were in the zone. This was their bread and butter. Connor had no trouble taking down Tyrannadrone after Tyrannadrone. He used his super speed to take down several at once. Kira was also just letting the enemy take themselves out. Tyrannadrones may have been tough, but man they were clumsy. All she had to do was get out of the way of one attack and it would most likely hit another.

Once the Tyrannadrones were all taken down, a new monster, covered in chains stepped up. “Let’s see if you rangers can break the chain,” it shouted as it threw a long chain at the group. Everyone got out of the way as the monster retracted the chain.

“Ready?” Connor asked. “Ready,” Kira replied. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” they both shouted. They were morphed once again and ready for action. They leapt into battle as the monster drew another chain and swung it at the rangers . It hit them, sending them to the ground. “Let’s try that again,” Connor said.

The rangers ran back towards the monster, weapons in hand, and tried once again to attack him. The monster tried to block, but the rangers hit him square in the chest. The monster went flying back as the ponies approached the rangers. “Are you guys alright?” Starlight asked. “We’re fine. We just took a little shot,” replied Kira. “Maybe we can beat this guy if we work together,” said Applejack. “Are you sure about that? He’s pretty tough, a lot tougher than that last monster,” Connor said. “Trust us, we can help,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Alright then, let’s do this,” Connor said.

With that, everyone, rangers and ponies included, charged towards the monster. The monster readied another chain, but Starlight simply blasted it away. Applejack and Rainbow Dash lunged at the monster, knocking it down. They got out of the way as Connor and Kira slashed the monster with their swords. Starlight began charging a spell to take the monster down once and for all. “Let’s buy her a little time,” Rainbow Dash said.

But the monster quickly got back on its feet and threw another chain at Connor. “Watch out!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she tried to push Connor out of the way, only for the chain to wrap around them both. “Kira, a little help here?” Connor said. “Alright,” Kira said. “Oh no you don’t,” said the monster as it whipped another chain around Kira. “‘Um Starlight? Ah don’t mean to rush you, but where’s the spell a’your’s?” Applejack asked. “Ready, get out of the way!” Starlight shouted as she fired her spell to causing the monster to explode.

“Alright, we did it! Now, how do we get these chains off?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Um, I’m not sure. Usually they’d just disappear when we beat the monster,” Connor replied. Meanwhile, Starlight and Applejack were trying to get rid of the pieces of the monster before it could reform and Kira was slipping out of her chain. “Here, I’ll cut you out,” she said as she took her dagger to the chain. She tried to cut through it, but she couldn’t even dent it. “Here, let me try something,” Starlight said. She fired a small magical shot at the chain, but that didn’t work either.

“My wings are getting really cramped here. Could you hurry it up a little?” Rainbow Dash whined. “Calm down, we’re doing the best we can,” Applejack replied. “Maybe Twilight can do something about this,” Kira suggested. “I guess it’s worth a shot. Let’s go,” Starlight replied. “The sooner we get out of these chains, the better,” Connor said, “no offense Rainbow.” “None taken,” Rainbow replied.

Before they got going, Applejack found Fluttershy to her everything was okay, and found Rarity and Pinkie Pie hiding with her. The monster’s gone y’all. It’s safe to come out.”

Once they all got to the castle, they showed Twilight and Ethan what had happened. “Um, we’re not gonna break these, not today anyhow,” he said to Connor and Rainbow. “What? Why?” they asked. “This is wrought iron, it’s extremely tough. Luckily, it wears down after about a day, so we can break it then,” Ethan explained.

“This is gonna be a long day. No offense,” Rainbow said. “None taken,” replied Connor.


In a far corner of Equestrian, Zeltrax was searching for the spot. He was a bit farther from Ponyville so he had a lot of time. Once he found the spot, he placed the beacon. Number two down. One step closer to pull off what he never could back on Earth. Soon, he would be unstoppable.

Author's Note:

Here it is, chapter 5. Sorry it took so long, I just didn’t get a whole lot of opportunities to get it done this week. Anyhow, any guesses as to what the beacons are for? I already know, but I wanna see what you guys think. So please, leave a comment.
