• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,477 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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Back into action (part one)

On the way to Sugarcube corner, Kira, Ethan, and Connor were getting nervous looks from every unicorn, earth pony, and pegasus alike. They were becoming nervous and all exchanged nervous glances.

Twilight caught this and said, “It’s fine. There’s no doubt the other locals will be afraid of you,but they’ll come around as long as you’re friendly towards them.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Connor said. He was still becoming used to being one of the first humans in a world full of ponies.

Kira, on the other hand, was much less skeptic. “So, what exactly is ‘Sugarcube Corner’? Is it a restaurant, a bakery, or what?” Twilight thought about this for a moment.

“I suppose it’s more of a bakery than anything. I’ve never seen anyone leave with anything other than cake, pie, or some other baked good. After all, Pinkie Pie does help run it.”

Ethan smiled, thinking of that pink, crazy party pony. He had also taken a liking to Equestria. It was like being sucked into that video game that one time, just with nicer locals and no cheat codes to go after.

Once arriving at Sugarcube Corner, a strong smell of pastries being made hit the three humans in the face.

“That smells amazing!” exclaimed Connor.

“It almost always smells like this. Just wait until you try the food here. We get used to it pretty quick, but the first time trying it was awesome,” said Rainbow Dash.

Also sitting at Sugarcube Corner was Starlight Glimmer, who had full recovered from her encounter with Zeldrax.

“Hey, who’re your new friends?” she asked.

“This is Connor, Ethan, and Kira,” Twilight said. “They’ll be dealing worth that creature from now on, so don’t get any ideas for revenge.”

Starlight drooped a little. She would have like nothing more but to get even with that creep.

“It’s nice to meet you, said Kira, reaching out a hand.

“You too,” said Starlight, returning the hoof/handshake. “Just out of curiosity, how do you plan to fight that thing if the Magic of Friendship wasn’t even enough to beat him?”

Ethan explained once again about their histories as Power Rangers and that their powers come from their Dino Gems.

“That’s unlike anything I’ve ever heard before,” Starlight replied.

“I know right! Just think of the research!” Twilight exclaimed, clearly excited.

“Woah, calm down there Twi. Why don’t you just let them get settled in before overwhelming them with questions,” Applejack said.

“Beside, they probably wouldn’t understand a word you said,” said Rainbow Dash. “No offense, it’s just that Twilight has her own egghead-ish languange sometimes.”

“Trust me, I know just how you feel,” Connor replied. As uncomfortable as he was, he was taking a slight liking to the rainbow maned pegasus.

All of the sudden, Pinkie Pie came rushing out from the back of the shop. “Heyguyswhatsupdoyouwantcakeiwantcakesorrybutimstillworkingonthatpartyforyouguysberightback!”

“Is she always like that?” Ethan questioned, a little concerned for the pink pony.

“Yeah, you get used to after a while,” Starlight replied.

Just then, there was a number of screams that could be heard outside, followed by a loud blast of some sort.

“Zeldrax is back!” Connor exclaimed.

“Let’s go get him,” Ethan said.

“Wait. We don’t even know if we can morph! What if we go out there and we’re powerless!” Kira yelled before the guys could get out there.

“Well, we have to do something. We can’t just let Zelda’s destroy the entire town!” Connor tried to explain.

“Dude, Kira’s right. We should make sure we can morph before we fight,” Ethan replied.

“Okay fine, but we gotta hurry.”

“What do y’all mean by ‘morph’?” Aplplejack asked.

“You’ll see. You may want to stand back.”

The ponies did so and the three humans closed their eyes.

The girls began to exchange nervous looks as the humans began to concentrate all of their energy on their Dino Gems. As they did, the gems began to glow along with the humans themselves. When they opened their eyes, they looked at their wrists and saw that their old morphers had appeared. “Alright! Let’s do this!” Connor exclaimed.

“Dino Thunder! Power up!” the three shouted in unison. Then, in a blinding flash of fire and dealing roar of unknown beasts, standing in the place of the three humans were three creatures wearing red, blue, and yellow suits with white triangle patterns. On the head was what looked like a helmet, but covered the entire head, with a black visor covering where the eyes were supposed to be.

“Connor? Ethan? Kira? Is that you? What happened?” Twilight asked as she slowly gained her vision back.

“It’s us Twilight. We’ve morphed into our Ranger mode and now we’re ready to fight. Let’s get out there and show ‘em what we’re made of!” the one in the red suit said, sounding like Connor.

The Rangers ran outside to face the danger and found that it was nothing more than a couple of Tyranadrones.

“That’s it? I thought for sure Zeldrax was gonna go big,” said Ethan.

“Who says this will be all?” Kira replied.

“Let’s just take these guys out. The anticipation is killing me!” Connor said, wanting to fight already.

With that, the Rangers drew their blades and charged towards the enemies.

Once they met, the Rangers began slashing and striking at the monsters, taking them down like they were nothing. Connor was so excited to be fighting, he started slashing so hard that we was taking out five enemies per swing. It felt great to be back in action again.

As for Ethan, he took a slightly more defensive approach to the situation. He invited the enemy to get in close only to swoop in and bring them down. Eventually, the adrenaline got to him, and he started attacking head on.

Meanwhile, Kira was taking her time to enjoy this. She was using her major speed advantage to get around her enemies and strike them down. Every now and then, and enemy would try to get her from above, but she just rose her blaster and took them out. She was having just as much fun as the guys.

Once all of the Tyranadrones were defeated, the mane six approached the Rangers. “That. Was. AWESOME! The way you swung your swords around and blasted them like they were mannequins was totally awesome!” Rainbow Dash yelled, the adrenaline getting to her as well.

“I’ve never seen a fighting style like that before, even when I went to Earth. When we encountered those things, it took us forever to get rid of them. But you did it just like that!” Twilight said, clearly impressed.

While all of this was going on, Fluttershy was hiding in the highest tree she could find, furthest away she could get from the action. Last time she saw those, she was scared out of her mind, and this time wasn’t any better. She peeked out from her hiding place to make sure it was safe. Once she confirmed it was, she slowly floated down, still shaking in fear. She looked around and when she didn’t see anything that resembled danger, she let out a sigh. Unfortunately for her, a voice spoke up from behind her, “It’s okay. I’m only here to capture you.”

Fluttershy let out a scream that old be heard all the way to the other end of Ponyville. What stood in front of her was a green, scaly, glowing eyed beast with claws at least three inches long and a smile that would haunt almost anypony’s nightmares. She tried to run, but she was frozen in fear.The monster began to approach her, and that was enough to kick her back into gear. She ran as fast as she could to Ponyville until she saw her friends standing with three creatures wearing color-coded suits. She hid behind Twilight still shaking in fear. “What’s wrong Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“I think that thing has something to do with it,” Rarity said nervously, pointing to the monster that had scared Fluttershy.

“You girls better get somewhere safe. We’ll handle this,” Connor said. The mane six nodded and ducked behind a couple of bushes, Fluttershy being the first on there.

“It’s okay darling, they’ll take care of it,” Rarity said, trying to calm her down.

Back in the street of Ponyville, the Rangers began their standoff with the monster. “Let’s do this guys,” Connor said glancing at his friends.

Author's Note:

Here it is guys, chapter four!

The Rangers are finally officially back in action. What did you think? Please, PLEASE leave a comment giving me some feedback, it really helps.

Also, here’s an ultimatum for you guys, how should I continue the story? Seriously, other than the battle with Scalore (yes, that’s monster’s name. I know it’s bad, but you have to admit that it’s better that Bogglesworth) I’m not sure how to keep going. So leave a comment on how I should keep going and I might just go with your idea. One thing though, no Tommy Oliver. I know you love him, so do I, but no. I probably won’t be including Tommy in this story, not by popular demand anyway. Sorry.

So leave a comment, whether it’s an idea on how to continue, feedback, or just praise for the story.

I’ll get to work on the next chapter soon, but until then I’ll see you guys later.
