• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,477 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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Back into action (part two)

In the streets of Ponyville, the Rangers faced off against Scalore, with many worried ponies watching from a distance.

“Your move Rangers,” Scalore taunted.

The Rangers began to reach toward their blaster slowly. All at once, they drew and fired at the monster, only for it to return fire. Both sides charged towards each other, shouting cries of war.

On a nearby rooftop, Zeltrax appeared to watch the fight unfold. “Let’s see if these Rangers are still As strong as I remember ,” he said to himself.

The Rangers and Scalore met in the middle, attacking each other and blocking the other side’s attacks. Eventually, Ethan managed to land a sweep on the monster, bringing it to the ground. The monster tried to roll away and recover, but Connor got a leg under him and sent him towards the sky. The Rangers brought their blasters back out and blasted the monster.

Luckily for the monster, it landed a bit farther from the Rangers than he was before, giving time to draw his claws. The Rangers took this time to reveal their own individual weapons: a Tyrannastaff for Connor, a Tricerashield for Ethan, and a pair of Terra daggers for Kira. Scalper tried once again to blast the Rangers from a distance, but they simply hid behind Ethan’s shield. Then, Kira jumped above and tossed her daggers at Scalore, causing a fit of sparks to erupt from him. Then, Connor charged towards the monster, staff in hand. He used it to vault at the monster and land a kick, pushing the monster back. He then swung his staff in a circular motion, the t-rex head causing more sparks to erupt from Scalore. Scalper tried to attack, but Connor just blocked them with his staff. From above, Ethan and Kira attacked with their weapons and pushed the monster further back.

“What do you say we finish this creep off,” said Connor.

“Right, let’s do it,” Ethan agreed.

“Let’s put ‘em together,” said Kira as she put on of her daggers at the tip of Connor’s staff. Connor folded his staff over Ethan’s shield, and together they held a whole ne weapon.

“Z-Rex blaster!” The three shouted in unison.

“Wait, can’t we just talk this over?” Scalore begged.

“Fire!” The Rangers fired upon the monster, causing more and more sparks to erupt from his green, scaly body. And with that, he fell to the ground, and exploded into a bunch of pieces.

The ponies all came out from their hiding spots and began to crowd the Rangers, either thanking them for defeating the monster or congratulating them on their victory.

“I think we made the locals happy,” said Ethan.

“Yeah, I don’t think we’re gonna have to worry about feeling weird here anymore,” Connor agreed.

All of the ponies quickly made way as Twilight and her friends began to approach. “We would like to thank you on behalf of all of Ponyville,” she said.

“No thanks needed Twi, we’re just doing our job,” said Connor as the Rangers powered down back to humans, emitting a couple of gasps from the crowd.

“The way you took that thing down was so awesome,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Ah’d be lying if Ah said Ah wasn’t impressed as well. Although, then again, I can’t tell a lie in the first place,” said Applejack.

“And I must say, those outfits looked simply marvelous. I must know who designed them,” said Rarity.

“No one really designed them, they just kinda came with the morphers,” replied Kira.

“I gotta ask, how often did you guys deal with those kinds of monsters back on Earth?” Starlight asked.

“Almost on a weekly basis. We barely got any time off for school,” said Ethan.

“Wait, you were still in school when you became ‘power Rangers’?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, we were just high school juniors,” Kira replied, emitting more gasps from the crowd.

On the same rooftop as before, Zeltrax was shaking his head in disappointment. “Alright then, try this one on for size.” With that, he pulled out device and pointed it toward the remains of Scalore. He fired a laser at it and the pieces began to glow and reform. “What do you know, Broodwing actually sold me something that works,” Zeltrax said before taking his leave in a nearby invisiportal.

As he did, the ground in Ponyville began to shake. “What’s happening?” Twilight shouted over the the screams of the crowd. “The fight’s only half over,” Connor answered.

With that, the monster reappeared, only now it was as tall as Twilight’s castle. “It’s a whole new world to destroy. Where should I start?” Scalper said while looming over the Rangers and the citizens of Ponyville.

“Now what?” Starlight asked.

“Let’s hope we can still do this,” Kira said, looking at her friends. They morphed once again into Power Rangers and began to focus.

The ground began to shake once again. A mighty roar could be heard in the distance.

“It worked, they’re coming!” Ethan said.

“Who’s coming?” Rarity asked, a little scared.

“Our Dino Zords. They’re gonna help us even the odds on this creep,” replied Kira.

Now coming into clear view was a red Tyrannosaurus Rex, a blue Triceratops, and a yellow Pterodactyl. “Twilight, what are those things?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I-I don’t know,” Twilight replied.

Once Scalore saw what was coming, he tried to attack the zords, only to be run down by the Triceratops. He recovered and began to tussle with the Tyrannosaurus, who just turned its body to attack with its drill tail. Then, the Pterodactyl swooped in and grabbed Scalore by the shoulders and lifted him into the air. Once it reached a certain point in height, it dropped the monster to the ground.

“Let’s send this guy packing once and for all,” Connor said as he and his friends jumped into their corresponding colored zords.

“Let’s show everyone what these things can really do,” Connor said as the zords began their transformation sequence.

The body of the Tyrannosaurus began to turn and the drill stopped once it was on the right side and stayed there. Then, the Triceratops attached itself to the left side of the Tyrannosaurus. Finally, the Pterodactyl detached it’s head from the rest of its body, which closed around the Tyrannosaurus’s head. A head appeared on top of the large contraption and the head of the Pterodactyl covered it like a helmet. The Dino Thunder Megazord was now complete. Everypony that saw it was frozen, either in terror or excitement. They had never seen anything like this, not even when Tirek attacked.

Meanwhile, Scalore was struggling just to get a solid hit without being hit himself. Whenever he got in close, he was either punched by the Triceratops or smacked by the drill. As for the Rangers, they were just fine. It had been too long since they had done this.

“This is just as awesome as I remember it being,” said Connor.

“Gonna have to agree with you on that one,” Kira replied.

Scalore had just about enough. He attempted to fire his laser, only to be hit by a boomerang that came from the Pterodactyl’s wings.

“Let’s end this guy off,” said Connor.

“Right,” his friends said.

The drill started to spin up and energy was beginning to build up inside it. “Tyranno-drill! Final strike!” the Rangers shouted in unison. The Megazord charged forward and aimed the drill at Scalore. They made contact and Scalore once again began to erupt into sparks. He exploded for the final time as the Megazord powered down and the Dino Zords went into hiding.

The Rangers returned to the ground and were once again crowded by ponies.

“That was AWESOME. They way you got the giant animal things and turned into one giant war-machine and use the drill to destroy him,” said Rainbow Dash, clearly feeling the adrenaline.

Twilight once again approached the Rangers as she did before. “On behalf of all of Equestria, I would like to formally award you with medals of honor,” she said.

“We appreciate the offer, but save it for when we beat Zeltrax. The Power Rangers are back, and he’s no doubt gonna be planning a way to stop us,” Connor replied.

“Well at least come to the castle for a feast in your honor,” said Twilight. The Rangers exchanged nods in agreement.

“Alright, sounds like fun,” said Kira.

Unbeknownst to all of them, Zeltrax was deep in the Everfree forest, planting the first of five beacons. Scalper may not have done any actual damage, but he still fufilled his purpose, as useless as he was. He had distracted the Rangers long enough for him to get this done. By the time Zeltrax was done with his plan, the Rangers would be destroyed, along with all of the ponies of Equestria.

Author's Note:

Here it is, the first official monster fight of the story. Sorry if the details weren’t very good, this is my first story after all. Please leave a comment telling me what you thought instead of just reading and leaving like I know so many of you do. The ultimatum from before still stands: how should I press forward? Also, are there any specific kinds of monsters you want to see? Seriously, LEAVE A COMMENT.

Yours truly,