• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,477 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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Reign of terror (part one)

Through the streets of Ponyville zipped two blurs. Anypony would be able to recognize one as Rainbow Dash from the rainbow colors. But the other one was unknown to them. It was Connor. He and Rainbow were racing to see who was faster. They were neck and neck and nearing the finish line. Pinkie was there waiting for them. She was literally shaking in anticipation. Once they arrived at the finish line, it was too close to call. “OH COME ON!” Pinkie shouted as Connor and Rainbow shook hand and hoof.

Meanwhile, Kira was walking around with Starlight, telling her about her life. Starlight was no Twilight when it came to listening, but she was not a push-over either. Kira’s life just seemed to fascinate her, a lot more than Ethan’s description of being a ranger. Kira was talking mostly about her music career and that it had just began to take off when she was brought to Equestria. Starlight couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy, although she knew that Kira wasn’t looking for any. “Well, you said you had your guitar. Why don’t you play a bit for me and the others?” Starlight offered. “You’re not feeling sympathetic, are you?” Kira asked. “I can’t help it. It’s just not fair that when your music career is finally going somewhere, you get swept into this crazy world,” Starlight countered. “Alright alright. Sure, I can preform for you guys sometime,” Kira said as she smiled.

Meanwhile (again) Ethan was heading to the castle after having finished his ‘project’. He needed to talk to Twilight. “Hey, what’s up?” Ethan heard an unfamiliar voice say. He turned to see that it was Spike, Twilight’s dragon assistant. “Oh, hey. Nothing, I just need to talk to Twilight,” Ethan replied. “What’s going on?” Spike questioned. He was still on the fence about trusting these humans, even if they were heroes back on Earth. “You’ll see. Now, do you know where she is?” Ethan inquired. “She’s in the library,” Spike reluctantly replied. “Thanks, Spike. And don’t worry, this may be the answer to all of our problems,” Ethan said as he left for the library.

Once he found Twilight, Ethan approached her. “Hey, Twilight. You don’t happen to know any tracking spells do you?” he asked her. “I know a couple. Why do you ask?” Twilight responded. “I’ve been working on something that might make this whole ‘Zeltrax problem’ a lot easier.” The two of them exited the castle to the edge of Ponyville. “I placed these stakes at each corner of Ponyville. Once you cast your spell, they’ll become active. Whenever a monster uses an invisportal to get in or out of Ponyville, I’ll be able to track where it came from or where it went on my computer,” Ethan explained. “That’s a great idea! Man, I forgot how advanced computers are,” Twilight said. “Well, not all computers. I just have done a lot of work on this thing. Ready to fire it up?” Ethan said. “Yep, let’s do it,” answered Twilight.

With that, Twilight cast a spell on the stake, causing it to glow. Unbeknownst to either of them, Zeltrax was watching in the distance. “Looks like I’m just gonna have to travel the old-fashioned way,” he said as he teleported away. As finished casting the spell, Ethan hooked up his computer. “It works. Now, whenever a monster gets into Ponyville, we can just track wherever it came from,” Ethan said. “That’s great. We should get going. Trust me, you do not want to be late for one of Pinkie’s parties,” Twilight said.

Connor, Ethan, and Kira walked into the boutique to see the clothes Rarity made for them. “These are amazing, Rarity. Thanks,” Ethan said. “I really hope it was what you were thinking of. I put a lot of work into these,” Rarity said. “Well, I don’t know the first thing about fashion; so I just thought I’d let you surprise me,” Connor said, getting a chuckle out of Rarity. The three rangers got dressed up and made their way to the Town Square for the party Pinkie planned for them.

Once they arrived, they were greeted by literally everypony in Ponyville. They were bombarded with questions. Luch]kily, before thing got too out of hand, a spotlight lit up on the stage that had been set up for the party. On the stage was the mayor of Ponyville. “Citizens of Ponyville, we are grateful for our new protectors, who showed up when we needed them. Even if it was not intentional, we thank you, Power Rangers,from the deepest depths of our hearts,” she said. Once she stepped down, Pinkie stepped up to the microphone, took a deep breath, and shouted, “WHO’S READY TO PARTY?!” The citizens all cheered as the pony they knew to be Vinyl Scratch got her music going as everyone and everypony got to either dancing or just chatting.

The rangers were having the time of their lives. Never, in all of their careers as rangers had they ever received a thanks this big. Sure, they got thanks from the people of Reefside back on Earth, but they had to keep their identities secret there. In fact, the only non-rangers who knew that they were rangers were Hailey, Anton Mercer, Cassie, and Devon. Hailey knew because she was a dear friend of Dr. O’s, Anton because he was Trant’s father, and Cassie and Devon knew because they witnessed the final battle between them and Mesagog. Other than that, no one knew so they couldn’t really take credit. But here, this was awesome.

In the distance, however, Zeltrax along with his newest monster were watching, preparing to strike. “Looks like you got a party to crash. I’ll go set the fourth beacon,” Zeltrax said before teleporting away. With that, the monster turned toward the party and gave a nasty grin.

The monster charged a laser, not too strong as this was just a warning shot. It fired into the air above the party, missing it by not a lot. Everyone at the party saw the laser and quickly became worried. As if it could sense their fear, the monster jumped into the middle of the dance floor, making every pony run away. Once the rangers got a look at the monster, their hearts fell to the pits of their stomachs. It was none other than the dreaded Terrorsaurus. The rangers had faced this monster twice already and were victorious both times. However, they had taken serious damage from every fight they had with this monster.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me. This guy, again!?” Connor said as he and the others got into a fighting pose. “We’ve beaten this guy before. This time won’t be any different,” Kira said with a hint of doubt in her voice. “Well, are you gonna do something or are you just gonna let me destroy you?” Terrorsaurus taunted. “We don’t have a choice. Ready?” Connor shouted. “Ready!” Ethan and Kira shouted in unison. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” the rangers morphed and left into battle.

It wasn’t even close. The Terrorsaurus was fending off all three of them at once. The rangers couldn’t even land a hit. Their attacks were either blocked, or they just plain missed. The Terrorsaurus had a huge speed advantage, which wasn’t helping any. He could just run through repeatedly and land devastating hits.

“They’re getting clobbered! We’ve gotta do something!” Starlight yelled amidst the chaos. “What is there to do? They can’t even keep up with it!” Applejack countered. “Starlight’s right! We can’t just let that thing destroy them! We’ve never backed down from a fight before! Why should we start now?” Rainbow said, wanting to help Connor. “Don’t you guys remember what happened last time one of us went up against one of those thing directly?” Twilight said. “Yeah, it kinda happened to me! I know you said ‘no revenge’ but I’m not just gonna wait for that thing to destroy them and get to the rest of Ponyville!” Starlight replied, walking away from the group toward the fight. “That mare’s gonna get herself killed,” said Rarity. “Well, I think she’s right! If I’m going down, I’m going down fighting!” Rainbow said as she joined Starlight.

“Ugh, I guess we’d better help too then,” said Twilight. She and the others joined Starlight and Rainbow in the fight. Starlight tried to blast the monster, but it simply absorbed the blast with the horn on its chest. Rainbow tried to attack it from the back, but the monster did a spin and sent her flying with a kick. Using the opportunity, Applejack attempted to run at it and buck it as hard as she could. To her credit, she managed to reach the monster and turn to buck it, but the monster somehow grabbed onto Applejack’s hind hooves and threw her in the air. Twilight teleported into the air and charged her horn, and the monster was ready to counter. But Twilight teleported behind to fire. Unfortunately, the blast was once again absorbed by the horn on its chest. “Nice try, but it’s gonna take a little more than a quick maneuver to take me down,” the monster taunted.

Just then, the sun set down under the horizon and made way for Princess Luna’s moon. “We have to try to go super,” Connor said to his friends. “Right. We can’t let that guy destroy Equestria,” Ethan concurred. “Here we go, concentrate,” Kira said as the three of them began to focus all of their energy. Twilight and the others saw what the rangers were doing. “We have to buy them some time,” Twilight said. “But that thing’s just too strong!” Applejack countered. “As long as we’re still standing, we can still try,” Twilight said. “Right!” Starlight and Rainbow said. “Alright then, let’s do this. Hey wait a second. Where are Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity?” Applejack asked. “I told them to get the locals out of here,” Twilight answered.

After that was cleared up, the four of them charged into battle once again. Starlight fired another blast, but this time the monster took it instead of absorbing it like it did before. Rainbow and Applejack charged at it as fast as they could, and the monster returned the attacked. But this time, they were equally matched. Twilight teleported in front of the monster and sent it flying. In response, the monster fired a blast of its own, sending the four of them flying back. Luckily, the rangers were done with what they were trying to do. They were now in Super Dino-Mode. The white triangle patterns were now spikes on their suits.

The rangers charged into battle once again, and seemed to have the upper hand. They were able to rush in, land shots, and get away before Terrorsaurus could counter. “I need to recharge. You rangers got lucky, but next tim will be different,” Terrorsaurus said, before teleporting away.

“What was that thing?” Rainbow asked the rangers as they powered down. “That was Terrorsaurus. Zeltrax created it and modeled it after Trent’s powers,” Ethan explained. “Who’s Trent?” Applejack asked, a little confused. “The white Dino Ranger!” Twilight exclaimed. The other ponies gave her blank stares. “Oh come on, didn’t you hear Ethan talk about him at the castle?” Twilight said. “Oh, right,” Rainbow said, a little embarrassed. “Well, anyhow, let’s get back to the castle and try to figure out where that thing went,” Ethan said, as he and the others made their way back.


The Terrorsaurus teleported to where Zeltrax was. “I am sorry master, I have failed you,” it pleaded. “You fool! Now the rangers can track me here!” Zeltrax boomed in response. “Don’t worry boss. I didn’t teleport directly here. I went somewhere else first to make sure they couldn’t,” Terrorsaurus pleaded once again.

“Alright, but if they find me, it’s gonna be your head on the line. Now, why have you failed. If I remember correctly, I made sure to give you more than enough energy to take the rangers down,” Zeltrax said in re-lay. “I know, but my power just faded for some reason mid-fight. And it didn’t help that the rangers recovered their super Dino Mode.”

Zeltrax thought about this for a moment. If the rangers had their super Dino Mode back, they could be able to bring him down before his plan could commence. “Fine, I’ll recharge you using the fourth beacon. The energy should be more than enough to take them down this time,” Zeltrax said. “Thank you, you won’t regret this,” Terrorsaurus said, getting back onto its feet. “I’d better not, or you’ll be the first one in!” Zeltrax boomed. “I won’t let you down boss, I promise,” Terrorsuarus said as it teleported away.

Zeltrax was slightly discerned. It would take a lot more time to make another beacon. If the rangers found out what he was doing, they’d shut it down for sure. But he knew, it would all be worth it in the end.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
So, the monster was none other than Terrorsaurus. So, that being said, I bet you can’t guess who’s gonna show up in the next chapter. If you’re wondering why this chapter is longer than the others, I re-read the story and felt I was moving too fast. So here’s a bit of a change of pace. Tell me down in the comments what you think and see if you can guess who’s showing up next time.
