• Published 20th Feb 2019
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Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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First contact

“I’m pretty sure that was called a Pegasus. You know, a horse with wings,” said Ethan.

“Well, whatever it was, it was weird,” replied Connor.

“Guys, would you cool it already? We gotta figure out where we are and what happened here,” said Kira, annoyed with the others’ arguing.

“Hey, who are you?” said a new voice from behind. The three of them turned around to see another pegasus, but this one was blue and had a rainbow mane?

“Um, we can ask you the same,” said Connor.

“I asked you first, and you’re not exactly from around here, so you answer first.”

“Rainbow, calm down,” said a new pegasus, except had a horn.

“Sorry about her, she’s just a little jumpy after what happened,” said another one with a horn, but she was white.

“Okay, mister know-it-all, what are those?” asked Connor.

“That’s a unicorn and an alicorn duh,” Ethan replied.

“Um, excuse us y’all, but you didn’t tell us who you were,” said an orange horse walking up to the other three, along with a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and an all pink horse.

“Oh right, I’m Kira, this is Ethan and Connor. Now we have a few questions for you,” said Kira.

“Of course, but first let’s get somewhere a bit safer,” said the lavender alicorn.


“So, let’s start with, where are we?” asked Connor.

“You’re currently in a land called Equestria, and to answer who are we, my name is Princess Celestia,” said the princess.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“I’m Applejack.”

“Name’s Rainbow Dash.”

“I’m Rarity.”

“I-I’m Fluttershy.”


“Um, nice to meet you guys,” said Ethan

“Wait a second, who was that other unicorn who was taken to the hospital?” Connor asked.

“That was Starlight Glimmer. Unfortunately, she was just severely injured in a fight,” Twilight explained.

“Woah, what happened?” Kira asked, concerned.

“A two-legged creature, much like yourselves, but not quite human, attacked and she tried to defend Ponyville on her own while we went to get the Elements of Harmony,” Twilight said.

“The elements of what?”

“Harmony, I represent the element of magic, Applejack represents honesty, Pinkie represents laughter, Rarity represents generosity, Rainbow Dash represents loyalty, and Fluttershy represents kindness.”

“Oh, although, aren’t kindness and generosity the same?” asked Ethan.

“Dude, don’t be rude,” Connor nudged Ethan. “So, what do you mean by ‘not human’?”

“Well, like Twilight said, it walked on two legs, but it had some sort of armor and some kind of sword that could shoot lightning,” Rarity said.

The three teenagers looked at each other and exchanged nods. They had most likely dealt with this guy before, but they had to make sure. “Did he by any chance have what looked like a blue eye on the right side of his head?” Connor said.

“Um, yeah, but how did you know?” Twilight asked, suspicious of the three humans.

“Zeldrax,” they all said.

“Who?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Another thing you should know about us is that we’re a little more than human ourselves. We’re what’s known a Power Rangers back on Earth. We’re basically superheroes” said Connor.

Twilight was more confused than ever. If they were superheroes, then why did they not show up when she was on Earth? Their help definitely could’ve been used. And why did she not even hear of them while she was there if they protected the Earth?

“Well, we have made connections to Earth, but I’ve never heard of ‘Power Rangers’” she said.

“Well, we have been in retirement for about two years now. You see, we were fighting against this evil villain named Mesagog who wanted to restore the Earth back to the stone-age. We managed to defeat him before he could though and we’ve never been in action since. Zeldrax was a minion of Mesagog, until he realized he wasn’t appreciated. He waged his own war with us. We defeated him, along with Mesagog, and we haven’t used our powers since,” Ethan explained.

“We thought the powers from our Dino Gems had faded forever. But recently, they returned. We got together to try and figure out why and we were attacked by a couple of Mesagog’s old minions. We defeated them, but next thing we knew, we were here,” Kira added.

“Excuse mah intruded, but what exactly are ‘Dino Gems?” asked Applejack.

“It’s fine. Our Dino Gems are our source of power, kind of like your ‘Elements of Harmony’. When we first found them, we were bonded to them and they gave us certain powers that other humans don’t have. For example, I have super-speed.” Connor demonstrated his power by running around the entire castle in less than five seconds.

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“If you thing that’s impressive watch this.” Ethan stepped up to an old tree, gave it a back-hand swing, and and the the tree broke in two.

“Woah, Ah’ve been bucking trees since Ah was a filly, but Ah’ve never done that,” exclaimed Applejack.

“My turn.” Kira turned toward another tree and let out a mighty roar. The tree blew over, roots and all.

“I must say, these ‘Dino Gems’ are most impressive,” said Princess Celestia.

“Wait a second, now that I think of it, Sunset Shimmer and her friends found some gemstones that give them magical powers like yours,” Twilight said. “Who’s Sunset Shimmer?” inquired Ethan.

“Sunset Shimmer is one of my friends from Earth, although technically she’s from here and I don’t believe she and her friends a ‘Power Rangers’” Twilight explained.

“Well not everyone has what it takes to be a ranger. It requires a lot of training and hard work,” Connor said. “Anyhow, not that meeting you hasn’t been nice, but is there any way we can get back to Earth?”

“Oh right. There is a portal that leads back to Earth in the thrown room. But the only problem is that only ponies from Equestria have passed through it. I don’t know what will happen if you try,” Twilight said.

“We’ve taken risks before, and we’re not afraid to take one now. Where did you say the portal was?” Connor said.

“Alright, it’s this way,” Twilight said.


This was not good. The rangers needed to stay if the plan were to work.

While their presence might ending up backfiring, the plan was garunteed to fail if they left.

Teleporting to the throne room, Zeldrax took aim at the said ‘portal’.

Just before he could fire, the door opened behind him. “Zeldrax!” Connor shouted.

“Hello, red ranger, so I see we meet again,” Zeldrax replied.

“Whatever you’re planning won’t work,” Kira said as the rangers got into a fighting pose.

“You’re too late to stop me, and this time Tommy Oliver won’t be here to help.” With that, Zeldrax blasted the portal with the strongest laser he could fire. The portal fell apart and nearly caught fire. “Good luck getting back now.” Zeldrax then jumped into an invisiportal and left.

Twilight quickly put out the fire and checked the frequency to the portal, but it was completely shut down. “It’s destroyed,” she said with a sigh.

“It’s okay, right now we have to focus on stopping Zeldrax,” said Kira trying to comfort.

“The magic of Frienship wasn’t even enough to stop him. What makes you think you can do it?” Twilight asked.

“We’ve stopped him before, and we’ll stop him again,” said Connor determined to get back at Zeldrax for what he had done.

“Yeah, we’re Power Rangers, we never give up.”

‘They’re right, we can do this,” Kira said as she joined her friends.

“Alright, but something tells me you’re gonna need help out there,” said Rarity.

“Trust us, when Zeldrax shows up again, we’ll defeat him no problem,” said Connor.

“But for now, I think we’re gonna need to rest up before he does,” said Kira.

“Oh, you guys can stay with us if you want to. It’s no problem,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, and I still need to throw you guys a party,” said Pinkie.

“Alright, we’ll stay here for now,” said Connor. And with that everyone and everypony went off to bed.