• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 1,477 Views, 34 Comments

Prehistoric Thunder: a Power Rangers story - TheHardie-Boy

Three retired crime fighters enter Equestria in order to stop an old foe

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The story of the White Ranger

Let me get this straight, said Trent. “We’re in an alternate dimension called ‘Equestria.’ This land is filled with ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and other assorted creatures, some corresponding so earth, some not. Your names are Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Is that it?” “Yeah, pretty much,” said Ethan. “Hm. That’s... that’s a lot to take in so quickly,” Trent said. “Don’t worry. You get used to it after a while,” said Connor.

“Um, if you don’t mind my asking, how exactly did you get here?” Twilight spoke up.

“Oh, right,” Trent responded, “I was just gonna explain that. So my dad and I were...”

Trent and his father, Anton Mercer, were packing up to get ready for their road trip. After two years of research, they had finally found the old Thunderzords! And wouldn’t you guess, they were still in Angel Grove, only underground. They weren’t gonna do anything stupid, Anton had already had enough of that, they were just going to examine them.

Once they got on the road, Trent’s old Dino Gem began to glow. “I thought that was out of power,” said Anton. “It’s fine. It’s been doing that lately. Nothing’s ever come from it,” Trent responded.

Once they arrived, they set up their small construction site. They got out the drill, set it in place, and began to drill. A couple of guys walked up to them. One of them was tall and skinny; the other was not. “Hey, you guys got a permit?” said the not-skinny one. “Yeah, I’m Anton Mercer and this is my son. We’re just doing a little excavating here, nothing to get excited about,” said Anton as he pulled out his permit and showed it to them. “Interesting. You know, a battle took place here. It was between the Power Rangers and a giant skeleton. Say, you don’t happen to know anything about that?” said the skinny guy.

“Now, why would we know anything about that,” said Trent with a little bit of snark. These guys may have been older than he was, but he knew he could still mess with them. “Say, do YOU know anything about that?”

“Um, well...you see, the rangers...um, they,” stuttered the skinny guy. “Well, everything looks to be in order. We’ll just get out of your way,” said the big guy quickly. “No, it sounds interesting. I’d love to hear it,” Trent said. He was getting a kick out of this. “No, we’ve really gotta get going. We have somewhere to be,” the man tired again. “Then how come you had time to come check out what was going on over here?” Trent said, sarcastically. “That’s enough Trent. You guys look like you’re in a hurry. Maybe you can tell us another time,” Anton said.

After they left, Anton and Trent shared a laugh. “I don’t know for sure, but I’m pretty sure that the zords should be at least twenty-five meters underground,” Anton said as he got the drill going.

Just then, a flash of light quickly appeared, and then left as quick as it came. In its place was a white artifact from Trent’s ranger days. It was Connor’s Sheild of Triumph. Only, it was white. “I didn’t think I’d ever see this again,” said Anton. Neither he nor Trent saw it appear and just found it sitting on the ground. “Well, the Dino Zords were destroyed, but I guess this survived,” said Trent.

Anton started the drill back up and about twenty minutes later, it hit something. Anton and Trent pulled up the drill as fast as they could and Trent strapped himself up to lower himself down the hole. Anton slowly lowered his son down, careful not to let his grip on the rope slip. “Alright, I’m standing on something,” Trent said through his walkie-talkie. “What’s it look like down there?” Anton asked. “It’s a zord alright. I can tell because I’m standing on some sort of helmet.” “Oaky, I’m gonna lower myself down there with you.” “Alright, be careful.”

As Anton was getting strapped up, another light appeared. Only this time it lingered around long enough for Anton to notice. Once he did, a swarm of Tyrannadrones came out of it. “I thought you guys were destroyed,” Anton said. All he got in response was a growl. “Seriously, all these years and you still can’t talk?” Anton did his best to fight them off, but he had very little fighting experience. The commotion was heard by Trent below. “What’s going on up there?” he said. All he heard in response were growls. “Dad? What’s going on?” Just then, Trent saw a Tyrannadrone fall down the hole and land right next to him. “What the!?” Trent said as his Dino Gem began to glow once again.

Trent knew he had to help his father, but he didn’t know how. All he could do was try to concentrate his energy on his Dino Gem and hop his morphed reappeared. He closed his eyes and began to focus, trying not let his desperation get to him. To his relief, he saw his morphed on his wrist when he opened his eyes.

“White Ranger! Dino Power!” Trent shouted as he leaped out of the hole. He was now morphed into his White Ranger Mode and it felt awesome! It had been way too long. Trent would’ve loved to revel in the situation, but he needed to protect his father first. He quickly drew his drago-saber and began to slash at the monsters. One by one, all of them went down.

After the monsters were defeated, Trent de-morphed and tended Anton. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine, but are you? That power was supposed to be destroyed,” Anton responded. “I’m fine. It doesn’t matter, protecting you comes first,” Trent said back.

Before anything else could be said, another light appeared, this time showing another location. When Trent took a closer look, he saw his friends, Connor, Ethan and Kira fighting a monster. It took him a second, but Trent identified the monster as the Terrorsaurus. “I have to help them,” said Trent. “It looks like they need you too. Good luck my son,” Anton said.

Before Trent went through, Anton took another look at the shield. “Wait, take this just in case,” he said. “Alright. And don’t worry, I’ll come back,” Trent said as he went through.

“So I guess fate decided to give me a choice this time,” Trent said as his friends stood before him, mouths agape. “What do you mean ‘this time’?” Starlight asked. “When I first became a ranger, I was forced into it more than anything,” Trent explained. “Right, and you were forced to attack your friends because the gem was corrupt and making you evil,” Twilight added. “Yeah,that too,” Trent deadpanned. “Oh, sorry,” said Twilight, a little embarrassed. “Oh by the way, I believe this belongs to you, Connor,” Trent said, handing him the Shield of Triumph. “Oh, thanks. But why is it white again?” “It’s probably because it hasn’t been used in so long,” Kira said.

Trent glanced around at the inside of the castle. He was still surprised at where he really was. He thought the portal that he saw just lead to another place on Earth. “By the way, what was Terrorsaurus doing here in the first place?” Trent asked. “Right. Well, we didn’t exactly come to this place by will. We were kind of brought here by unknown means. And to answer your question, Zeltrax has returned and is attacking this place,” Ethan explained, not looking away from his laptop.

“What are you doing anyways, Ethan,” Twilight asked as she walked up beside him. “Analyzing the Terrorsaurus’s horn that Starlight found,” he responded. A few seconds later, he gasped. “What’s wrong?” Connor asked. “This horn: it’s made mostly of robotic parts but...” Ethan trailed off. “But what?” Twilight asked, worriedly.

“This horn has extreme traces of...dark matter!”

Author's Note:

Dun dun duuuuuuuun

Hey guys,
Here’s an early Christmas present: an early chapter. I know this chapter has a serious lack of action, but I wanted to explain how Trent got to Equestria. Sorry, not sorry. Anyhow, I’ll still try to get the next chapter out over the weekend. Until then, LEAVE A COMMENT TELLING ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THE STORY. Also, there’s a hint of what the beacons are for.
