• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,187 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

  • ...

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Fears and Dreams

"Isn't this weather just remarkable?"

Sombra raised his teacup to his lips and nodded in agreement. A cloudless sky hung overhead, allowing the sun's piercing beams to illuminate the scintillating environment of the Crystal Empire. The breeze gently kissed his face and he briefly closed his eyes as it swept through his mane and fur. Setting the teacup and saucer down with his magic, Sombra then beamed warmly at the magenta-furred crystal pony seated across from him, amazed with how much she'd grown and what a fine young mare she'd become. He reached over the table to place his hoof over her own, feeling the smooth, glass-like texture as if uncertain of its authenticity.

"I'm so glad that we could enjoy it together," Sombra asserted tenderly, his voice wavering slightly. He stared down at their pasterns, both of which had a bracelet made of beads fastened to them. He could still recall them making bracelets together and the joy that they both felt as they exchanged them. What started out as a childish activity soon developed into an almost sacred tradition between them that continued into adulthood.

Garnet smiled softly, "So am I, big brother," her hoof lightly taking his own.

Sombra's throat felt raw, his eyes watering up. "Garnet, I-..."

The sky suddenly darkened, as though a great tarp had been draped over the kingdom, ruining the twos' reconcilable moment as well as getting on the umbrum's last nerve. Sombra exhaled and watched his breath materialize as a fine mist.

"This couldn't wait, could it?"

A star-maned alicorn slowly emerged from the edge of the balcony. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if thee were alright." She inspected Garnet, who was both literally and metaphorically frozen, her body having developed a thin layer of ice and frostbite. "I wasn't aware thee gave her much thought."

"She never left my mind," Sombra stated sharply. "Out of my many atrocities, what happened to her...what I did, will always be my single greatest regret." He lightly caressed one of Garnet's icy hooves. "I loved her."

"So what did thou do with her?"

Sombra sharply rose from his seat, his teeth bared threateningly as he narrowed his gaze at Luna.

"That's not any of your business. Why are you here?"

Ignoring Sombra's biting tone, Luna examined him closely. "Why do you do that? Why do you lash out at those trying to help you?"

"I hardly call invading my sleep and sticking your nose in my private life 'help,'" Sombra acerbically shot back , adding in air-quotes with his hooves. "I neither want nor need your help."

The Princess of the Night stared despondently into his eyes and Sombra felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach. "Then I shall bother thou no more. I'm sorry for wasting thine time." She turned to leave.


Luna stopped abruptly and turned to face Sombra, who was just as shocked by his outburst as she was.

Why did I say that? The two remained in silence as Sombra fumbled to say something.

"I'm guessing that you told Celestia about my encounter with the guards the first time."

Luna nodded but said nothing.

"And, well..." Sombra wrung his hooves and bit his lower lip. "Thank you."

"What did you say?"

Sombra crossed his forelegs. "I'm not going to repeat myself."

Surprise gave way to barely-concealed joy. "You're welcome, Sombra. Now it's time to wake up."


Twilight peered up from her book, back down and up again, her attention torn between the exploits of Gusty the Great post-Umbrum-Draconequus War and the unconscious umbrum lying less than six feet away from her. She sighed, having repeated this process for the past thirty minutes. As much as she tried, Twilight couldn't keep her attention focused on the book's contents, which was amazing considering how reading usually led to her completely shutting out the world around her, even to the point where she'd sometimes skipped meals or even sleep. Now the fear over Sombra's well-being was the only thing that occupied her thoughts. Putting her book aside, she telekinetically lifted her chair up and placed it on the bed's right side, allowing her to gaze down at Sombra's sleeping face.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

When Twilight had heard about the guard's attack on Sombra, she rushed as fast as she could to the castle, barely allowing enough time to inform Pinkie Pie to watch Spike or to grab a book for the journey. The train ride to Canterlot was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of her life, the letter from Princess Celestia crumbled and wrung beneath her hooves until it was little more than a pile of scraps.

How bad is the damage? Did he get a brain injury? Is he in a coma?

All Twilight knew was that some Royal Guards had assaulted Sombra and that he was now resting in a spare bedroom inside the castle.

The train had just barely pulled into the station when Twilight galloped out of her car and towards the castle, shoving and barking orders at passersby like a madmare. It didn't matter to her if she looked insane; let everypony think what they wanted. She breathlessly choked out a command to the guards posted outside the castle's main entrance to admit her before charging inside, ignoring the sounds of their angry shouts and clanking armor as they pursued her. Please, please, please, just let Sombra be okay! Bursting through the throne room's doors and practically bowling over two pegasus guards, she skidded to a stop and drew in several very loud gasps of air.

"Princess Celestia...I got here as fast as I..."

Twilight paused. Before her sat a small congregation of advisors, delegates and civilians patiently waiting for an audience with their sovereign, who looked down from her throne at Twilight with an expression stuck somewhere between slightly amused and partially worried. If Twilight had a mirror, then she would've seen what everypony else was gawking at: a sweaty, frizzy-maned mare with a platoon of Royal Guards cautiously approaching her with spears drawn.

"Guards, stand down!"

All eyes turned towards Princess Celestia as she rose from her throne. "I hope you all will forgive Princess Twilight's sudden outburst. She was answering a summons of a personal nature. We will reconvene tomorrow morning at eight o' clock. Court is adjourned." Aside from some muttering, nopony dared to object and they all dispersed until only Twilight and Celestia remained.

"I'm...so, so sorry, Princess Celestia. I didn't mean-..."

"Say no more, Twilight," Princess Celestia smiled in her usual motherly tone as she descended the dais' stairs. "I apologize for my letter's scarcity of details but I had no idea you'd take it as seriously as you did." She now stood over her former pupil and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "I can see why you would though. Come on, let's go check on Sombra."

Twilight brushed some hair out of Sombra's face, her touch baby-soft as she didn't wish to wake him. Once you got past the scarlet eyes and sharp fangs, he was actually quite the looker, with strong, angular features and a clean coat of dark fur. His mouth, which was usually drawn in a frown or a scowl, instead formed a small "o" as he snored softly. One leg lightly kicked every now and then, which elicited a light giggle from Twilight.

He seems like a colt when he sleeps!

A light growl followed by a moan interrupted Twilight's musings as the stallion's eyelids slowly opened to reveal a pair of tired scarlet eyes. After a few blinks, they widened fully.


As much as Twilight wanted to hug Sombra and celebrate his current state of health, she was reminded of her anger.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were being beaten by the guards?"

"Celestia told you, didn't she? And I thought Luna was the big mouth."


Sombra shifted the covers to sit up, revealing his bare shoulders and chest. Twilight's eyes quickly flickered downward to admire his physique before snapping them back to attention. He sighed, "It...it wasn't your concern."

This was not what Twilight wanted to hear. "Not...'It wasn't my concern'? Do you hear yourself? Is that all you can say to me?!" She loomed over Sombra, now feeling the desire to hit him for saying something so stupid.

Sombra didn't flinch. "What do you want me to say? If somepony had told you that three members of the Royal Guards-the best and most loyal of Celestia's subjects-had cornered King Sombra in his cell and beaten him, would you have believed them?"

"I...I, erm…"

"Exactly. Now you see my point." His tone wasn't angry or bitter, instead coming across as disappointed. "It was their word against mine. Tell me, what would you have done if our roles were reversed?"

Twilight slowly sat back down, feeling slightly ashamed of herself. "I probably would've stayed quiet too."

Sombra sighed, "It's okay, Twilight. I'm...just happy that you're here." He then rolled over so that he was facing the wall. "Thank you. You didn't have to come but you did."

"Of course I did! Why wouldn't I...?" Twilight's train of thought derailed as she soaked in the sight of Sombra's naked flesh. Right in between the withers and the back, she could see two, diamond-shaped scars, one larger than the other, peeking up through the dark gray fur, like jagged mountain ranges. She rose trance-like from out of her seat to get a better look.

That placement...but that would mean that he had wings and the only way that would be possible was if he was...

"Sombra...were you an alicorn?"

The umbrum bristled a bit but said nothing as he pulled the covers around himself, hiding his scars once again from view. Finally, he muttered, "Once. A very long time ago."

The silence that enveloped them was maddening. Twilight sat up and prepared to leave when something grasped her foreleg firmly but gently. She turned to meet Sombra's gaze. "Could you...could you stay with me? Just until I fall back asleep?"

Twilight nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'll stay all night if you need me to."

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