• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,176 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

  • ...

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Sun, Shadow and Love

"Ca-Cadence, slow down!"

Metal slippers screeched against the marble floor as Cadence halted in her half-charge, allowing Shining Armor to catch up with her. One look at the love of her life and the pink mare's rage almost completely dissipated, shoving the poisonous emotion aside if only for a moment. Upon receiving word of Sombra's attack, she rushed post haste to Canterlot, wishing to immediately confront the attackers-one of whom was one of her own subjects-and to check on her father's health. The slight green glow vanished from Cadence's eyes and she sighed wearily.

"I'm sorry, Shiny. I'm just so..."

Shining Armor rubbed Cadence's back comfortingly. "It's okay, Caddy. I understand. Just remember to breath. I'm sure Sombra's doing okay."

Princess Celestia's letter was rather scarce on the details, only saying that three Royal Guards and a crystal pony had gained entry into Sombra's cell and brutally beat him. Sombra, thankfully, wasn't seriously injured but this did little to assuage Cadence's anger at the situation. No matter the state of their relationship, he was still her father and he'd been assaulted by three stallions who'd sullied and abused their positions as well as one of her own subjects. The crystal pony's involvement, despite what Shining Armor told her, still made Cadence feel as though she was partially to blame.

I swear that I will make this right.

Two earth pony Royal Guards stood statue-like on either side of the gilded oak wood door, snapping to attention at the pair's arrival. Cadence nodded at the two guards and, accompanied closely by Shining Armor, magically opened the door. Deeply inhaling, she stepped inside.

Sombra lay propped up in bed, his face buried in a book entitled, "Equestrian History Over the Past Fifty Years." He looked up from his book and, upon seeing Cadence's face, froze in place. A myriad of emotions took hold of Cadence as she gradually made her way over to Sombra's bedside, her light purple eyes never leaving his scarlet ones.

"H-hello Sombra."

"Cadence," Sombra said timidly. "I...didn't think I'd ever see you again."

The tenderness and vulnerability in his voice gave Cadence pause. As the Princess of Love, she was not only responsible for the love that exuded from others but also the love she herself gave. The stallion in front of her had done terrible things, to her subjects and to her family but in the end, he was still her father. Plus, as his letters proved, he wasn't heartless and was making a genuine effort to be a part of her life.

"I wasn't sure myself," she admitted. "When I heard what happened, I had to come. Are you alright?"

Sombra tapped the tips of his hooves together.

"Bruises fade, broken bones mend. The only real harm was done to my pride."

It was clear from the undertone of anger in his voice that he wasn't letting this go, though it was understandable. He then smiled and it was such a surprisingly heartwarming gesture that Cadence found herself returning it.

"I'm just so happy to see you."

"Me too. I'm glad you're okay."

The field of love that Sombra was generating had taken Cadence slightly aback; she didn't think that he'd feel that particular emotion for her so strongly, especially given their prior meeting.

Hmm, there's a lot of love here...and it's not just for me. He also loves...Twilight?

Cadence drew herself back a little. She knew about his time in Ponyville and his "dating" of her sister-in-law for reconnaissance purposes but she never would've imagined that he'd fall for Twilight. And yet, the evidence was right in front of her as clear as day.

I'm genuinely confused on how to feel right now. Now the only question that remains is how does Twilight feel?

"Caddy, are you alright?"

Shining Armor's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "I'm fine, Shiny. Just...thinking."

"He's right," Sombra nodded, just now acknowledging the unicorn's presence. "You look a bit pale."

"I'm alright, really. Anyway, I just wanted to see how you were doing and to say...I'm sorry."

Sombra cocked a brow. "Sorry? What for?"

"It was my fault! Jasper was one of my subjects and he hurt you. If I'd been stricter on security or-..."

Sombra's hoof lightly patted Cadence's, his touch warm and soothing.

"Cadence, look at me." She complied, finding the umbrum staring at her with paternal affection. "It wasn't...your...fault. You had no way of knowing. Please don't blame yourself for what happened. I don't blame you and neither should you."

"Thanks, Sombra," Cadence smiled sweetly, her other hoof covering his own. "We still have a long way to go but I think that you should know that despite everything that's happened between us, I still want to get to know you."

Sombra's eyes began to mist up. "Me too." He turned to Shining Armor. "I know that our last two meetings weren't the best but I want you to know that I couldn't have asked for anypony better for my daughter."

For once, the corners of Shining Armor's lips pointed upward. "Thank you."

It was a slow start, but a start nonetheless.


Golden slippers clicked on the marble floor as Celestia hesitantly trekked through the hallway, the butterflies in her stomach performing loop-de-loops the closer she approached Sombra's bedroom. A quick flash of gold magic banished the droplets of sweat that had been accumulating on her brow. Preceding that first night that she had spent at Sombra's bedside after the second attack, she'd been hit with that revelation that she, Princess Celestia Solis Regina, was still in love with King Sombra! Since then, she'd felt skittish about being around him and as such, buried herself in her courtly duties in an attempt to avoid visits. Eventually, she realized that she was acting like a filly and decided to drop in, even if only for a minute or two.

You're one of the rulers of Equestria, not a schoolfilly with a crush! You need to act like it!

One of the two guards stationed beside the entrance opened the door and stood back.

I've faced down dragons, power-hungry centaurs and hordes of changelings. This is a piece of cake!

….Great, now I want cake. Maybe Luna was right. I DO have a problem.

Cadence sat at Sombra's bedside while Shining Armor stood leaning against the wall facing the door, all three ponies stopping to observe the new arrival. For a moment, Celestia stood there uncertainly, her wings twitching slightly at her sides, her heart hammering wildly in her breast. Sombra's scarlet eyes appeared to bore into her soul like a pair of red-hot drills and she had to swallow to moisten her throat. Awaking from her stupor, Celestia smiled cordially.

"Hello everypony. Cadence, Shining Armor, I wasn't expecting you so soon."

"Hi Auntie Celestia!" Cadence beamed. Despite the revelation of their true relationship to one another, Cadence still referred to Celestia as her "aunt," not only out of habit but also to publicly conceal her true parentage. Seeing as how Equestria was lately in a constant state of strife, the scandal would do more harm than good in these tumultuous times.

"Caddy insisted that we come ASAP," Shining Armor warmly replied. "She wanted to ensure that Sombra was alright considering everything..." He carefully switched his gaze back to Sombra, clearly still having difficulty trusting him. Not that anypony present could argue with that.

"I'm not an invalid," Sombra stated somewhat sourly as he folded his forelegs.

Celestia's smile widened. "Of course not. We're just all worried about you." I said, "We're," didn't I? Well, the cat's out of the bag. "Don't be such a grouch."

Sombra rolled his eyes, though the hint of a smile worked it's way onto his face.

"I suppose it's good to see you, Celestia."

Some things never change. Whatever you call yourself, you're still the same stallion that....that I love.

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