• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,186 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

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The Heart Wants What the Head Doesn't

"Who am I?" The room was empty but that was okay; this question was more for Sombra than for anypony else. "Who am I?" Being left alone for hours on end with nothing to do gave him plenty of time for contemplation and, once allowing his mind to wander, he found himself thinking about something other than his daughter or his revenge. "What am I?"

A hoof ran along the length of Sombra's fang-like horn. I'm a unicorn that can't do magic. I'm a king without a kingdom. I'm a relic from a bygone age. I'm the last of my kind. Was this what hopelessness felt like? Could it be that he was experiencing what the crystal ponies saw day and night during his reign all those centuries ago?

Sombra stared morosely out towards the window. Defenestration is hardly original but it'd get the job done. Besides, it's not as though I can get my hooves on any poison or rope. Sombra, Lord of the Crystal Empire, the Shadow King, Conqueror of the Frozen North, was now bedridden and reduced to suicidal musings. The mighty certainly had fallen.

"I'm not going to kill myself. Stop being so melodramatic," Sombra chided himself. Aside from his long-overdue vengeance and quest to save Equestria, he did have other things to live for. He had a daughter to reconnect with, even if it'd take months or even years for her to accept him. And then there was Twilight. That mare refused to leave his thoughts. Why was that?

Sombra tapped his chin. She was beautiful, there was no doubt of this, possessing a sort of loveliness that was somehow down-to-earth and yet also heavenly. And those eyes...so much intelligence, so much warmth. Physical traits aside, Twilight was also smart, tenacious and uncompromising in her beliefs. She wanted to know him, to hear his side of the story, even knowing full well who he was and what he'd done. Such a mare doesn't come around every millennia.

Here you are again, falling for yet another alicorn princess. Have you forgotten what happened the last time?

A twinge of pain vibrated up Sombra's upper back.

"No, I haven't but this time is different. She's different."

Doubt was burrowing its way into Twilight's heart, opening her eyes to the truth about Princess Celestia and her beloved homeland. It didn't matter if the public at large rejected Sombra's story. All it takes is a small number of individuals to start a revolution. And what a revolution it will be.


Day Court was, well, typical and this annoyed Celestia greatly. The delegates each came and went, presenting their reports, documents and complaints in a seemingly endless procession that exited the throne room doors and appeared to stretch on to infinity. Princess Celestia loved her subjects dearly and would do anything to keep them happy and safe but there were often times she'd wished she could just leave and never come back. Being the chief ruler of Equestria was unbelievably daunting and what made it worse was the image the regular ponies conjured up of Celestia, that of the perfect monarch that never lost her cool. The truth was, she was calm on the outside but boiling with rage on the inside.

I could kill for a slice of cake right about now.

"Sister," Luna interjected. "There is an urgent matter that I need to discuss with thee. Alone"

"Of course, Luna. Everypony, leave us." It took all of Celestia's willpower to remain seated in her throne rather than pump her hooves in the air and holler loudly. Once the pair were alone, she clapped her hooves together. "So, what was it that you wanted to discuss?"

A rare mischievous grin touched Luna's lips. "Nothing. You just looked as though you needed a break."

"Why Luna, you sly fox you." Celestia heaved a heavy sigh, her back lightly popping as she stretched in place. "Now that we have a moment to ourselves, why don't we order in some sweets like we used to when we were little?"

"Mother always hated that," Luna smiled and in a posh demeanor, she faux-griped, "'Princesses shouldn't bury their snouts in sweets. You both are noble ladies of the highest alicorn pedigree-..."

"'...-Not mud-toting savages,'" Celestia finished in an equally uptight voice. They stared at one another before bursting into a fit of wild laughter, the kind that leaves the laughers aching and gasping for air. Anypony on the other side of the doors (such as the royal guards, for example), would believe that the sisters had gone insane from all of the ruckus that they were making. Once the laughter died down, they both sighed and fell into silence.

"I miss Mother."

"So do I, Luna. So do I."

Luna's smile slowly fell. "Actually, there was something that I wanted to discuss with you."

Something about Luna's sudden starkness threw Celestia off. "What is it?"

The starry-maned mare tapped her forehooves together, something she'd always done before admitting a painful truth or asking a difficult question. "Are you...do you still love Sombra?"

Do you know why I hate you, Celestia? It's because I never stopped loving you...

The elder alicorn turned away.

"I've seen your dreams. You still think about him."

Celestia stared off into the distance. "It's...true. I never stopped."

A Thousand Years Ago...

The grounds of Canterlot Castle were flooded with seas of mauve, gold, crimson and sapphire as the guests began arriving, their jackets and gowns forming the waters of an endless rainbow sea. Aside from the three equine races, there were also foreign dignitaries from different parts of the kingdom, ranging from minotaurs, griffons, and even a few dragons. The lower classes saw the Grand Galloping Gala as nothing more than an overly-extravagant show for the gentry to put on in order to flaunt their wealth. In truth, it was a social event meant to bring together not just the Equestrian ponies but all of the land's creatures for one night of diplomacy and merriment. No war, only peace and acknowledge of different races and cultures.

For one certain young princess, however, this was an occasion being held for an entirely different reason. Celestia gulped, her stomach twisted in so many knots that it was a miracle she could even breath. Her long pink locks were held up in a braided ponytail held together with silk ribbons and beads of pearls. She inspected herself in the mirror.

I wonder if the prince will like my dress.

Corsage du Rouge tut-tutted her. "Your Majesty, try not to frown so. You will get wrinkles."

"I'm sorry, Corsage. I'm just worried about the gala. My mother will be announcing my betrothment to Prince Tourmaline." The royal dressmaker was a calm and trustworthy mare, making her one of the few ponies Celestia felt as though she could confide in. "I just hope he won't be disappointed."

"Ma chère Celestia, stop with this foolish talk!" Corsage placed her hooves firmly on the young mare's shoulders. "Look, look at the mirror. I see a vibrant, beautiful lady and so shall he. Besides, in this dress, you shall do more than turn his head, non?"

The dress was a high-collared ballgown with puffy shoulders, bodice and silk train with a plunging neckline. It was made out of an iridescent blue-violet fabric and embroidered with Columbia-blue accents, which were the colors of the Crystal Empire's flag. Celestia shifted on her hooves and turned to the side, admiring the way the light reflected off of the fabric. Sure, it felt good but that still didn't completely vanquish her anxiety. After all, she was a ripe sixteen years old while Tourmaline was eighteen, practically an elderly bachelor. Would he really want somepony as young as her?

The gala was in full-swing by the time Celestia arrived and, much to her own delight, managed to catch the eye of many males, both pony and non-pony. She spied Luna standing over by the staircase, her dress simpler in design but no more less beautiful: pine green with high-puffed shoulders and ruffled sleeves and neckline. The younger princess was chatting with Discord, who had chosen a maroon doublet and a black feathered cap. The two were practically attached to the hip ever since the draconequus' arrival and while Celestia was initially put off by his strange appearance, she now considered him one of her best friends. She just hoped he would behave himself tonight.

"I was wondering when you'd appear."

Celestia stopped and slowly rotated, finding herself once again face-to-face with the most handsome stallion that she'd ever seen. He was a smoky gray crystal pony garbed in a lace-collared sky-blue military jacket and matching silver-gilt embroidered satin cloak. His mane had been swept backward, forming a wave of jet-black hair that she desperately wanted to run her hooves through. Rose-colored eyes shimmered with warmth and mirth as they peered into her own. Although the two had already been acquainted, it was as though Celestia was seeing him for the first time.

"Prince Tourmaline, it's wonderful to see you again," she greeted with a curtsy.

The crystal pony bowed in return. "As it is the same with you, Princess Celestia, although I'd prefer it if you weren't so formal with me. It's not as though we're strangers or anything. Tourmaline will do."

That smile would be the end of her. "O-of course, Tourmaline. I'm glad that you're here. It's nice to see a familiar face amongst all of these strangers."

Tourmaline gave her an understanding grin. "Yes, it's certainly daunting although I'm not the only friendly face here tonight. Look, Garnet's here as well."

A pretty young crystal pony mare found her way over to Luna and Discord and joined in on their conversation. Garnet's mane was done up in a traditional Crystal Empire bun-comprised of ringlets and inlaid with gems-and wore a golden gown with silver floral patterns and scarlet ribbons. She was becoming quite the lovely young lady and would have no trouble finding a husband soon. Tourmaline took Celestia's hoof in his own and bowed.

"Would you care to dance?"

A heavy blush heated up Celestia's ivory cheeks. "Yes, please." Taking Tourmaline's foreleg, she allowed him to lead her towards the dance floor, unabashedly sneaking a glimpse at his flank. His cutie mark was, appropriately enough, a crown encircling three crystals, a symbol for his birthright as the Crystal Empire's future king.

And I am to be his queen.

Celestia shuddered, though she couldn't tell if it was from anticipation or fright.

The music started up and Celestia found herself in Tourmaline's forelegs, their bodies moving in synch to the waltz. "Sorry, if I seem distant. I'm just very anxious for Mother's announcement."

Tourmaline's smile dropped. "I can see why. I apologize for the suddenness."

They spun around and it seemed to Celestia as though her gown was on fire. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"Still, I should've pushed harder for my parents to postpone the engagement."

It was somehow both relieving and painful to hear him say that.

Celestia gulped, "Tourmaline?"

"Yes, Celestia?" The prince asked worriedly, picking up on the unsteady tone of her voice.

"You don't think I'm too young or not pretty enough for you, do you?"

The pair stopped moving, much to the chagrin of the other dancers but neither of them cared. Puzzled, Tourmaline cupped one of Celestia's cheeks. "Well, you are a bit young for me but 'not pretty enough'? You're beautiful Celestia, inside and out. Any stallion noble or poor would be proud to call you his wife." He then softly added, "I know I would be."

"Oh Tourmaline..." Celestia collapsed into the crystal pony's embrace and mashed her lips against his own. Marriage may've been too much for her to handle but this felt right to her. No matter what happened, being with this stallion was where she always wanted to be. Her heart was his, always and forever.

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