• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,186 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

  • ...

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Eat, Neigh, Love (II)

Twilight watched Rarity trot away and instantly felt the anxiety creeping up her spine at the loss of her support system. As Flash was Sombra's new guard, she knew that there was a high probability of running into him, hence why she brought along a companion. Following their break-up, which was actually Twilight breaking up with Flash and relegating him to the role of male friend, she felt somewhat nervous around him but could still be in the same room with him no problem. Now that she was with Sombra, however, the situation had become very complicated indeed.

Turning her attention back towards Flash, Twilight noticed the pegasus had been staring intently at her while her attention was diverted and had snapped his eyes up to a spot behind her. Deciding to let this slide, she offered up a small smile, to which Flash returned the expression. Hopefully, things would get back to normal between us. Hopefully.

"How've you been Flash?"

"Oh, fine, good. You know, living," Flash chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "How-how about you?"

"Pretty good! My friends and I ended up getting stuck in a magic comic book."

Flash chuckled. "Somehow I knew you'd say something like that. You girls are always getting into weird adventures."

"I know! It's like we're weirdo-magnets or something."

"Comes with the Elements of Harmony job description, I think," Flash shrugged.

"Hmm-hmm. So how are things with Sombra going?"

The pegasus' face sagged, a clear indication of his feelings pertaining to the imprisoned umbrum. "Twilight, I know you want us to be buddies but it's just not going to happen."


"I'm serious, Twi. You really want me to befriend him?"

"I know it's a bit unorthodox but you really should give Sombra a chance," Twilight said gently.

Flash rubbed his nose and sighed. "Twilight, you're a smart mare and you can make your own decisions but you're making a mistake. I don't trust him and neither should you."

This wasn't how Twilight wanted this conversation to go. She knew that Flash would be hesitant and even a little wary of Sombra but given his kind heart, she thought he'd at least make some kind of an effort. He was amicable towards everypony so why did Sombra deserve his mistrust?

"You don't know him like I do."

"Don't be naïve!" Flash grabbed Twilight's forelegs. "He's just using you! King Sombra is a-..."

"Monster?" Twilight finished agitatedly. She wormed herself out of Flash's grip. "It's so easy to toss judgement around, isn't it? Especially when you don't know somepony and won't even try to."

"Have you forgotten who he is? What he's done?"

"No and neither has he!" Twilight's wings subconsciously shot out defensively. "Everypony is so quick to remind him of his past yet they give no thought to his future." She took a breath and allowed her wings to subside as she gazed at Flash with pleading eyes. "There's good in him. I've seen it."

Flash shook his head. "Whatever you think you've seen is fake. If he was ever good, it died a long time ago. Okay, maybe he isn't outwardly terrible but how do you know he isn't trying to fool everypony? If he had his magic back, I guarantee you that he'd find some way to break out and kill the princesses. I'm trying to protect you."

"I'M NOT YOURS TO PROTECT!" They both jumped at the sudden outburst but Twilight continued to stand her ground. "You're just jealous because Sombra is my special somepony instead of you!"

Flash was silent for a moment. "You...you know how I feel?"

Twilight gulped, suddenly feeling very dizzy. "I...I do. I thought that if I let you down easy then we could move past this and be friends." She then grew very angry. "But know I see you won't let either of us move on. I feel sorry for you."


The purple mare refused to look at Flash as she stormed past him. She was mad at him for thinking that she belonged to him. She was mad at other ponies for assuming the worst about Sombra. She was mad at her friends for thinking that she was making a mistake. She was mad at Princess Celestia for lying to her. Most of all, she was just mad at how unfair life was.

When Twilight entered the dungeon, she was met with the sound of Johann Sebastian Buck and felt some of her angry slip away with the aid of a piano's dulcet tones. Rarity stood directly in front of Sombra and through the bars it was clear that they were involved in some sort of discussion. When she walked in, both stopped in mid-sentence to observe her. Well...at least they aren't trying to kill each other.

"Darling, how did your conversation with Flash Sentry go?"

Oh she had to bring HIM up. "Fine, just fine. What were you and Sombra talking about?"

Rarity smirked and briefly glanced over at Sombra, who rolled his eyes at her. "Oh, nothing of consequence. I was merely giving him some much needed advice. Oh my, I do believe it's time for me to go." She smiled at Sombra. "It was nice talking to you, Darling."

Sombra bowed his head slightly. "And you too, Miss Rarity."

Rarity giggled and gave Twilight a "See you later!" before trotting out the door, humming a song that seemed a little too metal for the dainty unicorn. Twilight stared after Rarity then cocked a brow at Sombra, who smiled mysteriously at her.

"What was all that about?"

"Rarity was just giving me dating tips." His smile gradually faded. "Are you alright?"

Twilight gave a rebarbative exhale and vanished in a raspberry flash, reappearing beside Sombra and falling into his forelegs. She buried her face into his chest and huffed in the scent of pine and old paper. It was a smell she'd never get tired off. Twilight peered up at Sombra.

"Flash told me that he doesn't think that you can change. He thinks you're a...monster."

Sombra pulled Twilight close and her heart fluttered when he kissed the top of her head.

"Do you think that I'm a monster?"

"No! You're not!" Twilight was aghast to even hear those words come out of his mouth.

Calmly, Sombra brushed her cheek with a hoof. "Then I don't care. Yours is the only opinion that matters to me."

His lips brushed against her own and Twilight welcomed the contact.

He's not perfect but he's no monster. I will help him return to the light. I swear it.

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