• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,187 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

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Interview with an Umbrum (II)

The starry curtain of night had dropped upon Saddle Arabia and all was still and calm. From atop his perch on the highest minaret, Sombra basked in the cool breeze as it lightly whipped his billowing cloak and keffiyeh headdress. As Shadhavar the Melodic, he'd arrived in the desert country to learn from the native mystics any and all spells and arcane techniques that he could find. Other than a street magician, a jinn-summoner and an alchemist, he found his search rather fruitless. Sure, they were all fine on their own but he sought true, old-world dark magic, something powerful enough to aid him in his defeat of the Royal Sisters.

Saddle Arabia was but the latest locale in a long journey. As Macho Nyekundu, he'd explored most of Zebrica, finding low-level shamans and spirit channelers that all spoke in complete rhyming couplets for some strange reason. In Abyssinia, he'd lived under the guise of Karkadann and was known as Imhooftep to the Anugyptians. In both instances, he discovered con artists and priests with little to no power. Still, at least they were better than the arrogant degenerates of Prance, a group of bored aristocrats that delved into the occult as an excuse to show off to their snobbish friends.

Raising a silver flute to his lips, he played a dulcet tone that carried on the wind, filling the streets with a mesmerizing melody that soothed savage beasts and lulled even the most stubborn insomniacs to sleep. Aside from acting as a focusing rod for his magic, it was also his meal ticket, as he'd spent many hot hours in the marketplace playing for the amusement of passersby. The country overall was actually quite nice and if not for his crusade, Sombra would actually consider staying awhile. But alas, he had work to do.

"I must say, that was quite impressive."

Sombra turned and met the gaze of the Princess of Night. "Hello Luna. Still creeping into other pony's dreams?"

The mare leapt down from her perch and strode up to him. "Tis our sacred duty to watch over the dreams of our subjects, ensuring that they art protected in the realm of sleep."

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"That! Switching between modern speak and Old Equestrian!" Sombra replied, jabbing his flute at her.

Luna turned away and muttered, "I'm still getting used to this time period's lingo. I was locked away for a thousand years after all. It takes time."

Sombra shook his head. "So was I or have you forgotten that?"

Luna's wings spread open as she took a defensive stance. "Thou wast out of control! We had to stop thee!"

"Oh? From what I read, the same could be said of you."

"That...that was different."

Sombra snorted, "How so?"

"I wasn't in control of myself!" Luna stomped a hoof down, a resounding thud that echoed throughout the dreamscape. "I was being used by Nightmare Moon! What's your excuse?"

It was amusing to see the normally reserved and icy princess losing her cool but Sombra knew that it was wise not to laugh. "I don't have one. I can take responsibility for my own actions."

There was silence. Luna looked as though she was going to say something but then turned away, pain and self-loathing gleaming in her eyes. For some inexplicable reason, Sombra found himself feeling...sorry for her, for what he'd said. In many ways, the two were actually more alike than different. They'd both been touched by the darkness and forced into roles neither one of them asked for but had to fill regardless and were demonized for it.

"Luna, I...regret what I've just said to you now." Luna turned her head slightly. "It was wrong and I apologize for it." Feeling the mare's skepticism, he added, "I'm sorry."

The alicorn's features softened. "Sombra-..."

Just then, the world began to shake as the tower and buildings crumbled around them. Luna spread her wings and ascended in a ray of light. "You're waking up. We'll talk later. And Sombra...thank you..."

Sombra's eyes slowly fluttered open and he found himself once more in his bed.


Twilight Sparkle entered the room to find Sombra awake and waiting for her, his crimson eyes soft and faraway. Since their last meeting, she'd really felt as though he'd made progress; not only did he manage to successfully reconnect with his estranged daughter but he seemed genuinely more pleasant and happy. Sure, his encounter with Pinkie Pie could've gone smoother but it was telling that the party pony was more upset for him rather than at him. Digging her quill and notepad from out of her saddlebags, Twilight took a seat at the foot of the bed and smiled at Sombra.

"Good afternoon, Sombra! How are you?"

"I'm alright. I dreamt that I was once again Shadhavar the Melodic-..."

"Wait, you were Shadhavar the Melodic? The Saddle Arabian flutist, mystic and alchemist?"

Sombra slyly grinned. "Indeed I was. That was back when I was touring Equestria in an attempt to track down sorcerers to train me in the dark arts. It took some time before I found a suitable master. Anyway, I was enjoying a nice dream when Luna paid me a visit."

Twilight was intrigued. "What did she want?"

"I don't know. Something about looking after the dreams of her subjects," he said with a wave of his hoof. "Funny. When I first met her, I never would've imagined that she'd one day be the Princess of Dreams."

Twilight scooted a little closer to him, her quill and notebook at the ready. "And how did you meet her?"

The umbrum sat up slightly. "Would you mind if we didn't talk about me for once? I'd like to discuss you."


"Hmm-hmm. There's still so much that I don't know about you and I'd like to get to. It's only fair."

Twilight considered this, not expecting him to ask about her life story during his interview. She did want to talk to him about something other than his own trials and tribulations and was touched that he wanted to know more about her. Plus, it'd help to establish more trust between them and thus make him more open. It was certainly a risk but it was one that Twilight was willing to take.

"Okay. What would you like to know?"

Sombra smiled and it was one of warmth and sincerity. "How about the beginning? Where were you born?"

"Well, I was born here in Canterlot. You've already met my brother."

"Yes, Shining Armor. He's certainly got guts. Not many would've attacked me head-on to defend their loved ones."

"Sounds like you admire him," Twilight smirked.

Sombra drew his head back. "Merely an observation. It was also foolish, charging at an unknown threat with total disregard to his own safety. I could've easily killed him without a second thought."

"So...why didn't you?"

"Fear. I sent him back scared out of his wits in an attempt to frighten you and the others. I may not have been in complete control of my mental faculties but I knew enough to try to break your collective spirits."

Twilight shuddered, "Well it worked, at least a little. You are pretty scary when you want to be."

The umbrum gave her a toothy grin. "It's a gift. Now, I believe we were talking about you."

Twilight shifted uncomfortably in her seat. It was certainly a change to have a stallion so invested in hearing her life story, especially one that happened to be a notorious former tyrant. Scarlet eyes peered deep into her own, shimmering red mirrors that focused on her and only her. Now that she stopped and thought about it, Sombra actually was quite handsome, his long, angular face bearing strong masculine features that wouldn't look out of place on an old Roaman bust or mosaic wall.


"Hmm?" Sombra's voice dragged her back down to Equestria. "I, um...well, as a filly, I was very inquisitive. I was always asking questions and wanted to know how things worked. My parents brought me to the museum or the public library whenever they could. I spent more time with a book than I did with the other foals." Twilight cringed at the memory. Her family thought her academic interests overrode her social life and pushed her to try to be more open.

Sombra smiled warmly and it touched Twilight's heart to see it. "Ah, I see. A budding scholar, eh? Well, there's nothing wrong with that. Social interactions are overrated."

"That's what I thought too but my friends in Ponyville taught me differently. Knowledge is great but it can't cheer you up when you're blue or give you a helping hoof when you have a problem. Friends are the most precious commodity in this world and I wouldn't give mine up for anything or anypony."

Shifting around on the bed, Sombra laid back and nodded in consideration. "Perhaps they are but not to me. Allies are better than friends because they can be bought or bargained with. Friends only make you weak."

Twilight stared with her mouth slightly agape. "You can't mean that."

"And why not?"

"Because friendship doesn't work that way! Friends make you strong because they're strong. They stick by you when times are tough and celebrate with you when times are great. Isn't there anypony that was like that? Anypony that you shared a connection with?"

Sombra turned away, his eyes drawn to the filtered sunlight shimmering through a crystal water pitcher on the nightstand. "Garnet...."

A Thousand Years Ago...

"Ready or not, here I come!" Prince Tourmaline spun around, his eyes keenly scanning the surrounding landscape of the Royal Garden. Humming to himself, he wove his way past some crystal sculptures and began searching the hedgerows. As big as the garden was, there were only so many places to hide. "Come out, come out wherever you are!"

His left ear swiveled upon catching the sound of a cut-off giggle and he turned in the direction of a row of petunia bushes. "Hmm, I wonder where Garnet may be?" Tourmaline smirked and trotted towards the bushes. Poking his head through, he gasped, "There you are!"

A magenta-colored filly with a swirly rose-red and ivory mane squealed and fell backwards. She then crawled halfway out of the bush but soon found herself stuck. "How come you always find me?"

"Because you insisted that I should stop letting you win, remember?" Tourmaline chuckled, magically lifting Garnet out of the bush before taking a long look at her. After he was born, the doctors told his parents that they couldn't have any more children and this saddened him because he wanted a little brother or sister. So imagine everypony's surprise when Tourmaline was eight years old, his mother gave birth to a healthy baby girl. From the moment little Garnet entered the world, he was dead-set on being the best big brother ever.

The filly pouted. "Well, do you think you could start letting me win again, Toury?"

Tourmaline shook his head and let out an amused sigh. "No can do. Anyway, it's getting late. Mom and Dad are looking for us and we have to get ready for the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Why do we have to go? I thought Mommy and Daddy didn't like Queen Concordia."

Tourmaline stopped and looked down at Garnet. "It's not about like or dislike. She is the queen of all of Equestria and we need to show her respect. The gala is a time for kings, queens and ambassadors from all over the land to come together and just be merry. It strengthens the bonds between all our races and thus our kingdom."

Garnet nodded and ruminated on his words. She was very bright for her age. "So everypony goes there to be nice?"

"Something like that."

"Huh." Garnet threw back her shoulders and held her head up high. "Then they need to be extra nice to Princess Garnet of the Crystal Empire!"

Tourmaline put a foreleg around Garnet and pulled her close as they approached the castle.

"Oh yes, they'd better beware her royal wrath! All hail Princess Garnet!"

"Hail myself! All hail me!"

In his back of his mind, Tourmaline was secretly dreading the upcoming gala and the announcement that would be the highlight of the festivities. I wonder if my betrothed is feeling the same?

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