• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,187 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

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First Date: The Prelude

Time held no meaning for Sombra as he laid spread-eagle on his cot, eyes unblinkingly staring up at the ceiling. Sleep avoided him like the plague and a knot in his stomach prevented him from enjoying full meals, instead relegating himself to little nibbles of food. He didn't have the tolerance for music and reading held no interest so Sombra left his books where they were. Life before was complicated but who knew that it would become even more complex after his death and resurrection? Sombra sometimes wondered if coming back was a mistake after all.

The Element Bearers, excluding Rainbow Dash, were a surprisingly friendly and accepting group of mares, each one adding their own blend of affability to every meeting. The more time that Sombra had spent with each one, the more he'd come to like them. Pinkie Pie was a chatterbox with a rather sporadic train of thought that bordered on the childish and even mentally instable. However, she contained a certain odd degree of clarity, so much so that he wasn't certain whether or not she was insane or merely playing the fool. The fact that she could cook was a bonus.

Fluttershy was arguably the most surprising, considering that she once chose to cower under a table rather than face Sombra in combat. Yet she'd found the courage to speak to him alone and that earned her his respect. There was that moment when Fluttershy touched Sombra and declared him to be her friend. For whatever reason, it made him feel unworthy of her benevolence. Why? What could possibly make him feel so unworthy of some timid little mouse's friendship? Was it the innocent trust in her eyes or the naïve sincerity in her voice? Whatever it was, it felt awful.

Then there was Miss Rarity, the small-town mare that was somehow more of an aristocrat than any royal he'd ever encountered. She was dainty and high-class yet possessed an inner fire, an indomitable spirit and ferocity that momentarily left him blindsided. There weren't many ponies that would openly threaten the Conqueror of the Frozen North to his face and this strangely endeared the fashionista to him. Who knows? Maybe she was an umbrum in another life.

Although Sombra had only spoken to Applejack briefly, he found the country mare respectful but earnest, two qualities he greatly approved of. She spoke openly to him, even attempting to sympathize with him, making her the only mare other than Twilight to try to understand him. It was clear that Applejack cared about her friend but didn't allow this to develop into overprotectiveness or narrow-minded paranoia. Maybe she could be a future ally? Perhaps more time was needed before Sombra could confirm this.

He rolled onto his side and faced the wall. What were these ponies doing to him? For the first time in centuries, Sombra felt as though he might actually belong, that there was something other than revenge in his life. This thought catapulted him up into a sitting position with his head between his hocks. No, he mustn't think it! He had a goal, his raison d’être and he would not abandon that!

Cadence's framed picture smiled at him from his desktop.

"My daughter..."

He gently rubbed his hoof against the glass.

I have a family...

Beside the photograph, there was a smaller picture, this one of Twilight Sparkle.

...and a mare that I love.

What about your parents? A voice deep inside of him asked. Or your tribe? Your entire race? Do they mean nothing to you?

"Of course they do! It's just..."

You forget, it was by the will of wyrd that you survived the Massacre, that you are alive now. You were meant to survive, to punish the guilty and ease the suffering of your kind.

Sombra sighed and sat down on the edge of his bunk. For the first time, he had doubt about the course his life had taken, the course he'd taken. Twilight and her friends were noble and good, selflessly protecting Equestria even under the reign of the false-ruler Princess Celestia Solaria. Was he wrong in his beliefs about the corrupt state of the land? Would his reign truly be just?

"Um, Sombra?"

He snapped out of his philosophical reverie to find Twilight standing right outside his cell.

"Twilight? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in."

"Are you alright? You were pretty spaced out and that's a lot coming from me."

Sombra waved this off nonchalantly. "I'm alright. I don't have much to do but think. Anyway, how are you?"

Twilight shyly rubbed one foreleg against the other. "I'm o-okay. I was just wondering...since we're a couple, perhaps we should have a proper...first date?"

Never before had Sombra smiled so brightly. "I would be honored. But...would Celestia allow that?"

Twilight nodded. "I asked her before I came down here and she authorized it...buuuuut under a few conditions."

Of course she did. "What 'conditions'?"

A scroll floated out of Twilight's saddlebag and she unfurled it, clearing her throat as she read from it. "'The prisoner is to remain on castle grounds under surveillance by no less than eight royal guards and in an enclosed area. The date may start between the hours of eight to ten in the morning but is to conclude no later than four in the evening and this scheduling is non-negotiable.'"

Snorting contemptuously, Sombra rolled his eyes. "I see the beldam is being as thorough as usual."

"Hey, I fought hard for this deal!" Twilight interjected. "It's either this or nothing."

Sombra reached through the bars to touch Twilight's cheek. He had to smirk at the way she cooed and rubbed herself against his hoof, letting out a little sigh of contentment.

"Then for the sake of my favorite princess, I accept."


"Oh my goddess, I'm so excited!"

Twilight ducted as spools of fabric and various other instruments whipped around the room. A measuring tape wrapped in a cornflower blue aura coiled around her flank and right hindleg.

"Um, Rarity?"

"Shall I go with slate blue or indigo?" Rarity wondered aloud, a pencil scribbling furiously onto a sketchpad. "Or maybe a nice Prench violet?"

The measuring tape zipped around to lay perpendicular to Twilight's head and neck.

"Are you sure this is necessary?"

Rarity's red glasses slid down her muzzle. "'Necessary'? Darling, this is yours and Sombra's first official date as a couple. You both must look your very best!"

"Twilight's right, Rares," Applejack said. "Ah mean, do they both need ta get all gussied up?"

Rarity paused in mid-sketch. "Of course they do! This is a special occasion, not one of your 'hoe-downs' or 'hootenannies.'"

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down in a circle around the room. "Yeah, or a party, fiesta, bash..."

"I think that it should be special, considering that you both never get to do anything romantic," Fluttershy sweetly added. "If you don't mind me saying so."

"...shindig, festival, celebration..."

"I don't see the big deal," Rainbow Dash gloomily stated, leaning against the wall with her forelegs folded. "Why should you go out of your way for King Sombra, anyhow?"

"Now Dashie, Ah know yah've got reservations..."

"'Reservations'?! Are you kidding me, AJ?!"

"Really, Rainbow Dash, must you be so obtuse?"

"...ball, gala, banquet, luau..."

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm the only one that cares that Twilight's dating a monster!"


Everypony froze. Twilight's muzzle was an inch away from Rainbow Dash's, her wings unfurled threateningly.

"...potluck, clambake, barbeque or picnic," Pinkie Pie finished quietly.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes at Twilight. "What are you biting my head off for? I'm only trying to look out for you!"

"Maybe because you're insulting my coltfriend? Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"Are you blind? Your 'coltfriend' is only one of the worst villains in Equestria!"

"Oh, please don't fight," Fluttershy whimpered, though her plea went unheard.

"You've never even tried to talk to him! If you'd gotten to know Sombra like the others have, then you'd see he's not such a bad guy!"

"Can't you see that he's just using you? He doesn't care about any of us; he just wants to take over Equestria!"

Twilight scowled. "How do you know that? He loves me and you know what? I might love him too!"

Rainbow recoiled, her face that of somepony that just saw a ghost. "You don't mean that. You can't possibly mean that!"

Meanwhile, Twilight gasped as she replayed the words in her head. Somehow, they just came out so fluidly that it also seemed second nature. Was that truly how she felt?

"Yes, I do," she finally declared after briefly mulling it over. She sniffled, her violet eyes misting over as they filled up with tears. "And if you were truly my friend, then you would accept that."


But it was too late. Twilight turned and galloped full speed out the door of the boutique, nearly mowing down Spike as she fled from sight, her choking sobs attracting the attention of passersby.

"Twilight!" Spike stepped inside and looked around confusingly. "What happened?"

All eyes were on Rainbow Dash.

"I...I didn't mean..."

Applejack patted her on the back. "Ah know, Sugarcube. But yah need ta talk ta her."


Twisting its way across the ground, the Darkness slowly approached the outskirts of Ponyville in a decidedly serpentine way. Nopony saw her coming, just as she preferred it. Slithering past a street corner, the Darkness quickly clung to the underside of a bench to evade a group of passing foals before continuing her trek towards its destination. She lifted her head up and sniffed. Ah, what exquisite sorrow she detected...

Ever since her defeat at the Castle of the Two Sisters, she'd been left in a weakened state, cut off from her primary food source and left to starve, unseen and unnoticed. Those foolish mares thought that the Elements of Harmony destroyed her but she persevered. Nightmare Moon was gone but the Darkness was very much still present. At first, the Darkness tried feeding on a pack of diamond dogs but those empty-headed canines were barely even an appetizer. She attempted to create strife amongst them to devour their anger but that failed to satisfy her hunger.

A chimera in the Flame Geyser Swamp was better as it was seething with rage at being bested by a pony. Alas, prideful resentment wasn’t fulfilling enough so she abandoned the ornery hybrid in search of a more satisfying host. After days of wandering, the Darkness finally arrived in Ponyville and was now on the hunt for her next host. All she had to do was follow the trail of anger and melancholy. She could almost taste the despair.

Navigating the streets of the small town, the Darkness arrived at what looked to be a treehouse which, if the sign was to be believed, also served as a library. How incredibly childish. Gliding up the side of the structure, she slunk her way into an open window and quickly took refuge behind a lamp as the sounds of sobbing peaked her interest. To her own surprise, it was none other than that meddlesome purple unicorn, except now she'd been elevated to alicorn status and was currently face-down on her bed and bawling her eyes out. What a bonus!

The young alicorn didn't even flinch when the Darkness pounced, latching herself onto Twilight's horn and seeping in through the appendage. The time for revenge had started anew...


The trip to Twilight's felt endless, even at the speed in which Rainbow Dash flew there. A knot had twisted itself in existence in her stomach. Despite being the Element of Loyalty, she felt as though she'd let down and even betrayed one of her closest friends, somepony who'd stuck by her in her darkest moments. She hadn't meant to hurt Twilight; if anything, Rainbow wanted to protect her and that was by trying to be honest with her instead of being meek. Granted, her approach may've not been the best but she had the best of intentions!

Golden Oaks Library loomed overhead like a stone statue in a Daring Do novel. Ordinarily, the treehouse was the last place that Rainbow would feel any sort of hesitation about entering but now it was the scariest place in Equestria. She sucked in a deep breath and nudged the slightly-ajar door open even more before taking a few reluctant steps inside. The place was immaculately spotless as usual, deceptively in fact, almost making her forget the current situation. Step-by-step, Rainbow climbed the stairs and arrived at Twilight's bedroom. She raised a hoof, allowing it to hang tightly balled up before knocking.

"Go away!"

The voice was muffled, strained even and Rainbow had half a mind to heed that advice. But then again, she always was the stubborn type. "It's me. Could I come in?"

There was a brief pause and then: "Okay..."

Slowly pushing the door open, Rainbow entered, finding Twilight curled up in a ball on her bed, her eyes bleary and her face stained with tears. She sat on the edge of the bed, sinking into the mattress as Twilight sniffled and rubbed at her face. Rainbow was never good at emotional stuff but she had a friend to console so to Tartarus with uncomfortability.

"H-hey Twilight. I, uh, just wanted to see...if you were alright."

Twilight sniffled again. "Not really. What you said back there really hurt."

Rainbow clutched a foreleg. "Yeah, um...that wasn't how I wanted that to go down." She sighed and steeled herself. "I don't trust Sombra. But that's mainly because I...really care about you and I'm scared. I'm scared okay? I don't want you to get hurt. I wanted to protect you but I just ended up hurting you myself and that hurt me too. I mean, what's worse than upsetting a friend?"

Twilight nodded. "I understand where you're coming from. You didn't have to be so mean about it though."

"I know. I don't do well with this touchy-feely stuff. But you're my friend...and I'm sorry."

Slowly, Twilight clambered across the bed and wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow's shoulders.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow chuckled and tapped Twilight's back. "Sure thing. So are you still going on your date?"


"Well..." Rainbow exhaled through her nostrils. "...you'd better get ready."

Twilight drew away and stared at her confusingly. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah, really," Rainbow sighed. "I don't want you to go but I can't stop you."

She was suddenly yanked into the tightest hug of her life.

"You really are the best, Rainbow."

"Yeah...I know. Now let's get back to the boutique. Rarity's going to have a heart attack if I don't bring you back soon."

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