• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,187 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

  • ...

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First Date: The Actual Date (Sequel to the Sequel)

Although on the surface Twilight Sparkle was calm and collected, inside she was panicking harder than Fluttershy at a public spelling bee. Honestly, she was anxious about the date and freaking out about every little detail, such as the color of the curtains or placement of the bouquet. Then came her concerns about what shampoo to use, her mane style and whether or not Sombra would like lipstick. Something that gave her peace of mind was that fact that dessert came out perfectly, thanks to her research and Pinkie Pie's culinary prowess. It was now up to her coltfriend to see if it was right.

Twilight's grand entrance couldn't have blown her expectations more than it did, if Sombra's reaction was anything to go by. Throughout the whole date, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her and she had Rarity to thank, although the unicorn insisted that Twilight did most of the work. Regardless, the way that Sombra's gaze tracked her form was exciting and she'd never felt more beautiful or desired than she did now. To be fair, Rarity also did an amazing job on Sombra, the suit drawing attention to his handsome features, particularly his eyes, which she'd always found fascinating. His smile, with or without fangs, would flip-flop between warm and tender and shamelessly lustful.

Most of their time was spent in silence but it spoke volumes of their relationship that they were so comfortable saying nothing. Sombra's eyes and caresses did all of the talking, his touch soft but applying the right amount of pressure and his gaze lovestruck and somewhat licentious. No stallion had ever paid her that kind of attention, not even Flash Sentry, who had openly expressed his genuine appreciation of her looks. Having unintentionally surrounded herself with better looking friends her whole life, Twilight was unaccustomed to the attention but welcomed it. And why not? She was a gorgeous young mare with foal-bearing hips and a plump rear that any stallion would kill for.

Whoa, where did that come from?

Perhaps all of the stimulation from Sombra's admiration was overflowing her head with endorphins and heightening her own sense of physical desirability. She inhaled, taking in the scent of Sombra's blackcurrant body wash and pine shampoo, as well the stallion's own thick, mouth-watering musk. Her chest constricted, her heartbeat quickened. Sombra leaned forward, his lips seeking out her own and she invited the contact, desiring to explore the stallion, her stallion. As soon as their lips met, Twilight could imagine fireworks exploding in the background.

All at once, Twilight could focus only on Sombra yet found herself drowning in external stimuli. The bright redness of the curtains, the flavor of Sombra's breath as his air flowed into her, the texture of his lips, the feels of his wandering hooves. She was in a storm of senses and enjoying every second of it. It started out slow and tender, soon devolving into a sloppy, passion-fueled battle of lip-smacking and mouth-groping. Every repressed feeling collapsed like a row of dominoes, giving way to a new side of Twilight that she didn't even know existed. She was now a hungry tigress of primitive instincts, on the prowl and searching for her mate, to fulfil her primary function.

Loosing herself to pleasure, she became vaguely aware of her magic flowing outward, encapsulating the whole room and reveling in the freedom. The flames atop the burning candles expanded, leaping from their wicks to banish the darkness so that the royal guards in attendance could bear witness to their passion. The beast within Twilight had been released from her cage, confined by years of self-doubt, her inhibitions broken free and grasping at the object of her affections. Oh, Sombra was doing more than satisfactory in stoking the fires of her ardor but it wasn't enough for the mare. She wanted more, needed more.

Suddenly, Sombra was drawing back, no doubt to refuel his lungs with lost oxygen. This brought a silent giggle from Twilight and a naughty idea formed in her head. Lightly taking Sombra's bottom lip in her teeth, she pulled it back, putting enough tension on it to make it both please and hurt him and then let it go. His expression of both confusion and arousal was more gratifying than words could ever hope to say. Fluttering her eyelashes, Twilight poured all of her pent-up lust into her gaze, ensuring that she was the perfect picture of feminine seduction.

To top it off, she shot him a salacious grin, a silent plea for him to claim her as his own, to experience everything he had to offer her when a switch was flicked and the haze in Twilight's head cleared. Her head snapped back as air rushed to fill up her lungs. As if awakening from a dream, she blinked rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the environment as the light from the candles slowly dimmed, their flames shrinking back to their previous size. She quickly found Sombra staring dumbstruck at her and the realization smacked her in the face. She felt dirty, ashamed of the show she'd put on and how desperate she looked.

Her hooves flew to her mouth. What had gotten into her? It was like she was a whole other person!

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know what came over me!"

Twilight was certain she was going to burst into tears when she felt two hooves tenderly pick up her own and caress them as gently as possible. She found Sombra smiling at her, his eyes and smile radiating with love. He wasn't angry or put off by her; nothing had changed between them.

"It's alright, Twilight. I was actually enjoying the treatment."

"Y-you did?" Twilight was shocked, touched and aroused all at the same time.

"Mmm-hmm. There's no need to be embarrassed. There's never a need when you're around me."

Again, his tender gaze pierced her very soul, looking upon her as though she was a precious gem. A part of her felt unworthy of his dedication but a stronger, more confident part was beaming at the pedestal Sombra had placed her on. Why couldn't she enjoy it? Ever since becoming a princess, Twilight has felt uncomfortable, overwhelmed even by the title and was still nervous whenever anypony addressed her as such. Was it really because she didn't want to be seen as being different than a normal pony or was it due to fact that she'd rather not be put at the same level as Princess Celestia? Regardless, it felt blissful to have her stallion view her like that.

My stallion.

Her musings were interrupted when one of the Royal Guards decided to comment on their tender moment. Fool! Wasn't it the job of a guard to be seen and not heard? She should lock him in the stockade for daring to address them in such a way! Twilight blinked, once more confused and appalled by her aggressive train of thought. Sombra, meanwhile, decided to give the young guard his two bits.

When Sombra growled at the guard in his usual gruff tone, Twilight could feel a heat generating from her chest...and a few other places. However, it wasn't proper etiquette and she was quick to reprimand her coltfriend for his rudeness, no matter how hot it made her feel. As it turned out, the only thing better than seeing Sombra being domineering was Twilight exerting command over him. It was exhilarating to know that arguably the most dangerous pony alive was under her control and she reveled in it. It made her feel like a mare. No...a princess.

Upon Sombra's apology to the young guard, a Private Gleaming Helm, Pinkie Pie took that as her cue to reenter the scene with a metal cart that held their dinner on it. The exquisite aroma of the mushroom soup was positively mouthwatering and served as a reminder to never skip lunch again, no matter the anxiety. Pinkie's little show while setting the table was amusing, especially the way Sombra gaped incredulously at the earth pony. To this day, she still had no idea how Pinkie did any of the things that she was capable of but it wasn't worth getting a skull-splitting migraine over.

Some mysteries are better left unsolved.

The couple ate their dinner in silence, which was fine for Twilight and only helped to solidify her feelings for Sombra. She once asked her mother Twilight Velvet how she knew that her father was the right one for her. The elder Twilight replied, "Most couples think that talking is the best way to connect but that's not true. Ponies talk all the time but most of the time it's just a lot of noise. Night Light and I are just as content saying nothing. When you share a moment of silence with somepony, that's how you know they're special. If the two of you are comfortable enough with each other to not say a word, then you both can talk to one another when it really counts."

After finishing their soup, Pinkie returned to collect their plates and Twilight could feel her excitement rising after her first surprise. Seeing as how Sombra missed out on a millennia's worth of amazing things, she decided to literally bring something modern to the table. It wasn't longer before Pinkie returned with two steaming caquelons or fondue pots, along with dipping forks, a bottle of wine, two wine glasses and bowls of various snacks. She set it up as speedily and as efficiently in her usual Pinkie Pie style, even placing bibs around their necks. Sombra stared quizzically at Twilight, an expression that always brought a smile to her face. He was actually pretty cute when he was confused.

"What is this 'fondue' thing you brought up?"

"You'll see-ee!" Twilight responded sing-songy.

Sombra snorted and rolled his eyes but the amused grin remained.

"For tonight," Pinkie started, lifting the lids off of the fondue pots, "We have gouda and cheddar fondue with a selection of pretzels, bread, apples, pears, broccoli and roasted potatoes. For your refreshments, a nice bottle of white wine, although personally I would've gone with grape soda."

"Thanks Pinkie! Everything looks great!" Twilight leaned forward to inhale the aroma of bubbling gouda.

"Thank you," Sombra added, peering at the steaming pot of cheddar.

"You're welcome! Enjoy!" As before, Pinkie dashed away, presumably to prepare Sombra's "surprise".

Twilight picked out a dipping fork with her magic, jabbed an apple slice onto it and lightly slathered in cheese. She then blew on it and popped the apple into her mouth, letting out a pleased groan. Curious, Sombra mimicked her, except he chose a fat roasted potato and smothered it in cheddar cheese. Twilight stopped chewing to watch him, almost aghast by the potato that'd been drowned in cheese and shoved into her coltfriend's mouth. This was almost shoved aside by Sombra's vocal delight in the dish but she couldn't help herself.

"How is it?"

Sombra grinned toothily. "Magnificent. You chose...wisely."

She watched as he plunged a slice of bread into the gouda pot. "That's, um...a lot of cheese..."

"Just the way I like. In my village, cheese was essential at every meal."

"I just like cheese just fine..." Twilight cringed at the hot gouda drizzling off the bread. "...But not when it's in huge amounts. That's why I'm afra-...ahem, I don't like quesadillas."

Sombra corked an eyebrow and swallowed. "What's a 'kee-sa-dia'?"

"'Quesadilla.' It's a Mexicolt food. Basically, it's a piece of thin bread wrapped around cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers and beans."

"Sounds delicious."

"I'm not a fan. The only thing that scares me more is-..." Twilight bit her lip and sipped some wine.

Sombra, however, was not letting it go. "Is....?"

Twilight gulped and tapped her hooves on the table. "Promise not to laugh?"

"I'll try not to."

"Okay," Twilight breathed. "I'm afraid of ladybugs."

Sombra blinked then let out a loud bark of laughter, throwing his head back and slamming a hoof on the table. Around the room, the royal guards broke out in a round of snickering, with Gleaming Helm and an unnamed mare giggling to themselves like schoolfoals. Twilight hmmped and narrowed her eyes at Sombra, who was now gasping for air.

"You promised you wouldn't laugh!"

"A-actually," Sombra managed in between breaths. "I only said that I'd try not to. I never promised anything."

Twilight threw up her hooves. "Well, I'm so glad that my deep-seated phobia amuses you!"

Patting his chest, Sombra chuckled before adopting a more serious expression. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I meant no offense." Twilight crossed her forelegs and spun away from him. She then heard him lean back in his chair and sigh, "When I was a colt, I was afraid of...cows."

Twilight jerked herself around to stare at him. "What?"

The umbrum was staring off into space, his countenance that of one who was doing something that he'd been forced into. "They just had those big dumb eyes that followed you everywhere."

Twilight contemplated this before snorting, and not a dainty one you'd find out of Rarity but an honest-to-Celestia pig-snort. Frenzied laughter ensued, those of the gut-bursting kind that left you struggling for breath. Tears gathered around her eyes and she coughed a few times before her guffawing continued. Sombra could only watch with mock-disdain; he'd started it and what goes around comes around. He shot Gleaming Helm a warning glance when the young stallion joined in.

"Are you quite finished?"

"I'm...pfft! S-sorry! Sorry-bwah-ha-ha! Okay, okay, I'm done!" Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes, the biggest, goofiest grin plastered on her face. A few more inhale-exhales later and she'd regained her composure. "Ahem! Anyway, that was really sweet of you to share that with me." She slid her hoof over to his, which he accepted, curling it around hers.

"Well, I couldn't have you thinking that I was making fun of you," Sombra grumbled.

"Aw, you're so sweet!" Twilight cooed and planted a smooch on his cheek, then giving it a few more kisses for emphasis. "Mwah! And that's why I love you."

Both ponies went ramrod-straight. An awkward hush filled the air, bringing any and all activity around them to a screeching halt. The candles lightly sizzled at the ends of their wicks as the breathing of the otherwise silent guards became more pronounced in the wake of the sudden stillness. Twilight stared up at Sombra, who was gaping wide-eyed into her eyes, his chest rising and falling and quick little spurts. Sombra swallowed, his lips smacking together lightly.

"What did you say?"

There was nothing negative in his tone, no shock or fear, just curiosity with a dash of hopefulness. Red, tender eyes held Twilight's gaze so she couldn't look away. Those three little words tumbled out of her mouth so casually, it was as though she'd spoken them to him before. It was scary, exciting but above all, right. Sombra's less-than-subtle feelings towards her had been there right from the start but for Twilight's part, she'd been more uncertain of how she regarded the umbrum.

Intrigue turned to friendliness, friendliness sprouted into familiarity and familiarity blossomed into affection. She knew she'd liked Sombra for a while now, was aroused by him but it went beyond mere physical attraction. Just being around Sombra, talking to him, laughing with him, sharing his both his joys and his pains, had meant more to Twilight than anything she'd ever felt towards a stallion. He was a former tyrant, dark sorcerer, slaver, parricide and possible sororicide. Yet he was also capable of compassion and love, showing loyalty and devotion towards those he cared for.

No more indecision or introspection.

"I said...," Twilight started, rising in her seat so that they were mere inches away from each other, their breathes intermingling. "...I love you."

Those red eyes she loved so much misted over, tears streaming down from them to wet Sombra's cheeks. His hoof lightly grazed her cheek, its featherlight caress making Twilight's heart preform backflips. He leaned down, their lips tracing each other before meeting. There was no desire behind it, only a silent promise they'd made even before the words came out of her mouth that led to this moment. A promise to love each other.

They pulled away at the same time, their chaste kiss short but powerful. Their muzzles remained close, their eyes locked and their breaths hot and heavy. A smile tugged at their mouths, followed by a chuckle as they simply gazed at each other. Nothing needed to be said. This was their moment.

"Awwww, that was so sweet!"

...And that moment was gone.

Simultaneously, they turned to find Pinkie Pie with her hooves squeezed up against her cheeks, her shimmering blue eyes growing to an almost cartoonish size. Somehow, they'd both expected this.

"You two are so cute together! I can't wait to throw you a 'I-just-said-my-first-I-love-you party!'" They watched her wildly bounce all over the room, chanting, "Twibra! Twibra!" They merely shrugged at this. It was just Pinkie being Pinkie.

"Sooooo," she drawled, a foreleg around both of their shoulders. "When's the wedding?!"

Immediately, their faces reddened. Sombra began guzzling down his wine, his eyes pleading with Twilight to answer the question as he was too occupied to do so. Twilight nervously chuckled.

"Ha-ha-ha...um, Pinkie? Don't you think it's a little early to be talking about marriage?"

Pinkie's smile dimmed somewhat. "What do you mean? You love Sombra, Sombra loves you! Everypony knows that marriage is the next step! Ooh, ooh, could I be the flower mare? No, wait, I want to be the caterer!"

Having finished his drink, Sombra cleared his throat. "Pinkie? Wasn't there something about dessert?"

The pink mare practically leapt out of her skin. "Of course! I forgot dessert!" She was gone once again, leaving behind a Pinkie-shaped cloud and a relieved-looking Twilight.

The alicorn sat back and exhaled. "Quick thinking, Sombra."

"Thank you, Precious," Sombra grinned, his smile faltering. "Could you say that again? Please?"

Twilight held back her laughter at his almost coltish tone. "I love you."

His hoof massaged her foreleg. "I love you too, Twilight Sparkle."

A pink blur interrupted them once more, this time wheeling in a covered dish. Pinkie gave Twilight a big wink as her hoof trembled over the cloche. "And for dessert, I give you..." The cloche was yanked away, revealing a loaf of rye bread containing blackberries and soaked in honey.


Both mares turned to look at Sombra, who'd risen from his seat, mouth agape and hooves plodding against the floor as he approached the cart. Hesitantly, Sombra reached for the bread knife beside it, a move that caused the royal guards to ready their weapons but a warning glare from Twilight had them all stand down. Sombra stared at the loaf almost reverently, the knife hovering over the end piece. Tediously, he cut through the bread and picked up the chunk. After a few sniffs, he placed the chunk into his mouth and began to chew.

To their astonishment, Sombra began to cry, his chest heaving while rivulets poured down his face. Twilight was ready to check on him when he smiled, even letting out a little laugh as he chewed and swallowed. It looked like she and Pinkie were in for some self-congratulatory back-pats.

"How? How did you know?" Sombra asked them incredulously.

"Well, I remembered that you mentioned something about a special bread your mother used to make you as a treat, but I couldn't remember what you called it. So I did some digging in the archives and found some references to this 'svássbrauð' and searched until I found a recipe. Pinkie took care of the rest. What do you think?"

Sombra pulled Pinkie into the largest hug Twilight had ever seen out of him as Sombra wasn't a big fan of hugging. It warmed her heart to see this, especially when Pinkie giggled and squeezed him back. Setting the earth pony down, even adding a head rub for good measure, Sombra strode over to Twilight and she braced herself for The Glompening: Part 2. Instead, he lifted her up in the air so that their eyes met, his lips formed into a beam full of adoration.

"I think I'm more in love with you now than five minutes ago."

His lips mashed against her own, an unexpected but welcome surprise. Not bad for dessert.

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