• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,187 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

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Downfall Part 1

More Than A Thousand Years Ago...

In a kingdom of darkness, in a castle of fear, King Sombra, the Conqueror of the Frozen North, sat on a throne of blood, his heart heavy with remorse but his iron-clad will resolute in the umbrum's plans for domination. He rose from his throne, his limbs carrying him in long-legged strides past Sunstone, who winced as his dark master's shadow fell upon him and watched him march towards the balcony. Staring out at his domain, King Sombra could not help but grin with malign satisfaction. The once clear blue skies were now a dome of yellow brown with thick, ugly clouds hanging in the air. The once-shimmering ivory palace was now a crooked mass of black crystals that climbed up the structure like thorny vines, green and purple flames erupting in several spots.

Down below, a queue of shackled crystal ponies stretched out, their bodies weighed down with hopelessness and their despondent faces bringing the Shadow King much unexpected glee. He was a stallion on a mission, a sacred quest to avenge his nearly-extinct race and to end the tyranny of the alicorn menace yet he couldn't deny the pleasure of bringing the crystal ponies to their knees. They'd brought it on themselves, taking active part in the massacre of the umbrums and fabricating lies about their destruction, painting themselves as heroes vanquishing a great evil that threatened peace and harmony. This feeling of sadism and superiority was alien but not unwelcome. Why shouldn't he bask in success at taking over the Crystal Empire?

Sunstone, meanwhile, could only remain rooted in place, helpless as a newborn colt as his people suffered at the hooves of this tyrant. The old stallion would've done whatever it took to avenge his rulers' demise, even killing an unarmed pony, but the odds were stacked against him. As Prince Tourmaline, Sunstone knew the stallion to be clever but as King Sombra, he took his intelligence and honed it into deadly cunning. He knew that his new master was aware of his less-than-friendly thoughts about him and took measures to ensure his servitude. He scratched at his neck, where a magical ring of symbols had been placed, a "collar" of sorts that prevented him from causing any actions that could bring harm to King Sombra, such as bashing him over the head with a vase while his back was turned.

There were also the mind-controlled guards to account for, such as the six that stationed in the throne room, two near the throne, two outside the doors and two more standing near the balcony. This was especially genius on King Sombra's part as not only did they follow his every command without question but on the off-chance that any rebels managed to break into the palace, they would have to harm even kill innocent ponies who were not acting according to their free will. It was a fact that most individuals wouldn't cross that line and King Sombra knew it, preying on compassion for the sake of holding onto his throne. Aside from the guards, legions of changelings and bat-ponies patrolled the castle grounds, their strange appearances and capabilities giving them an edge in intimidation and psychological warfare. A once beautiful utopia had been reduced to a kingdom of monsters.

The throne room's doors swung open and the members of King Sombra's alliance marched in like a macabre parade, a collection of horrid beasts that Sunstone could only pray would die slow, agonizing deaths. King Sombra quickly met them, greeting each one and listening to their tales of looting and pillaging. Talk of their victories had spread and they were now joined by minotaurs and even a few dragons. Soon, they would invade Canterlot and Equestria would be theirs, divided up amongst themselves for relocation or in Lavan's case, to turn into a barren, scorched wasteland. It was shaping up to be a conflict on par with or even surpassing the Umbrum-Draconequus War.

A changeling hastily buzzed into the room and landed, bowing before Queen Chelicerae.

"Ah, Metastoma. What news do you bring us?" The queen crooned.

The messenger looked frightened and out of breath. "Your Majesty, I have just received confirmation that Queen Concordia is dead."

Such a heavy bombshell exploding like that caused all discussion to cease.

King Sombra neared the changeling. "Dead? Are you certain?"

Metastoma nodded uneasily. "Y-yes, Your Lordship. There was a funeral procession and an official announcement made by her daughters. I managed to get close enough to the body to confirm it."

"It seems as though the Night Mother has answered our prayers," Orlok hissed excitedly.

Lavan, however, was displeased. "I would've loved to have taken her out myself."

"Does it matter? Big Pony Queen is dead," Black Shuck grunted. "Black Shuck is pleased by this news."

Amongst the affirmations, King Sombra was strangely reserved, merely retreating to his throne. Everyone turned to the umbrum, confused by his silence. If there was anyone who should be thrilled by this news, it'd be him. The slayer of his kind was no more, leaving Canterlot in the hooves of her inexperienced daughters. When King Sombra finally voiced his concerns, none dared to interrupt.

"This could be a ploy to have us lower our guard." He pointed an armored hoof at Metastoma. "Are you certain that it was the queen's corpse that you saw? It could be an illusion or a double."

Metastoma shook his head. "No, Your Lordship. I had taken the shape of an undertaker's assistant and performed a thorough inspection of the body. Queen Concordia is dead."

"What was the cause of death?"

"A spear wound but magically conjured. It was made out of...chaos magic."

King Sombra's eyes widened. "'Chaos magic.' Discord...how interesting."

The changeling was nodding so hard it was a wonder his neck didn't snap. "That was it! Princess Celestia said in her announcement that it was Discord who assassinated the queen."

Purple mist flowed from King Sombra's burning orbs. "Whether he knows it or not, he did us a great service. However, I refuse to believe that the princesses are incapable without their mother."

"And why not? They are mares with no combat experience," Lavan pointed out with an air of superiority.

"Never underestimate your opponents," King Sombra countered. "That is the quickest route to defeat."

"So what do we do now?" Queen Chelicerae asked, a tinge of hunger in her voice.

King Sombra arose from his throne and climbed down the dais. "Traditionally, a royal pony funeral lasts for a week. Canterlot will be heavily guarded during this period and will be expecting a direct assault. We must use this opportunity to strike the nearest villages and cities, demoralize the ponies and force the princesses to acknowledge us as a genuine threat to their reign."

"Your Majesty," a crystal pony interrupted, her voice slightly distorted by the mask she wore.

"What is it?"

"A messenger is here from Canterlot, Your Majesty."

King Sombra thought for a moment. "Send them in."

The pegasus envoy was visibly shaking. He was surrounded on all sides by changelings, cyclopes, diamond dogs, bat-ponies and even a fire demon. A large unicorn in steel armor stared at him through reflective red eyes. The unicorn waited for him to speak and this calmed the pegasus a little.

"Princesses Celestia and Luna would like...ahem, to extend an invitation to King Sombra of the Crystal Empire to join them at Canterlot Castle for a diplomatic meeting to discuss a possible end to this conflict."

The menagerie of creatures broke out in uproarious cheers and applause while King Sombra continued to stoically study the pegasus. Finally, the edges of the umbrum's lips curled into a grin.

"Very well, then. Tell your princesses that I accept."


Princess Celestia couldn't calm the rapid beats of her heart or the twitching of her wings. After so long, she was going to finally be reunited with her husband but it wasn't going to be the joyous reunion she'd been hoping for. Shortly after his disappearance, King Carnelian and Queen Aquamarine reluctantly sat her down and explained the truth: the massacre at Dravite Hill, using the Crystal Heart to change him into a crystal pony, wiping his memories, raising him as their own son, his unexpected rediscovery of his true identity and subsequent departure. "Disbelief" couldn't even come close to expressing Celestia's reaction to this information, her whole view of her beloved as well as her mother changing in ways she never could've imagined. If it hadn't been for Luna, she doubted that she could've been able to make it the last few years.

The castle was feeling more and more like a tomb, a dreary reminder of Queen Concordia and reminding everypony that she was gone. As was tradition, the color black dominated the scene: black drapes, black sashes for the royal guards, black veils, black tunics. Upon their thrones, the Princesses of the Day and Night radiated with grief, their usually flowing manes wrapped into buns beneath their veils and mourning cloaks, eyes red from perpetual weeping. Sorrow intermingled with anger, as their foalhood friend had taken their mother away from them though it was harder for Luna as Discord had been her secret consort. Now there was the threat from the Frozen North to contend with, this King Sombra and his deadly alliance.

Aristocrats, monarchs, representatives and other dignitaries were in attendance, having gathered to pay their respects to the late queen or to try to weasel their way into her daughters' good graces. Nothing was more opportunistic for a social climber than a tragedy. A few members of the staff were present as well, an insult by some nobles' standards but the princesses didn't care. Violet Twinkle, the aging owner of the local orphanage and longtime friend of the crown had come to offer her condolences, three foals under her care accompanying her. She'd raised Discord as a colt and expressed her feelings of guilt, feeling complicit in the queen's death but neither Celestia nor Luna would have any of it, insisting that she did the best she could and was not at fault.

The sound of savage winds howled in the throne room as a black sphere suddenly materialized, purple and green flames crackling in spurts from its obsidian surface. Receding almost fluid-like, the sphere peeled away to reveal a unicorn, though he was unlike any the court was familiar with. His dark gray coat was covered with armor and a red cape, a spiked silver crown atop his black-maned head. Glowing green orbs dominated his face, streaks of purple flowing from the orbs' sides. Immersion in the forbidden arts had turned his curved horn crimson and granted him a pair of fangs, which were visible when he opened his mouth.

"Good day, Canterlot," he stated in a faux-respectful tone. The green subsided, revealing scarlet eyes that burned like fire as he turned his gaze towards Celestia and Luna. "This is quite the gathering."

Violet stepped in front of the foals protectively while several royal guards quickly surrounded the umbrum, who remained chillingly calm despite the spears pointed at him.

"What do you want, Sombra?"

King Sombra regarded Celestia with steely-eyed distain. "You invited me, remember?" He leaned forward to peer at a spear point that was a foot away from his muzzle. "Or is this a bad time?"

The earth pony grasping the spear rattled in his armor but remained where he was.

Princess Luna was immediately on her hooves, veil tossed away, her face seething with rage. "You dare to make jokes at this time of mourning?! You're an omen! Láthspell, I name you!"

With a grin devoid of humor, King Sombra proclaimed, "You've always had a sharp tongue, Little Luna. Perhaps one day I shall tear it out and wear it as a pendant."

Calmly, Celestia laid a hoof on Luna's shoulder and guided her back to her seat. The elder alicorn turned to address Sombra, her gaze stern but controlled. "We summoned you here to stop a war not to start one. We are willing to discuss the terms of a truce."

"Interesting. Go on."

"You will disband your band of renegades, cease your attacks on cities and villages and relinquish control of the Crystal Empire to an appointed steward of my choosing. In exchange, your life will be spared but you will be banished from Equestria. Permanently."

"No," King Sombra said simply.

"'No?'" Celestia parroted confusingly.

"Let me clarify: the Crystal Empire is mine by right of conquest. Consider it a wergild for the massacre of an entire race." Gasps and mutterings were scattered throughout the throng of bystanders. "The crystal ponies, under Queen Concordia's orders, brutally wiped out an umbrum village of stallions, mares and foals, who I would remind you-..."

"That's enough, King Sombra!"

"-...were neutral civilians in the War and YET CUT DOWN IN THE SNOW!" King Sombra roared, his voice taking on a deep, raspy tone, purple smoke seething from his fiery scarlet eyes. "I am the last of my kind and I am due to compensation. The rule of the Crystal Empire is mine and I will die before I part with even a single acre of it!"

A spear pierced Sombra's face, entering right below his left eye and exiting through the back of his head. Yet...there was no blood. Confused, the royal guard withdrew his spear and made a vertical cut, the spearhead slicing cleanly through the Shadow King's muzzle as though it were made of fog.

"Did you really think that I would personally arrive to speak with you?" The image of the umbrum faded slightly, becoming more transparent before solidifying. "Princess Celestia, I am no fool and I would appreciate it if you didn't treat me like one. Come to the Crystal Empire...alone...and I swear upon the blood of my kin that you will not be harmed in any way."

He then dissipated, his fury-filled eyes being the last thing to vanish.

It was foolish but Princess Celestia knew that she had to do something to prevent all-out war. It took her a few days to fly to the Crystal Empire, much to Luna's protestations, who insisted that she should take a chariot and two guards but Celestia refused. King Sombra specifically asked for her and that she should come alone and she was not one to back down from a challenge. Perhaps it was the wishful thinking of a mare but Celestia doubted that Sombra would harm her. After all, they were still married and he had to still love her as much as she still loved him, right?

A gale slapped Celestia back to reality, the force of the wind knocking her off course but she quickly righted herself. The Frozen North was a massive tundra, cursed to permanently snow all year round and was one of the deadliest areas in Equestria. Why anypony would choose to live there she couldn't even hazard a guess and quite frankly didn't want to know. Dusk was fast approaching and Celestia let out a visible breath when she neared the Crystal Empire, making her grateful that Luna agreed to take over her duty for her. She'd have to remember to write her an IOU sometime.

As Celestia approached the kingdom, she realized how much worse the state of things appeared the closer she came. A dome of yellow brown encapsulated the city and the once-shimmering buildings were now ivory crystal spires. Hordes of bat-pony, changeling, cyclops, minotaur and diamond dog ground forces littered the streets, all armed and prepped for invasion. It was the crystal ponies that grieved her the most, the shiny-coated equines now dull and lifeless, their necks and limbs chained as they drudged forward in long lines. Things were far more dire than she could've anticipated and now she was more motivated than ever to end King Sombra's reign.

Landing gracefully, Celestia shakes her fur-lined hood off and notices the enemy soldiers staring at her but making no move to attack. A large shape lumbers towards her and on instinct, ignites her horn with a fiery golden aura. It has a molten rock body with "veins" of lava, large golden eyes adorning a fanged, almost feline face. Clawed hands and feet rest at the end of limbs constructed out of fire and little spurts of smoke seeped out of the cracks in its shell. Fire demons were once commonplace in the world but seeing one now is a rarity in and of itself.

"You Princess Celestia?"

"I am."

The fire giant snorted and turned away from her. "Follow me."

Seeing no other option, Celestia complied though she kept her aura running in case of trouble. The fire giant, who a passing changeling guard referred as to "Lavan," shepherded her through what looked to be a large camp, an array of tents situated in random rows. Bat-ponies went in and out of the tents or sat around and talked, their eyes flitting to her as she passed by. Given that there were foals and none of the males or females were armed, it appeared as though they were civilians, refugees even. She always thought of them as monsters yet they all cowered before her or stared at her, their wide-eyed gazes projecting distrust and even fear.

"Why are there bat-ponies here that aren't soldiers?"

"Thestrals or cavalums. They don't like to be called 'batponies,' Lavan rumbled curtly. "Since you ponies kicked them off their land, King Sombra gave them asylum here and promised to give them their lands back. Don't know why he bothers. Bug-eyed little freaks..."

It hurt Celestia to hear that. When the Three Tribes arrived, yes, there were already creatures inhabiting Equestria but Mother had told her that they'd been relocated to other parts of the continent. Of course, when she got older, she learned the sad truth that they were forced out by the pony settlers, who also "relocated" other races like changelings and cyclopes. Was Sombra really helping the bat-ponies reclaim their homes and heritage? She had no doubt that this was a campaign fueled by revenge but perhaps he sympathized with the hematophagies, given what happened to the umbrums.

A group of changeling warriors glared at the alicorn, some even hissing and hurling what she believed to be curses at her. Two scarred minotaurs were laughing at a joke but upon spotting the alicorn, scowled and turned away, one spitting at her hooves. But why? Equestria was prospering, wasn't it? They had no reason to scorn her or her family for doing the best they could.

The fire demon stopped before the entrance to the castle, a gloomy structure of black crystals and purple and green flames, dark magic radiating so thickly off it that Celestia didn't need to scan it.

"The king's inside. Go to the tallest tower. He's waiting for you there."

Lavan then turned and stomped back the way he came, evidently impatient to get as far away from the princess as possible. Shaking her head, Celestia continued on alone, passing two crystal ponies wearing spiked armor and gray and black helmets, twin glowing orbs emanating from the eyeholes. Neither one of them moved a muscle, the slow rising and falling of their chests the only indication of their status as living beings. She waved a hoof in front of their faces, the movement failing to register a reaction so she reluctantly strode past them and entered the castle.

The interior was a labyrinth of ebony crystals and crackling dark magic fire lighting the halls from claw-like wall sconces. More masked guards patrolled the castle, their gaits stiff and mechanical and Celestia pitied the clearly mind-controlled crystal ponies, silently swearing to free them of this nightmare. It was impossible for her to navigate the hallways and considered asking one of the guards for aid when her prayers were answered in the form of a copper-colored crystal pony wearing a black robe with the image of a great eye on the front. He was old, possibly in his seventies, his wrinkled face dominated by a forlorn expression. Bowing, the crystal pony held out a foreleg and a small smile slightly twitched across his lips, almost as though the act itself were a great strain.

"Greetings, Princess Celestia. It has been a long time but we've met before. I am-..."

"General Sunstone," she answered at once. "I'd never forget an old friend of my mother's."

Sunstone nodded gravely. "I heard about Concordia's passing. I'm so sorry."

"Thank you. Why aren't you mind controlled like the others?"

The stallion turned away. "His Majesty decided that I should be fully conscious while I serve him, my punishment for what happened at Dravite Hill."

Seeing his pain, Celestia decided to change the subject. "I am here to meet King Sombra. Could you show me where the tallest tower is?"

Sunstone bowed. "Right this way, Your Highness."

Down they went, navigating through dark corridors that all looked the same and Celestia wondered how it was anypony could find their way in such a maze. They walked in silence for the better part of an hour, the gloominess of their surroundings prohibiting any sort of an attempt at small talk. Eventually, Sunstone brought her to a large archway and opened one of the double doors.

"Right through here, Your Highness. I wish you luck."

Celestia smiled sadly at him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I swear to you on my life, the Crystal Empire will be liberated. King Sombra's reign will end soon."

Sunstone nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Thank you, Princess Celestia."

Giving his shoulder a squeezed, Celestia pulled away and, taking a deep breath, began her ascension. Higher and higher she rose, the knot of uncertainty twisting tighter and tighter the closer she got to the dark stallion. Perhaps this whole meeting was a trap after all and he was either going to kill or ransom her but it was too late for regrets. After the longest climb of her life, Celestia entered the top of the tower, all of the Crystal Empire laying beneath her. King Sombra stood a few feet away, having anticipated her arrival, his back turned to her as he gazed at his kingdom.

"Hello Celestia." He turned his head to look behind him. "Care to join me?"

"You ask as though I have a choice," Celestia bitterly responded, horn aglow as she searched for any enchantments. Nothing. He'd apparently been telling the truth back at Canterlot. She kept a six-foot distance between her and Sombra as she joined him at the edge of the tower. "This place was once so beautiful when last I visited. Now it's hideous."

"It was always hideous," the umbrum replied starkly. "It was just covered up with shiny gems. I merely cast aside the illusion and showed everypony what it truly looked like."

"You're delusional!" Celestia barked. "Do you hear yourself? You invaded the Crystal Empire and enslaved innocent ponies, ponies who did nothing wrong!"

When Sombra turned his gaze upon her, it was one of exhaustion and anger. "'Innocent' is such an easy word to toss around, isn't it? No, they might not have wielded the spears or torched the houses but they are not innocent in this. They chose to live in willful ignorance of their misdeeds, to shirk responsibility rather than accept it. Just as your mother did."

Conjuring a sword, Celestia leapt at King Sombra, her blade held high and ready to deliver a killing stroke. A wave of black crystals flew in front of King Sombra to materialize a crystalline sword, blocking Celestia's blow. The Shadow King rotated his whole body, trails of purple smoke flowing from his eyes. The two blades continued to scrape and push at one another before Celestia disengaged, spinning and directing her sword in an under-hew slash, bouncing off of its sister weapon. Rather than anger, King Sombra was instead disappointed.

"Attacking a pony while his back is turned? Hardly behavior befitting a princess."

Issuing a snarl, Celestia whirled her sword around, delivering a flurry of stabs, though they were met with several, lightning-fast parries, sparks flying off of their respective blades like raindrops on a roof. She withdrew her attack, leaping backwards to give Sombra the opportunity to attempt to play the aggressor. Instead, he directed a slew of small crystal darts to fly at Celestia, her golden-hued barrier barely managing to raise in time. The darts harmlessly bounced off and the shield dropped, only for Sombra to lunge at her with an overhead chop, their swords meeting in a bind once more. Both opponents shoved at the other, blades and eyes locked.

"You're a foul, black-hearted monster!" Celestia belted out, heart pounding and blood heating in her veins.

"And yet, you've never been more attracted to me."

Before Celestia could refute this statement, Sombra dove forward, claiming her lips in a sneak attack, her eyes bulging in their sockets. Prince Tourmaline was always gentle, his kisses featherlight as though he were afraid of harming her but King Sombra was the complete opposite, mashing their mouths together in an act of unbridled passion. The two were like water and fire: one soft and restrained while the other was all fury and action, claiming what he wanted and unconcerned with boundaries. A heat worked its way through the mare and surrendered to the kiss only for Sombra to draw away, taking the heat with him and leaving Celestia hungering for more. He tossed away his sword, the weapon shattering on the floor and disappearing.

"Admit it, Celestia, you don't want to fight," he huffed, a confident grin forming.

The sword in her telekinetic grasp rattled, her aura faltering due to indecision. Celestia couldn't deny the fire the dark stallion had ignited in her and even though he was a ghost of her husband, she shamefully admitted to herself that Sombra was much more attractive than Tourmaline. His once rosy eyes were scarlet globes of raw desire and the sharp fangs of his grin inviting danger but also untamed passion for her. It'd been years since she last felt a stallion's touch, remaining loyal to Tourmaline in hopes of his eventual return only to toss him away for a technically different individual. Celestia sighed, the sword vanishing in a flash of gold before she charged Sombra and pressed her lips against his, reciprocating the longing and desperation in his own kiss.

Surrounding the tower in an obscuring aura of purple, black and gold, the two claimed one another, no restraint, no second-guessing, just carnal passion. That night belonged to just them, the two enemies-turned-lovers lost in an ocean of ecstasy, their bodies crashing together like waves beating against the shore. For Princess Celestia, it was an act of pure love, a testament to their union as husband and wife, despite the unfortunate circumstances. She hated what he'd become but found herself hopelessly devoted to him, adoration and loathing boiling inside of her until at last the deed was done. As they laid there, she couldn't help but feel a mix of mortifying shame and blissful satisfaction before the veil of sleep was pulled over her eyes.

Celestia's eyes winced at the intrusion of light, opening and closing them to banish the fogginess that had dominated her vision. She was in her room back in Canterlot, lying beneath the white silk sheets of her bed. Had it all-...? No, it was no dream. She remembered flying to the Crystal Empire, recalling the icy cold of the savage winds on her wings, the wet, musky smell of the bat-pony camp and the heat emitting from the fire giant as he led her to the castle. Yes, the castle, where she climbed the tower, fought King Sombra and then-...

"Oh my!"

A pressure in her stomach made Celestia trudge from the warmth of her bed to the bathroom, where she emptied her stomach in sour-tasting bile. Three times she vomited, and was left dry-heaving on the floor. She hadn't had anything to eat recently and wasn't feeling feverish, feeling perfectly healthy before her lone journey to the Frozen North. The thought of last night's activity flashed before Celestia's mind and a sense of panic gripped her at the implication.



Eleven Months Later...

Atop his throne of purplish-black crystals, King Sombra surveyed the large crystal table that'd been set up in the center of the throne room, its surface buried beneath a mountain of maps, scrolls and battle plans. The leaders of the alliance gathered around it: Orlok, Queen Chelicerae, Lavan, Black Shuck, Brontes and Asterion of the minotaurs. Princess Celestia had vanished from the public eye, apparently hiding out after an attempt on her life, leaving Equestria ripe for the taking. Unfortunately, an unforeseen complication arose, one that took the form of the last remaining draconequus. Discord, having suddenly developed a taste for world conquest, had taken over much of the continent, leaving only the Crystal Empire, Yakyakistan, Griffonstone and the Dragon Lands unaffected by his special brand of mayhem.

Asterion, a red-brown bull with a facial scar and split lip, pointed at a spot on the map just outside of the mysterious Everfree Forrest. "Here is where Discord has decided to make his capital. According to the cavalum spies, he's literally turned the place upside down and is making it rain chocolate."

"Draconequui," Chelicerae groaned. "Doesn't matter if it's one or many, they are always a menace."

"You're right. This will be tricky."

They all turned in the direction of the unfamiliar voice. A misshapen creature that wasn't there a minute ago leaned forward to gaze at the map through a pair of ridiculously large reading glasses, scratching his chin in contemplation. "May I suggest cutting him off at the pass?"


Disappearing in a cloud of sparkles, Discord reappeared next to King Sombra sans glasses, throwing an arm around the disgruntled stallion. "It's been too long, Tourmaline!" He then slapped himself and said with air quotes, "Oops, I mean 'King Sombra.' Love the new look, by the way. The red and black really bring out the homicidal despot in your eyes. Oh and before I forget..."


Sticks of peppermint appeared in everyone's mouths, Discord himself included. King Sombra spat out his stick while Discord took a huge puff and blew, a red and white cloud rolling out that soon coalesced to form the shape of a rocking bassinet. The draconequus beamed widely.

"Congratulations on becoming a father! Eh, I hope the kid takes after the mother."

"What are you babbling on about?" King Sombra demanded.

Discord flicked his stick into the air and caught it between his jaws, swallowing it whole. "Oh, you mean you don't know? Princess Celestia just had a filly..." He leaned forward and pointed a claw right at Sombra's chest. "...and you're the father..."

A Few Hours Later...

"Wretched beldam!"

The door to King Sombra's bed chambers banged loudly shut, sending a sound akin to breaking glass echoing throughout the castle's hallways. Slamming down a goblet, King Sombra filled it with wine and threw it back, the sour-sweet taste flowing down his throat. He quickly refilled it, shaking with rage at the meeting he'd just returned from with that vile alicorn, who confirmed that yes, she had indeed become pregnant with his foal from their tryst months back and that it was a filly. However, she also claimed that she actually aborted their child, killing the only family Sombra had left as well as the last piece of his pony side. Now the only thing left was an overwhelming desire to burn Canterlot to the ground and shove the ashes down Celestia's throat.

King Sombra steadied himself against a table, unsure if he was going to go blind with rage or vomit his guts out. He shuddered, glancing over at the baby blanket folded up on his bed. Tears rolled down his cheeks, his chest heaving with every pained breath. With a roar, he slammed a hoof down on the table, splintering the wood with the blow and filling the air with a loud crack-bang.

I knew she was rotten but to stoop so low...

A four-knock beat at the door interrupted his thoughts. King Sombra hurriedly wiped his face with his cape and inhaled sharply through his nostrils. "Enter!"

Sunstone hesitantly entered the room and bowed. "Your Majesty, King Orlok and Queen Chelicerae are awaiting in the throne room. They wish to speak with you."

"Tell them to wait."

"But Sire-..."

"TELL THEM TO WAIT!" King Sombra bellowed, glass shattering and objects flying around the room. The crystal pony fled as fast as his old limbs could carry him, slamming the door behind him. Hanging his head, King Sombra's eyes found the baby blanket once more. "Before, I was going to spare Celestia's life. But now...she dies."

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