• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 4,186 Views, 249 Comments

The Return of the King - MisterEdd

Defeat and imprisonment are not enough to break King Sombra's spirit. He may be down but he's not out...

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Matters of the Heart

Princess Celestia had never felt so high-strung in a very long time. Everything had to be perfect. She had cleared out the grand ballroom, had the kitchen staff hard at work preparing the entrees and main course, selected an orchestra band for the entertainment and brought in Gustave Le Grand himself to bake and serve desert. After signing a non-disclosure agreement, of course. The less individuals that were privy to Sombra's existence the better. She didn't want a panic on her hooves.

After a long bath, during which she washed her mane twice and her body three times, Celestia employed the royal dressmaker to aid her in fitting into her gown. The dress was old fashioned but hopefully "retro" as the youth of today would call it. A high-collared piece of an iridescent blue-violet color with Columbia-blue accents, a plunging neckline, bodice, puffy shoulders and a silk train. Applying just the right amount of rouge, eyeshadow and lipstick, Celestia topped it all off with a tiara and a large bow on the back of her head. Her mane was kept in its natural pink form, cascading down her shoulders and back.

"You look magnificent, Your Majesty," the dressmaker nodded approvingly.

"Thank you, Chantilly Lace." I do look good, don't I?

An explosion of confetti nearly knocked both mares off their hooves as a parade of six-inch-tall Discords marched across the floor, all identically dressed in red and blue shakos and military vests, which would be amusing if the timing wasn't so off. He was a literal one-stallion band, music blaring from their impossibly-tiny instruments. Flag-spinners and gymnasts joined the glide-stepping bandmembers, who turned and began to encircle Celestia and Chantilly, forming a ring of blue and red. The ring then formed to create a solid mass, which promptly stood up to reveal a full-sized Discord in full band regalia. He swept off his shako hat and bowed.

"Thank you, thank you! Please, hold your applause!"

"What are you doing in here? Can't you see Her Highness is busy?!" Chantilly shrieked.

As much as she wanted to agree with the unicorn, Celestia knew that screaming at the draconequus wouldn't help the situation. "Chantilly, please. Discord, not that I don't appreciate it when you drop by...unannounced, but do you think you could, um, reschedule a meeting? I'm in the middle of something important."

With a snap, Discord was bare once more, his clothing teleported to...wherever he sent them.

"Oh really? Hmm." He leaned forward, carefully inspecting her. "Going with the au naturel look, I see. What's the occasion? It's not your birthday, as far as I know."

"I'm...preparing a special dinner for tonight. I have a guest."

A devilish grin adorned Discord's face. "It wouldn't happen to have anything to with a certain ex-king, would it?"

Celestia's blush said it all. "It-it may. Which is why I need you...elsewhere for this evening."

Discord frowned and crossed his arms. "Is that so? Well, what's in it for me?"

"Couldn't you do it for an old friend?"

"Hmmm." Discord tapped his chin with an eagle's talon. "How about...no?"

Celestia could feel her incredible patience wearing thin. She knew that she was in no position to stop him from turning the castle upside-down. Literally. She sighed, "What do you want?"

A large globe popped into existence and Discord coiled himself on top of it, his lips spreading into a calculated smirk. "I just need a teensy, little bit of Equestria to spread my chaos. For say, twenty-four hours?"

"Absolutely not!"

He shrugged, smacking the globe and watching it spin, causing his eyes to momentarily rotate in their sockets. "Then I guess I might as well make myself comfortable."

Celestia rubbed her brow with a wing. "Alright. You get to do whatever you want in Fillydelphia for fifteen hours."




"Twelve. And you don't have to turn everything back."

Discord eyed the outstretched hoof. "Deal!"

He gleefully shook the hoof with his lion's paw and disappeared in a cloud of sparkles.

"Your Majesty?" Chantilly stared wide-eyed at the princess. "Was that wise?"

"Don't worry, Chantilly. I have a plan. Now then, we have a dinner to prepare."


The chair creaked as Princess Celestia scooted it out slightly and draped one foreleg over the other. It had been the eighth time she'd repositioned her chair, desiring the ideal position to greet Sombra in. She frowned and unwrapped her forelegs, drawing them back until only the hooves were visible at the edge of the table. Glancing down from the corner of her eye, she noticed that her silverware weren't quite straight. Again. A golden corona enveloped the set and rearranged them so that the fork, spoon, and knife were carefully laid down onto a folded napkin.

Finally satisfied, Celestia smoothed out her gown and exhaled. She nodded towards the band and they readied themselves, no doubt wishing to bring their A-game in front of the princess. As the best orchestra in Equestria, they had nothing to worry but it was still flattering that they felt that they had to be perfect for her. Celestia gently smiled at the band and this helped to ease their worries. The gentle lulls of clarinets and bassoons started the piece and were joined by the dulcet plucking of a harp. This was Celestia's favorite melody by Tchaitrotsky and always made her spirit soar each and every time she heard it.

Just as the Prench horns began to lead the clarinets and basses, he entered the room, a dignified gait added to every step. Sombra's coat had been thoroughly washed, his mane shampooed and his curved horn waxed and polished to a glimmering shine. A royal blue cloak inlaid with silver hung from his shoulders and flowed behind him like ocean waves. The cloak was secured around his neck via a brooch housing a pear-shaped ruby, which aided in appearing to make his eyes glow even brighter in the light. In conclusion, Sombra was a stud.

Flash Sentry appeared shortly after him, his golden armor pristine and perfect as usual. He looked across the room at Celestia and his eyes widened, his jaw dropping slightly. Ever since his confession at that tea party, he started acting skittish towards Celestia, though she assured him that she was flattered and didn't think any less of him. Regaining a look of professional stoicism, he pulled out a chair for Sombra, who murmured a thanks and took his seat. Both stallions now peered at Celestia.

"Your mane isn't enchanted," Sombra noted.

"I decided to try something different!" Celestia grinned, though all Sombra could do was cock an eyebrow. "I see you've been putting the gym equipment to good use."

In place of the pole, Celestia instead relegated an empty dungeon cell into a workout area for Sombra, using old and donated weights, dumbbells, and even a rowing machine for his usage. And my oh my, had he been using it. The umbrum had, frankly speaking, become rather skinny over the past few months but now he was regaining the muscle mass that he'd lost. Sombra shrugged and Celestia could see the taut muscles underneath his skin. It looked like dinner and a show.

"I have been, yes." He took notice of the music and perked up. "Beautiful. Simply beautiful."

"Isn't it?" Celestia giggled. "The best orchestra in Equestria. It's a personal favorite of mine."

"I don't blame you," Sombra nodded and closed his eyes, swaying his head along to the music.

Even though he had yet to compliment her on her mane or dress, Celestia was nevertheless happy that he was acting somewhat cordial with her. True, he sounded bored but it was better than angry. Two kitchen staff, an earth pony stallion and a unicorn mare, appeared and made their way to the table, each of them wheeling in a covered cart. Celestia clapped giddily.

"The first entrée!"

The unicorn mare magically deposited a silver cloche and tray in front of Sombra and levitated the cloche off, revealing a steaming bowl filled with soup. "For the gentlecolt, fresh-made potato and radish soup with a sprinkling of salt and parsley."

"It's your favorite!" Celestia squealed as the earth pony stallion removed the cloche in front of her.

"For Her Majesty, salted cucumber soup and garlic bread."

"Well done! It looks amazing!"

Sombra sniffed the soup and concentrated for a moment before groaning and grasping a nearby spoon, having evidently forgotten for a brief moment that he was powerless. Tasting the soup, he nodded and helped himself to another serving. Celestia, meanwhile, barely touched her meal, delighting in watching the stallion as he silently enjoyed his soup. She actually had to stifle a giggle so it wouldn't be misinterpreted as mocking. Around them, the music continued playing.

By the time the actually meal was served, lasagna with a serving of cauliflower curry, the orchestra was midway through another song and Sombra chose now to speak up.

"You there! As much as it pains me, stop the music!"

The members of the orchestra gradually slowed to a halt, confusingly chattering amongst themselves.

"Sombra, what's wrong?"

He stared at Celestia. "Don't think I'm unaware of what it is that you're doing."

"I don't know-..."

"Oh stop it! The food, the music, the fact that you're wearing your mane down. And that dress!"

Celestia peered down at her garment. "What about my dress?"

"It's the same as the one you wore during our first dance!"


Sombra rubbed at his temples and groaned in frustration. "I have a perfect memory but then again, you were counting on that. You were hoping that I'd remember and that would get me nostalgic and send me crawling back to you."

Celestia could feel herself losing control of the situation. "I...yes, alright, I did. But Sombra-..."

"I already told you that I'm not interested in rekindling a romance with you."

The heat appeared to have gone up and Celestia began to fan herself. The room was beginning to spin and her heart was pounding in her ears. She could distantly hear Sombra pushing his chair back and beginning to walk away. No, he couldn't leave yet!

"Is it because I'm older?"

Rejoined by Flash Sentry, Sombra had almost made it halfway to the door and both stallions froze in place, albeit for different reasons. Sombra turned.

"I know I'm not young and beautiful like Twilight but you try going a thousand years without earning at least one crow's foot!"

To everyone's shock, laughter rang out in the ballroom. It started off low before building to a crescendo of deep, gut-bursting chortling. When he finally finished, Sombra shook his head.

"I get it now. You're not in love with who I am now. You're in love with who I was then. You're going through a post-millennium mid-life crisis!"

Celestia leapt to her hooves. "Don't you dare laugh at me!" She roared.

"Why not? It's so pathetic that it's actually funny."

And with that, he shoved the double doors open and left. Flash threw an apologetic glance at Celestia and followed him out. The orchestra and servants all turned anxiously towards Celestia. She stood petrified, her body shaking and tears streaking down her alabaster cheeks, creating a trail of smeared makeup.

Without warning, she let loose a deafening wail of sorrow that rivaled the Royal Canterlot Voice and teleported out of the room, searing the floor where she once stood.

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