• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,237 Views, 1,280 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Being Pinkie Pie

Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

Now that I’ve gotten my greeting out of the way, I need to be honest with you about today’s episode. See, the thing is…it’s not really going to be an episode of Twilight Tries. I mean, it is, but at the same time it isn’t…for a few reasons. One, this technically isn’t the first time I’m going to be trying this, and two, the main purpose for why I’m doing a recording of this is because I want to prove to myself that I’m not crazy.

I’m sure I’m not making much sense right now, so allow me to explain. Or at least, allow me to explain as best as I can.

It all started two days ago when I was here at the Canterlot Library. I was climbing this very same staircase trying to get to the top floor when I came across this sign. Do you see it? Floor 7 ½. Strange, right? Especially since I’ve used this staircase countless times and never once noticed it before.

Anyways, if you open the door to this floor like so…you’ll see that it’s just like the rest of the library, only with a much lower ceiling. But that’s not the weirdest part about the 7 ½th floor. Follow me.




Sorry this is taking so long. I have to practically crawl in order to get around this floor.




Ah, here we are.

Do you see this? This tiny door in the wall nestled between two book shelves? I came across it while I was exploring this floor for the first time and thought it was pretty strange, so I decided to check it out. I opened the door with my magic, just like this, and…yep, there it is again; a long, seemingly endless tunnel, just like last time. Now, if you know the Canterlot Library like I do, you’ll know that the other side of this wall faces the outside of the building, so it should be impossible for this tunnel to be here.

Naturally, my curious nature compelled me to investigate this phenomenon. So I went inside the tunnel and started crawling towards the other end, and after a few seconds I was sort of pulled in by some unknown force and, well…


Look, I know that what I’m about to tell you sounds crazy, but just…bear with me while I tell it to you.

When I reached the other end of the tunnel, I found myself…inside Pinkie Pie’s head. And I don’t mean inside her head like in her subconscious or anything like that, I mean inside her head like I was seeing everything that she was seeing. Then after a little while I was spit out into a ditch by the side of the road that leads into Canterlot.

Again, I’m fully aware how everything I just said sounds completely insane, but I swear to you that it’s the truth. This tunnel is a portal that leads into Pinkie’s head, and when I went through it I saw the world through her eyes for a few minutes.

At this point I’m sure a few of you watching right now might be thinking that I’ve experienced the mother of all twilighting episodes and lost my mind, but before you consider calling the ponies in the white coats, just let me go through the tunnel and prove to you that I’m not crazy. If it turns out I’m wrong about all of this, I promise to see a psychiatrist first thing tomorrow morning. But If I’m right, well…then we’re going to have one truly bizarre episode of Twilight Tries on our hooves.

Okay, here we go.




I’m honestly not sure if I want to be right or wrong about all of this.


Wait, here it comes! We’re getting sucked in!




Whoa. Forgot how that felt the first time.

But look, we’re here! We’re inside Pinkie Pie’s head!

I can tell it’s her by all the bouncing!

Which is actually making me feel a bit queasy. Honestly, how does she do this all day?

But the point is that I’m not crazy!

Ha-ha, are you seeing this?!

Wait. Seriously, are you seeing this? I never stopped to consider whether or not bringing the camera through the portal would actually allow you to see everything through Pinkie’s eyes like I can.



Eh, I’m just going to assume that you can.

But how amazing – and slightly unsettling – is this?! Being inside Pinkie’s head like this raises so many philosophical and existential questions. Am I still me right now? Is Pinkie still Pinkie? Ooh, I may very well have to write a research paper about all of this!

If only I had a way to take notes while I’m in here.

So like I said earlier, after a little while we’ll be thrown out of Pinkie’s head. But until then we might as well just kick back, so to speak, and see what Pinkie gets up to for the next few minutes.




Looks like she’s headed towards Sugar Cube Corner.


Oh, there’s Mrs. Cake.

Hi, Mrs. Cake!

I know she can’t hear me, but it just feels weird having somepony say hi to you and not saying hi back.



Sounds like Pinkie and Mrs. Cake are going to do some baking together.

How fun!



But first Pinkie needs to…take a bathroom break?!

Oh no! Oh no, no, no!

I do not want to be inside Pinkie’s head while she takes a bathroom break! I need to get out of here, but I don’t know how!

Hello?! Magic doorway…portal…thing?! I’m ready to be spit out into the ditch now!




Oh no, she’s already in the bathroom! And I can’t close my eyes because they’re not really my eyes.

This is not going to be pretty.


Wait a second, Pinkie’s just…standing in front of the mirror. I mean I’m glad that’s all she’s doing in here, but…why is she doing it in the first place?


Oh my gosh, Pinkie is…is crying. W-Why is she…



She…she’s telling herself that she needs to stay positive. That she needs to…t-to ignore all the bad feelings and thoughts so that…so that she can make everypony else smile.


Pinkie, I…I’m so sorry. You always seem so happy that I never even imagined you might be feeling - WAAAAAAAHHH!





Yep, ditch by the side of the road that leads into Canterlot. Just like last time.


I…I can’t believe what I just saw. Pinkie is…is hurting inside, and she’s been keeping it a secret from everypony because she doesn’t want to make them feel sad. I had no idea that she was dealing with such things.

I have to do something to help her. I don’t know what exactly, but I know a good place to start; giving her a hug and telling her that she doesn’t need to hide her feelings from me. That she can share them with me and that I’ll be there for her when she’s feeling bad.

And I should probably do all that sooner rather than later, so I’m going to end this recording here.

So thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries.

I should probably tell Pinkie about the portal that leads into her head at some point too.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to ThePinkedWonder, Smashmaster, and RandomGuy101 who may not have suggested this premise specifically, but who's suggestions involving Pinkie did help inspire it! And the movie, Being John Malkovich, obviously. (Seriously, see that movie if you haven't already. It's great.)

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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