• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,247 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Running for City Council

Okay, I think it’s on.


And it looks like it just started recording too.

Welp, I best get started then.


Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

Before I get into what it is I’m going to be trying today, I wanted to let you all know that if the video quality looks a bit different than usual - hopefully for the better - it’s because I’m recording this episode on my brand-new camera!

That’s right, I finally got a new camera! After the last episode where the camera once again started recording too early I just…I’d had enough and decided it was time to invest in a new camera. Now I admit I don’t know much about cameras but the sales pony at the electronics store said that this new camera is one that’s often used by ponies who do vlogs and streams and that sort of stuff, so I’m really hoping it works out.

But enough about my camera, let’s get to what it is I’ll be trying in this episode. In this episode, I’m going to try…running for Ponyville City Council!

And before you say anything I’m aware that Ponyville is a town and yet its legislative branch of town government is called the ‘city’ council, so don’t bother pointing that out.

But yep, I’ve decided to throw my hat into the political ring. You see, last week councilmare Neighy resigned from the Ponyville City Council for supposed health reasons, resulting in a special election being held early next month to fill her seat. When I first heard about this I didn’t think much of it, but after a few days I thought it might be a good idea if I tried to run for that seat. Not only because I have a number of ideas for ways to make Ponyville an even better place to live then it already is, but also because I feel that running for city council will be a good way for me to get my name out there so ponies know who I am. I mean I’m going to be ruler of Equestria someday so it’s probably a good idea for ponies to know who I am, don’t you think?

Now I’m sure that most ponies already know who I am because of the fact that I’m a princess, but I’m not so sure many of them know who I am. Like who the pony behind the princess is, you know?

Am I making any sense? I feel like I may not be making much sense right now.


Okay, basically what I’m trying to say is that I want ponies to get to know me better. I want them to know what it is I believe in and what the things are that I hope to one day accomplish as ruler of Equestria, and I feel that a good way to do that is to hit the campaign trail. That way even if I don’t win the seat ponies will have a better understanding of who Twilight Sparkle really is.

Though just between us, I think I have a good chance of winning. I looked into who else is running for Neighy’s seat and, much to my surprise, there are only two other creatures doing so: Cranky Doodle and Muriel, the baby elephant. Don’t ask me why it is those two are running - or even how given that one of them is a baby elephant - but they are, and I’m fairly certain I can put together a better campaign than either of them. I mean from what I can tell Cranky Doodle’s whole platform revolves around expanding every social program in existence without regard for fiscal responsibility and Muriel’s whole platform revolves around building a wall all across Equestria’s border to keep snakes out, so, yeah, I think this race is mine to lose.

But I want to make it clear that just because I’m confident that I’m going to win it doesn’t mean that I’m going to run a haphazard campaign. Like I said earlier, even if I don’t win I want to make sure my message gets out there for everypony to hear.

And so with all that said, let’s hit the campaign trail!

14 Days Until Election - Ringing Doorbells



Hello, ma’am, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I’m running for Ponyville City Council. Do you have a moment to talk about the issues affecting our town and what it is I plan to do about them if elected?



No? Oh, okay.

Well thank you for your time and please don’t forget to vote on Election Day.


All right, onto the next house.






Hello, sir, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I’m running for Ponyville City Council. Do you have a moment to –



Well that was rude.

He could have at least let me finish talking before slamming the door in my face.

Okay then, onto the next house.






Hello, ma’am, my name is – Trixie?! What the hay are you doing here?!



You…you bought this house? B-but why? I bought you a new wagon so that you could leav – I mean, so that you could get back to doing your traveling magic show.



You realized you were tired of traveling and decided to put down roots here in Ponyville, huh?

Great, so glad you realized that after I bought you a wagon.

Hey, wait a minute, when you moved out of the castle you barely had two bits to your name. How did you manage to make enough money to buy this house in such a short amount of time?



You inherited a small fortune from a deceased distant relative you’d never met?

Of course you did.

Well it was nice catching up with you, Trixie, but I have to go now.



Why did I ring your doorbell? Oh, I, um…was hoping to borrow a cup of sugar, yeah. But you know what, I just remembered that Spike bought a whole bag of sugar the other day so I don’t need it anymore.



What?! I can’t hear you, Trixie, I’m too far away! Bye!


Yeah, I wasn’t going to waste my time trying to convince Trixie to vote for me. She’d never vote for me in a million years.

If she even votes at all.

And besides, I’m pretty sure I don’t need her vote anyways.

Welp, onto the next house.

7 Days Until Election – Town Hall Debate



Well before I answer that question, Aloe, I just want to say thank you to you and all the ponies who came to this debate tonight and thank you to Cheerilee for being our moderator this evening.

Now as to the matter you just brought up of promoting local tourism in order to help Ponyville’s small businesses, I actually have a thirty-six-point plan that I believe will not only help our existing small businesses grow but also help create new businesses and jobs within our town.

Point 1: We need to identify the cultural and historical aspects of Ponyville that are most attractive to ponies from other parts of Equestria.

Point 2: Once we identify those aspects, we need to invest in them more by –



I’m sorry, what was that, Cheerilee?



I only have two minutes to answer the question?

Oh, um, alright. W-Well then I guess the summary of my thirty-six-point plan to promote local tourism, Aloe, is to highlight Ponyville’s historical and cultural value by partnering with local businesses to help market them all across Equestria.


Oh boy, I’m not sure if I can boil all of my multi-point plans down to two-minute summaries and still get my message across effectively. I mean how are ponies supposed to understand my ideas if I can’t explain them fully?

Election Night

Well, everypony, this is it. Any minute now we’re going to find out the results of the election. And I have to admit, I’m a little nervous. Between ponies slamming the door in my face when I tried to talk to them one-on-one and only have two minutes to answer questions during the debate I’m not sure I really got my message out there.

Maybe I should’ve done a separate episode of my vlog dedicated solely to explaining my ideas.


Oh, they’re announcing the results!



I…I lost?

Wait a second.


I lost to Derpy?! And I lost to her by one vote?!

Are you…are you serious?! How in tartarus did I lose to Derpy, she wasn’t even on the ballot! The only way she could’ve won is if the majority of ponies who voted wrote her name in! Is that what happened here?! Is that what actually bucking happened here?!



H-Hey, everypony.

So, um, sorry that that last segment ended so abruptly. See I let my emotions get the better of me for a moment and I, well…I accidently knocked over my new camera and broke it. So in case you’re wondering why the video quality might look different than it did when the episode first started, it’s because I had to go back to using my old camera.

It’s just…I’m at a loss for words right now. After all the campaigning and multi-point planning I did I lost to a pony who wasn’t even on the ballot, and by one vote nonetheless!

I guess I did need Trixie’s vote after all.

And not only that, but I’m not even sure if ponies know me and what I stand for any better than they did before my campaign kicked off!


Well at least I got more votes than Cranky Doodle and Muriel. I mean after everything that’s happened that’s still gotta count for something, right?


Well regardless, I’m going to end this episode here. So as always, thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries.

Just…why did so many ponies vote for Derpy? Did she promise to create a new muffin-based holiday or something?

Author's Note:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try please let me know in the comments!

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