• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,246 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

Now before we get started with today’s episode, I just want to let you all know that it’s going to be one of those…impromptu ones. I wasn’t planning on ever really doing something like this, but given the circumstances I now find myself in I figured I might as well get an episode of my vlog out of it.

Oh, also, I’ll be joined by Spike, Starlight, and Trixie for this episode. Or I guess it’d be more accurate to say that I’ll be joining them for this episode.

Wait, does that make sense?

I mean, I’m the one doing the vlog, but I’m not the one organizing this. So who’s joining whom here?


Well regardless of all that, what it is I’ll be trying today is…ghost hunting!



Oh come on, Spike! Does it really matter if I say it that way?!



All right, fine!


What I meant to say was that today, I’ll be trying…ghostbusting!


Happy, Spike?!




Apparently there’s a difference between ghostbusting and ghost hunting that I’m not aware of.

So you might be wondering why it is my housemates – er, castlemates – and I are all going to be ghostbusting today. Well, if you recall from the episode of this vlog where I explored my castle’s basement, you’ll remember that I mentioned Spike, Starlight, and myself all hearing some weird noises coming from down there. As it turned out those weird noises were from Trixie secretly living down in the basement, or at least that’s what the case seemed to be at the time. As it turns out, we’re all still hearing weird noises, and they’re not just coming from the basement anymore. Between the four of us living here, we’ve heard noises coming from just about every room in the castle.

Now just to be perfectly clear, there is absolutely no evidence to support that these weird noises are related to ghosts. In fact, I don’t even believe that there are such things as ghosts.

Well, aside from Discord when he wants to haunt my school that is.

But see, Spike does believe in ghosts, and he’s convinced that they’re behind all of this. And don’t ask me how, but he’s somehow managed to convince Starlight and Trixie that we have ghosts too.

Seriously, I have no idea how he managed to convince Starlight and Trixie of that.

Well, I have no idea how he managed to convince Starlight at least.

So, yep, that’s why I’m trying ghostbusting today. Because everypony I live with has apparently seen too many scary movies and now thinks our home is infected with ghosts.



Yes, I’m ready, Spike! I’m just finishing up the intro for my vlog!

Looks like we’re all set to get started. I better go join the others.


Okay, Spike, so what exactly are we going to – Whoa!

Are…Are these what I think they are?!



Just where in Equestria did you get proton packs, Spike?!



You made them, Starlight?!

When did you…I mean, how did you…what?!



Since when do you have a degree in nuclear physics with a minor in mechanical engineering?!



Well of course I never asked you if you had a degree in those fields! You never gave me any reason to think that you know anything about either nuclear physics or mechanical engineering!

Though I have to admit, I’m impressed that you do.



You helped Starlight make these, huh, Trixie?

That…worries me a little.

Um, did you by any chance happen to test this equipment, Starlight?





Oh, okay. Good.

Not sure why you hesitated to answer me, but no biggie.

All right, so what’s the plan here, Spike?



We each take a proton pack, split up into groups of two, and search the castle for any ghosts?

Okay, that sounds like a good plan. I guess I’ll go with you, Spike, that way Starlight and Trixie can – Wait, where are you and Starlight going?!




Welp, I guess this means you and I are working together, Trixie.



Yeah, yeah, you’re a great and powerful ghostbuster who ‘ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost’.

I’m just going to let all of that bad grammar slide.

Let’s just get this over with, shall we?



Oh Celestia help me.

Okay, so Trixie and I have been wandering around the castle for about ten minutes now looking for ghosts and haven’t found any yet.

Big surprise.

We’ve checked the library, the kitchen, and my room, which for some reason Trixie was very insistent upon checking, and so far we haven’t come across anything that could be considered even remotely ghost-related. Well, we did come across a rather odd and strange looking green substance in the kitchen that we thought might have been some ghost slime or something, but we quickly realized it was just some gelatin that somepony had left sitting out for too long.

I didn’t even know we had any gelatin in the castle.

So, yeah, things have been pretty uneventful so far. And honestly, they’re probably going to end up staying that way, so don’t be surprised if I decide to end this episode fairly soon.

All right, Trixie, where do you want to go looking next?



T-The basement?

Um, how about we don’t look down there, huh?

You know, where it’s dark…and creepy…and there’s a gateway to another dimension.



I am not scared! I just…don’t think we need to go down there is all.

I mean, you never saw any ghosts when you were living down there, did you?



Alrighty then, so we don’t need to check down there.

How about we check the map room instead?



Okay, let’s head over there and – um, Trixie, is your proton pack supposed to be glowing and humming like that?



It’s not?!

Hurry, take it off! Take it off!!



This is no time for a ‘That’s what she said’ joke, Trixie! We have to get this thing off of you before it potentially explodes! Now stop struggling!!


Hit the deck!




Are…are you okay, Trixie?



Yeah, I’m fine, thanks.

Just…how in Tartarus did that happen?! I thought Starlight said you tested these things?!



Well obviously I was asking if you’d tested them successfully!

Oooh, this is bad. This is really, really bad.

Look, Trixie, we need to find Spike and Starlight and tell them to take their proton packs off before they explode!

We should split up so we can cover more ground quicker.



Okay, you check the east wing, I’ll check the west.

Let’s go!


I really hope Spike and Starlight are okay.





Oh no. I really hope that noise wasn’t what I thought it was.

It sounded like it was coming from Starlight’s room




Well, the door doesn’t appear to have been blown off, so that’s a good sign I suppose.


Spike, Starlight! Are you both oka – AHH!

Spike, it’s just me! Stop pointing that thing at me!



This isn’t the time for a ‘That’s what she said’ joke, Starlight! You both need to take your proton packs off and get away from them right now!



Because Trixie’s exploded, that’s why!

Now hurry!


Phew, thank goodness. I’m so glad you two didn’t experience any problems with your packs.

By the way, Spike, what were you firing at when I walked in?



A ghost, huh?

And where exactly did you see this ghost?



Up there?

Let me just fly up and have a look at this supposed ghost.




I found your ghost, Spike, and it’s not a ghost. It’s Owlowiscious. And I’m willing to bet he’s the source of the noises we’ve all been hearing.

Come on out, Owlowiscious, it’s okay. Spike won’t fire anymore scary beams at you.


Well, after an exploding proton pack and our household pet nearly getting incinerated I’d say it’s time we put an end to this ghost hunt.



Oh for -

This isn’t the time to be picky about what we’re calling this thing, Spike! Ghost hunt, ghostbust, whatever you want to call it I’m putting a stop to it right now before somepony gets seriously hurt! Understand?!



Good. Now you and Starlight go find Trixie and wait for me in the library. I’m going to calm Owlowisious down a bit before we all have a long conversation about how there’s no such thing as ghosts and how using experimental, nuclear-powered equipment that hasn’t been successfully tested isn’t safe.



Well, I guess that pretty much wraps things up for this episode. It definitely didn’t go how I thought it would, but regardless I’m just glad that nopony got hurt. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find Owlowisious some frozen beetles to eat to help calm him down.

Frozen beetles are his favorite.

So as always, thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries!

Come on, Owlowisious.



Um, Owlowisious. D-Did you just say…Zuul?

Author's Note:

Who you gonna call?

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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