• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,237 Views, 1,280 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Doing Nothing

Hi, everypony, and welcome to a very special episode of Twilight Tries!

Why is this episode so special, you ask? Well, it’s special because today I’m going to try…doing nothing.

That’s right, nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. For the first time in, well, ever, I have no plans whatsoever for the entire day and as a result I intend to spend this day doing nothing.


This day is going to be great. No princess duties, no studying, just…nothing. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a number of the things I do as the Princess of Friendship and I certainly enjoy studying, but given how busy I’ve been recently it’s just nice to have a day where I can kick back and relax without having to worry about a thing.

Like I said, this is the first time in practically forever that I don’t have at least one major thing going on. It just really feels nice to know that I can take it easy and do whatever I want today. And I know that you’re probably thinking that doing nothing won’t make for a very interesting episode, but stop and think about it for a second. Today, the possibilities are endless. I can be as spontaneous as I want to be. Maybe I’ll finally get started on reading those Dark Tower books, or binge-watch some Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix.

So with that, let’s get to this day of nothingness!

So I thought I’d start off my day of nothing by watching a movie that I’ve been meaning to get to for a while now. It’s called Prognosis Negative. I’d actually tried to see it once before with Starlight and Trixie when it was in the theaters, but something involving a dog kept Starlight from being able to make it and neither Trixie nor I wanted to see it if it was going to be just the two of us.

But enough about that, time to watch!



Is that you, Spike?



Oh nothing, I’m just about to start watching-HAHAHAHAHA!



I’m…I’m sorry, Spike! B-But that shirt you’re wearing, it’s just…it’s just so puffy!

You…you look like a pirate! A cute little pirate!



Well why in Equestria would you wear something like that in the first place?



Oh, you’re trying it on for Rarity, huh? I see.

Although that does raise a few questions I have for Rarity.



Hey, you have every right to walk around looking like a pirate if you want to. I’m just saying don’t be surprised if you get a few giggles and weird looks from ponies.



Okay, well, see you later.


Oh I am so glad I got Spike on camera wearing that shirt.

I’m going to have to figure out how to photoshop the image of him in it onto this year’s Hearth’s Warming card.

Okay, so Prognosis Negative was a little…meh. Good, but not great. Even still though, I’m glad I gave it a watch.

So I’m feeling a little hungry now and since it’s noon I might as well go get some lunch. There’s this new place in town I’ve heard about that’s supposed to have the best soup in all of Equestria, so I think maybe I’ll go there for lunch. I can’t remember the last time I had soup.



Oh, hey Starlight. How are you?



That’s good.

I was just on my way out to lunch if you’d like to join me?



I was thinking about trying that new soup place near Town Hall.



Wait, hold on a second. The pony who runs that place is called what?



The Soup Nazi?

Why is he called that?



Oh come on, Starlight. Just because a pony may be a bit irritable doesn’t mean he’s a Nazi. And quite frankly I don’t think it’s very nice to be referring to somepony as a Nazi in the first place.

Unless perhaps you happen to be referring to the likes of Sombra, Chrysalis, or Tirek…and possibly Cozy Glow.



Okay, well if you’re not going to join me I’ll just be going then.


Yeesh, can you believe that? Soup Nazi? I’m sure whoever this pony is he’s not that bad and is very nice once you get to know him.

That is one very testy pony.

I mean, all I did was ask for some bread and he told me I couldn’t have any soup before shooing me out. Who does that?

Well whatever, it’s not like I can do anything about it. He has the right to run his business however he wants.

Even if it’s very poorly.

I guess I’ll just go to the Hay Burger for lunch instead.




Oh great.

Hello, Trixie.

What’s with the pole?



It’s a holiday decoration? For what holiday?






Huh, I’ve never heard of that holiday before. How do you celebrate it?



With the Airing of Grievances and the Feats of Strength? That’s…interesting.



N-No, no thanks. I think I’ll pass on celebrating Festi-whatever with you.



Yeah, well, I have a lot of problems with you as well, Trixie, but since I’m the Princess of Friendship I don’t think it would be befitting of my position to air my grievances with you in such a manner.

Now good day to you.


Geez, I’m not sure who’s worse; her or the Soup Nazi.

Okay, now that lunch is over with I think I’ll head back home and relax with a good book.




Oh, hey, Rainbow Dash!

How are you?



Whoa, are you okay? You seem a bit…on edge.



You and Applejack are competing with each other again?

What could you two be competing over that’s making you so edgy?



You’re competing to see which of you is the master of your domain? I’m not sure I understand.




And I’m sorry I asked.

Well, good luck to you with…all that.


I don’t even want to know what prompted Rainbow and Applejack into trying to see which one of them is ‘master of her domain’. I just want to get home and pretend that I didn’t have that conversation with Rainbow Dash just now.

Finally, home. I think I’m just going to spend the rest of the day here. The outside world seems a bit…weird today.


Huh, I wonder who that could be.


Oh, hi, Pinkie. What’s-



Pinkie, slow down. I can’t understand you when you’re this frantic.

Now, calmly, tell me whatever it is you came here to tell me.



What? You want me to tell anypony who comes here asking about you that you sell latex for a company called Vandelay Industries?

Why do you-



Wait, Pinkie, come back!

What the heck is going on that I need to say you’re a latex salespony?!


You know, just when I think Pinkie Pie can’t get any more random, she finds a way to prove me wrong.

I think I’m going to end this episode here, because I guess even when you try doing nothing life still throws something at you. Or several somethings. Several strange and bizarre somethings.

Well, as always thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries!

Latex salespony?

Author's Note:

Someone please draw a picture of Spike wearing the puffy shirt. He would look so cute in it. :raritystarry:

Apologies for the long gap between chapters. Finishing up No Longer Living In A Van Down By The River has been more challenging than I imagined it would be.

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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