• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,237 Views, 1,280 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Being a Disc Jockey

Hey there, fellow babies, and welcome to another hip and happening episode of Twilight Tries!

Oof. That really doesn’t sound good when you say it out loud.

Hehe. Sorry about that, everypony. I just thought I’d try out some material on my vlog intro before I used it as part of what it is I’ll be trying today.

And boy am I glad I did. I’d have been mortified if I’d said that live on the air.

But moving on.

In today’s episode, I’m going to try…being a disc jockey!

For those of you may not know what a disc jockey is, it’s a pony who introduces and plays records of popular music either on the radio or at a nightclub. Though I should probably mention that it’s mostly just on the radio these days, since so many of the nightclubs in Equestria closed down after that lawsuit against The Treasury in Las Pegasus.

Those poor ponies who permanently lost their hearing.

Anywhoo, the reason I’m going to be trying my hoof at being a disc jockey today is because, well, I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be one. I mean, hasn’t everypony? Haven’t you ever listened to a disc jockey’s voice on the radio and think about what it must be like to be that voice? Well even if your answer to that is no, my answer is yes. And thanks to the kind ponies here at WPNY in Ponyville I’ll finally be able to learn what it’s like to be a disc jockey!

Now you might be wondering how I can just become a disc jockey without any kind of training. Well as it turns out you don’t need any formal training to be a disc jockey. At least according to the WPNY station manager anyway. She said, and I quote, ‘You don’t need to know anything about the radio business to be in the radio business’. But even still though, I read the manuals for all the equipment I’ll be using today for good measure, as well as the memoir Apparently You Can’t Say Booger on the Air by renowned disc jockey Dr. Hay Fever.

That was a very strange memoir.

But speaking of Dr. Hay Fever, I still need to come up with my disc jockey name. I’ve been racking my brain for the last few days trying to think of the perfect name but haven’t been able to come up with it yet. Though since I’m due to go on the air any minute now I better come up with something, and quick.

Maybe something like…DJ Grandmaster Alicorn?

Nah, not that. It sounds far too grandiose.



DJ Pon-3?

No, that name’s already taken.


Maybe something simple like, I dunno…DJ P Friendship?

Aaaand that’s something else that really doesn’t sound good when you say it out loud…or think about it for more than two seconds.


Oh, I got it! DJ T Sparks!

Yeah, that’s the name I’ve been looking for.



Oh, okay! Be right there!


Looks like I figured out my DJ name just in time. They’re ready for me to go on the air.

Welp, this is it. Wish me luck, everypony.



Here we go.


Hey there, Ponyville! It’s the top of the hour and you’re listening to WPNY, Ponyville’s number one station for your favorite hits from today and yesterday! I’m T Sparks and I’ll be you’re DJ for the next few hours, and I thought we’d kick things off with an oldie but a goodie!

So get up and groove, everypony, because you’re listening to WPNY in Ponyville!



Oh my gosh, that was so much fun! Not to be boastful or anything, but I think I might have a real knack for being a disc jockey!

Maybe when I’m done here I’ll start my own radio station and disc jockey for it part-time. Ooh, that sounds like such a good idea! I could call it, ‘WFSP’, and the tag line for it could be something like, ‘Equestria’s radio station for music and friendship’.


The more I talk about this idea the more I love it!

Okay, Ponyville, it’s time for the big WPNY Sapphire Shores ticket giveaway!

That’s right, we’re giving away two VIP tickets to the Sapphire Shores concert next week at the Barnyard Bargains Coliseum, and all you have to do to win those tickets is call in and correctly complete this sentence: Friendship is…

And it looks like we already have a caller! Okay, caller, tell me; Friendship is…



No, I’m sorry. ‘Boring’ is not the correct.

You’re boring.

Okay, next caller! Friendship is…



No, I’m sorry. ‘Unnecessary’ is not correct either.

Geez Louise. These ponies are way off.

Okay, third caller! Friendship is…



Yes! ‘Friendship is magic’ is correct!

Congratulations, caller! Now you just need to come on down to the WPNY station sometime before next week to claim your tickets! Thanks for playing and for listening to WPNY in Ponyville!

Now let’s get back to the tunes with this recent top 40 hit!


I’m very concerned about those first two answers I got.




Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.

Did you need something?



You have a special bulletin for me?

Ooh, how exciting!


Oh my.

Um, we interrupt this record to bring you a special bulletin. I’m not sure if I’m reading this correctly, but if I am it appears that the Oakdale Shopping Mall is being bombed with live turkeys.

Authorities are advising ponies to stay away from the Oakdale area as eyewitnesses are reporting that not only are some of the turkeys hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement, but some of them are apparently organizing and mounting what is being described as some sort of a counterattack.

Again, please avoid the Oakdale area as it’s presently being bombed with live turkeys.

And Discord, if you’re by any chance the one responsible for these turkeys plummeting to the earth and you just so happen to be listening to this broadcast; KNOCK IT OFF!

All right, Ponyville, it looks like my shift is just about up, so it’s time for me to hoof the reins off to DJ Z-Bra. But before I do, I just want to say thank you for listening to me today here on WPNY. It’s been really fun getting to spend some time with you chatting and listening to music over the airwaves. Maybe we’ll meet again someday, but until then this is T Sparks signing off, and reminding you; be good to each other, ponies.



Well that was definitely fun, but honestly, it was a little more exhausting then I thought it would be. I never realized how much energy it takes to be that lively and sanguine for so long.

How Pinkie Pie manages to be like that practically 24/7 I’ll never know.

So I think I’m going to forgo my previously stated intent to start my own radio station. I still think it’d be a fun thing to do, but I just doubt I could keep up with it now. I mean, if disc jockeying alone took this much out of me I don’t even want to imagine how much more run down I’d be trying to manage a whole station.

But that’s alright. I still have my vlog to connect with all of you, and as long as I have that I’m happy.

So as always, thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries!


Maybe instead of starting a radio station I could just set up a small podcast.

Author's Note:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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