• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,247 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Doing a Vlog (Sci-Twi)

Hello, everyone! Oh, I mean, hello everypony! I’m Twilight Sparkle, and allow me to welcome you to another episode of Twilight Tries!

Now you may have noticed a few things that are different about me today, like the fact that I’m wearing glasses and I don’t have any wings. Well the reason for those differences is because I’m not the Twilight Sparkle you’re used to seeing on this vlog. I’m Twilight Sparkle from…another world!



Oh, yeah, that’s right, Spike. Sunset did mention that the princess has done a few of her vlog episodes from our world.

And there was that one-time everypony saw me when we switched places for a day too.

Well anyways, the point is I’m not Princess Twilight, I’m, ummm…CHS Twilight.



Well I have to distinguish myself somehow, Spike. I mean, if there’s an entire multiverse of Twilight Sparkles out there I need to have some way of discerning which Twilight I am.



Yeeeah, I don’t know if ‘Sci-Twi’ would be a very distinguishing name. I’ll admit it’s a pretty catchy one, but I’m fairly sure that there are a multitude of other Twilights out there who like science fiction as much as I do.



Oh, good point. There are probably a number of other Twilights out there who also attend a version of Canterlot High School as well.



Eh, why not?

Okay, everypony, you can just refer to me as ‘Sci-Twi’.



Yeah, I don’t think you need a nickname too, Spike.



Yes I know that you’re different from Princess Twilight’s Spike, but you’re not the one doing this so we don’t need to spend time right now coming up with a moniker for you.



Fine, I promise that we’ll come up with one later.

Oy vey.

Well now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, let’s get to why it is I’m here on this vlog, everypony. Basically, the reason I’m here is to…try doing a vlog! Yep, today you’ll get to follow me around as I experience what it’s like to do a vlog, and if you’re not quite sure what that all entails then let me tell you; I have no idea either.

At this point I feel like I should maybe explain how it is we ended up here, so allow me to elucidate. You see, the last time Princess Twilight came to mine and Sunset’s world we spent some time hanging out together to see how much alike we are. We discovered that we share a number of similar traits and interests but also a number of different traits and interests as well, among those differences being the fact that the princess has a vlog and I don’t. When Princess Twilight learned this she had the idea that I should come to Equestria and try doing an episode of her vlog since it’s all about her trying new things and I am her.


At first I was hesitant to agree to this because my last few trips to Equestria were, shall we say…unexpectedly eventful. But the princess was very insistent that I give doing a vlog a try and I eventually capitulated. So, yeah, here I am, doing a vlog for the first time ever, with no idea what it is I’m supposed to do for it.



I know that Princess Twilight usually does something new on in these episodes, Spike, but I’m already doing something new just by doing the vlog.



No, Spike, I’m not suggesting that I just hang around the princess’ castle while the camera records me.

That would be kinda creepy, especially if I needed to use the bathroom while we’re here.



You think I should go look around Ponyville?

Huh. You know, that’s actually not a bad idea, Spike. In all the times I’ve been here before I’ve never really had the time to explore any of Equestria. I bet there’s a lot I could learn about the behavior of Equestrian ponies if I walked around Ponyville for a bit. Oh, and then I could compare their behavior to that of the equine we have back home and write a research paper on it!


Come on, Spike, let’s get going! Research awaits us!



Why are you sighing? Going to look around Ponyville was your idea.

Hmm, judging by the food for sale here at the Ponyville Market it seems that the diet of the average Equestrian pony is fairly similar to that of the average equine back home.




Oh will you stop sighing, Spike? This is really interesting information. I mean I know that we haven’t seen much variation in behavior between these ponies and the ones we have back home, but don’t you think that’s intriguing in and of itself?



Well I think it’s intriguing, so shush.


Wait, do you hear something, Spike? Like a…buzzing noise?



It looks like some kind of…bugbear!



Yeah, we better get out of here, Spike!




Oh, Rainbow Dash! So sorry I ran into you, I just had to get away from that –



Wait, no, Rainbow, I’m not Princess Twi –



The fastball special? What are you talking about?



You want me to use my magic to launch you at the bugbear?!



Well, all right, if you insist.

Let me just get my magic going.


You’re sure you want me to do this, Rainbow?



Okay then.




I think I just sprained my back launching her.


D-Did it work? It looks like the bugbear is out-cold.



Oh thank goodness.

Well I’m glad I was able to help you, Rainbow. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to pay that spa over there a visit to see if they can help with my back.



Yep, see you later.


Oof, it’s a little uncomfortable to walk. I never knew magic could be so physically demanding, especially on a pony body.

Just another reason to use it in moderation I suppose.



Thanks for the concern, Spike, but I’m okay. I just want my back looked at is all.



Hello there! I kind of threw out my back a bit and was wondering if I could get a massage for it.



Oh thank you, you don’t know how much – I’m sorry, who did you say would be giving me my massage?


B-Bulk Biceps?!

Oh boy.

Y-You know what? I think my back is feeling better on its own. So I’ll just be on my wa –WAH!

No, really, Bulk, I’m fine. If you could just let me down I –


Aye papi.

Okay, I think that’ll -


Oh sweet Enola Gay.


I really don’t think my spine is supposed to bend like this.



Hey, my back feels better now. In fact, it feels a lot better.

Wow! Thank you, Bulk!



Oh, well I’m actually not the princ –



Um, s-sure, I’ll think about naming you Royal Massage Therapist when I become ruler of Equestria.

Oh, would you look at the time? I really need to get going. Thanks again, Bulk.


Geez, I wonder how much Princess Twilight has to deal with ponies asking her for things like that.



Oh, hi there, Applejack! How are you tod –



The fastball special?

Um, yeah, Rainbow Dash and I did it a little while ago to try and get rid of a bugbear that was attacking the market.



How fast did she go?

I’m…not really sure. I wasn’t measuring her speed or anything like that, but it seemed like she was moving pretty fast.

Fast enough to knock out the bugbear at least.




Oh no! No, no, no! I am not going to launch you with my magic to see if you go faster than Rainbow Dash, Applejack! I tweaked my back the last time I did the fastball special and, while Bulk Biceps was ultimately able to fix it, I am not undergoing another one of those contortionist training sessions the spa ponies call a ‘massage’!



Oh for –

I’m not the princess!

How are so many ponies not noticing my glasses and lack of wings?




Fine, we can do the fastball special. But we’re only doing it once, all right?



Okay, here we go.




Aaand there goes my back again.



I…I really have no idea if you went faster than Rainbow Dash, Applejack.



Yes, fine, go ahead and say that you went faster than she did.

I really don’t care.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to pay a visit to the spa again.



You know, there really has to be a better way to correct a tweaked back than turning somepony into a human-pretzel. Or pony-pretzel as it were.



Yeah, we’re just heading back to the princess’ castle now, Spike. I think I’m done trying to do a vlog now, for multiple reasons. The first being that I’m feeling too exhausted to keep going with it, and the second being that, in all honesty, I’m not even sure if I’ve been doing it right. I mean, is this usually how Princess Twilight’s vlog goes? Does she end up having to deal with a bunch of crazy and seemingly random things happening to her while she tries to do something ostensibly simple and straightforward?



Well, no, I haven’t actually seen any of Princess Twilight’s vlog before. Sunset’s told me about a few of the episodes she’s done for it, but she’s never really gone into much detail about how they went.

In hindsight I probably should’ve watched one or two of those episodes before agreeing to do this.



Good idea, Spike, let’s just end this here.

Well, everypony, I’m not quite sure how Princess Twilight usually signs-off on this vlog, but I’ll just say thanks for watching this episode of Twilight Tries and I hope you come back in the future for more episodes!

All right, let’s get back before it gets dark, Spike.



Oh, hi again, Rainbow Dash.



Um, yeah, I did the fastball special with Applejack a little while ago.



I mean I suppose she went a bit faster than you did.

I still don’t know for certain if she actually did or not, but I do know I still don’t care.



No, I am not going to do the fastball special with you again so you can beat Applejack!

I swear, this is the last time I ever try and do a vlog.

Author's Note:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight (Princess Twilight) try, please let me know in the comments!

Also, happy new year to you all! 🎊

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